HomeMy WebLinkAboutEND OF THE ROAD LT 2AOnsite File End of the Road Lot 2A #041-033-30 RM, Municipality of AnchorageAUNIV ' On -Site Water and Wastewater Section • (907) 343-7904 f e gof,3 ON-SITE WASTEWATER INSPECTION REPORT✓44 Permit Number: OSP211026 PID Number: 041-033-30 Z�Z� Dwelling: 9 Single Family (SF) ❑ with ADU ❑ Duplex (D) ❑ Two Single Family Project: A New ❑ Upgrade Name Chester L Chiara Jr. ABSORPTION FIELD ❑ Deep Trench *1 Wide Trench El Bed El Mound Site Address 10475 BlackwOlf Cir ❑ Other P Phone hone2-8730 Number of Bedrooms 4 Soil Rating Total depth from original grade 1.2 GPD/SF 6.7 Ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Depth to pipe invert from original grade 2.7 Ft. Gravel depth beneath pipe 4.0 Ft. Subdivision Block Lot End of the Road 2A Fill added above original grade 1.6 Gravel length 50 Township Range Section Ft. Ft. Gravel width 5.0 Ft. Beds: Number of Lines Distance between lines Ft. SEPARATION DISTANCES To Septic Tank Absorption Field Lift Station Holding Sewer Total absorption area Number of trenches Dist. between trenches From Tank Line 500 Ftz Ft. Well >100' >100' N/A N/A >25 TANK p Septic ❑ S.T.E.P. ❑ Holding ❑ Other Manufacturer Greer Capacity 1500 Gal. Surface Water >100' >1 00' N/A N/A Material Plastic Number of compartments 2 Lot Line >5' >10' N/A N/A NA Foundation >10' > 1 0' N/A I N/A LIFT STATION cturer Capacity Remarks Insulation placed over tank 7"Gal. Alarm location I installed by Installer PIPE MATERIAL House to tank D3034 drainfield Tank to D3034 Quam Technologies Drainfield D3034 CO/MTD3034 Inspector J. Millette / L. Tidwell BENCH MARK (Assumed elevation) 100 ft Inspectes:tion 15 7/26/21 2�d 10/8/21 Location and description 3`d 4m Bottom of siding @ point 'A' ON-SITE WATER AND WASTEWATER SECTION APPROVAL Engineer's Stamp OF,�,®l ACq�� Conditional Approval: Date • dWQ'�. • • " ,ft 0t 49 rj Septic Sys Approved 1 . �"`- '— Date Z % BenjarfiLwSchiller ¢�����'sl ' • . CE 12592 , . • •���`�o�/ i8/22 llkF.pROFESSOW �® Note: this approval does not include well permit requirements. io..., ncinni� ol \® pipk�"`—G[ C) c1r) A C,e) C) C) W -31NOH V%Cle-t, 0 x f- W O cy 0' 0 W �- U) w -U- C)-- > --w--, > Q- -J .1 U) W < W -- U) LL, z < cli C) w QZ --- t— LO -� 0= Chd: w D 0 w M �> LL (D l` < LU LU (B z CO 0 Z_ w < -r m :z < LU (-) (D L� 0 CD 2: Z LU w z z U-.) LLQ < LLI E W w _j C) -j > 00 C:� 0 —1 0 z rn z 00 C) Wim._- Q LU 0 0 z 0 U) < 6 -w Z: LL. j ui w C) LL :2 co z _3 w w LU CD 8 00 o �- 0 > m LLo LL. 77- 2i W W -31NOH V%Cle-t, 0 x f- W O cy 0' 0 W �- U) w -U- C)-- > --w--, > Q- -J .1 U) W < W -- U) LL, z < cli C) w QZ --- t— LO -� 00 Chd: M 0) M 6 cy) l` CV CO CO CY) m m cy) C.0 U-.) — 00 C:� LC5 6 a; 6 F- �:pj�, U'3 a 0 m > 0 o U 0 0 0 2i CN CIJ CN -----C)- = 2i I-- (D --- C) 00- cli o� W� w —z --'f w ry U- LL 0 N C) w w cli > Lo 0 C*4� 0 z THI;3 z W C) cli 0 ;t M LO wwwD C:> 0 Of U) x w w > z F- X. 0 - C W 0- w Z LL Cjf I. - 0 w 0 ----- w LO clj�? F-CIJ cD CIJ C,4 a) CO Lo cli LU M, 'o 'aw ow END OF THE ROAD SUB, LOT 2A PERMIT # OSP211026 -D # 041-033-30 INSULATION O Ove 57.9 FINISH GRADE 56.3 ORIGINAL GRADE N 53.6 _ 53.6 DRAINFIEID ROCK 49.6 49.6 50' GROUNDWATER @ 44.8 ON 10/8/21 �- 38.3 ~ SILT LAYER NOTED ON TH#3 LOG WAS NOT exc�xeeaixc ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION PROFILE AS -BUILT (NO SCALE) NAR®lk�i i a .s91 •• • • .. i _ �.----, . A ' Benja ' Schiller ' IAAF%Tcc • . aE arz 292 •'�C����i� `t�!®OFESSIONP��o SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST E N G I N E E R I N G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: END OF ROAD SUB L2A PERFORMED FOR: CHESTER L CHIARA JR. DATE: 7/15/21 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: 041-033-30 TECHNICIAN: J. MILLETTE DEPTH TEST HOLE 3 (feet) 2 3 a' 4 5 6 °- 7' 8 4 9 10 12- 13- 14- 15 21314 15 16 17 18 19 M BOH COMMENTS: SLOPE OG GW ( LOOSE WELL GRADED GRAVEL) SM (SILT LENSE) WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? YES IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? 18' L DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: 11.5' 0 DATE OF MONITORING: 10/8/21 P GW ( LOOSE WELL GRADED GRAVEL) DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER NET DROP INCHES) (INCHES) 7/15/21 1 10 316/816 516 2 10 316/7 0 411 3 10 310/6�s 3-s 4 10 316/66 316 5 10 31°-6/616 316 6 10 3116 16 316 PERCOLATION RATE: 2.9 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 7 FT. and 8 FT. Certified Drilling Log DOC CO dba BILL 8. COLE ULLIVAN WATER WELLS ef—P.O. Box 670269, Chugiak, AK 99567 688-2759 OWNER OF LAND: Chet Chiara ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION End of the Road Lot 2A DATE: 7-9-21 PERMIT NUMBER: OSP211206 DATE OF ISSUE: 7-6-21 TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 04103330000 Is well located at approved permit location: ®Yes ❑No Method of Drilling: ®air rotary ❑cable tool Depth of Well: 280 Casing Type: Steel Wall thickness .250 inches Diameter: 6 inches, depth 28 feet Liner type 260' of 4.5" PVC Static Water Level: 40 feet Recovery Rate 6 ® gpm ❑ gph Method of Testing Air Well Intake Opening Type: ❑ open end ❑open hole ❑ Screened Start feet Stopped ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped Grout Type: Bentonite Volume: 200 lbs Depth: from 2 feet, to 42 feet Well Disinfected Upon Completion: ®yes ❑ no Method of Disinfection: Chlorine 50 PPM Comments: Shallow Bedrock Surface Casing per MOA Code. Bore Hole Data Depth From To 0 2 2 12 12 52 52 120 120 132 132 190 190 280 Casing Stickup Blasted Bedrock Bedrock Gray Hard Bedrock Gray Bedrock Gray w/ Quartz Bedrock Gray Fractures Bedrock Gray Drillers Name: Cole Sullivan ATTENTION: It is the responsibility of the property owner to submit a copy of the well log to the proper authority. Municipality of Anchorage: Department of Health & Human Services and/or Department of Environmental Conservation. Matsu Borough: Department of Environmental Conservation. DOC CO dba BILL & GOLE ULLIVAN WATER WELLS P.O. Box 670269, Chugiak, AK 99567 688-2759 www.suilivanwaterwells.com Pump Installation L®g Well Drilling Permit Number: SW OSP211206 Date of Issue 7-6-21 Parcel Identification Number: 04103330000 Legal Description End of the Road Lot 2A 11 Pump Installation Date: 3-11-22 Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: 270 Pump manufacturer's Name: F&W 11 Pump Model: TVS1510LT ') Pump Size: 1.5 11 Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: 10 Pitless Adapter Installer: Quam Technologies Disinfected Upon Completion? ® yes ❑ no Method of Disinfection: Chlorine 50 PPM 11 Comments: Pitless Manufacturer: Martinson 11 Pump Installers Name: Sullivan Water Wells Property Owner Name & Address Chet Chiara feet E feet Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to the DSD within 30 days of pump installation. HOUSE DETAIL Scale: 1 "=30' FOU N 09'45'11 "W 21.04' 1 A 0 Lot 4 i TOTE: WELL, SEPTIC & FOUNDATION ONLY. R=50.00' PLOT PLAN AS BUILT _X_ SCALE _ 1 100_ GRID _ SW 2143 Project No. ____ 22=2? 11A1 ____ 11500 Daryl Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99515-3049 Lot 3 Lang � Associates, @S, inc. 522-6476 Phone 592-4625 Fax Professional Land Surveyors ors enolansurvey.com o��Q.O FvoAoo0 �4 jonothan0langsurvey.com I hereby certify that I have surveyed the following described property: LOT 2A, END OF THE ROAD SUBDIVISION (PLAT No. 2019-73) Anchorage Recording District, Alaska, and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do not encroach onto the property adjacent thereto, that no improvements on the property lying adjacent thereto encroach on the surveyed premises and that there are no roadways, transmission lines or other visible easements on said property except as indicated hereon. Dated this the 2�1_ Day of ? zG'J , 22 Z at Anchorage, Alaska It is the responsibility of the owner to determine the existence of any easements, covenants, or restrictions which do not appear on the recorded subdivision plat. 49TH y*( ''A� KENNETH G. LAN o .4-�Z`Z�rL Q` 4p��F s- 20?. ' C3 4:z;' o A . �4n,°�FSSIONAL `_Aa AECC963 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE On -Site Water & Wastewater Program PO Box 196650 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Phone: (907) 343-7904 Fax: (907) 343-7997 http://www.muni.org/onsite On -Site Water & Wastewater System Permit Permit Number: OSP211206 Work Type: WellSeptic Initial Tax Code Number: 04103330000 Site Legal Address: END OF THE ROAD LT 2A G:2143 Site Mailing Address: 10475 BLACKWOLF CIR, Anchorage Owner: CHIARA CHESTER L JR Design Engineer: FORGE ENGINEERING This permit is for the construction of: Q Disposal Field Q Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy Effective Date Expiration Date: Lot Size in Sq Ft: Total Bedrooms: `2irent �' 0 Department 7/6/2021 7/6/2022 224720 Q Private Well ❑ Water Storage 4 All construction shall be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80) 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer shall notify the Development Services Department per AMC 15.65. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24/7). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather shall be either: a. Opened and Closed on the same day, or b. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing Special Provisions: A test hole is required prior to construction of the absorption field, in location shown on site plan. Test hole shall confirm minimum separation to impermeables and seasonal high groundwater, as well as confirm percolation rate. Construction may proceed at your own risk prior to the 7 -day groundwater reading. If results require a design change, construction shall stop pending Onsite review and approval of a change order. Please submit results with inspection report (or change order, if required). W I . 'br 4.D , stn -i to CA,— i o V� C�Q� &ae_4 0V\ -i e S�" SeeC-1 �Ucuv�s,av� re�a,.rd�� bda.� Gl.� read�� S-F;ll aQPl;es, k�e cN�*3. �- J _ -mac P7111120z1 G0 -2X2.; chang+ak cly J4, to be 7, r lc� ✓vid�ec� --owoLrAt) Ae- NOA. /t�� Se Grafi►on �Jfon¢f �t�ne -to b2 MGiI���At'vteG+l, Subm;f 7-doy G(,v Received By: Date: Issued By: iliC�` ff Date: h,111111 111111111IN I!' FTeTM Community Development Department Development Services Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program N -5�.e Phone: 907-343-7904 Fax: 907-343-7997 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION Parcel I.D. 041-033-30 Property owner(s) Chester L Chiara Jr. Mailing address 1853 Barlett Dr, Anchorage, AK 99507 Site address NHN Black Wolf Cir Day phone 632-8730 Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) End of the Road Sub, Lot 2A Legal description (Township, Range & Section) Lot Size 224,720 Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 4 APPLICATION IS FOR: APPLICATION IS AN: TYPE OF DWELLING: (M all that apply) Absorption Field ❑X Initial ❑X Single Family (SF) ❑X (w/wo AD U) Septic Tank MUpgrade ❑ Duplex ❑ (D) Holding Tank ElRenewal ElMultiple Dwellings ❑ Privy ❑ (SF and/or D) Private Well ❑X Water Storage ❑ THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE / WAIVER REQUEST FOR: Distance: I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: it g a 0 Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: ti Zgh-1 Receipt Number: 0y'�8 Z D Permit No. 05P,21190% Permit App_::- : .-.,:c Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Waiver No. June 7, 2021 MOA Development Services, On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd Anchorage, AK 99507 6/7/21 Subject: End of the Road Sub, L2A – Black Wolf Circle Septic system design Dear On-Site Services Engineer: The owner of the above lot intends to build a 4-bedroom home on the property, so we are submitting this permit application for the construction of a new well and septic system. The attached site plan identifies the location of the home as well as the proposed well, septic location and alternate site. We intend to conduct another test hole and percolation test prior to construction for the proposed septic site. Existing subdivision test holes were used for this design. Groundwater was measured at 10’ in test hole #1 and test hole #2 was found to be dry on 5/27/21. No conflicts exist between this proposed system and any other well or septic system, whether on this lot or adjacent lots. The ground surface lot slopes between 30-40% westwardly but has a terraced, flatter area where we are proposing the septic system to be located. There are no slopes greater than 46% within 100 feet downslope of either the primary or alternate site. The current design meets all MOA slope requirements. Contours are shown on the site plan showing the grade and direction of flow. Stormwater drainage will not impact this septic system. The new trench will be constructed parallel to the slope as much as possible. Wells on this and adjacent lots are shown. The new system will be a minimum of 100’ from all wells and surface water, and more than 10’ away from the homes foundation. Please refer to the attached test hole logs, plan and profile pages for the septic design. If this design is followed, there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. Sincerely, Benjamin Schiller, PE Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP211206, Rebecca Carroll, 07/06/21 CHUGACH STAM .. PARK �- 0 �zLLI � O J > W -}� - - I W Z LIJ I- uj 3000 m Z O H - - � w _ X08 W Q � p Z Z W W U) ✓ — z CJ.) li � p I— r O O 04 W p000_>_ LL u- f,. ol LL LLI n. �F�l -- - _ - z M f Q .1 W v) O w .> 5b�� .__ l •.1. < tz w� 0w O �_. . Z-2w c=i) z N _ W ___. LLI0 E5 w w z G LLo �J Qtl 1\ LLIOfI— v J _W Q a W O-iEff. �, } O EL J Cl• W W „�� c/) C4 � Q O cn 1 i ti U Q d O c� CL =L i W Z O (A J F- O o L' W coF H O W W %v ow w o Lu O I- U) CD ❑ _. z� zC/j �. H W D - = z W -„ �-- � W z of � � W \ w< Q W ry z l •� . _. o F- U u r w I- ti v Cn w I- W f C11 z �� L.7 i %' z w W W F- J V' wYO_._ Ip = J w o3 � Z Z • w W ^•i r) • � �' � s Aw U � w 0 a. 0 CD xld ui U) z < < <U)' < C)LU C) < w CD0 < LL- w CL a_ � :!7> w _C�-M—D LU 0 U)CO oj� 0 LL ZD 0 LU < Nm ui F-- a_ LU 0 cm LO --D C/) U) C) < 0 LLJ w < 0 1 0 < 0— LU U) 0 z C/) 0 w 'i CL W -TH#34 < z 0 2i 7t D W U) Z Lu (D cn LU W LLJ LL 0 >Z - z LO o w CD W U) X F/5 0LU U - _j 0 w U) W b -Z< w w of w < w CD It U) A LU a- CL 0 w U) w 01 0 CIJ Z=> Lc . )o 0 Lu z > < LU O * LU f ry, < UJ LU 0 (D I— E LU LLI Uj LLJ LLJ < > > 0 _j 0 0 0 0 =D Lu 000 Z z CL co wc) —1 0 LL _j < 0 LLJ LL, 0 , , LL. w (.D LLJ o > C) CIA LL U- :E cf) w 0 a. 0 CD xld ui U) z < < <U)' < C)LU C) < w CD0 < LL- w CL a_ � :!7> w _C�-M—D LU 0 U)CO oj� 0 LL ZD 0 LU < Nm ui F-- a_ LU 0 cm LO --D C/) U) C) < 0 LLJ w < 0 1 0 < 0— LU U) 0 z C/) 0 w 'i CL W -TH#34 < z 0 2i 7t D W U) Z Lu (D cn LU W LLJ LL 0 >Z - z LO o w CD W U) X F/5 0LU U - _j 0 w U) W b -Z< w w of w < w CD It U) A LU a- CL 0 w U) w 01 0 CIJ Z=> Lc . )o END OF ROAD SUB, LOT C). DESIGN FACTORS: 600 GPD PEAK FLOW PERK RATE: 2.9 MIN/IN APPLICATION RATE: 1.2 GPD/SF SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 5 -WIDE TRENCH SYSTEM 1500 -GAL SEPTIC TANK w/ 20" MANWAY 600 GPD / 1.2 GPD/SF /5' WIDE * 0.5 RED FACTOR = 50 LF TRENCH REQUIRED (50 LF SPECIFIED) BOTTOM OF TRENCH: 11' BELOW GRADE FLOW LINE ELEVATION: 7' BELOW GRADE TOP OF TRENCH: 6" ABOVE GRADE F � I 4" PERFORATED PVC (HOLES DOWN) DRAINFIELD ROCK TYPICAL TRENCH SECTION (NO SCALE) NOTES: 1. GRADE AREA OVER TRENCH TO DRAIN AWAY 2. PROVIDE 3' OF COVER OVER TRENCHES AND 4' OVER SEPTIC TANK, OR 2' WITH 2" OF INSULATION 3. CHECK GROUNDWATER AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. IF LEVEL IS HIGHER THAN PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED, CALL ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY ENGINEERING`. .. ' .. • Schiller Benja 'n .......... . • . . CE 12592 ..&� ��®a� PROfESS10NA�'.o DEPTH (feet) 1 - 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST E N G I N E E R I N G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: END OF ROAD SUB L2A PERFORMEDFOR: CHESTER L CHIARA JR. DATE: 7/15/21 PROJECT No.: PARCELID#: 041-033-30 TECHNICIAN: J. MILLETTE TEST HOLE 31 OG GW ( LOOSE WELL GRADED GRAVEL) SM (SILT LENSE) COMMENTS: DATE BOH WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? Yt=S NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) IF YES a WHAT DEPTH? 13' 1 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING: - 316/$16 511 DATE OF MONITORING: - P 10 311/711 416 E 10 311/616 316 au GW ( LOOSE WELL GRADED 316/616 316 5 GRAVEL) 311/616 316 6 10 COMMENTS: DATE BOH READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 7/15/21 1 10 316/$16 511 2 10 311/711 416 3 10 311/616 316 410 316/616 316 5 10 311/616 316 6 10 311/616 316 PERCOLATION RATE: 2.9 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 7 FT. and 8 FT. APPENDIX A ALLC 112279 Municipality of Anchorage '�+�q��i1� Development Services Department �''-`� • On-Site Water and Wastewater Section /� _� �/+� • f * 4700 Elmore St. 004:49 , / *�� k i P.O.Box 196650 Anchorage,AK 99519-6650 4///i www.muni.org/onsite (907)343-7904 10j . r ; 011827' Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For: DHI Consulting Engineers Date Performed: 5/21/2019 Legal Description: End Of Road SID S-12460 Township.Range,Section: Slope Site Plan TH1 Depth (Feet) 1- S E SU tVe`y/gN&, 2- 0G 1ZA\�,l=Irl GS 3- - 4- _PERC 5- 6- 7- GW 8- WAS GROUND WATER 9- ENCOUNTERED? 10- . �ilkelpLlTf IF YES,AT WHAT DEPTH? � 1 ?0 .ca&Psi wA io Depth to Water After /61 » P 11- Monitoring? J 12 - BOA Date -SP 13- 14- Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 15- S/ ( la 3O SecoIn di 16- t 17- t 18- 19- 20- PERCOLATION RATE .x�Q (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6`t TEST RUN BETWEEN q FT AND FT COMMENTS PERFORMED 8Y: Crewdson Engineering LLC ( --"C- 044/V1os Cr?,LAT LKERTIFY THAT THIS TE T WrS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: S 43 I/ig This soils log is for DHI Consulting Engineers express use only. All other users shall obtain written permission from Crewdson Engineering LLC. ALLC 112279 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department ,��+ On-Site Water and Wastewater Section . ,. f * 4700 Elmore St. P.O.Box 196650 Anchorage,AK 99519-6650 mr/ www.muni.orq/onsite (907)343-7904 A ( 0e C11627 Soils Log - Percolation Test 1>, '` Performed For: DHI Consulting Engineers Date Performed: 5/21/2019 Legal Descnption: End Of Road S/D S-12460 Township,Range,Section: Slope Site Plan Depth (Feet) 1- CG 2 SEE SuRVEV/EtIG. 3- D RA WZt1 Grs ¢ PERC 5- 6- 7- 8- WAS GROUND WATER Y 9- 6A44) ENCOUNTERED? 10- IF YES,AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water After tt��((I 11- Monitoring? t`1 12- Date:S/d}31 i q 13- Gt20VN.D1JA7cR t sEkp 14- Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 15- fay ,q SUseco►�,ds 6„ 1. Ekmi ti 17- i( it 18- 19- 20- PERCOLATION &19- 20- PERCOLATION RATE <1,0 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6!I TEST RUN BETWEEN L FT AND FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: Crewdson Engineering LLC I .310.m Q,!` Lea W tc L\ CERTIFY THAT THIS TESD W PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: •/'/- This soils log is for DHI Consulting Engineers express use only. All other users shall obtain written permission from Crewdson Engineering LLC. Certified Drilling Log OWNER OF LAND: Chet Chiara ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION End of the Road Lot 2A DATE: 7-9-21 PERMIT NUMBER: OSP211206 DATE OF ISSUE: 7-6-21 TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 04103330000 Is well located at approved permit location: Yes No Method of Drilling: air rotary cable tool Depth of Well: 280 Casing Type: Steel Wall thickness .250 inches Diameter: 6 inches, depth 28 feet Liner type 260’ of 4.5” PVC Static Water Level: 40 feet Recovery Rate 6 gpm gph Method of Testing Air Well Intake Opening Type: open end open hole Screened Start feet Stopped Perforations Start feet Stopped Grout Type: Bentonite Volume: 200 lbs Depth: from 2 feet, to 42 feet Well Disinfected Upon Completion: yes no Method of Disinfection: Chlorine 50 PPM Comments: Shallow Bedrock Surface Casing per MOA Code. Bore Hole Data Depth From To 0 2 Casing Stickup 2 12 Blasted Bedrock 12 52 Bedrock Gray Hard 52 120 Bedrock Gray 120 132 Bedrock Gray w/ Quartz 132 190 Bedrock Gray Fractures 190 280 Bedrock Gray Drillers Name: Cole Sullivan ATTENTION: It is the responsibility of the property owner to submit a copy of the well log to the proper authority. Municipality of Anchorage: Department of Health & Human Services and/or Department of Environmental Conservation. MatSu Borough: Department of Environmental Conservation. www.sullivanwaterwells.com Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Permit Number: SW OSP211206 Date of Issue 7-6-21 Parcel Identification Number: 04103330000 Legal Description Property Owner Name & Address End of the Road Lot 2A Chet Chiara Pump Installation Date: 3-11-22 Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: 270 feet Pump manufacturer’s Name: F&W Pump Model: TVS1510LT Pump Size: 1.5 hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: 10 feet Pitless Adapter Installer: Quam Technologies Disinfected Upon Completion? yes no Method of Disinfection: Chlorine 50 PPM Comments: Pitless Manufacturer: Martinson Pump Installers Name: Sullivan Water Wells Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to the DSD within 30 days of pump installation. HOUSE DETAIL Scale: 1"=30' L=36.14' N 09'45'11 "W\ \ R=50.00' 21.04' � / Tract B Y 0 20 50 100 200 SCALE: 1"=100' i V s 8014 �CIRcLE NOL_F I Lot 4 I i Lot 5 Lot 1 I 742530"E 5631J Lot 4 I I N II SEPTIC PIPES / 10' T&E EASEMENTS N M Lot 2A W / 224,720 S.F. h Ov h 2 / / oR�veWP` 5A0 OZ R=200.24' L=60.08' R=50.00' Lot 3 /5 'v Lot 28 \ 20' C.E.A. EASEMENT EASEMENT V) O O O 0i A M J D7 EJ x� wo 100' PROTECTIVES I WELL RADIUS y I RETAINING WALL 9) WELL / aI O 5 88'41'00"W 159.98' / I PLOT PLAN AS BUILT —X SCALE 1"= 100_ GRID SW 2143 _ Project No. ___22=21_1/ L_ 11500 Daryl Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99515-3049 Lang & Associates inc. (907) 522-6476 Phone p000p (907) 522-4625 Fax oo�o F Ate/ X44 Professional Land Surveyors kenOlangsurvey.com o !� •. <9 Q jonothanOlongsurvey.com �d .• S �O I hereby certify that I have surveyed the following described property: LOT 2A, END OF THE ROAD SUBDIVISION (PLAT No. 2019-73) Anchorage Recording District, Alaska, and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do not encroach onto the property adjacent thereto, that no improvements on the property lying adjacent thereto encroach on the surveyed premises and that there are no roadways transmission lines or other visible easements on said property except as indicated hereon. Dated this the _ ?t __ Day of -i +_ <, ? _I at Anchorage, Alaska It is the responsibility of the owner to determine the existence of any easements, covenants, or restrictions which do not appear on the recorded subdivision plat. 49TH y*I m A N G G o r L �p444oAQ-520 � iZ' ESSIONA _%t"� AECC963