HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAND LAKE #2 BLK 7 LT 6Municipality of Anchorage 11 Development Services Department Onsite Water and Wastewater Program p.enr " )C'partlnCnt **** VARIANCE/WAIVER REVIEW **** Waiver#: OSPI01034 COSA#: _ Permit#: OSP101018 PID#: 011-132-30 Legal Description: Sand Lake #2. Block 7 Lot 7 Engineer: Flattop Technical Services Applicant: Frank Durfee Your request for a waiver of the required 10 feet horizontal separation from the absorption field to the property line has been approved. The approved separation distance is 2.0 feet. Your request for a waiver of the required 10 feet horizontal separation from the septic tank to the property line has been approved. The approved separation distance is 3.0 feet. Your request for a waiver of the required 100 feet horizontal separation from the septic tank on Sand Lake 42, Block 7 Lot 7 to the private wells on lot 7 and Sand Lake #2; Block 7 Lot 6 has Llk--7-� been approved. The approved separation distance is 90 feet and 83 feet respectively. In 1986 the location of the tank on lot 7 was approved. This new tank will increase the separation from wells to tank that was approved at that time. The current nitrate level for the Lot 7 well is .144 mg/L. This waiver approval applies to the existing absorption field and proposed tank only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. ............................................................................... Waiver is Granted: X Waiver is not Granted: Date: Approved by: i(/GA � �y14 h"C, U Name of Reviewer/ ........... ............ *Nessus ..... ......................... .................. a Rec#: 131419 Amount: $1,050.00 Date Paid: 5110110 • MUN1U1eA1j_L'1 Ur EiLV I..nVl[t�VP.. Hea, n and Environmental Protea ion Fourth Floor West 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 -- INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME �OJLy� �P''� MAILING ADDRESS -5-1-2 ,S �-Otkc�� PHONE '2--7'7-(- ((5' LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION _l`� - �i o t'' - SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCEI ��� Gg NUMBER OF `j ! FROM WELL `� - MANUFACJURER MATERIAL _ COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY 1000 GALLONS. TILE DRAIN FIELD: q 1 T Por I 1 TOTAL LENGTH J DISTANCE FROM WELL V�_ FOUNDATION_ (06t NEAREST LOT LINE Mc�_>> OF LINE # of Lines ' DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES -_ 10/ATRENCH WIDTH3�5PIN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTIOFJ AREA _- L SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE � DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE MATERIAL BENEATH TILE.7_1_ IN. ABOVE TILE � IN. SEEPAGE PIT: DIAMETER OR WIDTH—, LENGTH_, DEPTH Log Crib _Rings_ Crib Size:4 DIAMETER__DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: WELL - TOTAL EFFECTIVE BUILDING FOUNDATION NEAREST LOT LINE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. FT. Well p Class: "e- Depth: Well Distance To: Lot Line Bldg: Sewer Line: Pipe Materials: wt.�.lc „�, CT # of Bedrooms: Installer: Remarks: o DATE `1 APPROVED _-� 1 t l i 1 iI I1 I 1 � 1 J-1 -- - DATE `1 APPROVED _-� �� ����o �� DEPHRTMENT[t EHLTH HND �� ENVIRONMENTAL w /, ~~/�� �^�. 'TREET/ HNCHORHGE/ HK� 995 ~'� /m�ux/ � 279 2511 U. ��� ��� ~��� ��W U:.,:-� � PERMIT NO. ( 77854 ) — HPPLICHNT 822] WILCOX 277 6115 �—��_ LOCHTION WILCOX ST !LEGHL L6B7 SHNDLHKE SD #2 LOT SIZE 6750 SQUHRE FEET TYPE OF SOIL HBSORBTION 'ET ::1 IS: TRENCH �MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SOIL k.HTING (SQ FT/BR)= 100 �THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL HBSORPTION SYSTEM IS� � �A � ::IL. 11,2i 1~���C����� � ���� ���������~ IEE T, � THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRHINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF H TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTHNCE BETWEEN THE SURFHCE OF THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCHVHTlON (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES, THE GRAVEL. DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH QF QRHYEL BETWEEN THE 01J "IT PIPE HND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCHVHTION (IN FEET). ��������� ����I� ���� ����� ���� ������� __-- ����� ����ff"3� H PHCKHGE P1 AN MHY BE INSTHLLED AT THE PERM ITTEE'S OPTION SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. EITHER H CLASS I OR II NSF HPPROYED PLANT MAY BE lNSTHLLED` 2. H CONTINUOUS MHINTENHNCE AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED. IF H MHINTENHNCE AGREEMENT IS NOT KEPT CURRENT YOU MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENLARGE THE SOIL HBSORPTION SYSTEM HNYOU MHY BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. F�� ��� ��������I��� K" FE ����1��� BHCKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINHL INSPECTlON AND APPROVAL- BY THIS DEPARTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MINIMUM DI—STANCE BETWEEN H WELL AND ANY ON~S�T� SEWHQE DISPOSHL SYSTEM IS 100 FEET FOR H PRIVATE WELL OR 200 FEET FOR H PUBLIC WELL WELL LOGS ARE REQUIRED AND MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN ]0 DAYS OF THE WELL COMPLETION OTHER REQUIREMENTS MHY HPPLY. SPEC IFICHTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIHGRHMS FIRE HVAILHBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. I CERTIFY THHT 1: I HM FAVI ILIHR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON --SITE SEWERS AND WELLS HS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPHLITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: I WILL INSTHLL THE SYSTEM IN HCCORDHNCE WITH THE CODES' ]� I UNDERSTHND THHT THE ON~SITE SEWER SYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ENLHRGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THAN ] BEDROOMS. SIGNED:���.��.��__-��_��.��____^_~~_____~~~___^_~~~ HPPLICHNT TOM NOWLIN V]. 0 9 9 Q of a eq i sorter i 1 , U-) e t �,/ \' -I I L rl � .X� (/Yo 6/1 �`10.1o~v.1. N—M0 ,&~.4 x n 5-1, u ,v% ,, ,^"`.o x�N�~ , DUPHRTMENT HEHLTH RND ENVIRONMENTHL ` `TECTION '/� / 825 'L'STREET/ HNCHORHGE/ HK995�� 264-4720 PERr' 11: -F NO. ( 780069 ) HPPLICHNT | LOCAl" ION 825] WILCOX ST LEGHL L6 B7 SHNDLHKE #2 ",31—IB 929 E.20TH RPT C 277 4754 LOT SIZE 6750 SQU�RE FEET MINIMUM DISTRNCE BETWEEN H WELL AND HNY ON~SITE SEWHGE DISPOSHL SYSTEM IS 100 FEET FOR H PRIVHTE WELL/ OR 150 TO 200 FEET FROM H PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL WELL LOGS FIRE: REQUIRED HND MUST OE RETURNED TO THE DEPRRTMENT WITHIN ]0 DHyS OF THE WELL COMPLETION` OT|IER REQUIREMENTS MHY RPPLYSPECIFICHTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIHGRGMS RRE 8VHILHBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTHLLRTION. K BEE: M 1-1 X —y- G: X 1=1 1: IT! M YET UN RE: CT Q P! M K FR Wl.. fL����� I CERTIFY THHT 1� I HM FRMILIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR WELLS HS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPHLITY OF RNCHORHGE 2: I WILL INSTHLL T E SYSTEM IN HCCORDHNCE WITH THE CODES ICRNT HOBRRT HOFSTFIE) . ISSUED 8Y RTE���'�LU����.���_ V]0 � i� i une ie c Date Date Date 9 - '1 4— Inspector Inspector Inspector JJ Comments Conditional Approval S1- ,zi Date Sewer Installed Permit No. Septic Tank Size 9_ Holding Tank Size Soils Rating Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tank APPLICANT FILLS OUT LOWER HALF ONLY Property Owner d %(% A) 6- / % f Pone Mailing Address �� W4 box (?7 SZ -"2v' ;7,7 Buyer _ S 6 v Address Lending Institution Phone Address � Realty Co. & Agent5� Phone 1^6�19 Address 0 03 � ve � Legal Description L D% ZS'�OG.0 S f(i a L Street Location 2 w fL cel Type �of Residence Single Family e ❑ Multiple Family No. of Bedrooms ❑ Other Wat r Supply Individual ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June ❑ Community 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if ❑ Public Utility available. Sewage Disposal Individual Year Individual Installed: ❑ Public Utility When Connected to Public Utility: ❑ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. ,pril 27, lca'?2 Hobart and Janet Hofstad 8253 1°?ilcox Anchorage, AK 99502 Subject: Lot 6 Block 7 Sand La}_e 2 Approval for the individual sower and water facilities cannot bre granted until the following items have been completed: ° die water analysis report needs to be submitted to this office frori the Cham Lab, 5633 P Street, for our. review. ° The septic tank put:lped witli a receipt submitted to this department. • A four (4) inch cast iron cleanout needs to be installed to the septic tank and/or leaching area. ° An adequacy test needs to be performed on the existing leaching area. This test will determine if the system is adequate according to National titandards. A listing of private firms nerforr?ing the test is enclosed. This report neods to be submitted to this office for our review. Please notify this department for a reinspection when the notecl discrepancies have been corrected. If there are any fu.r.ther questions, please call this of fiee at 264_-4720. Sincerely o�F Robert C. -ratt Associate Environmental Specialist Enclosure Rngn/p/�'Ti . ALASKA 1.,.riU1R0nmOnTAL NOR RMUS, InC. 6n9ineerinq & Enuironmental Studies MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF 'r.' -.-`.Li P! ENVIRON-NTAL P:OT�CTION 3/9/83 f3'. a-' RECEIVED JANET HOFSTEAD 8253 WILCOX ANCHORAGE AK 99504 SELLER — JANET HOFSTEAD BUYER— SUBDIVISION—SANDLAKE #2 BLOCK -7 LOT -6 ADEQUACY TEST FOR SEWER SYSTEM THE TYPE OF ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS A TRENCH WITH AN AREA OF 312 SQFT. THE SYSTEM IS CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING 450 GALLONS OF WATER PER DAY. THE SURGE CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM IS 900 GALLONS. BASED UPON THE TEST DATA THE SYSTEM IS ACCEPTABLE FOR A 3 BEDROOM HOME. THE SEPTIC TANK WAS PUMPED ON 3/9/83 . SEPTIC TANK ADEQUACY THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK VOLUME OF 1000 IS ADEQUATE FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Note: StVbTIV have' been installed. F3 .t a°4�'F e v �pae aaaaoa o8aaawaa t�1 �4� ler Y a oa No. 2257 EPRO o.'•Cj Oe. oO esa S�; .ta 1200 best 33rd Auenue, Suite B • Anchorage, Alaska 99503 • (901) 276-1361 ALASKA CnUIR0nWTAL CONROL SeRUINS, InC. Enynecrmq & Enuirenmen!ol S!udies March 10, 1983 Jean Foss Commonwealth Marston 4105 Turnagain Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Jean: On March 7, 1983 one of our engineers performed an adequacy test on Sand Lake #2 Block 7 Lot 6. Part of the test consisted of filling the drainage field with water. This is to check and see if it will absorbe all of the effluent from the septic tank that a family may use in a single day. After 30 minutes the well was still producing 7 gpm (gal per minute), initial flow was 8 gpm. This is a total of 228 gal. The well then dropped off to 1 gpm, at this time the test was stopped to allow the well to recover. 25 minutes later the test was started again. The well produced 1.0 gpm for 10 minutes; 0.9 gpm for 10 more; 0.8 gpm for 10, then 0.7 gpm for 15. This is a total of 284 gal in 2 hours. At this time our adequacy test was stopped as there was insufficient time and water available to complete the test. Once again, on February 7, 1983 an adequacy was scheduled. The well produced at 6 gpm initially, fell to 4.5 gpm at the end of 35 minutes and then continued to fall off. 182 gal was producted in the 35 minute time period. The well was allowed to recover but there was insufficient flow to complete the test. A well flow test involves measuring well flow and water draw down in the well to determine the capacity of a well for sustained yield. An adequacy test of a septic system requires use of the well but different data and test parameters. A 3 bedroom house generally used 450-600 gal. maximum in a day. This well produced 284 gal in a 2 hr period and 182 gal in a 35 minute period. Normally this well would be sufficient for everyday use. However, any long term sustained use of water, similar to the demand we placed upon it, will result in an insufficient water supply. We estimate that the well would produce 1 gpm for long term use. If we had the well log and did take data in a well flow test, then we could determine'the well capacity and sustained yield rather than estimate. It is safe to say that the well should be sufficient if one practices water use management. f If you have any questions please feel free to call our office at any time. Sincerely, Pete Sapala Civil Engineer Approved by: AeroyC.id Jr., hD PE President El v- Ca. yv. • . �- . MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE A�t� �- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROT&VM JFIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 DEPT. Cr FEALTH & ® ENVIRONNT. qT;'.L I'; , :7aCTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION _ rt% ` Telephone 264-4720 1978 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SMf Ef V EI� DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. 1. PROPERTY OWNER PHONE MAILING ADDRESS x -. Lte' PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above) PHONE 2. BUYER PHONE 9 Two ❑ Five ❑ MULTIPLE FAMILY MAILING ADDRESS - d53 C/Jre 4v 3. LENDING INSTITUTION, PHONE / ^ MAILING DDRESS since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well 4. REALTOR/AGENT PHONE ko N% C -- _ MAILING ADDRESS - 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION G� cTZ<4re STREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [A SINGLE FAMILY ❑ One ❑ Four ❑ Other 9 Two ❑ Five ❑ MULTIPLE FAMILY ❑ Three ❑ Six 7. WATER SUPPLY V INDIVIDUAL* *ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled ❑ COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well ❑_PUBLIC UTILITY depth (attach log if available.)' 8. SELVAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** **If individual/on-site, give installation date If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) 1�� THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL_ USE ONLY INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS DATE RECEIVED` TIME------------ -------- TIME TIME ----- DATE --------------__.---- DATE ----------- DATE INSPECTOR ---------------- INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS:----------- -- --- 1. TYPE- OF RESIDENCE [.J SINGLE FAMILY L7 MULTIPLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS O ONE E:l THREE Ci FIVE Cl OTHER TWO FOUR ❑ SIX 2. WATER SUPPLY 0 INDIVIDUAL _J COMMUNITY ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER��� DEPTH OF INELL — DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED T 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CIINDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE LIPUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified - PERMIT NUMBER DATEINSTALLED�t INSTALLER C7Septl1Jc//Tank or D Holding -Tank Size: _l (=(90 If Tank is homemade give dimensions: SOILS RATING -� TYPE OF TANK — — MANUFACTURE TOTAL_ ABSORPTION AREA — - '— — MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES r WELLTO: Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Linc Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line A5. COMMENTS _JCAPPROVED FOR BEDROOMS Cl CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) CJ DISAPPROVED DATE ------- ----� `. ``_ vvv-- ---- -- LEGAL D?SCRIPTION 12-010 (Rev. 3/78) <7tanuary 13, 1979 Mr. Hobart TA. Hofstad 929 East 20th, Apt. C. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re. 3cmi-public well waiver request, lots 6 a 7, Sandlake Subdividion f 2. Doa r �11r . Hofstad: The Department has reviewed your request, and has no objections providing the following procedure is followed - Obtain a letter from the Department of Emvironm ental Conservation, State of Alaska, allowing the 150 ' well to :sewer di€atanee, s=tated in your request, to be reduced to 129 1. (2) Obtain protective radiu:y casements on affected properties and have the easement recorded on thn subdivision plat aria Municipal Planning Dopnrtment . (3) Bring your letter of approval (item -fl) € nd a copy of the recorded plat (item 2) when both documents are obtained to our office for the necessary approvals to drill the well. If there are tiny further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, i obert A. (Bert) Tlall .Director Dept. of 11c alth and Environmental Protection RATT/ss cc: Los Buchholz f 929 East 20th, Apt. C Anchorage, Alaska 99501 December 30, 1977 Director of Municipal Health Dept. Je; 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99510 191-& Dear Sir: This letter is to ask for a possible waiver if necessary to drill a joint well with a neighbor. My house and neighbor's are Lots 6 and 7, Block 7, Sand Lake #2. We want to drill a joint well on the property line which would be 100 feet from the existing septic systems on both lots. We could go as far as 120 feet as the lot depths are 135 feet. I believe the ordinance reads 100 feet from septic to well for single family dwelling and 150 feet for multi family. Currently wells are being drilled across the street and are going to depths of 400 feet. The cost is $20.00 per foot, which with pump and accessories would amount to $8,500.00, so it is understandable why we wish to share one well. If the 100 feet is not acceptable we would be forced to drill individual wells at the 100 ft. distance which would be 10 to 15 ft. apart, which seems unreasonable. One well at 100 ft. or 2 wells 15 ft. apart at 100 ft. certainly would not create any more of a health hazard at a 400 ft. depth. I have attached a drawing of the lots and houses and proposed well. We would appreciate your consideration on this if it is felt a waiver is necessary. Respectfully yours, Hobart M. Hofstad cc: Mr. Darrell Wilkening (Neighbor) HMH/rm i0UNICIPALITY `F DEPT. C. L 1 1 { ric It CA I K i L t\ J 1 io i•w i tt 13S i c I - _LoT - 1, lett-5 yltl �U16„a L@ ACCs PT,t j { J3 Ar { _1 70 WsLC6 �T' _TF_ LOCATION MAP WA: