HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHADY ACRES Block 1 Lot 7 & 8;; 4 rMMIi � 3 �I i i i i I i i �+ztNc� Locr�Tionas I ;Q I 4 P4Za-eost..D �Sn�c,t g�p�, i0 i� i y SurvG\/ S1ake.—� Gor-nea-, Loi' 7 SGQ►c :_ " = zo' .84 5 1 APR 9 1 1986 CqR. w. Ghrisiensen Lois � 1 A/ I o G k a ConsullingEngineer ;hU�y A\C-�-e-> 5u 6d�.�is�ar� 1 _ f�r�c.horctc3e/ /-�1cY5 k[x APPENDIX FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation was performed on February 24, 1986. The borings were drilled with a truck -mounted CME -75 drill rig owned and operated by Interstate Exploration Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska. The drilling operations were supervised by R.W. Christensen, P.E. The subsurface conditions encountered during drilling were logged and representative samples were taken at depth intervals of five feet and/or at major changes in soil strata. The samples were sealed to prevent moisture loss and retained for visual examina- tion and classification in the laboratory. The logs of the borings are presented on Plates A-1 through A-4. The soil des- criptions and classifications on the boring logs are according to the Unified Soil Classification System, which is described on tPlate A-5. ' The following plates are attached and complete this appendix: Plate A-1 - Log of Boring #1 Plate A-2 - Log of Boring #2 Plate A-3 - Log of Boring #3 Plate A-4 - Log of Boring #4 Plate A-5 - Unified Soil Classification System A-1 0 0 10 D E P 15 T H I N 20 F E E T 25 30 35 KEY: S S A Y M M P B L 0 E L S N S DESCRIPTION B SS 5 e; b• GP SANDY GRAVEL frozen + + + OL ORGANIC SILT SS 8 moist, medium stiff SS 16 :SM SILTY SAND + + + wet, medium dense :GM SILTY SANDY GRAVEL dry, dense + + + SS 50/ b' 4" Boring completed @ 15.5 ft. on 2/24/86 Ground water not encountered Depth of seasonal frost: 5.5 ft. + + + B = bulk sanple SS = standard (1.4 -inch I.D.) split -spoon sampler driven with a 140-1b. hammer dropped 30 inches N = number of blows required to advance the sampler the last 12 inches of 18 -inch drive - R. W. Christensen LOU DF DRRINU 91 Lots 7 & 8 Block 1 Consulting Engineer Shady Acres subdivision Anchorage, Alaska Plate A-1 ( lc D E P 15 T H I N 20 F E E T 25 30 35 KEY: S S A Y M M P B L 0 E L S N S DESCRIPTION B SS SS 6 5 .--GP ., Pt SANDY GRAVEL frozen PEAT frozen GRAVELLY SILT + + + r ML moist loose non -plastic + + + SS 28 becoming medium dense increasing gravel content SS 82 + + + Borinq completed @ 15.5 ft. on 2/24/86 Ground water not encountered Depth of seasonal frost: 7.0 ft. B = bulk sanple SS = standard (1.4 -inch I.D.) split -spoon sampler driven with a 140-1b. hammer dropped 30 inches N = number of blows required to advance the sampler the last 12 inches of 18 -inch drive R. W. Christensen LOG Or PORING #2 F1116 Lots 7 & 8 Block 1 Consulting Engineer Shady Acres subdivision A-2 Anchorage, Alaska C 5 10 D E P 15 H N 20 F E E T 25 30 35 KEY. B = bulk sanple SS = standard (1.4 -inch I.D.) split -spoon sampler driven with a 140-1b. hammer dropped 30 inches N = number of blows required to advance the sampler the last 12 inches of 18 -inch drive S S A Y M M P B L 0 E L S N S DESCRIPTION TEST DATA OTHER 11 __ B SS 8 % GP SANDY GRAVEL frozen PEAT + + + r Pt frozen SS 311. ° GM SILTY SANDY GRAVEL wet, medium dense + + + SS 34 S: SS 57 ` dense, little silt + + + Boring completed @ 15.5 ft. on 2/24/86 Ground water not encountered Depth of seasonal frost. 8.0 ft. R. W. Christensen LOG OF 9ORING #3 fidle Lots 7 & 8 Block 1 ConSultlpg Engineer Shady Acres subdivision A-3 Anchorage, Alaska B SS 47 •°•q frozen frozen �� °• S S •, moist, dense A Y M M P B SS 35 L 0 E L SS S N S DESCRIPTION TEST DATA OTHER i q SS TESTS � a 0 GP SANDY GRAVEL comppleted @ 26.5 ft. Buringg /24/ 8 6 + + + Ground water not encountered Depth of seasonal frost;- 6.0 ft. 5 PEAT + + + 10 D E T 15 H I N 20 F E E T 25 30 on 2 35 KEY: B = bulk sanple SS = standard (1.4 -inch I.D.) split -spoon sampler driven with a 140-1b. hammer dropped 30 inches N = number of blows required to advance the sampler the last 12 inches of 18 -inch drive I. w. Gri"On"n LOG DF DURING 01 Plata Lots 7 & 8 Block 1 Engineer Shady Acres subdivision A-4 Anchorage, Alaska B SS 47 •°•q frozen frozen �� °• GM SILTY SANDY GRAVEL •, moist, dense SS 34 SS 35 SS 90 very dense i q SS 60/ � a 4 " - comppleted @ 26.5 ft. Buringg /24/ 8 6 + + + Ground water not encountered Depth of seasonal frost;- 6.0 ft. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOLS TYPICAL NAMES 40' CLEAN OW WNI qtly panl4 WwN • rid mlatu/K IIttN or fq IMIK GRAVELS GRAVELS IMon than SbR of 50 (Lina o, no Iliad „i OP Peony rtltl awUa wN• r r nand rnlaturK link Cr lM lYaaL Coarto Iraclich la GRAVELS GM Silty rarN 4aarN •acral •Silt mlaNrK LARGER than Na COARSE No.lalrn Wal WITH FINES GRAINED SOILS IA.O I.W. amt, Wfirwd OC Cl"" masala, Pa"af• mn4• HH"!N,m (MOM than 50% of ...I, ,.j;%_ SW Well Wady mndw A gr -ally Sana, Unue Or MK " m.1.41k LARGER than No. 200 Naw CLEAN SANDf ,i 64.1 LANDS While ot ho llnaN ^'?' SP Poorly Wady taM, a rarNry suadt, Un4 a heIYaaL IMon Nan SOX of Co.. ('.Ion k SMALLER than tlw SANDS SN silty veldt, undNll mkerrK No:4 siaw 4tal WI7H PINES IApw.IW. amt, of flna) SC CYT" audit, mhdal jay miaturM, ML Incnank Nlta and wry fall asnds, rock flour, silty a Nay" fine wall a Cl"" silk with mint plankky.' SILTS AND CLAYS. CL Iaorgank el", of low 10 mtlium plasticity, gravelly Nays, FINE ILIoeW limit LESS than 501 Sandy VISVI, Silty Claw,kM N"L GRAINED 50149 IMon than 60% Of OL Organic Wk and organic NI ty Clays o/ low plmklry. matHiN b SMALLER than No. 20(l MH I—WICsilts, ralkac., a dluomaceoua fine sandy or Silly Nall milt alastk Nita. SILTS AND CLAYS ILIauW Amit GREATER than 501 CH Ina kCl ,ol " high Plastkity, Eat ClayL ON Organic Nay, of mylum to high plastklty, Organic Silts HIGHLY ORGANIC SOIL$ Pt Plat and other highly agank 6011L BOUNDARY CLASSIFICATION$: SOlk poua'RIN dw"Iarbtka of two W WM she dnipruty by combinatlons of roup ,ymt Ql P A R T I C L E S I Z E L I M I T S SILTORCLAY SAND GRAVEL COBBLES j BOULDERS FINE MEDIUM COA0.SC FINE COARSE No. 100 No.ao Na. Ig No.4 1,K Sial 111 M.1 V.S STANDARD SIEVE SIZE RELATIVE DENSITY (land -silt) CONSISTENCY (clay) Vary Loom — Lw than 4 blows per toot Very Soft — Lou than 2 blown par toot Loom — 41olOblowL/it. Soft — 2 to 4 blows/ft. Medium — 10 to 30 blows/ft. Medium— 4 to 8 blows/fL Dorm — 30 M 50 blows/fL Stift — 8 to 15 bhWyS/f . - Very Gahm — More than 50 blows/ft. Vary Stiff — 15 to 30 blowJft. Hud — More than 30 blows/ft. CqR. We Christensen carzSH(((n9 jWnafnoor UNIFIED ..SOIL . CLASSIFICATION , SYSTEM Plate A-5