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SHELIKOF Water System Information
S�eI�Ko� S (D � �T�2 S}�� March 4, 490 Glenn A. Huff, P.E. Contracting Engineers & Associates 101 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 SUBJECT: Shelikof Subdivision, Water System Dear Mr. Huff. The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environrtental Quality has received and reviewed the preliminary engineering plans for the mater line extension in t"u subject subdivision. We find that these pians meet with all conditions with whim this department is concerned. Should ,you have any questions regarding our review of these plans, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian lw I-� J D I C K I Itis S 0 N —® S W A L® & ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 000 CORDOVA STREET - April 21, 1972 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Public Works 3So0 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99SO7 Attn: Mr. Ed 7M Millin, P. E. Re: Shelikof Subdivision $ Galatea Estates Gentlemen: F PART ERS , PHONE 907 277-1685 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 As discussed earlier, tje owners on the above referenced subdivisions wish to continue analysis of their proposed development plans, portions of which arc located within the floodway and flood fringe areas of the North Fork of the Little Campbell Creek, and are prepared to implement reasonable engineering recommendations through their improvement programs. As a result, we are submitting the following exhibits and data for your review and evaluation. This submittal supports a request for technical assistance and application for a Special Land Hazard Permit in accordance with Section 7.1, "Special Land Hazard Permit" of the proposed Greater Anchorage Area Borough flood plain ordinance. Included in this submittal are: (1) 200 -scale aerial map of the area between Lake Otis Road and the New Seward Highway. Superimposed on the aerial are one -foot ground contours covering Shelikof, Galatea and a 700 -foot+ wide strip downstream from Shelikof. Also shown is the proposed channel alignment of the North Fork of Little Campbell Creek. (2) Profile from Lake Otis Road to the New Seward Highway showing the existing ground line along the proposed channel alignment, the proposed channel invert, and finish floor elevations of the housing units adjacent.. to the channel. (3) Large 50 -scale preliminary grading and drainage maps for Shelikof and the north half of Galatea Estates showing in more detail the one -foot ground contours based on field survey, the lot and housing layouts, and the proposed alignment of the crock channel. We propose modifications to the platted lot layouts and back lot lines to provide a minimum channel obstruction clearance to all housing units of 50 feet. In addition, a 60 -foot rade easement will be provided along the channel. REGri lvRl) ArN :a b loll rnvi pPbMi€lop rd91KCiaMFkiiAL ni1MW VIS L. DICKINSON, P.E. MAURICE P. OSWALD, L.S. KENNETH D. WALCH, P.E. Re: Shelikof Subdivision $ Galatea Estates April 21, 1972 Page 2. (4) Typical channel cross-section. We propose a broad, fairly shallow, landscaped channel to carry the regulatory flood waters. In the center of this channel is a small ditch to carry normal flows. The pro- posed channel Will carry approximately 1,450 cfs at 0.6% grade and a 4 -foot flood depth. This should be adequate to safely carry the intermediate regional flood as recommended by the Corp of Engineers. The Corp study shows the creek flowing at the rate of 1,100 cfs at the Old Seward Highway crossing and a combined flow of approximately 1,900 cfs at Lake Otis Road during 100 -year floods. I (5) The Developers will provide the necessary easements, permits and/or releases from the property owner downstream of Shelikof. (6) All subdivision street crossings will be designed to accomodate the 10 -year flood, with adequate provision and protections for overtopping by the more severe floods. (7) Construction of the proposed flood channel and the sewer trunk from the Seward Highway to serve the subdivision should effectively lower the water table below the foundation level. It is our understanding that the Borough may submit this report to the Corp of Engineers for a detailed analysis. As this analysis may take consist a ter from the floodderable proposallme, we is underostudyeso thattthe developerBhasuahprogresslng our report to present to his financiers. Please advise if more detailed or specific information is required. Your prompt consideration will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, DICKINSON-OSh'ALD F, PARTNERS C Earl D. Korynta, P. E. EDK:)p Enclosures cc: Mr. Gene Johnson FROM: DEPARTMENT: INITIATED BY: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH _ _'�- sSN_tUn.lf�'i k�o V f15 Ca—SUBJECT- DATE OF MEMO:. 62 ter'___-_.----- t" , 7Z,.----- ----- -------- I I eUlD Sri rlu o,,e Kolz. juS�'Yuc _ -_ Tr..___ f vL/ 4---_-W43"_' �r-__._---. c�.�... -:tsar----.>__ .__uvJLfTL.S �iGL._... DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: /aNrV�JUG _._.------ _._...._.___ REQUESTED: ------ �� G�< I�suCeti RECEIVER: �� ------ REQUESTED ACTION REQUESTED SCHEDULE i FOR INFORMATION ONLY __._. PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION _-� FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION - CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER 2m; FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER 62 ter'___-_.----- t" , 7Z,.----- ----- -------- I I eUlD Sri rlu o,,e Kolz. juS�'Yuc _ -_ Tr..___ f vL/ 4---_-W43"_' �r-__._---. c�.�... -:tsar----.>__ .__uvJLfTL.S �iGL._... Mr. Bobby Mounce 2407 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Mounce: skip �r E 4 \� 1 q 1.-n 5 tf si g SHELIKOF SUBDIVISION WATER SERVICE The following is our policy at present concerning water service to the above-named subdivision. Water is available at present at Lake Otis Parkway and Dowling Road. It is feasible to extend water service to this subdivision, but would require City Council con- currence for this to be accomplished. It is proposed that this extension be submitted to Council at the June 22, 1971, meeting for their action. Si Mcerely, D E R. MnRREL , P. E. v ting Manager, Water Utility DRM:lr -i Polyair crottroadt of the world June 9, 1971 Mr. Bobby Mounce 2407 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Mounce: skip �r E 4 \� 1 q 1.-n 5 tf si g SHELIKOF SUBDIVISION WATER SERVICE The following is our policy at present concerning water service to the above-named subdivision. Water is available at present at Lake Otis Parkway and Dowling Road. It is feasible to extend water service to this subdivision, but would require City Council con- currence for this to be accomplished. It is proposed that this extension be submitted to Council at the June 22, 1971, meeting for their action. Si Mcerely, D E R. MnRREL , P. E. v ting Manager, Water Utility DRM:lr ��, f a�S • _ � 111 _ P { v ✓.Yl .. v✓.i-siiY y ^ o. '-�':oOan:Y Polar air crossroads of the world }6):1:^"' k March 15, 1972 Mr. Gene Johnson Gates & Johnson Realty Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Johnson: The Anchorage Nater Utility has been awarded the service area which includes Sheli.koff Subdivision. An extension is proposed to serve this subdivision by the end of the summer (1972.) DPMI: cr In. eye I.V_ K. MEKKELL,JP. E. tant Manager, {Vater Utility June 4, 1971 GREATER ANCHORAGE- AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD, POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 Mr. Lew Dickinson Dickinson, Oswald and Associates Box 326 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: CONCEPT APPROVA_ -- SEWER SERVICE TO SHELIKOF SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Dickinson: In regard to our discussion on this date concerning the method of providing sanitary sewer service to the above subdivision, we concur with the concept of serving this area by utilizing a lift station which would tie into the existing Dowling Road Subdivision trunk line, on a temporary basis, until such time as the 30" E-1-1 trunk line is extended through this area. At the design -review stages of the proposed facility, we would expect to have submitted, along with the plans, a complete analysis of expected flows to demonstrate that this additional contribution of flow from outside the natural drainage boundary would not overload the existing line, or, prevent development of areas inside the natural drainage boundary of the Dowling Road sub -trunk system. Sincerely, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Jack A. Brockman, P.E. Civil Engineer JABccs DICKINSON-OSWAL® & PARTNERS ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 800 CORDOVA STREET March 22, 1972 Mr. Rolf Strickland Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Re: Shelikof Subdivision - Water & Sewer Approval Dear Mr. Strickland: PHONE 907 2774685 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Attached are two prints of Shelikof Subdivision with added note: "No structure or building will be�caristructed until water and sewer service is available". Also attached'is a letter from the City of Anchorage regarding water and a letter from the GAAB regarding sewer. This plat was submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission and approved in the fall of 1971. At that time, there was a question as to whether Central Alaska Utilities or the City of Anchorage would serve this area with water. On March 15, 1972, it was resolved that the City would serve this area. In the meantime, our approval has lapsed and it is our intent to reverify approval of the subdivision design and then proceed with do - tailed water and sewer designs. It is our intent to construct one lift station serving Shelikof and Galatea Subdivisions (total 268 lots). This will provide economies to both developers and was agreed to by the Borough. A copy of their June 4, 1971, letter relating to Shelikof is attached for your reference. If this fulfills the requirement of the Planning & Zoning Commission as stated: "Providing the Department of Environmental Quality with engineering reports and/or designs as needed to show how each lot/lots can be provided with a safe, adequate water supply and sewage disposal facilities", please concur in space provided below. LEWIS E. DICKINSON, P.E. MAURICE P. OSWALD, L.S. KENNETH B. WALCH, P.E. Mr. Rolf Strickland Re: Shelikof Subdivision March 22, 1972 Page 2 If any other conditions are needed, please approve subject to those conditions. LED: jp Very truly yours, & PARTNERS E. Dickinson, Partner Attachments Concurrence: Rolf Strickland March 22, 1972 Mr. Eugene Johnson and Mr. Ernest Lampert J & L Investment Company P. O. Box 33 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lampert: This letter will serve as a conditional commitment to finance the improvements and balance of land acquisition on the property known as Shelikof Subdivision. The commitment shall be for a maximum of $650,000.00. T�Te nt©res ra e wfll be negotiated as a market rate for loans on like security at such time as the loan is closed. The commitment is contingent upon the following: 1. Final approval of the subdivision plat by the Greater Anchorage Bureau. 2. Completion of plans and specifications of improvements to be placed in and on the property. Said plans and specifications shall meet or surpass the requirements of all local, state, and federal regulating agencies, including the Federal Housing Administration. 3. Presentation of bids from all contractors required to complete the project in all respects. Contractors shall provide payment and performance bonds. 4. Total project cost estimate shall be fully funded before this commitment Is . considered firm. S. Developers must provide First Federal with an affirmative "feasibility letter" from the Federal Housing Administration. 6. First Federal shall be given first right of refusal to provide financing for any and all dwelling unit production on the subject properties. The terms of this provision will be further detailed at a later date. -2- 7. The developer must further meet all requirements'of Section 545.6-14 "loans to finance acquisition and development of land" of the federal savings and loan regulations. I will be most happy to answer any questions regarding the above and to assist you any way possible in meeting the above requirements. Yours very truly, Guy E. Kasnick Vice President GEK: cah GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH FROM: DEPARTMENT: _Environmental -Quality SUBJECT:.,Shelikof Subdivision_ � -- INITIATED BY: --- Roj..�t,___Strjand,y-R,_S.,-Asst.-Di-r-rDATE OF MEMO:-®July._8a.... 1,97-1 --------------- DATE ---- _ DATE ANSWER _ TO DEPARTMENT. nnfng --------- -- ----_ -------- REQUESTED: RECEIVER: k FOR INFORMATION ONLY _[Ii_ck Glasheen_� _ --- °.- FOR IMMEDIATE- ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION n OTHER - REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION 10 CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION The. Plapnin<J._Gt Tt ietn._.required_that this--- Department provide. -._assurance .that the_---. __aub t sohcl vi:ion_va ld._.be__prov.'--wi-th_.puhl.ic__sewer__and_,water_.pr_i-or_..to._our_approval ...... We_ _-- ntert_Cegd�' n _So alt ansf_,rater, i#��f hese Teti:ers are _enclosed for �rour-information. -- is _uerely-zonceRt- - is-merely-zoncept- ---- appr_eval....... ii doe&,_not_guaranteg_that guarantee-the,.-Subdivision.-will--be-_pravided-wi-th--publ-ic-_- Tsewer...___tikewise_the _letter_fr-ou,_the_City-regarding-water;-merely-states-that-i-t-is--feasibla-,to I xtend.servic�,_tr�.this Ss�hdivisimn.®--This latter-,-does-not-guarantee--that--eack-lot-,wi11 be✓ProAm --videdl _wi th-public .water._-Th-is-Department--has--taken-the,-posi tion -that -in -order -to- insure=pubes __sewer_and_water.will_ be -provided -to-each-lot,-ave-shall-require-desiga-engineer-ing-jrped-by- tment and the State of Alaska, Department of Health and Welfare on preliminary engi- _.... ------------------ _----- _----------- ��__ veering ahs, p►ior --- ina:l-approval-.0- Subdiv4sion-where--ti�6ommi-scion-so-s-fi eS----- _.that puhTie_sewer-and-water-are__a--condition-of--approval-.-- --------------- - ---- rn cc: Bobby Mnunce TO1 l T SUBJECT: he /// �)14, FROM DICK)A-'SON-OSWALD AND PARTNERS Engineers - Surveyors - 800 CORDOVA ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 / w'9 Phone 277-1685 �! CL Vl<YJ off% DATE � FOLD I -IXe Sle 1Z J�IZ,�ZI(Vlc h0l SIGNED �' l PRINTED BY GRAYARC CO., INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 June 4, 1971 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD, POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 Mr. Lew Dickinson Dickinson, Oswald and Associates Box 326 Anchorage, Alaska 99501' �"`•m Subject: CONCEPT APPROVA- -- SEWER SERVICE TO SHELIKOP SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Dickinson: f4 In regard to our discussion on this date concerning the method of providing sanitary sewer service to the above subdivision, we concur with the concept of serving this area by utilizing a lift station which xauTd-tie into the existing Dowling Road Subdivision trunk line, on a temporary basis, until such time as the 30" E-1-1 trunk line is extended through this area. At the design -review stages of the proposed facility, we would expect to have submitted, along with the plans, a complete analysis of expected flows to demonstrate that this additional contribution of flow from outside the natural drainage boundary would not overload the existing line, or, prevent development of areas inside the natural drainage boundary of the Dowling Road sub -trunk system. Sincerely; GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Jack A., Brockman, P.E. Civil Engineer JABccs Mr. Bobby Mounce 2407 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Mounce: June 9, 1971 SHELIKOF SUBDIVISION WATER SERVICE The following is our policy at present concerning water service to the above-named subdivision. Water is available at present at Lake Otis Parkway and Dowling Road. It is feasible to extend water service to this subdivision, but would require City Council con- currence for this to be accomplished. It is proposed that this extension be submitted to Council at the June 22, 1971, meeting for their action. Si ere y, G� �l D ✓�/ tiL-I9C.� E R. M RRELk,P. E. AA Manager, Water Utility [.Ibl.\il aF. VFP J f ss i f� a i 1 b Polar air crossroads of the world Mr. Bobby Mounce 2407 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Mounce: June 9, 1971 SHELIKOF SUBDIVISION WATER SERVICE The following is our policy at present concerning water service to the above-named subdivision. Water is available at present at Lake Otis Parkway and Dowling Road. It is feasible to extend water service to this subdivision, but would require City Council con- currence for this to be accomplished. It is proposed that this extension be submitted to Council at the June 22, 1971, meeting for their action. Si ere y, G� �l D ✓�/ tiL-I9C.� E R. M RRELk,P. E. AA Manager, Water Utility [.Ibl.\il aF. VFP I GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Plat Status: Final BOROUGH: Engineer Health Departrnont Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association S- 2379 Date: May 5, 1971 CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire Marshal' Municipal Light g Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska ?elephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Re: Subdivision / RKXKhd_i3rtzx Description of Property: Shelikof Subdivision Owner: Bobby Mounce Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed Sub iS1icinn of subject property. Attar.'<.ed is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your depart- ment or agency may need. If we do not hear from yo•r by May 21, 1971 , we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with your comments. Enclosure Planning Department O 0 aid k cc)� Sly a i r/i 409141 �(bu o01 M'•OZ 50•°00' TOL •1.0\ J0 b 9 L 1i�fS` ••� - W w E j I O� OtlOtl tl001 11009Vm Ij (� p m i/ 11 OI — E _U ±� "E 'v$a •pry V y U Pafo Zdm W SI1 3M4a �= anoX cYoo Q �a � z O In rnL v H � i,,.. o a o° TC N n a z y c c d a W M f y 9 > d C C r 0 U O Q p y (n M35 r 30 0 JNtl - Otl II. D. AV N91N� T d �1 'E p rm U ome E a i r/i 409141 �(bu o01 M'•OZ 50•°00' TOL •1.0\ J0 b 9 L 1i�fS` ••� M E j O E S� _ (� ~ Q m N O L OI — E _U ±� "E 'v$a •pry V y U Pafo Zdm W 12 gm 0 U cYoo Q �a � z O In rnL v H � i,,.. o a o° TC N lJ O a i r/i 409141 �(bu o01 M'•OZ 50•°00' TOL •1.0\ J0 b 9 L 1i�fS` ••� M E j (� ~ Q m N O L OI — E _U ±� •pry V y U W 12 0 U c L a o z O In rnL v H � i,,.. TC N lJ O y c c d N W y 9 > d C C r 0 O Q p y (n m41 S T d �1 'E p 2 E h m U Y y o j N 0 q3m 6j"` of y N OY w on ° E .o o t .. F E E 1 ' r, 2 a « Q f0 > n o u W '..: W W ��� O 0 o m 36:N�in oo^ , m 9 r W i W C IL rt~ Z Q p 7 T m m y Oz zo ona \ 3 9 0 3 a\ a Y o y awl' W w w 6 9 1 d J W V V w t/J O N p v o:w8 1 g o a> a O wi L) ..• Q"� O N a U m O N d V\... Q N H � n r 6 E d 0 a ZI Z CA 61° w 'm L° SIC d m Q•�j" n ��sx 'zrc� a i r/i 409141 �(bu o01 M'•OZ 50•°00' M,mD at'° � •r i Na 9 o ry d'F M o N � =m I I!��__ � m 0 Ofi6B I - 1Br f O' O o0 F9 eY 0 Y 61 °00X 66 m LLsa ° Iw. u 16ri.a9u i c of - 1pa°`" i\2� =\� oo G A^ A ° m E � 1 O 7fm °♦Of P.. m I > B Oa � b MMm i• 0^ d "Sal m a z 04 N•6r 1° OM 0°0 Q Ol MB m 00"90 p ' C x _^os 133tl1S D& - rm. II _ II Ne w xzFa P 1 Nm b a Nn 8 rG. cr,61 ,o°"N W1 m� i ,- O E D s m vm 21 � 1 I Nor X4Nx p I "' ,Ba w M 6190'e00x R ^ ° x6B 1 1 9s zl t m 001 S°e O "b :Of NtlOtlNN100 �D a • 1 I' X n 1 Nm % 1D a zB<�1 o0's° 1S 11VAN Df z nal on D9N Mol �o m > •I� j 6 j,, n6 a919p 1 xi6 1Otl10°� °'Bb XNm eiy �i n..i Otm $Oc� 12 W O O _ov Ez °°6zsaw mN l'^,� 111mo o„ DO.. mefiwl BBg FFr D°OB «0,\ryn "�I °1 1.(po ° 0 oo sol s m ~ Q °aa ao w. 1)41 O_viOi \\ • \e l�s9n eq o° �P_ N `iib oz afiz S. m�M vm Fl Q1 66159 0 O C vo F P°Om n . _Ni \ 3 9Fblr 00"90 Qm � �? • IL a I 0100199 °rva \ /�'� 1 n. V W\e Mm t{F' P. O r9 .O9°S1. O O 62'ZZ1 ILI p O 1- m o � .n, 1 69[ 00� ° \\ •� °Os. S ¢9.100 n°%\ L I ry �1Vi1 1 d y " W - N b \ g — " r� o se 6�°w"v Mm '' _----__-- a d 0 a\ i a. L °o° Mn ss ; N I_ — m - - ZLBL H',fia'Oti o30o' W ,a691 °uo\ \Y O tiJ S i9lQ\\\ \30 Nxp `a. rg \\ °` m Ila ymwj Q " A O U 00 01 Y2 Y4 N 0 n C O u Q, —O \ (Op ry Mm O9L OO LL 0 9 m 9« 9Y Z I O O �O' •4 ,n30 E \ m°� a 1101°3 Oti MG661°OD'11 3 d zRlCm1 _ y1.1 e[19, X - ,1469 nl 0 0 90p nne'sxxlaa � °dz fio°o e e0 BOb 6\ m \ W Os1 I tt O y m I Cfi 66 0 - 5 1 O4 Of m 20 "I >fXm- l OC ^-III M 5p1 ep>e-oy°°ofi-90LA9 N^ °"6 2 m m II _ry=m 0-60 fi"50oO"L ' z ^_ -0_0' 0o_2 tlzb_0"Ns0>o'^^. -WXm nMo 111 II1 a&°z sry9z 1111 I311/\a{N0amJO °^o za� - rem 6909O 0. OMNmV0lN0 3G[d'o� O.9a Nso oryDNSVoil Do.1 oCw ONao_ ryrm °%�,t0A L m ^ _- lZil Zi?n UUcro. N O No 02OOSOT O 00 0O90094°d01 z-99"69 O Sf^ O17 o _ 1 (1 -1 17 i' ° B ^ s4 61st TOL •1.0\ J0 %W�IO/ 9 L 1i�fS` ••� E j ~ Q m N O L OI — E _U •pry V y U W 12 U c L a o In rnL v H � TC N O y c c d W y 9 > d C C r 0 O Q p y (n d S M,mD at'° � •r i Na 9 o ry d'F M o N � =m I I!��__ � m 0 Ofi6B I - 1Br f O' O o0 F9 eY 0 Y 61 °00X 66 m LLsa ° Iw. u 16ri.a9u i c of - 1pa°`" i\2� =\� oo G A^ A ° m E � 1 O 7fm °♦Of P.. m I > B Oa � b MMm i• 0^ d "Sal m a z 04 N•6r 1° OM 0°0 Q Ol MB m 00"90 p ' C x _^os 133tl1S D& - rm. II _ II Ne w xzFa P 1 Nm b a Nn 8 rG. cr,61 ,o°"N W1 m� i ,- O E D s m vm 21 � 1 I Nor X4Nx p I "' ,Ba w M 6190'e00x R ^ ° x6B 1 1 9s zl t m 001 S°e O "b :Of NtlOtlNN100 �D a • 1 I' X n 1 Nm % 1D a zB<�1 o0's° 1S 11VAN Df z nal on D9N Mol �o m > •I� j 6 j,, n6 a919p 1 xi6 1Otl10°� °'Bb XNm eiy �i n..i Otm $Oc� 12 W O O _ov Ez °°6zsaw mN l'^,� 111mo o„ DO.. mefiwl BBg FFr D°OB «0,\ryn "�I °1 1.(po ° 0 oo sol s m ~ Q °aa ao w. 1)41 O_viOi \\ • \e l�s9n eq o° �P_ N `iib oz afiz S. m�M vm Fl Q1 66159 0 O C vo F P°Om n . _Ni \ 3 9Fblr 00"90 Qm � �? • IL a I 0100199 °rva \ /�'� 1 n. V W\e Mm t{F' P. O r9 .O9°S1. O O 62'ZZ1 ILI p O 1- m o � .n, 1 69[ 00� ° \\ •� °Os. S ¢9.100 n°%\ L I ry �1Vi1 1 d y " W - N b \ g — " r� o se 6�°w"v Mm '' _----__-- a d 0 a\ i a. L °o° Mn ss ; N I_ — m - - ZLBL H',fia'Oti o30o' W ,a691 °uo\ \Y O tiJ S i9lQ\\\ \30 Nxp `a. rg \\ °` m Ila ymwj Q " A O U 00 01 Y2 Y4 N 0 n C O u Q, —O \ (Op ry Mm O9L OO LL 0 9 m 9« 9Y Z I O O �O' •4 ,n30 E \ m°� a 1101°3 Oti MG661°OD'11 3 d zRlCm1 _ y1.1 e[19, X - ,1469 nl 0 0 90p nne'sxxlaa � °dz fio°o e e0 BOb 6\ m \ W Os1 I tt O y m I Cfi 66 0 - 5 1 O4 Of m 20 "I >fXm- l OC ^-III M 5p1 ep>e-oy°°ofi-90LA9 N^ °"6 2 m m II _ry=m 0-60 fi"50oO"L ' z ^_ -0_0' 0o_2 tlzb_0"Ns0>o'^^. -WXm nMo 111 II1 a&°z sry9z 1111 I311/\a{N0amJO °^o za� - rem 6909O 0. OMNmV0lN0 3G[d'o� O.9a Nso oryDNSVoil Do.1 oCw ONao_ ryrm °%�,t0A L m ^ _- lZil Zi?n UUcro. N O No 02OOSOT O 00 0O90094°d01 z-99"69 O Sf^ O17 o _ 1 (1 -1 17 i' ° B ^ s4 61st