HomeMy WebLinkAboutT13N R3W SEC 26 LT 7 OF 28 & 29Onsite File T13N R3W SEC 26 LT 7 OF 28 & 29 PID# 007-094-12 APPLI~'""~IT FILLS OUT UPPER HAL"~0NLY · Lending institution /~/~/~ Phone Time Time Time Time Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector~.~ Field Notes: (~) APPROVED BEDROOMS *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( ) DISAPPROVED ( } CON DITIONA!~PROVAL' DATE -~' -- ~/'~'~;~)~ Soils Rating Date Sewer Installed Well TO Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tank Septic Tank Size 72.023 (3/82) -\ October 6, 1972 Spokane Mortgage Company 523 West 8th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ici on: Subject: Mr. Richard E. Do,:man Assistant Vice President Sewer and Water Syster,~s, Lot 7 of Subdivision of Lots 28 and 29 Dcpendent Survey and Subdivision, Section 26, 'fl3N, R3W, S.f4., VA Case i'to. 176 769, l.larlene A. 1,.cKlnn.y Dear 14r. Dolman: The Greater Anchorag6 Area Borough, Department of Envirom~.ental Quality in response to your letter of September 2B, 1972 made a reins(.'.ection of tile subject property. At the time, a water sample ~as taken and tb~ sewer system checked. The water report shows tF~at tile well is sCill producing satisfactory water. A check of the sewer system showed that the sewer system is still functioning properly. We would again call your attention to tbe letter from this Depart- merit to ti~e Veterans Administration dated December 10, lg70, wherein we stated that i~ was not possible at this time to install an approved system on this lot or any of the seven lots in this small subdivision. The basic problem revolved around th(] facb b:~at the seven lots were developed prior to our required approval of sewer and water systems for individual residences. Consequently, without public sewer and water this problem now presented on these seven lots cannot be resolved. Should you nave any questions regarding this matter, please contact · ~i~e undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian bb POKANE MORTGAGE coMpANY ALASKA BRANCH September 25, 1972 523 W. EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 272-7443 527 FOURTH AVENUE FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 9970! (907) 456-5963 Rolf R. Strickland Environmental Health Supervisor Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska RE: Sewer and Water Systems Lot 7 of Sub of Lots 28 & 29, Dependent Resurvey and Sub.~ Sec. 26, T13N, R3W, S.M. VA Case #176 769 McKinney, Marlene A. Dear Mr. Strickland, Attached please find as-built survey and copies of correspondence from your office leading to the establishment of an escrow for sewer hookup. We request that you reply stating that an approved individual water and sewer system cannot be installed on the subject property, but the existing system is functioning properly. This letter will be used as a justification for reducing the present owner's mortgage balance by an amount equa.1 to an estimated assessment. Thank you for your cooperation. Richard E. Dolman Assistant Vice President RED/pkh Encl. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) ~ ~v /~/q. Nu~r.of~e~ms in house, b. Detergent .... . / ..... 6. Well data: c. Casing Size ,, ,~ // d. Sewage d~posal system. a. Age of system~,e b. Septic tank capacity in gallons, e. Name of septic tank manufactu~ Distance from well to closest existin~ 1. Sewer line 2. Septic tank // ~ ............ -- ~' 3. Seepa~'e Area L'/. 5. Propemty Line /~ / ~. ~/ 6. Othem sources of poss~le contamination, i.e., cPeeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. ,o 1. If "home made" show diagmam on reverse side of this form. d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type .~, O~ --~ .. . 1. Dist.ance to proper'~y-, line,~) '~g- to house fotmdation ~' ~ . ~. Percolatlc~ Test h~esuLt$ f. Percolation Test performed by ............ Use the r~verse .side of this form to show dia£ram, Diagra~ should include ...~_~he ~oilowing information: ~operty llnes;,w~ll location, house location, 'X~p*mc tank location, disposa~ area location, location of percolation a~., direction of ground slope, 9. The ~fo~mation on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, Signature of Applicant Date Szgned TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~4ENT PERSONNEL ~he~ above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, ,subject to the ......... ~l~owin~ eond~ons: ' Conditions: ~The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following reasons: b' / / '--App~/~al is valid for one year following the date of approval. - CPJ:cw December 10, 1970 Veterans ki~inistration P.O. ~ox 1399 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Sewer and l~ater Sys/t~~Sub of Lots 28 § 29, Dependent Gentlomen:l~esurvey and Sub, ~~S.~i., Case No. 176 769 Additional inspections and surveys o£ the subject lot and adjoinging properties shows tho £ollowing: 1. It is not physically possible to locate sewer and water systems on these seven lots and meet our approved distance requirements as set £orth in the previous latter o£ December 2, 1970. 2. These seven lots were developed prior to our required approval o£ sewer and water systel~s for individual residences. Consequently, without public sewer or water, this problem cannot be solved. ~te regret this condition but because all lots have private utilities developed already, there is no room le£t to move or readjust them. Sincerely, flol£ R. Strickland, R.S. Environmental }fealth Supervisor cc: Nielsen Real ~state December 1970 Walter J. Donald 3823 Campbell Airstrip Rd. Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Donald: In selling the house next door, owned by the Norman Bmwn's, and inspection was made by the GAAB Dept. of Health. Their findings are that your cesspool appears to be too close to their well and for this reason the sales is being held up until you hav~ a meeting with Mr. Roll Strlckland at the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Dept. of Health, located at 327 E~gle St. Mr. Strid~land ask us to contact you and for you to call him for an appointment this week. We appreciate your cooperation in this vital matter. Most Sincerely, NIELSEN REAL ESTATE JRN:nJ cc to Brown Strlckland Jack R. Nielsen IJece~bcr 2, 197/0 Auchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Se~er and ~ator Sy~te~ for Lot 7 of Sub of Lot~ 28 ~, 2~, Dependent Kesurvey and Sub, Sec. following la fore,etlon: 1. Cesspool ~0' From subject ~ell, To meet ~-~ith our ,.~pproval~ the follo~;in~; ~ell 1)rotaetlve radii a~u~t bo 1. !0:~ ~o nearest se~r line, 2. 5~' t~ ~are~ s~l=tJ.c tank. 4. 1SO' to nearest cesspool. Ti~e so.er system ~t consist of a septic t~nk tn conJunc~i~n~ ~ith a seepage pit built to our specificat/.ons. A water sample taken at the tfme of o~ fnspection proved satisfactory. Sincerely. John R. ~ee, ~.S. Sanitarim~ cc: Pirst ~attonal Bank Nielsen ~leal Estate .... . ...... ,,r,n ern VETER N ' ls.2redlcated upon conditions recited below J -- ( !~ A.S ADMINIS1RATION ~ CASE 2~ke~,~4~i,:~,~. L CE .... r~CATE OF REASONABLE VA 176 769 TO.~ Nieleen Real Estate ~ 3837 Campbell Pteld Road Anchorage, Alaska 99504 606 West No. Lights Blvd ,o.~o.~o~. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ] o~.-~ 126.23 _ ~3_X_ 181, 60 Unknown ~o~ k ] ENCLOSED POnCH BREEZEWAY : CO~B. STM, 0~R GENERAL CONDITIONS Lot ? of Sub of Lot 28 & 29 Dependent Resurvey s. nd Sub, See. 26 T13N, R3W, SM 5et ? of Sub of Zot 28 & 29 Dependent tesurvey and Sub, See. 26 T13N, R3W, SM NONE GENERAL CONDITIONS Unknown aTtiC J ~ EyA~OR^¥1VE COOLE~JXt! FENCE I'E: The Veterans Administration does not assume any responsibility for the condition of the properly. The correction of any defects now existing or tha(masfdeve]op he the responsibility of the purchaser.~ lis certificate will emuin effective as to any written contract of sale entere¢ into by an eligible veteran within the validity period indicated. lis dwelling conforms with Ihe ~linimum Property Requirements prescribed by theAdministrator of Veterans Affairs. . ~ le amount of any assessments consequent on any special improvements as to wbicb a lien, or a right to alien, shall exist agains~the pmpertyas of the dateof loan !ngshall, if not paid by the seller, be added to the "purchase price" of the property. Excep(as nmy be stated in Item 31 below, ad valorem taxes ~ccruingprior to the )f closing shall if not paid bi, the seller, also be so added. As so increased tile ¢*Purchase Price" may not exceed the reasonable valuein Item 1 hereof. ~pese¢ c~nstructJon shall be complsted in accordance witb the plans and specifications identified below, re at g o bo h on-site and off-site improvements upon which alu.a, tmn xs ba~cd and shall otheru~me conform fully to the VA Minimum Property Requirements. Sat sfactory comp etlon must be ev denced by e he Final Comphance Inspection Report (VA Form 26-1839), or A Acceptance of FltA Co~npliance :*spec on Rope ts (FllA Forms 2051) or erect evidence of completion under FItA supervision applicable to proposed construction. contracting to sen property as proposed construction or existing construction not previously- occup ed, to a veteran po:chaser who is to be assisted in tile pulchase loan made, guaranteed, or insured by VA, the builder or other seller agrees to place any down paywent received by the seller or agent of tee seller in a special trust nt as required by section 1805 of T e 38, U.S. Code. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (Applic,~ble when checked or completed/ *,L'I'lt AUTII'3RI'I'y APPROVAL - Execution of VA Fo~m 26-6395 27. This document is subject to the provisions of Executive Order 11246 and the Rules and the llealtb Authority indicating approval of the water supply and/,** Regulations of the Secretary of Eabor in effect this date, and VA Regulation 4390 througb wage disposalins!allation is required. (Approval by letter or 4393, and also the provisions of the certification executed by the builder, sponsoror mltlI Authority Form may be g~ ~ developer narmd henqn which is on file in this office. cogmzed ex~e,n. ,aror mat based On careiul visual inspection of accessible areas ~hd on'sounding of accessible smt~turai members, there is no evidence of termite or ~/ETERANS ADMINISTRATION ~ 26-~843 .E~U~STO.'S CO~Y ~O0:TUDOR- ROA[3:. July 6, 1972 Spokane Mortgage 523 W. 8th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Dick Dollman Subject: SEWER AVAILABILITY -'T13N, R3W. SECTION 26, LOT 7 OF LOTS 28 & 29, Present indications are that sewer service will not be made available to the lot in question until 1975. Sewer improvement districts are formed through petition by property owners or action of the G~eater Anchorage Area Borough Assembly based on sanitation conditions. cohtact this office at 279-8686. Yours very truly, GREA~ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH C~stomer ServiCe Supe~vtsoP DDG/pf If~you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to GREATI=R ANCHORAGE arEA burOUGH HIZAI.TH DEPARTMENT 327 ~;AOLE ~TREET · P, O. BOX B68 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ~;SOI DopoHmont oi Enviro~entol Qu=~7 ..ON~ ~.~l 3500 ~udo~ lto~d --Pouch ~650 April 8, 1'971 Veterans Administration P.O. Box 1399 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Sewer and Water Facilities for Lot 7 of Subdivision of Lot 28 & 29, Dependent On Resurvey and Subdivision, Section 26, T13N, R3W, S.M., 3837 Campbell Field-Road Dear Sirs: The subject lot will be served by Borough sewers to be installed sometime during the construction season 1971. For this reason, we recommend approval of the sewer facility for this lot pending the escrow of funds for hook-up to the sewer. The well construction meets with our aoproval and a bacterial sample taken from the well was negative. Sincerely, R..Lee, R.S. Sanitarian rn GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 2~'07 MoRA£ EOAD January. 25, 1971 To'Whom it May Concern: SUBJECT: SEWER SERVICE LOT 7, OF THE RESURVEY AND SUBDIVISION LOTS 28 AND 29, SEC. 26, T13N, R3W, SoM. We do not have plans to construct lateral sewers in the above described area this year. However, we do anticipate that lateral sewers will be going in within two or three years. The assessments for sewers are currently averaging about $.12per square foot, including both trunk and lateral assessments. If you need further information concerning this matter, please contact this office. Yours truly, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Robert H. Morriss, P. E. Director of Public Works Robert M. Hudnail, Jr. Administrative Assistant qMH/jt