HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUFFMAN HIGHLANDS S12659Onsite File Huffman Highlands #S12659 Huffman Highlands S/D Lots 1-4 /\Subdivision of T12NR3WSEC 27PTN NE 1/4 Municipality of Anchorage Prepared for: HultquistHornes 1Z57OOld Seward Highway Anchorage, AK995lS Via S4 Group Land Development Consultants Prepared By: Pannone Engineering Services, LLC P.O.Box 1807 PALMER, AKS9645 P.O.BOX 1OU2l7 ANCHORAGE, AK995l0 Submitted By: Steven R.Pannone, P£ Principal, Civil Engineer S12659 Huffman Highlands SjD, Lots 1-4 Subdivision Report Engineering Report May 6, 2022 Project Description This soils report is to identify the suitability of the soils on the lots for an on-site septic system The subject lots are the proposed subdivision of T12N R3W SEC 27 PTN NE % to create Huffman Highlands Subdivision, Lots 1-4. This report will detail the soils encountered during the soils investigation, existing topography, impact to surrounding wells and septic system and the suitability of the soils encountered for the use of an on-site wastewater disposal system and water supply system. The proposed development will include four residential lots. It is assumed the residential lots will support a single family structure containing three to five bedrooms. Each lot is expected to also have a private well providing water to the residence. Topography The proposed subdivision is located on the south side of Huffman Road. The lots in the subdivision slope is generally from the northeast to the southwest. The subject area slopes at approximately 12% to 25%. Two small areas have slopes steeper than 25%. These areas are identified on the attached Site Plan, Appendix B. There is a small depression in the south -center of the proposed subdivision. Soils Investigation Pannone Engineering Services performed a soils investigation on January 13, 2022 on each of the lots of the proposed subdivision. The intent of the investigation was to verify the percolation rate of the soils and to obtain seasonal high ground water levels. The test pits revealed a variety of soils as shown on the attached Soils Logs for each of the proposed subdivision lots, Appendix A. Water monitoring was conducted on all five test holes on February 9, 2022. Existing water and wastewater systems The proposed subdivision is located at 5550 Huffman Road in Anchorage. There are existing residential wastewater disposal and water supply systems surrounding the proposed development. The proposed wastewater systems shall be located greater than 100 feet from any existing private well, and all proposed wells shall be located greater than 100 feet from any existing wastewater disposal system. S12659 Huffman Highlands S/D, Lots 1-4 Subdivision Report May 6, 2022 Surface water There are no wetlands or surface water within 200' of this Development. There is a low spot in the center of this development. During the recent rain events, this low spot remained dry. There is no indication of surface water in this low spot. A seasonal drainage pattern does exist on the property. The drainage pattern is illustrated on the attached Site Plan, Appendix B. This pattern has remained dry during recent rain events. Engineering Criteria PES conducted five test pits and percolation tests on the proposed lots and found consistent soils in each pit of well -graded sands and gravels having a percolation rate varying from one minute per inch (1.0mpi) to twelve minutes per inch (12.Ompi). Based upon the soil test results there are several options for systems that could be installed on all of the lots. There are no steep areas within the respective reserve areas nor 50 feet down slope of the reserve area. The table below has the test hole depths, percolation rates and depth to ground water on each perspective lot in the subdivision. Seasonal high groundwater readings were conducted on May 5, 2022. BLOCK, LOT TH # TH DEPTH PERC RATE GROUND H2O LEVEL SEASONAL HIGH GW 05.05.2022 REQUIRED RES AREA Lot 1 TH-1 16.0 6-12 Dry DRY 12,000 Lot 2 TH-2 16.0 1-5 Dry 8.3' 10,000 Lot 3 TH-3 16.0 1-5 Dry 10.7' 10,000 Lot 4 TH-4 1 16.0 1-5 Dry DRY 10,000 Site Information The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) Regulations (15.65) govern for single-family homes. These regulations require a minimum of four (4) feet vertical separation between the bottom of a soil absorption system and ground water for a conventional wastewater disposal system, six feet (6') to bedrock or other impermeable layers (tight silts and clays) and must be located greater than 100 feet horizontally from any surface water (Creeks and ponds). Additionally, the accepting soils must have a percolation rate of less than 120 minutes per inch. A lot must have room for a primary and reserve soil absorption system. Advanced treatments systems have been approved for use by the MOA and have approval for much smaller separation distances than conventional systems. Advanced treatment systems are an option for development of any of these lots as well. S12659 Huffman Highlands S/D, Lots 1-4 Subdivision Report May 6, 2022 Water Availability Based upon surrounding lots in the subdivision there is availability for a private water system on the proposed lots. A survey of the well data from the surrounding lots is provided on the table below. Data shows ample water availability in the lots surrounding the above referenced lot. Legal Description Well Depth Well Production Static Water Level Nitrates Heritage Hills, BS L1 240 4 gpm 227 12-1998 / 1.17 mg/I Cross View Estates, B2 L6a 265 5 gpm 227 11-2009 / 2.33 mg/I Cross View Estates, 132 LS 256 6 gpm 237 08-2013 / 4.33 mg/I Contour Acres #1, Li 300 3-4 gpm 170 10-2016 / 6.66 mg/1 Contour Acres #1, L3 206 13 gpm 141 11-2016 / 5.91 mg/I Contour Acres #2, LS 465 2 gpm119 07-1993 J 2.71 mg/I Contour Acres #2, L4 203 3 gpm 136 07-2011 / 2.88 mg/1 Contour Acres #3, B2 L3 249 4 gpm 230 11-1998 / ND Contour Acres, 62 L2 265 4 gpm 214 06-2000 / 0.80 mg/I Contour Acres, 62 Ll 250 4-5 gpm 241 04-2019 / 5.61 mg/I Conclusion Based upon the soils investigations conducted to date, and review of the existing data from the surrounding lots, the proposed subdivision has adequate soils for each lot to install and operate an on-site wastewater disposal system. In addition, the area has sufficient water to provide for individual private wells for each lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TEST HOLE 1 TOPSOIL SAND & GRAVEL DATE PERFORMED: 01.13.2022 READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 01.13.22 6.49" 2 30 MIN 9.11" 2.62 11.45 3 6.49" 4 30 MIN 9.10" 2.61" 11.49 5 6.49" 6 30 MIN 1 9.09" 1 2.6" 11,53 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? —NA—' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? — DRY — DATE: 02.09.2022 SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER DEPTH TO WATER: — DRY— DATE: 05.05.2022 COMMENTS: SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS • PERCOLATION RATE 6-12 (min/inch) (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) • PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" • TEST RUN BETWEEN 3 FT AND 4 FT. • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR. PERFORMED BY: Dan Moran. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: PANNONE ENG SVC LLC (C.I. 1088) ."" REVISIONS DATE Only P.O. BOX 1807 PALER, AK 99645 _'p(E..O� A�qS , REV 05 O6 2022 04 04 2022 Subdivision Use Onl / / PHONE 907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745--820i _=h .. !ry , SCALE HUFFMAN HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION=...:.4. P.I.D. NO DRAWN MMM HULTOUIST HOMES 'y ', ste R. Pannone PERMIT N0. 12570 OLD SEWARD HWY ce-a,as- S12659 TEST HOLE #1= ANCAHORGE, AK 99515��'��=�� i� SHEET 1 OF 5 TEST HOLE 2 1 Um TOPSOIL 2- 3456 3- 4- 5- 6 7 GW SAND & 8 GRAVEL 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BOH 17 18 DATE PERFORMED: 01.13.2022 READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 01.13.22 9.33" 2 3 MIN 11.17" 1.84" 1.63 3 7.82" 4 4 MIN 11.17" 3.35" 1.19 5 3.10" 6 15 MIN 9.10" 6.00" 2.50 7 3.10" 8 8 MIN 9.10" 6.00" 1.33 9 3.10" 10 9 MIN 9.10" 6.00" 1.50 11 3.10" 12 9 MIN 9.10" 6.00" 1.50 11 3.10" 12 9 MIN 9.10" 6.00" 1.50 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? N/A' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? 15' DATE: 02.09.2022 SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER DEPTH TO WATER: —8.3' DATE: 05.05.22 COMMENTS: SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS ® PERCOLATION RATE 1-5 (min/inch) (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) ® PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" ® TEST RUN BETWEEN 3 FT AND 4 FT. ® TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR. PERFORMED BY: Dan Moran. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: PAINNOPNE ENG SVC LLC C.1. 1088) DATE .� �������„� REVISIONS P.O. BOX 1807 PAL+IER, AK 9645 OF q 04/04/2022 Subdivision Use Only �E ...�q ', REV 05/06/2022 PHONE 907) 745-8200 FAX (907) 745-8201 = ��? s�rS hSCALE HUFFMAN HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION P.I.D. NO _ DRAWN MMM HULTQUIST HOMES 5t- R. Ponnone , '._ CE -8149 -"" PERMIT NO. 12570 OLD SEWARD HWY S12659 TEST HOLE #2 AN CAHORGE, AK 99515 SHEET 2 OF 5 TEST HOLE 3 VK TOPSOIL 2 3- 4- 5- 6 456 7 GW SAND & 8 ,GRAVEL 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BOH 17 18 DATE PERFORMED: 01.13.2022 READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 01.13.22 5.17" 2 6 MIN 11.17" 6.00" 1.00 3 5.17" 4 8 MIN 11.17" 6.00" 1.33 5 5.17" 6 10 MIN 11.01" 5.84" 1.71 7 5.17" 8 10 MIN 10.50" 5.33" 1.88 9 5.17" PO 10 MIN 10.45" 5.28" T.89 11 5.17" 12 10 MIN 10.41" 5.24" 1.91 13 5.17" 14 10 MIN 10.40" 5.23" 1.91 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? –NA–' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? – DRY – DATE: 02.09.2022 SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER DEPTH TO WATER: –10.7' DATE: 05.05.22 COMMENTS: SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS • PERCOLATION RATE 1-5 (min/inch) –(Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) • PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" • TEST RUN BETWEEN_3 FT AND 4 FT. • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR. PERFORMED BY: Dan Moran. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: PANNONE ENG SVC LLC (C.I. 1088) " ` "`«1 REVISIONS DATE Subdivision Use Only PHONE 9087)X745-8200ALFAX (907)UE, AK 97445-8201 = `i�P(E. OF .4411' 4/04/2022 REV 05/06/202-2 SOA E04/2022 HUFFMAN HIGItLANDS SUBDIVISION P.I.D. NO HULTQUIST HOMES DRAWN MMM Sty R. P....- . fid`., ce-8149 �= —"' PERMIT NO. 12570 OLD SEWARD HWY _ TEST HOLE #3 y- S12659 ANCAHORGE, AK 99515 `5=,.= SHEE3 OF 5 TEST HOLE 4 1 vR TOPSOIL 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 4567 GW SAND & 8 GRAVEL 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BOH 17 18 DATE PERFORMED: 01.13.2022 READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 01.13.22 3.06" 02.09.2022 SEASONAL 2 9 MIN 8.35" 5.29" 1.70 3 3.00" 4 10 MIN 8.35" 5.35" 1.87 5 3.00" 6 10 MIN 8.25" 5.25" 1.90 7 3.00" 8 10 MIN 8.17" 5.17" 1.93 9 3.00" 10 10 MIN 8.10" 5.10" 1.96 11 3.00" 12 10 MIN 7.99" 4.99" 2.00 13 3.00" 14 10 MIN 7.94" 4.94" 2.02 15 3.00" 16 10 MIN 7.92" 4.92' 2.03 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? —NA—' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? — DRY — DATE: 02.09.2022 SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER DEPTH TO WATER: DRY DATE: 05.05.2022 COMMENTS: SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS • PERCOLATION RATE 1-5 (min/inch) (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) • PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" • TEST RUN BETWEEN 3 FT AND 4 FT. • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR. PERFORMED BY: Dan Moran. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: DATE Pe4NNONE ENG SVC LLC �C.1. '1088) .� �����", REVISIONS P.O. BOX 1807 PALMER,AK 9645 OFA "' 04/04/2022 Subdivision Use Only = �� .._.,,4qs hl REV 05/06/2022 PHOT 907} 745-8200 FAX 907) 745-8201 = ��? �rq SCALE 4': HUFFMAN HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION P.I.D. NO DRAWN MMM HULTQUIST HOMES % s — R. P—... _ ��o . CE -8149 = PERMIT NO. 12570 OLD SEWARD HWY TEST HOLE #4 ANCAHORGE, AK 99515 SHEET S12659 ,, 4 OF 5 11 TR 1 1 2- 3456 3- 4- 5- 6 7 GW 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BOH 17 18 TOPSOIL SAND & GRAVEL DATE PERFORMED: 01.13.2022 READING DATE NET TIME WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP RATE (MPI) 1 01.13.22 6.20" 02.09.2022 DEPTH TO 2 30 MIN 9.88" 3.68" 8.15 3 DEPTH TO 6.20" DATE: 05.05.2022 4 30 MIN 9.85" 3.65" 8.22 5 6.20" 6 30 MIN 9.85" 3.65" 8.22 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? —NA—' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? — DRY — DATE: 02.09.2022 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? — DRY — DATE: 02.09.2022 SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER DEPTH TO WATER: DRY DATE: 05.05.2022 COMMENTS: SOIL TEST RESULTS/ANALYSIS • PERCOLATION RATE 6-12(min/inch) (Hydrologic Soils Group: HSG A) • PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" • TEST RUN BETWEEN _3 FT AND 4 FT. • TEST RUN FOR OVER AN HOUR. PERFORMED BY: Dan Moran. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: PANNONE ENG SNC LLC C.'. 10$$) " ` "" ,, REVISIONS DATE Subdivision Use Only P.O. 80X 1807 PALM, AK 9964504/04/2022 �F A�gs', 06 2022 04/04/2022 PHONE 907) 745-8200 FAX 907 745-8201 REV 05 _-��, !ry , / / SCALE HUFFMAN HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION = P.LD. NO DRAWN MMM HULTQUIST HOMES St—R P..-.., 12570 OLD SEWARD HWY" �E-B149 _ PERMIT No. '�' � S12659 TRACT ##1 ANCAHORGE AK 99515ss� SHEET of 5