HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAND LAKE #2 Block 4 Lots 7, 8, 45 & 46 Water System InformationF LOT ?,9 ) 15,E July two '. William L Cresch 2221 nth star diva yrs Aima 119503 Dear M. C9004h* GAABd visf on t. water system 16140mce is a to our letter to you of i5° ifte 1970,, M4 that reply Of HC- 0: A, ffid 1. Your 4A&UwQr# of 26 Awe 19700 eon[` ming 00 sub&ct pvojoct. OFJ t$ Wit; thO PU1006 StLLVtor is agrAptablet the Axa of t UPS r is utas the VJCi .ty W SatiSfegtorily Shows the logation of this site io r4lasti0ft to thO O tys and the ALstafectica prrmsedora Mae our scesi TW it o 141 r, be VAMUOURd. RW"U& the use of Hy4rogaljor all C044orned aboold be amre that while tbeeo Aeviges Will i040AW T la no0oure flMctwMjM##fir voter tty to y limited and isavoided JA tho catalog slats that . From � andshipping rssl xtss i t felly tie i r out at about `i Salons Por call for the meter pr t the 9190-7022 Vie. Consequently the Pu" Sieg will be fraw"t to SAY the 10"t, ale we will apt the HydVocel. ve recommud a hydroma do as a rs practicable solutiou. -%C40"dl # we bei" a that tudiviftal ate 4LAPOSSI system can be vousttra cted on the lots laftIved only with the graStest of difficulty if at alit Vitt consideration SLVMU to 00 necessary 4"umme, of go,, &,w two well to septic Unk a'ad to 4LSPOSAI 601404 res ti. 1 . Also as smated Ju our 17 Jane 1970 Lotter. this Z"e of 4isposax syst is of a t orazy native aftlyA*lime tidy ably 0109 and Mw areas mat tbon be used. rias those iALvidual ate dis Osalt systa ll infrinjo as the water supply systeat wo Rest mire a satisfactory solution to thia Clem Mere appraval aft be giveato this profit. Uerel y yrs, mrd M, aritto Sanitary Vaginaer, Division of saviroVA64tal 9061th zsl l cc; c -,.d. +1 w CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1801 Stanton Ave. -Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Phone: 279-1792 June 26, 1970 Mr, Richard H. Britt Sanitary Engineer Division of Enviornmental Health Pouch H Juneau, Alaska Dear Mr. Britt: Inference to the additional of mation requested for the water system forsand Lake Subdivision No, 2submit the following: Item (a) The attached copy from the suppliers catalog shows the N,S,F, Approved Williams Adaptor for Submersible Motor Pumps, Model No, 603 will be installed in the proposed well. Item (b) The well house and storage tank required in the original specifications will be deleted. The pitless adaptor and seal as indicated in Item (a) will be used. Item (c) The pump specified in the original specifications will be deleted and the following pump installed: Jacuzzi Submersible Pump Model No. 1554C -T2 This pump will supply 1250 G.P.H. at 40 p.s.i. with a depth to Watertable of 140" as indicated in the attached copy of the manufacturer's brochure. Also 2 hydrocels for the 30/60 p,s.i. pressure range will be installed in each residence. Attached is a copy of the manufacturer's brochure, The above combination will supply the instantaneous demand of 20 g,p,m. for a period of about 20 minutes: Item (d) A vicinity map is attached, -2- A solution containing 100 ppm of chlorine will be used for disinfection of the well, pump and distribution lines. This solution will be kept in the system for a minimum of four hours. Mr. Creech is requesting approval for the installation of the well shown on Lot 46 and the distribution system that will supply water for single family residences on Lots 7, 8, 45 and 46. He will be glad to modify the sanitary disposal system shown to provide a more adaptable system if you so recommend. Please let me know if any further clarification on the above water system is required. Sincerely, Glenn A, Huff, 'P, E.. J cc: Greater Anchorage Area Borough William Creech Z2 Z3 �q I � Z• � C� �T j 30 r �na n }ei to�L / CnKLy4 tJmAll fir. Gienn A. Huff, P.E. Contracting EnKinoers ft 18ol Stanton Ave:. AncioraI1e, Alaskl 99504 Dear fir. Huff t June 22, 1970 Associates SUBJECT: Sand Leake Subcdivisi011 No. 2, Water System This office has received a copy of the review from the State Engineers regard1l'.( the subject water syste)"- fps per Mr. Britt's letter, the review is not complete; the Flans as submitted Have not been finalized and are not approved. %a request subs -%scion of the required additional infonration through this office to cOgtlCtO the aPprOval'. Pos%lbly tale con€usin& (3) wells gore shown as Creech's well the Only If set, the Other walls, confusing. RRS "ern cc. William L. Creech data on this submission was that three COIRmunity writer supplied. Isn't Mr. community water system in itis area? with their iltdic ated radii., are very Sincerely, CLIFFORD P. JUDKINS, R.S. Administrative Director By s � Re trxc Ott , . •. 1311vironrontal Health Supervisor 17 We 19TO' 2221 mrth Star Achordtx', Alaska 99503 Bear Or. freeK . Via; � Alter��° ��N La 4e'? r• r fell, Sg 1 1 POW ,s F Subdivision A. 2, This rc-r :rs to the plan of the subject project whit together win an t%ducery Ag rap rt by A. Gl tnn & u f. your consultant, were forwarded to this office . s- f g t x from P. Adkins {ins «} the Wr; ugh health 2.�3} ...t r=4>r..ap'�bI%'rzz �,+F i -.3 - r:= a.�„ � �a"' f'-. '€ *�'?i .1."`. =�_ ; 1 s. 3 if we interpret this proposal correctly. it will provide a source of ;pater for four lets, each or which 1s of gges ionat le size if waste treatownt is to be accomplished on each int. tote that if a spas l systoo is placed ced as shown 044 lot W it will he at less than theWi'um distance of 100' frOm the well Sht3yn on lot 47. further, that tic disteace of 120", proposQ well to the d*isp*sal fields va lots 5 and 4& will Vreatly restrict tic usable area for both of these fields and will leave no area for future fields when thy wKsOswe ecess r"'. If the CAI rtquires a distance between lot lines and wast diSPO al facili ie% the available area will L)e even i ure restricted. In regard o oe proposed water system and ted ,€ Ter'# ins exactly , Nt U intended we wi13 require; of , plan of the wel l showing two sanitary seal and grout seal elan of the well house in detail sufficient to show protection alainst xavF'i iehek,V£?e storage as Fqs$ifgEid by 4F+ti.m Wo4Estd stowing YhM drain. c) Ivst ntaneous demand will be about 20 tSps for a s'•erinr of about 20 WAss, For the pump lntaaded� 4 gam_ thia will require story -)'e of about 32 gallons with PrMsioa for rtswurizi g. A this respect we differ" f m= tilt uppleo(ant l tita n whicj assumes a peak instantaneous WNW =i ray bout 4 -, _. A vicinity map Showing the relation Of CA SuMVIMB_, tZ the mit, ,roper. An A I I Am L. Mech 17 June 1970 Note that disinfection of the well islf-with ;hut ,mill be necessary. A cont solution aiulng Pout 1 t" 00 ppm of chlorine for a mini= of 4 hours should be sufficient. Pleme let us know if clarification of any of the above is necessary. Sincerely yours.. Richard H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Division of Environmental vealth RIB: CW cc: C. P. judkins Q & auff June lit WO Mr. William Creech 2221 Aortia Star Drive Anchoreago, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Stand Lake #2 Water System War `ir. Cree0k Th'sDOPartlaent has reviewed tine Awls for the subject water system and Tari forwarded the plans to Juneau for review by the: Tasha vepartmellt of tie aaltta and 6Velfaxa. Wo trouble is anticipated in t1w Aslan review so prelimia�axy construction can comience, and if minor changes are necessary, they can be Incorporated latex cin. VIM* You for your co-operation, Sincerely, CLIFFORD {'. JUUKINS, R.S. Administrative Director BY: e, .. . Sanitarian JRL: raa cc: t;oaatractiaaa Engineers t; Associates GRE§Z- `ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO" 'UGH , HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET • P. O. BOX 968 • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 DATE: June 10, 1970 FROM: Clifford P. Judkins, R.S. Administrative Director To: R.H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Environmental Health, Juneau SUBJECT: Sand Lake Subdivision #Z, Water Supply (Glenn Huff) Transji tted herewith for your review and comments are one set of plans and associated documents for the subject project. Your appro-val is recommended. CPJtrn encs. CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1801 Stanton Ave. -Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Phone: 279-1792 p,T?GIAI�"sPsi?G "^FOi�T SAM 1,AK >iTBl)TSISIOTT rJ0 2 WAT?R SY "M IO'" 7, ", /.5 and 46 BLK. Q A. General 1. The system as designed will serve four single family residences, 2. The system as designeq will not be expanded. 3. There will be no industrial activity which will affect the reouire- rents of this water s.rstem. The estimated perca"ita water Consumption is 125 gals, per cap, per day. estimating five people per residence, the total consured water per residence ren da r i� 025 al, The daily total corsur^rtion for' this system servi,_g four residences is 215^0 gal, per da', Fire Plow will rot be rovided. 'lith reserve cap_ cit,_y of 1255 total sr.r,r - r G. P. I% 5. T;1? ^rrce )f wn t er for 14.S e-rc' n ' ] be 3 �.. "p 6'at?r .r9] I 1CCflt;ed , �s sl:_im or the plans. The well ;rill ',e drilled and cased with a 01, casing to nravent ryrornn'' irat.?r cortarinati^n, Tie top f the casi.: ; will erterr! ^t ^st I'll ab ?Fe fini sled. -ade ':'i i.h no pit aroui' t 1, Finishe-1 gr<arl- .`M31. s]orc awa- from the cas`Lc in all directions, The top of the casing will be protected with a well hr`use. The well h -use will contain a 220 Gal, pressure tank. The house will be electrically heated and will be provided with a drain at. the floor level at ]east ].0 foot below the too of �. -;l.l r1 v loprert `n this ar `o*ends n .r ]'s 'or '-,heir ,--.ter _.nd the acnnifer w,M ch '-he proposed well will penetrate has proven to pro,'uco water of a or-a.lity suitable for house l.old uses. As soon as tae well is developed it will be tested for cua ity prior to prblic use. 7. Permafro:A is not a nrohlem in this area. B. This is rot a s­rface '::at. -r soura,�. C. P-rification -s not anticir�...:d or nr01esed. �. Pressure will be raint.,ined in t1ne 'ir^s at all tiny s h`; the us r,f a Submersible Puma With a r'linirrur rating of ?/0 J. per !,our at '75 P.S..T, lisch r�-Irg into a 22C Fm -1, nressure tank. The pump will be electrically op -.rated. Special fe,!tur-s ,rill not be r-�rn.imrd ir_ t'n's installation, L�»ts _l, The di_stri-butionhwi17. be constricted with approximately 401 of sta-rdard 2" galvanized 'teel pipe and galvanized fittin{•s. 2. There are no special features in 'he distribution system, 3. The di_str`.bution s-,vstem will be installed with a mi.rimurm of 1.0' of cover over the distribution lines. L. The system will be located in clean gravels at the depth specified. F. 1, Storage of water is not proposed in this system. 2. Fire prot^ctior_ has no: been provided. G. Cost estimates (a) Construction Well inth 6" casing 320' @G) s'15/'ft. _ (''4,`]00 40' 2" Gf°l, pine installed H? 0/ft. _ 12.0 I curb stops installed @ 1`100 each Well house complete each _ 500 Submersible Pump with Pressure tl nk n 1^0 each = L;00 6,220 *Cur'O Mops Ircird.e service connection (b) Ys ilitel-ance Costs - estimated to t)e 5100 per year The follo:ring minimum rli.starces From roints of possible contamina Uen to ground water supplies have been exceeded: 1. Any contamin^ti.on - exceeds /0 f+, 2. Sewers, septic tank, r1isnosa1 fields exceeds 80' 3. Se -.Page pi -4s'3 e:,:oe,ds 1201 -2- Job, '?o. 24 Sard Ia'-e SulAl inion Desi -n Notes A. Cecilnanc*T- 4 si-Igle fam-11V re:'-irlence _.t '" persons cacti Total ponulatlor e<'l.ily. 0 20 y. B.?)ater Rv�,uired — 20 x 12c G.P.D. a 2,500 G.P.D. W: -.h r^ erre capucit of ?25 rpOt2l SUpp17 rO4Ulrerl 4 G. P. I-'. C. Proposed pump capacity m'_nimum a 240 G.P,H. at 7`' P. S.I. 1':1`.t^r Dlstri'mtion A. PoOlk Flow L: r Si Ot cos " x 125 G.P. .. 2.25 5, X25 G,PP, 4 G.P.M. B. Pressure lccs at Teak Flora Loss nor , r at /_ G.P.!I., pipe _ 1.0. ft. 1-. x 0.433 r .433 P.S.T. Total possible pressure loss - .4x .433 _ .17 P.S.Z. U°e 211 pipe for rain and 3/4" for service connections 0 CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1801 Stanton Ave. -Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Phone: 279-1792 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS General All materials shall be of types shown on the plans and shall conform to these specifications. All workmanship shall be according to good practices of each trade. Safety precautions shall be observed to prevent hazards to property, life, or equipment, through caving earth, electrical lines, flooding, fires, traffic; and other potential causes. The site shall be kept free of accumulations of trash or debris from the work. Upon completion of construc- tion the site shall be left in a neat and clean condition, graded to drain to established channels. WATER LINES A. Materials 1. Galvanized Pipe shall be of galvanized steel pipe conforming to ASTM Specification A 120-68a; or galvanized wrought iron pipe conforming to ASTM specification A 72-68, standard weight. Joints shall be threaded, and threaded couplings with N.P.S. threads shall be provided. 2. CopperPipe shall be flexible seamless. pipe, Type "K", conforming to ASTM specification B 88-66. Joints shall be of the soldered fitting type, with threaded adaptors for connection to other pipe types. 3. Valves. Gate vales shall be brass body bronze faced gate valves, pressure tested at 250 psi. Service valves shall be Mueller Co. No. H-10202 or approved e.qual. B. Construction The trench shall be excavated to the depth shown on the plans and as staked. Galvanized pipe shall be installed by screwing the joints tight with suitable pipe wrenches. Approved pipe joint compound or white lead shall be applied to all male threads only prior to assembling the joint. Changes in grade or alignment of galvanized pipe shall be accomplished with fittings and not by bending the pipe. Copper pipe shall be installed by laying it in the trench and assembling the joints. 'threaded fittings shall be screwed on to their mating fittings before soldering. All pipes shall be assembled at a joint before L'i�at joint is soldered, and the entire joint shall be soldered at one time. Before backfilling, all newly installed water lines shall be tested for leaks by filling the lines with water and examining them under normal system pressure. C. Disinfection After testing, and after all leaks are corrected, the newly installed water lines shall be disinfected by filling with a water solution containing not less than fifty parts per million of available chlorine. The solution shall be retained in the lines for a period of eight hours, and then thoroughly flushed from the system. -2- AIR MAIL Mr. l-lilliam J. Tiede, Jr. 5155 82nd Avenue l nc orage, Alaska 99501 Near Mr. 'Tiede: I 4 MAY 1967 GUAfi _R ANG'.C.13AGE AREA ratsr l 280 1967 ¢OROUGH•HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 304r (2.61) DL 153 731 AAA This refers to the Informational copy of your letter of April 17, 1967, mailed to Mr. B. U. Hiclm�nin, Acting Manager, Veterana Administration Regional office, 6th and Lenora Building, Seattle, 17ashington 931.21. You will recall muc,11 of the delay In processing your loan occurred from February 2, 1966 when we advised you in our letter that the existing agreement on .water rights, unless modified, would not meet our require- ments. You obtained a cancellation of these water rights which was re- ceived in this office on November 22, 1966. Promptly thereafters your loan application was reopened and additional data requested and received, including an appraisal of the property. Our letter of February I, 1967 stated your loan application had been approved, :subject to the completion of required repairs* which included a provision that the Alaska D?epartment of Public Health had to approve the smwa e disposal. system. Ole received the Bequest for Appraisal of Individual Secwage and Water Facilities, a copy of which is attached, in- dicating the sanitary facilities were approved, subject to the following conditions: "that a 1,040 gallon liquid capacity septic tank be installed prior to September 1, 1967." Mr. Clifford B. Judkins* letter of March 20. 1967, indicates a septic tanto is in existance, and was intended to modify item 7b of his earlier report. In view of the conflicting inspection reports, Mr. Jacobson, our Loan Guaranty officer, called fir. Judkins on 4.pril 4, 1967 for clarification of his observation, as to the existance of a septic tank. z4r. Judkins stated the stealth Department dipped the cesspool and found no solid matter, and concluded there probably was a septic tank. tie further stated he would not approve a sewage system without actually determining there was a septic tank. he said he would not remove the condition of his earlier report "that 1000 gallon liquid capacity septic tank be installed prior to Septem- ber 1, 1967." Mrs Judkins indicated he would check into this matter fur- ther with you sad arrange to have the septic tank opened for inspection to determine the presence of an adequate system. We have not as yet received his report. Mr. William. J. Tiede, Jr. DL 153 731 AAA We are not permitted to disburse lean funks prior to the completion of all required conditions on the Certificate of Reasonable Value as the val- uation established of X14,000 is predicated on an approved sewage system and tle cost of repairs or additions to the existing system must be 'borne by the seller to be assured the purchase price does not exceed the Reason- able Value. This matter could be quickly resolved by locating and opening the sewage system for an inspection by the health authorities and facili- tate closing of this loan at the earliest possible time.. vle gage to hear from Mr. Judkins soon. Sincerely yours,. B. 11. 111CINAN Acting Manager ccs Transamerica Title Insurance Company car. Clifford P. Judkins 2. march 20* 1967 QI .:Wg'tt h and Tonora BOOM!4C,f3b'''..jf3gijx�&wulS3ryt'3Ya �..i At:tn3 MQS 3 f S1apAC` $fir #xoan M73iner Jots, DL 155 731 AAA ..040/20 `Wieder William J. Mar MAS Rucker: .8cent inspection$ o he sa„ wr-a nystel $aa�vii3vr the aaab�oc�'a te that a septic 't6nk G in € xi.atenfov Property Mica W'Ould you please substitute this information for show i a condita ono of approval 0u ouroquest for Approval Individual Of Sewage arad later Vacilities" fors covering the SuNject case. wincerely a DAVID L- DUNCAN* 1.01 BY y.i'���rr�s of x.7'3/arr Is Jr. William J* TiodaTho i u'#9di?'SIA HOW" 7'#• �'o�.�. ()�:�: