HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCHROEDER LT 64, 65Sc h rot der iiiiiiiiiin 50 �� Ill OR 0 Tool 13 dock GRED, f ER ANCHORAGE AREA BORuUGH f Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE �SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME_ �•x �- � MAILING ADDRESS-�U�� �-f�" /I/.? IF feEZ PHONE LOCATION - (% LEGAL DESCRIPTION_C_inyiQ��Q�1 SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE r FROM WELL --.MANUFACTURER NUMBER OF '_— MATERIAL -- _ _ _COMPARTMENTS _ INSIDE LENGTH_. INSIDE WIDTH_ _ LIQUID DEPTH _— ----— __ — --LIQUID CAPACITY GALLONS. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELLTOTAL LENGTH ___FOUNDATION ------NEAREST LOT LINE_ -- --Or LINES _ NUMBER OF LINES_-_ DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES -._--__TRENCH WIDTH-- IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA - SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER - - - - - -— DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE ._MATERIAL BENEATH TILE -- ----_ - IN. ABOVE TILE_ -_IN. WELL: TYPE_ ---------CONSTRUCTION--_________________ DEPTH -__CONSTRUCTION_---- ----_-_DEPTH -----DISTANCE FROM: BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE FOUNDATION___, LOT LINE---__, SEWER UNE TANK - SYSTEM_ CESSPOOL--____, OTHER SOURCES APPROVED_ _ DISAPPROVED____ REMARKS - DISTANCES: -- INSTALLED BY: I SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: - Form EQ -032 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE J--�T) APPROVED (4-C G. A. A. B. i ;I i i.. I li. - '1 11 1 i www"4 11_1 1 q.q rm 1 : , I k PTH A I rh 1.:.. 1 A do ka 11II iii ': 111- j..:; i ii:ij tj ll j : : W 1 1 i Wr 11 i r f 14 Aq o VW mWiTlyfly MA. IAN UNT Will 1 KHOIAW 1 11,11+1 4W I Hot I it il F- hM k Q - P - w 4 :: d"d 00 Us 6- 0 w; v " , 6 v ,p...: I P- t- h . �' V ii I I : 1 il I i-1"1 1 , 1 W 1 150 ri A ; 1THAU ,..I: I TI -0 ) Fit : I jqF I ppyr!"! fay 1 )"jqj KAW 1 1 1 H 1 Vp to Tj Cho F 1 i a ; TYH� 1) 11 Nqjy jq : I kit . 1 i''I I 1 -ti., ::; i.11 :' 1 f 1: 1, ::i [ i I i Ed 111 1-1 H" hQ W)AT I f ad 1 pj �v K I- olj - , 1 I' j i , Ilk:' I i.: I i -JI :l li :,:-: i Iv. 1 IFI t ph H i id I hil 11 1 )171 DO 1 ry 1 QUANK i id 1 1 1 '1 1 111 1 i-11. 1! 1 1, 1 !; )� 11 i '- �i :; !; !i.. 11 •l "� , 11 :: 11I ��" 11 ,:a,? i - i, ..0 i! j1p: jj It Wl:T iti: f j J w it I hill 1 Inpil n n t 1 1 1r11-kl i !-I i 1 i i !i A i j 1 (t1,I -1 wi t 1 -Id 1I i Im A A r;Aj W it! I i 1 i-1.1 1 1 1; L n1CNC. :E A,EA Eagl( iver Area f` .. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH �, Department of Environmental Quality .3330 C Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received February 9, 1977 Time of Inspection Date of Inspection s -ILL /r ) /�a REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF JPJL:)LIPL - - i, (� INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES i FOR Conv. 1. Approval requested by: Home Federal Savings and Loan Mailing Address: 535D Street Phone: 272.-1451 2. Property Owner: _Mary A. Crouse Phone: 694-2576 �^ Mailing Address: 305 Davis Street, Eagle River 9957__ 3. Legal Description: Lots 64 and 65 Schroeder Subdivision ` 4. Location: 305 Davis Street _ 5. Type of facility to be inspected Sin le family No. of bedrooms 3 6. Well Data: A. Type Individual B. Depth C. Construction 7. Sewage Disposal System: On-site system A. Installed C. Septic Tank D. Seepage Pit D. Bacterial Analysis B. Installer 1. Size 2. Manufacturer I. Absorption Area 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank Absorption area Sewer Lines Nearest lot 'line , Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ -034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Page 2 of two pages - Re ,St for Approval of Individual qer & Water Facilities Legal Description Lots 64 and 65 Schroeder Subdiv=ision Comments Approved Disapproved Date Approval.Valid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM — - a fill v1 111U61VIi wnLa irieu m inns request Tor approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED EQ -034 (1/74) Date MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE At�Ct�ORAVk DEPT. OF HEALTH & GREAT \ ANCHORAGE r,P. BOROUGH EdJIENVIRONMENTAL PRO j'i<<An.. cTION riDepartmeL of Envirolllrr:�-,.tul Quality TECTION � IKa ­94��_ r3 (31977 � r 2 �A ��� AWC►AA >�A�r AK 901. 1 REQUEST FOR: INDIVIDUAL SEWER APPROVAL & RATER OF FACILITIES RLUIVED 1. Type of Inspection: CMIRO `%A _ FFA CONV X 2. Property Owner: maze rrnuse Mailing Address: 305 Davis StreetDay Phone _ 4-25Z6._— Eagle River, Alaska 3. Name of Buyer: Patrick L. Johnson 1330 College Rd. Mailing Address: Helena, Montana Da Y Phone 344--9168_{1acal•) 4. Nacre of Lending Institution: Mailing Address: 6roc.>-tvg^<� r=r�}S e=�7.5z�i Phone _2 1� - 1�1_-� 1 -- 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: AREAS Inc. Realtors: Richard D. Anthony P.O. Box 249 Mailing Address: Eaalgyp_.9_5_Z,Z_ _Phone 694-9555 6. Legal Description: Lots 64 and 65, Schroeder Subdivision 7 9 Location: Eagle River, Alaska. Residence sited at 305 Davis Street, Eagle River. Type of Facility to be inspected: Water_ & Sept." s�!Q. Barms. 3 Water Supply Type of Supply: Public lli:ility Individual X If Individual, number of dwellings presently served 1 If Individual, depth of well 130' Sewage Disposal Systom Type o System: Public Utility _ `_ Individual (on-site) x If Individual, date of installation Unknown. Existing system functioning satisfactorily; however, may not meet current env1ron- mental standards. Owner has received estimate of cost for replace- ment of entire system and will be placing appropriate funds in escrow in order that new system will be replaced in Spring. 9 r'3j arcI1 1., 1077 llome Peclaral t::.avings, and Loan 535 D Street AnchoragO, Alaska 99501 SubJecat: Lots 64 and 65 Ochr<aeclnr_ Subdivision Dear fair.: The existing sewer dispoual system. locat:i;ct caaa the nubjuot: propexty is aacat a t-4tssricipal.approved cti.sponal syAs'uom egad toed not mlea : the ,"linilatmtt a^csc�iair_eu+t��zir..,, )lefore this doparti-ent can grant final a}zf?:rcav<t1 cif:' yolu request, title installation of a new ewor (ligpos,70, sys'i(nm is necessary. '.Vo lesi.gn 11sewor system 'Haat: would ):)e acicrc`�t,�at;�, t 3cai 1.Fa t;.ost roust taco C onauctod in the area of icho prolaosod near �c�epacr� trench. E pecificatiows of tho construction aro, <ama i fable upon t1le. issuance of a permit. The Existing cau spool. a-peEar;3 i -o be functioning satisfactory at tiv, presmit. tjm(t . 1jasea carr this factore this department %,rill grana; •tni.n:'o a.ry approval if funds arc ;set ac�� c, _nit: �? 1�a\rseYLr snwea; ai.spihsal system no la -ax ,,_'aa n may, 1977. . opy of tho c r�i,> ovr �aggxeaneaat. ratast; I)e a ece..i.vc4 1)y tl7.i.as department nt to validate the t outpor=ary approval. If there are any further eiuest:.i.anv:, please cearatact, t:,tai:s of f:3c.ca at 279- 251.1., extcanrion 224 or 225. John Kenne"Cly Principal )Inv A,rOTj).-LjO!j4-,-jj C()rttrc?l t)f �:ic"t3C JIN11 i h 7 All Distance to Property lir,,, to 1r -"Se folIndation o, Perrcolati.on.- Test 7-esults f, Percolai:ion Test P-rfermed by Use the reverse .side of this form to show diaf-rarn, D.i ,F rarr, should include i.he fO-I IoWinP informaticr.t property lines; well locati.on, house location, ^-j'+!c tank aocati.on, disposal area location location o{ dixec > percolation test, ction of prounc slope, ,-;1,,, or, H.is fora; is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant — DateSigned 0 BE PILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPAP.T'EITT PEPSOITNEL. LJ. '.;I lowid above descrdescribedsanitary facilities are hereby cpprove, subject to the _olnP conditions Con ditiors ; El The above described sa reasons; nitary facilities are disapproved for the following Si natu d of 4 i Date - - '— Appioval .is valid for one year following- the date of appy ova, CPJ:cw REPORT OF INSPECTION®INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE -DISPOSAL SYSTEM PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ❑ Septic tank. ❑ Cesspool. Septic Tank: Distance from well, feet. Material, Total liquid capacity,__ gallons Inside length, _feet. Inside width,_j Number of compartments Capacity inlet compartment,_ gallons. . Liquid depth, feet. - - • i A ■ LGi�LGCE■■EGC LLGG.�L.:L■LLC.GG"' E E:EGEEEEEEE: GG ■�...G...■..■.�GE G G "G'CGG CG GG. GEG�CG.G...E..G.. .CCC. ... C.,., .. ■.CGG ■■ D■ ..G.�■...GEEG■ GE.. LL L■CLLLL■L.0 C■LCL EGGE:GGG'BGEEE EEGGE ....GGGE.....�..E■. LC :GL�CL�■' •■ E G G.E. ...■E■� :EPEE GEEGGE'EE.EG':' G ■.. .. ■■GC..GG.E......G■.G.■.EEGC 'G 'EEGEG'GGGGGGGGCG'GG • ""GC E' E G.. G...........EGGGGGGGGE "�GGE■GGG.■G. .. -SII.■ . ... .......... .-. ■■=■■.C.G G. G ■■■ ■■■■ G. G. .......�.G.�E ...G.■G■G. C...■ 'LC GLELL'L.LL GLL L■LL■LLL CL EG GGLGGEGGG'C.GC' G'G'GGGG C■GC' GG� GC'G:�:::BEGGGE GE'ECGGC C:=•'■1E•BGEC••G:EECE: ■L G� C GGEL•LLCL GG■...GEC.■. G.G� G'GCG.'GGG •• G■ LG� :� GG E. .. ... CC ■■ ■■ .0■:G ... GGG. G'L EGELL�GG" 'G GCEGGGC� G . G E . L G REPORT OF INSPECTION®INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE -DISPOSAL SYSTEM PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ❑ Septic tank. ❑ Cesspool. Septic Tank: Distance from well, feet. Material, Total liquid capacity,__ gallons Inside length, _feet. Inside width,_j Number of compartments Capacity inlet compartment,_ gallons. . Liquid depth, feet. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWACE AND WATER PACILIIIES (Fill out in Triplicate) 1, Name of person requesting appr.oval_`` ( �`_ 1 }� 1i�/ 12!1- 2. t !1 2. Name of property 3. Legal description 4. Number of bedroom 5. Water Analysis: a. BacterialC b. Detergent 6. Well data: l > f a. Type b. Depth— c. epthc. Casing; Size d. Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Area 4. Cesspool 5. Property Line 'M 1 . 6. Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc.—. 7. Sewage disposal system. a. Age of system I- 176 ,) P (i;5° J b. Septic tank capacity in gallons l c. Name of septic tank manuf.'actu•rer 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. d. Disposal field or seepage p.itddze and type s /.7 A] i 1 f 1. Distance to property lue to house foundation A1AL. e Percolation Test results -tt-4--vil)- IALI f. Percolation Test performed by 17-1- 8, Use the reverse side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include the following information: PpwDorty lines;.well location, house location, septic tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, and direction Of ground slope. 9. The information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. G . . . . . . . . . . . . 5irnatu e of Applicant e Signed TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL 74n above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the ­-T61lowinp,conditions: Con d it ions: -x The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following reasons: Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ : cw FNA Form 257 • Torm Appio.nd__ R, ),Y 1959 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION Rud"t, Bmvoo No 87-8196 n Hi,. -*LTH AUTHORITY MAPF RM#.,.*L INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.—TO BE COMPLETED BY FMA INSURING OFFICE MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO. Flr.:t-S,-Lt'1 L ;uk a:' "71 bol ;_ � 111 -0101 :O MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR I PROPERTY ADDRESS I 111111-DJ,V:L ;I, ;;'-t J- lily Ij Lor,`:, 111 -k -- SUBDIVISION NAME I BLOCK NO. LOT NO. TOTAL NUMBER: ❑ Can attic or other area be made Into ---- -- - --- BASEMENT New Installation additional bodrooms7 LIVING VNI15 BEDROOMS eA1H5 I I l I (II Yes, how many;) I } t'S N(1 ❑ Yes 0 No WATER SUPPLY BY: l SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR Public system Conununit s lndividu;tl ❑ ,..,.stem- - --- NO. OF BDA/AS.i GARBAGE DISPOSAL - _ O — - � SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY: ElPublic sst(iu system In IVIJu.II ' I _ n Yes No _(:f,mmuulty PART II. --TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTORS SKETCH ti t t It is the opinion of the State El County E] Local Department of Health that this individual water -supply system NE] is ❑ is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the ❑ State County Local Department of Health that this individual sewage -disposal Sys tem with proper maintenance: Can be expected to function satisfac(orily. and Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily is not likely to create an insanitary condition DATE TITLE (SIGNATURE Aril GF 1971) SuRprvisor I I.mzronwental health NOTE: The health/u thor',Ty Should complete the appropriate opinion statement above and affix date, signature and title in the spaces provided. 1 1 1 Use of the above grid for Health Department Inspector's sketch as well as use of the back of this form is at the option of the health authority, PART III.—FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE jTO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: j I have rcvic4ved the lixe•goin}; .Ind the Pertinent 1:1 IA Con,Plimi, (- Inspctiinn RtI,oH, mid reconimc•nd that the Individual water-suppl, system bc• considered ❑ AtcePtable 1:1 N1,t AcrePt.lble Sc1v,Ige dislxsal be considcrcd AucPahlc Not Aroeptabl(. DATE SIGNATURE CHIEF ARCHITECT ❑ I _ DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARC7,IIECT HEALTH AIITH0111TY APPROVAL FHA Fnrm 7573