HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEACLIFF BLK 1 LT 9oil 2z1 10 000 Lo T Auqm,�t 31, IW12 Th, Tj . Jre- f t I 3� s -300 Dear i"Ar. Br�rns: V-lio VAlj- uy) olur recllt an(l ,.All to' ou,r o.,.' Fl. ux.ust 2G), 1l..'122 regarding 9, 1., !(I rrVi!-'iAnrl t%jtcase it a. -i notwl tlir) i3cnvcr Uiie vAnich irl 197S 19 F4L?nt fron't tle, rxr)-oertv o'-', t'nis lot, an'd (--'-.-31v34..ructed a is;t1lb—i P, ,las to prociorty li-ric fr1r .1-uture O;7t"1nectior) to ti.ds -j')Orty. t' -Lc-- 1:7,xisting sovirer Une, i ; onnly ffoet _f,rom, th� p'ro�perty lino it. i , "I'llilltelytll-�at tile >` .y or Di morld, Mlwl , 1-1ciel a.n t' .-::%t ect ",)n tl-e cli �alu.a uce of the r -,,r i c -Ling hou,E;e the 3ewor line the �.liot�%nce- �romi tl,,c- mortl,, corm -)r of the hcm�-3r-c to WC! -,fueso->�3 -v-hva nort-1,ioas-c 'tiroperty 'corner -t7a& locz--.tr�-l'. about 99 T��-�Qt. zN,, r1ore exact 3urw-.fir wovacl. 'o(4 nee,led to asvertai.avllr� ----Xact'31-3tanco. -Lnce an ns-butilt rFmr- viiy J usually refjuir`-�(ll -ry tiv^Y --i-Anancial. arj part Of tl-v'l clhaulge Of' t7h�.-.- murv�-.yor ca-ulO l5r-, asycdl to U-nt�.-mcn ar-curataly. .E qut'rietl cur ilei -.al Oio-,party;lent an, to Ono de-Pinitiorl 0�� Xi). Ae1(,' 15.65.03UA. at a r�:.cvioaablc, tio-n ),r Con word wd.thin t1he contem. of z'V!-C-.' 19.65�030A 1 C71 not , Fj '3arily i),-1clucle Une. property Une but woulO inclurle -U).c? 11() 3e situat,,)� U.-lereon. A sc�,(:)-arat�-t m7zlratT-j not rcaont-tbly bc? imc-birlerl, hut oince this an intt?�,C,al paxt Of 1v1he of t-110 housc`:-, it is Celr t"ll'at ir- "rr part of" lam? �17110)')uqlh --'!if:cer(jnt intcu'-pre- bn 1laeje toxAntf� bz,.tw� ne.n uhicii tho foot. distamcm should he measured A is felit that tllis Should be ma2v ure-r-1 -ble rlortlhea.at cormax <)IF tbo -nroperty a "J, tl m. c1":)s(?st poilit of the r7truwvur,,�, of--' tli,? hom3e. t'<°r. Theodore D. Bern Auqust 31, 1982 Pacu-- "'.ti"e aS-built for tile, sewc-?r line shows that, stub -ins were constructed for each Of t! e lots to the _�a st Of lot 9 anO T,'Os"t of th(-se lots are presently connected. We researched our records to ascertain the details €lf the existing, ante -water :llsplosa l ^,Vst€3r'1 on lot J but our i_17 es contain -no inforr,.i tion on tbias s 7.s>tk?T1. All a-.It`quacy test of the, system is usually performed during a transfer of ownership aml this should deter -mine the a_ik?quac.y of the existing viaste disposal systn?;n. During the adequacy test the l'ilgeLz' seribtoulll asoertca452 whother tne. systerm is a septic tank and soil absorption system or a cesspool. (A cesspool is not permitted underMunicipal, t. -s.), . vrrCj(. ta"L'ion.. bet..,ze€ n the house and the point at whicb the sewer stub -in is located could be cic` ssse(I its "brush" rathG�r than "heavily wooded", and should pose no problem to the lic:ht back'aoes -,ah .ch are usuall-', used t0aC,`^C3ili_:*•l7.`,313 this type of, excavation. In view of the foregoing, it is not felt that an Eixce ition to tho provisions of VIC 15.65.03MN is warranted. It you have any questions, please feel free to contact isle. at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Stan Brust, Managex Division of l.,'nvironmental. THTealth hcc. Los Buchffiolz, Supervisor, S;f'wer and Water Program Pohert Rtiithr Gene'.ral. M'antagcr, Ater & 91as'ieetiater Utility D26/e Theodore D. Berns Attomey at Law 1007 West 3rd Avenue Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907)272-0345 August 26, 1982 Mr. Brust Director Div. of Environmental Health Dept. of Health & Environmental Protection Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dear Mr. Brust: I represent Ms. Louise Koonce, owner of Lot 9, Block 1 Sea Cliff Subdivision in Anchorage. This property contains one single family dwelling which is situated on the lot as shown in the attached as built survey. Prior to the expansion of Dimond Boulevard, the initial size of this lot was such that the dwelling was located, in its entirety, well over One Hundred Feet (100') from the edge of the Dimond Boulevard Right -of -Way. However, the State of Alaska subsequently acquired the back twenty-five feet of the lot which has resulted in a situation in which a portion of the dwelling falls within One Hundred Feet (100') of the Dimond Boulevard Right -of -Way. This situation has caused a problem in that, under AMC 15.65.030 A. septic tank systems are not allowed if "the premises" on a lot are within One Hundred Feet (1001) of "A right-of-way or easement containing a sewer line from which sanitary sewer service is available." There does not appear to be any dispute as to the adequency of the present septic tank system which has functioned well for many years. It is my further understanding from talking with Mr Les. Bucholtz and others that the soils in the area are such that there is no reason to believe that the continued use of the septic system would pose any problem. Additonally, I Mr. Brust-Page 2 understand that exceptions to th0e above "100 feet" rule have been granted where excessive costs would be involve and where no health problems are present. Because of the above quoted ordinance, Ms. Koonce is having great difficulty obtaining financing in conjunction with a sale of the property and is being asked to escrow a large sum of money in case the expesive connection to the sewer line within the Dimond Boulevard Right -of -Way is required. It is my further understanding that this connection would be extremely expensive due to the heavily wooded nature of the back lot area and to the fact that the connection would be over One Hundfle Feet (1001) to the actual sewer line in the Dimond Boulevard Right -of -Way. As noted above, I have dicussed this matter with Les Bucholtz, and I feel that the clear intent of AMC 15.65.030 A is to cover a situation where a dwelling is well within One Hundred Feet (100') of the actual sewer line. Unfortunately, due to the ambiguous reference to "the premises" a question exists as to whether AMC 15.65.030 A would mandate a sewer hook-up in the present case. I believe that a reasonable interpretation of AMC 15.65.030 A would be to require a mandatory hook-up where the entire premises or atleast the entire dwelling area is within the One Hundred Foot distance to the public Right -of -Way of Easement. Under such an interpretation, the property invovled in the present case would not be required to hook-up since the bulk of the property, including most of the living area, is outside of the One Hundred Foot boundry. I believe that if your office will concur with this interpretation in this case and indicate your concurrence , the appropriate financing authorities will accept this and will not require the unnecessary expense of a sewer hook-up in conjunction with Ms. Konnce's sale of her her property. Since a closing date on the property is immenent, your earliest attention will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning the above pleae contact my office at 278-3551. erely Theodore D. Berns cc: Ms. Koonce TDB/mjt 6 8-11-82 P�, /CH 6-650 ANIGHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907)264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Alaska Mutual Bank Real Estate Loans P.D. Box 1120 601 West 5th Ave. Anchorage AK 99510 Subject: Lot 9 Block 1 Seacliff Subdivision RE: Public Water Supply The public water supply serving Lot 9 Block 1, Seacliff subdivision is an approved system. Les N. Bucholz R.S. Senior Environmental S -alist LNB/mag I - E'<.d._. '._ SUBJECT- f '�( -i T [� :/ ._�fw i{�!��..� 2*_ DATE MESSAGE ��!$IGNED�-:` J % E" ii' rpt L_t , rf,✓` r� � ,� REPLY MARY SCHOENING C—J � Lee Houston & Associates, Ltd. REAL ESTATE 507 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Business: (907) 276-5909 / Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Residence: (907) 248-4200 - DATE rwn REDIFORM ,, 4S 1 AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACT 45 47% PART - ]nvu 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP PIXY PAX (50 SETS) 4 472 try" -1-6 v.) I U . a<<j' dT 5 TI V .� Y FucrQ �Eacgrict;n�s w° p .% .Yad cry pp. Qa.r°°e } NO. 949-S fl `dCa�3g?a."We 1v�. a CL,IO�j Bl_oc-K .`I C_.7 ------- --- CMJ) .43 Y -` -- JOB NO. S- t L) F.B.NO. Ail() p.70 C,�tT FILE N0. 1 *Z4 Sealer f" '7101 L€^� 1_ 'Eat a 2�QUF.'--,'�-lhkl:a 2ciL9niG r t), 3, V q _ I hareby certify that or, occuro£a eorvray of the following daurmbod property _,.__ ._...___. ,9&A cb1 1 SorDtL)Isto'j, c, c-, ;. 4 C 7YO5 made an and Mot the irnprovernents situoted t areon are with. £h; property lana¢ and do not overlap or encroach on the property lying adjacent thare.to, that 1,0 itnprovQments on property lyinys odtncim there to encroach on iho rjrermses in question and If). th-,ro ore no roodaays, tronemission Tinos or other visible aoloments on said; property s xcap os indicatsd hereon. rj{ Dated at Anchorage, AIc0o,ihss_ T6 j- of w TRYCK, N"fMAN 0, HXfEa. EN41NFE,RS 5 SIRYEYORS LANnA.