HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEQUOIA ESTATES BLK 1 LT 50: S2. -OS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES o� �� Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name DISTANCES TO SEPTIC ABSORPTION WELL Address FROM TANK FIELD Phones) Permit No. No. of Bedrooms WELL hie- I I Wf-XU {JEL(_ AAI- 1`4 22C12 I t LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT LINE Lot BlockSubdivision i SLE0001A E c FOUNDATION :V_" 1111c) Township, Range, Section �i Z l I t- 1 a _ AS -BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location of well, septic system, properly lines, foundation, IV �/ !.� driveway, water bodies, etc.) TANKS z. .Q K SEPTIC ❑ HOLDING Manufacturer Capacity in gallons TYPE OF SYSTEM ❑ TRENCH l BED ❑ W. DRAIN ❑ OTHER Depth to pipe bottom from Total depth from original grade original grade 1 n FT C; I FT Fill added above original grade Gravel depth beneath pipe .�) .t FT n FT Gravel length Gravel width f FT 30, FT Total absorption area Distance between lines 00 SO FT ` FT NumbeF of lines Soil rating Pipe material : � SQ FT 41"Pe t Installer C� `y (�®_ 1 ? I Dale Installed WELLS ❑ PRIVATE ❑ OTHER (Identity) Classification (A,B,C) Total Depth Cased to / / FT FT Installer Date Installed: REMARKS: s. - lUv' ex�_ I/c'Cbfyx/e T -fit LR MugfEgial and Slate g17es in ellect g this dale: Health Department Approval: -Ulu (:S/tab) 2 nspections Performed by: `ls'/, Date: C 4_.4. EOIU—K/r!!f certify that [his inspection was performed according to all Date: -1 - 90 — or �"~)�~�� �n M1.)N1L1 1 ,AL11 Y OF ANCHORA6E �e�arLmentof Healih It At Services 825 L Street, Anchorage, A]aska 99501 343� ON~SITE SEWER At WELL PERMIT �.� ������ �� � F'ermit NumL�er: �O(/()12 ,[~.�.��\c� Date Issued: 01/16/90 Engineer Designed !]wner Name: CAROL WHITE Day Phone: Owner Address: 3706 OREGON UHIVE 258�6500 ANCHORAGE, AK 99517 Parcel Id: 017~152-05 Lot Legal: Subdivision: SEQUOIA ESTATES Lot: 5 Block: 1 Section: 26 Township: 12N Range: 3W Lot Size 49096 (sq,[t, or acres) Max Bedrooms: This Permit: 4 lrotal Capacity: 4 SEPTIC TANK: Minii. fir uw total septic tank capacity: 1,250 gallons. Each septic tank must have at least 2 compartments` Depth to Lop of septic tank/s> < 4"0 feet requires insulation over tank(s). WELL: Log must be submitted to Municipality o Anchorage Department of HealLh and Human Services within 30 days of well completion. PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31; 1990. 0URING FREEZING WEATHER' EXCAVATION MUST BE OPENED AND CLOSED ON SAME DAY. 11.1E EXlSTING PIPING AN8 SEP[IC TANK MUST BE DUG UP AND INSPECTED 1 M INTEGRITY K} 8p VERlF1ED" PHOPOLY ABANDON ILLEGALLY lFAS TALLED BE/), AND SHUW lTS LOCATION ON FINAL INSP" REPORT" I CERTIFY THAT: 1, I am �amiliar with the requirements �or on~site sewers and weils as se� forth by the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and the State o[ Alaska. 2^ I will install the sysLem in accordance with all MOA codes and regulations, and in comp1iance with the design criteria o| this permit^ 3" I wi]l adhere to all MOA and State of Alaska requirements for the set back distances From any existing well, wastewater disposal system or public sewerage system on this or any adjacent or n�arby lo -L. 4. [ understand that this permit is va1id for a maximum of 4 bedrooms" l also understand that the capacity of Lhe total system is 4 bedronms and any enlargement will require an additional permit" Signed: DATE: ' ~�.^ (Owner) CAROL WHI�E ' [ssued By: DATE: ---C'-~~~---`--�-----^`'~---~---------- ��..r�"u�'Y.ii(L47C'•��w'�dLu1�.155A��.:.'u:Si�Lti.k:Li�iFcltiAli.".::v1�rDaYfatrJ:'•.u...v�6�.::w:.i�l',u1.,.+.........;ic. .............�.. ._._v��. —� .. SEPTIC, 5YSTEM/ o�SHPT KESEZ.VE A2� — p SYSTEE M \/ 14ELL I SEPTIC l 0 SYSTEM� i WELL I J I — PKOPOs D WELL i\ p PKOP. VEEIFY ALL. 38DQF7 SEPAf oU \\/ a 015 TIANC E:5 BED \ — / / COISIST�. r--rIOm Z4 7 x — � c� / o j ' PIPE WEL WELL _ _ A RE PVE: ll ��� TEST HOLE EX IST. TA Id 6cw _`12 APeox, LO-ATIOhL. I _ _ / TEST HOLEI i \\ ° 0 0 SEPTIC I IJ SYSTEM I_ WELL —� I I p I I � I I WELL I I \ I I P rPOSED SYSTEM: 2EC IESWLfTAE�BED IFCOVE 2 FKOM TA1\4K� Snm)(195SOIL5)(1.5)= %/�ds� � 2 I� 2_4,, 46.5.:_ 1/ lG Ste , ` / I n 3 VEKIFY INTEGfUTY � USE H -I; eee-3c+ SEPTIC- TA lkl K CD USTEUCT PES MOA P.PECS___r} ;' r0 O O o C EO FA 9 EL_ Sei'r,/Kres' PE.eF VERIFY ALL SEPARATION DI TANCE 6" SEWEK EOGK PIPE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION IZ ' SEWER SYSTEM LOCATION PLAN `5 81K S-QUOIABUESITSION ATES SECTION/ TOWNSHIP/ RANGE S26 7I2N R3W SCALE, NOTE, APMX, ISI= 1001 The Accuracy Of Location Of Exisitinq And DRAWN RYA Proposed Property Corners, Wells, and Septic Systems Indicated Is Not Exact. Dimensions NORTH JUEY KESS Indicated Have Been Determined By Use Of Cloth Tape and/or Municipal Records, And Not By - -•�� �a -�1� Surveying Techniques r i f PREPARED FOR, ��9 FACIFIC GEIHERAL COIVT, ;8i,�fSsad Y e"sxJnc Consiilting:,trngTrieers �• DATEr SHEET r OF 'iJAeJl 2 b,1IrAl, n1�`1.��f.Jli%J.'t�1L]'ii4t:[ihCUC*�/3/YY•4!%LJ.iL.53'A'iJ..i.rW'fi'Cid�rtrl'uY�AI...i:Jew±ise� aerr 5-PTIC. 5YSTEM/~ °'�SEPTEM \/ NE LL I / SEPTIC_I— SYSTE H /o HELL I o. I — PROPOS D WELL ENOUSE VEeIFY ALLKA TO QDISTAN E:5 ED ✓y — ` / CC NSETf-JGT10N \ � � BED � 1 Z41 dz/o PIPE WELL WELL .R ESEEVE AREA TEST HOLE FIST. TANK _ 6aro6i.� / 2 APeoz LOCATION — / TEST HOLEI '—�\ o S° ° SEPTIC I I SYSTEM ° WELL I I ° I � I I WCLL I I I RPnPOSED SYSTEM: BED 4(INSULATE BED IF COVE( � 'Pry, -I ESS THAt.L 3' FKOM TANK I3D2M�(1855oIL5)(L5)= %!/0se VEKIFY INTEGf�ITY USE SEPTIC: TAWK Geo FAB21f- COWSTRUGT PE2 M04 SPECS_ 1 2 0 0 0 0p �j•Isvl�eS x 4„ PEZF ti- JerryK�sS 11 6" SEWEQ PIPE VERIFY ALL SEPARATION DI TANCEO �OGK PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION I�, 14 SEWER SYSTEM ' LOCATION PLAN LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION 5 1 SEQUOIA ESTATES _ SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE — S2.6 T12N R3W SCALE, y NOTE, APP�OX, I'1= IOOt The Accuracy Of Location Of Exisiting And DRAWN BY, Proposed Property Corners, Hells, and Septic �7 �/ [['' Systems Indicated Is Not Rxact. Dimensions DI NORTH � E E EY K RESS indicated (lave Been Determined By Use Of Cloth Tape and/or Municipal Records, And Not By Surveying Techniques t PREPARED FOR, PAGIFIG GENERAL CONT, Acta e's;Jric' Con&ug1d, il=ngfne'�r I i .. '...% ... .:..x�__..;�...r..,' ,.:.:...:. �.......; DATEr� SHEET / OF 1),f Uwner Name: CARDL WHITE Day Phone: Owner Address: 3706 OREGON DRIVE 258�6500 ANCHORAGE, AK �9517 Parcel Id: 017�152~05 Lot Lega1: Subdivision: SEQUOIA ESTA[ES Lot: 5 Block: 1 Section: 26 Township: 12N Renge: 3W Lnt Size 49096 (sq.�t. or acres) Max Bedrooms: lhis Permit: 3 Total Capacity: 3 SEPTIC TANK: Minimum total septic tank capacity: 1,000 gallpns^ Each septic tank must have at least 2 cufor) artments. Depth to top oseptic tank(s) ieet requires insulation over tank(s). WELL: Log must be submitied to Municipality of Anchorage DepartmenL o{ Hea1th and Human Services within 30 days o[ wel1 completion, | CERTIFY THAl: 1, l am �am�!zar wiLh the requirements or on-site sewers and we11s as set {orth by �he Municipa1ity o| AnchMOA) and ihe State of A1aska. 2. 1 wii1 znstall the system in accordance with al1 MUH codes and regulations� and in compliance with the design criteria o< Lhis permit" 3. I will adhere to a]1 MOA and SLate o� Alaska requirements |or the set back dzstances from any exisiing well, wastewater disposal system or public sewerage s�sfem on thi r any adjacen!or ��earby lot^ 4, I under�tand at thi rmit is valid for a maximum o< 3 bedrooms" l a]so unders thatT I ecapaIe total system is 3 bedrooms and Signed: ^ 1ssued By: DATE: K TEST HOLE �I PERFORMED FO (ENGINEER'S SEAL) Municipa(ity of Anchorage !: (Rr DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SE .O k 1 1 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 0 00 .flr z s, SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEVIC/ i i LEGAL OESCR(PT(ON:J� 5 Pj I S Fol o I A - Township, Range, Section: -r V �l P U S, CT" EST/\T ES SLOPE SITE PLAN (FEET) 1 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 34567 8 9 10 11 12 END 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20-4 3141516171s1s20 COMMENTS ML -CM 511+, s; /q Wa-11f a-;� -7' W047r'-p— ADDcn WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water Alter YL -(;ee - S L 7` O P E aatt LQ1'7 PERCOLATION RATE SSL_, ( minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN i T AND FT, PERFORMED BY: v CERTIFY THAT TAT/IIS TEST AS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIOELIN1 N EFF T N 72-008 (Rev. aril �t i TEST HOLE :"2 PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL OESCf 6.. OE C 1 2- 3 4 5- 6- 7 67 8 9 10 11 12 f5kD 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- '18- 191 3141516171a19 20 COMMENTS Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SE 825 `L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 - SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION T (EN h EER'S SEAL) Tato � Sy re a�.-m��DI1TE PER Township, Range, Sec(ion: •-F V e, -,4S ES -1 T ATES SLOPE lope'; ML- 6M s:�tf Silff C-��,vz( Stj, c.-,4 WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT •-1 I L OP DEPTH? E Depth to Water After Moftu"iq? /0-6 Gale: WATER ADOCn P57 -1 -J FC-AVIA165 IQ y � SITE 9/ P/V-orPERCOLATION RATE 13 g�6 (���/�hl PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BEjW/gE/NI � �/y'AND _FT L — G M en" I 7?, r, —j SJR r-, PERFORMED BY: �J 1 ��� h J.S l / `�ERTtFY THAT HIS TE T WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STAT: AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINE I EFFECT O TNIS 72-008 (Rev. M85i G O SEPTI(- 5TEi'1 r SE \ PT IG I Q P,ESECVE A2fA a`�SYSTEM \ \/ WELL SE PT IC , STE WELL J P[?OPOS D WELL / \ D E�l / -�-•� J VEDFY ALL SEPAK' 101 PROP ✓q \ �� / P210DISTA>N ES BEL) TION 4" PIPE REsEeVE HELL — — _ _ \ — _ /� /l AREA TEST HOLE AP 15- TAN LcYATION. TEST HOLE I \\ O 0 SEPTIC j I SYSTEM I WELL o I I WELL 1 I I I - PPOPOSED SYSTEM: BED (3 Ewm)(185 SoI:.S)(I.5)= 833 sZ 4-+. 2 I' Y 40' = 840 st f+. VERIFY INTEGRITY � USE EXIST. 1,000,511 SEPTIC.: TANK CONIGTNULT pEE MOA 5PEC5 4(IWSULATE BED IFLOVEQ LESS THAKi 3' Z - 7 I VERIFY ALL S1'ARATION DISTANCES PRIO� TO CONSTRUCTION FKON TAN r, - IT , - I . !i " �6EO FAME— �O� O O O 2 I 4" Pr -FF 6" SEWEQ PIPE w FOLK fjrroz PIPL_—• IZ' SYSTEM LOCATION PLAN BLOCK SUBDIVISION _ - I I SEQUOIA ESTATES TOWNSHIP/RANGE S2.6 T12N R3W SCALE, NOTE, A, P P1J/il. 1'I= 1001 The Accuracy Of Location Of Exisiting And DRAWN BY, Proposed Property Corners, Hells, and Septic J E Ey K CESS Systems Indicated Is Not Exact. Dimensions Indicated Have Been Determined By Use OC Cloth and/or municipal Records, And Not Ily Surveying Techniques ® ; PREPARED FOR, PACIFIC 6ENEQAL CONT. N DATE, 'Q/Z3/B9 I SHEET / OF r e t p � " ,��i' �s NORTH .>'ee" ri. .. Sm. Corwin 1 .^J . C€-5283 LOCATION PLAN BLOCK SUBDIVISION _ - I I SEQUOIA ESTATES TOWNSHIP/RANGE S2.6 T12N R3W SCALE, NOTE, A, P P1J/il. 1'I= 1001 The Accuracy Of Location Of Exisiting And DRAWN BY, Proposed Property Corners, Hells, and Septic J E Ey K CESS Systems Indicated Is Not Exact. Dimensions Indicated Have Been Determined By Use OC Cloth and/or municipal Records, And Not Ily Surveying Techniques ® ; PREPARED FOR, PACIFIC 6ENEQAL CONT. N DATE, 'Q/Z3/B9 I SHEET / OF r