HomeMy WebLinkAboutSANDI HEIGHTS Lots 1, 6, & 10 Soil LogsA AN S&Ivlcl 1 4c;ghas sin go � L LOCO BOCK I q -y ') Pla rc h ri I ! f r. R.J. p I-, , I - o 0 0 'X -y Anc h or a cie A 7 p q r I lt!ator Line Extensler, t0 Sul)d.,V,sqo D v a r ;'Ir. - COWe to cur attenflon ul, Foacl iff V.;-tcIr S,Vst(-.Ill for Vision to include ,S . ""ivif i"P. - Our roCOrd's do not Show arly crall I watcr -iecrint-i For Xtension at-,,-' for ti,is re(�S()n, vl(,. 'IVV hal" scveral liousinct annrovals tfm c fit. v,,ory 1-urntntl clay,: l ThiS Pr>varl:vl,pnt. it is our r(_nMcSt that ,.rlcincerirq fur tile Sub'Ject vXtr-Ilsion he Sul"I"'litte.r! to this cff� 1� 1pilroval rill) b( . " r'jv(,r' to hOUSInc (I' C.V()Jor 'cc' bc-IrorE. dolffit Subdivision. T'cl'A Withip RC" - n. OtIc Of our concf,rns is vhethcj� or flc)t tllQ SNIcliff 1'rell will PrOvide (-.rlc)uytl �.Jatcr for Rc(lo, SLlh(jiVislon anc! a.r..y Other Water Jjj,"­'cxtenSjojj I _Ibt for tl,c future. S ;ran o Your cooporill-ion in tn(-"SO Matters Thank You. %10.hr R. J'ee' P.S. Senior Environmental Specialist St ADAMS • CORTHELL • LEE CONSULTING ENGINEERS — SOILS, FOUNDATIONS, AND MATERIALS — BOX E343 FAIRBANKS TEL. 4653 BOX 1266 ANCHORAGE TEL. 73773 fdlr. Allen Harris 944 ilth Ave. Anchorage, Alaska Projecta Dear Mr, Harris: s RICHARD 5. ADAMS'S ALAN N. CORTHELL HARRY R. LEE AFFILIATED WITH ARCTIC ALASKA TESTING LABORATORIES April 22, 1960 VQ 2853 Percolation f?sts - Redoubt Heights Subdivision; in accordance with your instructions three percolation Nests Were performed at the subject site on April Zip 1960. The tests were performed by Arctic Alaska 'testing LdbarOories in accordance with the method prescribed in "Minimum Property Standards, FHA No. 300". The borings were made in Lot numbers t, 6 and ld as shown on the location sketch attached and the sail types encountered are shown on sheets l®3 attached. The measured percolation rates were as follows - Hole No. i l inch per 30 seconds Hole No. 2 i inch per 40 seconds Hole No. 3 i inch per 40 seconds Should you have questions regarding these tesfs�, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, ADAMS - CORTHELL -- LEE. b�_� ichor Sd dads`, P<[. RSA;ma Enciosures - 4 FHA FORM 2084c VA FORM 26.1888 Farm Approved Fev. 1/eo Budget Bureou No. 6YR548.6 SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT PART I - To Be Completed By Federal H ... I., Adminieiratlen - Vetarana Adminlslrrtlon OYSge svm:m ty 7-! menetmu PART II - For Us. of Sponsor INSTRUCTIONS TO SPONSOR: This farm is used where Hewago Dlspoeal 18 to be by means of Septic Tanks with subs®fwe absorption fields. Federal Housing Administration or Veterans Administration will funlsh the form when aDDHcable, des- lgnuting the Publle Health Authority. percolation tests and Boll flutings Shall be made and tabulated In Tables I end II. Part n below, by a Licensed Engineer or Qualified Sanitarian. This report in duplicate, accompanied by the reQuired top- ographic map, shall then be Submitted for review end analysis to the following Health DeDsrtment: (Name and Address) INSTRUCT IONS TO ENGINEER OR SANITARIAN: ! Av` deQ°ate number of test. o°hefl be made (one per acro r conditions bass or ov it borings shallbe mode (one ovary 5 a e i[ aubeoLL a pro [ umbo will be rogaLeE) to show clearly the shearytiva ability of the °oil throughout the a ditions Indicate Motor umber ill he regn to show tease Table I) clearly the type Of roil exlvHng beve°<h the obeory[lop area. Boring° gr h test moat ah°LL be loco[ad by °key number an a <opo- should ..food to a Point sl least 6 feet below the finish oho,° phis graphic Map (the hast. grade of proposed absorption tranches. (Use Table m PROCEDURE TO FOLLOW IN MAKING REQUIRED PERCOLATION TESTS: L Dig or bare the holes with horlm.atal dimenalons of from 4 to I'1 Laches and vortleat elder to the depth Noor.: no onglnea ehoph, dotondvo it the waeee io Ne toot of the bottom of the p%posedab tt°ndelta. o Holae e on be breed wl[M1 41nch dl- hal° i° due to a high pound water condition or the permeability ranter p°°t-holle typo auger. 2 Ranges. or ser ,eh the bottom end aide° of the holes t pfO- :f. d, e t pv Tabled water conditions on rover°, Of Form o If vde ° n°C°ral wind e. Remove °ll last.° a main. In the hole oft,, ov.roi t gM1 earo[lon, add hale. Pla ° bot 2lnches of camse sand or tine gear., iv°the e t a dept' of eboat six inches over the level. From a holo to prevent bottom sc.url.,. W tM1efile with clew wa,ee<o a 1 1 davkJoe d'a f e point, me°eure the height of the water ter(me. at ° m sly .3r.minutce gtervale over s c hour period teclLLM the Put' Bind o3. ver v the pave,. By rcflWag, Sf nee°' y, or byy a depth 16 N F when aha Immolate. rote indicates ,the dry su:plua reservoir of w.tme (ru[omaLLe eiphov , ken ° ) notbefore the nazi reading re matle. Tha Gap wM1ICM1 octan during <M10 final for at le°.t few he-., end pro(°robly ave R °O 36minuta Period I. Seed to cnlccown the In GW GP, SW, or SP claesrnetl ne a lie parcaletlon rwO- Nate: If a hole must be, refilled to Obtain a final 3ammute raaehag—aele.mL,a feta Gnsalficstian System",. the abmvo ow�tie °spry and tM1e tos[ eonbe mzdm a 1 the provl°m re°Gng [M1e water inset drop dwing that lnteeval, gtla water until the level °hove the ine beta sowed °way. O1 ° setlll- bottom equals thin figure plus one half Inch. Gantimm, measure 4. P°ec°Iatlo, rata anointment, eh the day during the porton. -the' ado en fol- lowing the attention tees a n aro cep ay r, 7. i , or smile own, 1 Ober nue mi which ,M1 (int elm Inches om attar salla. 5 I[ Weide remains mien tort holo rd- r BOORS in nor BOORS Y m e tern 30 minutes, the overnight b ak :satinet Period, the time interval can be token mac fust depth t° 6 inches er the gtvval. From a[ixad ro[ero co From. found r fie over ee 10 minuten and <h. teat rvn over a period .[one hour. The drop . . led o ho t DON,, m ro the drop b water level d! aperoxlmmaly 90 -mint[ ' which Occurs in the Mal 30 mlouta p dadls need to calcul°[. the Intervals ° e 4 ewe period The drop which o e Scale, the p°KO3°N n rate. Bear 30 -minute period in .ad to c°Icusete the p°.col°Ilan rete. (Pae!! is continued on Reverse) FHA FORM 084. VA FORM y 1098 SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT Continued ntinee:rlrp Report on Seim* -P ublla Water System _3_Alrt, 12T for Heights Subdivision Ap A.p�ctatpr,�e, ..� siva The Rod* t Heights SubdIvislon to In the N.W. i� of ""tion 150 T12% H1}W. Seward er.ldlan* The subdivislan consists cps' to total of twelve (12) lasts. A semi»public water eyetem has been designed for this subdivIalon. The following data was used In the design of the systems a. The avora6;e p6r capita daily water oonstwiption was €testi-med at 100 * p.do b. The occupants Lead was taken as 4 persons per l.o't. [p. A peAk dami2and was assumod at 2& times the average hourly dowand, d. No future Ox pnnnlon of tho system was cOWLempl.ated or talcon Into consIderationo e. Water will not be supa,l.ied ,for fire proteeetLnt or any industrial aso. The syst;ena is laid out With two Supply wine freppp the wall, site. 1-4sin I rune North ;`rom the well site up the Utility Easenment provided In the subdi.vi ion and serves 6 late* lain #2 runs South from the well site along tho Utility Easement and alao serves 6 loto. o. s=or such a, small sypsteai# it wan not, considered economically feasible to have a loop syst;om. PlushlnU of either : pain will be done by utilizin the house servi€ses at t e and of the,. mialn. It waa assuf,ed that tho tlalnimunr line sire should be not; lees than 2s nominel pipe size. ' horeforp both i3ains Are 2" in size. The round water table In the area In ap_�arc�x1mately 30 feet; below the 6rotan, attrf'aee so that none of the pipe will be laid in water. The soil $ except for a very thin layor of huwus -material on the surf ace, to gravel and sand, rrom the experience of ot=hers in the Soneral area, its is assumed that the well will be drilled to a depth of approximately 200 feet. The plans submitted herewit=h knr icate the topography of tt�e area. around tho well site,t tho construction of the pmap house and the piping ,; ap,rangeafpent therein. Very 3}ullJ_aE s FouyZ�A.—racy.. a�yiiy/p�f+Q.� HOME OFFICE 235 EAST STH AVE. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PHONE 49591 P. O. BOX 721 April ll, 1960 Division of Health Section of "sanitation & 1kigineering Alaska Office Building Juneau, Alaska Centlemeny FAIRBANKS OFFICE 318 6TH STREET FAIRBANKS, ALASKA PHONE 4160 - P. O. BOX 1480 Transmitted herewith in duplicate Is an application for approval of plans on the rater system for the Redoubt Heights Subdivision, Anohorage, Altaska, together with the plans and engineering report. l'f any further information is desired, please contact the undersigned and sucIn information will be forwarded to you immediately. Very truly yours rats ..,ountaine Professional Engineer C.C. Mr. Calvin Winey, Anchorage I AVH-H8K-M—FORM t �'' ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH-" APPLICATION i FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS i ka � (city) ---- --- rl ` o 721 --------------------------------- �;• t (Box number or street address) Alaska Department of Health ( A}2,� 11 Sanitation & Engineering 9 - '60 ------. ---- ------ 1 ' j Territorial Building ` ) I', S� P (Month) (Day) .Juneau, Alaskanv- ------------ --------- -------------------- --- - (Name of protect; for r In accordance with Title 40, "Health and Safety", C: amended by Section 16, Chapter 118, Session LAWS of thereunder, we, `r Allen: J. Harris ns Is requested) 40-176, Alaska Compiled Laws Annotated 1949, as f 1949, and Rules and Regulations promulgated i (Name) of Applicant) '', herewith submit for your review and approval; with respect to SANITi k''B.Y FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be take'rr4o mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Report) indluding necessary data required for full understand ing of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) - Semi _-Publie water-systota to serve -tie-twolve- ( 2) bots in the ---- .imA - - I+94oubt Heights Subdivisl ,n, including, wall, Pump house and piping,. _ These plans were prepared by -- - - ------- J ---.----Gre-- ----ig, ------ F ---unts-ine -- -------------------- --------- --- ------ ------- ---------- -------------- - --- -- (Name of Designing Engineer, Architect or Firm) Anchorage, Alaska ___________________-__--__-___-____-_--__-____________-_-______________________and by or under the direction of the following Engineer(s) or (Address) Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: J, Crais Pountalne .evil Ln lnoer lq - - - - - - ---- - - -- -- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NAME) (TYPE OF LICENSE (Civil, Mechanical, etc.) Certificate of Registration No. ___—__--_-___________—__--------------___________—____—____--____—______—______________________________--_—______ ______—______ _______—____ - ____—__—_____—_—____--_- _____________—_—__________—_______-___ ------------------------ ___--_—_—_______—_____—_________________—__—____—____-__----__—__—_________—_________-______—_____-__—____—__—__—___—_ This project is to be financed in the following manner: Amount to be financed locally by------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- $ - --- - (General Obligation or Revenue Bonds, Direct Assessment, etc.) Direct grant from --------- --------- ------ ----------------------------------- $---------- (Alaska Public Works, etc.) Government loan by ----------------------------------------- -------------- $- (FHA, AHA, etc.) Otherfinancing----------------------------------------------------------------- $ -- -- Total estimated cost of this project is $. --- ___f)______Gt___._A_Ci ________________________ ---- These plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids ------------------ (Date bids will be called) We understand that construction shall not be.started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revisions in the plans affecting- the SANITARY FEATURES of the project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, (Applicant) !Alen J. Harris .(City, corporation, ,firm, Individual, etc.) (Signed) : - ----- -- -`- (Official Title)