HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEACLIFF Block 1 Lot 23SQA n � . a3 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality -PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT Establishmentje**e�*A S�4 Date of Visit Location J.,/ Lao Mailing Address PO&OX 0 17 //-)Na� A N Responsible Official e dw Title e� PP Al/rlr Mobile Homes Trailer PkCampgr'd Motel/Lodge _School 0ther ��,f��,�1,y No. Connections Population Served Use(gpd) "As Built" Plans Available? (PI� �-ILe Date Constructed /7�/:%r P` 7/ Source: Sprin Surface Storage: (Type and Capacity) Reservoir Pressure Tank IC1 C' qL Well: DugDrivenDrilledx Other Location---�)ez,0 ' 3odd,,.,r(&,•rDistri bution: Size 70 Depth A0 � ( Pi pe T v n e Ie %' Static Level / Screen Type Casing q0 71 Casing Depth �, y t Pump Type -5 U 6 /" er.Sf Z')e- Pump Elevation 1�'D/=' Water Tests: Chemical Residual Chlorine Pipe Size Pressure 17eS - � U Treatment: Chlorination Rate Residual Chlorine Other 1111e) Ale Frequency Bacteriological Are records kept of operation and tests? ��� v�S c; f' %yf7s �,r /} r?T // 'e e,)- Source Protection: Subject to flooding /w Casing or cover sealed Floor drain piped to surface discharge ��01` i$ LGV'<' �7�6,,t«/Zeov Premises clean Other Note: (Yes) (No) Source location in relation to: (sketch below) 1. Sewer pipe, septic tank, drain field, cesspool, privy, drainage course, stream, pond, lake, garbage, animals. 2. Adjacent basements, building sewers, rodent and vermin harborage. 3. Distance to public water system. Wel11 14 � e c %\•pQ/ REMARKS ao 0 iz i I � � j 1 1 O tA T ao 0 iz i I � � j 1 1 O A AVA 74 �S A7 0 _— -- �O to drN 7 of cr L1 vc/'• "' Nb /%/O Scrv,cap /cei- 7X- Y S d/s'/". BteN c>Ye a� Ji Ao Y.f�. /' a er sraN+t nJf yM.f _ _ o SrSfoM fail ve�< To scliff Ter SUBJECT Water An The Seacliff on a monthly Lce Cando Kssoco AT 800 E, Diamond Suite 226 .ysis Report for Seacliff Sub -Division DATE July 5, 1978 j lub-Division is on a community well system and is monitored basis by this department Based on a ,rater sample re ort is office on June 21, 1973 the'wa_ter suPply for this sub-- . tisfactor . Ray Gadd Code Enforcement Officer 3 SIGNED llqYtY1 gtJ59,,PR1fJn n FTAr-I AKin C H U ren s DATE SIGNED Redi�rm ® e469 SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACT 3 Poly Pak 150 se1s14P469 PART 3 -WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY assn✓i.✓ i�„s�;� ..., �, ,,:; ��„ ,�:: .i��,.. n FTAr-I AKin C H U ren June 13, 1377 R.J. Rhodos 5216 Shorecrest Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: seacliff ~Subdivision According to this department's water sample monitor list, we have not as yet received a water sample for the above subject well system for the month of Mayt 1977. our records indicate that you are resnonoible for turning these mandatory samples in for the su?�, joct water systerx. if you have not done sus as y€st., please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue# as soon as possible and return the sample to the sada address for analysis. if you are nes longer in charge of the subject water systeme please notify us ir€mieCiateiy to any name and/or address changes* if there ars; any further questions, please contact this office at 274^-2511, extension 224, or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. sincerely, Wi .LiamM. Dixson principal.. Expvi,ronm(ntal. Control Officer M/lih Alaska. Bank of Coerce Pouch 7-012 Anchorage, Alaska. 99510 Subject: Seacliff tater System The water systen is a. public water systerl' that is approved by this department. 'rhe systems is routinely sampled. If them are any further questions, please contact this office at 279-251 ., extension 229 or 225. S inc:ere ly , Les H. Buchholze R.S. Sanitarian LNB/l j h A 1, A S 11, A 1;'1IFdl•:RA� LA11 702 l'. 32nd Avenue Archorar e, Alaska 99503 272-2716 !`r 90' REPORT OF ANALYSIS Drinking~ and Household Water TO: T, t J. th.C}(:{f' ?Y o 0. 1S, is q x_ 4a3Bht B( • P � lr. V 61 �j,LGLG a� a PaoPe^..oPp So.0 o0i no 4u9 o0 e•ee .-`F4« NO. 1879-E e t e°o JULY 26, 1989 ;✓^ �� DATE: J'ane c 9 a 1972 i72 »Ci034 Location of well: `',ea - - I g! I c"i S t,anQard Arsenic (As) /° 0.05 Size sample submitted: i r Al Date submitted: G-19-72 Barium •(Ba) xicr. • I 1 • G --��m 1 I - - I g! I c"i S t,anQard Arsenic (As) /° 0.05 Aluminum (Al) IT CLloride (Cl) r Al 250 Barium •(Ba) xicr. • I 1 • G Co C 1.0 Cadmium (Cd) OG^;1 � 'n� Cyanide (CN) 0.2 Chromiu: (Cr) 0 C G. o (F) C 50 CO. ' 't 15 o:0.60.05Fluoride Iron (Fe) G.G< - 0.3 Selenium (Se) .v35 j 0 0' 1,.anese r,,Tr j ,, ,,, ._ 0.0r Silicon (3i) Nitrate (NO ) 45 Silver (Ag) 040011 0.05 "i trite (SS)3 _p, I .1;n Zinc (Zn) 0.4'4 5.0 Sulfate (SOS,) �p 250 Sulfide (S) T i n ' m (Iry ) C:J1C Gr' t.��0�1 ---- Total Dissolved Solids ' 1Ulll VC� iiagresium (Tag) 1€iolo ---- C 105'C 1<;�;e2 500 Sodium (NU) p' ---- Total Suspended Solids Potassium (I,) 2,() ---- Total Volatile Solids i Total 11Grdness as4 f `I C 550 C cern-� l � R 4� ---- Units I•oncarbdnate Hardnes ---- Carbonate (003) Turbidity units I 5 n.(Tv-o.) 111 V<�r V\l a1CG .1./v Color units { 15 3 Free carbondigxiae I Odor units I I t^ (COQ) 40 C Aciditlr as CaCO - Appearance Alkalinityas C COQ 3,y pH value 311 pip Conductance ,umhosAm P.H.S. Standard = Public I-leuitn aervice i)rinkinr r,abe.c 0 builu iu--� maximums; underlined are rejection limits and concentrations are in mg/1 or units nef. - detection test negative less than{ N D = not tdetermi ed fii •ru �� i?. €`vJx Colon it i45 I:.�. i $' i} alt 4 :f- r;uf-,Csteis 11i�w5 L^-lr?`ii 5 i t, n'{jtl i.i J.1t -.F• ', 1.1 CO,ti:,, I'TS : ., �_ � a xi Y ci i �t�,,� s'or .rtx t.n i.r «zap i!4_` L )sC{ 1Eyji♦ C C t y y j F3 1���. Yie %wha• {s y J' y �.i, b ) Lir tf erw �AlV>f:<i.lVel.)O - yy Cdt ..l V tea ,Irooc tiv no {i.° i11t :»4 ot!tjrf tf/ ofiilxuL 1-u for Cid 1 l Y[✓��f i'e ". 101.Ut �t .t.4 (i):i:fliilJ<) i, .'F not !' 4'trfo�'ried; (-ill4 cst( C}'! .�lk ��ie` c .C)`ild e:,', �.a =yo _, LG `J, .1. J. :;€:i L~{)i+i..L. -:4 ,^itl ti i. tie 0 _2•t.i.i.� non ,://rl/1 C.. fl t.1 f":rj({r .a ..t :. ..V C, riv-t: e von kl-e J7.t, P.1"'. ` Chemical En{ineer 0" lok W 1 �PS J 'p0 z I r l Spp / I, � N M N q�• / J / Z0 BUILDING I FIREPLACE O O O in \ cD O - • \ O ° - SEPTIC T TANK- S� SOp NI N N 62O3T 3p•, Ss Jy &3 / 140.00 S 890 58'00" E p`�' 'I .sem"•-' � - NOTE: � JAN LOCATED IN NVJ I/4, SEC. 15, T12N� S.M. GgFAgTg ANCHORAGE AREA BASED ON PROPERTY REPLAT OF LOT 22A $OH®UGii—HEALTH DFPARTtvE a 223, DATED SEPT. 1969._<,�c�ip�h LOCATION OF STRUCTURE 'ir , °�°° /1:J�� , LOT 23A, BLOCK I EACLIFF SUBDIVISION 4SON L. RENSHAW CONSULTING ENGINEER DRPJN C.F. G. CHECKED A.L.R. SCALE I°= 40' DATE SEPT. 1969 P.O. box 450 At'vil 24, 1970 S ,st..E3:rd,i,iECT : St.l:k3t, `st9?p.L j 1.'his letter in to confirm that the community uatcr sl!Ppl,ya for `;owit.vf 0>(3')S3:t. ti i.!3:tt�i is on our list iTP,j that an z`Sj}pT.'Cvea r'n-4jte towor nyot S can S''f? WWI{.z ei on Lot 7Aa Block 19 50'QW,k, 73rt`+RV1WIOn. Mrwu P. WKINSO A.S. B ; 4 Urn cc: T.C. Durroll August 7, 1968 Mr, Dan Rapalee Local Representative Veterans Administration P. 0. Sox 1399 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT; Seacliff Subd. Dear Mr, Rapaleet It is not economically feasible to connect to sanitary sewers in this subdivision. The following sewage disposal systems have been approved by this Department in this subdivision. ,aim Barbeau Lot 12A, Block 3 W, W. Sherwood Lot 21, Block 1 Mervyn Eggelston Lot 2, Black 2 Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN* M. D. Madical Director BY: RoJ.fR.� Strc lend, R. S. Sanitarian RRS/srr auly 12t 1968 fvoue,h '1012 Arm her', 09601 a SUMM S6001iff Subdivi"OA Water Supply Dear t1ro Bade v -ard"Od t"$ .he aosopool which had pr-OViOVIOlY JOOV awppl- y Ilas been *lip-S'nated* sawaya dis"Sal BYSUM 5l*T'ViDF t116 rasion" art is approved by this ftPartmOnta The Subject water slArnly In thorefore approved by thla Vopartr*nto sI .10 -ors IV 0 Ve lie 9*61call Director byt rMll, .�, �Vatr � Sanitarian rm-4arr cog "re We shor-wood m 'r. Y'.avvy" ftyalstan Mro Re MO VIA VA -Tuley S* 1960 Nv* Ylebard So An4oram P'*tmn(35Nd Willey Bank Pouoh , 7012 Authorag"t Ala#ka mal 49UDJLC M Djxr,,0umj tot 230 -Seacliff Sum, mar Rr* Anderson: ThO CAOOTQP Abilhorage Are* lior-our h_ goalth '"PeCted "10 InSWIAti", of a Ink and 840POPO "Ca at th* subleat add raws, This bapartrent appro"O the -*SWAP* djupedal UYSTO)a 00v serving y*ur residenee at the SlibJect addrasat �"Ul R* Lo DUNCAU* R, 1-)* POWICA -,!or .1 filrov sanitarian RRS/Grr cot "N 4, J4 Rhomdeft June 25, 060 Mr. Richard E. Anderson Matanuska Valley bank Pouch 7012 Anchorage* Alaska 99501. € ECTt GowspA Disposal System Serving Lot 230 Block 1; Seacliff Subdt, Dear Kro Anderson t This letter is to confira our canverap4tion regarding the louatIon of a new somage disposal system for your ros dencs. The well serving Soncliff Subdivision is a public ?dater supply with a 2it0 .foot protective radius as required under Section 2050 Subehapter 1. Chapter 20 Title I$ of the Alaska Ad lraistratttive Cede. ;Kea the enclosed excerpt of Section 295. The present disposal system serving your residence is within tb-6 200 foot radius# the vow septic tank-seepago pit for your residence mot be located at or beyond this 200 foot radius* Until s nev location has bees found and the old system removed our Department is withholding app will of this water M;upply. Please contact this office at your curliest convenience to scha-duly a final inspection of the required a odifteations prior= to baektiliin . Sincerely,, DAV16 R. L. DUNCANo M,, 0, ffedical Direet*r btu > Polf Ra tr -e lend, I. S Sanitarlan M/srr Enclosure oci Mr. [tato Rapalee, VA Civilian Military Referral Office rHA Pr, tt. J. Rhodes ter. Mervyn Eggleston 9300 Jaclair Lane Anchorage# Alaska 99503 June 12, 1969 SUBJECT: Seacliff Subdivision Water System Dear €fir. ESglest0n: In May of 19640 a home with an on-site sewage disposal system, (a cesspool), was constructed within the 200 foot radius of the subject water system. Recorded easements by the owner of the system require that no such sewage disposal system should be located within 200 fest of the well. The easement also designates the well as a pu°ia water supply system. 'Phe Alaska Administrative Code as adopted by the greater .Anchorage Area Borough Codes of Ordinances requires that such sewage disposal facilities be located at least 2€0 feet from any public water supply. The number of homes served by the well is law enough to allow that it be classed as a semi-public# Class A well. This would require that no septic tanks be located within, 3o feet of the well, no seepage area within 124 feet, and no cesspools within .150 facet. While sample analysis indicates that the water supply Is safe, we feel that you should be aware that the well is designated a public water supply with a 200 foot radius as prescribed by l.ay. Should the home built within the 200 foot radius be occupied, Bien this office would be forced to condemn the well for any domestic use. The home and cesspool in question have never been occupied or used and have been continually tied up In various financial and legal difficulties. The home was recently purchased by ars individual who intends to complete the constructions and occupy the hop*. The property is ao Iodated in conjunction with the bluff line that it appears that it would be impossible or at least highly impractical to install a sawa,a disposal system outsides of the 200 foot radius of the werll. Mr. Mervyn Eggleston Page 2 June 12, 1968 The owner of the well is understandably hesitant to have the well reclassified as it will most probably eventually beti.ed in with other water systems and at that time the.200 foot radius would be mandatory. ror clarification, we do not feel that any health hazard would be created through the construction `of the Eggleston residence or through the Eggleston's use of the water system involved. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D. t-,edical Director BBs Clifford F. Judkins, R. S. Environmental Health Director CPJ/srr cat Mr. Daus PApaleeo VA Mr. R. J. Rhodes 22 December 1966 9 Mr. Jack Rhodes P.O. Bose 1947 Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT# Seacliff Subdivision Water Supply Dear Mr. Rhodes: The Greater Anchorage Borough Health Department hereby gives approval to the well site location at the Seacliff Subdivision. We have on file at our office, a plat showing the 200' restricted ra- dius. We also have on file, the appropriate esements providing for well protection on the property not under your ownership by within 200' of the well. It is our understanding that the cesspool located on Lot #23, and within 200' of the well., will be removed and the excavation filled in the very near future. We also understand that the house on Lot #23 has never been occupied, therefore, the cesspool has never been used. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN9 M. D. Medical Director By: Clifford P. Judkins, Supervising; Sanitarian CPJ/jas cc: FHA SBA 29 March 1966 Mr. Von tall aeecutive Director Alaska Public Service Connisaiean Department of Commerce 440 Sth Avenue Anaboreage, Alaska SUBJUTs Application for Ceti€icat€a of Public Conveniaarce and Necessity A P'. J. t Clara Modena Dear lir. hall$ This Department has no o%jacticaas to t€ae jobuance of ttie suhjaet certificate to serve seater to Seacliff Subdivision, Sincerely, DAVID ko L. IJEWCANO, LI.D. Medical Director By upervising Sanitarian CP.i/area. ccs 0. 0. Partin, superintendent Department of Public vorkq CbMOOV Anchorage Area boY'oUah WILLIAM A. EGAN, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 440 FIFTH AVE. -ANCHORAGE 99SO1 City Health Department March 25, 1966 217 "E" Street Anchorage, Alaska Gentlemen: The Commission has instructed the staff to apprise you of the filing of R.J. and Clara Rhodes for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a public utility. The application requests authority to furnish water to the Seacliff Subdivision, NW -1 of NWI4 Section 15, T12 N, R4W, Seward Meridian. The Commission proposes to grant this request and would appreciate any comments you may have at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, ALASKA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Don Hall Executive Director rW MAR Z6 1966 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA 00,()UGH^HEALT1i DFPARTMENLI NORTH TO THE FUTURE IN 79671 S\ � tl }'� 1. t x'' i r // %-.ta' �•� December 10, 1964 Dear Cliff, In reference to your letter of December 9, 1964, Dr. Bill Caughwan's sewage disposal system was designed for an interior system in lieu of a community type of system to be installed at a later date. It was my understanding that this system was to be installed last summer, but exactly what kind of agreement I had with him you will have to check your files. I did write a letter at the time we approved the water system indicating some type of temporary approval based on the installation of a community system. Sincerely, !4r* WilliaP A. CAOghrm D#F c/o Spen4rd Nodical (31nit Po ** box 4 L Spanard, Aloaka 99503 mar or* cauOhrms Inallviftal SOWA" 01%posal Gyatago. 6 Saacliff Subdivisim water Sup -ply The individual GatfaOl dISPOO91 n6OV, *QrVlUS YOW Property nv C6acliOf Subdiv- jajw4 we% approved by this Aeliowtoent 0* an IntOINIM SYStOm fD UOU Pi' 0 c0a- mullity ay4tlom sower which wag under pfl4mnlug, The proposed systam has niece beeo UbwWW140" or walt a.%idoo rAw pxvg�out vygtox 4a 100"tea t41040 the 200 feet p;rOteqtO4 raelus Of thv Sea - 'Cliff subox,vlulon watur auppat,r a04 " J- v�.1. -,Ajtj-on of the Alatka A0WnlnratLvo Xt 14 Ithe roquwit Of, Platriet that Kfl,�m ramove n1l U:jautjjorjgad coyApooeuts witilln the 200 feast ;protected ruz of too VaRaliff SabOLVIGIOT, water 6;tFK4Y* This aituotbrn raquirag "r-wdicta attel"Oto as OU OffIft, Vallnot 4PPMV0 the water auppi v for houses or prqpam4d housee in sea-liff Pjubenvijlon untsa your HOW#go digs. n3. 3YOUM 14r-010"MU'as. Pleage cantt this office AV to y0tw intontiong concerilUr, thla tnattar, act F,P*A# chief Lcean Office SmbeAw Chief Loan Mite A* J. Rhode$ CPJ 4 WA 51naerallv# DAVID vo tv P -M -f M V*dicAl Director By -c-lif ford P. judkirts &JUtdrian D NaIntembep jqq! M Jack R. Rhodes P. 0. Box 1947 Anchorapol Alaska Dear YR: "011 Site approval seaciiff SobaIVISIO-j, The Vooter Anchoragq Eoalth District fAVOS jtq UPPOVal to the W011 site top the Proposed Keacliff s0divin . "on water SUPPY On the WE of Yr. Donald F. fonner's letter of approval dated May 5, 1064. Sincormy, DAVIV 9. L. AWCANP 40, Dui l lurector Clifford P. CPJ:c-.i 400%-- A: et - /4? Yee/ E A S E M E -.N T 1 2 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 3 R. J. RHODES and CLARA RHODES of Anchorage, Alaska, to be 4 known hereafter as Rhodes, which expression shall include his, her, B or their heirs, executors, administrators, agents, or assigns 8 where the context so requires or admits, witnesseth: 7 Whereas Rhodes owns and has title to that real estate and 8 real property located near Anchorage, Alaska, described as 9 follows: 10 Seacliff Subdivision, NW -1/4 of NW -1/4 of Section 15, T12N, R4W, S.M. 11 and in particular Lots Twenty-one, (21), Twenty-two (22), Twenty - 12 three (23), Block One (1), and Lots Seven (7), and Eight (8), 13 Block Three (3), to be shown on an amended plat as Lot Twenty - 14 one (21), and Lot Twenty-two A (22-A), Block One (1), and Lots 15 Seven -A (7-A), and Eight (8), Block Three (3) of aforementioned 16 subdivision. 17 And whereas for the express purpose of establishing and 18 operating a community water well and system Rhodes does hereby 19 grant a perpetual easement on the above-described portions of 20 land within Seacliff Subdivision, Said well shall be located at 21 a point of intersection of Shorecrest Drive and Inlet Way within 22 Seacliff Subdivision, a:td Jie easement shall be confined to a 23 radius'of two hundred (200) feet from the well site. 24 Now; • therefore, it - is- hereby ' agrreed- andunderstood -fhat 25 Rhodes; his heirs, successors, or assigns shall fully use and 26 enjoy the aforesaid premises except as to the particulars herein - 27 after set forth: 29 No improvements or use shall be allowed to exist within 29 the exterior boundaries of this easement as may be in violation 30 of the rules and regulations imposed by any governmental agency 31 32 or board having jurisdiction over health and sanitation control. This restriction shall include but not be limited to construction Page 2 of 2. b Azo Z_ I of buildings, sewers, cesspools and/or other sources of 2 contamination, 3 It is further understood and agreed 4. a) That should the aforementioned well site be 5 located at any point outside the exterior 6 boundaries of this easement, or 7 b) Any such well be abandoned either through 8 necessity or choice and be disconnected from the 9 system, or 10 c) The aforementioned development shall not become a I1, reality, thea in that event 1.2 this easement shall be null and void and shall be set aside, 13 It is expressly understood and agreed that this easement 14 is a convenant running with the land. 15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 16 easement to be executed under seal as of this .17 day of 17 , 1964. 19' 7-4_1--2Q._._. ,q(�A b 12 this easement shall be null and void and shall be set aside. 13 It is expressly understood and agreed that this easement 14 is a convenant running with the land. 15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 16 easement to be executed under seal as of this �7 day of 17 , 1964. lir _ i RHODES 21 �b OF ALASKA ) SS -'JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) �..,,,_._�.� This is to certify that on the day of 1964, before me, the undersigned Notary u Yc in and 6—F -Me e 9 24 State of Alaska, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared R. J. RHODES and CLARA RHODES, known to me and to me known to be the 25 individuals named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me, each for himself and not for the other, 26 that they signed and sealed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. 27 7N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and official -{ vJ'.i --------- -Pa -'` ;e 1 of 4 E A S E M E N T This agreement, made and entered into this �_/"ay of May, 1964) by and between(R, J. RHODES and CLARA RHOD of Anchorage/, Alaska, party of the First part, which e.q:)ression shall include his, her, or their heirs, executors, administrators, agents, or assigns where the context so requires or admits, and (ROBERT W. HUFF and DONNA J. HUFF)of Anchorage, Alaska, party of the second part, which expression includes his, her, or their heirs, executors, administrators, or agents where the context so requires or admits, witnesseth: Whereas, the party of the first art oTiins a ,'d has title to that real estate and real property locL-Le�_f _ne�_:r :'_ .chorage, Alaska, described as follows.: Seacliff Subdivisio-r,, M4 of NW , sec4ia_. 1 T12N, R4, -W, Sri. And whereas, t11.. riQ1'iyOT the second Jal.L OWnS c:1.Q eiaS -title to a parcel of property which adjoins the fore-oing r -nu described as the South 1�2 Of l act, Of ) Y Of S?�:ti0"tZ ID T1'2N, R4W" SIM �' j, desires to grant a peraet�al easement for the pur_-o se of, stal- ling and operatin cormirtnizy wa-e SysteA, S_c' 'iI Shall be located at a point of intersection of Shore -I -.-'sI: r _ and inlet Way within SeQclirf SuUdivision, and the :,e wi4k1- in the radius of 6wo hundred (200) Leet from, '--he Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed as_ollo"c✓s: The party of the seco 1.[ Dart Goes hereby _.Y1 d set over to "L -h-- 'Darty of first part a perp _t _ _ _ _„2_aCL 't for the purpose of installing anL pe- i_' g _ s -e- o ^��_n Q co u_: ;', 4`_ sJ� It said well shall be located at(a pv-'nt of O. Of S o-- -:est l� Wage 2 of 4. Drive and Inlet relay, Seacliff Subdivision, Section 15, x1:121, R4,1,J, SM, -as located on that certain amended plat approved by the Greater Anchorage Platting Board and filed for record, such easement shall be within the radius of(two hundred (200) -feet from the well site. The party of the second part shall fully use and enjoy the aforesaid premises, except as to the rights herein granted. This agreement is subject to the following provisions: 1. Second Party shall: f114 a) Restrict the use of that portion of Tract C which falls within theone hundred (100) foot radius of the well from all sources .of contamination, and that portion of said tract which falls within the(two hundred (200)) foot rappdius shall have ,no sewer:, septic �� 11 'e/t�r cr Ges,a�-/5 tanks ,er disposal •}, except that sewer lines of cast iron pipe with leaded and caulked joints shall be permitted, t r rt L -��i1 2. Fi.rst\Party shall: a) Fur ish to Second Party and his W'a'ger from said syste, pursuant to the Rules and l�egc-atiOas thereof` at n0 CO t t0 Second Party, this provisio"ri is limited to domesti use and 1-in.c copper line frori water system to Second Pa y's present dCre11_ n !n lite event Second Party, t "ough necessity or c=io".ce, moves his present dwell1no site, pirst Party shall cc-ntinue to provide water at no c st so long as Second -party's dwelling shall remain it the southern one half of Second Party's present tra �. b) Shall install at a cczvenient\il tion wit �'�r, e boundary of Seacliff Subdivisut avail. -1 _o Second Party at least one fire hydra t, howeve.'-, First Party shall nnt- Tip 1 �i or lack thereof. C) In the event Second Party subdivicC- TrO.cZ 0; 0 'J!Sv1C of 4 Subdivision First Party will provide Second Party's Option a water main, not t exceed.six (6) inches, which shall terminate the point of inter- section of Lot Six (6) and seven (7), Block 3, Seacliff Subdivision and extend across the Sixty (60) foot right of wa as shown on plat Of Seacliff Subdivision as InI t Clay. Concurrently with the installation of such main Seco--nd Party shall grant First Party ne exclusive riot- tO d�striA:uce water and nece teary easements 'for any such cyst m in order t0 fu' : iufl water for such. develO-omen'i a- c price co, arable LO charges %oJ tIz.:n S e a c 1 i f SuD(21_vi1 011 d) Pa COSI diff i7' e1<zl -betweenr ' o _ << .n�urg ap- ;oro\-- ine should it become necessu-y for Seco cross within the c:v/o ncrec' (200) foo 3, It Is mutually agreed: ct) That S:ZOui.d loccated T+7�7vl .�_�? W-.-thi n S1Z:if Subdivision who 'y� without Second E��C Par 4y 's grope ty, or b) The forementioned development orA_`irst Pa:rLy`s prop rtt / shall not become a reality,i xA LAAa.L ever -l-, c) This agreement ;s null ,_nd vo`-^- n) In A y future developn.ie-.t o- S ec; rd Party's ,p--.o-e-rty it i^ the intention Of both parties thatarty shall furnish w. --Ler and be paid going rate the-_efor and Se and Party shall be responsible for ;.I s distribu 'on lines and costs from point of ei�tr; Co Tract C, 0 y Page 4 of 4 To have and to 'hold the said easement, right, and right of way unto the party of the first part, successors, or assigns for a period of perpetuity a -id under the conditions, restrictions and considerations as set forth above. It is expressly understood a -.,-,d agreed that this easement is a covenant running with the IN WITNESS WHL2iEOF, "he parties hereto Lave caused this agreement to be executed under seal as of the day nd year first above written. r � i CL]7 . i s.J STATE ua= _`IASL ; j ss. THILRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT _ Th"s s is to certify tha on .day o, 1 A f /� e O ? i t-�___..- r ry ` - . _ ! me, the �nuersigned 1�o pry ?u'o..xC �r �o� he vu� ca, duly cG 'ziss _one'd( anC t'70 it; verso "y Pp c "�e6� R. z -7u vz v and RHODES and, _ u'_'.' t0 me and to `_moven to be - e ana?v_c:�.__..L __.. =r. -_u ,.:�c cuted the Lcre� o_r.g in - rL ieLlt, ar.:. :_G. and no --L _ or the other, 't.il ._ %hey -P �c%.G. their voluntary act and deed for -h.e - i3es an(G 2_h .. 'in set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 1-1-reto set my hand a_nd of__: s_s the day and year first wbove :i:_i'sten. Notary P51311 lv'iy commission REC. DIST. DATE '4115 �ecjucstcd by Aru'ress -- - n May 2.7, 1964 Wm. R. Caug.,hran, M.D. c/o Spenard Medical Clinic Vista Avenue Spenard, Alaska Dear Dr. Caughran: A site inspection was made of your property at Seacliff Subdivision. The soil indicates a temporary log crib seepage pit will be adequate until a permanent sewage collection system is available,. The well presently being drilled is at a depth and size which will prodi:ce satisfactory quantity and quality of water. Therefore, Health Department approval for both the water supply and sewage dzcposal system is given this date of May 27, 1964. Very truly yours, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN medical Director By Donald H. Penner Sanitarian DHP:mb May 21, 1963 Mr. R. .7. &Mrs. Clara 'Rhodes p € , Zox 1947 E: Proposed watek= system plic or'aage, s':. a ska 8eaacli ff atkbLiiv si'on Dear Mr. 4lodes € n inspection Of the site for the &Wsed community water sys"r, to serve se ac:ii if Subdivi.s o t was coadacted by thio department O may 2€3, 1963. Approval for the Utilization 9f this "te is grante€i as € f t aia date, May 10, 1363. iiucerely, Medical Director Donald B. Penner, A. S. Sanitarian ia^an DHN r a. ADAMS s CORTHELL • LEE CONSULTING ENGINEERS - SOILS, FOUNDATIONS, AND MATERIALS - BOX 243 FAIRBANKS TEL. 46SS BOX 1266 ANCHORAGE TEL. SR 7-3773 Nlay 13, 1964 RICHARD S. ADAMS - ALAN N. CORTHELL HARRY R. LEE AFFILIATED WITH ARCTIC ALASKA TESTI N O LABORATORIES WO 5393 i 'Mr. a. j. 1�hodes I _. Anchorage, Alaska Project: Soils - Sea Cliff Subdivision Gentlemen: As requested by Misr. lis'-. W. Sherlrzood, we examined the drill cuttings during the well drilling for the subject project. :this method of soils investigation is very inadequate as a iasis for determining the stability of the Soils. The amount of effort required to advance the drill gives some lndicati.on of the density of the materials • The drill cuttings gives an indication of the types o soils at the various depths. The attach- ed soils log gives our determination of the types of soils at various depths as determined by examination of the drill cuttings as they appeared in the wash water. in addition to exarnination of the drill cuttings we made a visual survcy of he area to find any surface indication of instability. . There was some minor downward movement of the frozen mantle on the steep slope, caused by the March 27 earthquake. From the information available we cannot give an opinion basad upon a rigorous analysis. F; %ERGI I�%-ER^G{ xI XERO� t COPC, - � COPY I, ^--- FER, YY > vf'c; found nothing to indicate that the soils in this. area are any loss stable than they were prior to the /:arch 27 earthquake. We also found no evidence of any major earthquake damage to thesoil structure. Very truly yours, ADAMS. CORTHELL.LEE. WINCE & ASSOCIATES Frank W. Wince FWW/ml Encl: c� ka Testing Laboratories RATION ® CHEMICAL A MATERIALS ®- INSPWrION 0 -CONSULTATION fd�TL3'L'LT3G 0 r✓.PLO . - PSona 8R 73773 P'•a .a GL 6.4053 Post Bond Si4 111Va r!churc'.son HN767 Q QI .� Boz 1220 Boa 243 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA pAMIOANY,5. ALASr.A - - FIELD AUGPR LOG ® Sheet of / Ible Ab.W.O. Imo. S9 Operator fi! Location �5.�,�.--� Date `) �1 Clienn Projectyd�t,,i�t�� iop.l'lev oG S '' duiW'. ap t rm , CLASSIpICATION SAMPLE �� i< H. LEGE PID .a�� DATA Gkc /.iiTT"' >� I 7�n 4,s®aVo lS Vj Svcll /¢uses Gravel 13 e SO r� G� Sand ®' r Jc�� 201 s� dP�fftns 77'74 Silt i s/ !co`� Clayey /IO i/ ! Clay t 0 Organic V V Content V d / 7a i .. �ll/,j soy �e/ Peat P-043 ...or$ •d�ir/i� -I0.- cObb e h 2la>a s.®, mra WATgrR- Frost 1.5 I s -i Nater 1 Table J„ --j %ER01 - [XEROE co i OPO ICOPYI - _ -