HomeMy WebLinkAboutJASMINE S12406Onsite File January 14, 2020 Municipality of Anchorage — Building Safety On Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Deb Wockenfuss Subject: Jasmine Subdivision Septic System Feasibility and Water Availability Study Dear Deb: A petition has been submitted to subdivide one parcel into twelve lots and one tract, forming the new Jasmine Subdivision. We our presenting our findings that each new lot will have sufficient area and potential for on-site wells and septic systems. The property in general is moderately sloped towards the north, at grades ranging from 12% up to around 30%. Most of the area is in the 10-20% range, with a few portions steeper than 25%. There are also some areas where, for short distances, the slopes are greater than 46%. Property sizes are all over 40,000 SF each, and the attached site plan demonstrates that there is enough space available to meet separation requirements for the wells and future septic systems. Test holes were dug in late January and early February of 2018. Two test holes were placed on each property in areas that seemed appropriate for septic locations. Monitoring tubes were placed in the test holes and groundwater checked on February 9"', over a week after the last hole was excavated. The test holes were dug down to 14'-16' in most areas, except in cases where bedrock was encountered- at around 8'-10' on several properties. Groundwater was encountered in only 4 of the test holes, between 10'-12'. Soils were fairly uniform in the area, consisting mostly of gravelly and silty sands (SP/SW). Percolation benches were constructed between 4-6' below the ground surface in each test hole. The percolation cavity in each bench was prepared and presoaked in accordance with municipal requirements. Again, results were very uniform in the area, with almost all perk tests results falling under 5 min/in. Individual test results are including in the attached test hole information. Using the slope and perk test information, areas appropriate for septic systems were set aside for each lot. According to Table 7 of municipal code, perk rates between 1-5 minutes/inch require 10,000 SF of reserve area. This is appropriate for all properties except for Lots 4, 5 and 8, where the highest perk rates were 5.7 min/in, 25 min/in, and 6.7 min/in respectively. On Lot 5, 16,000 SF of septic reserve was designated, and the other two lots have 12,000 SF. Lot 2 has both of its test holes covered by the 100' well radius to the north, found after holes were dug. Both of the test holes perked under 5 min/in, as well as on the properties on each side and to the south. As the soils are so consistent, and a test hole is less than 15' from the designated area, we would like to request that it be accepted for the calculation of the reserve area. Records shoe that the same soils were also found to the north: the test hole on Skyline Sub, Block 5 Lot 4B perked at under 1 min/in, while the test hole on Lot 4A perked at just a little over 5 min/in (5.7). Several of the test holes perked at under 1 min/in. These lots may require a sand filter with a shallow trench. Although the slopes would not allow a wide bed, a 5' wide trench with a 6" effective depth would meet the code requirements for use of a sand filter. Nearly all of the septic reserve areas designated are on slopes under 25%. Most of them are greater than 50' upslope from these steeper slopes, as well. However, there are a few small sections in the reserve areas where the slopes exceed 25%. In addition, any trench that crosses these small sections will need to be constructed to meet the "steep slopes" requirements of the code, including vertical separation distances measured from the up - gradient side of the field; trenches 5' or narrower; natural vegetation retained or erosion control measures taken; and the distribution pipe placed sufficiently deep. Under these guidelines, these small sections of steeper slopes are appropriate for development as septic systems. There are two lots with reserve areas within 100' of slopes greater than 46%. Lot 4 has a portion of steep slopes within about 30' of the reserve area, and Lot 6 has some slopes of 50% within 50' of the reserve area. The soils are silty sands (SP -SM) with an estimated hydraulic conductivity of 1.2 in/hr- water passes through them fairly quickly. This means that the effluent will migrate down through the soils more than it will spread laterally. While Lot 4 has bedrock at around 10, keeping the effluent from sinking further, the steep slopes are only about 10' high. The effluent will soak down while the surface drops, keeping it from daylighting. Lot 6 does not have evidence of bedrock, so the effluent will continue to migrate downward instead of laterally. Although the groundwater monitoring was not done during the months when, historically, the water is at its highest, we are confident that the lack of groundwater discovered is typical of the area. Groundwater levels will be recorded again during the seasonal high in May. In the meantime, we are confident that groundwater will not be an impediment the design and construction of septic systems on this parcel. Additionally, we found well information for four of the six lots directly adjacent to the new subdivision to the north. This information was taken from the well logs and the most recent COSA documentation in the Municipal on-site records, and is collected in the following table. These are the closest wells to the properties and are representative of the wells that would be drilled on these lots. Although they are not high -producing wells, they are sufficient to support a typical single-family home. Property Leal Well depth (Ft) Flow rate Skyline View #1, Block 5 Lot 2A 220 1?20 GPH Skyline View #1, Block 5 Lot 2B 116 0.33 GPM Skyline View #1, Block 5 Lot 4A 160 2 GPM Skyline View 91, Block 5 Lot 4B 285 1.43 GPM It seems reasonable to conclude that the aquifer has the capacity to support new wells on the lots to the south. Any new wells will likely be around 200' deep and produce 1-2 GPM. All of the lots are sufficiently sized that the wells shouldn't have a significant effect on the existing wells. An aquifer study will be performed to verify this conclusion. An examination of the historical data for nitrates in the drinking water showed nitrates well within normal levels, and our conclusion is that additional septic systems in this area will not cause any problems. The following table lists nitrate information collected. Property Legal Nitrate Level (my/L) Date Collected 007, Tract B 0.558 5/22/2001 007, Tract B 2.62 10/11/2019 Skyline View #1, Block 5 Lot 2B 1.72 7/27/2004 Skyline View 41, Block 5 Lot 4A 0.162 6/9/2009 Skyline View #1, Block 5 Lot 4A 1.75 5/11/2017 Skyline View #1, Block 5 Lot 4B 0.686 4/7/2015 Skyline View #1, Block 5 Lot 4B 0.3 6/25/1991 Suetawn Estates, Lot 5 2.12 6/22/2000 Suetawn Estates, Lot 6 6.7 8/28/1990 Suetawn Estates, Lot 9 2.73 11/21/2006 Based on our field studies, research, and water monitoring completed to date, it is clear that all lots of the proposed subdivision are capable of supporting new wells and onsite septic systems. Sincerely, co 7 Benjamin Schiller, PE BenjaArYSchller IRZ CE 12592 �'��QpROFESSIONP . 642 . 0 644 . 0 646.0 648. 0 650.0 652 . 0 654 . 0 656.0 658 . 0 66 0 . 0 66 2 . 0 66 4 . 0 66 6 . 0 66 8 . 0 670. 0 672 . 0 67 4 . 0 676.0 6 7 8 . 0 6 8 0 . 0 682.0 684 . 0 686.0 688 . 0 690.0 692.0 694.0 696.0 698.0 700 . 0 7 0 2 . 0 7 0 4 . 0 650.0 652.0 654.0 656.0 658 . 0 660.0 662.0 664.0 666. 0 668. 0 670. 0 67 2 . 0 67 4 . 0 6 7 4 . 0 6 7 2 . 0 67 0 . 0 6 6 8 . 0 6 6 6 . 0 664 . 0 6 6 2 . 0 6 6 0 . 0 694.0 692. 0 690.0 688.0 686.0 708.0 706.0 71 0 . 0 712.0 714.0 716.0 718.0 720.0 72 2 . 0 724 . 0 50.7% 50.4% 51.5% 52 . 9 % 54 . 6 % 49 . 2 % 48 . 4 % 48 . 4 % 49 . 5 % 48.4 % 39 . 0 % 58 . 0 % 43 . 2 % 5 7 . 3 % 4 3 . 8 % 47.9% 48.1% 44.8% 35 . 2 % 4 4 . 0 % 2 8 . 1 % 33.3 % 67. 9 % 2001000 FEET 1"=100' NO WELLS OR SEPTIC WITHIN 250' OF PROPERTY LINE TH#1 JASMINE CIRCLE JASMINE SUBDIVISION Forge Engineering PO Box 240773 Anchorage, AK 99524 907-522-7773 165 E Parks Hwy, Ste 200 Wasilla, AK 99654 907-357-9394 Troy Davis Homes, Inc.811 862-4112 333-2411 278-3121 ALASKA DIG LINE - IS A PARTIAL LIST: MILITARY PETROLEUM LINES STATE STORM/STREET LIGHTS AND ALASKA FIBER STAR.) CALL BEFORE YOU DIG (INCLUDES ACS, AWWU, CEA, ENG, BUTLER AVIATION/TESORO, GCI CABLE, MLP, TRAFFIC SIGNALS, MOA STORM/STREETS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL AREA UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF EXCAVATION. THE FOLLOWING LOCATE CALL CENTER OF ALASKA TH#2 PLATTED UTILITY EASEMENTS MOA WETLANDS TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 TH#1 TH#2 SEPTIC RESERVE AREAS LEGEND SLOPES EXCEEDING 25% APPROX AREAS WHERE SOME SLOPES EXCEED 46% JA S M I N E R O A D 16,000 SF 12,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 12,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF Jun 25, 2020 NO W E L L S O R S E P T I C W I T H I N 2 5 0 ' O F P R O P E R T Y L I N E SU E T A W N S U B SKYLINE VI E W # 1 B L O C K 5 APPROX LOCATIONS OF EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEMS 50' STATE OF ALASKA SECTION LINE EASEMENT (BY PATENT) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 0* TH SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST J F Benjarryn Schiller CE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT ( 42092 Jl PERFORMEDFOR: TROY DAVIS PROPESSI®m�4 DATE: 01/26/18 PROJECT No.: Professional Engineers Stamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE # 1 (feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN OVERGROWTH 2 3 4 SILTY SAND (SP -SM) 5 SEE SITE PLAN 6 LARGE ROCKS 7 BETWEEN 3' - 7' S 8 9 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @ WHAT DEPTII? - I I DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: ONE DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/ I8 P • s E 12 • . �. 13 f. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 1.2 (MIN/INCH) FERC. HOLE DIA.�INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5 FT. and 6 FT. COMMENTS: - DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/26 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 10:30/10:37 7:22 6" / 12" 6" 2 10:38/10:46 7:23 6" / 12" 6" 3 10:47/10:54 7:20 6" / 12" 6" 4 10:55/11:03 7:20 6" / 12" 6" 5 11:04/11:11 7:20 6" / 12" 6" 6 11:12/11:20 7:20 6" / 12" 6" DEPTH (feet) 1 - 2- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT I PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 01/26/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: TEST HOLE 42 IN . J SILTY SAND (SP -SM) i MORE GRAVEL W/ INCREASED DEPTH C. JOHANSEN SLOPE SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN R • READING WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? YES DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/26 IF YES a. WHAT DEPTH? 12.7' S 1 12:08 0 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER XIONITORING: 6' 2 12:38 30 1 1/4" DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 3 12:39 0 4 1:09 30 1 1 /4" 1 1/4" 5 1:10 0 COMMENTS: -- DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/26 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 12:08 0 2 12:38 30 1 1/4" 1 1/4" 3 12:39 0 4 1:09 30 1 1 /4" 1 1/4" 5 1:10 0 6 1:40 30 1 1/4" 1 I/4" PERCOLATION RATE: 2.4 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.6(INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT L+700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST Benja 'rr r Schiller CE92 2020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION — LOT 2 2 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 01/26/18 PROJECT No.: P=�reSs,onal E °ears s`am' PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE # 1 (feet) 1 • OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 4 5 SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 i 8 • ' 9 l 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? - S 11 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER NIONITORING: 7ONE hU DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/1812— P . E 13 f: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.4 (MIM/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.�INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: - GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP DATE READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) (INCHES) 1/26 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 12:15/12:17 2:05 0" / 6" b" 2 12:18/12:20 2:10 0" / b" b" 3 12:21/12:23 2:12 0" / b" b" 4 12:24/12:26 2:10 0" J 6" 6" 5 12:27/12:29 2:12 0" / b" b" 6 12:30/12:32 2:12 0" ! b" b" DEPTH (feet) 1- 2 - 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 2 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 01/26/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN TEST HOLE #2 COMMENTS: _ 0 SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) SLOPE SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO READING IF YES a WHAT DEPTH? _ S DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: NONE IUs TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 1 10:30/10:40 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/29 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 10:30/10:40 10 0" /3 %8" 3 %8" 2 10:41/10:51 10 0" / 3" 3" 3 10:52/11:02 10 0" / 3" 3" 4 11:03/11:13 10 0" / 3" 3" 5 11:14/11:24 10 0" / 3" 3" 6 11:25/11:35 10 0" / 3" 3" PERCOLATION RATE: 3.3 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. DEPTH (feet) 1 - 2- 3 ' 4- 5- 6- 7' 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 3 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 01/26/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN TEST HOLE # l 10. SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) z WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES a, WH DEPTH OF WATER AFTER bIO DATE OF MO . s COMMENTS: — =a No SIT E PLAN SEE SITE PLAN $ AT DEPTH? - NITORING: 9' MONITORING: 5/29/18 P E DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/26 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 1:06/1:13 6:49 0" / 6" 6" 2 1:14/1:21 6:52 0" / 6" 6" 3 1:22/1:29 6:53 0" / 6" 6" 4 1:30/1:37 6:50 0" ! 6" 6" 5 1:38/1:45 6:52 0" / 6" 6" 6 1:46/1:53 6:50 0" / 6" 6" PERCOLATION RATE: I.1 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. () (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650/ 0 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST / ="?? " Ben jarnjrySchiller , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 3 ao 9? 2 CE PROFESSIDNP PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 01/26/18 PROJECT No.: Professional Engineers Stamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE #2 ( feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 4 5 SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 N!/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 5 8 9 1 WAS GROUND NATER ENCOUNTERED? YES IF YES m WHAT DEPTH? III 11 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING 14' DATE OFMONITORING: 5/24/18 P E 12 'r • 13 f: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0. b (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.�INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5 FT. and 6 FT. COMMENTS: - DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/26 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 2:05/2:08 3:38 0" / 6" 6" 2 2:09/2:13 3:40 0" / b" 6" 3 2:14/2:18 3:41 0" / 6" 6" 4 2:19/2:22 3:40 0" / 6" b" 5 2:23/2:27 3:41 0" / b" 6" b 2:28/2:32 3:41 0" J b" b" MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGEAw ��iFA(�®l� READING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT (MINUTES) �s'°'��P NET DROP (INCHES) 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: TH ® ��� I 1:35/1:45 10 0" /3 %2" 3 /2" SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST 2 Benjarr�q?Schiller 10 0" /3 3/8" 3 s/8" GE a2o9?'���G�ti-®��'� 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION — LOT 4 10 0" /3 3/8" 3 3/8" PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS 4 0®F;a®:�'°°' 10 DATE: 01/30/18 PROJECT NO.: 3 %," Professional Engineers Stamp: 5 PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN 10 DEPTH TEST HOLE #1� 6 (feet) 10 0" /3 %," 3 %," OB 1 SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 4 5 .• ••� SILTY SAND SEE SITE PLAN 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 i 8 9 t 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED'? NO BEDROCK IF YES rt_ WH AT DEPTH') - S I I DEPTH OF WATER AFTER NIO NITORING: NONE DATE OF N10 NITORING: 5/29/18 P 12 GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 3.1 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA, 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: - DATE READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/30 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 1:35/1:45 10 0" /3 %2" 3 /2" 2 1:46/1:56 10 0" /3 3/8" 3 s/8" 3 1:57/2:07 10 0" /3 3/8" 3 3/8" 4 2:08/2:18 10 0" /3 %4" 3 %," 5 2:19/2:29 10 0" 6 2:30/2:40 10 0" /3 %," 3 %," MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �G OF!4(,���� DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT.orco -' 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 .7�� TH x �� SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST BenjarrlLr}Schiller CE 4209220 4:02 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 4 0 �F9F0 'e '-, PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS 4:32 30 5 %4 5 DATE: 01/50/18 PROJECT No.: Professional Engineers Stamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE #2 (feet) I OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 4 5 ,• �•1 SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 S 8 9 + 1 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES WHAT DEPTH? @- I I DEPTH OF WATER AFTER NIONITORING: 10' BEDROCK DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 12 DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP 13 READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) (INCHES) 14 1/30 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 15 I 3:01 0 16 2 3:31 30 5 %r, 5 %4 3 3:31 0 17 4 4:01 30 5 %4 5/4 18 19 201 1 1 t� PERCOLATION RATE: 5.7 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.�INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: - 5 4:02 0 6 4:32 30 5 %4 5 DEPTH (feet) 1 - 2 3- 4- 5 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 5 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 02/01/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: TEST HOLE #1 COMMENTS: — W. SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) C. JOHANSEN SLOPE WAS GROUND NATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES a WHAT DEPTH? - S DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: 14' hU DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 P SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN : TH , . . Benjarn(n=chiller CE 12592 ��j�o pROFESS10�a��.®� DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 2/05 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 11:05 0 2 11:35 30 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 11:36 0 4 12:06 30 2 7/ 2 �/8 5 12:07 0 6 12:37 30 2 %8 2 �/8 PERCOLATION RATE: 10.3 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA._6 (INCHES) TEST RUM BETWEEN: 5 FT. and 6 FT. �������0 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �'�G DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 s TH SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST B '� ' BenjaOn Schiller LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 5 Fp CE 42092 PROFESSIONP .� PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 02/01/18 PROJECT NO.: Professional Engineers Stamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTI-1 TEST HOLE #2� (feet) 49 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 4 5 ••r SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 i 8 9 1 WAS GROUND NATER ENCOUNTERED? No 1 IF YES a WHAT DEPTH? - 11 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: NONE DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 12 't • 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 25 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: - GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP DATE READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) (INCHES) 2/05 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 1:08 0 2 1:38 30 ( % I % 3 1:39 0 4 2:09 30 13/6 13/b 5 2:10 0 6 2:40 30 13/6 i 3/6 DEPTH Meet) 1 - 2- 3 — 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION — LOT 6 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 02/02/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN TEST HOLE 91 HE ROCKS ENCOUNTERED AROUND 2' SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) L •' WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES m WHAT DEPTH? — S DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: NONE U DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 . • s ' S r COMMENTS: _ SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 2/05 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 3:30/3:31 0:37 0 / 6 6 2 3:32/3:33 0:36 0 / 6 6 3 3:34/3:37 0:38 0 / 6 6 4 3:36/3:37 1 0:39 0 / 6 6 5 3:38/3:39 0:39 0 / 6 6 6 3:40/3:41 0:39 0 / 6 6 PERCOLATION RATE: 0. 05 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. (D INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. DEPTH (feet) 1 - 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 E:LMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT (D PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 02/02/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN TEST HOLE #2 COMMENTS: -- M0: SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) C. JOHANSEN SLOPE of A_- *; 49 M Benjarrri(q)Schiller Ir� �TF�CJ. E 42020 `,12 �Q,FO PROFESS0 m SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND NATER ENCOUNTERED? No READING IF YES a. WHAT DEPTH? - NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: NONE 2/05 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: DATEOFMONITORING: 5/29/18 P 3:01/3:02 2:09 E 6 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 2/05 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 3:01/3:02 2:09 0 / 6 6 2 3:03/3:05 2:08 0 / 6 6 3 3:06/3:08 2:07 0 / 6 6 4 3:09/3:11 2:08 0 / 6 6 5 3:12/3:14 2:06 0 / 6 6 6 3:15/3:17 2:08 0 / 6 6 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.3 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 'CO 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 49 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST BenjaatiSchiller LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 7 9Fa CE y2o92 `v���`�®� PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 0 2 / 0 2 / 18PROJECT No.: Professional Engineers stamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE # 1� (feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 •• . 4 5 ' f SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 S g 9 1 WAS GROUND NATER ENCOUNTERED? NO (F YES a: WH S 11 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER NO DATE OF X10 13 f: 14 S r 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.19 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: FT. and FT. COMMENTS: - AT DEPTIi? - NITORING: NONE NITORING: 5/29/18 P DATE READING GROSS TIME NET TIME E� DEPTH TO NET DROP (MINUTES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) 2/06 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 3:41/3:42 0:41 0 / b b 2 3:43/3:44 I:Ob 0 / b 6 3 3:45/3:4b I:Ob 0 / b b 4 3:47/3:48 1:07 0 / b b 5 3:49/3:50 1:07 0 / b b b 3:51/3:52 1:07 0 / b b DEPTH (feet) 1 - 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9- 1.0- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION — LOT 7 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 02/02/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN, TEST HOLE #2 W-11 •J SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) • S C. JOHANSEN SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES a; WHAT DEPTH? - S • DEPTH OF WATER AFTER \MONITORING: NONE DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 • s COMMENTS: -- 49 TH . . .. Benjam'TSchiller CE 4125922020 OFESStONp� SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 2/06 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 2:21/2:23 2:08 0 / 6 6 2 2:24/2:26 2:09 0 / 6 6 3 2:27/2:29 2:11 0 / 6 6 4 2:30/2:32 2:10 0 / 6 6 5 2:33/2:35 2:11 0 / 6 6 6 2:36/2:38 2:09 0 / 6 6 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.3 (MN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �.G CSF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ;' TH 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 •, � • . • �� SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST Benr*12i11er CE 12592 J. 14 2020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 8 ���F9F�PROFESStONA���o PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 02/02/18 PROJECT No.: P�resttoa,i Eng[aeers smP: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPT1-1 TEST HOLE # 1 (feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 4 5 SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 s 8 9 + 1 WAS GROUND NATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES a WHAT DEPTH? - S 1 1 DEPTH OF NATER AFTER MONITORING: NONE Us DATE OF MONITORING: S/29/18 P . E 12 '; .'f• 13 f. 14 3 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 6.7 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. (D TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and S FT. COMMENTS: - GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP DATE READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) (INCHES) 2/06 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 12:30 0 2 I:00 30 4 %, 44 3 I:01 0 4 1:31 30 4/2 4 %2 5 1:32 0 6 2:02 30 4 %2 4 %2 DEPTH (feet) 1- 2- 3 - 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 8 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 02/02/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN TEST HOLE #2 COMMENTS: _ SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No READING IF YES a, WHAT DEPTH? - NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: NONE 2/06 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 P 11:41/11:43 2:09 E 6 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 2/06 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 11:41/11:43 2:09 0 / 6 6 2 IL•44/11:46 2:10 0 / 6 6 3 11:47/11:49 2:09 0 / 6 6 4 11:50/11:52 2:08 0 / 6 6 5 11:53/11:57 2:08 0 / 6 6 6 11:58/12:00 2:08 0 / 6 6 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.4 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA._ 6 CINCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. ,aoao��1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Fq��� DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT co����j 4700 E:LMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 �' 4� lli;'kP� SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST Benjamj- ,`chiller F� CE 12592J 14 202D A- wti LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 9 k�FQpROFESSiONP'�,®-°-� PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS ��0���a�� DATE: 01/30/18 PROJECT No.: Professional Engineers Stamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE # 1 (feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 . 4 5 ••� SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 VAJ/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 s 3 9 1 WAS GROUND NATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES r WHAT DEPTH? - S 1 I DEPTH OF WATER AFTER IONITORING: NONE U DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 P ' E 12—} 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.7 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA..(INCHES) TEST RUN BETS\SEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: - DEPTH To DATE READING GROSS TIME NET TIME WATER NET DROP (MINUTES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) 2/06 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 10:13/10:17 4:00 0/b 6 2 10:18/10:22 4:01 0 / 6 6 3 10:23/10:27 4:02 0 / 6 6 4 10:28/10:32 4:04 0/ 6 6 5 10:33/10:37 4:04 0 /6 b b 10:38/10:42 4:04 0 / 6 6 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT o c49 I 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 TH 0 / b 6 2 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST Benjarrtg.Schlller 0 / b b CE 42x92 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION -.LOT 9 Fa �������®���� 0 / b PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS 4 DATE: 02/02/18 PROJECT No.: Proe�ss;on3, > �6 �r�rs scamp: 0 / b PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE 42 3:06 (feet) b 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 .. 3 4 • SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 s 8 9 10 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES 0 WHAT DEPTH? - S 1 1 DEPTH OF WATER APTERMONITORING: NONE IUB DATEOFMONITORING: 5/29/18 • s 12 13 • .•," DATE READING GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP WATER BEDROCK (MINUTES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) 14 2/06 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.5 (MINANCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.�INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: - TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 10:55/10:58 3:17 0 / b 6 2 10:59!11:03 3:21 0 / b b 3 11:04/11:07 3:25 0 / b b 4 11:08/11:11 3:05 0 / b b 5 11:12/11:15 3:06 0/b b b 11:16/11:19 3:06 0/b 6 DEPTH (feet) 1- 2- 4- 5- 6- 7' 8- 9- 10- 11- I2- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 10 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 01/24/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: J. MILLETTE TEST HOLE # l I i 3ED•ROCK COYIMENTS: _ ill SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES a WHAT DEPTH? - S DEPTH OF WATER AFTER NIONITORING: NONE DATE OF NIONITORING: 5/29/18 SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN R DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 1:41/1:41 0:21 0 / 6 6 2 1:42/1:42 0:21 0 / 6 6 3 1:43/1:43 0:21 0 / 6 6 4 1:44/1:44 0:22 0 / 6 6 5 1:45/1:45 0:22 0 / 6 6 6 1:46/1:46 0:22 0 / 6 6 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.1 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 3 FT. and 4 FT. of= MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENTTH 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 ® >� SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST-'''" /P Benjam(n.Schiller LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 10 ��sl`e9Fp CE J.a2a9? PROFESSk* ®. PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 01/24/18 PROJECT No.: P`of�sslon�I F sl ee`S s" P: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: J. M ILLETTE DEPT1-I TEST HOLE #2� (feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 J 4 5 ..•j SEE SITE PLAN � SILTY SAND 6 W/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 s 8 9 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES a WHAT DEPTH? III 11 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: 7' DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/I8 P • s E 12 • t 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.2 (iV rN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.�INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 3 FT. and 4 FT. COMMENTS: - GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP DATE READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) (INCHES) 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 2:02/2:03 0:52 0 / 6 6 2 2:01+/2:05 0:52 0 / 6 b 3 2:06/2:07 0:56 0 / 6 6 4 2:08/2:09 0:56 0 / b b 5 2:10/2:11 0:56 0 / 6 6 6 2:12/2:13 0:56 0 / b 6 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 1/25 ® DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 12:31/12:34 s A ®`�� s�CO 0 / b 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 49 12:35/12:38 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST 0 / b i11er Ben12592 3 12:39/12:42 C 14,2020 0 / b LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION — LOT 11 OPROfESS10Np�`. 12:43/12:4b PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS 0 / b b DATE: 01/24/18 PROJECT No.: 12:47/12:50 Professional Engineers Stamp: 0 / b PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: J. MILLETTE DEPTH TEST HOLE # 1 2:44 0 / b (feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 4 •, SEE SITE PLAN SAND WITH GRAVEL (SP) 6 7 • 1 8 ED ROCK 9 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES n, WHAT DEPTHS - S I 1 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: NONE hU DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 P 12 E 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.5 (M[N/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 3 FT. and 4 FT. COMMENTS: - DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 12:31/12:34 2:45 0 / b b 2 12:35/12:38 2:47 0 / b b 3 12:39/12:42 2:44 0 / b b 4 12:43/12:4b 2:44 0 / b b 5 12:47/12:50 2:44 0 / b b b 12:51/12:54 2:44 0 / b 6 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650'_� ®,,s�co��' 49 IH .... .._. SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST Benjarn�rtSchiller 0 �E /1:16 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION — LOT 11 b �F94?09?'`����c���� F� ��� pROFESS10Np .,� b PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS 0 / b b DATE: 01/24/18 PROJECT NO.: Professional Engineers scamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: J. MILLETTE DEPTH TEST HOLE #2 (feet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 �• . 4 5 •• •, SEE SITE PLAN SAND WITH GRAVEL (SP) 6 7 s 8 9 + t 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? — 1 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER NIONITORING: NONE • s DATE OF MONITORING: 5/29/18 12 •r...•,- 13 DATE READING GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP WATER (MINUTES) (MINUTES) (INCHES) (INCHES) 14 ' 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: t 15 I I:II/I:II 0:28 0 / b b 16 2 1:12/1:12 0:29 0/b b 3 1:13/1:13 0:29 0/b 6 17 4 1:11+/1:14 0:30 0 / b b 18 5 I:16 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.1 ('MIIN/fNCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.�INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. and 5 FT. COMMENTS: - /1:16 0:30 O l b b b 1:17/1:17 0:30 0 / b b DEPTF-1 (feet) 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 12 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS DATE: 0112L,118 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: J. MILLETTE TEST HOLE #� 3ED ROCK COMMENTS: _ 0: SILTY SAND �N/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO READING IF YES n WHAT DEPTH? - S DEPTH To WATVVATERES) (INCHES) DEPTH OF WATER AFTER ilIONITORING: 9.5' U TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: DATE OF MONITORING_ 5/29/18 I 11:02/11:04 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATVVATERES) (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 11:02/11:04 2:18 0 / 6 6 2 11:05/11:07 2:17 0 / 6 6 3 11:06/11:08 2:18 0 / 6 6 4 11:09/11:11 2:15 0 l 6 6 5 11:12/11:13 2:20 0 / 6 6 6 11:14/11:16 2:18 0/6 6 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.4 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.__L__fINCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 3.5 FT. and 4.5 FT. (INCHES) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 1/25 or- FDEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENTSERVICES DEPARTMENT 11:35/11:38 3:06 0 / 6 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 T,49 , , 11:39/11:42 3:04 0 / 6 6 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST Benjam(nx5chiller 3:08 016 6 j CE `2092 �`�®� 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION - LOT 12 FD ����R���®���� O 16 PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS 5 11:51/11:54 DATE: 01/24/18 PROJECT No.: 0 / 6 Profess onai Engineers scamp: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: J. M ILLETTE 3:09 DEPTH TEST HO�#2 I r«I) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 4 j ,• ••j SEE SITE PLAN SILTY SAND 6 IN/ SOME GRAVEL (SP -SM) 7 s 8 ED ROCK 9 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES ru WHAT DEPTH? - 1 1 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER NIONITORING: NONE DATE OFMONITORING: 5/29/18 P 12 E 13 DATE READING GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP WATERNET (MINUTES) (MINUTES) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.5 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 3 FT. and 4 FT. COMMENTS: - (INCHES) 1/25 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: I 11:35/11:38 3:06 0 / 6 6 2 11:39/11:42 3:04 0 / 6 6 3 11:43/11:46 3:08 016 6 4 11:47/11:50 3:07 O 16 6 5 11:51/11:54 3:10 0 / 6 6 6 11:55/11:58 3:09 016 6 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650.4 TM SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST �F BenjamUr Schiller CE 12592lo ll2M LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION ROAD TEST HOLE �����F�PROFESStONP?� PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS HOMES Professional Engineers Stamp: DATE: 03/15/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN Dehrll TEST HOLE #1 (reel) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 4 WELL -GRADED GRAVEL W/ SAND j . J (GW) NFS SEE SITE PLAN 6 7 S 8 9 1 O WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No • IF YES r�( 1VH� S 1 1 DEP'I'l1 OF WATER AFTER \-10 DATE OF NO 12 r ' WELL -GRADED GRAVEL W/ 13 SILT AND SAND (GW -GM) FI 14 S • 15 16- 17- 18- 19 6171819 20 PERCOLATION RATE: (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: FT. and FT. COMMENTS: - �'I' DEP-1-1-l'? - NffO1ZING: 10.5' NI'fOR1NG: 5/20/19 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: DEPTH {feet) 1 - 2 - 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9' 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION ROAD TEST HOLE PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS HOMES DATE: 03/15/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN TEST HOLE #2 COMMENTS: — is SILTY SAND W/ GRAVEL (SM) F2 SLOPE SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES @, WHAT DEPTH? _ S DEPTH OI' WATER AFTER MONITORING: 9 DATE OP NIONITORING: 5/20/19 P E GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP DATE READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) (INCHES) TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: PERCOLATION RATE: (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA_INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: FT. and FT. DEP'rt I (reel) 1- 2 - 3- 4- J 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 1411- 1J- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT x+700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION ROAD TEST HOLE PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS HOMES DATE: 03/15/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN COMMENTS: _ TEST HOLE #3 OB POORLY -GRADED GRAVEL W/ SAND (GP) NFS s: SITE PLAN SEE SITE PLAN $ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO READING IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? - NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) DEP'1'11 01' \V'A'TER AFTER MONITORING: NONE TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: DATE OF MONITORING: 5/20/19 P E POORLY -GRADED GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND (GP -GM) FI DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: PERCOLATION RATE: (MINIINCH) PERC. HOLE DIA.(INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: FT. and FT. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE� OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT coTH '�'" L,700 ELMORE ROAD ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6650 A_ SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST Benjar�r Schiller CE 12592 \014e®� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JASMINE SUBDIVISION ROAD TEST HOLE ����Fa%'ROfESSi0NP4.�� PERFORMED FOR: TROY DAVIS HOMES 03 / 15 / 18 Professional Engineers Stamp: DATE: PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: TECHNICIAN: C. JOHANSEN DEPTH TEST HOLE #4 (beet) 1 OB SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 4 :., WELL-GRADED GRAVEL W/ SAND SEE SITE PLAN (GW) NFS 6 7 r 8 9 + 1 WAS GROUND N'A'I'ER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES �g '✓HAT DEPTH'? — 1 1 DEPI'11 OI: WA'FL'R AP"I`ER �IONI'I'ORING: NONE DATEOPNIONITORING: 5/20/19 P • ` E 12 a ..•�• 13 . s 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE: (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA__ (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: FT. and FT. COMiVIENTS: - GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH To NET DROP DATE READING (MINUTES) (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) 14 (INCHES) TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 jamunter@arctic.net PHONE (907) 345-0165; FAX (907) 348-8592 February 17, 2021 Mr. Troy Davis Troy Davis Homes, Inc. 165 E. Parks Highway, Suite 200 Wasilla AK 99654 Re: Evaluation of aquifers at the proposed Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Dear Mr. Davis: This report provides the findings of an evaluation of aquifers near the proposed Jasmine Subdivision. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine if there is enough water to support on-site wells and to determine whether surrounding well owners would be able to reasonably acquire water with development of the new subdivision. HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING The general groundwater conditions in the vicinity of the site are described by Brunett and Lee (1983) and Zenone and others (1974). A detailed geologic map of the area by Yehle and Schmoll (1987) shows that the site is situation on an alluvial fan of Little Peters Creek. The more hilly terrain surrounding the alluvial fan consists of ground moraine and kame deposits associated with the Elmendorf glaciation, the youngest of the Quaternary glaciations in this part of Cook Inlet. The regional hydrogeology is described by Kikuchi (2013) whose study area includes a large portion of the Matanuska Susitna Borough directly across Knik Arm from this site and only a few miles away. Unconsolidated deposits in the area are underlain by bedrock units of an unnamed complex, chiefly metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks (Zenone and others, 1974; Yehle and Schmoll, 1987). Zenone and others (1974) illustrate that a "probable old major fault zone" with multiple splays is thought to be present along the mountain front near the proposed Jasmine Subdivision. METHODS AND SOURCES OF DATA This report provides a vicinity analysis that includes an evaluation of well data from surrounding properties to evaluate the general conditions in the area. Groundwater recharge information is reviewed to estimate potential sustainable aquifer yields. Test well drilling and aquifer testing were conducted to determine the properties of aquifers present at the site. Aquifer test data were analyzed using software by AQTESOLVtm (Duffield, 2007). The aquifer characteristics are used to model expected responses in wells from the proposed new pumping and assess the water- supply potential at the proposed Jasmine Subdivision and surrounding properties. J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 2 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska VICINITY ANALYSIS Aquifer Recharge and Water-Supply Potential Kikuchi (2013, Figure 12) estimates that groundwater recharge across Knik Arm from the Peters Creek area averages 1.5 to 5.8 inches per year across a broad area. A conservative estimate is that groundwater recharge at Jasmine averages approximately 3 to 4 inches per year. This translates to an average of approximately 370 to 500 gallons per day being recharged per lot considering 12 lots on the entire 20-acre parcel. This amount of water is comparable to the Municipal requirement of 450 gpd for a 3-bedroom home. In addition to direct recharge of water onto lots, however, this subdivision also likely receives groundwater inflow from upgradient areas. In general, groundwater flows from upland and a small wetland area located to the south of Jasmine Subdivision northward through this area. These data suggest that the potential supply of water is sufficient to sustain aquifers with the quantity of water needed by well owners in the subdivision and surrounding developments. Review of Area Well Records The MOA’s On-site files were searched for records from adjacent properties (http://onsite.ci.anchorage.ak.us/WebLink/Browse.aspx?startid=1). The WELTS well log database (http://www.navmaps.alaska.gov/welts/) maintained by the ADNR was also examined for well logs. Table 1 summarizes well records that have been identified. Table 1. Summary of data for wells near Jasmine Subdivision. Location Reported Well depth (feet) Well Log Avai lable Reported yield or flow rate and year of measure- ment (gpm) Estimated transmis- sivity (ft2/day) Aquifer type Static water level in feet below land surface and year of measurement Skyline View #1 Blk 5 Lot 2A 220 yes 22 1979 147 Bedrock 120 1979 Skyline View #1 Blk 5 Lot 2B 116 yes 12 1973 150 Sand and Gravel 80 1973 2.5 1992 8.8 40 1992 0.33 2004 4.6 97 2004 Skyline View #1 Blk 5 Lot 4A 160 yes 8 1983 31 Bedrock 90 1983 2 2009 7.6 83 2009 6+ 2017 16+ 57 2017 Skyline View #1 Blk 5 Lot 4B 285 yes 3.83 1980 5.1 Bedrock 85 1980 1.43 2015 1.7 63 2015 1.2+ 1999 1.4+ 62 1999 SueTawn Estate Lot 9 (note three old wells were abandoned in 2006) 105 No Unk Unk Unk Unk 79 2006 240 yes Below MOA criterion 1985 low Bedrock 36 1985 307 yes 0.35 1985 0.33 Bedrock 22 1985 Unk no Unk Unk NR Unk Unk Unk J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 3 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Location Reported Well depth (feet) Well Log Avai lable Reported yield or flow rate and year of measure- ment (gpm) Estimated transmis- sivity (ft2/day) Aquifer type Static water level in feet below land surface and year of measurement SueTawn Estate Lot 8 (note one old well was to be abandoned in 1995) 103 yes 8 1995 130 Gravel and fractured bedrock 84 1995 Unk no Unk Unk NR Unk Unk Unk SueTawn Estate Lot 7 50 yes 7 1982 81 Sand and Gravel 27 1982 SueTawn Estate Lot 6 192 yes 7 1991 13 Bedrock 41 1991 54 no NR NR 97 Unk 46 1990 177 yes 1 1978 1.5 Bedrock NR NR 245 (deepening of 177 ft well) yes 0.5 1984 NR Greenstone NR NR SueTawn Estates Lot 5 120 yes 20 1982 45 Gravel 90.5 6 007 Subdivision Tract B 64 yes 3 2007 38 Sand and Gravel 43 2007 2.7 2018 63 43.5 2018 400 yes 0.1 1999 0.067 Bedrock, green 0 1999 SueTawn Estates Add. No. 1 Lot 10 153 yes 12 1973 23 Fractured and decomposed rock 24 1973 Note 1: Estimated transmissivity (T) in ft2/day calculated by T= SC x 2000/7.48 where SC (specific capacity) = yield (in gpm) /drawdown (in ft). Full drawdown is assumed where data were lacking, resulting in conservative (i.e. low) estimates of T. Note 2: NA means not applicable; NR means not reported Note 3: Unk means unknown Summary of Well Record Review Eighteen wells were identified on surrounding properties. Nine wells reportedly tapped a bedrock aquifer. One bedrock well was deepened, and one well tapped both bedrock and sand and gravel aquifers. Four wells tapped gravel or sand and gravel aquifers and four wells tapped unknown aquifers. The wells tapping sand and gravel aquifers were mostly drilled close to Little Peters Creek in SueTawn Estates Subdivision (see Vicinity Map). Non-lithified aquifers. Reported yields of wells tapping sand and gravel aquifers range from 0.33 to 20 gpm. The median reported well yield is 3 gpm. This is 9.6 times the minimum J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 4 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska required yield needed for a three-bedroom home using the Municipality criterion of 150 gpd/bedroom. Reported static water levels range in depth from approximately 27 to 97 ft below land surface. Well depths range from 50 ft to 120 ft below land surface. Calculated transmissivity values range from 4.6 to 150 ft2/day. The median estimated value of transmissivity is approximately 54 ft2/day. This value is in the mid-range for a glacial sand and gravel aquifer of 5-10 foot thickness (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 29). Bedrock aquifer. Several bedrock wells were not able to pass MOA water sufficiency criteria. One well was deepened and one well was hydrofracked to increase well yield. Four lots had multiple wells drilled. Reported yields of wells tapping bedrock aquifers range from 0.1 to 22 gpm. The median reported well yield is about 2 gpm. This is about 6 times the minimum required yield needed for a three-bedroom home using the Municipality criterion of 150 gpd/bedroom. An important feature of the bedrock wells, however, is that they show a high degree of variability. In addition to the low-yield wells described above, two wells exhibit unusually high yields for bedrock wells. The well on Lot 2A, Block 5 of Skyline View #1 tapped into a fractured bedrock zone between 208 and 214 feet depth that reportedly yielded 20 gpm. The estimated transmissivity of the aquifer at this location is more than 2000 times the lowest value identified in Table 1. Similarly, a well at SueTawn Estates Add. No. 1 Lot 10, encountered an aquifer yielding 12 gpm , most of which appears to be coming from "decomposed rock" between 138 and 153 feet deep. Both of these wells (located on opposite sides of Jasmine Subdivision, may have encountered a portion of an ancient fault system with enhanced permeability and yields to wells. Reported static water levels in bedrock wells range in depth from approximately 0 to 90 ft below land surface. Well depths range from 153 ft to 400 ft below land surface. Calculated transmissivity values range from 0.067 to 147 ft2/day. The median estimated value of transmissivity is approximately 2.7 ft2/day. This value is at the low end of the range for a fractured 200-foot-thick metamorphic and igneous rock aquifer (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 29). Summary of Vicinity Analysis Some wells in the vicinity tap sand and gravel aquifers, which appear to generally produce sufficient amounts of water for domestic use. One well tapping a sand and gravel aquifer reported a decline in yield from 12 to 2.5 to 0.33 gpm between 1973 and 2004. This is an unusual occurrence, and the cause of the low reported yield is not known, however it seems probably that the bottom of the well, which was drilled in 1973, is silted in and requires cleaning in order to restore its yield. Most wells in the vicinity of Jasmine Subdivision tap a heterogeneous fractured bedrock aquifer of low permeability, although a few wells tap highly permeable fracture zones. Virtually all water is considered to flow through secondary fractures, joints, faults, weathering cracks and similar openings and practically no water through primary intergranular permeability. Some wells in this area would likely have benefited from hydrofracking in order to achieve sufficient J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 5 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska yields to pass Municipal tests for a three bedroom home. Water-level data reported from well logs and subsequent adequacy tests by engineers show no apparent long-term water-level decline in the bedrock aquifer. This indicates that the bedrock aquifer is at least capable of meeting existing water demands in the neighborhood, consistent with expectations derived from aquifer recharge calculations described above. SITE EVALUATION Test-Well Drilling Four test wells were drilled at the locations shown on Lots 1, 2, 10, and 11 on the attached Proposed Jasmine Subdivision Aquifer Test Well Location Plan. Logs of the wells are provided in the attachments. For this report, the well drilled on Lot 1 (303 ft deep) will be called Well 1, the well drilled on Lot 2 (143 ft deep) will be called Well 2, the well drilled on Lot 10 (283 ft deep) will be called Well 10, and the well drilled on Lot 11 (445 ft deep) will be called Well 11. Wells 1 and 2 tap fractures at similar depths near the top of bedrock at depths between 43 to 46 feet below ground surface and Wells 10 and 11 tap deeper fractures. Well 1 was hydrofracked and Well 10 and Well 11 were each hydrofracked twice. All test wells tap the bedrock aquifer which is considered a confined aquifer. Table 2 Test well drilling and hydrofracking results. Location Well depth (feet below land surface) Depth to Top of bedrock (feet below land surface) Reported yield Aquifer type Static water level in feet below top of casing and date of measurement (top of casing 2 feet above land surface) after drilling (gpm) after first hydro- fracking (gpm) after second hydro- fracking (gpm) Lot 1, Jasmine 303 41 0.3 1.14 NH Bedrock 25.15 3/19/20 Lot 2, Jasmine 143 41 2 NH NH Bedrock 29.01 3/19/20 Lot 11, Jasmine 443 12 0.3 0.42 1.1 Bedrock 6.02 6/15/20 Lot 10, Jasmine 283 12 0.25 0.33 0.42 Bedrock 15.91 11/11/20 Note: NH means Not hydrofracked Aquifer Testing All wells were subjected to 4-hour aquifer tests with recovery measurements to assess basic well and aquifer performance characteristics. Wells 2, 10, and 11 were subjected to 24-hour aquifer tests. Well 1 responded affirmatively to pumping from Well 2 and, following Municipality of Anchorage Aquifer Test Procedures, a 24-hour test was not performed on Well 1. J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 6 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Data sheets and analysis summaries of 24-hour aquifer testing are attached and the results are described below and are summarized in Table 3. All four wells are relatively low-yield wells tapping a bedrock aquifer. In such wells, it difficult to maintain a low and constant rate of pumping while trying to maximize the amount of drawdown in the pumped wells. Therefore, the general procedure used during the tests was to draw the water level in the pumped well down to a low-water shut-off switch, at which point the pumping temporarily stopped. After a few minutes of water-level recovery, the pump starts again and the process is repeated. The average pumping rate is determined by calculating the total number of gallons pumped as observed by readings of the flow totalizer divided by the elapsed time between readings. Analysis of the data makes use of the recovery of water levels after all pumping has stopped, which eliminates the influence of the irregular variations in the pumping rate on drawdown during the pumping phase of the test. Table 3 Results of aquifer testing. Location Well depth (feet below land surface) Aquifer thick- ness (b) at time of testing Calculated Transmis- sivity, T (ft2/day) Calculated Storativity (dimen- sionless) Calculated hydraulic conducti- vity, T/b (ft/day) Initial rate of recovery after pumping stopped (pumped wells only) (gpm, assuming 1.4 gallons per foot of water-level rise) Lot 1, Jasmine 303 260 4.8 0.000024 0.018 NC Lot 2, Jasmine 143 102 1.4 NC 0.014 1.3 Lot 11, Jasmine 443 390 1.3 NC 0.0033 1.1 Lot 10, Jasmine 283 241 0.133 NC 0.00055 0.42 Geometric Mean 0.00464 Note: NC means Not Calculable Well 2. The average well production rate varied from 2 gpm to 1 gpm during the 24-hour pumping phase of the test. A total of 1,958 gallons were pumped during the 1,440-minute pumping portion of the test. Analysis of data from the pumped well resulted in a calculated aquifer transmissivity of 1.4 ft2/day (see attachment). The water level in Well 11 did not respond to the pumping in Well 2. The water level in Well 1 responded affirmatively to pumping from Well 2 (see below). The value of transmissivity determined from data from the pumped well (1.4 ft2/day) is near the median value determined from surrounding bedrock wells. The calculated hydraulic conductivity from this test (see Table 3) is near the low end of values typical of fractured igneous and metamorphic rocks (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 29). Well 1. Well 1 was hydrofracked prior to the 24-hr testing of Well 2. The well recovery rate after hydrofracking and removal of injected water was 1.14 gpm (see attached). Using the methods described in Note 1 of Table 1, this recovery rate suggests a transmissivity of J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 7 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska approximately 1.1 ft2/day, which generally confirms the results of the testing of Well 2 and the productivity of Well 1. Analysis of drawdown data from Well 1 yielded a calculated transmissivity of 4.8 ft2/day and a storativity of 2.4E-5. The value of transmissivity is slightly higher than the values: 1) estimated from the well recovery rate; 2) from the data from Well 2; and 3) the median value determined from surrounding wells. The calculated value of storativity is near (but below) the low end of the typical range of values for confined aquifers of 0.00005 (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 60). Well 11. Well 11 was hydrofracked twice prior to performing a 24-hour test. During the test, the production rate varied from 10 to 1.1 gpm, resulting in pumpage of 2,502 gallons during the 1,440 minute pumping portion of the test. Wells 1 and 2 did not respond to the pumping. Based on the data from the pumped well, the aquifer transmissivity was calculated to be 1.3 ft2/day (see attachment). The calculated hydraulic conductivity from this test (see Table 3) is near the low end of values typical of fractured igneous and metamorphic rocks (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 29). Well 10. Well 10 was hydrofracked twice prior to performing the 24-hour test. During the test, the production rate varied from 10 to 0.55 gpm, resulting in pumpage of 1,113 gallons during the 1,493 pumping portion of the test. Wells 1, 11, and 2 did not respond to the pumping. Based on the data from the pumped well, the aquifer transmissivity was calculated to be 0.133 ft2/day (see attachment). The calculated hydraulic conductivity from this test (see Table 3) is in the mid- range of values typical of "unfractured metamorphic and igneous rocks" (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 29). This indicates that Well 10 encountered very low fracture densities. POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF NEW PUMPING Theis (1935) Methodology An analysis of the effects of pumping new wells both on future neighboring wells within Jasmine Subdivision and also on surrounding wells is described below using the method of Theis (1935). The Theis method requires some simplifying assumptions as described below. The Theis model was developed for flow of groundwater in porous media having continuous interconnected pore spaces, such as a sand and gravel aquifer. Fractured rock aquifers, while somewhat different, are commonly simulated as equivalent porous mediums, whereby it is assumed that fractures are sufficiently interconnected to be treated as a continuum at the scale of investigation. The Theis method assumes that all wells tap the bedrock aquifer, the aquifer is infinite in lateral extent without boundary conditions, is homogeneous and isotropic, and that recharge does not occur within the simulation time period. While these assumptions are simplifications of actual aquifer conditions, the Theis model is widely used and can provide an initial assessment of the magnitude of the likely effects of pumping on pumped wells and nearby wells. The Theis model calculates drawdown of water levels in an aquifer and requires five inputs: rate of pumping from a well (Q), duration of pumping (t), distance from the pumped well (r), and the J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 8 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska aquifer parameters transmissivity (T), and storativity (S). Transmissivity is a measure of how easily water moves through the aquifer and storativity is a measure of how much water is released from storage by the aquifer with a reduction of the water level in the aquifer. Transmissivity, in turn, is defined as the product of the aquifer hydraulic conductivity (or permeability) that is applicable to a small cubic unit of the aquifer times the aquifer thickness. In order to perform a Theis analysis, it is first necessary to determine a spatially uniform value of transmissivity. Thus, a value of hydraulic conductivity was calculated for each test. As is commonly done, the geometric mean of these values is then calculated. Finally, the geometric mean hydraulic conductivity is then multiplied by a nominal aquifer thickness of 300 feet to obtain transmissivity. The value of transmissivity determined by this method, based on the 24- hour aquifer tests, is 1.39 ft2/day, A storativity of 0.000024 is assumed to be uniformly distributed in the modeled area based on the value determined from the Well 2/Well 1 pair during pumping of Well 2. It is not possible to calculate valid storativity values if no observation well responds to pumping, as occurred during the testing at Wells 10 and 11. Pumping is assumed to occur for 160 days, the approximate duration of wintertime conditions with no recharge (generally, late October until early April). After 160 days of no surface recharge, spring snowmelt recharge followed by summer and fall rains would be expected to replenish the aquifer. The assumptions of the Theis model will be discussed in more detail subsequently in this evaluation. Initial Theis Single-Well Simulation Drawdown in a single pumping well is considered. A drawdown of 68 feet is calculated at the pumping well after pumping for 160 days at a rate of 450 gpd. Most future wells are expected to have more than this amount of available drawdown and should be able to sustain this amount of pumping and drawdown. Well 2, though, for example, may need to be deepened if this amount of drawdown were to occur. Initial Theis Well-Pair Simulation The effects of pumping a well on a neighboring well in J asmine Subdivision is investigated by simulating the amount of drawdown at a distance of 50 feet, with all other parameters being the same as above. This results in a calculation of 31 feet of drawdown in the neighboring well. Combined with 68 feet of drawdown in the single well simulation, 99 feet of drawdown is calculated. This is also less than the expected available drawdown in most future wells and both wells should be able to sustain this amount of pumping and drawdown. Again, though, a well such as Well 2 may need to be deepened if this amount of drawdown were to occur. Initial Theis Neighborhood Analysis A neighborhood analysis was conducted by examining the total amount of projected pumpage from the aquifer of 5400 gpd (450 gpd times 12 lots). This analysis was performed by considering the effects of pumping on a well located adjacent to Jasmine Subdivision on Lot 4A of Block 5 of Skyline View #1 (see Vicinity Map). A review of the data in Table 1 suggests that this well could be the most susceptible to interference from future pumping at Jasmine Subdivision. To conduct the analysis, the distances from each proposed well location shown in J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 9 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska the Vicinity Map to the well on Lot 4A were determined and used to calculate drawdown using the same aquifer parameters and pumping amounts and durations described above. The total drawdown calculated for the well on Lot 4A is determined by adding all of the individual well pair drawdowns using the principal of superposition. This analysis resulted in a total of 186 feet of calculated drawdown in the well on Lot 4A. This is considerably more than the 80 or so feet of available drawdown in the well and, if realized, would result in the well going dry. Using a similar method, drawdown caused by all 12 wells in Jasmine Subdivision on Well 2 resulted in a calculated 256 feet of drawdown (including a calculation of 68 feet caused by its own pumping). Since Well 2 is only 143 feet deep, this also exceeds the amount of available drawdown in this well, although it is conceivable that the well could be deepened to accommodate the drawdown. Field Observations Related to Accuracy of the Initial Theis Simulations. Several lines of reasoning supported by field observations suggest that the initial Theis analysis is overly conservative and produces projections of drawdown in this area that are unrealistically large. 1. Absence of long-term water-level declines in the bedrock aquifer. Data shown in Table 1 indicate that the bedrock aquifer in this area has not experienced long-term water-level declines with the existing amount of development. The well on Lot 4A of Skyline View #1, Block 5, for example, reportedly had the water level actually rise in two successive measurements since the well was drilled. Also, the water levels in the four test wells described in this evaluation are all relatively near the land surface, indicating that the aquifer has not experienced major water-level declines to date. The Theis analysis described above for a single well indicates that, if the analysis were accurate, at least several tens of feet of water-level declines would be evident. The absence of such declines suggests that the model may not be accurate and that additional development and groundwater usage in the area may be possible. 2. Absence of responses in monitoring wells located more than 100 feet from pumping well. If all the assumptions in the initial Theis simulations are valid, then the model results indicate that some drawdown should have been observed at Well 1 or Well 2 in response to the 24-hour test at Well 10. Using a value of transmissivity of 0.54 ft2/day (intermediate in value between the values determined at the well pairs) calculations show that drawdown should have been observed in either Wells 1 or 2 ranging from 15 to 22 feet (Table 4). In fact, no drawdown was observed in Wells 1 or 2 during the testing of Well 10. Similarly, no drawdown was observed in Well 11 from the testing of Well 2, or in Wells 1 or 2 from the testing of Well 11. These data, together with analysis of the well logs showing that fracture systems occur at different depths in the wells, indicate that fracture systems between the wells (except for the Well 1/Well 2 pair) are not closely interconnected at the scale of individual wells. Wells 1 and 2 are 57 feet apart and the other wells are all more than 100 feet apart. Thus, at distances of more than about 100 feet, wells may tap separate fracture systems and projections of drawdown by the initial Theis simulations may not be accurate. J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 10 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Table 4 Results of simulation of pumping at Well 10 on surrounding test wells. Location Well depth (feet below land surface) Distance from Well 10, r (feet) Calculated drawdown (feet) Lot 1, Jasmine 303 160 15 Lot 2, Jasmine 143 120 22 Lot 11, Jasmine 443 280 4.3 Lot 10, Jasmine 283 Nil (r = radius of well = 0.25 ft) 213 Notes: Parameters used for simulation: transmissivity (T) = 0.54 ft2/day storativity (S) = 0.000024 time of pumping (t) = 1 day pumping rate (Q) = 0.55 gpm 3. Absence of reports of well disturbances caused by testing or hydrofracking. There were no known reports of any well issues in surrounding wells during any of the three 24-hour aquifer tests at Jasmine Subdivision, nor from any of the hydrofracking operations. This is also an indication that fracture systems are generally not closely interconnected in the area. The Theis assumptions regarding a homogeneous aquifer therefore may not be valid and the resulting calculations may be inaccurate. 4. Disparate static water levels in closely spaced wells. The static water level at Skyline View #1 Block 5, Lot 4A is approximately 50 feet lower in elevation relative to mean sea level than the static water level at Well 2, indicating that they likely tap separate fracture zones. The wells are only approximately 225 feet apart. Influence of the "Scale Effect" on Transmissivity In an attempt to explain observations 1 through 4 above and improve the reliability and accuracy of model calculations, the concept of the "scale effect" on aquifer transmissivity is evaluated for this area. Of all the model parameters, aquifer transmissivity is one of the most important for determining model results and is, in general, difficult to specify accurately. This discussion will focus on aquifer hydraulic conductivity, K, which is directly proportional to transmissivity (K is equal to transmissivity divided by aquifer thickness and is the parameter most often discussed in the literature on this topic). It has long been known that values of hydraulic conductivity determined on small aquifer sample volumes, such as core samples from drill holes, are commonly much lower than values determined for the same aquifer from single-well piezometer tests. Similarly, values determined from piezometer tests are also likely to be lower than values determined from larger-scale aquifer pumping tests such as were conducted for this project. Furhtermore, these falues are likely to be J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 11 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska lower than values from even larger-scale tracer tests, modeling studies, long-term multi-well aquifer tests, water budget studies, or other means. This is termed the "scale effect". Schulze-Makuch and others (1999) presented quantitative formulas for evaluating the scale effect in a variety of different aquifer types, including heterogeneous fractured rock aquifers, which is the type of aquifer at Jasmine Subdivision. They found that a formula could be used to relate values of hydraulic conductivity determined at a local scale such as an aquifer test, up to the scale that would be required for modeling such as a Theis analysis. A determination of the approximate volume of the aquifer tested by the relevant test is central to their analysis. For the three tests performed, assuming that the effective porosity of the aquifer is approximately 1%, the calculated volume of aquifer volume tested is approximately 1000 m3. Schulze-Makuch and others (1999) show that the scale effect causes an increase in hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer up to an aquifer volume of approximately 10,000 m3, beyond which hydraulic conductivity no longer increases with scale. An equation they provide suggests that up-scaling hydraulic conductivity from 1000 m3 to 10,000 m3, should result in an increase of hydraulic conductivity by a factor of approximately 8.1 times. This scaling factor is modest compared to the range of bedrock aquifer transmissivities provided in Table 1 that exhibit a factor of over 2000 times from the smallest to the largest. This scaling phenomenon indicates that the aquifer tests performed do not provide reliable representative values of transmissivity (or hydraulic conductivity) for the aquifer at Jasmine Subdivision. In practice, this means that the wells drilled do not effectively tap all of the fracture systems that are present in the larger aquifer volume. This helps to explain the observations that fracture systems are not closely interconnected at the scale of individual wells located more than 100 feet apart. This also helps explain why hydrofracking works. Hydrofracking essentially expands the volume of aquifer tapped by the well resulting in a higher effective transmissivity and higher yields in hydrofracked wells. In order to evaluate the scale effect further, the model was revised using a value of hydraulic conductivity that is 8.1 times larger than that used for the initial Theis analysis, or 0.0376 ft/day. The results of the original analysis and the revised analysis are presented in Table 5. As can be seen in Table 5, much less drawdown is projected by the revised model than the initial model. These drawdowns, although substantially less than those project by the initial model, could still cause difficulty in the ability of wells to provide water because Wells 1 and 2, for example, obtain portions of their yield from bedrock fractures near the bedrock surface (depths less than 50 feet) and these fracture systems could be dewatered by a few tens of feet of water- level decline. A potential remedy is to deepen and/or hydrofrack such wells. J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 12 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Table 5. Results of initial and revised Theis simulations Location Initial (T1) drawdown (feet) Revised (T2) drawdown (feet) Single well 68 9.2 Cumulative effects on the well at Skyline View #1, Block 5, Lot 4A 186 34.1 Cumulative effects on the well at Lot 2, Jasmine Subdivision 256 42.1 Notes: Parameters used for simulation: transmissivities: T1 = 1.39 ft2/day (0.00464 ft/day x 300 ft aquifer thickness) T2 = 11.3 ft2/day (0.0376 ft/day x 300 ft aquifer thickness) storativity (S) = 0.000024 time of pumping (t) = 160 days pumping rate (Q) = 450 gpd (0.3125 gpm) Other limitations of the Theis Assumptions 1. Recharge. The assumption of no recharge for 160 days is not strictly valid because very little of the water pumped by the well is actually consumed. Almost all water (except that evapotranspirated by in-home plant watering, shower aerosols, and clothes drying, for example) is returned to the ground through the septic system below seasonally-frozen soils. This water (after treatment by the soil) reenters the groundwater system and functions like recharge to help maintain water levels in the aquifer. An analysis of annual recharge to the area of Jasmine Subdivision indicates that, on an annual average basis, recharge should be sufficient to sustain demand from the aquifer (see p. 2 of this letter). 2. Actual water use. Water usage in residential areas is typically less than the 450 gpd that was assumed for the initial and revised model simulations. In bedroom communities of Eagle River, for example, Munter (1984) estimated that average household water use was about 400 gallons per day. The MOA criteria of 450 gpd for a three-bedroom house is based on water usage of 75 gpd/person and double occupancy of each bedroom. In reality, the actual occupancy of most three-bedroom homes probably averages four or fewer people, and using the MOA water usage amount of 75 gpd/person, would result in 300 gpd or less of actual daily water usage. In the Theis model, calculated drawdown is directly proportional to the simulated pumping rate. Since 300 gpd is a one third reduction from the 450 gpd value that was modeled, the drawdown values shown in Table 5 could plausible also by reduced by one third. 3. Heterogeneity. Heterogeneity means that the aquifer is not uniform across the modeled area. This is reflected in the earlier-described analysis that wells seem to be tapping separate fracture systems (except the Well 1/Well 2 pair) and from the review of area well data provided in Table 1. This means that some wells are likely to respond less than projected to pumping and other wells may respond more. A peculiarity of fractured rock aquifers is that wells that are more distant from the pumping well may tap into the same fracture network as the pumped well, resulting in more drawdown than might be observed in a well that is closer to the pumped well. J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 13 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska This heterogeneity complements the scale effect by providing a conceptual framework in which single wells may have limited connectivity to the larger-scale fracture network in the broader neighborhood. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Most new wells at Jasmine Subdivision would be expected to tap the bedrock aquifer, although a few may tap an unlithified sand and gravel aquifer. Wells tapping a sand and gravel aquifer in the area have generally been better producers than bedrock wells and would be expected to provide sufficient water and not create adverse effects on surrounding wells. Testing has shown that the bedrock aquifer productivity is sufficient to support on-site wells for three-bedroom homes, although wells may need to be drilled deep (up to about 500 feet) and may need to be hydrofracked, perhaps multiple times. Hydrofracking has been shown to be an effective methodology for increasing the yield of marginal wells in this area, which is consistent with findings in other areas where bedrock wells are common (New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, 2020). Data shown in Table 1 indicate that the existing development has not resulted in a noticeable decline in water levels in the area, indicating that the aquifer could support additional development. This may be because pumping from wells and return of water through septic systems is largely non-consumptive of groundwater and because the aquifer has a higher transmissivity than was derived directly from the aquifer tests. An initial groundwater model analysis using the Theis method based on geometric mean hydraulic conductivity values determined from three aquifer tests indicated that development of new wells at Jasmine Subdivision could result in drawdown of about 200 feet or more in wells, exceeding available drawdown in some wells and necessitating well deepening or hydrofracking. The initial model is concluded to be overly conservative because an analysis of the scale effect indicates that existing aquifer test data results in an under-estimate of the value of transmissivity that should be applied to a model of the entire neighborhood. Available observations and site-specific hydrogeologic analysis support this interpretation. Specifically:  some surrounding wells tapped highly fractured and water-producing zones in bedrock that may be the result of ancient regional-scale faulting that passes through the vicinity.  fracture systems tapped at the scale of individual wells have been shown to not be closely interconnected based on well logs, water level data, and aquifer testing during which drawdown did not occur in monitoring wells except in the closely spaced wells on Lots 1 and 2;  There are no known reports of adverse effects from aquifer testing and hydrofracking activity from neighbors;  The model does not consider recharge for the simulation period of 160 days, whereas some recharge likely occurs from septic systems because most water use in homes is non- consumptive; and J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 14 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska  A groundwater recharge analysis to the area of Jasmine Subdivision indicates that on an annual average basis, there should be enough recharge to sustain projected demand from the aquifer. A revised model analysis using hydraulic conductivity values based on the "scale effect" indicates that drawdowns in Jasmine Subdivision and neighboring wells are projected to be approximately in the range of 30 to 40 feet, which is about one sixth as much as the initial model. These simulations are considered to be more reliable than the initial model simulations and appear to be more consistent with field observations and analyses. Under the conditions simulated with the revised model, new Jasmine Subdivision and surrounding wells are concluded to be likely to be able to reasonably acquire water for ongoing domestic usage, although some wells may need to be deepened or hydrofracked or both. Considering the details of wells constructed on 11 properties surrounding Jasmine Subdivision (Table 1), 5 wells were found to be tapping sand and gravel aquifers. These wells generally have higher yields than bedrock wells and are not considered to be at risk for experiencing the amount of drawdown projected for bedrock wells by the model results. Two bedrock wells are high- yield wells (12 and 22 gpm, respectively, and have 100 feet or more of water in them and are also not considered to be at risk for experiencing water problems as a result of development of Jasmine Subdivision. Of the four remaining wells, Their depths are 160 feet, 245 feet, 285 feet, and 307 feet. Three deepest of these appear to have at least 200 feet of water in their casing under static conditions would not appear to be adversely affected by the model-projected 30-40 feet of drawdown. The 160-ft deep well, is reported to have variously 70, 77, or 103 feet of water in the casing and, with reported well yield or flow rate data of 8, 2, and 6+ gpm, may also operate normally with 30 to 40 feet of drawdown. Thus, considering that: 1) existing development has not resulted in observed water-level declines in the area; 2) residential water use is considered non-consumptive and is available for general groundwater recharge (along with adequate amounts of natural recharge); 3) some bedrock wells exhibit considerable well productivity; 4) bedrock fracture systems appear to be not very well connected over distances of 100 to 300 feet; and 5) general model uncertainty, model results are not considered to be predictive that adverse effects would occur in wells on surrounding properties. Based on all available testing results and information, adequate water supplies are concluded to be available for properties surrounding Jasmine Subdivision. All four of the non high-yield bedrock wells surrounding Jasmine Subdivision were drilled in the 1980s. Low-yield bedrock wells commonly experience declining yield as they age as a result of plugging of bedrock fractures from chemical or physical material deposition. For example, as water levels are drawn down in a well as a result of normal well operation, borehole sides are exposed to atmospheric oxygen and this tends to transform relatively soluble dissolved iron common in groundwater (iron in the +2 oxidation state) into relatively insoluble iron oxy- hydroxides, in which iron is in the +3 oxidation state. Periodic cleaning or chemical or physical treatment of the well is usually needed to restore well yields in this situation. J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 15 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska CLOSING Should you have any questions about this evaluation, please call me at 345-0165 or 727-6310. Sincerely, J. A. Munter Consulting, Inc. James A. Munter, CPG, CGWP Principal Hydrogeologist Certified Ground Water Professional No. 119481 Alaska Licensed Professional Geologist No. 568 Attachments Vicinity Map Proposed Jasmine Subdivision Aquifer Test Well Location Plan Test Well Logs - Jasmine (Wells 1, 2, 10, and 11) Jasmine Frack Reports Lots 11, 1 and 10 Test pumping data (Wells 2, 10 and 11) Aquifer analyses -Jasmine (Wells 2, 1, 10 and 11) References Cited Brunett, Jilann O. and Michael Lee, 1983, Hydrogeology for land-use planning: the Peters Creek area, Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska, Water-Resources Investigations Report 82-4120. Duffield, Glen M., 2007, AQTESOLVtm for Windowstm, Version 4.50 Professional, HydroSOLVE, Inc., copyright 1996-2007. Freeze R. A., and J. A. Cherry, 1979, Groundwater, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 604 p. Kikuchi, Colin P., 2013, Shallow Groundwater in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, Alaska - Conceptualization and Simulation of Flow. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5049. Municipality of Anchorage, undated, Aquifer Test Procedures. 1 p. Munter, J.A., 1984, Ground-water occurrence in Eagle River: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 84-21, 15 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/2380 New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, 2020, Environmental Fact Sheet, Well development by hydro-fracturing, DWGB-1-3, 2 p. Accessed on 12/9/20 at: https://www.des.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt341/files/documents/2020-01/dwgb-1-3.pdf J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Evaluation of aquifers at Page 16 of 16 February 17, 2021 Jasmine Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Papadopulos, I.S. and H.H. Cooper, 1967, Drawdown in a well of large diameter, Water Resources Research, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 241-244. Schulz-Makuch, D., D. A. Carlson, D. S. Cherkauer, and P. Malik, 1999, Scale dependency of hydraulic conductivity in heterogeneous media, Ground Water, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp 904-919. Accessed at http://seismo.berkeley.edu/~manga/cherk1.pdf, 12/4/2020. Theis, C. V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage: Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 2, pp 519-524. Yehle, L. A, and H. R. Schmoll, 1987, Surficial geologic map of the Anchorage B-7 NW Quadrangle, Alaska, U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-168. Zenone, Chester, Schmoll, H.R., and Dobrovolny, Ernest, 1974, Geology and ground water for land use planning in the Eagle River-Chugiak area, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 74-57, 25 p., 1 sheet. Lot 11 Well Depth 445 Lot 1 Well Depth 305 Elapsed Time Depth to Gallons per Remarks in Minutes Water Lot 2 Minute Wheaton Water Well, Inc. Lot 1 Monitoring for Lot 2 1190 N. Wasilla-Fishhook Road Wasilla, AK 99654 Start Pumping- Used Flaw (907)376-2041 logger depth at 46.45 Well Flow Test Project: Tray Davis Homes Date of Test: March 19 ,2020 Well Site: Jasmine Sub. Casing: 47.5' of Steel Casing Legal: 007 TRC Screen: N/A Well Depth: Date Level Taken: March 19 ,2020 Static Water Level: 29.01 Drilled By: Wheaton Water Well, Inc. Date Drilled: 2/20/2020 30.95 tat 2 Well Depth 20 145 Lot 11 Well Depth 445 Lot 1 Well Depth 305 Elapsed Time Depth to Gallons per Remarks in Minutes Water Lot 2 Minute Lot it Lot 1 Monitoring for Lot 2 10:45 am Start Pumping- Used Flaw logger depth at 14.12 logger depth at 46.45 0 29.01 0 Restnctor to regulate flow 739 25-15 1 30.35 2 1:45 8.07 7.39 25.15 2 30.95 2 20 7-4 25.15 3 31.39 2 4:00 8.03 7.45 25.17 4 31.74 2 35 7.45 - 25.19 5 32-1 2 8.1 25.2 6 32.43 2 50 8.1 25.22 7 32.75 2 8.53 25.22 8 33 2 65 9 25.23 9 33.39 2 9.5 25-25 10 33.69 2 9.73 25.29 15 3455 2 10.2 25.3 20 35.31 2 10.66 25.55 25 36-18 2 11 26.3 30 36.91 2 11.6 26.85 bu 38.86 2 1 hour 11.59 29.32 90 41.01 2 11.57 30.02 120 46.83 2 2 hours 11.58 31.8 150 52.35 1.9 11.59 33.65 180 57.17 1.9 3 hours 11.6 36.57 210 60.93 1.9 9.4 3&25 240 63.91 1.8 4 hours 7.78 39.9 300 69.81 1.7 5 hours 8.1 41.15 360 74.01 1.6 8.26 42.21 420 78.4 1.6 8.34 42-73 480 87.78 1.6 8.39 43.13 540 87.15 1.6 8.4 43.44 600 91.6 1.5 10 hours 8.39 43.71 660 96.11 1A 8.41 43.91 720 100.61 1.2 8.39 44.04 780 102.75 1 8.36 44.26 840 102.75 1 8.33 44.4 900 102.75 1 15 hours 8.3 44.52 960 102.75 1 8.26 44.62 1020 102.75 1 8.23 44.7 1080 102.75 1 8.2 44.78 1140 102.75 1 8.19 44.87 1200 102.75 1 20 hours 8.17 44.96 1260 102.75 1 8.16 45,04 1320 102.75 1 8.13 45.1 1380 102.75 1 8.11 45.15 1440 102J5 1 Stop Pumping -10:46 am 8.11 45.24 Total Gallons Pumped: 1958 Draw pawn/Recovery 3/20/2020 3/20/2020 0 102.7 Stopped Pumping 11:00 8.11 10:45 45.24 5 98 12:45 8.09 11:00 44.12 10 93.31 1:45 8.07 12:00 35.84 15 87.79 2:45 8.06 1:45 33.25 20 84.15 3:00 8.03 2:00 31.49 25 79.35 4:00 8.03 3:00 30.26 30 74.79 5:00 8.04 4:00 29.62 35 70.45 5:00 29.08 40 65.84 6:00 28.65 45 61.31 50 57.18 55 53.58 60 50.48 65 48.2 Total Gallons Pumped: 1958 Wheaton Water Well, Inc. 1190 N. Wasilla-Fishhook Road Wasilla, AK 99654 (907)376-2041 WELL FLOW TEST Project: TDH- Jasmin Lot 10 Date of Test: Nov. 11, 2020 Well Site: Jasmin Lot 10 Casing: 44' of 6" ID Steel Well Depth: 285' Screen: N/A Static Water Level: 15.91 Date Level Taken: Nov. 11, 2020 Date Drilled: 8/3/2020 Drilled By: Wheaton Water Well, Inc Elapsed Time Depth To Gallons Per Remarks In Minutes Water Minute 44027.6 0 15.91 0 Start Pumping- 9:57am 1 27.52 10.5 2 31.61 8.4 3 37.83 4 45.78 8.3 5 50.14 8.3 6 55.28 9.0 7 61.43 9.8 8 66.89 9.1 9 72.11 9.0 10 7698 9.2 15 110.24 9.0 20 131.78 9.5 25 152.25 8.5 30 174.81 8.2 Low Water protec kicked on @10:50 226.21' Run Dry 44367.1 339.5 Gal pumped 444424.5 shut off at 11:23am pumped 57.4 gal in 33min 12 sec Kicked on @11:48 meter 44422.3 44479.2 12:18pm 569 gal 3:12prn 44628.2 3:19pm 44625.6 3:46pm 44644.7 16.5 gallons 9:24am 45107.8 31.9 gallons 45128.3 45140.2 27min. 59 see 11.9 gallons Average- 10:50 am- 10:12 am .55gpm 11-13 4 Draw Down/Recovery 10,50 219.21 11:00 216.23 11:10 213.25 11:20 210.27 11:30 207.34 11:40 204.43 11:50 201.64 12:00pm 198.97 12:10 196.39 12:20 193.78 12:30 191.21 12:40 188.70 12:50 186.39 1:00 183.95 1:10 181.63 1:20 180.73 1:30 179.86 1:40 178.78 1:50 177.70 2:00pm 176.64 2:10 175.58 3:00 170.51 4:00 164.84 5:00 159.49 6:00 154.25 7:00 149.34 11:OOpm 132.29 3:00am 114.12 7:00 100.84 11:00 90.44 3:00pm 80.98 7:00 pm 73.61 11:00pm 66.58 3:00am 6095 7:00 55.99 11:04 51.60 3:00prn 47.82 Stopped Pumping Stopped Pumping Wheaton Water Well, Inc. 1190 N. Wasilla-Fish hook Road Wasilla, AK 99654 (907)376-2041 Well Flow Test Project: Troy Davis Homes Date of Test: 6/15/2020 Well Site: Jasmine Lot 11 Casing: Well Depth: 445 Screen: Static Water Level: 6.02 Date Level Taken: 6/15/2020 Date Drilled: 2/6/2020 Drilled By: Wheaton Water Well Elapsed Time Depth to Gallons per Remarks in Minutes Water Minute 0 6.02 Start Pumping 9:00am-Totalizer 28232.5 1 10.7 10 2 17.34 10 * Unable to get 2nd pipe down hole 3 22.48 10 for water level probe. 4 27.56 10 5 32.27 10 6 36.59 10 7 41.32 10 8 45.15 10 9 49.05 10 10 53.02 10 15 67.18 10 20 85.29 9.5 25 104.62 9 31.5 123.78 7.3 63 207.47 6.25 1 hour 107 307.82 -Unable to track water level 4.2 121 336.94??- Lost Water Level 4 2 hours 143 (Reset timer on pump to automatically 3 155 come on every 15 min. } 3.8 166 4 176 4.4 188 4.2 3 hours 198 Ran Out Pump Cavitated Totalizer- 29346.5 199 1.1 480 1.1 540 1.1 600 1.1 10 hours 660 1.1 720 1.1 780 1.1 840 1.1 900 1.1 15 hours 960 1.1 1020 1.1 1080 1.1 1140 1.1 1200 1.1 20 hours 1260 1.1 1320 1.1 1380 1.1 1440 1.1 Stop Pumping- 9:15 am 6-16-20 Pump Off 9:15AM 150 164 182 195 212 256 258 307 333 378 424 523 6/17/2020 729 1418 1441 Draw Down/Recovery 6/17/2020 Loggers Removed Lot 1- 1422- set at 45' Lot 2- 1428- set at 50' **Notes: Pump cavitated at 198 minutes after pumping 1114 gallons. Pump set at 422'. Casing holds approx. 624 gallons. After cavitation production rate was 2.4 gpm @205 min. 422 301.12 287.08 273.2 257.04 242.16 248.52 230.39 216.93 200.28 179.71 165.94 148.12 67.93 24.21 22.94 20.3 25.71 Totalizer: 30734.6 Stopped Pumping F -01M D 64 i s p a 48. c e m e t 32. f t 16. Data Set 1, 10. 100. 1000. Time (min) WELL TEST ANALYSIS Date: 06118/20 Time: 14:52:26 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: J A Munter Consulting Inc Client: Jasmine Subd Location: Well Test Well: Well 2 Test Date: 3119120-3120120 Saturated Thickness: 143. ft WELL DATA 1.0E+4 AQUIFER DATA Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1. Pumping Wells _ Observation Wells Well Name _ X ft Y(ft) Well Name X (ft) Well 2- 0 0 Well 2 0 Aquifer Model- Confined T = 1.438 ft2/day r(w) = 0,25 ft SOLUTION Solution Method: Papadopulos-Cooper S = 0.3101 r(c) = 0.25 ft 30. D 24. i s p I a 18. C e M e t 12. l f t 6. 0." II u I 4, hi k 1h h14 n 4 I I I I I I I 10. 100. 1000 Time (min) Data Set: Date: 06/18/20 Company: J A Munter Consulting Inc Client: Jasmine Subd Location: Well Test Well: Wel! 2 Test Date- 3119120-3120120 Saturated Thickness: 143. ft WELL TEST ANALYSIS Time: 16:10:37 PROJECT INFORMATION AQUIFER DATA 1.0E+4 Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1. WELL DATA Pumping Wells Observation Wells Well NameX ft Y ft Well Name X ft Y ft Wel! 2 0 0 ❑ Wel! 1 0 57 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Papadopulos-Cooper T = 4.836 ft2/day S = 2.416E-5 r(w) = 0.25 ft r(c) = 0.25 ft 1000: D i S p a c e m 100. e n t 1 f t } FE] Data Set- C-\...lwell 10 final.agtt Date: 12/09/20 10. 100. 1000. Time (min) AQUIFER TEST Company: J A Munter Consulting Inc_ Client: Troy Davis Homes Project: Jasmine Subd. Location: Well 10 Test Well: Well 10 Test Date: 11111120-11112120 Time: 16:09:44 PROJECT INFORMATION 1.0E+4 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 269. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr). 1. WELL DATA Pumping Wells Observation Wells Well Name X ft Y ft Well NameX (ft)Y (ft} Well 10 Well 10 0 0 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Papadopulos-Cooper T = 0.133 ft2/day S = 0.007934 r(w) = 1 ft rlcl = 0 95 ft ❑ ❑ n ❑ ❑ Ll ❑ ❑ ❑ Data Set- C-\...lwell 10 final.agtt Date: 12/09/20 10. 100. 1000. Time (min) AQUIFER TEST Company: J A Munter Consulting Inc_ Client: Troy Davis Homes Project: Jasmine Subd. Location: Well 10 Test Well: Well 10 Test Date: 11111120-11112120 Time: 16:09:44 PROJECT INFORMATION 1.0E+4 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 269. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr). 1. WELL DATA Pumping Wells Observation Wells Well Name X ft Y ft Well NameX (ft)Y (ft} Well 10 Well 10 0 0 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Papadopulos-Cooper T = 0.133 ft2/day S = 0.007934 r(w) = 1 ft rlcl = 0 95 ft I s p I a c e m e n t f t 1000. _ ---T . . "T- __7 T-r--'-TTTF-- ! F L 100. 10. 10. 100. 1000 Time (min) WELL TEST ANALYSIS Data Set- G -X ... \Well 11 test final analysis acit Date- 12/09/20 Time: 1617-03 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: J A Munter Consulting Inc Client: Jasmine Subd Location: Well 11 Test Well: Well 11 Test Date: 6/15/20-6/16/20 Saturated Thickness- 443. ft 1.OE+4 AQUIFER DATA Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr)- 1. Pumping Wells Observation Wells Well Name X (ft) Y Well - I Name- A) ...... Y (ft) Well. -1 1 0 0 WeIH1 0 0 SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Papaclopulos-Coope T = 1.279 ft2/day S = 5.664E-12 r(w) = 0.25 ft r(c) = 0.25 ft PARKS CREEK CIRCLE JA S M I N E R O A D SCALE: 1" = 250' VICINITY MAP 1"=250' FEET 0 250 500 SUMAC DRIVE MOUNTAIN ASH DR Name: Address: City: Well Site: Additional: Well Depth: Below Ground: Above Ground: Gal/Min: Static Level: Casing: Liner Pipe: Screened: Perforated: Grouted: Depth: Develop. Method: Use of Well: Drilling Method: Misc: Wheaton Water Well, Inc. 1190 N. Wasilla-Fishhook Road Wasilla, AK 99654 Troy Davis Homes 1689 S Knik Goose Bay Rd. #400 Wasilla State: AK 007TRC G:1059 Jasmine Subdivision 305 ft. From: 2o: 303 ft. 2 25 2 ft. 25 32 1/3 gpm 32 43 43 45 45 107 107 126 45` of 6 in. x .25 in. steel" 126 262262 268 N/A 268 270 270 279 N/A 279 305 N/A Grouted 20'+ Air Residential Rota ry well chlorinated to 50 ppm Zip Code: 99654 Lot/Block: 1 Formation: stick up gravel/dirt/wet gravel/dirt/water gravel/silt bedrock/grey/little water fracture wet @46'/ Fracture 87' 1/3 gpm green bedrock/ fracture 177' 1/8gpm grey bedrock green bedrock shale/grey bedrock coal green bedrock Other: flowrateto be determined at Aquafir Test Date Drilled: 2/17/2020 Driller: Brandon Moore Wheaton Water Well, Inca 1190 N. Wasilla-Fishhook Road Wasilla, AK 99654 (907)376-2041 Name: Troy Davis Homes Address: 1689 S Knik Goose Bay Rd. #400 City: Wasilla State: AK Zip Code: 99654 Well Site: 007TRC G:1059 Lot/Block: 2 Additional: Jasmine Subdivision Well Depth: 145 ft. From: To: Formation: 0 2 stick up Below Ground: 143 ft. 2 32 dirt/gravel Above Ground: 2 ft. 32 43 water/gravel/dirt Gal /Min: 2 9P m 43 132 green bedrock 132 145 green bedrock Static Level: Casing: 47' 6" of 6 in. x .25 in. steel" Liner Pipe: N/A Screened: N/A Perforated: 43-45' Grouted: Grouted Depth: 20'+ Develop. Method: Air Use of Well: Residential Drilling Method: Rotary Misc: well chlorinated to 50 ppm Other: flowrate to be determined at Aquafir Test Date Drilled: 2/20/2020 Driller: Brandon Moore Wheaton Water Well, Inc. 1190 N. Wasilla-Fish hook Road Wasilla, AK 99654 (907)376-2041 Name: Troy Davis Homes Address: 1689 S Knik Goose Bay Rd. #400 City: Wasilla State: AK Zip Code: 99654 Well Site: Jasmine Lot/Block: 10 Additional: Well Depth: 285 ft From: To: Formation: 0 6 silt/gravel Below Ground: 283 ft. 6 12 cobble/boulders Above Ground: 2 ft. 12 14 damp gravel/silt Gal/Min: 0.25 14 51 bed rock grey 51 86 bedrock white soft Static Level: 1-7 { `'' 86 131 grey hard rock 131 228 sandstone 44ft. of 6 in. x .25 in. steel 8" 228 245 hard grey rock Casing: Hole to 41' for surface seal 245 285 hard grey white rock Liner Pipe: N/A Screened: N/A Perforated: N/A Grouted: Yes Depth: N/A Develop. Method: Air Use of Well: Residential Drilling Method: Rotary Misc: Other: Date Drilled: 8/3/2020 Driller: Ben Mattson SELLS . _ Lot 10 Jasmine Hydrof'racking Aug. -Oct. 2020 Well was drilled to a depth of 285. Production gate off drill rig showed..25 gpm. Well was (racked, then pumped to remove injected water. After injected water was removed, well recovery rate was tested at .33 gpm. Well was fracked a second time then pumped to remove injected water. After second frack well recovery rate was tested at .42 gpm. 11901N. Wasilla-Fishhook Road Wasilla. AK 99654 907-376-2041 RiN: 907-376-2030 office whe tonwellsxorn www.wlleatonwells.coin Wheaton Water Well, Inc. 1190 N. Wasilla-Fishhook Road Wasilla, AK 99654 (907)376-2041 Name: Troy Davis Homes Address: 1689 S Knik Goose Bay Rd. #400 City: Wasilla State: AK Zip Code: 99654 Well Site: 007TRC G:1059 Lot/Block: 11 Additional: Jasmine Subdivision Well Depth: 445 ft. From: To: Formation: 0 2 stick up Below Ground: 443 ft. 2 14 sand/silt Above Ground: 2 ft. 14 125 Bedrock Grey Gal/Min: 125 132 coal 132 205 bedrock grey/fracture wet Static Level: 205 247 grey bedrock/fracture 1/8 gpm 247 274 grey bedrock Casing: „ „ 15.6 of 6 in. x .25 in. steel 274 276 coal 276 285 grey bedrock/fracture 1/8 gpm Liner Pipe: N/A 285 288 coal 288 302 grey bedrock/fracture Screened: N/A 317 317 coal 410 grey bedrock Perforated: N/A 410 420 white bedrock 420 445 grey bedrock Bentonite- using 4"pvc Grouted: liner & shale packer Depth: 16'-55' Develop. Method: Air Use of Well: Residential Drilling Method: Rotary Mlsc: well chlorinated to 50 ppm Other: flowrate to be determined at Aquafir Test Date Drilled: 2/6/2020 Driller: Brandon Moore WELLS ,Jasmine Hydrofracking 2020 Lot 11 Well drilled to 445'. Production rate checked by bucket off rig showed a production rate of approximately .30 gpm. Well was fracked, then pumped to remove ir►jected water. After injected water was removed, the well recovery rate was tested at .42 gpm. At hydrologist recommendation well was fracked again. After injected water was removed the well tested at 1.1 gpm for the 24 hour subdivision flow test. Work completed on 611612020. Lot 1 Well drilled to 305'. Production rate checked by bucket off rig showed a production rate of approximately .30 gpm. Well was fracked, then pumped to remove injected water. After injected water was removed, the well recovery rate was tested at 1.14 gpm. Work completed on 3/13/202. 1190 N. Wasilla-Fishhook Road Wasilla. AK 99654 907-376-2041 Fax: 907-376-2030 office wheatonwells_com www.wlieatonlwells.com