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Onsite File LAKE HILL ACRES #6 PID# 051-122-45 Date: 5-17-21 P.O. Box 670269 Chugiak, AK 99567 P: (907) 688-2759 F: (907) 688-2259 TO: Andrew Baldwin 22100 Anthem Drive Chugiak, AK 99567 Camera Inspection Report Total Depth: 61' Total Casing: 61' Total Stickup: 9' 8" Pump Intake at 55' Static Water at 20.5' No pitless 3 wire 1/3-1/2 hp pump on galvanized pipe, hanging on broken split seal ditmsu Test Lab7 I Maine: Sullivan Water Wells Lab IDA- M210510 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 670269 Date Sampled: 05/17/2021 Chub ak, AK 99567 Time Sampled: 1615 Legal Descriptiorr: 22100 Anthem Dr. Sampled By: Chancey Chugiak, AK 99567 Date Received: 05/18/2021 Sample Site Location: Well Head ]line Received.• 1252 Health Guard I Parameter Method Result Unit MRL MCL Date Total Coliforms Colilert A --- --- --- 05/19/2021 SM 9223B E. eofi Colilert A --- --- __ 05/19/2021 SM 9223B Total TNTplus 835/836 Nitrate/Nitrite — N Hach 10206) 1.26 mg1L 0,200 10.0 05/24/2021 Arsenic Metals <MRL µg/L 5.00 10 05/19/2021 (EPA 200.8) Mlethed Reporting Until ('NRL): the lowest concentration 0tat can be reported reliably Maxim— Conlaorinunt Level (MCL): highest acceptable level in public water systems as set by EPA nrg/L: milligrams per liter; 1/1000' of'a gram pgfl: micrograms per iiter; 1/1,000,000" of a grant Absent (A): none of this type of bacteria was detected Present (P): one or more bacterial cells of this type were detected Results Reported By: �a� Patience Lynch 611 Laboratory Analyst Reviewed By: Signature: Ly�r�re fi`iGG Lyanc Hill (May 24, 2.021 16:17 nKDT) Email: office@matsutestlab.com LEGEND I 1 O FOUND PLASTIC CAP a FOUND 5/8- RE13AR • SET 1X' PLASTIC CAP ON SlWx30- POINTED REBAR d) ELECTRIC METER I Or ELECTRIC PANEL ■ FENCE POST v / GUY ANCHOR ' OTM TEST PIPE O I ou UTILITY POLE I WATER WELL ^y ' I XX XX XX MEASURED DATA r\ (XX XX XX) RECORD DATA PER PLATOF � I LAKE HILL I SUBDIVISION, SIXTHS ADDITION (PLAT 71-60) ', I (XX XX XX 8) RECORD DATA PER PLAT I OF TONJESS ESTATES (PLAT 81-72) ELEV'33 © BLOCK NUMBER I --- "� C 1 CURVE NUMBER ��-- DIRECTION OF DRAINAGEI"'�"'� CLEARING EXTENTS - - -ou- - - OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE I 1 I I �a �n f I 1 ow ru N W e _ I , I 50 1 , I I \ A/<t' .�_ ir71,111. !�.Nl r Ads !ren•173�j !_vr^ /' ' ^I1/TI / A nn 1T1/'lAI .:1/n/f7 riuuir/v/Y ' �v.0 ryN /TIT 3 O Z �N m __ _ _____ Z5' 25' I, ta' UIIUIY_ EASEIENI 1 3' BW SECTION Ufff RESE/idATION EASEYIXf_ =-� 16049 x `'.'»'s MT EKLUTNA a,' m 1m. fsa _ DRIVE Nj LOT 4 43,462 Sq Ft 4t. Sauvo-Ar _ `l�. WtLR ,. rr 41- t' NOTES 1. THE BEARINGS SHOWN ARE STATE PLANE. THE COORDINATE SYSTEM IS ALASKA STATE PLANE, / n.r ZONE 4, NAD83(2011). 2. THE VERTICAL DATUM OF THE CONTOURS SHOWN ON THIS PLOT PLAN SURVEY IS NAVD88, USING GEOID20128. r ti MAGNETIC DECLINATION PER USGS QUADRANGLE MAP ANCHORAGE (B-7), 1994 '� 1 I I Monuments have been found and/or set as indicated. The 1'W 1 w f improvements situated thereon ore within the property lines and �"�j do not encroach or overlap onto adjacent properties, nor do any t ( 0 l/_ -/ improvements from adjacent properties encroach or overlap onto this property, except as indicated hereon. 190.67' i = �N LOT 5 " 42,210 Sq Ft oN 919.59'1 I— — — — — — — — — — S89.20' 17 V 556 33' — I (589'49'J0'W 550.5J' B) rL/d TIT ,t I•�'ni �i—i�,l CURVE DATA TABLE CURVE I RADIUS I LENGTH I ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH Ci 20.20' 31.80' 90°13'59" S44°13-18"W 28.62' (Z0.00') (Jl.J7') 1 (89°5170") (544e5J'50'W) (26251) Q I ii r A r A r// r A —R�A L 4A - f7/c_L. /tv/lt�J ; nc /nAf vC, UB01 Y/.iJ/t,//Y (I 1 I ,,J/tA/T/ r A nnlTt/lA/ i i 7 i'YLJL111 iVl Y I L.V I to , II O l & II I I 25' 1 � 25' I. . l0' ITU1Y EAaiIENf I — - -_ 3 BUM SECTION LINE KSERVATION 1ASWFNf-- - 1 MT EKLUTNA I _ _ b» DRIVE —I---------- •r/1AI IESZ' rTrATt't; f Lv... Lv O The ert di —pans shoen m D"i enl hes s e Irom the cord lot and o not Y Por or re p nece rely a ee moy hove mepsv d. Add t..... dalo snoen hereon sM1ou ld nal be c vnsl aid 1D 'replcr or •reeobdeivlde' any proverb and n shmrn !or nlormol, o^ only. Drptl nq ontl raproducl on my produce graph ncons sL— es' there lore cal1ng should nut be attempted to tle fermi ne u"li— di—si— Only eosaerenls Iron the recorded subd'v a ov plot noted obove ore shoe^ he«on and �l s the ref pons ib lity of the oxnerto d,,i— ne it any other eosements, covenants, or reatMl ons exist. C WCI,Mt k land As — al- Inc (k4A) 2022 7A s a«pmenl s opyrighted and is author ,,d to be used for one —1 propert tronsocl an or pi'*'t only. Any copy is to be ons d—d a aul Aor Ted unless it bear: on or iginvl av veypr s e,gnol ure (usual ll' n blue ,nk) or c alvnp shoe nq cortler's oll ce data. Copyright restr ctions (but not re -use rest r'c 1, vns) ore wd it this document h., been atr molty recorded LoMin ,mlilul ana soy olsD make additional copios for the', a,n records. Livbil ly to !AA s I m'led to fees ,—,-d fv, this Proleel *:4911� ...................... ;' TRAV15'J.'BARIL ' •' • LS 112374 40 0 40 BO 120 160 Scale in Feet 1 inch = 40 feet I LEGEND , I 0 FOUND PLASTIC CAP I A FOUND 5/8" REBAR • SET IX" PLASTIC CAP ON I 5/8"x3O" POINTED REBAR 0O ELECTRIC METER _ I of ELECTRIC PANEL , I ■ FENCE POST ' , � v T `� L_V l �: < OTH GUY ANCHOR TEST PIPE I ou UTILITY POLE -6 WATER WELL �/ I XX XX XX MEASURED DATA r I J I(XX XX XX) RECORD DATA PER PLAT OF LAKE HILL ACRES I SUBDIVISION, SIXTH ADDITION (PLAT 71-60) I (XX XX XX B) RECORD DATA PER PLAT I OF TONJESS ESTATES (PLAT 81-72) ELEV=333.1' S89052 03"W 208.18' / ELEV=335.5' 1-7I • I � O BLOCK NUMBER C1 CURVE NUMBER DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE 4+:5516 CLEARING EXTENTS �WATM J - — —ou— — - OVERHEAD UTLITY LINE NC I LOT 4 "` N I I I t\M O QO 43462 Ft ' NC6 ,Sq I I W =sL I, i Cq UJ � U/ `Y 'I G U T 7 / W ENDING �. C .. I I : • Cva.111` I I I 5TANlNG I >�T \ 361 wn I I M 0 W ELEV=338.9' ` J� x' (N69.5b'10" E 193.42) 1k 40 S89056'03"E 190.67' 25, iE or„ I I I \ ' 011-1 - I /I A / A /N h� .:UE%bl V/. 1/L//V C14 K 01 �A PAPA/T//1A/ NN I r7 L/L// / /L// v LOT 5 I �aN I L/ L / T a3 42,210 Sq Ft o Lo A O/ Z (V 0 i _III _III Ld 11 �-' �O�\ W -J W Z ')I Lil'l / I —V` UI U I 339 0 3h0' I o ?347. 342 ----- 10'UTILITYEASEMENT w _ _ ---------------- F I \l--- 3' BLM SECTION LINE RESERVATION EASEMENT - - - ---- - - p er_ - _ _ - 160.49' (160 90) ' -GRAVEL ROAD „.:158.39" (150.79)': _ MT EKLUTNA .,_:...—" w � - - - - S89 20 17 W (599.49'30"W 319.69) �o o DRIVE L Q� S89020'17"W 558.33' (599°49'30'W 558.53' TLJ it /lT it Ii \I Lill /L 0 4 343 e a i I I / PAT 7 25' ' I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I L_ V l v I I I — I I I I I I II I l PAT A I W I U g I ' ^^ I I c L � ' L.I.. Z Q IE I I I I I fl ; I I I ' I / A/ter / /11 / A/I^ L./"1/L r�lL_L_ �RZr /ten/I./^//�A/ Vl.://V II ^/\/T/ / A nn/T//,A/ / n T I L_L// to I �I I I , I O I I � II ir)I AT -,q _hn\ I I , II 0 I I ' II I I I , r w 25' 25' I I r � l i I i C 1 10' UTILITY EASEMENT - t•."' I 3' BLM SECTION LINE RESERVATION EASEMENT- - - ROAD MT EKLUTNA bu o DRIVE CURVE DATA TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 20.20' 31.80' 90013'59" S44013' 18"W 28.62' (20.00') (31.37) (69 °51 20") (544 °53'50"W) (26.25) I I I I L J T/1A / /r^^ r^TA Tr^ / l// VULv'v' Z //"I l PAT •1 A L _ CJ / / /—I O i')I AT 5i 1 i NOTES 1. THE BEARINGS SHOWN ARE STATE PLANE. THE COORDINATE SYSTEM IS ALASKA STATE PLANE, ZONE 4, NAD83(2011). 2. THE VERTICAL DATUM OF THE CONTOURS SHOWN ON THIS PLOT PLAN SURVEY IS NAVD88, USING GEOID2012B. ,. L Z a� i MAGNETIC DECLINATION PER USGS QUADRANGLE MAP ANCHORAGE (B-7), 1994 Monuments have been found and/or set as indicated. The improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do not encroach or overlap onto adjacent properties, nor do any improvements from adjacent properties encroach or overlap onto this property, except as indicated hereon. The property dimensions shown in parenthesis are from the record plat and are not necessarily as we may have measured. Additional data shown hereon should not be construed to "replat" or "resubdivide" any property and is shown for information only. Drafting and reproduction may produce graphic inconsistencies; therefore scaling should not be attempted to determine unshown dimensions. Only easements from the recorded subdivision plat noted above are shown hereon and it is the responsibility of the owner to determine if any other easements, covenants, or restrictions exist. 0 McClintock Land Associates, Inc. (MLA) 2022 This document is copyrighted and is authorized to be used for one real property transaction or project only. Any copy is to be considered unauthorized unless it bears an original surveyor's signature (usually in blue ink) or a stamp showing recorder's office data. Copyright restrictions (but not re —use restrictions) are waived if this document has been officially recorded. Lending institutions may also make additional copies for their own records. Liability to MLA is limited to fees received for this project. ACC) s ®® ® :49TH® ®� •• TRAVIS•J. •BARIL • ®®® F • LS 112374 ••�Fo AV ® % WA GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 40 80 120 160 Scale in Feet 1 inch = 40 feet