HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCHROEDER EAST BLK 5 LT 3-/z oco MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OE HEALTH ft ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION !t )I ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION q 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WHI-I_ INSPECTION REPORT 3�._�..�.�___--�-`-"--�--�--------- NAME ��! PFIONE :��NEGVVRACE MAILING ADDRESS �? r LEGAL DESCRIPTION e- c, e LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS Well Absorption area / Dwelling Q Y DISTANCE TO: I [� � 5 L) PERMIT IN FP � 3 � 1- Z Manufacturer Material No, of compartments a.N LU f- Liq. capacity in gallons IF HOMEMADE: Inside length Width _ _ VD Liquid depth ��� Z— DISTANCE TO: Well �i Dwelling --- ----- — -- --- PERMIT NO. 2 e x Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons DISTANCE TO: Well 1, A /ll �+ Foundation )-� is Nearest lot line `5 /4 PERMIT NO. .s J Z F' No. of lines i Length of each line Total Total length of j�77es/ 5 l9 _ Trench wi h __ _� inches Distance between lines E. Top of tile. to finish grade / 3 Material beneath tile �O Total effective ahsorh1on,atea �N inches w Length Width - DeptAtT PERMIT NO. C7 I- Type of crib Crib diameter it _Q Total effective absorption areah DISTANCE TO: Well Builddation Nearest lot line J r�DSTANCE Depth /� fo ti ` Driller j� cDistance Sewer 4 \�=S to lot line PERMIT NO./ ') TO: i r T tete PwBuildin Se t e t n Absor t arealsl - ®� OTHER - PIPE MATERIALS --- SOIL TEST RATING-- INSTALLER REMARKS 47 til � R -�V r7 D S .( 1AV` TA 4- FF - APPRO 4D DA ,E LEGAL ��� TYPE OF SOIL Cl SYSTEM IS� TRENCH MAXIMI -51 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS = ] SOIL RHTING (SQ FT/BR)= 186 THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL HBEORPTION SYST& IS� 1 b" TH L. BID F=" I - 1-1� � THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRHINFIELD THE DEPTH OF H TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTHNCE BETWEEN THE SURFHCE OF THE GROUND HND THE 8OTTOM OF THE EXCRVHTION (IN FEET) THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL. BETWEEN TH[E OUTFHLL PIPE HND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCHYHTICIA (IN FEET) �Q 171 Ly Z HIT? ERE Q 5s Q f" -1 IPI ����� FIE: ::JL. �11 r R� PERMIT HPPLICHNT HHS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT MRING THE INST8LM0I0N INSPECTIONS OF ANY WELLS ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY AND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THRT THE WELL WILL SERVE. 37 1 GV Vol PEI 071 -1 - 1 :Ir, N'. fs"I! ERE 1C;::! 1., 11 �!l: Pm:*-��!! E� RRI� IR; HCKFILLIAli OF HNY SYSTEM NITHOUT FINHL INSPECTION HND HPPROVHL BY THIS DIRE PHRI, MIF. NT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTI0il. 11""MITIVII :1 M ������� his NET 110 ET TWI EN PEE -:A... I CERTIFY THHT J I HM FHMILIHR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON~SITE STATERS HND WELLS HS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPHLITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2 I WILL INSTHLL THE SYSTEM IN HCCORDHNCE NITH THE CODES ]� I UNDERSTHND THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MAY RE8UIRE ENLHRGEMENT IF THE RESlDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THAN ] BEDROOM& ��� ❑ SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �( ,, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Yl PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR:_ -) o L �� 1---41S DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: �//'` ✓ ���-'� YDc '^-✓ �$�^ -\>l-� /�G' SLOPE SITE PLAN s--�. 2 3 4 L 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: 7 2-00 8 (6/79) J, e SI WAS GROUNDWATER ` I S ENCOUNTERED? �Yli L _ O p, f P 1 IF YES, AT WHAT - - DEPTH? Robert A. Shof No. 1457-E pROFESSI9N A� �P`,�► .a Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 673-82 S-"30, /0e;,t5. Ir ' F7 r p C7 q SUS 1 � rr rr it if� /-' Lo ynr t If lV /YI l PERCOLATION RATE�C t (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN s-� FT AND �.�.. FT CERTIFI DATE: MAV -r---Z rwl 91 r-4 I AZ= I --B IL.- I -T-"-e Cl F= F1 r-4 C-' H"A _ �'' 6'--A 9:3 I: DEPARTMENT emit- HEALTH AND EN'-e'lRTiNMENTAL PROTECTION =25 IL-" STREET, ANCHORAGE, HK:. 99501 264-4 '"-*11 PERMIT NO. ( 1=2091.4 i APPLICANT 1,11r'ERS CONST LOCATION LEGAL L3 05 CHROEDER PO BOX _35:1. 9956- r; --441.4 LOT El'_a : SIZE 1;n_IAF.E FEET MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL S'r STEM I 1.00 FEET FOR A PRIVATE WELL OR 1.513 TO 200 FEET FROM A PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL. MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM A PRIVATE WELL T1_1 H PRIVATE SEWER LINE IS 25 FEET AND TO A COMMUNITY SEWER LINE IS 75 FEET. WELL LOGS ARE REQUIRED AND MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE [,JELL. COMPLETION. OTHER REC:!UIREMENT- MAY APPLY. SPEC:IF=ICATICINS AND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. I —F EE .—: Imo• x FLZ &: _"E: Ery >C aw_ EE t-1 ED E: :E: _JL --L -=� -_. 2—H I CERTIFY THAT :1: I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE RE1:0LI I REMENTE, FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS AS SET FORTH BY THE MUNI C I PAL I TY OF ANCHORAGE. I [,JILL- INSTALL THE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODES. SIGNEED f �y APPLICANT MYER=S C: DATE___ �� -/( •OE.-__ ,+4. 0 Municipality of Ame Anchorage POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES. MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION <Permit #: 820914 January 31, 1983 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: Riot 3 Block 5 Schroeder Subdivision A permit issued by this department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1982. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this department for documentation of the installation date and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files and documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Acting Program Manager Sewer and Water Program RCP/ljw enc: Copy of Permit SWP/057 WATER WELL RECORD STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURES Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Drilling Permit No, LOCATION OF WELL (Please complete either to, Ib or le.) A. D. L. No. Block Ib. 1/n airs. Section No. Town en Fp N Range E ❑ Meridian la. Borough Subdivision Lo7,5- . nch 69ch [SdCi, C —of_ot_of S❑ W❑ Ic. DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM ROAD INTERSECTIONS 3. OWNER OF WELL: J-jr. Pajt . A9yfz'Ej P.0- Bx 35). Address: Chug aka Ako Street Address and ,Area of Well Location 2. WELL LOG Feat Below Surface 4, WEIr {�LDEPTH: (final) 5. PATE OF CQPL ETI O,Nr,,. J J ( U Top Bottom Material Type ft. .— -- �: G, Cable tool ,ElRolary Driven Dug U auger L! Jet fad Lf 8orod Lf Other: �1��. 1 _ Trm eF1j("-- 7. USE: Domestic 0 Public Supply Industry E]—� Irrigation 0 Recharge � Commerical E] Test Well ❑ Other: (ryi$()a. $H8]ll F7Atex included 115' 123 8. CASING: Threaded Q Welded —=ara XoOR 123 clam. 6 In. to 23 ft. Depth Weight. 1_ Ibc./ft. alum. In. to__ ft. Depth Stickup ft. — 9. FINISH OF WELL: Type: Qpen H ol.e _ Diameter: 611 -ro SIoI/Mosh Size: Length: Sal between fl. and }}, _ — ^(2 •,�\ Backfilling Gravel pack _ / 10. STATIC WATER LI7VEL: ft. �L J -' - Above or Below land surface Date � ;• l'' y Equipment used: —^� V II, PUMPING .LEVEL below land surface and YIELD fl. after hrs. pumping g p m— — ft. after his. pumping g.p.m, +;. __.— ' v -- -- --- 12.GROUTING Well Grouted: Yes ❑ No Material: ❑ Noo' Cement Other: _ 13, PUMP: (if available) P l — - 1_?� Longlh of Drop Pipe ft. capacily g. p. in. 76-ISubm. Jot Contrificol Other 14. REMARKS: tall to, -Lod cit 1.0 GEM 16, WATER WELL CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATION: 15. Water Te in pe rat urs __ o ❑ F ❑ C This well was drilled under my jurlsdicllon and this report Is true to the bps of my knowledge and belief; mapusm Ax` 7aklilg A.A. 73 35 i� Registered Business Name �7 r'�7) Conlract License Number d 000 Box 70%(. )eagle River,, ilk. 9 57 % Address: Signed: 'W��_.'�,... Dole: Authorized Represento ve - T — Form 02-WWR (11/81) Copy Distribution: WHITE -State DGGS, PINK -Driller, CANARY-Cuslomer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPAR"f MENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL_ OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY 264-4720 Application Date-,Att28a }-g{6_-- 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Lot 3; Mock 5; SchnoedeA Eat Subdivision Location (address or directions) Charity Lane ------ -- ---- ----- (b) Applicant Name Lucy Stanton Telephone: Home 694-5220.__ Business -- �— Applicant Address SR 43 Picinee o„ Peace, Eagle Raven, AWha 99577 _ (c) Applicant is (check one): Lending Institution IJ ; Owner/builder E ; Buyer 0 ; Other 0 (explain); (d) Lending Institution Man Nanove�t Mo'etgage C cpma %(t,�hone Address Aneh_azae, AW ka (e) Real Estate Company and Agent ._ none__._._��_ Address ��__— Telephone (f) INS kothe HAA to the following address: --- 2. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single -Family (J Multi -Family IJ Other Number of Bedrooms 3 3. WATER SUPPLY Individual Well EM Community El Public CI Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Onsite W Public 0 Community El Holding Tank 0 Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Pagel of 2 72-C25 "1 811) 5. ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING w4SPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA avND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Narne of Firm $ & 5 ENGINEERING Telephone__— Address — 5R B 'I96X --- --- --- Date --- EAGLE RIVERr ,LAK 99577 ^------- ���� 0 � ---,-- A conditional Neat-th Autho)r i-ty Appicoval is hequilted pending &nptementation ob a water main extension ag&eement entered into by Steve P. Stanton on August 18, 1986. A penbatmance guarantee in the amount ob $25,000.00 has been posted with Anchorage Water and Wastewatvt Utit ity. Att wo,cfz should be completed no latest than Octobeit 1, 1986 at which time eon"c eoe'stSQeapubtic Engin water wiU be completed. 6. DHEP APPROVAL �� ��Po Approved for Tlbedroorns by A 4 3Tav_C f •lDIsaporc-vc- Conditional Terms of Conditional ApprovaliF�-- S&I'likeel rtla7'ev ©PZ or Zd4Ae (e?- 4 /9s3/0. 4,pes— 5f �/"�a9. ��c• le•r'reA- e / �r/Y a // W r.� ujeZ/ 41g� �Eu/// i,,,E /env'¢;-ipto is r-aA 440, el 0. AT/iOv0-)/Ve l�vJ�s�C4 Xele-1r�i� 4,6nd aF,l0_rt lb". i'4a 44OA9�,-,Vaal t�,%/de- /E va/.r� i Q r�,o edUv' �OEaarlE'rbt�r �s t �EGP sse� !j CAUTION The Muncipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection (DHEP) issues Health Authority Approval certificates based solely upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHEP does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHEP do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Page 2 of 2 72-025 (11/84) A. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 264-4720 Oki Legal Descri/ption: Z / WELL DATA ' 3 I ;l1 Well Classification '!(� If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) Well Log Present (Y/N) Date Completed 71-22 2 Yield Total Depth -� Cased to 3 Depth of Grouting Static Water Level _ Z74S r Pump Set At — K � rr Casing Height Above Ground Sanitary Seal on Casin( N) _ Electrical Wiring in C:ondui (Y N) Depression Around Wellhead ( /N Separation Distances from Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot �l ; On Adjoining Lots %USD To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot 9/ ' ; On Adjoining Lots `UO _ To Nearest Public Sewer Line _ s To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole — '/06) — To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot '.k Water Sample Collected by S'' 57"y 9.Date — -7 L �L Water Sample Test Results �1 22 �� / R` G �G ���'�1 _r_1Ir C 7-0 2I Comments ? a,6oe-rclotir B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA / A Date Installed 6-2-6- 5 Size 0 No. of Compartments — Z Standpipe (Y N) — Air -tight Cap (Y/ ) Foundation Cleanout (Y N) Depression over Tank (Yo Date Last Pumped Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) U / for N Holding Tank High -Water Alarm (Y/N) 4 _Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) � Separation Distances from Septi Tank: r / To Water -Supply Well S� To Building Foundation — To Property Line _ A0 To Disposal Field To Water Main/Service Line — Go r To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage �tj (A. Course Comments Page 1 of 2 72-026111/841 4 74, de z�,, �4� J� H , � C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA 196 i311Type Soils Rating in Absorption Strata of System Design —�`P�L Date Installed (e 22- 0 Length of Field SU or Width of Field 30 / _ Depth of Field Z Gravel Bed Thickness 5— Square Feet of Absorption Area �� `B — Standpipes Presen((Y ) — Depression over Field (Yo Date of Last Adequacy Test — 6 Results of Last Adequacy "fest oe _,r Separation Distance from Absorption Field: r To Water -Supply Well F/ X To Property Line !0 i To Building Foundation Ze To Existing or Abandoned System on Lot � ; On Adjoining Lots r. To Water Main/Service Line f _ To Cutban� k (if present) AJ To Stream/Pond/Lake/or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or VehicleStorage Area La r X &/,G L , `z Comments , D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Dimensions Size in Gallons ;Mahole/Access (Y/N) "Pump On" Level at _ mp Off' Level at _ — High Water Alarm Level at bi _ Vent (Y/N) — Tested for — Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments ** Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request ** I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all M A and HAA guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. Signed SAS-EN"EERI G Date 6 Compan$R-B_tW(_ — MOA No. Receipt %GLE RIVERr AK 99577 10()/00 ¢AW,°^°° 00,0. Date of Payment n —iR Amount: $ 157 y 0 °*a Page 2 of 2 72-026 (11/84 ..�ur�orvllY �MA6. Lucy Stanton SR 43, Paince o6 Peace Fa.f e_. Riven, AtaAa 99577 10 4Wf-IFR H. r i F N110NS L A f ,_LI; S{ I ,1,14 I l+,!IG STUD�FS voltI hW11 LIP':'H CrIOF A PLANS July 20, 1186 REFERENCE: Lot 3; U.tock 5; Schroeder East Subdivi6ion. Dean Mat. Stanton, 110BER1 A. SHAFER CIVIL ENGINEER 694-29» I refire;, to in6o,iwn you .that we ane unable .to obtain a Way.th. Authoni..ty Approves: ,hon the residence toca.tod on .thn ve6erenced property as you requested. the adequacy ten on ;the septic system delenm.ine.d .that the system is curnentP.y 6uncti.ond.ng adequa.te4y 6o4 a thren bedroom knoidenc.e. The septic tank was pumped and we om We to ver.i6r that the tank has a capacity o6 1000 gatton.s. A yield test pen6auned on the we.i-f- ind.ica.ted that the well was produv i ng bu 6 S i.aient wate..r to meet the minimum requitement eAtab.U.6hed by the Mun.icipaP.,i.ty o{ Anchorage, however, the, water anaP.yt,.is boa Iotat coti6orm bac.teW taken on June 22, 1986 was re:r:ur & Grom the Laboratory with ca un6at 66actory reading. A6ter you chrP_or,ina.ted the system a second sampte was .taken on July 2, 1986. i -his samp,.i.e was also returned Qom .the !'ab with " unva.tijactory reading. At this point you had us chtontnate the system and a third Aampte was then taken on July 7, 1986 which was also retuaned with an unsati.66actony reading, A6 a re.suft 06 .these tests it doe6 not appear that your Wt will produce an acceptable, co.UKonm reading. It .is our recommendation .that aft water eonsamed 6rom your we_tt. be boi.eed pir,ioa to use.. It i.6 our undeutandd.ng that you ave, wonki.ng with the devetopgk on a project that w ti po66ibiy ,attow you to connect to the =04 system. soncor_su'' The �e_r adequacy test onmed at this time ,i6 q � 1 6 goad boa. .two ye_-ct.n:6 and .t:he septic tank pwrip.ing .i6 good bac one. year. 16 you obtain a 60taKe water 6uppty within the next twretve months the work pe4604%d on your septic system WUt )AU be vat.id bov obtaining a Heath Authoaity Approval. 16 we may be o6 6urther 6erv,ice, Phease contact u6. Si.rtcee_y, I-rdrr,rnnnoN /� � �� rLsr [-f`?,0E-RTT7A. S/fAFFR, P.C. RS/s ,RUC rURALS "ECHANICAL INSEEC f IONS N!"F A051, WATER gPDSAL SYSILM SRB i96X EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 M ROBERTA.SHAFER CIVIL ENGINEER 694-2979 Augu,st 20, 1986 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION HEALTH AUTHORITY "'MUG 211996 APPROVALS Municipality o4 Anchon.age R E C EI VE D Depa4tment o4 Heakth and Human Senv.ices 825 L StAee-t SEWER &WATER Anchonag e, Ata.6ka 99501 MAIN EXTENSIONS ATTENTION: Steve Mown, REFERENCE: Lot 3; Mock 5; Schnoeden. Eabt Subdivi.5 ion SEWER & WATER INSPECTION Dean Steve, Re4enence oun telephone convensation conce)tning a conditi-ona2 Heath Appn,ova.2 bon the ae4en.enced pnopeKty. A Aatis6actony coti6onm ERINGAuthon.ity ENGISTUDIES RE AND REPOORTSRTS bacte)tia anatati3 on .the exi4tin weft Located on the 7e enenced xo en.t y g 4 p p y could not be obtained. A Municipal wa.ten main can provide pubYi.c water to this n.esidence with the cons,tnuatLon og appnox,ima.te2y 820 tinea2 fleet o4 8 ,inch main. The Stantons Gong with thei)t neighbox have ewtened into a water main extension agn.eement With AWWU and have poated a $25,000.00 WELL INSPECTION &FLOW TEST pen.4onmance guakantee 4o& the pn.oject. The Stanton need to comptete the ne4.inancing o4 .the i -n home in onden to pay expen5e6 a37soci.ated with .thi-3 project. It .Ca .thene4one neques.ted that you issue a conditions apphova as di-scus,5ed in ou4 pnev.iou6 convenhation. SITE PLANS Attached to ,the request 4o4 a cond.itionat HAA is a copy o4 the water main extension agneemen-t and .the pe74o4manee guanan:tee. 14 you nequ.ine additi.ona2 .in4o4mation, ptease contact us. ROAD DESIGN Scnce2/ , SOIL TEST O ERT A. SHAFER, P.E. AS/,s,s PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL& MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS ON SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN SRB 196X EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Time APPLIC ' NT FILLS OUT UPPER HAI ONLY Prop,rty Owner Myers Construction, Inc. Phone Mailing Address Ea le River, AK Zip Code 995.77 694•-9633 Buyer , Steve P. , & Kycme Stanton Date Address 624 N. Klevi.n, Anchorage, Alaska Zip Code 99604 Date Lending Institution -: First Federal Savings & Loan Phone AddressZi — zip Code p -8T3-4*-�derthe fights Realty Co. & Agent n Ali^�z ge-AK Commonwealth Totem Realty, Inc./Jim Montague Phone Address PO Box 911, Eagle River, AR zip code 99577 694-9494 Legal Description Lot 3, Block 5f Schropder ?Bast Subdivision 1.9.E _} n tv�=-ice. �owsA'0%j Street Location NITN Charity Lane r Type of Residence Single Family ❑ Multiple Family No. of Bedrooms C ❑ Other f; Water Supply `•�� ( ) DISAPPROVED IR Individual -- ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log Is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. ❑ Community ,'7 For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). ❑ Public Utility - Soils Rating ' �•-� Sewer Disposal Well To Absorption Area 1 C� �� r Well Log Received R Individual Year Individual Installed: 1982 .��.�...M. ❑ Public Utility When Connected to Public Utility: ❑ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Time Time CSL 1���,t Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Field Notes: j\j0 l_..�I•e-�� �i�,m.�.,�" 1.9.E _} n tv�=-ice. �owsA'0%j RECEIVED -1 C (") APPROVED BEDROOMS 'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL' DATE _iaBY: Soils Rating ' �•-� Date Sewer Installed Well To Absorption Area 1 C� �� r Well Log Received SetiTank pc anze Si .��.�...M. Ail �- --,� Well to Tank C') G '4-0j �',epto?filv-!r I , IT',2 Myer ,, Cormt.ruction, Tnc. T,aqlo ilivr"r, 71,11. 91Ti77 £3tiblir,cL t Tint 3 Tiloclik !'. `)cllrondor 1,last `,mlylivl'sioll A))-i)rmwil. :For 211dividual sc!wer wirl water Eacilltie.!i carmot imv-il llavu boprl com-plotod- 'Plio f3eprcr-ztirm or pl. I-- avourld t�lo %mll caf;J.Ilg lloc('tp, Lo he `ill ^.l with haperviolls typi sail so 1 --hat 7_C 'away Am the well casbul. J, For -n,(!Il (!a:;t to :Froltl thir." De par'Lwo at for tllo Plom-'n. 1-Inti.ay WIN Ilepartrierlt fin]! a vfllcm t --4t3 b0c.11 tll 'r -c, arr. ring 11, tlliF; n�. 26(I-4720, cm V) /p/ lu " n c Y., Cory I CHEMICAL & G,. 'LOGICAL LABORATORIES _. F ALASIKA, INC. TELEPHONE (907)-279.4014 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 274.3364 - 5633 B Street orgy :•. �` Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER IL: TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY WATER SYSTEM Water System Name E:71 ,I.D. NO. Phone No Mailing Address City State Zip Code SAMPLE DATE: L❑ Mo. Day Year SAMPLE TYPE: ❑ Routine ❑ Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no. _a ❑ Treated Water ❑ Special Purpose ❑ Untreated Water SAMPLE Time Collected NO. LOCATION ( Collected By 2 IL ---�I 3 L J 4 L J 5 06.1220 (b) Rev. 1978 Date READ INSTRUCTIONS I]ate mccnmc Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: ❑ Satisfactory ❑" Unsatisfactory ❑ Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. Date Received ems_ Time Received _ Analytical Method: ❑ Fermentation Tube tJ Membrane Filter Lab Ref. No. Result' Analyst L' J [] v 48 Flours Confirmatory 24 Hours _ 48 Hours +Noof colonies/100 ml- 0r No. of Positive portions BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Time Received Source— a.m. _o.m. Lab. No Presumptive loml loml 10ml loml loml 1.Oml 0.1ml 24 Flours 48 Flours Confirmatory 24 Hours _ 48 Hours EMB _ Broth 24 hours:-- Broth 40 hours: _COLLECTING SAMPLE Multiple Tube Report: _10ml Tubes Positive/Total loml Portlort Membrane Filter: Direct Count— Collform/IOoml Verification: LTB )/ . BGB _ Final Membrane Filter Results _ - _ Coliform/100m1 Reported By Date - Time:---a.m. p.m. CHEMICAL 8c GL LOGICAL LABORATORIES' F ALASKA I1VC TELEPHONE (007)-278.4014 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 274.3364 5633 B Street 1A-rA:ee Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER I� TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY WATER SYSTEM: Water System Name Mailing Address FT771 I.D. NO. Phone No. r. City (— - State Zip Code SAMPLE DATE: CZ] =1 Mo. Day Year SAMPLE TYPE: ❑ Routine ❑ Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no._—___) ❑ Treated Water EJ Special Purpose ❑ Untreated Water SAMPLE Time Collected NO. LOCATION Collected By 1 2 L X --- Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: Satisfactory ❑ Unsatisfactory ❑ ;;ample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. Date Received _ Time Received _ Analytical Method: ❑ Fermentation Tube EJ Membrane Filter Lab REST. No. Results Analyst e _ I-e�J CIS l-�sJ CCl - L0 -J CCI *No. of colonies/100 ml. or No. of Positive portions. 06.1220 (b) BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Rev. 1978 Date Collected _READINSTRUCTIONS Data Receivetl _- rim. 0...:...dI No Source a.rn. Presumptive 24 Hours BEFORE 48 Hours Confirmatory 24 Hours 48 Hours tee. lonll loml loml loml loml Lori 0.1ml e _ emn _ Broth 24 hours: —_Broth 48 hours: _ COLLECTING SAMPLE Multiple Tube Rer)ort: _ 10ml Tubes Positive/Total 10MI Portions Membrane Filter: Direct Count— - Collform/100ml Verification: LTB _BGB Final Membrane Fllter,Results_._, - Collform/loeml Reported By - Date Timet —a.m. p.m. Br i. an J, Grcn.te7- arid. Sieve P. Stanto;i wt, rr.aIli] 7 os,xdcnt , e.t c., ) r that they have, the Mlthor.i_t.y to execute t_hif; Agreelfmnt: On hehalff i of Lhe Owr`or �,nd llevc2opee" o;_ t. 11 pr.opeety which ;.s the sub ect i of th>_:�i, A(,rc;omenI-- The part.les _o thi -s Agrc.csmenL sna1.-1 :1C,7 ept_ i n�3t";i.ces�. at the ;:,;l.l_crwi.ng addresses and tel-ephone numl-11-rs; DE E,I.OT)NR Brl.an Jf Gl.erise r SR t.':n;, 4.1. 1p -e- i nco c>L Yo<ace Dr. h,•rglc: Tt.vc AK (-,,57'1/6V, -59t12 Steve, l' St a iT cn �i Box 4.3 F rncc of heaCc Di Irag t -e R Orel: , K 19577/6911 220 MUN I CIPA',CTY Municipality of Anchorage Wal -e< & Wast•ewat.er U'L1J i c— Jnt11at" j oY-1a1. Anchorage, 7\11ska 9S51t; .iO4 john J. taing��? 51�f'-Z7J.9 m I 11 --1 re.ra1. picopet"i.v whJ.ch. 1 s fhe SI)bj(,r.1. O[ t:h1.5 AO 1`P.:•'ini-n-, �, t y) wi.thi_n the hrjchoY'u'.i@ Ro - iherc.i.haf`;e>�- 1..""1 F .o le 7_t �.7 located Coil]ill (_j I)i. t t Lr'f c. rl C'7 t;h(: fin P.I1O?:: i:i Cl' t`i �I ('7" t)t--J. �. 1-t: ti(' ;i!?I v Ice Ar II _ il j[=antCCl by t.rl<5'. f`>.LaBk<1 PLIk).Ll.c t)t-:Lli_iii +-Fs (e�0IT1ilU-`>`�i_r=lrlr Fl C1 Ci ,.-. (_'C.s3-' i cri-bod as. ii �I cr: East. Addition, 13].c,ck 4, Lc t.s.t ) and .3, BI )(:k `�; ri:);:, _3 (Plot iM,--298), locMed withn t_he S:L/i. N1 '2, �rc t .C7"il L; '1.4111, 112W, S..'1, , iv -J a:�,lca !G1- i.;J it [44`'.31)2) ( �, i.s> L[.c)t•17 dE,_c7:i_p�ion i.�� taken From theprr_1>n,znar_y pI. foY: 1 he.. sU71JCl.lvl.si,on, 7.t 7_S stflo :C f' to IlaIige af.{'.(::i: the rccvr•clinn of Unc ''i.na ulat:-. Swct al tache'J )nap Lor approximate lova ion o ` };1::7;,er.°i:.y) . i i; ["illnlCl.)F��7t_+'�; 1�, cClAt"ii 5hii.i�P. of vVP1S:lI7.nC1 ._._ . _�___.__ . __ __ .._ ___ . ._—. - ES t. i.tilaf::aci :gfi,t_ of waver mala over-oizi.ng l:or a Ppr.oxi.rnatel.y J -- l.:inea_t feL of Ga.eicti . at.el.' rials, (ApprcXiniately )_)Cr-(.a.ri<-. foot cit.fforetl(-,i Irl c;C);3';;- oa: pi.phl and acC,eC' ;or ).<.'S, Mun7.(,- Lpa1. A`iFsi'III, i,y �,ppl:'ova.f i. ;i ,:cquj.r, d f Li.c`.ud1 exc..oecl $00, 000 S 0, 00 � (.. CC,'rAta FSTlMh'.i'1 D Pk2O;l ri' 27.,U0G 00 Serf_ i cin J "aymenL to Ll � u o F ssc ,rne r Char r: es. flit J tic J.oPei to pad? the Mtu1l c ip r l.i.t y a per -square foot charge in 7.Let] of i.mpl.ovemenY, diaLr.ict: assessaicnt- for the Developer's V:)= n€aii.'ra c currentl_y Oxisi. in , w jt( -,i: mains ad jacen to or, within t:.he Proper:•t.y, A, Tho stlal.lpay, where: applicable, a ch,;rgc: of $ 0, UO (p1 us b1A iiltececi from N/ - _ _. of the corse of. C'Jnst ruct inq the cur "r'en(:J,y exi.r:ti.ng t•r.It:e,r mains adjaceni: to or within the Property. 3r,, ci c.Plar.ge f, shall be paid when L-tle Devoloper trani.<.fors the p.r,oE>ert:y, ol-- ally 1_ot or parcel within the ;;r'of�eriy, t.o ,.norther; provaftd, however, (r: i -hat all such char.cle aid � r:ila:ll. be pno l.ttthein .c. n Lwe yers ('.t:om t:hs> d�it.e of accep':anco of th", wai'.oT: nic!!"n by the Mijrii-c7pa1i.ty of Ancholra<'i� - 2 ..- AWWU 1./.t/U6 A. 13. n ._. I Tho �__..e. r: o a e c t The 1.)e' ;. 1.c)pet shr11.1. provide (l COlil[?1 ('i 3 water distribution ^ystam c .Jcrve the property ill conformance \•,,i.l.h the Water tai=1lc.t r Plarl adopted by the 1-;uni_cipal.ity, 'J'he, water system Sha"tl i.11CIU(_ O a.il, w�rt:er facl.lit iEs noccc f•;sar y to provld^ \•rater. service t:.o each Iot- and/or, par_ccl and sheAII make ade- quate f.ir.c trot-oction av)i-l.able. throughout i -he Property as deter:mineci by the Hunici.pal Dire, Marshal, The Deve1.o>er: shal.i. design, construct, a.1d install water 1inr=s f, (ori t_hc: hroperLy t.o the Muni-c.ipa'.i_ty's exi. ;ting v,iter syS,t,C!ill . ;hr.' Deve'Loper sliall pay the, Cn1_,.1T"(3 cost- of corlStr-UCt incl fihc water: system to serve the Property. if the Muni.('. .1, p i_r 1. .1 ',: �' r:egrllrP-S the Developer to ove!:'size th<< wi3 .er -11w Hun?.clp% li.ty shall. reimburse the Devel-aper the difference, bet.woon the cost of: pipe and fittings actual -Ly r_equi.red - cl �_c�r.ve Hi -w Propci.lLy and ghat: which was i.nstalled The t".oti'l co:_ -,t Of conHtYUCting WLIf_gr' f ,•::l_t1t1es mlclet thl.s Agre,emo,nt: :t.s est.imai:ed to be as indicated in Section h(,.1_ow. This esi-Amat:.e shall be r.lsed to cc-mputc: t.}1l;, i)I_0ject cost uepc;>J : a: :er!uJ.red by 1.>al ,r_"'aph1,. (_s of ,,r l.)_c.l e TT of S c,ti.on ''ed pr.o;( cit; costs. 1�.. 1)ov looeI:, EStirlmte(I COst: Esstimw,liod const_rucr.ion. CO`;1;. of appr.o.xinlat.ely 320 li-deal fc:,et of 8 main & 1_aci-J.iti.cs:: .t;'`St:.1.00ElttJ<I :;'CUt1`;U._ii.S:!ll: engilnoori.nC feer, :111d othEir r::o-tatod i,osiL i (1.e. desi.gri, tsoills, °3u'r_'!/c'.)1 r ])CU:1 t admi nist-i:'at i on, ot_c< L•'e;t.!nWt.od Municipal. Project- and r;ojeact and inspection rolf>;tso DEVEhOPER`S COST; 1.9, 000.00 i, 000.00 $ _t, 000.00 21.,000.00 f3 h}unJ( t})ul ii `!`` Es k,_.hated Share of- Ov er s.izrng Cc):,t: ksst..i.rnat.ecl Co,.,t of w2:ctE?x main over.;) zing !'c -,r c1rJ}:)r0ximate1.y _,.:meal fret of --i.nch 'aat or main, (Appror i.matel.y per li.noaJ foot difforem e in co5,t:`of pi.po and accns.:ori.cs,) Muni.ci1),-11 A6-„ombl_y approval” i _e:guir^r_1 "f C'Udl costs 'exceed $30,000. IOThi; ES7IM.A ED PROJECT 0.00 2_1., 000.00 Sc3ct_:Ion 3 }.)1' munt- !.n -I, i(,, ii"oL \SSes-m(-2r11 ch a r g C. .°.S, The l)'.'Vli:lOpeJC ! agrc o�: to p 1;! the MnnJ c.if), l s I:y a her :,qua -:e foot cliarcie i.n )Aeu of i.mpr,-ovemeant distr.i,- t ;)ssc -.sment for the t?ca,re1oper, s �anefi.t: of c:ur_rc.ni:.l.y exit;i-ing water_ maJ.ns adjacent_ to or within, the Property. A, Ti (i Devc:l_opol. ,IMI.:1. pay, w}lercc appl_i(:able, a ch,_,1:ge of $ 0,00 (;,l.us Nl11 % intc:{cst. from c)% the cost of constructing th(.-'. f;ul"r E;1-1t:.l.y W.ltie,, ioains adjaceni: to or within oho property. fJiarg_es shall. be paid when the Deve:}_oper trar�,fars thu? proper t.y, or any lot or parcel with:i.n the }v.-operty, to .Trot:her. r provided, howevc,'r, that a1.1 such charges `,hull. be paid no :}.c.t.cr than two years from the date o'- ar_ceptancc of the laator mr:iin by Lim Munic•i.11al.it.y of Anchorag('.. .- 2. AMM 1/1/86 In ' tlie cven�U Hilal consi-c--tic.i i�.oli costs of currexit, ent.1V ting wacec mains adjacent I;o or within the oropel:ty are n(:),,-. known at the time this AyrcemenL .is Signed, the Develnpe)- hereby acknowledgcs his liabilitv- for PaYiII9 a (,harm-., estj.jijate(j t.o be approximately $(AIC)t-. Applical,-Je) per, scluarc foot: of as se s s a b I e pro po 1. i.11 J.ou of im-m'-ovemeril, dis"--r-ict ;1 sse r;smlon Its for i. t S Pro ra I- a share Oli liec0,),,-' c ! 1. Constructing said currently oxisting 71iter I . fla i. I) F3. Whrm I -lie final. coy of i -.,n(--, —, ------ N/A water ma -ins adjacent, to Or" Within the are known, Lho M u n p a shall. charge oejcjj ].()t adjacent to sa.id water: Irl 11. !,- I ]:ala F -117 (-1 h e -)r.)rovf-(.l const ruc tl oil Cost of L[:.`: ratc �h, C) .IN A ' water Ila i. ll improvoi-tievits. These chat go's he (--�V-le(' by an to this amfoement and shall ne P -;id withil-I two yearsI-rom Llm� date of a'( - cept'(anco of s a:1. j N /'� 3 0 d a L -i- " -o- Y 15 (-,- 1- n---(- ill'PrOvOr"ellLS or wi thin J-11ed by the 'luniciPal i.ty, whichever is The indivjdu<il loi-s t-,,ljjch shall be chii,qecj' al:e as f0jj_Ow_q: S C: I -R 0 1);I{ "31()M RAST A;Dl-).!.'I' (PJ.at ?¢7].-29€3) ----------- - L'a,./menlL in [JeLl of A X C'0 D ---------- - - - ---- -R-ATE-�.3- 4 2 0`i0-•-067.-20 $0.00 (1. 3 050-062-19 $0.00 $0.00 5 050-062-12 $0, 0 $0. 00 a y m e n t. j. e F'I fl 0. 1'. 1 tS Cor the above I o t. s iq e I - u J. ci e be (:al(- C� �(-i Jn accmdanc.(-, wli-,Ai the Anchorage MuniCode P a in off-ect. on t,1`10 JAto this A g r n :,) m ce i i t 7.5 C x e C 6 t 0. d a -i n J s na 1. L hand -Liiture.st ar.; aMCh()T-'-".Z0d When the final 1)1-11. for the Property br�Qj-� fj.jo(j %,/:it I -h the Dlstrict. Recorcler office, rhLrd Judicial L)j -st,�rj(,t, and a copv delive'led to tile. (('0110 t:rllction Divis joi, of: MOV], i--llp tNjtjl,jeip(1J Icy 1;11011 am3ign each lot or parcel j the a pl-O rata aJWXQ Of the cllnrges il) lieLl OE 21 s S CS s Ill 0 n t !13 The Duvolopet. shall thnreaft-e- entor J.nto arc Afn,Jidliricjjt. to W -A, L e - Main [7'xte,lSj.on !\grepinc,nC setting each of the cha'"'(Jes on each lot Or Said Amendment to this Water Pea ill f�,';;terlsiorl Agi',-ement shall be r"Cordeci. In tile event the I- llev:ltorcr fails to sign said Amendmel-)t- wj.iAli!-) Sixty (60) days of the Devoloperc 0 h Ic -by aur hori the murl'i ci Dal ity to (?1.0C'I1t`0 0 Of Tier) On arty o)- al J. fot--f- , tract S' Or Par(--Olc; v,'J thin the Properuy for pkirposes Of C:o-l- LecIm! the 5,lid C!Ic'J--90-'7, ill j iz',)U of All Chal-(JQ!payablx by Developer mj(jer this Agreement.. --ir(-, a 1-iiin upol-i Lj)(' In addition to Pursuing any oi-her- rellie(ly [)I'-)v.;.d('d by Law, the f.luni.cipolit.y rijav j.-ecover ally j)pl a. C-1 T) I. !, hast �- t doer) harries e Ll 0 f L in tfle Same manner "l:3 d-1. I. I i q i) t spec a 17 C c, 1 .1 oc, t -d7 t h I, i y c'-rld sale of: Ole The bluriici.pn Lit\, upon timlj:Opnrty, or any lot or Pell --cel W:;thin the Pcoperty, when 1"ilu -11')rgc' for t.he F-Iric for any lot or Wil --hill t'110 PY.-0P0I-'tyf have !)r,r,rj Paid, ALI. shall be palcl when Lfic J) e v rl o, -) o i transf , ers, the Pl:or)erty. CJI: ally lot or par(:el withir !...he I -o another; L-)rovided, howc-,7cr' that if foe al -111 S nla(30 clt- Ule '-jm(, Of t.ransfcr, tho ched '- be pain' f:)y tl�je Owner of record of saidOr any pari: 1 t h,,'. r (,' o f , n 0 later than two (2) years aktel,- the date OE Completion and acceptance of the wat-er main by the he Mtjrjicj.pajitV. and pro-- \7.1.dcd turthet: that in those cases where the Puo-Pol-ty, or. any Peart thOY(�Qf, .s not. trm.rJ,'Crl:ed to another, the Developer_ .31181.1. I. '11FIll. PeY Such C. I ',a)- 9 e T, no later than t-wo (") years after t; lie (-ji)te of, comp p 4 0 11 n t h M L� (A of Hic watc-�r Illi--Iirl by mqvj 3/1/fJt-' i i G. Upon the Dc, ,,(-.Toper's S.uI p^rformancc vC all J -i'.5 oblJgatJ_ons � �t a r t -' r' P r'ci c c under thi. A(;r.ccm(>nt, t ral: pari:ion of tip r.operty n.:ic3er_c3 under L1 -I(-'. pl:C.)vi.s.i.or:i of the Anchor.a.ge iqater. UtJ--1-ity '.ia.ri.f.f to i be LegallJ s;(: r-ved wJ.i.I b( o':(?J tted frorP. an`�' 1'ut r water improvement, c'ti-si_rict:s `Jh i_ch may be formed to [)CCIV d(- W'jl e 7 ser_T,ri.C.o to (AC' jacerlt:. p' 'o �� c c.� t for 14' 1k -or Servlco, to Other Properties. section 4 k...l.mbur_smeR A, Aftcrr t.hc 1'11.11licipali.ty accepts the water. cyst -em L.o he �I corlst.ruc'Led by tale Dnvojop'r under t.hi s Agreement., of her: prc— perti.cs whi.cnn are benefited t ;; the water system but not referred to in this Agrer:ment. as t:hc: Property play reduest !aat.er s(`I"V`7CC'.e Upon l.(3CeJ.pi. Of a J."@(1UE;st: for 'rJatf`7: :;(JY`v1Ce to �JJtr.h other proport.y the Munici.pal.ity shall in i.t.ia i, ac :ion t:.0 col..te.ct a payment'. ill I.J.E'u or.' Lhr ' .Onnect .ng property,. The paymerlL in l icll or: collected :hal. 1. be determined :i.l) r.Iccorclance with the Water Util.i.t.y 'Car:itf in d eet^ on the date the benefi _ed property i crnnocl-ed to the water systorn, and rei.mbUr.sed to 't -lie Devel.--i op"-?]- d.':. ttLlt.hC ,_ J. %eCt by thM: '_ari t f . Pr:'opelrt". 1 t l 0 h'? is i. t,ul bI 1-1 e, con,'t:i.ucti.on <>: Ltli:; war_er sy:ct.^m i,IcIucie: ?�-2s�ctlKOEDFR SUBDTvTS) H : 1r ) P"yment. ill Lieu of. � 'MXA CODE; RAT Asp;essmoni (PIT,A) 5 file r,111-01 of T..ot 2 c,oor)? -ll. 'CPD-'I'zrr1D ;I (7.'o Do NOT["! %Vater mens^ f_oi,' the ak)oae lct_ wi-13- be ied wtlE�n the cos1.'-> of the w at.('. r; maih! ar.c, known for ;: i:r i.s pr.ojoct. 3. The t)ropo:red service to i:.li( above parcels J.s >a>ec, uR a prh •- 11rn1,n•aJ_)r rOUt].RCI Of t(le l','1tE'r li.R(' and Shill -1, be I:EvI.sG'd, if T, Y'l('i C(! S.Sa is y, Ln a c c Or cl a n c n,, wi. t.11 R';-blJ .l. 1. t. const ruction,, Ahe above S:>pec i f_ l ed parcols ar(? l user LtA for pJ ann 7 -ng purposes only, c. 'Et _i.s ur;dorstood that in no case shall the iillo i..ci.pal ty reirn- hurse [he Deve.10per. until urh time as the benefi-Led pr.opcl.ty owneZ: [lllake- 1 ayment of, or r.�ntr!rs inuo o formal afirecfilent to make payllle-tt: 0f, his viat:e1' npiitym('.R t"`111'l.lBU`Of:`a Cti Ei nlLat.f n payment.:; to t.,ho Municipality. Section 5 Spr�ci.!1.. Pl:ovi.si.ons. A, T11e l•13.t.01` main crnUtruct.ed shall. Cron'c t-.Iie eilti.re 1.sngth o t1jo list l.oL and/or par -.".c l t.o be ser: ved. j; AVINU 5/l/P6 A R J..1 C 1, C 1. GENE'R,Al, PROVISIONS of ALti_cl.e. Unless this Aqrc.(Iment-. c,xpressly provides otherv).ise, al -1. provisions o I: t hl., Ar t i r: I - j pp I- y to every paru of: th i. ; i1 cr r c e v ? n 1.02Permi.t�-), Laws and Taves, - ----- --- -- The 1__)c.!veloper shall acquire and ITtailIttAill i.11 good stanclinq all permics, Licensed Ind Oth('Y O!Ititl.CfnCr)tS to its pm:Ew.mance under t.his I\greenient. All. actions Laken by the Developer undler this hgrei�ment shall. comply ,%7it_h all cable statutes, () rdi na 1-1 c e S, ru 1.0s El 11 d r c q I I I Fl t. i (,) n r I-, rl 1) (= V (I I o C_ shall pay all. taxes pertaining to it's perjormarlc.� this AqrccIlmrlt. I.03 Relat.l.onship of Par'U.Ies. Neither by entering into this Aclaelr rrr., nor by doin(j -) e r .my act, hereunder, may the Devcloi or riny con'-cau-i-.or or suh-- coMtractor of the Developer be deemed an i.lgenL, -mployee or partner of the Municipality, or otherwise asF;ociatcd with the Municipalit:.y other than, in the case c:,f Lh,a Dcwc,loper, as ar) irld?pe'no'crLt. contractor. The Developer anCl i i s _-onl'.ract_c-.vs and svbcont:i_accors shall. not reprogent o bi- arlents, employees or partners of 1:.he Municipality, ('r Otha3_wJ.l;e asso- cia.1--ed wit: :I the Municipality other than, in ca,' -o of the , I)Developer_t Developer, as an independent contrTactor.Developer_shalL no t i ty a.Ul. its contractors and suhcont:Y,act-.ors oi� ',-.he of this Paragraph. J?,jjqjjje(-rl s to Mimi.cipalilly. Dj 0 t: Vj j. t-. 11 s j, C.1 n(3 ',.,I g T 1) a a q r a rP h 2.. 01, of `� c t Ir � T (.),I. C:j n v J c -ig r( -.em nt whereby th- Municipality IkAle i'.)cve' eng j- nc!('_.ri rig costs, an engineer retained by the Develoqe)_- to form work under thi.-, Agreement shall. not be deented an agcni., (-.-m1ployee, parf ncr or contractor of-' the Mi.Anici.pality, or otl-ierwise , a s sociated with Muidcipalit-.y. 1,05 DeveloperlsiZesporisj.bilj.ty. ------- ---- - -- Tile Developer shnll. be solely T-C.'spoll'silDle for th') tol-,%l. perforjliavic:e ()'�. all. terms, covcnant.s and condi .ions of.' this Aqr,,�ement tht-, Developer's delegation. to another Of thc-,. actual. performance, of au.y term, covr,nant or conclition hereof . I D,-ve-lopoy's Indemnification, The Developer shall in(lellmify, (Jef,Qncl, and hold ha -1 rmosr, the "Imlicipali,ty fromany claim, ofallegod ciaim, action or dE!M(_AOCI �IrJ.Sing from any act or related U.) Acjr�-_,emcnt'. in whole or in part, cj' the Developer, his aciomLs,, employees or cont.,.ractors. The 1. - i " ability assumed by the 1)(weloper pursuant to thi.s Paragraph includes but is, riot limited to claim;:, for labor and rnpterj.,O.,,1`uinished foi: the constructiori of the improvements, 1. . OV 0 _J S C I El 'i. 111(i T- C, f Wa r r a 0 i V - NotwiLlistancling this Agreement or any action takan any person hereunder, nnil-.her the rjuni.c.i.p.-Ality nor anY rtiunici.pal, offic(-r, agent or employe,,? warrcml,.," or represents the lif-ness, suj.tabj.lity, or merchantability of any property, plan, design, maLc�.rial, workmanship or.trmcs_'ure for any J.')urpose. --5-- AWWU l/l/U I1._.. plans, l@?[]oi. '-'s , i. n(JS )I: "" hCr �: 5 t'h a 1_: th j s Agymcment rc;cjjj i zoo; the Developer to pi-tiv Wu t ho plain W I pa t] by Shoal . 1 be fCII ni Shod at th'; I F; � 9----- A. i��ci I ific�llln-t s .. A, 'F�'Xcclpt insr,)far a. -,:I Lhis Paro(jr,)ph o3pec1- ificaI1y permit!-, !D,,r f:he of its interest in part. of Chis Agr-e-nnen;.'- or any dMcnition of duties under this Aqrt--Cffi(crll: shat) be void, and any ]--,y the DEWHOEMIT to w3sign any, part: of As inLrorrst or any dutIr under. tns Agre,,iment Mail Clonsilitilte a clef,"l-0t. C-iritii'LlAng 1;le Muni(ArMlity to invoke any- remedy aystikiblo to i -L uridr�� 1.1-0 of t:hi5 Art isle. I'Phe DeVe1AQer may not its erotic ,,:-, un( -1(2r this writinq by t'. 17 i,lnnicipa-Lt.y. AWWTJ assign its �Intccrest or 611'---l.e(janf.'�' unj.e"-s expressly in u q i q a t: v I s it ei q q cc q 'Ptic Ouni.c ipcl jl. .ty may cl(:c J.o i. r` the Deve Top�I- t--,) MY ault T f i-IVI s P'f-1 jkn"Jcj"d cl tccano:rnp''- C"(-rleral. for f-cie b,-,naffit, a rekwiver to Im appointed Oil Of inSOI.VMICY, takeS tInv -11-caw fal. 1 --he O{.'.,, !n,,;(Av-nt, dtebtm--�,,, OL" 2 31 t, h (-i 1) c, v e J o 1) e r In a, s f -i i Ito r! i n a711, in in ;I sura 1) 1 e wi to perfoM its abligatims imidor this Agreeinerm, provided the Munici.palit.y Devfoj-oper r1otim or the faij.ktrr� jx--.rfform and LJw Devoloper friUs I:() coT:j:c!U. the failirro WHAil HUMI, (30) daym of reciniving t -h2 noti(-cc; or, if t:'ne i'<j.]-are requires more than clays q I (. y !.-'a (!w�(2' the Developer fails, wit-hin 30 d.--Ays o.I- the !!C)L'AC0 to coiw-nent-,e and procend with to c -uric the i`ailurr: . B. f! yo n Z_' (`Is,C: I a t a t j, o n of default t Ile M u ni (- i. pa I i. I -.y may (.to El i) V 0 C! ("'! tar 1"IC) re of: the" following: UO.F; withm& liabil Ay for smy olbI '." ga fc.io 11 M-1 til I..-.'.. ng '; 111)` (:.qu -'c n t: Lh r--, fait (. a ji lill e NO mn i It a t: i () n . any mQUirk! Of title DEAW101011- U11CIal: t.h." k o', Agreemen � , i 110. Lld 1 ny C o I I S; 1, 3: 11 (.- t i 1) ri, a I I o T.- 21. n y pa 1. t o I r- j. 111 F"' r o v C fil e n t-:-; F i-. e r q iv j- ri j -,,.c v (jail's not.We in wAting to the Developej. klv' Dev'!-' kilywl: be Jable to Q-ic� Municipal i,t.y ��or any thus Amal-red. We MunicApa-1.0y may ("Ieduc". any (."ost5 thus j ncmi i--e(l � I. ni-,i any ts "hen , il -,,r th��.reafter du(c the D(-�velopnr f-voi-n ti -n -I winAcipality, whether oncki thi-i Agro(cm0iii- oy. 3 AS rights under wyly guaxantee wmrinn the Dewyel.01,211 obligatlow under. thj s AgrAment, Pur Sue ;any a ppi: opl- j a tE' ind j C j jAJ3'el 0 e c ( Y i r, c7 j u d.i. n tj L. .1 i r n i t e d to all a (-,- ii i , -; I) f o t j I1 j 1.1 n c-, t, i. o In E I i I pen,-.Ait:jt�3 pmrwf.,.nit to Lh,,: ANUM(lipal CAWEV. -- 6 -- ----- ------- .......... -Flff Oct Of S`c. a ndaz'i Soe(A Lions and Des icn Cr. j- t -ria ')'hr t a n d a r J �i r) c, C a L i c n,,.; and OI: 1%1Ur)1C-LpaJ-iJ-"kv o.i Anchorag,2 in effect at, the 1-- i m E, di j- C; is executed, ac-, well. aS Title 18 oC Alaska Code and the St -7.0:c,. of 1%1.as1Ci:1 cri.t.orio adopi-ed for i -,ho design of wat2r and/or. san4,.t,--.iry 5c�,,er Ezicilities, shell be the minimtiin st-cAndarJs, for performance ulide;-- this i , Agreement. grec-aten . - unless pth-..rwis ci f i - - Cal ly prov i j.11 wr j. t j. ng Definitions OrLn c 3: p Y ov io ris in t-,hle standard specificaLioll-.�; (I P, s c. i: - i , binq the I-- e 1. a t i o n, s h j. p s a n d re r pati.e.,3 to Munici-Pal- -orist-rucl-ic.)II con .ract.s do n. t-1 apply he, (Ari to the o.vt-cm I-- Lha'L th-!y cont I ict wi Lh any Prov -ision Of h 'L �3 Acireement. L Ph) , parl- * ies may amend this Aguc-)emenf- ,-)t)J.y 10y mu.tual Written agi:�„-nicmt, which bc atLachcd het:ei--o. I . 14 Jurisdic:t..iOns Choice of Law. faiJure of- th(n Muni.ci.pali.' V F) 4 any uo eriF:)I-.-e f -.)Y: ov i ; ion C) t this I cemen !� ---,hal in i,io way L i L u ta a,a i- %17 e r i of 'Ale Provi.s.i-on, no): 1.11 any way C, the valich icy OF t-11" Agreement or any paj-i, or Ule ri.qht of the M u 1) i c, ]-,),i I I_ r:, v I thereaftc>r ,(-) e�jf.orc,,, 0 (,�jcqj prov is i o n � I e 3-- e o I-` , -Flff Oct Of S`c. a ndaz'i Soe(A Lions and Des icn Cr. j- t -ria ')'hr t a n d a r J �i r) c, C a L i c n,,.; and OI: 1%1Ur)1C-LpaJ-iJ-"kv o.i Anchorag,2 in effect at, the 1-- i m E, di j- C; is executed, ac-, well. aS Title 18 oC Alaska Code and the St -7.0:c,. of 1%1.as1Ci:1 cri.t.orio adopi-ed for i -,ho design of wat2r and/or. san4,.t,--.iry 5c�,,er Ezicilities, shell be the minimtiin st-cAndarJs, for performance ulide;-- this i , Agreement. grec-aten . - unless pth-..rwis ci f i - - Cal ly prov i j.11 wr j. t j. ng Definitions OrLn c 3: p Y ov io ris in t-,hle standard specificaLioll-.�; (I P, s c. i: - i , binq the I-- e 1. a t i o n, s h j. p s a n d re r pati.e.,3 to Munici-Pal- -orist-rucl-ic.)II con .ract.s do n. t-1 apply he, (Ari to the o.vt-cm I-- Lha'L th-!y cont I ict wi Lh any Prov -ision Of h 'L �3 Acireement. L Ph) , parl- * ies may amend this Aguc-)emenf- ,-)t)J.y 10y mu.tual Written agi:�„-nicmt, which bc atLachcd het:ei--o. I . 14 Jurisdic:t..iOns Choice of Law. 1.. 15 Defier ti -ons. U nJ c� i.i s t I I i, s I'l g I- c! e i ii e -. t expressly 1 3:0videS c) t 11 c r w i s e Lh e shall aptly herein, "liAN' by the Municipali-N, inl-?ans a def-c"I-Iuirla!Jon t`-Iat all jnp�ovemcnt me(�ts niunt,-) . Pal con s-..ruc ti"on 'A'andard's, and docts, not rel-eu to acct_-m�,-Ancf a de-ji,--'atic"n of Uie impy-oveinent by the Developer-, P, "ASi--B[Jj.F,T DRANL'.qGS" ivienms the plam and pro'lilc repro- duccible mylar dravjinq,:, vej:ifi-eei h.y a reqi.:erect oro - I - engineer, to be t -he actual. horizontal. and V'-,.fftical. all-Lgriment, distance, -1-1rade, amount -,s, et -.(7. klepiCti-fig the true locafion of ut.i.1"It-Y ).mproveinents actually C "AV1,713” mearis the Anchorage Water and Wastewat-,Dr Utility. D. "CERTTFIRD C'OS'T.' (STATEMENT" means an'iteriiizcd stntement provided to AWVIU of cc)e,t- certified by the Developer_ to )J" Lim actjIA. and fj.11, .1 11. costs of; waiter: and/or sanit,_Ii:y ,iewer fa.c i. I- j. 1A es Coll(_ t r 1.1c tr"d A c l:, p y c) t. I c,, f i.nal• p.1y t , ane'/or other applicable billings to JCKI-fy c1.11. costU.s shall. be included. A form to he used ' Wilen certified costs shall be provided by the I ,141 L -I ni (., j. IT.) a .1. i i.117 . II T" "T INAJ, INSPL"CTION" m(--ans that inspect -Aon performed by i M(.]rjj (Ii p.jl ity ;kf C_- Cofllplet-.ion of all. j-mp,-ov(-,meijtfL; �-CfUircld h(-! Dev('_J.o er und-,,ir Lhe 0 - this A 9 v e, n irL P. n t 1. 1 improvements ni u. t. s i :-; f a c t o r i 1 Y cr-[r�pletle a f. 11((ai- inspect".on before placing any part of 1 U), C V =hIn e 1-i Ic s un<irr warranty, I F "TMPP0\7X.Mf1MTS" means worn ,,illJ."I ..h l -he DErjC.).---TDor is r,equired to pertonii under: the Lerms of thi', A(I 1: meet. WWU J -//l/86 ar)s: I Lri-j from Agreement shal-L be by:()Ught '-II IIIR COLU'i'. fOr the Third Jlid. 41. of the ;;tat -e of lsalt at: Anchorci(J".., The 1,1WS of the Stat,e: of Alaska shail govern the and of the: under. this Agreement., 1.. 15 Defier ti -ons. U nJ c� i.i s t I I i, s I'l g I- c! e i ii e -. t expressly 1 3:0videS c) t 11 c r w i s e Lh e shall aptly herein, "liAN' by the Municipali-N, inl-?ans a def-c"I-Iuirla!Jon t`-Iat all jnp�ovemcnt me(�ts niunt,-) . Pal con s-..ruc ti"on 'A'andard's, and docts, not rel-eu to acct_-m�,-Ancf a de-ji,--'atic"n of Uie impy-oveinent by the Developer-, P, "ASi--B[Jj.F,T DRANL'.qGS" ivienms the plam and pro'lilc repro- duccible mylar dravjinq,:, vej:ifi-eei h.y a reqi.:erect oro - I - engineer, to be t -he actual. horizontal. and V'-,.fftical. all-Lgriment, distance, -1-1rade, amount -,s, et -.(7. klepiCti-fig the true locafion of ut.i.1"It-Y ).mproveinents actually C "AV1,713” mearis the Anchorage Water and Wastewat-,Dr Utility. D. "CERTTFIRD C'OS'T.' (STATEMENT" means an'iteriiizcd stntement provided to AWVIU of cc)e,t- certified by the Developer_ to )J" Lim actjIA. and fj.11, .1 11. costs of; waiter: and/or sanit,_Ii:y ,iewer fa.c i. I- j. 1A es Coll(_ t r 1.1c tr"d A c l:, p y c) t. I c,, f i.nal• p.1y t , ane'/or other applicable billings to JCKI-fy c1.11. costU.s shall. be included. A form to he used ' Wilen certified costs shall be provided by the I ,141 L -I ni (., j. IT.) a .1. i i.117 . II T" "T INAJ, INSPL"CTION" m(--ans that inspect -Aon performed by i M(.]rjj (Ii p.jl ity ;kf C_- Cofllplet-.ion of all. j-mp,-ov(-,meijtfL; �-CfUircld h(-! Dev('_J.o er und-,,ir Lhe 0 - this A 9 v e, n irL P. n t 1. 1 improvements ni u. t. s i :-; f a c t o r i 1 Y cr-[r�pletle a f. 11((ai- inspect".on before placing any part of 1 U), C V =hIn e 1-i Ic s un<irr warranty, I F "TMPP0\7X.Mf1MTS" means worn ,,illJ."I ..h l -he DErjC.).---TDor is r,equired to pertonii under: the Lerms of thi', A(I 1: meet. WWU J -//l/86 C; mn i c, L i p L a (I j 11 i I i J, i5 is e is i, I Aq):ccmonL, mc.!an.-, tho ."s -c -era I Manaq,-of tl-10 Aichorage WcIL(,L & c 1: fitAlAt"", or 11 e "RECORD DRAWING means 1 -, p I a I I and proii.le r e I-) r 0 d u - cibj_<-2 mylar drawingcs, vcri Pied 1,y u Jr.essional. EncJ ineer to i)c i:,he hor izontal. and vertices'!. alAgnim-nit, ct.i.stancc?, cjrtidc, as in suuvey notes, coi-ILI--actorl S nnt_e,,;, 1rne and gr_tcleman' s no) �es, amd en(jj.neer' s riot -.C'S, and _is C.o t.h:: basic control, raLher than the --,takc, rq 1, record 0,rawiriqs are submi Lt.(,cl t10-, 011(ji . neet: shal.l. ljen­ Lify the cotitraCL-w-, S and addre-1s; ;-I referonce tc) the lAne and tirade survey I)oc)l-,. number; t.h enginceri . . n cl firm's naftio. ai)d addre-S3, 'And CA reference, 1--0 the engi­ need ng P u I: vey I)() olc 111 imbr- z: (1):rjPy4 _1 Cf,-; W i I I on ". Y he accepl-_ed cis a subsic ii_Iite f as -buil d4rawin(Is if the Dn7el'opc-!r, Y> en(l) . nuer notoC .,nich po-'Jon r)f :,he drawi.11cj I information was ,?'-.'ov tdc-A by -.he c­)nft*rc3c.:Loi:, wh,i(I_h lb-, i -he line and gr�td(' -:)e.roon, ain(:i whi-ch 6y thc' engines??-. S T "A, N LDARD CONSTRUCTTON S P11 -C F ­TCA13.,10,JK 11 f.,or purposes of Lhi-1- means Lho.2'e constr-i2,r-1_J.on Lions maint-ainod and per iodi.c"111-Y reg' icv,,(?d anci nwxlified h.v the M1.1Ac71"7,-,,Jty Of' AnChr',TaU'! "71--1-Ch 13-C. a, Llle Mlmic,.paLiJv of 1\nchcji:a,_T- Standard that inspection pct:f.ormcci by the municipa.lity at t-,hc end Of 1 -he one year actrranLv pe r -i 0d A11. improvc2monts !hull: satc-1.sfactor-1.1-Y wllrran.y .�,115poctiorl bccar2 final. acreptance of 1 -he improveirtnots by the Municipal it -y. K "WATER/SANITARY SEMER COM" Ps tna f-, wa L� r r,)r 5 CWC r Rn il��k r Y �.rottl tjl(- watr% r OC a 11 La r YI e we r serv).ce connr�.,t.ion 1--o A-uc4-_ure and i,s f4cnei-al._Ly I-ocated on iPrivaLe property, c3E,A7F:R 91,RVJCi CUNi`1G; 'C'TO^?" means t. 1) 0. pipe anil appurtenances required L.0 connect an ..ndividua.1 pl- - P.�)-ty or: facility to tll(,-. sanitary ;C?W�Iff and x7hichat the property 1irie_ or-easeitv�nt tLmi.t and shaI.not in,1 � I j1de I e n e c c's s a ry f u, r th e 1 (2 n L OE the water or ani!-arv, seta^r system 0;1 t -(- I:. V;_j p p o I. t Y APTICLS, I -'- The Developer: Shill.]_ not: ohLai.11 lir'fr, , - cun(�tructicrl the -Ie imprets, ovmenc,-ommenc,3 unt-3. 11the requirc­ ments of Pivi,.'agraphs 2 . 0j. throuch 2 . 08 jjav(2 been mei:., 2-.- 0 1 11, The Developer shall rctain <n realist..: ted as a j incer under the laws of tho Stat(,. c)f 111aska t.o and adiiiini-;ter the constru,,,,Lion of: the, improvem(--2nts, incl_udinq preparing plans and ;peci:.icat-i.orls, inspecting and control.ling Ulne qul,lity of tho work d( -scribed herein in accorJance with the i1urticipality,s )_,ecOr,­Lmendcc1 pro(-,,ccJui_,2s, for c-,)nsI01LAnq c'. n <JJ. n e ( ` 3: -5 . If this ag)_­_ement i:(qll. re.;; the. Mur icipa1ity to reiinhurse the Developer: for engineering costsl, th,> fee schedule OE tll,? Engineer shij-13- be 2ttciched as an apponclix h(�i:(_,to, B. rl.'hc Ylmgj.nr�er hixecl by thc! Dewe] -oiler oL: retained so c -I L I - I 1� I , to be avail'at) e, throughou, wat:rmlty p, rior� to effect, tflyough the cont ractox- Ind/,.-)-( t1m Developer, co,.,rect.irm of all. conditj.-,)m�,. A Wt Tj 1/]./(3(j C The E)c!v(.)i_()p(-3r inform the he- has ret_tined Lo perform the dutie,,,-, d(,sr,'uihed in 7\ I)OVC F3 'I �A I I (I aqr�:e,,3 tjjOt-_ �jotjL�:(2 t:o the Lngineev at the ClLlti(),) such constitu�o !I()Li-c-,e to The Developer shal.j. inform Lhe Munj.(-'iPM-i ty of change A! the infoi-niation rco(Pli )'-)d und(�r t.ii i..-; A the .9un.iciprl]_i.ty, .in scat !:M As the Munic:ip�,s1"ec 'rY, c111- Plll'5 :)Ild spec- itiiations Pel.tailillg to the of tilo imp rovem--�YIICS . B. The Devrolof)('): '-;hall Submit to the NUMAPIGA!, proof that tic, h')ts retuirled 11l 1:o perform the -ico in Paragr-lph 2,01 of ArLi.C-10, C If th(.7 "Munic"ipality soil- tests PerUiillin�-" Llo Of: the of: the Las It 1"-os1IJILS with the plcLlls U-• Thr.. Lq I I rl -i t.'i ica- -Ons to I I -t Inny modify thein A) A.rO111 '1 (J) 'cile all C--ations j:o): requAnd Upon plan sab 'uzOon under Paracunull 2.03 Ibcolow, occur:, 2 0 3 The Jo-POS11- with Lh(j ?4urjic:jgaI j".v amounts rOC(Llit.-I-Id ;Octioll 2,..87.011 C- the Anchc-)raci-- 30111licipil COCic' and Pll agraph 2 04 ),ijibil The DC�W-'Iuper shall provijAC2 proof. Inkit it hEIS lCjCjUirc!Cd ON] HISIMIUMe requirco(I urldei. the E3t.,lnQard colr"<ItEucLi.on of t'ne Municipallity efflowt ;U the thle (Q Lilco sxecwt.jorl I- thliv; "'NOWN"t, the fainn 171 tjlos(� 301" f Or, thE! DO (71 al r d Lo "I"O"er "s ar19acJ""--'[ 1)3�-illlo peri�orlll Lho wol:k under thiq rllr emerat, prool, tj,,,t, the )ri'lle cnn;..'ractor hilS eic-quj.red sijcj-j lllcur:lnce, n2,uning the )0v(-'1()PeI.- <ls ain insui:o(j, Ge nern I s ta ncta rcj c) j- wor1C,,118,1:1;j j'.-) She: Deve-Icycol S[jE,jj C()Tlstru-t ;alj. � r� -CO l<lLiCe 6� 7 s , s P En C: i f L C HL L- i Cni s a ry I c c) n t r at c: L s c-� I r lunic:j.r ej y y TA7 i the t ) igr 2emc;nt The Developer sIE11 not. in(norpor;).t( (1110"Ol" WOO RI -I Alprovenjelit unless the Manjowilpi,its; y. pproved As use. 9 h e j- wi �- Urnlross the. Muniowip;,' 1J.y 1.y �Zgr�-n-�s )e j-11 WOU"g, all materbils, "'PAWs Ould Emuipment "COM)"Ied 01to do imprownRenin shn! L V. nevi, .06 SUIVOYOr. AJU SL'J:V(!Ys r�2qukrerj . - Eor tile. ComPjZotJ(-)lj Of. !-In.-)rovemc-"vIts riderthi�; Agrreem.;r)t Fh�1.11 he m,�tde I)y rofesSionatl 1.111d Surveyor under L3'w:3 of: the Stkclt-�' OC "1.07 1 d i (c'! 1D ol, ti n (f 2.08 A, Qua.icyControl- he-2 Devel-oper shat ]brill -L to t1t)(2 sij, '4ast(_,waU-,r UtUiLy ind pI-,o,,i-,ptjy, \q I- J. j, J_,cC)Orts rJescribing 1 -he ror,­_IJ.Ls, oF all 1.0cluired a 171 (1 111 s 1) e C ti () I I s . 2 The DeVejopE•'r s1la 1l_ jincA!_:, Lesting tions with the Anchorage Util.ity ancl pr j, of all tests, and inspect -ions to ix' hv 111 -le U t i I j. ty , -1 Expressed. P) j. e J a.pprovclJ. _pcl!_I_Ly oj: any report or insp('c.ti-on sh<11_1, nol-_ aul_hori,,e any deviation ,.-]:C)rn approved plans and spc_cif j o I I r U, 001 the Of L -.his In order to quaran!.ee the c:o. monts re(jili -cfd I-),, -I ti,on of Lhe jnip rove I\qreemenL, Lhe Developer shali- cjrant to the Allrl-iouage wat-el-and 4jSt a Utility one o'. the following rnpy of which is porat�?d herein by 1. A le'l,,tc- ol.- (,I-(, 1-1-0111 a ban;.. Or. firlaric,ial_ I_On qua -itied by la,..i iU (.10 I-A)e or Ala s iia. The I-el-te-'r c), cI-edit, s'nal-i be i3-:r&,vomI1Jj,I-�, shall io�-:�Iltil Y the I.. z _)�j I. j- J�v a s I L 1: 1. c I a 1,* a nd shall- nut exj),j_r(,, ,lilt _ne il, -on, LI 1-1 j C y I . 60 days j.) " t -.he S final acceptance under: of the -t.e i - - ' ' - Agreement,1,0 t)(!, const.ruc C und�-21_ ttl].L; a t L Cld by law 1.: 1) do h u s j, Ile S:; i'll Lhe of Alaska,. U., 1-1 e loan con-urli.tillont , -I q jr � e shall be irl.-OVOcable, shall iden-ify t. h e ty z1S berlo f i c j_ y LI I'L T I o t C,_ K r) I, C Te Until Y ra .1 T - - 60 days trout the Munk-i-pality's cce ftnal acs(- pr -Inc-,, vjncjey warl-a'-ItY of the j-,qt--)rc)v (--men t -s to he corIS-tTlIcte(< under 3. A p(�yformjjlce b,)Fi(j fj,Onl a COl-flp,;,,ny qtja,Iified I)v I-aw t.o act: aA a stjrc!Ly in the SLat.::, Cr Alaska. An FAC,(,oU[lt Wjth ('i a _L t Ij M,ss the St-.at­ aw to do bu, Of A 1. a k a The ,,2,scrow :i }"lal -1. ftp x.r1: e v 0 C, c, 1) fl 1, 111 b1-- e s t a. J, :i I I C, d .11) 1-110 na:t!=% ol I th(' Mul)Jcip,_2ilLy and Shall. -iu'horizC, t ho Y1 I i n lc i p al i. 1- 1 o d I:, --I w Olt Ln C, a t I n L v, i U urther (YJ:J.Lten corsenL. of p le A deed of cony (_)f� - - I. whi,-h in the Distvici Recordel:l Offic-f rj.�,,_rd judic _A]_ C " Lltc., of Ma� - ika The r.ota_7. rai.ue of - I he e p e, I: C 0 [11; T) 1 be equal. to Or than the esti­ ril cA t e, d t o a J, 1) 1: Secti.oli 2C of th.is he 1)erI-.ormaf)c(, qu�-I rantee - - . - not he rebased _d 17v 1 -be Muni-J.p, _1 iill 1 j. ro v e i n e, n t F 1:)y ,c_tx c,F,merat: have been Cor'.1ple,ted by tAi(- the wat r and/or sans - sower VMVZ,-�-,nty by theL <Ind ac��cepted under a c c e P La 1) 1 e. Wjjr,I-ItIty guarantee, !)y PlAragraph 3.04 of 21rt.ic.'-e ill :hi_:; .113 (I__ AWWU 1/1/86 1.O9 S i 1. 1 a 17(:e A AWWU inay Flicnitar the pj-orj)-es5 of. Ij),� arid I hP Deve,Icipe:I s cc)Ippj, i 11jr7c! vii ti, th i 5 AgrecoinE an(l P-7— Kral any inspecNion oz- tAosln villich, it &?,aills necf�:,saLv lo cote:r'mi.nc, whethet. i.h e Il Lu A gi: e. I:, tit c. i i t , t --he D(!v,� I-opor Fai 1 -: to ric, i i f OF i C-� Ls and cctrl�� tr-uc L ic)l,; 1)('t)( Par �Icjr jlpll 0 7 abov, t-.)Qrit j. I j. Lh e L) t. w e-- 1 o s XPCTI�-3�� etron ring, e my) as u -a of pr�lvinurn Stpicloys W. construct ion, on anY othe t7 s Leps wl,.-, (7h Lit- utj ! j j -y d( nla �cesFiary tc) chr; to r -111i `" W!" Ili" r 0`'_TIPrOw"P211 1:53 con f a f it A C' - A 11Y i' .O 117(j, p',c ,.:la!:P (:)t' u a n 1:. t0 f h i r- rl q s r :2 �) 'j-1 e f I- 11' C t I I c. U t. j. 1. i ty , AAVU or VIC, On , 111TOwments for or D (� v c L a I ) c 1. o I- a n Y o 1: h r i I - pe i: F; a r. . x=1-0 S too Work ordwor x NvVq U -71 - t o L III 7.n CIE' L111" 11 C) r-1 d I-. le e v (-I ot, - ) 0 1: W a I L t onp 1. Y t''7'. Agi-volwin, (137 if ths TIVAQW! CIOUS , ti -i , Ut-j 1 -ii -Y I11,1Y StOD �!K furLher crPIOL):UC,'L:in of j.1ill _ -) ra v (L postinq <i EA.-'riz,-) worl( nonconfc)-l-qj ng con= t""tOrl 31101 I7oAWAM7 CA ON, ciriev, H A ol-clex- Sholl-I (? r" ".j. i I I J. 11 f I-- n c t j n, t --tl e n t o Y. III i t 2 1jy tij(? iON! Skiw nonconfur- e ta i 1. 1 n o I=- occur.. C, Jlri,� of Si-OrD Wof-k orter und(:�r Y FOr be, --fit c-),rthro muilic:113aii 110tund er L,101 1 a to 'i1'n9 r Vis th (0 IVO I:!, EM: the hanK i t (If MY Develwor o.,.- ntij(-r 71f o Na 3uspension of work under His I 1),+ 9rclurvas vor an MAW c)1:- Cl_ a i ni a g a 111 s V. L 11 e � I U t I I c I r 1L v or fol - c�il of. !:i[lle i.o Mr . A v e ), op (� r c 1 a Cl e in E111. wiltracILS for ;car to follwAng ar-ovisinni LM rStjji n t'JA t on fils wild anci incoucorai-ed her-ein f)y rjjItj1aEj1[jr to ily3pert till wo& Col. ;Ila his c7ontr7acl,, and c) "Itc)p wol-k- in LIM cvwlt thn t the work p�, I: und'-., 7- 1-11 i s contrurS W13 t.o collipl"T with ary pr%o"JSion c," Lhe ?'UC; 1:' Mi. MISAMI AgIce,nnow, In t 11 E! 0 wo n"" t h cl i: a stop kwork order j I)v t,lht? sjun(: "' Pall i Q of ArICI-My"CIE!, c(D!'Lj-ci(,t-.or jinfile Shall coasly till work, and awaiL Acmil the oovel(0)er, 2 3. 1.f 7.('(I All L ted w i Lh.;.n twol 2 .j 1, of r+v.c •-1 1- 1 APTIQ,'Fj;', y[i 3.01. 1 ?tats]. The Ancho--,--,�yr� '•%iate Y a 116 �Ja e ;Il t e r t -y cjjjj IJ noi. A g r- eanti I nil n f: ins t , _ the been A The ,ha" ') , 11 provide wil-11 oOngac"C ^ p 1: a I-) j f "Pr"UMbla mylar as-inuii tWO i) 1. U(!- I i. r c� I�Ts and a C� i'-- -'o f C t I C t to d The as -buil L 01' dimWi-1-1(j�3 f� ;hall i7() Lhe An.hn. hof :,�,j(, �ij,)tel: and W��-s-,Lewat.21: ULiIJ.ry wit-hin Lhiz'ty day.'-.; followin"'.1 cornpi,�Li(,j, ,[ E, i 1" a I !) ;; pec 1, i (-) il OL- t h i- s p e C L hy, U t. j 1. j, The )`(_cord shali.(-!ertilied 1.") -nen L �; by Krol 1.111,1.[ Eng j 17 IMAM AR lCivio A.1 Ei i -, ...' '0a r- a q I: t d ran d, 3- ? c o I -u draw i 11 g s Co -C, 1. i t i ""j ('UGI- S ta L:znlle 1) t . o V C. C)� the The c (3 ).- cc, ,c - t st.atoment z,hall. and sal 1nit-ted on cj torin provided by t" " 1 1 c 11 () T 0 i! 0 W .t: e, r a I i cl wa s L C a t. e J: `t.),.. 1_]. t t Y a 11 d ill C? o I I si. s t - .hp t:0 td PrOjCCt COStS QUILlUinq ali. �abor rna ' t- e r j. E" e �-,' u j. p In (--' 11 n e i- i n g i n s p c � (.. , -i.oj-j rITIl aj.'L 01-hel: -1'']-ect ol.: i rid F 7_11 al pay e'-' t j.1na te e rl A c' p y c' I- L h e o t 11 e J- c' b111,1!:; Or all 1-1 o1.y r1r, includet! til'? L CJ carlstruchrad Uncle- the taws u" A'c";i wil'i not IOU]- the been I.-ec( ived anJ el, ?PT.-oved by T I I S �p C 1, i. () '1 ` 1, n d ` p �'. s I. -. 1. " I g , 0:0111 o I-_ C o 1) c-' 1- 1, U C thi..", Aqzrneflnc,11,- oi: I f.) 0 n r c. c-�Y C Develotper ha " c:Drilpl-etcd " -w �-'(-'hedhll'-' all I . me jrilprovelrl"�11L�.I. The uti'lity maythe F'ncl Clily J. r:edl -!Jcate"] ot, 'right--of-way. Isle r) t �� in ill"Ir"i "le '""I'Mr ill Writing of any in the Work counc;� l' I e c o n . 11 1.:11e coul `3C2 0"- (MMensri, the Deve1c)pcil !I j, It I -t C: 0 1.- 3i- t found hytjjC, in'spection pf'r;rc)t-rnOd ander Up()n rc'coivinq ti C i 12 11 C! j eS Mail shall. Ce' inihect. the j. HIT) I' (;,I Cl - 111,1.7 contAnne f0c' Devt2h)IDEN will n t kl Ej 'i rQ 1).r 0 V e ine n t --; s main 71g-r('eIno0L,,; (Anly, ) hyd').ant.; Yequim UCljuStnl&nt U, f i r, is h od grade. (Ally MMU tc) ad jus I.. E t'r e, hyd 1) � 'I'lle Deve"'opel, �v'il J. he I Laia"! "r the (20" A UC fire hydrant adjilstinerlL 1 T- ,AjW(j T I1/l/flli on the ha,; is of ti_mr? and nlatel-ia_S e p,andecl. A der?09Lt Oi: $j00,JC1 .'=3.511 311 0, !.1 D5. rPrjUlred i. _)r recd hyrira_nt planned to,.- the pr.ojc�ct prior i.&suance OI & not -ice 1_r1 Ol_J:-e`1 S:-lth th^ COnStruc- t_ion of the pvoject:. 1wt'U will_, clft.ecju_st- nlent:, re.f.und or bi.l], the Develcper fc),: _ne d.i.f`fe.rence hct`;. =c n the deposits r_ec^L.,'_A at)'j t};e actual.. cost. of Lhc ,ldjusl_merlts. 6 (Nat.e.r: .del 11 1-,x1-n;lsi-on Agiermclnts only. ) ' cstni_nq of f_ho now:,.y laid wa.t"_1' ma .n w.U_1 'De perf:ormeci in accorciance with the Muni.cipaI tlndal-d COC13t.1:llC iOil it)LC!.)_ LCdt ion`:, 911(J wi L nr ,,,3sc .�] by Ancho,:•.,Clt1 'Titer 2: Wastewater Utility i)(?I"Sonne, I'1115 'r.'LJ_;_ COr _!St- OC; a. F'lu.sh Ji, ng I?, 'iydrostat.ic: ol C st eri-l. i,'Zat:i.oll J, i<e�moval of t:.11^ i'.'r..•t U;Jn'""' TI ;'It F.P:-'t8 471.1-1 1)r' pr�r fori!,cd ;_'•1:ior t0 Clry X: `c@rv__ce COnnC'i:tLOn_i be1_,ig in .-`1.t.l P'Ci ini,'l er w.i_II f,c suppL d for_ s, lJ.A =,opy OI: r`a`i li. 1. f.d 911_ bre ]'_'. rn is Cd i_,) t:)e eve1^per, % [5 `.1. Il cl ). 7.; spection wi_tl b^ in aCc:•ord; ;nc,, With the Municipal _ Standard "•at, ,t_r.ucrti.On S)')e2(''.Lf..1.(',lt:l.l7ilFi RCl(1 471tC1t:"3sr�d iJ'`[r AI;i:'IIOYclCIC-_' fid lit:.'>'"' `. 'fila. `'_na Ln°i`)E.'Uti(:i i7 compi i-', ion C ' I_ L lillDrQl'r?;P, 9111_6 11'i d. w!. I l cor) ia. )f, 1A in iS no 1, d t(i -'n 11e oll.Owjncs a I, ap1)ro})ri�lr�; a •�- , OII I'._l nlll c;.� t( -->St Oi, vd a_t3 t•131i7 [1d7 C? ct ilif ?:C f!7•: Ei` Corincct.ion.:>>, b. Checi7 Wa. EI r.' M. 1,i ne Val -t, p i3 CJX CIIeC'k llyd ra.nL Valvr:. i_lox,2:; do Ch(Ic:lc t-tyd.r.ant. for 0per;it:i.on c115C': i!1st_ .l l.zl'.i.on, Ch :� C ): C^1 ii t. r )" �i (-= 1:' V t_ C (-,. r ,inn i Ch Q{+` Water ;'1x.171 l�_�L^E? Vdl.tm I)v},. M'Yr'.c L3, }, C:h' k. S"` (ev ida.nhOles for pr,)pe [i 1MWOC.}7., >moot11)3eavl ,L" h. i_TiS11. ,: C± t)1� !� pans a):e J. 111st_%111F'.d i, 1``1arj"Ccrs for all Jew,'.r $t',11) -Outs. 7\ C )DY of the final, insoc?cti.nn ni_sila�� to thO Developer i.temi.zinci any •:-.xist..i.ag J fic.:.en("i.es, Upon not -if i.cir.i.._,n ti17.1. tne> ��;.c,i,•;,•_ les have bee COrrP_i- ted, %'.c YM 4✓.l.11 p( J'� GYlll i'7C)th.�r 1.lntll )_nsp@CtlOn of thOSr' AFt rn, a t: nal. 1nn7'-.'.Ctimi him; rovPdl. rI that ;1 �. 1, iAlpr'ovements all(, uclat"'.d WorK iri dcctl.cat—ri f)d>:-_-t;IIE'Ili.::'. and Y..gllta•--of may m2et MAN Af. J. Pill Simidar4l ; a'.i;_r-+;- t he tP c q 1. ope.1. has Fllrll i_ 1)0!i it i*_ huii.1. or re d Yci Sli:iqs and a nota riz 1 r. `1.' Li 7.,,;1 1IlCl <Sl:tGr t11c- i)EVc'_QpC1i`O .:'Ci i hr 1 cluirraii by AMC 21 R7,0J.'I i; hal,1 nc tlr_y that til(' 1mT ] OVt'IiCI t.S I1dV(? }lr-�'fi "r_C'>tC'Ci nr. t1 01,,e (1.)y )year wit raC`. ...V j"")('. :"1, JCi, 9, fl lor,' to the end of the ane ( ) yr rl,- ',x71 nt:y )Friod, ANW(I shalt conduct_ a Warranhy 111,pecticyn to c,.eteI:1111110 whethcr al_1. imurovement: ; ilnd re;l_at�rl 'ri<. W.l.thin tho dedlc%lt`_eCI an,,j t0 111"10t i''l1Til.icipci_l. St3ndc)L"Ct SS, n i.ory t. ✓darront.y lnspec:ti.on r(=_sul_ts sli.L1 h;_l 1:11rnishc.d Developer LtcjTl7 /,l.;jg 1111' C' x1 St:lfl(l i! !tf .C`1_pnC i'. , all Clef havc-, hc-en O!'1: @'.( 1': l''-:.! to Lhe'> �•ai_.�s,Gae:ti.an of ASd''dU, nhca (IL ;Lit.y shzll.l. n<)t:..f v I I h [ Dovelapar Wit ON; Ancho.racic WatBl' and Gva:,tec^1i)lne1 u+ y aoc<_pts fili,1 1.�_sp01 1 1] iIy 1 or r: J. l- fut:ur0 m-.0nL:rianc?c: of t.hO pub,-ic wa1-1: aril/or sanitary Shc4 C?1' f�ciC). 1. lt'.1P5i COn:3trU C:Ced 1_1nCl r`r` tl"Ili AQL'2F,T1 ( nt�. 3 . 1,12 Cu(lsecj,i,'-'.ncEl c)�' Acceo(;-t I r W W 1) 1 -:1 L cACC( OL'-'uIce 'DlIc- I I r' ].11lf)r O'✓Cm"f I C.3 COn:- L' t-11 '9s 1 fjrallt s. -.O the I(-" T'!t. i. . i Q of 111.1 Pic Deve l` pap's r 1 9 hto, l: i Aa and li Lz^.r'?st in it m I i. --o ) :. I C1111- irl em !n to, t h e r (,V.i ('a 5''-' e rit s. , K ig h t . - o IF -- w al y O1:" 0 t 11 e 1- p !. C) 1) 1� y '3t L 11 (:) t- Ur VaOl.s- JonveyeC. vj 11 i c 1) illi: " '. 11 c c; 0. S P. c2 I y -') p r c v ].CIC ,.-t d'_'' 1 a a I-- e a c L I nater. and/or sari_ Lary semay- improverven L3 . 3. 03S i ELK r,311ty ..... ...... -- A The Devr:l€:)per shall vverrant the dmign, construction, -uatorial-cj and wor1cvna.-i,-ihj.p oltl!(-i ,L-qprovt'.m(--nL.,3 any frecoving, Failure and/Tr clafect in desquir mustruction, maLeCiti l or wor-kin,wiship which is dismv- crec-1 prjor to the ex;:)i7:aLj-on )I, oiv! year OWAOd front the date, the 1JOAQ nuAties thn Develouer LIE Heac(--L--�ptance of lu.!te ifnp,,:-ovemE2nL"3. B ,'hi ---, wa r -t:a n ty s h a T 1. Covet. ct i1- d i- r e. "anal i n cl i - C! r: L co S t. S - of. repair or repl.aCenhlrlt; daunagy r-) thT,L property or 0L-11'cj: iu.tnrovemcrlts to 1JEire oe,lnfd by lkeIl,,'J or anY c)ther j.-)er--�on caused by freezing andi'lor ot--hel i:'ailurc or J('(.ect-; al"Cl any illcl:eci:>c in c,(.)!:t to AWWU for operat-ing and mpki.titain--ing Lhe r�;snl.tjng Er. -mi reezing, and/or such ol-.her faii-,ire:i, or damage, C: Any am t i r)n o r cNu is s i or) Lo tak ,I j,v ac t j (In an, 11.1le ");-; r AWWU authcaj.,.:ed by this including bW-- not '-o uperal-iorl or zaulin-> OJ is 11 C" P):oV'7!Irlei-1 t.L; 1) 17 i 0 t tO ac 'Lp a 11 j-- z3 u r ve J a n ce, til 5 pCC �'-J on.:;, rev i. (""v O1 1 J)p rivri 1 f p)- a 11 s L �1' s t r repuMs, shaU in no 1. w•:y f:, - ljc2vel-opej' WarrLini.y. 04 Wc'..rrantv Gualwantre. A 'Co Se--CIM1 , thc Devr:�.I.-c.".pea 1 s of the wartclt--y 1tr6o-.:3-. Paj vvirapAi 3.0 i above, thr, j):j f)cvej.or(.,'- Pcur-lc;,raph L,08 I I shall J.'A oniJJ the end of warranty period, or unU L the rMICUOILDC21 11,71S fU3-nj,h,--d othej tvpe of arceptabla and a(.:L?,TuaL.0 SjMliantee as inc3J-cv0:,2d J,n B ,!1 Le war ra r ✓ ci LILY ra n tee may be a cots ora nes allrety bonct, a cash ck)lwQL. a Deed CA Trust, ari v5c7row ;"'ccnuI1L or a jet!-er of an anic)"Int cqu'll, Co El Of tile approve(.- scl- f:orth below; Ce,.- ed 11d,'-'ran-v Y, 01 i'an 5 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 ^500,100 $1, 000, M o J.- e f1lin `;I. , 000, 00 C , -"Ile wa 1:)eriod shall ni"cm E,, pc):,j' - (.) G c) n,.- '-rom and cAEI-.er of ttle un I es "� a 1. ow-jo ` w'k 7- ,:a lit y p'-, 'r L 0 d ;. S Ked by mviual. The warrvin.ty peri.o(l shalL uodc.ei::tood to tiaply prollipt al-Lo[-O.A,ll by 'LlIe. 1Deve.1.0pel: repair any dc.Fecics that In thus illstanceF 01111-e NIC vy"Or uu sail).i:.ary sewcu: is censtuticted in c'on- junction with other public; w'Arrarli'- perjocl Lull cc.mcur'.entiv wtth Inha warranLy of= tjw'. last Onjumcnonno Co he constructol, ,'A'l,V!,J 1/l./Of) "'.'15"i 1-1 Ci P rx t V i i I c d s and -'L v -r , I r i_an s h. a I. L notJ Q We 11 Wei (Ow L' i I Wr j rj. ).t5 discovery of arty f a i Dire or be Fec 1- (-ovr� 1-t!d by the W,j. L Yc'i 1-1 1-Y ry (ILI i r(Od i ri Pa r a q r a [Ai 3.03 ollno','C - The Utility :j110111 jic)t if y the Drivniaper bef r)r,-i fig oiny, test-.; Or AspeCtiOrIN 00 M- ' of the fai.-Lur'� or defect, a 9 0 ha, 1 - .1. t I A ue v 1.(nar F tha results of 'i:,he m,- any 0- dzr-1 ec L wo Nj e - v r ecj fir wa r �. a n ty th j. 11 th j. '� ( -10 ) day_, f i: e ;Iq kjot,ice nQ the faijilra or defect Erom AT01U. Rae Delinloper Shall Cor -recta Lhe failmrs; or ;it its o% -,'n C.:pc!nso an'[ u-) thu of A!,tic,I'.J C A.the Dewu i - C�' � -) (-- r f- a c. c f -I c J e f (71 C WiLhiXA t11L- MV! allOW'd by ANWO 111i1y corn e,., -t.. tJ-ie f-.ailuvO expensc!. I E'thy? 1)evelonEa1" AANU thc- ca r rec ti- ve work wi.Lhin jhOny tio) diAy-,; Of- I-- i n 9 `:.he M Unic Wad it v ' F; M I I tA I ere. i.or , A MqUPL 11:SU3 Any Ve'llody provi'led by 1---1w or A:g t -o ce^Over t')(� cost of the work. AMNU reser the right. ]-,-) ialxccl i relled 'y , ;:It i -he min,ed by AA,,qfj to be hay.audo-,":! in tile '?Verit r -he o I.- cl c f C1 — t.- , i.f not promm-ly,, j e o p a a n c i /o t p rop t 3.__O-6 Cori.,JLLJon; of f thi ---. AqnaernE?nt. requi. CE's ANNU U0 rQ j-Mhu : sn the for n1l. of Tdoirt. Of thQ cost oc >'.n i.morovement, I: e ifnbi i r.5emen L Sara [1d i t i Oried L he Deve. l-or)(!3:' 17 (:'Pf C�rSll ;7-nC" jf ',Jl- its -iciat-ions, i1ridel-, WAS 1woroemmt and upon succes.,.!:ul- of hond=;, ;e of - A, I\VCJ hall- perform z) vew-- :end ,,mw rarity, j:jv;pe,ctir)n Q oil J- improveme.ntr� construcAed [)1AOL to VIC2 end OF "!P warran�'-'( pe�rix)' and b2 ore c.ily 'W -3 r r at 11, V guararteeq then n �ff?Cu- 'PLr-;uanL ParaqLaph 3.05 aDoqn, C.'01'1 -'("t ariv f.aiIure d e f c!c 1:, in rlj°? Wc)rjS 1- y !:.hc wari.-aiiLy 0 thi, De v f -<i ctory pc: 1- f- r lmnc,', of s o b t i o I I !-I ri r t. - j T,. reemen L A'�'Jo7u sh.-I 1. 1 to a r(j.1 ease any Lew 1. I11 ng smul- Z t Y UOSLOYA Ov OiM ci mog u re�'-c I: ves the 1.fight to r t' I 'lse- 'n ttc i- T) tr') an J\ qj r a emoi ji i- yTi_t-,h EIDY f.u" i'ou of Water. PI-IIJ/03: SOIN Lain, Sewn- Mp ins when sa it. D 211010Y)CM KUM ran:):'CEI-Ases -Go Conqply �Ii -i lcitn�-.J-y wiLh the -- 15-- ONICIPAT'll , )( or , /I ps: Tl () T? IN6 T., IU,10'W A10 NO 131Y, THUSE" PPJ`ISE,f,7s , that MYERS & MYERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. (0-m-1pali" 1' -Iwo aw-i address), as Principal, and INTEGON IND)_iJ4NTTY CORPORATION a corporation organized under the Inm of tills State of North Caroll-na and avollorized -a­i _TA to transact business an surety within the S SiL��' ( 100 -AW or Anchm-ape, are h0d ai-id firmly bound unto the Municipalily (A Anchorage, Alaska, In the sum of for the payrrent of which, well and lculy io be ln;Pde, we firmly binJ j, x'stA,ies , our heirs , executors, PcIminharatory , wamcssurs h interest aw, a5sigw, jointly and scvc,-,O!Y, fil-Inly ltry these IN kc'arml) for the conr:t.rring of the foro,017 Klisation by the Principal and ownt), in; Such that ihn Principal desires V) do work iii t�-�e N11 tw1cipal illy of AnclwraVi-, Al;° Ok;,_ as VARIOUS WORKS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY - ----- -- - -- -- And, WHEREAS: We obligetv clesires a WOW ul the vinloun,� lisped olhove for 110- PIRCes"alt, rep�J o , deterioration 01 vaiuc r)f -ay Anchoi,age- ikilln'."'rip'll publir, Pro— perty being either pxoperty belcyng'm" k, th,.- Y(�SpeCti-lif: PlltbliC tAfflitieS, n} lard by the ?VTunicipllity o.f Anchorag+� or other Municipal !-.)roPnrtV Arid for izwlenlnification tel the muninipality for any d;lmape r (� fu pro- -ausecl, wii(,Uicr it be, 6mna�_, perty or Cio strects or vicilatiou tif any othcr of 1,"un.,cipahty of Anchorage because of and durit-1,9 the COVIsti:uction of the hsto(l v.,o-,-'..-, and for the guarantocing of performing file wol-R, listed abm'c to the ".)f the Xiw- mcipalily of ry) im0ly, 00TIT0,01`14, A the ahfr(;e aamrd principal shall im)erlwify and !iave CD zlic, -.il- - of Anchor;n,,e from ;��11 ckjim!i , artim.i.!; ()�.. da-trip.,"."es Of every Ar rZ hai-mless lv�unit, alit kind An,] Which may atccruc as of ir,)vel or -o,orl,, irj thr,, I - -i c -10 if they restore, repair an6i pay P', CIAC117 i11)[ On pality f Ai Jhmage; to in Valu!! ,, cailsr.-J 'by 0 -win to any pl� -t)lic pl-oporty }'.Tncthc)" it be property assigned to I In (I belong fing to the )-e1)ective Aachc,ralrf.- Nlun`tcipAl publi"', litilitles o- other' pal property; vid if Ulcy indenini'.1-y the, for violation of all ordinance fC Of the Mmnicqmlity of Anchorage WhJch occurrcd becaus(. ,f, or in roniuric- tion with any construction so statc(1 .Ibm"(:: an(,! j;' lhcwill irst;Jl ant'.. conl .-,truc! all V,10111C 35 narncrj to the satisfaction of 010 NI"nicipality 0i palchorage; and if they svill c:onvply nw0h oil of the provisions of the fllc, lIh:tucip;,Jjty of Aoch- 0 rat!e , It I I CE t1,9 , 0'1-) Ii 51-1,111 be VC)i 6, Odlel­,V(Se it :inn.!,'I -,In,, tin if, f I I i I force, all J effect, aflalect ajyj Clatod, thly ?40 day CA mly ly 06, MYERS A MYERS CONSTRUCTION, !NC. incipal, INTECON INDEMNITY C ORA T'ION A ety By_ Dennis V G ilber _A"Far (11jense attach uopy of bond or if no bond, Copy Of W T)O%V,-.r Of Att0l"CV2 Y fYOM !11(: surety authorizing the pewou signing this nPreement to Sign for mid (>urety,) Local Agency: Mailing Addrew,__ 1 08 AJJ 1) o L rV)I_u tlli z-, A, M(� rl t 3: j. t� 1- L; t p LC j P,'l LI Sha I 1. 1) CIX I 1. IlE cl a t.. t 11 A XCOPt ilisofar <.i;:; if icc'.L-IV PerrlliL!, 3 lec­ if"r, n -11 c int.CI-eSt of or any a du Lies undc'U tlli 3 Fj)a L-) I)- Void, al): Developer t-() jiJ r- an); I�V_Lrt.. 1-1Y or mly duty under UOIS Agreement C0I­13LitW(1 a defam.11L c-.,nLi.t , Jing ill un i c i, F� P j --y L-.() !I vo` c any T v 1 va i I a,-, e to, oc 11 Pa ra 9 ra pil 10 c) L A r t). c 10. -1vel-opet: may not a55 t(Ill its I, ntere!�t oI: clk: I egat.. z. j11A umlet tll'.s Agj:o­.r(, jjt�. unj Wr it'll -.1f 1.1.0 1)- 'all 1. L rlicipal-i ty, .�3 Rcoi(ed i e- ----- ------ -- '.I'll e j Ir) i,cjpl. y in ay Jt�ay dcc I cl ?:e t Dewel,r op.�j,") L _. , 7.G d a b,�mcd.,j.t of CK C J i L o i, s, a J_ C, C". VC 1- t cl 1) p p C.) I 11 "- C, d Oil j), C c C; 't n t J. ns o V OT'Cxl it I)% - foi. fJle l-) 4. insole nt. deC)to1:s; c" 2 flas Y 1A r a h y t: 0 1) er J, o b 1. i.cj8t 1x)115 -tin({C''r 1:113 - _S P)'c)v W,!(l the Municip; th(3 Dc'v(aIoper r!Otir(_- Of the Cai V (?C17orm ond Devol.opel- fails (:c_) ur, r, 4J. 30 ) days of not -A c.e; ar, t:�)e 1-ai.Iilre requi.rep. _j2jyE, 11-o Cure, -.he Dev,A.Oper SW J. I: h i �A V .9 r.) IF' .4 ri'ceiv i rAc,T the no 'Li ce Lo commor (I e and 7"rocend w i th c: u It 1) e t3 tTtx)n i.ixc:Larir..i,cn of t the Munic RI -1V Otle or more of the foj_1OwiiIg-. " do u 1: ce e, I ri e I I t. j- ity 1 oh IJ cfa G.J.011 r.(.1 Lhr" Jjaf-,,_� -Or (It-, Y t_!rlc te:�[Ililw - ti C) F1 of 2 any X€ Iouor ng coust:rucf_ir, a17. j. n v OT t ew T. Ovc�flt_�,;, 1 , I F t-. (--� l: (j JY ).r., -1 " ) ll 0 tJc e 3 . . ng to 1)e,,7(21 cp;,,,.- Drt )r 0001: Shah—T. bo IJ.ahlo tc) the MurliCjpc).l,:j.t:.%? J11Y CIOSILF3 ttIUS ;.ricily-red. '`(Ie mu7licipaEi.ty y zllly COStF; thus incul: Cod 'rOM Eli),;, e n c)).- !.'eaf C-1 V e.]_ 0 Y) (, 3: f 1, o Ill 1) i c J. onder 1. Y this Agrcemon�l c-� F'v )i9hf'S under jl)(_•): 1:0 gmaranteo SCCU.;'] 1)(1, ihe Dove O1,Ij.9citJons udder PlArsuc, i.11-ly aY1)P1:oprj.a(.'.e 111(ji , 11 j- bUt J -10t: to all o J: fl Y c.j. a di n 9 P(! injuncti.on and APTIC1,C I x.._01__. 1 ic5 tiojil Of-, Ar. t icj.f,' U-1 is Agr(,eril(c'.j) Provisions of dl]. t t h �x t j. C" 1 -1 P!D 1. Y to ever. Y pa r t 0 f i 0 c 1.02 PerTni, t9 Lr).W:-. and ---- --- — ------ . . ......... The D-veloper Sha -11- a( (plirc2 TjaijjL,�Airl j, standing all perin! t,,�, rl clk)(-)d and othe=r"' elititlement-s, to its under this Agreemc!n4-. All act. iOns (:ak ' en by the De�7ej-o,-`Cr 1111C'er this Agreement aha'.]. comply wi til all appli- cable statute;;, Ordinances, rulos ancl rcqtjl.rltj.0115. -shall J -)--'Y 2111. taxes pertai.rjjj)g toj.j-pert. Agreement. S -ormanc-! !-his 1-103 Rel,ttl.on.sh of PaUL'ios. Veit.-Ihe'- by entering i.ni-(,) this 1101 by do i n(i -iny �,jc:t 1101--eunderf fiiay the Devel -oper Or OL" '3uj C'017tractor of :he Developer be deomect ajoil,:, J 01'partner of the, MUni-Cj.Pi:tJ-D*y, or otherwise alssociat,cl with M "'Y 0 LI'lQr L 11,111, in the case of I=ilL)e; lapel, a r, indcpenc'cnt. contractor. The D(-,/(--A-oper and. s u b c on(:rac, ors shat ' I clot, represent t � .11 o b" a(lerlts' asci cmployo.c�s or partlley.s Of the M11 n i c j- pa, i- ciated with tj)(- i �j� 0 M u I.I.i. Cj. pF or �ks.,30-- other than, j.1A t'IC2 of the Devel-aper, as ail independent contractor. 'I'Do T)e"r(--T(DT notify al i - its contract--tc)r:3 �:jjlcj suk, -'-�er shall. -'Colltract-ouf; ur(:)v of this Paragraph. i 's j. o 11 s 1.04 Ja 11 (j f -O mtlrljcipal-ity� NOtWithstandin( j Paragraph 2.0.1, i , _j c, ].., I _ r OI" <.17V ,igreem,Lmt wjjel:,(,by thea M 11 11J. C., j. P'l I i t y r e J, m 0] 0 enginoe r1nq CO -f -.G, art engineer: rptain0 ,d by y L'(le Developer. tc.) form work under thiFj Agreemeilt iIjEjll not.. b(' deep,1c,c, An agerli" e1111010Y(2e, partner or contractor. OF the munic.i-pa-litu, or 0(:'� I S 10 r W I S' 0 c sociated with j,�ujlj.cj-paTj.(..y. 1-05 Toe DC17e.10POI: shrill. he PerfO",'Rncc' Of a1-1 terms, c=ovenant=s and condi :J.orm ('-'j Agreement.ng of thP Actual- perfoi.illj -)Or S d( Lo another �gr h 2 r -� c) J- j)ce 01- arly term, or condi t:ji-on l_.0> Inclo m ni f i The ocvr2.jopel- char-1 iindeilitlify, ici MD 1, . tv froin any oI- demand arj.' I FILJ-egecl cj.,Ij-mr O.C-It'.J.011 Or sing j-roi, li -illy j.�jct- or Om- Acjreemen'L� .n �q Jjjc) SSI.)H, rcl�lted to 10 0)-' Irl PEU:t, uthe Developer, his agents, Or COW.1-actors. The liahility a,,,Sjjmed by ,c 1)0.v o 1,'j I 1. 01"M r PUr2U,'.-l1lt t --C) this Paraqraph includes but: i -E; not. limit --ed to claims f=or labor and 'Urnishcdf improvements, thc? con.structi-(),rj ()i.- the Warranty. 140twithStanding t -hi,; Aq I-eement. cu. any action Ufl'an by anl,i person hereunder, nnitliel- muni,cip:I]Aty nor any rau'ni.cipal c)f-fi(:Pr, E19C."t or ertip.).oyee warrzmF.'-: or represents fj,t suitability, or ja(,r-cj,l�AntclL)j).j.j s of any pr()p.,rty, workmanship 01, J)Jazi, desigil, . struc'uro. for any purj,�)osc,. -5- WWO 1/1/86 C Up,)n t -he 17uvc-:Lope-r.I c;_1...t })nr. formance c+; a.11 i t: ob:i i yaf:.ions 1.lnder this; n[lreeinen't;, that. pocLi0ri of the Pr.opertmy r�r•nsi.dcrod under t:he PY-Q%7a.s.ion:; of t Arich orago i^7r.,ter- ULiJ.i_t-y 'gar_"i_ff DO 10la-ly r,er.Ved Wil. I be owi.t-ted Cram any Euturc w<rt:.or irnprov011101" d..isLr-ict_S P:hi_ch m,a�.1 be, formed to pr_r� `jade, wrlt.c.r t: 0 Section 4 Re l ml ursemet)" f_O1' Vd lLFa i' S@r: V J C? tO Other h : o )l,r LlC.i. A. After t-h�� Munit--i.pality accepts the water: sySt.elm to be construcLed by t.11e BOvelopr.,r under- 1:;hj:i Agreement-, o,:her: pro.. pert::ieri Paii.Ch ai:C henofa.tc^cl Y_)y the Plater system but: not -to in this Agu(?omenL a1 , t:hc! Property may r.cquest water. service= I7pon receipt of_ �� r_eque ,1: for grater_ �lJr`ViC E! to £illch cLher Pi -0P01. 1'.y LI1C Mu11].^ 1. r.)[a..i. i ty shall .ln j.L iaaC1-ior) LO C(A.IC!Ct c) payln@r1 t. 11)I_].c11 of: astii_`Fi.`.'FII Cnt: (P1L,1k,) ft: iii1 the onnectinc3 property. The payment i.n 1i_eu of sessment: collected s:)h[a1 I I:)c det:or.rllined i.n Accordance with t.l10 Mater. Utility 7at:itf :in � I ect. on the date the benef i too, proper. t..y i. Corin"C ted t.o the gJ ctf Cir` Syst';m, and rei!libllrsed LO f: i1C? DQVr-`J ounr a! authorized I. -1,y that --ariff. Proper.ti.ea- to be bene--• f: i -ted b:r tt1U const_!:nct:i.on o: t,h.i. wager_ sysi:( rn ; nc_ludc:: SCHROEJt,R St'BDIV.T.SrON EAST ADDJT[O[,1 (It it 7.l 2S8) i P;ymerll: i.n i leu of j L'L,K T.,C> ' A r vUF; Rh'.IEr,, A ssessmon (Pii.A1 —..e a ------- ._ _ - -- ------ -- .. --- - 'i "To Nl'O[ of 1;ot 2 G5�-(1 (i2-11_ �'`'1'BD '"'rB5 "TB1) (To Ese Det(rnlr.ncc) NOTi ;']ater payments r.n f .iou-oI- a!assess ment.r, for the above lot. PI1_1.J. t)¢ J_evied wt)C1, the costs of the wa't--!r main, are krio:•rrl for Bi '.Phe proposed sQrV7.c:e t(, the at)oVfi pt:ll:cels J -S !')wised or! a Pro - li.mi.rla):y rOuti.rlg Of t:he l;latcr line and shat -1, be, ):4?vi.sed, if 1'lf-Jt'('Ssary, in accordance wi.t:}l sii!"iJU.l..l.t; conot'.ruct;ion, 'Phe lbove ! pec . f`io(3 par( -,ells ar(, :in.,-,er_ Led fol:- plana i -1.1g 1)1.1 r. pos0s only C. 'It-, is urde):stood that in no ca:,e. shall the i11MiC:ipal.i-ty l:eim- bur_so the Deve.wper, unt--J-[uch Lime as the hcr!e ik:ed pr.opert.y 9wri r makes,),Iymoiit oi, Or ('F-ii:r)rs )nLo a f0rma-1 agrI,einent t:0 makE'. payn!e;lt. of:, hi.s w a t o r °payii) ent'-1n--1i.eu-of:-.,asEl0Ssrn("11Lsu payment-.:; to [;ho Municipality. section S speciG!J. Provi.si.ons. .A The water w.inn const:rllcq-ed shal-1Ihont t:hC @IlL).Y'C-? t.9Iii t -h of the 1.ast loi. and/or parcc 1. to be _,er:ved. 1�vlwu 5/J./86 3 3 The v K) C, r ? s v%'z I r r a n t A i!Iaterial-c� and 'Alork-lllan,Jllj p 0. nc '-'fly frcCz'llcj, tai I U)"? "Md/ f j 0 11 s t r u c: t i r) I, ina L -- U -,.a O- r," C� d - -- . t t 11 (" - a �) C]1. exi" 1 0!" r') 117 12 Fl c Y Ul-.,jjy t 3. p t a n c o t 11 E2 V r, e z: of-, repair Or oand placenle"ll-, 6.dIII, CJ" p of - C) MIC J., i njDl:ovejjIEIj tS to J o' any per,,on c-,causo-c n.,27A.I1r7 J(lfec,L; inct Illy a nd incl i r, t:F1. i n � - C) l-) C, ':,a !-J fig �Ilcj the 13 1-11ld/or njjcjl ()(-.I . j(,r. Cj.lKj Ej:,,,rIj F'reezinq Or d,-jITjj[(je, C - Ally OL. ojni�, jSion C:tCjj D 1 'e AMqU clut-1101-i' ed hy CT Ll C! i �l J� Ill). t ci (t 0 of-) e r a L )tjj-_ not -M 01: Zc)�Jij rj�. of r I- C) r Ill p v 1 13 - . - ' -)'C - .- - _1 to 1( -1 0 i, S J, E:' V WOV; I r) I E! I' - c.,purt I, 1_1 in 110 he ,0L C.) 1; WC, V 0- 4— t A-,2,ccjl OL the Wlil-z.irit-v. 3 0 cl i �, 1 .1 p ("rij @Cth )-)Y de I C 1an .l 1 Lill - :I,] C) f 1) 0 r".1 od or im f -. h e %r the �2 c� M 0 L 1) Of fu r n J.1d ad n— I —rUCILO 1dr'dtlty 9 ki-a � clll!-QO azi indic-,ilt'-Orl illclubna-acfrapl I I I p 401 --<,c U LYd e 0 F 'J'.'_' u --3 t Fl I I Crow -) On d a (,�,j r i, a, c, c c u ri L Oj- Ll Jett--e.r c �) j- I I o ,I I] t p c, I -'a t I L Of f,j,(, '11D , F) )- . 0 j_ I- j f f]orijl I -)(.-low: L.P 1. pro . - J(3CL Cost hall 0 I.o $1,000,000 M 0 t h 0 0 0 , 0 I. C)(j nncll P. ofn.nce ��i a t a ( under warranty c) E unleS.,,; a G! jjnproq(-, "(:!l by lumtl-1c11. - Od j. s �j rj I- L C� bbl and e).:.;tood to i- Y 7-)-1.oIIIDL PEtr Lod -�Ql�tj.j Lt J. 1. -1- .[ItA011 bl" 11 C.1 f) (- y CI(, F �� V � - C, C S -1. 0 p I. - the v'o,3t, L c) c c t, r U r) C t c c n t 3: u c� A' L othez- pi.jblic" Lin P 1: r) cn,*., n s war I -Fl , Od o 11 c u r -- I:'! n 1A V ""T i i l-, J�- � - I I t j Ill I-.) ro I �i a r. I .a j V 0 b :`OILS- 11) c z Lal "I (: C! th tA rl t I I p r o V M Z�i Y 0f - I I I C C) 11 L L I L 11 j ani .o O1:- wl Y - 1 n�j��ther 0 t il o;- c, n v p y ll a '! ' P!- C) I-) c 0 v WFIt(?r Lj- he .;,- 3 The v K) C, r ? s v%'z I r r a n t A i!Iaterial-c� and 'Alork-lllan,Jllj p 0. nc '-'fly frcCz'llcj, tai I U)"? "Md/ f j 0 11 s t r u c: t i r) I, ina L -- U -,.a O- r," C� d - -- . t t 11 (" - a �) C]1. exi" 1 0!" r') 117 12 Fl c Y Ul-.,jjy t 3. p t a n c o t 11 E2 V r, e z: of-, repair Or oand placenle"ll-, 6.dIII, CJ" p of - C) MIC J., i njDl:ovejjIEIj tS to J o' any per,,on c-,causo-c n.,27A.I1r7 J(lfec,L; inct Illy a nd incl i r, t:F1. i n � - C) l-) C, ':,a !-J fig �Ilcj the 13 1-11ld/or njjcjl ()(-.I . j(,r. Cj.lKj Ej:,,,rIj F'reezinq Or d,-jITjj[(je, C - Ally OL. ojni�, jSion C:tCjj D 1 'e AMqU clut-1101-i' ed hy CT Ll C! i �l J� Ill). t ci (t 0 of-) e r a L )tjj-_ not -M 01: Zc)�Jij rj�. of r I- C) r Ill p v 1 13 - . - ' -)'C - .- - _1 to 1( -1 0 i, S J, E:' V WOV; I r) I E! I' - c.,purt I, 1_1 in 110 he ,0L C.) 1; WC, V 0- 4— t A-,2,ccjl OL the Wlil-z.irit-v. 3 0 cl i �, 1 .1 p ("rij @Cth )-)Y de I C 1an .l 1 Lill - :I,] C) f 1) 0 r".1 od or im f -. h e %r the �2 c� M 0 L 1) Of fu r n J.1d ad n— I —rUCILO 1dr'dtlty 9 ki-a � clll!-QO azi indic-,ilt'-Orl illclubna-acfrapl I I I p 401 --<,c U LYd e 0 F 'J'.'_' u --3 t Fl I I Crow -) On d a (,�,j r i, a, c, c c u ri L Oj- Ll Jett--e.r c �) j- I I o ,I I] t p c, I -'a t I L Of f,j,(, '11D , F) )- . 0 j_ I- j f f]orijl I -)(.-low: L.P 1. pro . - J(3CL Cost hall 0 I.o $1,000,000 M 0 t h 0 0 0 , 0 I. C)(j nncll P. ofn.nce ��i a t a ( under warranty c) E unleS.,,; a G! jjnproq(-, "(:!l by lumtl-1c11. - Od j. s �j rj I- L C� bbl and e).:.;tood to i- Y 7-)-1.oIIIDL PEtr Lod -�Ql�tj.j Lt J. 1. -1- .[ItA011 bl" 11 C.1 f) (- y CI(, F �� V � - C, C S -1. 0 p I. - the v'o,3t, L c) c c t, r U r) C t c c n t 3: u c� A' L othez- pi.jblic" Lin P 1: r) cn,*., n s war I -Fl , Od o 11 c u r -- I:'! n 1A V ""T i i l-, J�- � - I I t j Ill I-.) ro I �i a r. I .a j V 0 b :`OILS- 11) c �I I'll jI �'h ltilure of_ t1) !lona ti c 1- ) v 1.1 '- �Ip7 r7J1Sio" r t -V fat <1r1Y ! '.me IQ en{"Or CP d Ot `" �� th l:> 71,1 r.'eCln@IS t_ hd)_J In illi Wdv d it 11n i.,o < COn3 L1. t_ll t.a %1 ). vC`r I -c„ � V) i_On. 7)C71: Ln dnJ 4J�1 iJ 'L: ,]. 'cel- - or an ) Lhe va l i.d.i t) r n anent l :l t'% hi, r'E_CJt or r> lhereaf_t r_ 11 icrlt of the 11uli.c 1_,":,ii. .v t0 c_ltorco Cach 'Ind 3JV 'f7.Ov_i.S7U1 101 i I - -t , .�,�_� J�'�C?Ct: Of �t.andd.i t SI�[rl-l:7lLo11 ,ln,l D<?�• ro i �� A1UI71C51 �l (J J f;1i 7' c7tl.c�n3 a1'rd dE' , i,yn CI i l �`I OC Artchorac C.rla of the ex0cutc,d J t. fl c f Jr t at he i lme this r <l `i Wel �. d5 1"t1_/' �. i 5 -,A93c. -mt-n, LR z3 O I: 1 - Al.,711 S ,. rl [ , c - and the St �ri-e -3,117.rn �trar 7 ve CC7de IIOL' Ai.a,,)CF.l Cr].i"LL"id adopLed f_'ol: rhe %lila rel: .-pan.:.r'1"- taCi I. t Le ;r `•1 i br dF?^, t r:Jn OL c✓:� l ^1- � or �elioTmR,iC,e undet', alis Acre, lal. the ml.nimum standarIs call -.y p1 ov -fed i"n Wr•i ti_nc J cme.it_ w11 c ss of h ,rwl ,e s ,)c-i.fl .. t.ilF, ,J !I Du fi.n7 t !ons or. c)t i)er provisions .i.n S 011'71 a1.1.'(. SDC`Co 1Ca t.l Cl ll :d de3c 'ibing the J..-(.Iizt_iojj:i(llp5 1' paiti.e� t.o Mun c;pa( appr;st.r.ucti<)11 cont:rraCts _Ly (1nr:ein to the extent th Lllat: mm� c nf1_i.ct: w Ln any nrovi5; of. Lhis Agreement. T)1 Cd pa 7: t i. P. play amCel1G1(11.3 AC"J 'eenl n i ; . INr7-ttCit r75'I: e'2 til C? n t, whi.Ch sh:"`1. I. �il).y be 3t.t:ached hC,rc)l o, l.lrl n7 1 ;dic l ton choice of L,7.w. ! 1.11,7 ( iv C? 7Cn ari ,1n' brought 7.n thr J f om :hl.s Agtcemcn[ upr 1)til" Caul 71 ,1e Thicd Juctl i,ll i , L -he ;;tate' of r 1 s;., ret Anchor,f J 1'hc. laws of 1 hr, St alt r. )_ cJo`Jr->:'ti r ll _ 1- � c of T J1-.� .1, id dr7t-7C� _),. „ Alsl>(C d. ; AgrE�emeni. cf_" rt.a.._s U lid Pi' f:hl_s t)I"1.1.,^v'i, tllt5 Fl<JY'i3F:IllC'. 'C (-.Kpre.; sjy I_:)I:Ov)_cies o'L'1l,?II.A1_sC1r S:ollow.inq c'c;;zr:!%t:ic)ns shalla-ppl.y herein: the A. r by they Mon-i ci.p d) ].t) ll1_.dt15 a det'. �rlllJ.nat:LOn tilt: dl1 i. 11Ip�7 C)VCfTI C?n t. Mee t:5 'RuPici-pal_ construci_iUn -tilnd<ll':.1£;r and C1Oes not y -e'' 1 tC) 1_C2r)':tilt7 b_y t:Ile Develol7e� . P " , !1 13[i i i., [ DRtlly IVr,S" nu�Jlns ducab I C n t<)1 c r the p7 an and pro:C l 1 repro - 1 y 1 _awi.ng : ve1 1 Lied !)y a rcq i t.el:ed )ro L �••7 r. C: Clcr)• Pn.j'.nUe1-r CO be the dCtilai. hoz' izoni:;a1. and. � 3 nt, d?.stance, grade de it .i.n amount -s' et-.c,p 9 file I:7:ue 1_ocat-ion o f 1. t. i_ly it. , act,ualJ.}' c<�n:=ll;ructel imp7:ovc=mc.n:.s � C. ti v7w u lYlf.?anu the: A 11 C: t"iOrc1 Cin j"Iil to l: a71 C). t'Ia CitC Wii V..:) t)i. i. 1. l ty. l�• "Cas[:TT?.'1PU COS`.!' STATL;MLN'J„' means an "item izr�,�f 13 L” prutrl_dc�d to AWV7U t b%a t(1e of ° s cr__rtified by the im'VeJODC, to actui_rl- and. final. COS['S oS: wage!: and/ r. �ani.ta7y ,�we.r. 1' �.r i.7_-1 tiea ronsi ruCtcd. A Co(�y of t.hc t i.n-i 1_ poly i lMa' r ;nc' /c71 nl he : lop7.icabl_e i-) lY Of :,llfti_cji.ent to I/«1"l.fy 71..1 ca t.s <,hal.l.. be i.nc].uded, when r.r)c,l" A form to be used l I.lna C:erti.ri.ed Cc7sta shat_ 'I n.ici_p<l)..i f:.y, h(e 1 rnv.ided by the Eo `t�'CD7l1J, f.�yp(;Ca`a:ODi" means that. i.nspeCti.on performed by 14I1.1r1ic�i.I,,y.ity :.afl:.er canlplet:ioll of aJ_"I. i.mrov- �• .:cc{tt-red of Lht:� i�r t L omenta r_)-,�n r' und< r. Lhc tehzs A cJ 7 u e nl c rl t.. ^ i..1. i m r p.l'OVCI'hCJt:c nlU.`it. c+ tl_>faci:o":-i c u >le c r r,a7. 7 n pect;.on hef ore plci.r,<� ,a an7 pat:t cf %tlt)fov;nmcl:ts u^r war�;rnt-y. zl "TMPF;OVTIMP,Pd'i'S° means Wor;r. ,J}lieh the l�e'aele)pc.r is l' qu:iz:7d Lo perioJ:nl rendere, thc_ trms c,l this; Agreement:. W U sclit,oedev Subdivision East A cl d i t i 0 n Agree----- later M�alil W 0 p a IF, S I I c K (2 L 0 1-1 1 V C,' ,et the on the datO sc�tth v C. M(jNj'c-rT.1AL-.F.TY 01.1 AINCTIORAGE DT.N1111OPER fiv JR�I.N G. G n 0 1'.' at I Mara .1 llloy'a.qe aS t 0 ATTFS'(`; fly p a cl r ;('F A'�MTeA q I THIRD JUI-A-C-1-Al, DISTRICT r. ol, Lh j. Li-) I /,I,// clay bi ic bclore mc,, the under,') fined, at Nohar.'Y Pu a )ned and �-.vjoj. as in and )"ol: "gate of M -as J.Y i'3 It C:h, I hercin who the known meto be the individUal. 1-17,11110 f c)- I j.ng illgtl..uttlt n1 ., ;.-,nd s/he acki tJiat s/he Ji S fY__<_,Ej.y jjrj(_l vQ'jtIj-jj_j)rjjy for L-11(7,, uses and purr)OSOO IJ i l0t(>.in CUtO �iuthoc.-,.zed t.0 0- 0 on oath si-mue'd Hlat s/he a 111 J' ns t r u In e n t W T'V "N El G G Iny hand and o C i ci I scal on the day Ano. gear 1::; to r i. t t e n - -ZZ c"J"i c i n/ 41 d f: a a my ,"'PATR, 01-0 At: ASKA 11.11RO DISTRICT On Ud:_, Y o f_2�WW_ TO �-�F;RJ ). k ff"' /_—, InC g j t'o t a r y P 1 C upid 11 1 j One(j, and sworn a. of. Alcs)ra, dUJY C()Inm:j.�� pers(lrWl1\ aPPO d known to me be the names]who h(, a(,:knov0.l­,.lgcdl that s; 11(-, did so and s/ voi.unt.-.ar I,, for HIO LIS(S and purpOS(, t'.lI( mc,mOoned, onC)' un O;Ath Ocal:c.:cA LhaL s/he was authorized 1.0 execute- said fl S t r I In' C'I) WTI. N P S jyj y hand a n d off c i a J. on tho d; y and year Notary Puhll J. .1­j,_-pf4jjc) for AlaAa H Y Co uun i s 9 j. on V')(p i r e s -1.6- 1-. Gi:eni.er Owner of BloCk 41 Lo Ls 2 Olccve S 11, ant.on I e p o r of 1)1_ock 5 Lot r. ol, Lh j. Li-) I /,I,// clay bi ic bclore mc,, the under,') fined, at Nohar.'Y Pu a )ned and �-.vjoj. as in and )"ol: "gate of M -as J.Y i'3 It C:h, I hercin who the known meto be the individUal. 1-17,11110 f c)- I j.ng illgtl..uttlt n1 ., ;.-,nd s/he acki tJiat s/he Ji S fY__<_,Ej.y jjrj(_l vQ'jtIj-jj_j)rjjy for L-11(7,, uses and purr)OSOO IJ i l0t(>.in CUtO �iuthoc.-,.zed t.0 0- 0 on oath si-mue'd Hlat s/he a 111 J' ns t r u In e n t W T'V "N El G G Iny hand and o C i ci I scal on the day Ano. gear 1::; to r i. t t e n - -ZZ c"J"i c i n/ 41 d f: a a my ,"'PATR, 01-0 At: ASKA 11.11RO DISTRICT On Ud:_, Y o f_2�WW_ TO �-�F;RJ ). k ff"' /_—, InC g j t'o t a r y P 1 C upid 11 1 j One(j, and sworn a. of. Alcs)ra, dUJY C()Inm:j.�� pers(lrWl1\ aPPO d known to me be the names]who h(, a(,:knov0.l­,.lgcdl that s; 11(-, did so and s/ voi.unt.-.ar I,, for HIO LIS(S and purpOS(, t'.lI( mc,mOoned, onC)' un O;Ath Ocal:c.:cA LhaL s/he was authorized 1.0 execute- said fl S t r I In' C'I) WTI. N P S jyj y hand a n d off c i a J. on tho d; y and year Notary Puhll J. .1­j,_-pf4jjc) for AlaAa H Y Co uun i s 9 j. on V')(p i r e s -1.6- Schroeder. 'u i�'j i v East - -- ---- ----- c,np -)rl AgrooM f lla].rl p�xt THIRD JUDIC ru v.T c 11 C---_ r in and ie CERTI ' P' Y t 1 0 C! " L ('F C, MCI Hie und('�.rs.�(JnCcll it e ' and c,,wotvi as ch, t__ 'E - na( m cl r St,A' - e C) '�IaF�kuf 64113-Y �'7'ri`I rn n e a a p p ea G. knowil ---- — ----- ID a . - , � -L t Y for cl C.Qc) 1, rig o' e, cu t tllc, corporat .01, t ll�A p7 �lllf c' 1-- a g e A I Ei S K ckno,-O (-1c](1001 to mc, tbat i11'',..- `! x 'J .ed d in.,i-1-11munt, an(3 -,Lciry act and deed Of -�"J_d cor- -oo I ancl that -Is tho 1. , flicn'Lionedf 1, arid vc)lul s And purposes th(?'roJ'rI pouation fo-� the use instriprionL. ZIS IUti)0TAZCd j-,C� execute Sa�'cl she seal. on the,clay rn .5d _H'Clal hand orld Of f "_L:>r, r 0 v C w K A I in jrj(.j �y Pub -i I.0 molit') 1/1166 riYsreSafi'T.die'ki'�sal.+'F-lr.:'%w4N#§i:k1 R''r r iss T� fir f'MN f TfFMSi0N R:bFR'kii�l.•�•-:. rrr1..S._^:i.'.•.-i_._Z.i:7''lw i tiE '8�sr.rti•r-i 1 — iI y o.NOi l i? SCALE Fl z ' V II 12. I: 3 [ i I V1 864Y18 AUGUST 1986 ll, Gu%; UN �1iZFP�U rl i I j toCAL' ! n '.............. .. k•. 41 I i' LEGEMM PROJECT BOUNDARY Fo STING WAT`R PROPOSES) WATE=.(2 S1F, Rf_ U-' 3t1RS/\1M& NAEA l.h 0 0 - 0 0 c( Il i I- e d e a C "n hydrarl" planned Loi the. project p r 1' or t -.o i-11 t :Lc)rl Of the, proect. will, a'- e -1d L; mont, rc.Lund or i)j.]-], the, D�vei.cpr-r L -or J -13e difference hct.tOc,(,n the depo"') . _Ls recclv-'�d 'wj Che actual, co -;L. of Lh,2 ndjuscwien(-.s. 6. Agreements only.) Of e w I- y I- a J ct vvIt ' � U Ill I I. J-1 will 5 r, performed Wjtj-1 t11, t.,AI L (I a r d c 0 n a3 Ll tion Wiv."tewater utilit-Y Ph)_:S 4'l1.1. J_ 1_1 !) J, . 4 n g Ile j.1.yc1rosLat..j.(: 'nloval of thC "e "ill- bC P?:'i-)( Lr) any '3(11:V i-< .-,(! (-. 0 j'l!j 0 (:.- t i o 11 =i b 31 'Do 3 1. 1 p p lj. j. ='d f () r . -, al::. c C) p y of I -J)'2 I-. o'- t '7 n {:. e C, 7.011 will b-- D erfouv-' (-1 in accc)rd�,rlci=' L-ClIct oil and wit.-C]"Issed 0'r, (Ar.c�)orage Wat-l'. `7astewat- or Ui 11 ty pensoniiJ T 11) j. Tina n led Ll tlak'1 13.j.ac( ' I compl.(' I ion CT-) - -L L r 0 v e m I-- Ll I7 C1 w"A.1 con- i.sr' of but. 1.5 roo, i. _O(: to,`..ti .1 ollow.nq a': a a. o rl t i. P, Ili y tcSC 0f vqa. t n a a C) 1) 1 1'' c t i 0 n.s Chpck Hydrant Vljvee 130 x e 1. h O c k rlydr-int. for operation and, :hock W a Le. o -v S c i . r -. ,c, c 1_, 1n^ K" y h k Wa t^1- "I'lin 1J.ne =), r. 11 1-: CA S f! la e -C Manholes f.*")]-' [Alar-)' Smooth 1nvc-.j.-Ic;, h. !.n-uia Du t. Pans ar-3 propr?i.jv ifls3l'alled' , 1.'C)(-:'11A0r1 Maj.k-ers for all C'-)QY Of the final. inspect.inn 'J ('.0 the DEvelope, - - ite!iij.zinq any "�xi.-iIJ.'rig C i. E! S Upon F1 f j. - i,:, n -ies have been corr(-- I. e d, i!, t�iw(j w),I. J �-a r III is .,. n a 1. i- n spec t j 0 11 a t t! -'06r' :i l: -CMS. :.'.c{'.1.011 t a lillpCOVCME,nts and rclaL�d work in dodicatr,(! a nc I I q h S' --of -Way D I, d a 7 c Y) V e 1. 11 Fl 13 Fu. 11 j. S1) a k,' J. L U L (.1 and a tl' tEl I- i 7, -'A te r tll(., I)ejr, Ope'll- has C]: by AMC no y D c'v on(:I 1: that tfic.imp a On( --2 y 0 ZI r 9. Prior to the erlr - I of tlle o;j((I.) Year wal:!:=11)1--y P(zYj-od,. ANWU sbcj].l condlict a c' etprmirle. "'JI-lether, al'I rlrld r.1-A.af.c,'c1 the cledjcdtOc ani j M'Mliciprll. -,Landard<.,, Warranty [11spection Y'OSLO.tS h-'- itly .1l.,6110d to :'ile LteMizi.tiq anv u-j-;tj.na d-fi.cienc'es, have, h rnh i:c' 1. '-.0 a ti 0 11 0 !1 e 131L. -;,I- i t, y y 0 v C D P C' UVIt rile Anchorage Wdt-r- ;111(1 (,jasto,qc"j'pr. � � I - y a C cC:' I,) t s v u u . 1: el it i n na 11 c o 0 E lwblic Ll'-Aalor sanit-;Iry f--'aciij ties Constructed unt'(L'— thil"; AWNIJ, ]./l/ £i;; 2. 09 Sm.-vojAIL la nce A WWI rnay mcm j. to r tihe pi:cig Y CSS' of t'hn irjlpi ovi:1. III -'-In t_d a :)Cj tlllr) wit -h il;ll F' and P,?]: -- form any trispec t On or tro no L wh i Ai It (let.ermin,,wlict-her 'Lhu I 1'1 1) r ov orn i i r) n F o I., nj C) A g 17 o cjtin i l t. . 13 1 f 1-_ 11 e Ti (! V ,' j_ () -p o a t -o not— T"'V!"c; tJ C) p", i. es, Ls a n (I COri s t=1 -ll 01.. p I C) g r e s 'sb y r it c" [.U7 a 1) c) v (, t: t 1 P. r J. Vit.i;:y I na ')" 1:u 1. 1 e 1) lo p e 3-- s xperl;3e' i �--' E ' L -, t- j. I expos]), Of., i" n s 1- P: u c fi, L 0 11 , O'` a "D I '-, 1- 's 1-1c11 U t. j 1 i I- y necesinary fo C' Any jilor, --,. t,(j,,. j. rig , tem J: to O1- 1 r1s; [Wc t. Do i, Lila 1i "Ii'l"41) d<! Prly t'0 pu —;ua n t to tit, i s ?a i-a(j i- a r 2 'i� -, n,,-, f j- , 1_t.(ici [I (-_� . t I Ut.j. 1. i ty AWVM rio d(' 1, Lja:t t'-� I t OL' r Q the f-0 Deve1 e. 1.- 0 '_ any ci L he j: p e n - A 'j -j - c. ra Ej t h<1 t, t h 12 a s u 13 5, ..rt r I 110c' -d tinaL- Lhe I'c , '7 G ,:I 0 !.> C" �: ' w " ti'� "i i till t.'1 J. 0 En S Ei, may s't-or) O111 further: rur-'-t)n of j. m u r o v !)UStil ICI a FRO,) WOKC CndElr cA Ae s i Le J): Or c 111d A iLjj .-I 1i,(:, I o r W a (I i e' Gq 1J1:.1 .3 nll:, "-, ,�:y liolic-oilto).-Mity; and 2, A S 3 U 1:3n"42 y e e 10 1) E2 r t U) o 11 c o n r lo C, -"f-ivarlce of =" SC-C)p WOA-k rlaz:: j-ri F -or th@ 24LIQ AC11jity (IOFS; 1)01, Lhc he"iefit of We Developer ni-)7P1" JQ :;'asuenwion of ww-k midaw- mus pac;"Iq:-jjDjj -;!,a I ,,-,j u act i () r) Or c I a krn c a L i or fcir- r111 o Ame TilE Pnvel. ')'.er sha 11 1 ')Cl"Icl�: in o oe� c I -In 7 'd or ilia I -o -Chc Municipality of Anchorage, pursuant w a 11 Olt m i t 2 wi t' 11 t7 hCbi 11"i i ci. Pa JCI e Y -k and inco.;'ji0rai.0d riciil:eill by ) e t- e ?- ri C. e. has Vi 11 e a u t I i o j y 'LO j. n s pc C1{.; ,, 13. w o k r-' i- ai a (- ii i: a I s, n l('. j I i S (' () 1) !- (-", , "Id '-i() 'Aiop w-) u n t -h' -I(: liho pe'l-L"or-med 1 -his F'qil-) to Comply vVith tiny- P) ro c j :pion oj1 1---ile Sowej-- n cv'mt nsu: a sov3p Y;oriv onc I r-, i. i.ssoed by t.he AlualicipaILLY of Anchorcige, i1nme- 'PaWlY shall cannsu al I work, and awk t furchm- !.or) D%1t-i-,., All. 1- .EQUAOC) undem Ad A i1Ciroe11 111i An I ov, som oil. Mod tit thiv twc) ( 2 ) pmrs A Ple date A cm a cm L i or, he t.104- MI& !/Ijtjri 2 .07 2.08 2c,vt i rid ice ti n cf. A. Oual.J.ty c c) 11 t 1: 0 Developer shah. a s , 1-.. e wa L e 3- Uti I i t Y , C)orts describinci alld inspectiolit-1, sul)mi-L to rcqul.a;-Ly rind <)f al_]. The Developer sI�1 -1 t- . I j. t ti-Or", With tho Anchorage: WcO-.et: and Wa.stev;atej- Util-it--y and provii.de ac.h,ancv--, ml.)tic- to 4Nw1j nf j,,Jj. tests, and inspect -ions to !-)u by the U t i I j. ty , Expressed. of impl.i.cj, 2lppj_-ov3j. tJy t -hey t,ol: ;MY report or no -. "Aut--horize any (Jewidtion X.rom approved pLarls a11U or t -he of this Agreement. Performanco kCl.iarantec. A� In olr:dcr to quaram.ee :.he of the J. 'It I-) r () v e - meri ts. reqvi. i red 1-)Nj th i :, Ag reeme, n L th e Deve Loper sh a 11 grant to the Ari --'i ;rage Wager aml W'asteWat_�r Uti-Tity one: of L oW j- n Cj �3 0 C �j (qe F) t Cl, 11 e f 0 C 0 1.' - porat. � d I( I e r C2 i Il I y ; e f 1 0 T, I - Ice: 1. A ol- cuedi.t il- . 3.-om a han!� or finaricialL tion qtvil-j.fied by lat do husine-.s in i -.))P A Ia s 1, a .Che sha-11.1 ident.Jfy the T+Iunj.,CJpa_I.Jty 21S J-)Cneficjary, and s 11 a I I r) 0 t e .c.l-,) i z 2 11m t i -1 11 e ,14 u n j- c i tx. Lt --y r E; F i 11 ci 1 ac; c: c p t a n c e under wa r r - r t --7 L h (-, improvements to )-)c- constructed i i n d e r t h A, L A loan commi. 1. -.mer I- Ti cj re-fliell 1: F rcut a or n -A 11c � j11. qua].if i.ed by iaw to do bus-jDesIz; -ij, t.jje a t. e o f. A Ta s k a The loan comrdt.m('nt agrz�erncnt- Shill be irrevocable, shall. identi-ty the 111 u n i c, i I-,) a't. J.ty :u; ben�'Tici.ary, and sna.1.1- Tj o t X d 4 j- 0 Witj 3 olic, - vezar an -1 60 days from t-11(2 1\111,11 j cipal i ty , s f j -nal ') A un�Jer warranty cf t he i.i-iprovmen t;= to be con=;tructc,,! under this 3 A porforma,cice b,vd fto-IrI a Co"Tit-mily qucl';AE-ied h"', je-lw to act: as a surety j-!) the Statof Aiaska . An o ­.—row accoujit with a Sank ol: financial `Mst-; I - - -C. i F I ,,. L a 11 q u c j - i e d b v 1. a v7 1- o d (D bus �,J rv,ss i (1 1-- lie S (-- a t,-,, o :: A I -,-,i iae Who "s -row ,I c c. C) u 1-1 t. C, h --1 1 J. be c7hall. be estalo-I.i.-die(l it) o oj- the and Slick"A �WtIhorize t1) (111 -the: "ritten consent or the D' ce.loper. A deed of. iv -1 ., i copy of. wh 'r-li v)ii.' rccoj- 9C- I .j.n ,� F tile D" jtC, o r d E-,, 1:'' S u 17 f .11.141. J, Di.-,(:vict, ,tate of AJ-,-Lsk-, Cotal. va 1. ue OC the pe r co w;j n ce, .L c uac n i�ec pl: J I - o-- vided S11,111. be equal. to or greai-lcl. than. tyle est -J -- ill a ted tonal. pro E' f 1 0 C t Q 6. In Sect -.i.011 2c Qi U -)-i The performance cuarantee wi-11. not bc! released by Muni.cipalij.y 111-lti.1 al.1 improvements 7--equi r c, d I by thiS �?cjreement: hrwe been cc)f-!1P.LcA--C!d by the Devc,10P(er; the %, utter and/oc S-ani-- tary sower "Flip r0VPMe1)-S iI18pc(-:t-.c9d and accepted under it,lm�-r,,nty by the Munj-(-i.paj ii. -.y, anti an acc(,otaole w,)-)-' �m(-.-y guarani-,ec- as by P,ir--igraph 3 f CC f) I nt. ... i () -- AWWU 1/1/86 C The Developer shc-,11. inform the mlini.ci.px11,ity of tjj^ jjzjnI,. Z, 11d III a j- I i11 it a d d Y, e S Of' t. I' C E 11 q i r, e- r h I -I a s re I-. a j. n e cR ,- o porfoi-ql tjj(� dj)tjer; (1jr,�sc-ci -hedl in s'-J-'-parac d 13 1 -.-- a �) In s A a I L -11) 0 v e, �-t n el agree::; that rlOtaic:e tO the Lngi.neer at. the a d (I r c'. S S0 -; p e (-- i F i e d T-- c--� CFI r d CJ Ir h e p e i: F r) r iii a n rr,' o ff S 11 C 1 I duties shall const.ittl(---? 'c,,.) the `tie Devr.jop(Iy Shall pj_.oltjptJ'.y tnf.oufn file �ji-,,jji(:j.pa.jjty of change i.1-, 1 -.Ile i I I f r, r I a a t j. o n r e q I I j I- � d under this P ari rjl) h . 2.02 Plans and ... .....i cation: .... A. 'Phe- )c--�r �j,111 S11 )nit t(, the t"Ye ill sla('ij Eounit as ''-ho tMun i c i pa 1, i Ly Ina y s pec; 1 Ey a 11 p:)- -I n s I spe -1 j c; a t i rj I 1 ti 1101-ta i n i n g t u r? c: o n s t r'.]CI. r'.]j- r) n Of: t lio imp rovem,"! I ts . B The J)cy%r&;iprj)- canal. 1. SUbali L 1-0 t- h C' r1ij !I jC,'j )i) J. j- L,,,7 1) T that he ha. 's I. e tA i n nd an F -lig i nr�e j-- I.o pe r I (,) rm Lh e, di t:. i e S (Jesc r in Pa rag r a ydn 2 . 0 1 of A r t i W I E! F K , 11: th (v Slun i c: i pi 1 i ty U IQ U i r e s so.l. I ty -, I-!; 07:' 0th' 3: t e S t S of the repot ts of the tast ices uj Ls wi t'., t,lie pl <Ijl,, and spectficaLions. DThe MunWipality shall approve Vie plan:3 `;UIDMJ.Ltc-d ()I.- jnIixate to i-.'n(�- T)ev(.-.1-()p..-elc how iL 'n,1Y mod.il"y them to sec!tll:e� ap,,proval tlhrs�,a trom (j-) the submis,,;ion ol- al.1 cations, jio).- or he paynlInt (-If-. the Upon r)lan under. pDraqi Ir)ll 2 .03 below, 2.03 P-coject. [osif, The Developer AM.]. Jeposjt xviti, the bjvnjc:jr,aj,i_j,, tp,-, re -quire' -t il[Oer Sec�iori 21,87.01Y of- tl-,(' 11ncharaqe Muni,�ipal Code rind )?aragr<ipjj 3.()-I,.C,5 ()f Agreemant.. 2OA i<1bi1 j. Lv II)suranc The` Developer shall provile prooft J q C--' d a -t iiEj.c � �jc Iijr th(, insurancri i-�qujred under the St,-In(,ard ofthe Mul-lic"'i.pali ty i.r, efl�ec:L: a'-. the C)`the Agreemc�,-tt, iD the form ut.'etim6-bed ill those 3tamlal--d speeMazitions, m-, if: the ENVeRlmor has vanqaqed a primn contram- to perform Lho work under this A(jreement, ptoo. that: the pri-iie C,,)ntrwto) hap acnylired such irisuranc.7'., mumi.ng thE' Devolol,-)o.y. a r Lirl j-nsuy�(-(3. 2 . O� General 'IhcDeveloper' Shall. (,onstru,--t 11A ilnpuovemen,,i..rl aCC,0r-- dance wil-,h plik!in5 spec l,i 1. C%1 L i 0 ris a n JI cont-- Ls j-- 1),-) 1: v y L Lit C. Murk C: ipaj i ty ;Ind with the A rats , (o)vman lot) of thi.l Agr c2 erne n The Develower shall not in(norporEAQ r)Wy Ilrlt,?rj aJ. lequipihnt Aux) all improvement. unless toe P411ricipji,ity 1111ES approvr,) I t Li.;O. Un1,95q the MuniNjon- Ly spewirinstip, zjgr,y,s wiriUry, all materials, sUPPUM and enjuipment 1.11to an iinprovemonL !)r-! new. 11 J:, v 0. yo I. �1Wil"J J1 A.11 slaj--veys rcequir7oz,-1 for IJIC, comp1.,-2 Oil of lrn)rovemc.mts nder Lhj-a Agrreom,;nt shill he made by a Tpa.i.son as I rofesSi.onal "—Il-ld 9tUVC--'YO): Lloder 4ic, lavis of the sit -ate of �1Wil"J J1 INTL.,G7\.sN aBV K. ENJIiN'A Y GOClPG./Y-4C'T.t1044 Winston: Salem, North Carolina 27152 KNOW ALL M1l N BY fifFSF I'F;FSt r,qS: That Intcyon Irlderrinity !_;ori o!ation, if Corporation in ilir; ,;tato of i�lortYi Cirniin=l, havingitspriruif�(il office in tNinston-Salenl, fatate of fNo til (farolina, pursuant to thn follofnyuld Irrcluti,�ll, adopters by the: Board of f.)iri,r lots and the said Company on the 10th day of August, 1978 to v/it: It rvl N 9 406 `.4 6 1 A i l 1`fot )L'alid It L-xoCtito(j j M 1t Mai. 31, 1('EI/ „The Ptesidont, or any Vice President, shall have authority, severally, to mai'(:, sxecuto and deliver a power of at- torny constituting as Attorney -117 -Fact such persons, firms or Corpoiation8 as such officers n18,, s('-loict front time to tirne.," does hereby make, constitute and appoint: Drarinis V. Gilbert of Beaverton, Oregon its true and lawful attorney(s)-infact, with fall power and authority hereby conf;:UM in its noino, plat; and stead, to sign, O)(ecute, acknowledge and delivc.-r in It behalf, wind as its lic', find ;teed, as tollr m'. Ali bonds ,=cpt contract or const;;uction bonds and not to exceed on anysir. ile instrument TWENTY FIVE Ti -IOW AND AND NC's/100 DOLLAi IS ($25,0=00) I(\I 1PJl I NFA !/1NCIi!_Of , the Int(,r1on Inner l lity Corporr tion ha crlusec' thse presents to be si;;;ji,r; by its Vice President, and Iffl Corporate Se, I to be affixl,A. ( flay 0. Ju 1.y 1r) f3G 5 r`•, .•'�rr^'r r^s ��,_.,:..:'E -- / � � �� f � - J i � r�' i `y! Noidrl ?;i rrr r -h r .rte Inf •y _ ---- Cow of I S t f W. PAT IF.DROW, VICE PRE:iIDENl -. Vlrltiir• ` u.IV C. .l FA -re of NOF{TII CAR=OUNRl COUNTY OF DAVIDSON On this 2 /I t.h Irene At 1 Y ,n ° 5 Sial of North Carolmn a 1f -.. d `or the County of Oavidson carni. W. Pot rrdmm cr he tngon nricmnity- Corpnrroho-, to v personw ally known to b^ w ino dividual doff off, r d_sc_dirsd I•nr ern, and who eser,ul id the prescdlnp inetnanunt, and o(knmadedgud tba r;,_e -u Pon of the same, and being by mo duly 8;vote, dgporwo and said, Thar he is the offim el ti;id Company aforescid, and that the ,eel ifixed to the wcc`•dimi instrument is ih,, Coront Ofe $(ill U! 'aid Company, and the said Corporate, Seal and signahnu as en office. ,vane duly aff;+Of and s;.dsorihcd to the said instrument by tha oulhority.rtd dlcaction of the slid Co•pnrwinn, and that the resolution of sai(i Company, •efferod u, in Mo pricutfir.y tnstnnnent, is no.v in furca_ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have h, co.,,io ;of my hand, .rod aff.zud fly ':ficial seal at Winston Sainte, North Carolina, file Clay and year al;ove pnirien_ t.1 =:1S f WI1.A I f". f yC 0 1:1 lis s Ionrxflro s_Z{.•;q 4.d.,i A._r.,.ny -. aa�y,.�c _r ..v .�/.a-nzR . 4 -✓� .� o, d (Votary "WryliC ✓IRG:MA I. BURKE MOih.ti `! P!JRLIC, State of North Carolina Comms,cion I=spires ,July 8, IK') I, the undersigned, Assistant of INT I GON INDV jfAINI i Y C 1f PORA FION o ..;iock corporr;tion of the State of North Carolina, UC) i I!.411rr3Y ChF 1'!RY that me foregoirl(I Lind tlttrlil.hed Power of Attorney and Ce, rificate of Authority remains in full PYCe arld `103 not 1M!, revoher.l; and turthe.rinrxrf, that the Ficaolutic)n of the Board of Directors, as set forth in the (;ertificatu of Autho iiy, arra now if-) force. Sicgnod and Belled at the said Cnrnpany, rt VVinst.nn-Salem, hJc%rih Carolina, dated ,�Yµnity`r, n� er �a El 1.1� r �� this L❑ -da), of_-'JItl_y Ho ----- Isiant 4ncrct�ny DEED OF TRUST __.-S_tE� P. Stanton (hereinafter the Trustor), Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility (hereinafter the Trustee), and the Municipality of Anchorage (hereinafter the Beneficiary) enter into the following Deed of Trust this 20th day of _August 19 66 , I . I. Trustor grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Trustee in trust with power of sale, that property in the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska, described as: Schroeder Subdivision, East Addition, Lot 3, Block 5 together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, the rents, issues and profits thereof, for the purpose of securing: A. Performance by Trustor of its warranty/performance obligations under Water/Sewer Extension Agreement No. U 86_A8 between Trustor and Beneficiary incor- porated by reference herein. B. Payment by Trustor of each and every sum required to be paid under its warranty/performance obligations under the Water/Sewer Extension Agree- ment described in paragraph A above. C. Performance of each agreement or trust contained herein. 2. To protect the security of this Deed of Trust, the Trustor agrees: A. To appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security hereof, or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee; and to pay all costs and expenses, including cost of evidence of title and attorney's fees in a reasonable sum, in any such action or proceeding in which Beneficiary or Trustee may appear, and in any suit brought by Beneficiary or Trustee to foreclose this deed. B. To pay: (1) at least ten days before delinquency, all taxes and assessments affecting said property; (2) when due, all encumbrances, charges and liens, with interest, on said property or any part thereof which appear to be prior or superior hereto, and (3) all costs, fees and expenses of this trust. C. Should Trustor fail to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided, then Beneficiary or Trustee, but without obligation so to do and without notice to or demand upon `.Prustor, and without releasing Trustor from any obligation hereof, may make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as either may deem necessary to protect the security hereof, Beneficiary to Trustee being authorized to enter upon said property of such purposes; appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee; pay, purchase, contest or compro- mise any encumbrance, charge or lien which in AWWU 1/1/83 (Performance) After deducting all costs, fees and expenses of Trustee and of this trust, including cost of evidence of title and reasonable counsel fees in connection with sale, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment of all sums expended under the terms hereof not then repaid, with accrued interest at eight percent per annum; all other sums then secured hereby; and the remainder, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. 6. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the right of Beneficiary to foreclose this Deed of Trust by judicial action. Beneficiary shall further be entitled to invoke any other remedy under the Water/sewer Extension Agreement secured by this Deed of Trust without attempting to foreclose this Deed of Trust either by judicial action or by exercise of the power of sale. 7. This deed applies to, insures to the benefit of, and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successors and assigns. 8. Trustee accepts this trust when this deed, duly executed and acknowledged, is made a public record as provided by law. Trustee is not obligated to notify any party hereto of pending sale under any other Deed of Trust of an action or proceeding in which Trustor, Beneficiary or Trustee shall be a party unless brought by Trustee. 9. Beneficiary may from time to time, as provided by statute, appoint another Trustee in place and stead of Trustee herein named, and thereupon the Trustee herein named shall be discharged and the Trustee so appointed shall be substituted as Trustee hereunder with the same effect as if originally named Trustee herein. 10. If two or more persons be designated as Trustee herein, any or all powers granted herein to Trustee may be exercised by any such person if the other person or persons is unable to act for any reason and any recital of such inability in any instru- ment executed by any such persons shall be conclusive against Trustor, his heirs and assigns. 11. The Trustor requests that a copy of any notice of default and of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to him at the following address: SIGNATURE OF TRUSTOR STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this e,o'T<l day of 411G-li5--7, 190, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, duly commissioned and sworn as such, personally appeared 17C't1C- p 5 known to me to be the Trustor named herein who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that s/he did so freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that s/he was authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal on the,,,Ul PI't+jr4q year in this certificate first above written. '`';.. _4 4z 1 �.: UTARY y Com AWWU 1/1/83 (Performance) -3- vr3Llu<r;Ln: a, r.or;, AIasKa ssiori,,.,i;:, the judgment of either appears to be prior or superior hereto; and in exercising any such powers, pay necessary expenses, employ counsel and pay his reasonable fees. D. To pay immediately and without demand all sums expended by Beneficiary or Trustee pursuant to the provisions hereof, with interest from date of expenditure of eight percent per annum. 3. At any time, or from time to time, without liability therefore and without notice, upon written request of Beneficiary and presentation of this dead, and without affecting the personal liability of any person for payment of the obligations secured hereby, Trustee may reconvey all or any part of said property; consent to the making of any map or plat thereof; join in granting any easement thereon; or join in any extension agreement, or any agreement subordinating the lien or charge hereof. 4. Upon written request of Beneficiary stating that all actions or other performances required to be performed by Trustor and secured by this Deed of Trust have been performed, including the payment of all sums secured hereby, and upon surrender of this deed to Trustee for cancellation, Trustee shall reconvey without warranty, expressed or implied, the property then held hereunder. The reci:al.s in any reconveyance executed under this Deed of Trust of any matter or fact shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. The Grantee in such reconveyance may be described as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto". 5. Upon default by Trustor in payment of an indebtedness secured hereby, or in the performance of any obligation or agreement hereunder, including any act or obligation to be per- formed or any sum to be paid pursuant to Developer's warranty obligation under the Water/Sewer Extension Agreement, Beneficiary shall execute or cause the Trustee to execute a written notice of such default and of his election to cause to be sold the herein described property to satisfy the obligation hereof, and shall cause such notice to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder for the recording district in which said property cr some part thereof is located. Notice of sale having been given as then required by law and not less than the time then required by law having elapsed after recordation or such notice of default, Trustee, without demand on Trustor, shall sell. said property in Anchorage, Alaska, at the place provided by law at the time fixed by it in said notice of sale, either as a whole or in separate parcels and in such order as it may determine, at public auction to the highest bidder for currency of the United States, United States Post Office money orders, or cashier's or certified checks from a bank having a branch in the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska, provided, however, that the sale shall not be deemed concluded until said highest and best bidder shall exhibit to the person conducting the sale said currency, money order, or check in an amount sufficient to satisfy the bid. Beneficiary shall have the right to make an offset: bid without cash in an amount equal to the balance owed on the obligation at the time of sale, including any sums expended by Beneficiary and Trustee under the deed of trust with interest, attorney's fees, and cost of sale. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any portion of said property by public announcement at such time and place of sale, and from time to time thereafter may postpone such sale by public announcement at the time fixed by the preceding postponement. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser its deed conveying the property so sold, but without any covenant or warranty/performance express or implied. The recitals in such deed of any matter or fact shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, including Trustor, Trustee, or Beneficiary, as hereunder defined, may purchase at such sale. -2- AWWU 1/1/83 (Performance)