HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHACKLETON Lot 23-A Soils InformationSOILS INVESTIGATION Lot 23A, Shackleton Subdivision Report to: Donald Showers July 5, 1972 Prepared by: ' - HEWITT U. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES 723 W. 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska INTRODUCTION This report is the result of our field geologic and soil investigation conducted on June 26, 1972, on Shackelton Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska; Legal Description: Lot 23A Shackelton Subdivision located in the Southeast one-quarter, Northwest one-quarter, Section 19 of Township 12 North, Range 3 best Seward Meridian. Shackelton Subdivision is a newly proposed residential area being planned exclusive of public water or sewer utilities. Development of adequate sanitary, facilities will be the responsibility of the individual .property owners. The sewage disposal will consist of conventional septic tanks draining into a seepage pit and/or drain field. The water source will be from individually drilled and cased wells. vi The purpose of the investigation as to define �n etas tie so i s con- ditions within the property and determine area requirements for proper sewer seepage in the particular soil found. Our investigation consisted of (1) a geologic review of the general area, (2) field reconnaissance of slope and contour, and (3) exploratory trenching at selected representative sites. Specific types and depths of soils found are shown on the accompanying logs. The soils were found to vary throughout the area from well graded coarse sands to a sand clay. and silt mixture in the southeast corner. The site slopes toward the southeast corner in a sort of semicircular fashion from the north and west. Maximum slope is on the order of 10%+, leveling out to nearly flat in the low area. INVESTIGATION A '1 1 '1 vi The purpose of the investigation as to define �n etas tie so i s con- ditions within the property and determine area requirements for proper sewer seepage in the particular soil found. Our investigation consisted of (1) a geologic review of the general area, (2) field reconnaissance of slope and contour, and (3) exploratory trenching at selected representative sites. Specific types and depths of soils found are shown on the accompanying logs. The soils were found to vary throughout the area from well graded coarse sands to a sand clay. and silt mixture in the southeast corner. The site slopes toward the southeast corner in a sort of semicircular fashion from the north and west. Maximum slope is on the order of 10%+, leveling out to nearly flat in the low area. CONCLUSION From the information gathered during our investigation, we conclude that there exists, on the site, soils which are capable of sustaining a septic tank -seepage pit sewer system. These soils exist in the higher areas of the property and seepage pit areas of from 125 to 250 square feet per bedroom should meet Greater Anchorage Area Borough requirements. The required absorption area for seepage pits shall be computed on the basis of the engineers estimated square foot per bedroom figures for each vertical stratum penetrated. The weighted average of the results shall be computed to obtain a design figure. Soil strata in which an area of over 250 square feet/bedroom is specified shall not be included in com- puting the absorption area. Such data as: (1) Septic tanks design requirements for (2) Sub -surface disposal fields and seepage pits; (3) Locations for disposal systems may be found in Ordinance No. 28-68; Section 1, Chapter 9, Article VI, Sewage Disposal Practice, Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Alaska_ If you have any questions, or if we may be of further service on this. project, please call us at anytime. Respectfully submitted, "EWITT U. LOUNSQURY & ASSOCIATES p�� L ren H. Lounsbury, P.E. 5 e 6 ° h . 489E a� Charles W. Wainwright, Te i cl an 1 LOG OF Tr -ST OORIAIG 'Qate Begun Nolo No. / ale Completed flen'i1t V. Lounsbury` Associates. Sheet Rig t= Eng nears — Surveyors Total Depth �d project No Anchoroge, . Aioska 7 ro%eel Nome �O T S ✓ r T ice(% J� -C Sifi1 Location Ground l:nfer Table rT Depih in F.?r 'Whod Used U �GrI/hOr � /i _ ( 4 � .'field Party Geologist / %.if �ilhcs/ �:'!-rTime /r /rE Dale Sampling_- l� w O ME 1 MA EFMMM QE --t- J—" /2 /5 18 l-- M—� /9 DESCRIPTION LocoJion holes E Diagram —e� ME 1 MA EFMMM QE --t- J—" /2 /5 18 l-- M—� /9 Soil type, co/or, iexfure, estimated particle size. sampler driving note Ei - depths Ci/Ca/06017 lost, n o notes on drilling ease, j e bits used, etc. Z- Z' 0 0 ) E� Vegetalion: i ✓fir .5-ii—��0— „ ` �' Nr! �! : 9 a " !� :' �4 r i iJ lr vSJ% t•' .�/j�:J is (/,J ,SJ/'-� rs � `>fh/<=" j?� < 1. — DESCRIPTION LocoJion holes E Diagram ,!;ate Begun 7te comp/etted ffeivilf V. Lounsbury �` Associates Rig No Engineers — Surveyors - -�roject No Anchorage, - Alaska -oject Name ��',.'S T �.�� .��(-1 Iry.�l i rJw'1%. e^ - Locolion l::' f= lr l /f_ >Er �, �/ !i P'ethod Used �r r' c" tid�1a� r5.t ield Party Lr/%/c S i c:! !.C,tr) c Geologist Heather t/ -,L Hole No. Sheet Tocol Depth Ground Nroter Table Deplh in Fl Time _ Date Loca/ion Notes E Diagram., _er 1 Sampling Loca/ion Notes E Diagram., _er 1 Sampling DESCRIPTION .Soil type, color, texture, o estimated parlicle size, - G sampler dr/vino notes, - o c depths circulafion lost, t m k o k �3 notes on drillina ease, bils used, etc. tl rc t" a.j' 1-� ✓egelofron: — i i _._... `,et —-- � sy t� ._ ��.... � �_: i /'> d'l ��/-.^•t>J!.<'.1 /'9 - L/ iif_/-, 1:•i:..!..> 1 4� (' : / i 'll '� ' _ l¢ E� F- -�i iL q -: t, .. / ��' J^' �Ga �i/1; r..l��iil�)i �O�rk•i t'T. �F11_J l?- �'AIX �({tom" _I/=JJsi<. _ J_J 5. gel ,li, -T(n r J Dfi'� t.'t7 (-.-r�.. r'y% e � 9 i o t;rP i 5 15- 16 16-- — 1119 LOG OF TEST OCRI IC Date Begun Hole No. — 1tate Completed � � i� Hewiff V. Louns6ury �` Associates. Sheet � of "',� ngineers — Surveyors Total Depth r?!y No E ,Pro/ect Na - - Anchorage, . A/aska -- J N ' ' rs roject Name Location Lor, ct, f�"% Tp r_.� .,✓'L'y1 �.3 r�Yethod Used `�/; ie/d earlyJ Geo%gistWather G .J e E Sampling ,a + o 0---- i Z DESCRIPTION Soil type, color, lezture, e61imoted aofficle size, sampler driving notes, depths circulation lost, :.notes on..drilling. ease, bits used, etc. Location Notes E Diagram: I p g Vegetation: Ib 1-01 J o ¢ C3 S Q 0 q o oQ o o QL o 5 i; t` C O - - i 6 Ground Water Table 0---- i Z DESCRIPTION Soil type, color, lezture, e61imoted aofficle size, sampler driving notes, depths circulation lost, :.notes on..drilling. ease, bits used, etc. Location Notes E Diagram: Time p g Vegetation: 1-01 J - F` q `t 5 i; t` - - i 6 7 g ±. - 9 Ground Water Table Depth in Ft. i Z DESCRIPTION Soil type, color, lezture, e61imoted aofficle size, sampler driving notes, depths circulation lost, :.notes on..drilling. ease, bits used, etc. Location Notes E Diagram: Time p g Vegetation: 1-01 R 13 i Z DESCRIPTION Soil type, color, lezture, e61imoted aofficle size, sampler driving notes, depths circulation lost, :.notes on..drilling. ease, bits used, etc. Location Notes E Diagram: p g Vegetation: 1-01 - - i _ e -til Water Table — Depth in F1 / �. ,:.. ✓,: ' C7 Time Date ------{' ff 'o O - Vegetation: LOG Or ZEST RORIMC safe Begun No. ate Completed ` ` r-1 '� Hewitt V. LOunsbur}, Associates. Sheet � _ of Rfg Mo Engineers - Surveyors Total Depth coject No Anchorage, . Alaska o t N m �`� r -•'f /%�!�)% �� G / � % ll ,�J ,� :a. ��, /'}�. "ocafion 107 f% 1 22"" - 'ethod Used fJfl /�ifr� Field Port y li /c.-ic f r %�/ 1,� Geologist A'eah;er — Ground Water Table — Depth in F1 / �. ,:.. ✓,: ' C7 Time Date ------{' ff 'o O 1 Sanp /inq DESCRIPTION Location Notes £Diagram, N t3 O p V O FF i 1 lisp LJ4I i 5 f— E I 9 i r /3 f4 I is E Sn Sol/ type, color, texture, estimated particle size, sampler dr/ving notes, depths circulalion lost, notes on drilling ease, bits used etc. ` 'o O - Vegetation: �r2S3 , -7 C n, i 1 1 Sanp /inq DESCRIPTION Location Notes £Diagram, N t3 O p V O FF i 1 lisp LJ4I i 5 f— E I 9 i r /3 f4 I is Hewitt V. L,ounsbur ASSOC1atOS lte Completed y Rig Aro Engineers — Surveyors . �rojeet Na Anchorogl�, . Alc` ka . ojecf Name Zz --s 2-25/1-1 Ti l=, c) 2 ��} . ��/� e_ v �z.'r S..J s<JR o • Location _ T� /v i J �, % f� ��J '7 11��' —_Ground Wafer Table i r' Depth in Ft ethod Used `. AC4,-!.'r'-3 : -- Field Party%1•lc 1l J'Et c;,I�,.fr>� gist GGA, Time Dole i `� Somr Hole Alo. S _ Shoot F'� of n Tota/ Depth Ho le o m �tz in — (b �` a o v m i o E C o y h DESCRIPTION -- Soil type, co/or, texture, estimated Particle sire; sampler driving notes, -.deaths Circulation lost, notes on drilling ease, biis used, etc.— Location Notes E Diagram: — r c a a oC� 0 3 Vegelation., O " j — t r=' ' ' i v F -- 5 0. u L - - - - '9- i/ V bel F-, (.} L) T r lG _ I — /3 16- 6—!7 17 -- 19 - PNGROR�BES iL INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM �g a GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 6a 74 a4rz FROM: DEPARTMENT: �._ ____._._.,___. _____ ____._._._______. SUBJECT:._.f�__ t �^ INITIATED BY: _€..,�__ _Ir��--- ___,,__.__,._DATE OF MEMO: DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: ...`a ____..____ __ _.__._..__.___------ REQUESTED: ___------ ____ RECEIVER:�M-�- REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER .y ------------- Al PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER . 40 NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION v_,.,,,.,._._.______._._._______.____..__. _, _.._ _ _ _, �, - - - - _ ,.. - ..� ,. SIGNATURE _._