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Sec-��on l6 SJ9 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: S-8025 DATE RECEIVED: February 13, 1985 COMMENTS DUE BY: March 1, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Tracts C, C Section Sixteen Subdivision ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( I PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: W 0�- I� community Planning Department February 26, 1985 Page Two 5-8021: Lots 1 - 23 Greenwood Park Subdivision Extend public sewer and water to all lots. Prior to final plat approval, provide proof of connection to public sewer on Lot 6. 5-8022: Southcreek Estates Subdivision - Phase III Provide copy of D.E.C. Certificate to Construct a public water system prior to preliminary approval. No development may occur before Municipal sewer is available to each lot. These lots may not be connected to any form of on-site sewage disposal system. 5-8023: Lots 7A, 7B Block 5 Granite View Subdivision #1 Provide evidence of connection to public sewer and water on Lot 7A prior to final plat approval. 5-8024: Lots 1, 2 Rachel Woods Subdivision This Department needs the as-builts on the existing dwelling, or in lieu of that, assurance that the sewer system on Lot 2 will be upgraded to Municipal code prior to final plat. we ask that a 100 foot setback from the drainage easement to the north be delineated on the plat. Developer needs to identify location of testhole on plat. If test was taken on Lot 2, we request a new test on Lot I prior to final approval. 5-8025: Tracts C, D Section Sixteen Subdivision Extend public sewer and water to each lot. Susan E. Oswalt Engineering Tech III SEO/ljw ! SYME `U F ALASKABILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 274-2533 July 8, 1985 S U v� Alaska Land Development JUL , 0 Services 4546 Business Park Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - SUBJECT: Anchorage Golf Club Maintenance Building, Anchorage, Alaska 8621 -DA -004 Dear Sir: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project and are hereby issuing this approval letter which constitutes the permit required by A.S. 46.03.720(a) for construction of the sewerage system. It should be remembered that final approval will necessitate the submis- sion of Engineer As Built Plans and owners name, address and telephone number. This will consequently mandate that a professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as -built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsi- bility of the developer. Any future expansion of subject project will require additional approval from this office. Sincerely, / 25-'- �� Steve W. Eng, P. E. District Engineer SWE/dd i'? ALASKA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 May 13, 1985 Alaska Land Development Services 4546 Business Park Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Anchorage Golf Club Golf Course 8521 -FA -193 Dear- Sir: BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR �G'3V C" ,. (L(, 274-2533 We have reviewed the plans and specifications for- the subject project. This letter, constitutes the permit r-equir•ed by A.S. 46.03.720(a) for approval of water- systems. Enclosed with this letter- is a "Certificate To Construct" for- the drink- ing water- system. The "Approval to Operate" section of the certificate must be completed by a r•epr•esentative of this Department prior to placing the system in operation. It should.be r•emember-ed that final approval will necessitate the submis- sion of Engineer- As -Built Plans. This will consequently mandate that a private professional engineer- conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as -built plans. Ar•r•angement for- this inspection work is the responsibility of the developer. Any future expansion of subject project will r•equir-e additional approval from this office. Sincerely, Steve W. Eng, District Engineer• SWE/dd ENCLOSURE MAY 1 4 i2s5 REPORT ON SUBSURFACE SOIL AND FOUNDATION CONDITIONS SECTION SIXTEEN SUBDIVISION, TRACT C ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Prepared For Alaska Land Development Services, Incorporated 4546 Business Park Boulevard Anchorage, AK 995U3 Prepared By A. W. Murfitt Company 8010 King Street Anchorage, AK 99502 March 13, 1985 Our Job No. 85-024.12 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF FIELDWORK 2 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE 5 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 7 5.0 RESULTS OF TESTING 10 6.0 FOUNDATION CONSIDERATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 Plates 6.1 Clubhouse Site 13 37 6.2 Maintenance Building Site 14 Plate _ 6.3 Pumphouse Site 15 6.4 Roads and Parking Areas 15 Plates 6.5 Wastewater Disposal Field 16 40 6.6 Lake Liner 17 Appendix A Test Boring Logs Plates 1 to 24 Appendix B Laboratory Test Results Grainsize Distribution Curves Plates 25 to 34 Laboratory Grouping Summary Plates 35 to 37 Subsurface Temperature Data Plate _ 38 Moisture -Density Curve Plates 39 to 40 Appendix C Symbols and Terminology Plates 41 to 42 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of an investigation of subsurface soil and foundation conditions at Tract C, Section Sixteen Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. The foundation considerations and recommendations presented in this report have been developed from our field observations, test boring drilling, laboratory testing and a review of local geotechnical hazards as well as site development and building considerations. Written authorization to proceed with this investigation was received on February 7, 1985, from Mr. Ron Griffith, P.E. of Alaska Land Development Services, Incorporated. The scope of work and services performed were in general accordance with our letter entitled "Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering and Testing Services" dated February 5, 1985. We understand that development of the 200 acre site is to consist of an 18 hole golf course, a two-story clubhouse, maintenance building, well and pumphouse, access roads and parking areas, a small man-made lake and wastewater disposal field located adjacent to the clubhouse. In addition, structures to be constructed by this study are assumed to be heated. A preliminary letter report was prepared and transmitted on February 25, 1985, to the offices of Alaska Land Development Services, Incorporated. Contained in this report was a brief description of the field activities, the site, the subsurface soils encountered and preliminary foundation design recommendations. Copies of the field boring logs were attached to this report. 1 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF FIELDWORK Subsurface soil conditions were evaluated at the site from February 8, to February 13, 1985. A total of twenty-four (24) borings were made at the approximate locations of the stakes installed by Alaska Land Development Services, Incorporated. Staking was done prior to the initiation of our field drilling activities. Borehole elevations are as reported by this firm. Borings were located at the stakes or as noted on the Boring logs. The borings were advanced by means of a tracked mounted, Mobile B-61 drill rig utilizing 8 inch outside diameter (O.D.) continuous flight, hollow stem auger (H.S.A.) and 6 inch O.D. continuous flight, solid stem auger (S.F.A.). The drilling was contracted to Denali Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska. _ Borings 1 through 8 were located and drilled to evaluate roadway and parking area soil conditions. Borings 9 through 14 were drilled to evaluate clubhouse foundation conditions. Borings 15 through 20 were drilled to evaluate soil conditions for wastewater disposal. Borings 21 and 22 were drilled to assess foundation conditions for the maintenance building and pumphouse, respectively. Borings 23 and 24 were drilled to evaluate soils for use as an impermeable liner for the lake. Disturbed auger cuttings and relatively undisturbed 2.5 inch inside diameter (I.D.) split spoon samples were recovered as drilling progressed in the borings. Split spoon penetration tests were conducted in the field to assist in the determination of the relative density and/or consistency of the underlying soil strata. E I'-" The field penetration test used in this study is defined as the number of blows which are required to advance a standard 3 inch O.D. split spoon sampler the last 12 inches of an Minch sample attempt, when using a 300 pound drop hammer falling through a distance of 30 inches. The penetration test used in this study is assumed to be analogous with the Standard Penetration Test which utilizes a 140 pound hammer and a 2 inch O.D. split spoon sampler in the same manner. The results of the penetration tests are shown on the boring logs in the blows/foot column opposite the corresponding depths of drilling. While logging the test borings, observations were made concerning the presence of organics, moisture content, groundwater, drilling effort, and soil type and temperature. Observations made concerning relative density/consistency were derived from the blow counts described previously. The logs of the test borings are shown on Plates 1 through 24, Appendix ra One inch I.D. PVC water tight casings were placed in Test Borings 11, 21, and 22 to measure subsurface soil temperatures. Slotted one inch I.D. PVC casings were placed in Borings 7, 10, 13, and.17 to measure static groundwater levels. Four inch.I.D. slotted PVC casing was installed in Borings 15, 16, 18, and 19 for future percolation testing. Samples recovered in the field were transported to our laboratory for examination and testing. Laboratory testing consisted of moisture 3 content, visual classification and grouping, grainsize analyses, and moisture density. Test results are shown on the boring logs and in Appendix B. These are also subsequently discussed in section 5.0 of this report. Groundwater levels and subsurface soil temperatures were measured on February 21, 1985. Percolation testing in Boring 15 was also performed on this date. 0 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE The site, Tract C, is a subdivision of Tract B2, Section Sixteen Subdivision (P84-505) and contains some 200 acres. The site borders O'Malley Road on the south and Bragaw Street on the east. The site is generally heavily treed with spruce and white birch. Tree clearing and, to some extent, the stripping of near surface organics had been done at all the drilling sites except at. Boring 7. Boring sites 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 15, and 20 still had a thin (generally less than 1 foot) layer of surface organics in place. The terrain consists of numerous knolls and drainage basins, and the site soils are generally well - drained, alluvial fan (granular) deposits. Drainages are generally well defined and vegetated .with willows characteristic of wetter areas. The terrain in the immediate vacinity of the lake consists of both fine and coarse grained glacial moraine deposits. Based on the Municipality of Anchorage Geotechnical Hazards Assessment Study in June of 1979, the site is classified as Seismically Induced Ground Failure Hazard Zone 2, or having a moderately low ground failure susceptibility. Types of ground failure may include minor ground cracking, localized settlement due to consolidation and perhaps liquefaction or lurching of localized saturated zones of fine grained material. The ii site is classified as Frozen Ground Hazard Zone 3, or a high potential for isolated permafrost (perennially frozen ground) conditions. The site is also classified as Wind Hazard Zone 1, or a moderate wind area. It is however, on the fringe of this zone and borders on Wind Hazard 5 Zone 2 (a high wind area). This high wind area is subject to the funnelled "Chugach" winds. The high wind areas are subject to winds of 50 miles per hour yearly with occasional gusts to 100 miles per hour. A complete description of each of the zones and the effect on development is presented in the referenced study. R r.� 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS r Borings 1 through 8 are drilled in the roadway and parking area subgrades. 11 A Sandy Silt/Silt (ML) was observed in Borings 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8 to depths of 15, 2, 2.5, 12, and 6 feet, respectively. Silty Sandy Gravel l (GM) was encountered in Borings 5 and 6 from the surface to a depth of 3 feet. A Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) and Silty Sand (SP -SM) was generally i, (_ observed beneath these soils to the completion of drilling in the holes. ` l Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 7 feet while drilling. Our ( observations and moisture content analyses indicate that this groundwater lililr is perched or trapped in the soil profile. Seasonal frost was approximately (`;' .5 feet in Boring 7 (undisturbed terrain) and varied from a depth of approximately 2 to 3.5 feet in the other borings. No frozen ground t: (permafrost) was encountered below these depths in these borings while I' drilling. This however, does not preclude the occurrance in the lower drainage areas. Soils encountered in Borings 9 through 14 appear to be suitable for the proposed clubhouse facility. A surficial layer of Sandy Silt (ML) was encountered from depths ranging from 2.5 to 6 feet in Borings 9, 10, 12, and 13. A Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) was encountered in Boring 11 from the surface to a depth of 4.5 feet. Soils beneath these strata generally consisted of Silty Sand (SM, SP -SM), Silty Gravelly Sand (SM), and Sand (SP). Perched water tables were encountered in Borings 9, 11, 12, and 13 at depths of 10, 14, 10, and 19.5 feet, respectively. Subsequent groundwater elevation checks in the standpipe in Borings 10 and 13 indicated dry holes. Seasonal frost penetration varied from 2.5 to 4.5 7 feet below the existing ground surface. No permafrost was encountered while drilling, and subsequent subsurface ground temperature measurements in Boring 11 indicate soil temperatures at depth in the order of 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Relative densities of the soils in this area varied from loose to dense. Subsurface soils in the area proposed for the wastewater disposal field appear to be well suited for this purpose. A surficial Silt (ML) was encountered in Borings 15, 16, 17; 18, and 19 to depths of 4, 3, 4.5, 5, and 4 feet, respectively. Peat (Pt) was encountered at the surface to a depth of 1.5 feet in Boring 20. Soils beneath these strata consisted of Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), Silty Gravelly Sand (SM), and Silty Sand (SM, SP -SM) to the completion of drilling in these borings. A perched groundwater table was encountered in Boring 20 at a depth of 13.5 feet. Groundwater standpipe installed in Boring 17 was dry when measured on February 21, 1985. Seasonal frost penetration in this area varied from 2 to 6.5 feet. No permafrost was encountered while drilling in these borings. Percolation testing in Boring 15 indicated rates generally less than one (1) minute per one (1) inch of water level drop. (( The soil profile encountered in Boring 21, at the maintenance building l.r site, consisted of Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) to a depth of 2 feet, Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) to a depth of 6.5 feet, and Silty Sand (SM) to Sand (SP) to the completion of drilling at 26.5 feet. A thin layer of Sandy t,C Silt (ML) approximately .5 foot thick was encountered at 8.5 feet. i Soils encountered have a medium relative density. Seasonal frost was -~ encountered to a depth of 4 feet and subsurface temperature measurements indicated thawed soil at depth. No groundwater was encountered while R (i drilling. Wastewater disposal percolation rates are expected to be i similar to those described previously. Boring 22, drilled at the pumphouse site, indicates approximately 5.5 feet of soft Organic Silt (OL) overlying 19 feet of Silty Gravelly Sand '^ (SM), Silty Sand (SM), and Sand (SP). A Sandy Silt (ML) was encountered i at a depth of 25 feet. Seasonal frost was encountered to a depth of 5.5 feet and no groundwater was observed while drilling. Soils beneath the ( — _ frost were thawed. t_ Borings 23 and 24, drilled to evaluate lake liner soils, encountered Organic Silt (OL) and slightly plastic Sandy Silt (ML) to the completion of drilling at 15 feet. These soils appear to be satisfactory for the purpose intended. The logs of all borings are contained in Appendix A, Plates 1 through 24. Subsurface temperature data collected on this project is summarized on Plate 38 in Appendix B. 0 5.0 RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTING The results of field and laboratory testing conducted for this investigation are shown on the boring logs opposite the depths of drilling in Appendix A and in Appendix B. Soil samples recovered in the field were returned to our laboratory for visual examination and testing. The samples were visually classified in the laboratory and moisture contents were determined on selected samples. The samples were sorted ranged from 40 to 47. The insitu moisture contents of the Sand (SP) ranged from 1.2 to 6.5 percent with the predominant moisture being approximately 2.5 percent. The moisture contents of the Silty Sand (SM) ranged from 4.4 to 11.1 10 into groups according to similarities in -color and texture. An arbitrary ( letter designation was assigned to each group. Distribution of samples ( (l� within these groups is presented on Plates 35 through 37 of this report. Selected samples from major groups were analyzed for grainsize distribution and frost classification. The results of the grainsize analyses are presented on Plates 25 through.34. All samples were classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System and Textural Classification �i System presented on Plates 41 and 42, respectively. Field penetration test blow counts in the granular soils (sand, silty sand) ranged from 5 to 39. Predominant blow counts were between 20 and t 30. Blow counts in the fine grained cohesive soils (silt, sandy silt) ranged from 40 to 47. The insitu moisture contents of the Sand (SP) ranged from 1.2 to 6.5 percent with the predominant moisture being approximately 2.5 percent. The moisture contents of the Silty Sand (SM) ranged from 4.4 to 11.1 10 percent. The predominant moisture content was approximately 7.0 percent. These values are indicative of a well drained soil. The cohesive soils had moisture contents ranging between 14 and 16 percent and were visually determined to be above the optimum moisture content of the soil type. Grainsize analyses of the Sand and Silty Sand indicate a soil which ranges from non -frost susceptible (NFS) to a moderately frost susceptible (F-3). Analyses performed on the Silts indicate these soils are highly frost susceptible (F-4). Samples of the Sandy Silt (ML) from Borings 23 and 24 were combined and moisture -density relationships were determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557 method "A". Test results indicate the optimum moisture is ll.o percent with a maximum dry density of 116.4 pcf. The natural moisture content of the material is 15.5 percent. To achieve 95 percent compaction, the maximum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 1557 method "A" was found to be 14.2 percent. A grainsize analysis was performed on the combined samples to determine the frost classification. Results of these tests are presented on Plates 39 and 40. 11 n 6.0 FOUNDATION CONSIDERATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on a review of local geotechnical hazards, the results of our geotechnical field investigation; subsequent laboratory testing, and our understanding of the planned site development, the following recommendations are submitted for consideration in the foundation design at this site. The site has a low potential for seismically induced ground failure and based on our borehole findings and temperature measurements appears to be free of permafrost in the areas explored..-- Near surface soils (exposed' from stripping) and soils beneath the Peat are generally frost susceptible (frost classes F-2 to F-4) and are expected to heave or undergo significant volume changes when freezing in the presence of water. Ideally, all organic soils (Peat and Organic Silts) should be removed from all roadway, parking, and building sites. This has already been accomplished in some areas. We assume that all building installations will be heated structures, and therefore, structural fills, if required, appear to be available on site. Conventional footings and grade slabs are recommended for building foundations. Subgrades for all installations should be carefully prepared. Exposed subgrades for buildings should be free of organics/organic soils and seasonal frost, and recompacted to a minimum density of 95 percent of the maximum density as obtained by ASTM test procedure D 1557 or the equivalent AASHTO, T-180 specification to correct for construction disturbance and seasonal frost softening. Roadway, sidewalks, and HKA parking area subgrades should be prepared as previously stated except that an exposed grade compaction value of 90 percent may be utilized. In any event, structural fills should consist of relatively clean, granular soils placed in maximum twelve (12) inch lifts and compacted to a minimum density of 95 percent as specified. Heated structure perimeter foundations should be provided with a minimum of forty-two (42) inches of ground cover and any unheated appurtenance —foundations should be provided with a minimum of eight (8) feet of - ground cover. Columns protruding from unheated foundations should be provided with a soil -column bond break to prevent seasonal frost jacking. The outside faces of perimeter footings and foundation walls of heated structures should be covered with two (2) inches of closed -cell, polystyrene board insulation to contain building heat. In no event, should foundations be placed on frozen subgrades nor should they be allowed to freeze during or after construction. In addition, foundation subgrades should not be inundated with water during construction. Final site grading around structures should result in positive drainage away from these installations. 6.1 Clubhouse Site Conventional spread and strip footings, in conjunction with grade slabs, are suitable for this site provided subgrades are prepared in accordance with the preceding specifications and recommendations. An allowable bearing capacity of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square foot may be used to proportion footings for combined dead and live loads. This 13 �l value may be increased by one-third to accommodate transient loads such as those associated with wind and seismic action. A minimum footing width of sixteen (16) inches is suggested. As we understand that slabs may be at varying levels, care should be taken not to overstress foundation/bearing walls when placing backfill_ Interior footings should be placed a minimum of twelve (12) inches below the bottom of grade slabs. Note that perched water tables may be encountered during foundation excavation. This however, should not present a construction problem. 6.2 Maintenance Building Site Conventional spread and strip footings, in conjunction with grade slabs, are suitable for this site provided subgrades are prepared in accordance with the preceeding specifications and recommendations. An allowable bearing capacity of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square foot may be used to proportion footings for combined dead and live loads. This value may be increased by one-third to accommodate transient loads such as those associated with wind and seismic action. A minimum footing width of sixteen (16) inches is suggested. Care should be taken not to overstress foundation walls when placing backfill. Interior footings, if necessary, should be placed a minimum of twelve (12) inches below the bottom of grade slabs. The site is suited for on site wastewater disposal. The system should be designed to meet minimum Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Environmental Protection, requirements. This is a percolation 14 r- l rate of 150 square feet per bedroom or approximately 15 minutes per inch ( (SP, SM soils). We suggest that leach lines be founded a minimum of six t (6) feet below final grade in Silty Sand (SM) and at least two•(2) _ inches of rigid board insulation placed over the trench(es) to retard �? seasonal frost penetration. Surface backfill should be relatively r impermeable and graded to prevent the ponding of water. 6.3 Pumphouse Site Foundation conditions at this site are not ideal and -in this regard, we - recommend that organic soils be removed and replaced with a structural (^ �• fill as described previously. Conventional footings and slabs should be 1 I' provided with a minimum of two (2) feet of compacted structural fill support. Footings may be proportioned using an allowable bearing capacity I; of two thousand (2,000) pounds per square foot for combined dead and hlive loading. This value may be increased by one-third to account for ( transient loads associated with wind and seismic action. A minimum l footing width of eighteen (18) inches is suggested. Vibratory equipment I (pumps) loads should be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer once equipment has been selected, and prior to the issuance of final design I r� drawings. Other foundation design criteria is as already discussed. l., A wellhouse structure, although a site has not been evaluated, should be [ prepared as outlined in this section. r 6.4 Roadways And Parking Areas These areas should be prepared as previously discussed. Near surface II I 15 soils are frost susceptible (F-2 to F-4) and embankment sections should be designed in accordance with the Municipality of Anchorage, Standard Specifications. Drainage ditches constructed adjacent to roadway and parking areas should not allow the ponding of water. In addition, ditch soils may necessitate the placement of an overlay filter blanket of coarse granular soil to prevent subgrade soil erosion. Natural ditch granular soils however, are expected to be relatively erosion stable -and accordingly— ditch side slopes may be constructed to a maximum slope of two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical. Soil retaining structures along the roadways do not appear to be necessary as final roadway grades should be at or very near existing grades. Seasonal frost heaving of this roadway is expected to be minimal provided positive drainage away from the roadway is maintained. A static groundwater level was not encountered in our borings and subgrade soil moisture contents were relatively low. 6.5 Wastewater Disposal Field The site is suited for on site wastewater disposal and the system should be designed to meet minimum Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Environmental Protection, requirements. This is a percolation rate of 150 square feet per bedroom or approximately 15 minutes per inch i 16 IIS (SM, SP soils). We suggest that leach lines be founded a minimum of six (6) feet below final grade in Silty Sand (SM) and at least two (2) inches of rigid board insulation placed over the trench(es) to retard seasonal frost penetration. Surface soil.backfill over the area should be relatively impermeable to prevent infiltration of surface water. In addition, site grading should prevent water from ponding in the area. 6.6 Lake Liner ( The soils evaluated for lake liner use, generally have a moisture content above that of optimum or are wetter than that necessary to achieve the maximum soil density. Use of this material will require drying. It is also suggested that this soil be mixed with approximately five (5) percent Bentonite by volume for use as a lake liner. A minimum lift thickness of one (1) foot is recommended. Care should be taken to ensure that near surface Organic Silt (OL) soils are left in-place in areas to be flooded. Cuts which penetrate Sand subsoils should be lined ' in order to minimize water infiltration to subgrades. If the use of j site fine-grained soils is prohibitive, then consideration should be i given to the use of commercially manufactured water tight membranes. In closing, we strongly recommend that foundation installations (buildings, roads, parking areas, etc.) be under the scrutiny of a competent geotechnical engineer who will be able to respond to soil conditions which have not been accounted for in this study. Respectfully submitted, ' Allan W. Murfitt, P.E. Civil Engineer 4977-E 17 Appendix A Test Boring Logs {�I D I h; S 10 D II'I 15 20 I l 25 i III 30 35 40 PEAT (Pt) dark brown, wet, some LOG OF BORING 171o�c2 organics `W J JO Z LABORATORY a. § !0 z � oEQUIPMENT n-61 Nodwell [ TESTS 0 0 � H 90 `E'w co 0 4ELEVATION 339.9 DATE 2-8-85 {�I D I h; S 10 D II'I 15 20 I l 25 i III 30 35 40 ..W. Murfitt Company LOG Of BORING Section Sixteen Subdivision Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C 85-024.12 Appr. AW4 Dare 3-8-85 Anchorage Al PLATE 1 PEAT (Pt) dark brown, wet, some organics SANDY SILT (ML) light brown, wet cobbles at 4 feet slightly plastic gravelly TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located 12.5 feet North of stake ..W. Murfitt Company LOG Of BORING Section Sixteen Subdivision Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C 85-024.12 Appr. AW4 Dare 3-8-85 Anchorage Al PLATE 1 'W 0-j z LOG OF BORING Z _X— ^ a N �' =- m W EQUIPMENI�-61. Nodwel l LABORATORY o Z Z 2 2 o ( TESTS 0 v¢i c}n U ELEVATION 358.0 DATE 2-8-85 0 PEAT (Pt) some organics SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) light C 6.2 brown, moist, some gravel C 7.7 11 SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, moist, -trace fine gravel E 7.6 I 15 ( TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet i 20 Boring located 14 feet Horth of stake i 25- 30- 35- 40- 5303540 A.W. Murf itt Company LOG of BORIN Subdi 2 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision nictic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C L i—,bno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dore 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska -1 LABORATORY [ TESTS f f rr� I1 i SILTY SAND (SP -SM) light brown, dry, some fine gravel B R 1 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located 25 feet East of stake AW. Murfi}t Company LOG OF BORING 3. PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision otic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C ,no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska 'QQQQ' LOG OF BORING 3 Z 1 .� JW J O ZLU !� a 0 yZ Z 'Mg oEQUIPMENT b-61. Nodwell (5 9 o ai coo W ELEVATION 366.2 DATE 2-8-85 0 PEAT (Pt) SILT (ML) light brown, some sand and gravels, trace organics SILTY SAND (SM) light brown E cobble at 4 feet 5 N SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (SM) light brown, slightly moist E SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, _ slightly moist, trace gravels SILTY SAND (SP -SM) light brown, dry, some fine gravel B R 1 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located 25 feet East of stake AW. Murfi}t Company LOG OF BORING 3. PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision otic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C ,no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska 8~ «W J LOG OF BORING,4 Y W ~ C _0 `(L z/1 LABORATORY a o M? z t0 M N EQUIPMENT b-61 , Nodwel l TESTS C7 co z y 4ELEVATION 363.6 DATE 2-8-85 iM 0 PEAT Pt (� SILT (ML) trace sand and gravel SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) light M F3 C 6.8 5 brown, moist (l 1� C 8.8 10 1, C 9.2 - -- 15 [ 7 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet li 20 Boring located approximately ' 60 feet North of stake I^ I� 25 o� �i 30 II 35 40 ,7A.W Murfitt Company LOG OF BORING 4 PLATE 'Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C 4 jI..>no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWMI Dote 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska LOG OF BORING 5 ii w r �W d �~ LABORATORY o �W Z> Z Mm'a M'm N EQUIPMENT b-61, Nodwel l (� TESTS C� 90u cc `�'co co LLELEVATION 373.5 DATE 2/8/85 0 20 25 30• 35- I I� I I 401 brown, trace organics C 1 IE SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, moist E trace fine gravel 10 slightly moist E L 15 20 25 30• 35- I I� I I 401 5 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (G17) light brown, trace organics SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) light brown, moist SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, moist trace fine gravel slightly moist TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located 50 feet North of stake at STH 10+00 A.W. Murf itt Company LOG OF BORING 5 PLATE r Section Sixteen Subdivision (Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C bno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchora a Alaska i LABORATORY a o TESTS B F3 C C SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) light brown frozen SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) light brown, moist less silt with depth SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SP -SM) light brown, slightly moist B SILTY SAND (SP -SM) brown, slightly !1t moist 15- TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located 6 feet West of stake 351 AW Murf itt. Company LOG OF BORING 6 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision G nd Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C V.12 App,. AM Dote 3-8-85 Anchors a Alaska w I-qG OF BORING 6 J O Z _ Z M.2 Z g ►+EQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell Ov `� vi U) W ELEVATION 374.0 DATE 2-8-85 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) light brown frozen SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) light brown, moist less silt with depth SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SP -SM) light brown, slightly moist B SILTY SAND (SP -SM) brown, slightly !1t moist 15- TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located 6 feet West of stake 351 AW Murf itt. Company LOG OF BORING 6 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision G nd Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C V.12 App,. AM Dote 3-8-85 Anchors a Alaska LABORATORY a o'' TESTS 3 W � G OF BORING 7 aZ J O .Z -Q f� W _inZ V; NEQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell Z W 2 0 � t can co LL ELEVATION 374.5 DATE 2-8-85 0 D 40.6 D 24.2 E 8.2 is PEAT (Pt) dark brown. SANDY SILT (ML) light brown, very moist, trace gravels less silt with depth (perched) SANDY SILT (ML) light brown, saturated SILTY SAND (SM) gray -brown, moist TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Groundwater encountered at 7.0 feet while drilling Groundwater Standpipe installed Boring located approximately 30 feet North of stake A.W. Murfitt Company LOG Of BORING 7 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 Anchorage A Boring located as staked A.W. Murfitt Company LOG OF BORING 8 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C lJobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dale 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska F J -PG OF BORING 8 ' _W , LABORATORY a o !2 V; "EQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell TESTS C7 CC `&0 r}i) U.ELEVATION 357.0 DATE 2-8-85 0 SANDY SILT (ML) light brown, moist to wet, roots and wood, fill D 24.0 S SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown, moist ' less silt with depth C 10.9 10 SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) gray -brown C 6.2 slightly moist 15 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located as staked A.W. Murfitt Company LOG OF BORING 8 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C lJobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dale 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska W`W -j1-OG OF BORING 9 z -9LABORATORY a �Z X 2 14 EQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwel I TESTS t9 mvO ot y Ir ELEVATION 364.5 PATE 2-11-85_ SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist, some gravel, trace organics F2 A.W. 11 5 SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist, E medium �• Ir SAND (SP) dark brown, moist, trace A 8 • • _ gravel and silt, loose to medium • • • 15 • • A 17 •i • • • • • 20 A 22 0 0SAND (SP) brown, very moist, trace • • small gravels, medium • • • • • 21 • • A 27 3.7 •i • 30 • A 26 3.6 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 31.5 feet 35 Groundwater encountered at 10.0 feet while drilling (perched). Boring located as staked o An- A. V1'. Murl ltt Comp' ny LOG OF BORING 9 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C 9 1ol'no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 Anchoracie OG OF BORING 10 Om Uzi LABORATORYa dZ g oEQUIPMENT B-61, No well TESTS m Ru H Hca N LLELEVATION. 362.8 DATE 2-11-85 F2 D 13.8 C 25 9.1 lc B 32 5.5 15 E 39 7.0 • 20 • • • A 38 1.7 '• • • 25 A 29 2.2 0 Lee 30A 23 2.0 A.W. Murfitt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. ANM Date 3-8-85 SANDY SILT (ML) some gravels, frozen SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) light brown, moist, trace organics , medium SILTY SAND (SP -SM) brown, moist, medium, trace gravels SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist, dense SAND (SP) brown, moist, medium to coarse grained, dense medium to dense medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 31.5 feet Groundwater Standpipe Installed Boring located as staked LOG OF BORING 30 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C PLATE 10 �PG OF BORING 11 co W LABORATORY a Vi oEQUIPMENTB-61 Nodwel1 Ir TESTS c° v go Eco ai WELEVATION 368.8 DATE 2-9-85 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GDl) light brown, random cobbles F2 E 14 6.0 5 SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, slightly moist, trace smallgravels medium • • A 15 5.5 10 • .• SAND (SP) brown, slightly moist, trace small gravels, medium • • (perched) SANDY SILT (ML) saturated C 40 11.7 18 SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown, moist, dense • • • SAND (SP) gray -brown, slightly •• moist, trace small gravels, medium • A 21 2.0 20 • • • • • A 20 1.9 25 • • •. • • • •• • • A 20 5.4 30-10000 • • • • • • • • • • A 18 6.5 35 • • • • h SILTY SAND (SP -SH) brown, moist B 20 10.6 A.W. MUrfitt Company LOG OF BORING 11 PLATE Consultants Section Sixteen Subdivision 1 1 Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Anchorage Tract C Alaska Jobno. 85-024.12 Appr, AWM Dote 3-8-85 I c ?`-,)G OF BORING 11 17 LABORATORY p d ft � M N EOIJIPMfNT B-61. Nodwel l TESTS o IK,,y &&ELEVATION 368.8 PATE2-9-85. o _ SILTY SAND (SP -SM) brown, moist, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 51.5 feet Groundwater encountered while drilling at 14.0 feet Thermistor standpipe installed Boring was located as staked LOG Of BORING 11 contd PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C 11a hora 6 23 7.0 4 (11 II 5C B 21 2.4 55 I P ;I 60 65 i 70, I 75- 580-A.W. 80- A.W.Murf itt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant! Job no 85-024.12 Appr. A41M ' Dale 3-8-85 SILTY SAND (SP -SM) brown, moist, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 51.5 feet Groundwater encountered while drilling at 14.0 feet Thermistor standpipe installed Boring was located as staked LOG Of BORING 11 contd PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C 11a hora LABORATORY TESTS W JAG OF BORING 12 O Z n. Vi ►EQUIPMENT B-61. Nodwell Z C O m Ov t $'v vi u- ELEVATION 369.4 DATE 2-11-85 0 PEAT (Pt).dark brown SANDY GRAVELLY SILT (ML) brown, Ell frozen B 11 5.3 B 10 5.2 B 16 5.0 C 33 4.4 A 26 1.2 30 15 SILTY SAND (SP -SM) brown, moist, trace gravels, moist - (perched) very moist to wet moist SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown, moist, medium to dense SAND (SP) brown, moist, trace gravels to 1", medium, angular No sample recovered TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 31.5 feet Groundwater encountered while drilling at 10.0 feet Boring was located approximately 3 feet East of stake A.W.Murfitt Company LOG OF BORING 12 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchor LABORATORY a. 'o TESTS 3 C 13 B 11 fi7 A 23 E 21 B 19 moist SAND (SP) brown, slightly moist, coarse grained, loose to medium r -(perched) SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, wet, medium SILTY SAND (SP -S14) brown, slightly moist, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 30.5 feet Groundwater encountered at 19.5 feet while drilling Boring was located as staked A.W. Murfitt .Company LOG OF BORING 13 ' PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C - 13 Job no. 85-024.12 App,_ AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchora e 1 -?G OF BORING 13 W W -1 O Z !2 z Z E' ' p EQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwel l Z of co LLELEVATION 372.0 DATE 2/9/85 0 SANDY SILT (tIL) light brown, trace gravel ' SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) light brown S SILTY SAND (SP -SM) light brown, moist, trace small gravels NIslightly loose to medium moist SAND (SP) brown, slightly moist, coarse grained, loose to medium r -(perched) SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, wet, medium SILTY SAND (SP -S14) brown, slightly moist, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 30.5 feet Groundwater encountered at 19.5 feet while drilling Boring was located as staked A.W. Murfitt .Company LOG OF BORING 13 ' PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C - 13 Job no. 85-024.12 App,_ AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchora e F SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, slightly moist, trace gravel gray -brown, fine, medium to dense SILTY SAND (SP -SM) gray -brown, slightly moist, medium •• SAND (SP) brown, slightly moist, •: medium grained, trace gravels to 2 inches, medium • • • • � SILTY SAND (SP -SM) gray -brown, slightly moist, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 31.5 feet Boring drilled as staked LOG OF BORING 14 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C PLATE 14 0 1-9G OF BORING 14 FE d ' PZ W � J 0-j �J a m Z "' 1. I�B LABORATORY a (yJJoonZ _ Z � g QEQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell TESTS O Co i88 t poi' OCELEVATION 368.0 DATE 2-11-85 F SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, slightly moist, trace gravel gray -brown, fine, medium to dense SILTY SAND (SP -SM) gray -brown, slightly moist, medium •• SAND (SP) brown, slightly moist, •: medium grained, trace gravels to 2 inches, medium • • • • � SILTY SAND (SP -SM) gray -brown, slightly moist, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 31.5 feet Boring drilled as staked LOG OF BORING 14 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C PLATE 14 0 FE 5 31 1. I�B 10 15 [T 15 I. A 19 F 20- _ B 19 25- B 20 30- B 19 1 35 t 40 A.W. Murfitt Company r Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant I Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AIJM Date 3-8-85 F SILTY SAND (SM) light brown, slightly moist, trace gravel gray -brown, fine, medium to dense SILTY SAND (SP -SM) gray -brown, slightly moist, medium •• SAND (SP) brown, slightly moist, •: medium grained, trace gravels to 2 inches, medium • • • • � SILTY SAND (SP -SM) gray -brown, slightly moist, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 31.5 feet Boring drilled as staked LOG OF BORING 14 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C PLATE 14 G 3.1 15 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) brown, slightly moist TOTAL DEPTHS OF BORING 9.0 feet Percolation Pipe installed Boring Drilled as staked A.W. Murf itt Company LOG OF BORING 15 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision �� Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C lobno.85-(174.12 Appr. AWM Dole 3-8-85 Anchora a Alaska tqG OF BORING 15 � n = W J ° m LABORATORY a o �Z z�M0 NEQUIPMENT B-61 Nodwell TESTS 0 co 2U0 oo `t co co h -ELEVATION 358.9 DATE 2/12/85 0 PEAT (Pt) dark brown, frozen GRAVELLY SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist G 3.1 15 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) brown, slightly moist TOTAL DEPTHS OF BORING 9.0 feet Percolation Pipe installed Boring Drilled as staked A.W. Murf itt Company LOG OF BORING 15 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision �� Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C lobno.85-(174.12 Appr. AWM Dole 3-8-85 Anchora a Alaska SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown Random cobbles and boulders SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist E 5.6 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 9.0 feet Percolation Pipe installed Boring drilled as staked A.W. Murf itt Company LOG OF BORING 16 Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dole 3-8-86 Anchora Alaska PLATE 16 LAG OF BORING 16 Wv _W =a m w LABORATORY pEQUIPMENT B-61 Nodwell TESTS 0 g o `t to ai W ELEVATION 358.2 DATE 2-12-85 0 SILT (ML) brown SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown Random cobbles and boulders SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist E 5.6 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 9.0 feet Percolation Pipe installed Boring drilled as staked A.W. Murf itt Company LOG OF BORING 16 Section Sixteen Subdivision Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dole 3-8-86 Anchora Alaska PLATE 16 � a LABORATORY a 'o TESTS ED F2. B SILT (ML) brown, trace gravels 8.6 5-M4 I SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist ^ I' rj I SILTY SAND (SP -SP1) brown, moist, 2.2 N medium grained 15 SILTY SAND (SPS) brown, moist E 4.3 20 , TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 feet Groundwater Standpipe installed Boring drilled as staked A.W. Murf itt Company LOG OF BORING 17 Section Sixteen Subdivision arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C Jobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Ancho Al PLATE 17 V---3 OF BORING17 W �Z -='W KWo J Z inZ� g NEQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell vO 9 z Z' tccn of W ELEVATION .352.8 DATE 2/12/84 0 SILT (ML) brown, trace gravels 8.6 5-M4 I SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist ^ I' rj I SILTY SAND (SP -SP1) brown, moist, 2.2 N medium grained 15 SILTY SAND (SPS) brown, moist E 4.3 20 , TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 feet Groundwater Standpipe installed Boring drilled as staked A.W. Murf itt Company LOG OF BORING 17 Section Sixteen Subdivision arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C Jobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Ancho Al PLATE 17 W W Ll OF BORING 18 LABORATORY a �. p Z Z� "EQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell TESTS C7 m iOv o a w ELEVATION 357.3 DATE 2-12-85 - o SILT (ML) brown, trace gravel' 5 IMA I SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist E 5.1 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 8.0 feet Percolation Pipe -installed --.-- Boring drilled as staked 25 A.W. Murfltt Company _LOG OF BORING 18 Section Sixteen Subdivision rctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C Jobno. 84-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska PLATE 18 r, LABORATORY TESTS F2 t i I _ LC ; LC OF BORING20 Uj iZ ' 0 m LABORATORY i 22 pEQUIPMENT B-61. NodwelI TESTS Q id co y U.ELEVATION 355.0 DATE 2-13-85 0 PEAT (Pt) dark brown, frozen SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown, trace wood chips C 11.1 SILTY G 3.4 ^ �I I randomcobblesANDY (Glq) brown,Ki 1SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown, C 10:5 5 very moist to wet A.W. Murfitt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 Anc TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Groundwater encountered at 13.5 feet while drilling Boring drilled as staked LOG OF BORING 20 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C Alaska PLATE . 20 '.F, F3 C 18 C 17 15 E 13 20 • L -3 OF BORING 21 1 LABORATORY a O 3N —o�'Z _W Z g g oEQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell • TESTS C9 ' iUj `z' �� w 16ELEVATION 353.2 DATE2-8-85 • 0 • SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) light 25• • A 27 brown, trace organics •_ C SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown, P F3 C 18 C 17 15 E 13 35 A.W. Murf itt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant: Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 SILTY SAND (SP1) brown, moist, medium SANDY SILT (PLL) brown SILTY SAND (SPI) light brown, moist, medium trace gravels at 13 feet SAND (SP) gray -brown, moist, coarse trace fine gravel, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 26.5 feet Thermistor Standpipe installed Boring drilled as staked LOG OF BORING 21 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C PLATE 21 20 • • • • • • • 25• • A 27 •_ 35 A.W. Murf itt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant: Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 SILTY SAND (SP1) brown, moist, medium SANDY SILT (PLL) brown SILTY SAND (SPI) light brown, moist, medium trace gravels at 13 feet SAND (SP) gray -brown, moist, coarse trace fine gravel, medium TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 26.5 feet Thermistor Standpipe installed Boring drilled as staked LOG OF BORING 21 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C PLATE 21 F F 5 53.9 lc E 11 4.8 15 E 18 5.5 20 SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist, medium trace gravel NFS A 23 2.8 M 0I SAND (SP) brown, moist, medium grained D 47 12.6 SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist, t coal and gravels TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 26.5 feet Thermistor Standpipe Installed Boring located as staked A.W.Murf ltt Company LOG OF BORING 22 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision - Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C 22 Jobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska L' OF BORING 22 Z team W LABORATORY a �Z Vi NEQUIPMENT B-61. Nodwell TESTS C7 2 U 9't `�'ci W W ELEVATION 351.6 DATE 2/12/85 ORGANIC SILT (OL) dark brown, IIIc sill frozen F 5 53.9 lc E 11 4.8 15 E 18 5.5 20 SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) brown SILTY SAND (SM) brown, moist, medium trace gravel NFS A 23 2.8 M 0I SAND (SP) brown, moist, medium grained D 47 12.6 SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist, t coal and gravels TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 26.5 feet Thermistor Standpipe Installed Boring located as staked A.W.Murf ltt Company LOG OF BORING 22 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision - Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C 22 Jobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska F4 D D D 11.1 A III'I SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist 1 0 11111 easy drilling 15.8 SANDY SILT LT ML) green -brown, moist slightly plastic 13.1 is 20 40- A.W. Murfitt Company 'Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant! Jobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located as staked LOG OF BORING 23I 2 3 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C L OF BORING 23 WZ _ W LABORATORY a LZ Z tg oEQUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell TESTS c7 m u t ai W ELEVATION 336.5 DATE 2/13/85 - o U11i ORGANIC SILT (OL) brown, trace F 108.7II sand F4 D D D 11.1 A III'I SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist 1 0 11111 easy drilling 15.8 SANDY SILT LT ML) green -brown, moist slightly plastic 13.1 is 20 40- A.W. Murfitt Company 'Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant! Jobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located as staked LOG OF BORING 23I 2 3 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C W `W L(-"7OF BORING 24 0 ZW LABORATORY a Z Z �g g WEOUIPMENT B-61, Nodwell TESTS O m U �'ci of LELEVATION 339.1 DATE 2/13/85 0 2 inches of ice D 9.9 SANDY SILT (ML) brown, moist random cobbles D 10.2 5 D 15.4 10 SANDY SILT (ML) green -brown, moist, trace gravel, slightly. plastic D 15.8 15 �A.W. Murfitt Company mtiCCMI and Geotechnical Engineeflhg Consulta jobno. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15.0 feet Boring located approximately 4 feet east of stake LOG OF BORING 24 PLATE Section Sixteen Subdivision n 4 Tract C G chnraoe Alaska Appendix B Laboratory Test Results Group A: SAND (SP) Boring Sample 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5 9 6 10 5 10 6 10 7 11 2 11 4 11 5 11 6 11 7 12 5 13 4 14 3 21 5 22 4 MOA GOLF COURSE Laboratory Groupings Depth (ft) 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 9.0-10.5 19.0-20.5 24.0-25.5 29.0=30.5 34.0-35.5_ 25.0 14.0-15.5 15.0 25.0-26.5 20.0 Group B: SILTY SAND (SP -SM) Boring Sample Depth (ft) 3 3 12.0-14.0 6 3 12.0-14.0 10 3 10.0 11 8 39.0-40.5 11 9 44.0-45.5 11 10 49.0-50.5 12 1 5.0 12 2 10.0 12 3 15.0 13 2 4.0-05.5 13 3 9.0-10.5 13 6 24.0-25.5 13 7 29.0-30.5 14 2 10.0 14 4 20.0 14 5 25.0 14 6 30.0 17 2 9.5 Description gravelly trace gravels Description gravelly A. VV. Murf itt Company SectionTSixteCn Subdivision PLATE Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants 35 j Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchorage Alaska I MOA GOLF COURSE Laboratory Groupings Group C: SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) Boring Sample Depth (ft) Description 2 1 2.0-04.0 2 2 8.0-10.0 4 1 3.0-0500 4 2 8.0-10.0 4 3 13.0-15.0 5 1 3.0-04.5 6 1 3.0-04.5 6 2 7.0-09.0 8 2 8.0-10.0 8 3 13.0-15.0 10 2 5.0 11 3 14.0-15.5 12 4 20.0 13 1 2.5-03.5 19 1 5.0 20 1 4.0-05.0 20 3 17.5 21 1 1.0-04.0 21 2 7.5-09.0 21 3 10.0-11.5 Group D: SANDY SILT (ML) Boring Sample Depth (ft) Description 1 T 2.0-04.0 1 2 8.0-10.0 1 3 12.0-14.5 trace gravel 7 1 2.0-04.0 7 2 7.0-09.0 8 1 3.0-05.0 10 1 2.0-0300 22 5 25.0 23 2 5.0 23 3 10.0 23 4 15.0 24 1 2.0 24 2 5.0 24 3 10.0 24 4 15.0 A.W. Murfitt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant: Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Dote 3-8-85 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C Alaska PLATE 36 MOA GOLF COURSE Laboratory Groupings Group E: SILTY SAND (SM) Boring Sample Depth (ft) 2 3 13.0-15.0 3 1 3.0-04.5 3L 8.0-09.5 5 2 6.0-07.5 5 3 8.5-10.0 5 4 13.0-15.0 7 3 12.0-14.0 9 1 5.0 10 4 15.0 11 1 4.0-05.5 13 5 19.0-20.5 14 1 5.0 16 1 8.0-09.10 17 1 5.0 17 3 19.0 18 1 6.0-07.0 19 2 6.0-07.0 21 4 15.0-16.5 22 2 10.0 22 3 15.0 Description trace gravels trace gravels trace gravels trace gravels trace gravels Group F: ORGANIC SILT, HUMUS (OL) Boring Sample Depth (ft) Description 22 1 5.0 23 1 2.5 Group G: SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) Boring Sam le Depth (ft) Description 15 1 7.0-08.0 20 2 9.5 I! 1.W. Murfitt Company Section Sixteen Subdivision I PLATE P�xctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Tract C 37 0, )no. 85-024.12 Appr. AWM Date 3-8-85 Anchoraae Alaska TEMPERATURE DATA MOA GOLF COURSE A.W. Murf itt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant! Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. A68'4 pole 3-8-85 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C Alaska PLATE 38 Corrected Corrected Location Depth (ft) Resistance (it.) Temperature (OF) Temperature Test Boring 11 4 17457 29.30 -1.50 Thermistor 9 15237 34.27 1.26 String 1500 14 14582 35.98 2.21 19 14182 36.73 2.63 24 13958 36.99 2.77 29 - - - 34 14416 36.36 2.42 39 14337 36.43 2.46 44 14255 36.82 2.68 Test Boring 21 3 15550 33.60 0.89 Thermistor 8 14916 35.11 1.73 String 1600 13 14523 36.28 2.38 18 14345 36.57 2.54 Test Boring 22 .1 19120 26.22 -3.21 Thermistor 6 16010 32.07 0.04 String 1500 11 - - - 16 14930 35.10 1.72 21 14460 36.09 2.27 26 14300 36.72 2.62 A.W. Murf itt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultant! Job no. 85-024.12 Appr. A68'4 pole 3-8-85 Section Sixteen Subdivision Tract C Alaska PLATE 38 Appendix C Symbols and Terminology MAJOR ( 'BIONS TYPICA NAMES Str.n ph, Irl CLEAN pMVILS GW .. WILL 12udD O4VSLS,CARVE&-SAND NIITut1 s SRAV[Lt WITH LITTLE OR NO PIMS s. Eli qPj POORLY ORAND ORAVILS, ORAVIL - SAND N TLOS WNO. s COAAH FRACTION II LHON THAN 44M SIL ORAVILS wIM O+R 13%NNS ON 220 (2600) Sk.Y OMVILS, PCI OR LY ORAND 04AYIL-&AND- Sal AUzfutu tC PlwlI Ll.b On %) LY GRAVID ORAL -SAND CLLYO"YgU• POORYS AY C Gnu 114. b4 Dra n.1 Din.1 SA... CLSAN SANDSsw Sl..tll. 0'..1" 0i WILL GRADED SANDS, GRAVIILY SANDI y� ID � SANDS WITHuTTu a No PINES SR . , POORLY oRADID uND1, Ixnvlur fANDf ■ hca MAN NLL/ LVS 200 l.S.n ur2 V... Sh..r ® Wk $..ql• COASsl FRACTION R SALALU! TFIAN 0. ISIM sin SANDI WITH I2Vd 12%PLI$S IN SILTY SANDS. POCYLY ORADID SAND - LLT MUITLAU rob •n 2.8' .r 2.4• Ib........ I., SC CLAYTY LAND$..POORLY GRAND RACLAY - AY MU11UlIS LP Uu.ur wyb. - YL INORGANIC SILTS AND Vj" PINS {ANDS. SOCK NDA, SILTY OR CLAYEY rSANDS SA, Q ,OR TILT$ AND CLAYS CLAYtY SILT WITH SLIGHT IIISTICIT' INORGANICUM RAST CLAYS OF LOW TO MLDICITY, - LSOUD LIMIT IES THAN lO CL ORAVIALY CLAYS, RANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, SEAN CLAYS WOL s y 'III ILII ORGANIC CLAYS AND ORGANIC ikTY CLAYS Or LOM PLASTICITY - e SIN INCROANICSkn, NCACIOLS OR DLATO.MCIOUS FOR SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, [WTIC SILT SILTS AND CLAYS -j LIQUID LINT ORLATII THAN IO CN INORGANIC CLAYS Or MGH PLASTICITY, MT CLAYS ORGANIC CLAYS OF NIM IM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY. ORGANIC SOIL$ ►I MAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 1'.4va G4-1 p / SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART PLATE AX . Murfitt Company AND KEY TO TEST DATA ^-1 Job No. 85-024.12 4 I Appr: AWO Date 3-8-85 ' r- Str.n ph, Irl �fA..r Crolininl horv., pl C .... I— Go.i N.ri.n •Ta 220 (2600) U ...... II/.bR Un4r.I..1 Trlubl LL — LIRVU Lilt (In.%) LCU 220 (2600) Goaibb/ Vn/.dn./ T,10.(.1 PL — PlwlI Ll.b On %) DS 225D (2000) Gnu 114. b4 Dra n.1 Din.1 SA... Or — Sl..tll. 0'..1" PVS 420 rl.l4 V.n. IN.., SA — 51... A..IIrb •uC 2000 Unun/In.1 C...un A. ■ •Un 41rIYrSN• S..yl. LVS 200 l.S.n ur2 V... Sh..r ® Wk $..ql• N.I.I. (1) All rt,..gIh rob •n 2.8' .r 2.4• Ib........ I., (2) • IML.Io LP Uu.ur wyb. 1'.4va G4-1 p / SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART PLATE AX . Murfitt Company AND KEY TO TEST DATA ^-1 Job No. 85-024.12 4 I Appr: AWO Date 3-8-85 ' r- SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHA,,t K-0 0 .: CLAYET:. CL ELLT \ \SAND\ 0 b 20 30 40 50 60 70 GRAVEL (4*4SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT '1 CORPS OF ENGINEERS FROST DESIGN SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND USCS EQUIVALENT GROUPING TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company Arctic 001 and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants SYSTEM 42 ;Chno 85-024.12 Apc, AWM Dole 3-8-85 PERCENTAGE FINER TYPICAL SOIL TYPES THAN 0.02 PIM, BY UNDER UNIFIED SOIL FROST GROUP SOIL TYPE WEIGHT CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM F 1 Gravelly soils 3 to 10 G1,,GP,GW7C44,GP-GM F 2 (a) Gravelly soils 10 to 20 GII,GW-GM,GP-GP1 (b) Sands 3 to 15 SW,SP,SM,SW-SM,SP-SP1 F 3 (a) Gravelly soils > 20 GM.,GC (b) Sands, except very > 15 SP1,SC fine silty sands (c) Clays, PI X12 CL,CH F 4 (a) All silts ML,MH (b) Very fine silty >15 91 sands (c) Clays, PI < 12 CL,CL-ML (d) Varved clays and CL and ML: other fine-grained, CL,ML, and SM; banded sediments CL,CH, and ML. CL,CH,ML, and SM TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION PLATE A.W. Murfitt Company Arctic 001 and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants SYSTEM 42 ;Chno 85-024.12 Apc, AWM Dole 3-8-85 mz e�osooua 9 '. � +f �yS w f f -k. I o• (f .surae y3 K F£° WE i R Q@ k aE F i Q Ukp� pF V.0 �x .F - O>38d1 3„” a ----$- 'a (+izo;eci rw>.M >.ma.�n_rw>a. I c. a>M.6F .1o•c L gj 9� 0 � ] 43 Nd? \ m n ' ��t' aaz4z'wl AO ova=s'w i�� ME z eve o J ¢ O r3io < $ � N ( x I x� 10 I k ; �p d r �AtlAx � � m a � mei t W x� 3 mz e�osooua 9 '. � +f �yS w f f -k. I o• (f .surae y3 K F£° WE i R Q@ k aE F i Q Ukp� pF V.0 �x .F - O>38d1 3„” a ----$- 'a (+izo;eci rw>.M >.ma.�n_rw>a. I c. a>M.6F .1o•c L gj 9� 0 � ] 43 Nd? \ m n ' ��t' aaz4z'wl AO ova=s'w i�� 9-1J 111JL—LJ�1._ V z eve o J ¢ O r3io < $ � N � (5Gnk0eJ aJ £ 660. I x� 10 I k ; �p d r �AtlAx � � m a � mei t W x� 3 +r r&eeoug� m Y 9-1J 111JL—LJ�1._ w I V J ¢ O s/ < $ � N zve 4 3 eg ,8 d°_ ; �p d r �AtlAx � � YY x� 3 Y N„ w I V J ¢ O < $ � N w I I ,I$ e4� q�5 za, �xs �N� Pla°ISI m e mm r n I m � -- � �m sem^ t g 3I N------ FpyFpyFpy SCLC _ ?J :3 m ° u rw z _(sGQxen wyar zo.La.00n (5G�-fedJtaJes-©c9z(a �.=pon_fwioe oeerz l�+>M.za.!o.�n-- - W�;y Wma III - Aboal - doo�l �-1o22`O �� (ai e2a.41 eao IY iw). M.,®P 7 d ] N n F 1n v F N_ O Y tl \iiia; 1 I3 S ga �=a9§akLid �eR§mm mka L F L - Aboal - doo�l �-1o22`O �� (ai e2a.41 eao IY iw). M.,®P 7 d ] N n F 1n v F N_ O Ss 8I o � 1 Q` off` y �g�au 6 V' Al g 'ur c -,oleo nasioN $( ' _VY Y tl \iiia; 1 I3 ga 2 L F L m� 1ll\\ ti i r a L, Ss 8I o � 1 Q` off` y �g�au 6 V' Al g 'ur c -,oleo nasioN $( ' _VY