HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHELL #1 LT 5Lo)T MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (, *@F�7 MEMORANDUM Date 19 To.. From: Re: r Signed 91-015 (Rev. 1/81) KELLICUT AND JONES A PARTNERSHIP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 341 W. TUDOR, SUITE 102 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 WARREN G. KELLICUT CALVIN R. JONES (907) 561-2655 JANET D. PLATT November 3, 1987 li P1 C,i (J i.=C'. Ms. Jewell Jones; rl P. 0. Box 196650 Department of Health and Human Services �;J ;- Municipality of Anchorage Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: -Lot 1 Block 5 ---Shell Subdivision Donald and Dianne Lutz Dear Ms. Jones: As the attorney for Donald and Dianne Lutz please accept this letter as the request of Donald and Dianne Lutz to reinstate their request for financial assistance for an upgrade of their septic system under the Emergency Septic System Upgrade Program previously initiated by and through the Municipality of Anchorage. As we have discussed on the telephone several times, the system is in non-conformance with current Municipal and DEC regulations in that the DEC has described on that property an existing cesspool which the DEC is requiring be abandoned. Also on that property for their single family residence, it is necessary that a sewer upgrade be accomplished. Should you need any specific information with regard to the nature of the upgrade, you may contact Mr. Don Eng with the Department of Environmental Conservation, State of Alaska. Please find enclosed a copy of the Warranty Deed issued to Donald and Dianne Lutz in December_ of 1984, describing and explaining their current ownership of the subject property. Due to the season, the nature of the request, and the pending action by DEC against Mr. Lutz for his alleged violation of existing ordinances, we ask that your agency consider this request as one for "emergency relief". I understand that due to the conduct of certain individuals, this emergency may have been "created" but none the less it exists now because of the system and the pending action by DEC. Thank you very much for your cooperation with regards to these matters. Regards, KEILLICUT AND i Warre Cf!/ire WGK/pjw Enc. Warranty Deed cc: Lutz 7£3/42 consideration and JONES ic'6t 7UUIN r r w. . ` �®E WARRANTY DEED B' P (ALASKA) & The Grantor._, Theodore L and Litti,an 0,+ PotteA (husband and wi{e 1125 02d Oi'ympic Highway. PoA-t AngeZeh. Wohing-ton 1 Ilul- V 1 I I residing at ---------- for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Seventy -Five Thousan ----------------- ------------------Dollars ($ 115.000.00 ) in hand paid, CONVEYS and WARRANTS to Dona Cd 6dWard and Diane MaA,i.e Lutz hu6band and wi6e) , the Grantee the following described real estate: SheU Subdivi"on Lot#1 i3Qock#5. 2.2 mit_u O'MaQQey Road Anchorage. Atoka 99501. situated in the State of Alaska. DATED, this 3rd day of DeeembeA lA 1984 .47 �LI l nv UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ss, (individual Acknowledgment) STATE OF ALASKA,, THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on thist5 h. day of December 19 84 , before the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Donald E. and Diane M. Lutz and Theodore L. and Lillian G. Potter to me known to be the person s described in and who executed the above and foregoing instrttdnenl,.and acknowledged to me that the Y signed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and pd posGS�wq� eJ1� mentioned. WITNESS My Hand and Official Seal the day and year �''j this certificate first abov,� 6vFa4t�b�.� ��!:• ,:. ON-SITE SEPTIC LOAN PROGRAM: POSITION PAPER I. Engineer A. Must conduct soil/percolation tests and water monitoring. Ail soil strata to be utiized must be perched. (No visual soil ratings will be acceptable). B. Must submit engineered design upgrade and obtain permit. C. Must be registered Civil Engineer on our approved list of design engineers. D. Must have E & 0 insurance coverage. E. Must conduct two inspections and prepare as -built drawing. II. Excavator A. Be on our approved and permitted list of contractors. B. Be bonded up to $50,000 for finished products. C. Must have minimum of two bids (three or more preferred). III. Environmental Health Division A. Will review and approve (or return for redesign) engineered design for upgrade. (Includes all soil/percolation tests, water monitoring results, site plan, etc.). B. Obtain necessary Right -of -Entry and Testing permit from property owner.. C. Issue on-site sewer permit. D. Issue Health Hazard statement with Dr. Wilson. E. Review contractor's bids. F. Be present on-site during both of the engineer's inspections of the on-site system. G. Review and approve as -built drawings. RWR/ljw #5 I. A public health hazard shall be adjudged to exist when the installation and/or operation of a single family on-site wastewater disposal system results in one or a combination of the following conditions: A. Raw sewage or contaminated effluent from the on-site system in question appears on the surface of the ground in the form of pools, damp spots or seeps and directly or spontaneouly affects adjacent properties. B. Surface water (i.e. stream, lake road side ditch or any form of drainage run-off) is being contaminated by raw sewage or other contaminated effluent and is traceable to the on-site system in question. C. Raw sewage or contaminated effluent that is traceable to the on-site system in question is degrading the underlying groundwater system to the extent that public health is endangered. D. Raw sewage or contaminated effluent attributable to the on-site system in question enters into a private or community well or other potable water source. II. An on-site wastewater disposal system shall be determined as contributing to or creating a public health hazard on the basis of an on-site testing program. The testing program shall be conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services under the direction of a registered civil engineer. Tests shall consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: a dye test for tracing the path of contaminated effluent, fecal coliform bacteria, nitrate, dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus and biochemical oxygen demand as indicators for contamination of ground and/or surface waters. III. In the event an on-site wastewater disposal system is directly or indirectly creating a public health hazard, the following format shall be used to notify the homeowner(s): "Based on a review as conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, of the subject on-site disposal system, and evidence provided by a site evaluation and/or testing program, as outlined in Sections I and II, it has been determined that this system is causing a public health hazard." Gus Andress, P.E. Rodman Wilson, M.D. IV. The following sequence of events would typically lead to the determination that a public health hazard exists: A. Information would be received by the Department of Health and Human Services from the public, DHHS staff or other public agencies. B. The on-site program within the Department of Health and Human Services and under the direction of a registered civil engineer would technically determine if a public health hazard exists. A technical investigation would consist of an on-site visit by DHHS staff and the requisite testing program necessary to make a valid determination. Page Two C. Following a review of the report for the on—site investigation and the results of the testing program, the Medical Officer within the Department of Health and Human Services would issue a decision regarding the existance of a public health hazard. D. A copy of the desicion pertaining to the existance of a public health hazard would be extended to the homeowner (s) and the Rehabilitation Program within the Department of Health and Human Services. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: March 10, 1987 TO: Gus Andress FROM: Steve Morris s1" SUBJECT: Request for declaration of "health hazard" in order to obtai• '`)A emergency funds for upgrade of cesspool. Alaska Environmer ^cervices has requested that an existing cesspoo• 111bdivision be declared a health hazard sc merest financing may be obtained by Mr. lot. The existing illegal cesspo( surrounding wells in the s )lan shows the location of a `•- n question. It should be ._4 about as a result of some eng r. Clifford Center, who owns Lc .utz. Apparently AECS speci ,wledge of the cesspool. -__ a cesspool was discovers `' :w Class C well. This is in vi requirement. As a result e ADEC has refused to issue a ie well. This has prevent property. AECS * :esspool a health hazard so that cz for the upgrade of his ille :y have provided a cont a conventional septic Sys . Tr aithin the required protective r (See attached site plan.) t probably does not constitute a contamination of these wells is .re not available for each of the parent that wells in the Sup_ y deep (150 feet plus) aquifers which a. ntaminated. Furthermore, the cesspool app„ i operating for many years without problems. One of the wells was samp.L,.d on February 16, 1987. Although the sample was positive for total coliform (three coliform per 100 ml) it is unlikely that this was a result of contamination from the cesspool. Positive coliform results are fairly common in old water systems like this one. The well should be chlorinated and resampled however. The cesspool does constitute a health hazard in the sense that it will soon fail. The cesspool is old, must be frequently pumped, and the wooden planks and plywood covering the open pit are subject to further decay. The cesspool must be crossed to reach the backyard and there is the possibility of the covering caving in. If the cesspool is not pumped continually it will overflow. Mr. Lutz is in violation of Municipal and State ordinance by operating this cesspool. ADEC will not issue a citation in this case. Because the cesspool is part of a "community waste disposal system" serving a multi -family dwelling, it is under their jurisdiction. DHHS has not issued a citation in this case because it was believed that an agreement was being worked out between ADEC, AECS and Mr. Lutz that would deal with this illegal cesspool and associated separation distance encroachments. Attached to this memo are copies of the site plan, septic system design proposed for the Lutz property as submitted to ADEC, soils test, photographs of the cesspool, and miscellaneous correspondence involving this case. ALASKA BUIROMMAL COnTROL SPURS, InC. enymeerinq & 6ironmenial Studies Feb-on'y 16, 18'r MunicipwAy of Ayavn�wtr Duprpmenc of health & Human Services, 825 4 Wrepr 00"-Yn-, Ainsvo MY Min: Gus AKPY�� Re: VOL 5 Shell Subdivi0on No 60comulna rciop W Pelp tun is your poview or Ohio papkpi -he imppsyt, "r KIS in V" pequpsl a ApCiappTinn OF health hazuN AP S002 -or 70; The heolp nRZaPH is posed by an Unsealed. Mug& CeSSPOW WhIlh been opopated for an ondetermined number of yeals. The deulnwli­ n, a hopith hazard is req p;ysa by san Hoorartl so ha, >a nunrlDO!! vulz m2y qual,fy for municipal finannia, aid in reclifying probiem by upg-adtng hN on slue qpp.;u FYYFem, The P-00-gy lies with a COENIQ in sepotroLion Wslaines whiuk yng �Uoa;vislnn nuc 'i ,C" n1H -P Y P A,V,;Pn!F". :nsl Y"Py "C' w Wes put on IoO 3 Lo solve a lepurpWol, pr"hipm herwenn vh- o t (1 -tio � rI& ,.,n n qYS i on Mir Unt veil nam King ON!:& i -he' MAW- on Lot 1 not if NO ADEr by Wlephune uh0c ipt-pp Wns d renspor) "n !go 7 WDIch Upy Z01P on veec an 'lei; well. P Na�. &4 "an Weil in only 68 MY from the cesspool. The existonce of he cuosspo& Wn q4T 04cuva-uO prior to this heranso 40 For An c: e Ton tar= -..e oaken during the wiplur untl snow cover range n from . lchpq n 1YO feer. -herp was no n"etl W yn:� �A-nuyh hc Preo of -& cpsypino it Ypasurom;nuts nn6 henap pip Pot discovered 'lig Cl'_ pot!NrWoy wax -eveived. T MeL With WeVe MOrYN Or YnPC NPOCIMN oncl jis [vyyen o7 tr v! MY ofriup PH together We visited the sive .1 iD36. The rugnponl was 70cpWa pl: Mis ime pno SPWVU vn-yk, 'hough -ilaoinn Chu 6 he :ssuo& - in:y him OKI UP prohl,, shoo i6 he nunkler in E dIp!nMVLjC MannOr TF POS05> lavc-. lQ the suutmr- M proposvi YIE 71c =C cc AM fon Uelpownry 0161q, onk which ops Witna in jone 1986. AK,I:.!onP] wp­� TOW PU me 'no lize Ulons onplpy-� Con L"p cu -,V- C-Pp"vyyl. P� r h, Y,Ojy in ne,p11. NO !& P:0 )nVal -nncnyoU. no, OPP- n ;�o :01P :11 Moan M87 showing 0 Droposeu Upgratic Vn Cho on MIN systems Du 5n r t : pom P Iq wo cop ?l wo—o- wps lir n0t] in Fp4puH7, -"Mo-otl 71(w H0PrPL:nr 00C nypvly pinq6nn"n, 1200 Wesl 33rd AMR, Suile B 0 Anchorage AIQSk0 99503 * (907) 561-5040 00 wy ! on P"; 50 C PP Q any jAPPIngwenr on AU Prwor-1w. r-640-. MY oFr;-N request chat you docia-v rhe !Ieqai cesspou, � pphn, Henlil Anw-K in ppwo 9 An A-00"HA-1 Papopwrlk in prare& TO oil eventual and Mely solurion in Q0 very gervious problem, Shorld you N E !nnw P>Vse feel Tel'_(; to conWL us. Steve'. 7iF cc Ord QVIi Tngkuvi'' App-oved by: roti R -TP ShPIAHOW'' ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL_ CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 W. 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)276-1-36-1--Slo /—SD�CJ WE ARE SENDING YOU Ly'A Cached ❑ Under separate cover via_ L7 Shop drawings ❑ Prints Plans ryCopy of letter [-j Change order F-1 LETTEN OF T°3QRME� 11 ` nA IL DATE / / (/!/ JOB NC ATTENTION RE: -scyl t9 following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE 'TRANSMITTED as checked below: REMARKS ❑ For approval or our use s requested ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE COPY TO- G✓ ¢ --- - PRODUCT r,O3 eoc i«, Or'" ?r ' sin -,. ❑ Resubmit_ copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US OF P- 11 SIGNED:_ _per_ If enclosures are not as notod, kindly notify us t once. " j ALASKA RUIRMOTAL COnTROL SHUNS, InC. engmeerinq & Enuironmenlal SIudies January 6, 1987 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation & 437 E Street, Saite 303 \G`QP�� of NEPRQ��Ct�� Anchorage, Alaska 99501 MSN QEp�• �N�P4 ENq�0.oNM \61 `\ �® Attn: Steve Eng �/� ��` Re: Lot 5, Shell Subdivision No. 1 Anchorage, Alaska 8621--DA-190 Dear Steve: Please refer to the enclosed information for aid in reviewing this letter and situation. Previous submittals have been made concerning proposed solutions to the problems encountered in this particular area of the subdivision and should be on file in your office. Cliff Center, owner of Lot 8 has sent a letter to you and a copy is enclosed for background information (Exhibit A). The series of events leading to a denial of a "Certificate to Operate" for Mr. Center on Lot 8, was based on the discovery of a cesspool on Lot 5, located within the 150 foot protective radius of the Class "C" well (Exhibit H). The cesspool was not detected prior to installation of the Class "C" well on Lot 8. There is no sign of any system such as standpipe, depressions in the ground, etc. In fact the cesspool in question did not come to our attention until Curt Faildorf, owner of Lot 4, mentioned something to the well driller. This denial was received on !larch 28, 1986 and resulted from a site visit by Jim Hayden (ADEC), Steve Morris (DHHS), and myself (AECS) on March 26, 1986. On April 8, 1986, Steve Morris and I went to Lot 5, took photos of the cesspool and checked two small diameter steel standpipes which were suspected by ADEC of being attached to a very old septic tank (exhibit C). Further investigation revealed that, the standpipes were connected to a fuel tank. On or about June 13, 1986• a submittal was made to your office proposing the installation of a septic/holding tank. A septic tank would have been installed and used as a holding tank until such time that the owner of Lot 5 could afford to install a full on-site wastewater disposal system. This was disapproved in a letter from your office dated June 26, 1986. 1200 101 33rd flue= We 5 • Anehoray f hAo 9993 • N07) 505040 On October 10, 1986, Mr. Center and I met with Mr. Lutz (owner of Lot 5) to outline the series of events leading to the meeting, his legal obligation in this matter, and the possibility of obtaining funds through the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) to help with financing the upgrade for his sewer system. He expressed interest in rectifying this matter but was concerned with availability of sufficient funds to proceed with upgrading his wastewater system to meet codes. Mr. Center and I met with Stan Hoofard (DHHS) on October 15, 1986 to discuss the possibility that Mr. Lutz may qualify for grant money from the government. An application form was acquired from Mr. Hoofard to give to Mr. Lutz, and would be used to determine if Mr. Lutz qualified for any available funds. The application was delivered to Mr. Lutz residence a few days later. I called him in the evening to explain the reason for the application form and to complete it and return it to Stan Hoofard. No word on status was given as of November 3, 1986 so Stan Hoofard was contacted by telephone. Ile had received no word at that time from Mr. Lutz. A proposal will be submitted to Mr. Lutz which will outline work necessary to upgrade his system, a copy of which is enclosed. The June 13, 1986 submittal resulted .in a disapproval of the proposed plan. The three items outlined in the letter of response will be addressed below. 1. Proposed plans for a permanent installation are enclosed for your review. 2. Monies to finance the installation will have to be located through available channels. 3. If the temporary holding tank scheme is used, a pumpingmaint.enance contract will be established upon indication by your department that approval is pending. AECS, Inc., on behalf of Mr. Center, owner of Lot 8, Shell Subdivision No. 1, requests that the following action be taken. Please review the enclosed proposed plans for upgrading the on-site wastewater disposal system. A waiver of distance from the Class "C" well on Lot 5 to the upgraded absorption area is requested to 71 feet and 63 feet to the septic tank. The cesspool will be properly abandoned during completion of the new installation. The location for the Class "C" well on Lot 8 is the best site for satisfying all other separation distances for protection of the water source. If the proposed system cannot be approved by your office, we request a waiver from the Class "C" well on Lot 8 to the cesspool on Lot 3 to 95 feet, the Class "C" well on Lot 5 to 72 feet, and the private well on Lot 4 to 68 feet respectively. A "Certificate to Operate" for Lot 8 Class "C" well, upon completion of work on Lot 5, is also requested. Once the proposed work for Lot 5 is complete and everything is up to code a "Certificate to Operate" will be needed for this property. Finally, it is requested that ADEC notify Mr. Lutz, in writing, of his obligations to pursue this matter and avenues of finance in a timely fashion so that this work can be completed in an expeditious way. If you have any questions, please contact me at 561-5040. Approved by: 05 Sincerely, /Ie4 �G Steven F. Cords Civil Engineer cc: Cliff Center, 6800 Tall Spruce Drive, Anchorage, Ak 99502 Don Lutz, P.O. Box 3130-265, Anchorage, AK 99510 Steve Morris, 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99501 Clifford 6800 Tall Anchorage, 248-3587 December 19, 1,986 Mr. Steve Eng District Engineer State of Alaska Dept of Environmental Conservation 437 E .Street, Ste 303 Anchorage, Ak 9.9501 S. Center lu c Spruce .Drive �6 Alaska ,9,9502 or 349 7588 P\yGNa�'�R a\C\PP p MDpONE PRp E S \ON Dt eNT PIN. RE: Lot 8 Shell S/d #1 8621 -FA -114 Lot 5 Shell ,S/d #1 8621 -DA -190 Dear Mr. Eng: Regarding the conversation on the afternoon of 7/2/86 with Mr. Michael P. Lewis, where we discussed his letter to Alaska Environmental Control Services dated 6/26/86, I wish to clarify the situation. I have been trying to correct my well and septic system for the past 3 years through the proper channels. Beginning in February of 1983, in an attempt to refinance my triplex, I was told that the septic tank had to be enlarged to 1500 gallons. The refinance package was approved by the Municipality, $3,457.14 for this improvement was placed in escrow, and work was to be completed when the ground thawed. In the next year and a half, my out-of-town job obligations kept me from coordinating a contractor to complete the work. In early 1985 when I pursued this project again, I found that the construction permit had not only lapsed, but could not be renewed because the. Municipality no longer had jurisdiction over this project. After checking with DEC, I found that all the rules had changed since my last permit was issued, specifically a 150' requirement to separate the well and septic, which was not previously addressed. Working with AECS, we researched the adjacent plats and found that the Southeast corner of my lot was 130' from the septic and did not infringe on other wells and septic systems, and upon submitting a request for a variance from your office, received a certificate to construct. After spending $7,000 drill a well, I was then notified that due to the discovery of an .illegal open pit cesspool on a neighbor's property, I could not get a certificate to operate. This begins the argument of who missed what. Since the cesspool in question was never registered, and doesn't have any markings or proper vent, it was impossible to know of its existence. Steve Cords of AECS and Steve Morris of the Dept of Health and Human services inspected the cesspool and photographed the area on April 8, 1986 and Steve Morris thought the situation warranted an immediate issuance of a health violation. With the hope of handling the situation diplomatically, Steve Cords suggested that they notify the owner and look for a permanent solution. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 0 MEMORANDUM Date— To: From: Re: 91-015 (Rev, 1/81) Alt— .e tj k rv� 1A A I -T if, it f, - v -P Signed 91-015 (Rev, 1/81) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 0 MEMORANDUM Date 19 To From: Re: 4o 11F 8 Signed 91 -015 (Rev. 1/61) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM 19 From: Re: e) 0 X) v'? Signed W J 91-015 (Rev. 1/81) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM Date 19 To: From: Re: -'A'y -A J Wz" oil 91-015 (Rev. 1/81) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM To: From: Re'. V Signed 91-015 (Rev. 1/81) Page 2 Now I'm at an impass. I have done everything in my power to comply with the law of the land. The problem now lies with a neighbors' illegal and unsafe system, standing between my certificate to construct the septic upgrade, and the certificate to operate the well. Now neither DEC or the Dept. of Health consider it a problem unless as Mr. Lewis stated, someone gets sick from the raw sewage on open ground. The owner of the cesspool in question wants to comply with the law and has submitted a request to install a holding tank, while he researches options to a permanent repair. Meanwhile, the clock keeps moving ahead, summer is past and my excavation window is closing. I have been unable to sell the house for 2 years because of these problems and I want a solution. AF.CS went to further expense to design a system compatible with the neighbor's lot size and performed the soil tests. This submittal resulted in a reply from your office that more information was needed and some assurance that it would be installed in a timely manner. Steve Cords and myself met with Mr. Lutz, owner of the lot in violation, who seemed quite concerned about legalizing his system, but did not have the funds. Further research was done and Stan Hoofard with the Department of Health and Human services felt that Mr. Lutz would qualify for a no interest loan. Stan then attempted to reach Mr. Lutz, unsuccessfully, and then Steve Cords delivered the necessary forms to Mr. Lutz. The time has come for you to either grant a waiver for the cesspool and grant a certificate to construct and operate my well and deal with Mr. Lutz and help him upgrade his system. Ignoring the situation will not make it go away. Please assist me by solving the neighbor's problem so that I may put my situation to rest.. Sincerely, Clifford S. Center DEPT. OF ENVIRON M1 ENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 March 28, 1986 Steve Cords Alaska Environmental Control Services, Inc. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99503 BILL SHEFF*1hb, G0VtAA0R SUBJECT: Shell Subdivision, Lot 8, Anchorage, Alaska Class C Well, 8621—FA-114 Dear Mr. Cords: 274-2533 The operational certificate for the subject well cannot be processed due to separation distance problems with a wastewater system located on Lot 5, Shell Subdivision. Please keep this office informed as to corrective measures taken, if any, to resolve the problem. JFH:pkk cc: Steve Eng Sincerely,, 1� Ja es F. Hayden Anchorage/Western District Supervisor /'/%n) 9,v -5>—z ,vAT� ' q���6G� T/Nle 'v 3 f•�v7 rii/31E�T ; c'�5 5 PUG' Z-!5 Z�1�Z- tir/r�lf L L ATDRIES, INC. OLD.LA *06HWAY AN 046RAGE 1-I'd U44551 BACTERIOLOGII BE I.D. N0. (PUBLIC SYSTEMS) NAME TEM SYSTEM ADDRESS CITY LftwmRY I.D. # �L WATER ANALYSIS ED BSU PPLIER TIME COLLECTED TYPE OF SYSTEM AM ❑ PUBLICMINDI V I DUAL PM CIRCLE CLASS A . B C dent a1 TELEPHONE NUMBER STATE LOCATION WHERE SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED COLLECTED BY:(SIGNATURE) ZIP CODE TYPE OF SAMPLE (CHECK ONLY ONE THIS COLUMN) DRINKING WATER ❑ CHLORINATED ✓CHECK TREATMENT ❑ FILTERED DW NTREATED OP OTHER ❑ RAN SOURCE WATER ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIRS ❑ OTHER(Specify) IS THIS SAMPLE A CHECK SAMPLE TO A PREVIOUS NON-CONFORMINL SAMPLE? ❑ YES bl�10 PREVIOUS COLLECTION DATE ANALYSIS REQUESTED (IF OTHER THAN TOTAL COLIFORM) SEND REPORT TO:(PRINT FULL NAME,ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE NAME ADDRESS CITY _lyr l STATE 1_ ZIP BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD FOR LAB USE ONLY Q4.TOTAL COLIFORMS FECAL COLIFORMS a = m# mx aan+ + ❑ RESUBMIT SAMPLE Semple rejected because: CHECK ONE OR MORE ❑ Sample too long in transit. Sample should not be over 30 hours. ❑ Sample received too late in week ❑ Not in proper container ❑ Leaked out ❑ Insufficient information provided. Please read instructions on form. ❑ Other (Specify) RECEIVED FROM RECEIVED /BY &4, DATE a fl6E TIME 2; ANALYTI ` METHOD: MEMBRANE FILTER ❑ FERMENTATION TUBE i Date 6 Time Started 7zLf (o)I 7 Date 6 Time Completed o2bly 4':00 LABORATORY RESULTS Anal st S' % _4 r 3 Other Bacteria 12ee�oorea ❑ Test unsuitable because: ❑ Confluent Growth ❑ TNTC UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY ❑ Membrane Filter: Direct Count Coliform/100ml Verification: LTB yFbs�r rtiBGGB , J9Q617_1VL0_ final Membrane ll fii�terrResults ;,f_ Coliform/lDOml laepo ed SYN. d((.L61Aaaal ovate -46 -07 l.. . ' ^'! 6. •'M. X1."':1• .MD '4.F ' T - -`- Opp y .•i, �sN it" '} Sir. �S �:�Y ;=� - . ,:, - - -� ALASKA RUIROf MenTAL COIITROL SCI UICeS, lnC°� Engineerinq & Enuironmenld Siudles SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST DATEPERFORMED: PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5ell 0 / '/et .S^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E C 11 1 1 1 Township, Range, Section: 5-e. , i>~ 'T / i n1 /z 3 �J SLOPE SITE PLAN i. s f, WAS GROUND WATER Lies ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water After Monitoring? Date: Gross 14 Reading Date Time 15 12 33 10 H5 / 3 6� 16 /Z q3 17 /2 �3 10 H 9 -13 rzy- iz 18 0 0 3-0 2 z 103 67 19 1 0 113 10 21 113 10 y q i G 20 PERCOLATION RATE/Z-8 i�3minules inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER �.J / 3 `3 1 .FT C..t 7<, c' •5 �1 . 4a4ly I sC" 1� [j U /+ TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND .$M So , / i S r �Pcf al /76 Ll b r- li or �/� COMMENTS //�1e /�errolufi�n e, ry� c• SPI =L0 ) GS / u• 5� e`o CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN PERFORMED BY: �� ` S7 d'C 62 22 /fwf�Jf lys6 _. ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUMCI AL GUIDELINES IN E FE CN(iHIS DATE. iv1e E D�i` 00cM1201 �'y1 JET'.-jpa. <l h 2201a Fl4f I NetI Depth to I Net Time Water Drop A `c S ALASKA RIROWnTAL COnTROL SCRUIC65, InC. a Engineerinq & l3nuironmenial Studies 1200 West 33rd Auenue, Suite B • Anchorage. Alaska 99503 • (901) 561-5040 TO STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPLICATION FOR ON-SITE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM APPROVAL I. GENERAL INFORMATION Source of Water and Containment (Check all that Apply) Legal Description of the Location Treatment of Water (Check all that Apply) L or 5 sHEL L 510 /,/a, / ❑ Private SSG /s Ti�M 2 3 vv, Sr H, A� ❑ Roof Catchment Applicant Neme I / r POA Ap hcant is: (Check one) Bank ❑Certified Installer No. ❑ Other (Identify) Owner/Builder Atldress (Street or P.7O. Box: �1Type 4`f z Q rMAL «—i 94), of Residence Total No. of Bmsedroo ❑�( Single Family family) j6 Multi -Family City, State and Zip Code Telephone AA,14rHMA&6 , lq-< Well Data Send Approval td'. ❑ No ❑ Applicant XOther (Give Name & Address) Is drainage directed away from or around the casing within a radius of 10 feet of the well casing? II. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Source of Water and Containment (Check all that Apply) Type of Water Supply System Treatment of Water (Check all that Apply) ❑ Well (Drilled or Driven! ❑ Surface (Identify) ❑ Private ❑None Chlorination ❑ Roof Catchment ❑ Other (Identify) ❑Public (Serves more than one ❑Filtration []Mineral Removal ❑ Holding Tank family) ❑Other: Well Data Is the Height o! the Well Casing more than 12" above the Ground? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is a sanitary seal installed on the well casing? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is drainage directed away from or around the casing within a radius of 10 feet of the well casing? ❑ Yes ❑ No Date Drilled Depth of Well (Feet) Static Water Level (Feet) Yield (If Available) Pump Rate (If qv ailab!e) Gal: Min Gal/Min Separation Distances from the Well Casing t0 each of the Following Sources of Contamination: Septic/Holding Tank on Lot Sewer Lines on Lot Absorption Area on Lot Closest Septic/Holding Tank on Adjacent Lot Closest Sewer Lines on Adjacent Lot Closest Edge of an Absorptiom Area on Adjacent Lot If toxic materials are stored on the property, including fuel tanks, paints, lubricants and other petroleum based materials, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides, indicate distance from On Lot On Adjacent Lot contaminants to well casing. Water Sample Taken by: Name Sampler Is: ❑ Buyer. ❑ Engineer Address – 0 Banker ❑ Government Official Water Sample Results: Attach Copy C Satisfactory - Date: ❑ Unsatisfactory Date: Comments/Recommendations: IIL WASTEWATER DISPOSAL ate In al�40 ..� ,❑ Septic Tank/Absorption System No. Package Treatment: ❑ (Specify Brand Name or Process! - Septic Tank Size (Gallons) Number of Compartments Holding Tank - Specify: Capacity of Tank 7000 &rtL Where Waste is Disposed ArYCfIekAhC ,VW. SEN! Sys Frequency of Pumping 7 DRYS ❑ Septic Tank Outfall Discharged To: Dimensions/Size Soil Absorption System Ty Lty sl5rkk etoI or Soil O th er-ISpecify): ❑ (Outhouse, Incinerator, etc.) [7 New Svstem ASF_ v' ^TCA f• Name of Installer / s dw 0 ate In al�40 ..� ❑ Certified Installer ❑ Other: ❑ Owner/Builder TypeManufacturer 0 * u *' 0000.. 000000•H��• i.../ No. Soil Type or Rating Septic Tank Size (Gallons) Number of Compartments Soil Type or Rating 0000000000,0000• •00000 'Type/Quantity Backfill Material used for Soil Absorption System OY C. REID, 1 �� R Adequacy Test Performed By:(Attach Copyof Report) Date Septic Tank Pumped (Attach Copy of Receipt) Type Soil Absorption System Dimensions/Size Soil Absorption System Ty Lty sl5rkk etoI or Soil Cleanout Pipes, Caps Installed on Septic Tank ❑ Yes- ❑ No - - Ab SyOstem 00•♦(�1 + Separation Distance to: Water Supply Source on Lot Feet Percolation Test Results nA Percolation Test by: (Name) .� Water Table;'Bedrock Feet Lot Line Feet Minimum Ground Cover over Absorp- Minimum Ground Cover over Septic Cleanout Pip es/Caps Installed on Cleariout Pipes Caps Installed on tion area Tank Septic Tank Absorption System Feet Feet ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Wate• Supply Source on Lot N earest Water Supply Source on Adjacent Nearest Body of Water Water Table'Bedrock Lot Line Separation Lot Distance to: Feat Feet Feet Feet Feet Comments/Recommendations I certify that the above information is correct: Signature Typetl; Printed Name - - - Title, Reg. -/Cert. No., Inst. No. Date NOTE! Must be signed by a certified installer, professional engineer or DEC Staff. ❑ Existing System Name of Installer Date Installed ❑Certified Installer ❑ Other: ❑ Owner/Builder No Type/Manufacturer Septic Tank Size (Gallons) Number of Compartments Soil Type or Rating Type Soil Absorption System Dimensions/Size Soil Absorption System 'Type/Quantity Backfill Material used for Soil Absorption System Adequacy Test Results: ❑ Pass ❑ Fail Adequacy Test Performed By:(Attach Copyof Report) Date Septic Tank Pumped (Attach Copy of Receipt) Minimum Ground Cover over Absorp- tion Area Feet Minimum Ground Cover over Septic Tank Feet Cleanout Pipes, Caps Installed on Septic Tank ❑ Yes- ❑ No Cleanout Pipes/Caps Installed on Absorption System F1 Yes ❑ No Separation Distance to: Water Supply Source on Lot Feet Nearest Water Supply Source on Adjacent Lot Feet Nearest Body of Water Feet Water Table;'Bedrock Feet Lot Line Feet Comments/ Recommendations I certify that the above information is correct: Signature Typed%Printed Name Title, Reg./Cert. No., Inst. No. Date NOTE: Must be signed by a professional engineer. SEAL Regfsrered Professio,,al ALASKA RIUMPTAL COnTROL SCRUIRS, IN. Enyneerinq & enuironmenlal Sludies June 13, 1986 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E. Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Mike Lewis Re: Shell Subdivision No. 1 Lot 5 Dear Mike: Over the past few weeks we have discussed this problem a few times. A cess pool was discovered on this property which is in violation of State Laws. Economic conditions for the owner prohibit him from completely upgrading his on-site system at this time. We propose a phased upgrade where this septic/holding tank will eventually be used in an on-site septic system. Due to the proposed system's close proximity the Class "C" well on this lot, the new system would have and additional 500 gallon tank with the chlorinating unit shown in the enclosed brochures. The disinfected effluent would then he disposed of in a standard absorption area. Based on this pian this office requests that you grant approval for installation of the above outline tank, on this lot. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, 7,z Steve Cords Civil Engineer Approved by: eroy Reid i�., PhD., P.E. Presid t ALASKA RUIROnMenTAL COnTROL SCOUIRS, IOC. Enqineerinq & Enuironmental Studies SPECIFICATIONS FOR HOLDING TANK — LOT 5, SHELL SUBDIVISION 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 THE DRAW -NGS, SHEETS 1 THROUGH 3. SHALL BE PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. 1.2 ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONVENIAL CONSERVATION (ADEC), THE CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT, AND ALL APPLICAFLE RULES AND REGULATIONS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT. 1.3 ALL ENCA'ATIONS AND DEPTHS ARE ADVISORY AND ARE TO BE VERIFIED OR MODIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER, OR INSPECTING AGENCY. 1.4 IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER OR INSIALLER TO ADHERE TO APPROVED DESIGNS FOR INSTALLATION, AND TO MAINTAIN THE SPECIFIED SEPARATION DISTAN"ES, AND TO HAVE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS 'BADE. 1.5 IF THE INSTALLATION IS NOT INSPECTED BY AN AECS ENGINEER, AECS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLED SYSTEM. AN ENGINEER AT AECS SHOULD BE CONSULTED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, TO SCHEDULE THE INSPECTIONS THAT WILL BE REQUIRED AND TO EXPLAIN WHAT THESE INSPECTIONS WILL INVOLVE. 2.0 HOLDING TANK 2.1 THE HOLDING TASK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 12—GAUGE 31/16 INCH THICK STEEL WITH BITCMASTIC COATING, SET LEVEL ON UNDISTURBED SOIL, AND INSULATED WITH AN OVERLYING LAYER OF 2 INCH BURIAL TYPE POLYSTYRENE RIGID BOARD INSULATION. 2.2 THE HOLDING TASK SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM THE HOUSE FOUNDATION. 2.3 THE HOLDING TANK AND BED SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 75 FT. FROM ANY PRIVATE WELL OR BODY OF WATER, 100 FEET FROM CLASS C WELLS, AND 200 FEET FROM CLASS A OR B WELLS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PRIOR APPROVAL OR WAIVER FROM ADEC IS REQUIRED FOR LESS SEPARATION DISTANCE. 2.4 PIPING SHALL BE FITTED WITH A MECHANICAL WATERTIGHT CALDER COUPLING ON THE OUTLET AND INLET AND MANHOLES OF THE HOLDING TANK. PIPING SHALL BE 4—INCH DIAMETER SOLID PVC ASTM D3034 OR CAST IRON. SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 1'4—INCH PER FOOT OR 2 PERCENT ,_a n r...n _._ RI -1 -' Ka,.�nan WITH A MINIMUM OF' d FEET OF COVER. 2.5 CLEANOUTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS DESIGNATED AND CAPPED WITH AIR -TIGHT RAIN CAPS (JIM CAPS OR EQUIVALENT), AND EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. 2.6 INSTALL AN ELECTRICAL ALARM SYSTEM THAT HAS A BUZZER AND RED LIGHT WHICH IS IN PLAIN VIEW IN THE DWELLING BEING SERVICED. BUZZER AND RED LIGHT SHALL BE ACTIVATED AT A LEVEL OF 1.5 FEET BELOW THE TOP OF THE TANK. A SWITCH MAY BE INST.ALLLED TO DEACTIVATE THE BUZZER BUI NOT THE LIGHT. 2.7 ALL ALARM WIRING AND CONTROLS SHALL MEET NEC AND MOA STANDARDS & CODES. 2.8 A PUMPING CONTRACT WITH AN APPROVED LOCAL SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE SHALL BE OBTAINED & SUBMITTED TO THE ADEC. 3.0 INSPECTIONS 3.1 HOLDING TANK ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSPECTION MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LISCENCED ELECTRICIAN. 3.2 HOLDING TANK INSTALLATION & PIPING SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL Joe __L_oT S_ 51/4[.4-_S1O No 7 - CONTROL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. SHEET NO OF 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE:, ALASKA 99503 CALCULATED By �� GoC'/�5 DATE 6Af1B(g _ (907) 561.5040 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE NTS -iw-CAP4 'o 5o[-lp pl/G AsrM P -3o34 fpKCklND it" r� ^1 Ge-EANoar �� rr 4 Z R/6/12 BOAPD CAULOfiX /NSUL A r/ON � COUI'L /N4 � i 7-77=:� r LE✓EL I min?� /NLEr P/PE -- IIKii 44'0 SoGiO FVc zoq> 9a�on 11 Asr�/ o-�03¢: HOLD/NCS TANK (F�o/ f ow6Lcinty� flf III�(I�II I (ISI ME,PcUKY FL DAT 5w/rcH �— "A L AKM LEVEL: " q --zo"� ao�rv, w,�r� ri6aT co�E� avER . ACCESS HOG ES ICi I i WALL Sjar-G TANK CQAIIECD /Ns/pE L_J v R\ µlinin 0447-N!/TX B/Tuy/a5r/C OK 4S41A L FO,E' coeeos/oN F')2orEcT�cW \ BAFFL 6 ' . (i I ' USE WATA'P,��F ALAPr�'K WHE,�E 111 �i ALAKM wItIA14 PE7lcriCArE5 TANK WALL =��il� u/JDisrUREjED SEr TANK oA/ 4/1,p/sr41.K OR /NAr/vE 50/1- co"PAcrED 570/4 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue. Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561.5040 JOB __��T s__ 5/r.s o ZJn - z SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY <F (. Q'e�5 DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE NTS -jJM- CAP Vo 501-10 /wG A/ A s rM D •3034 IaRCXfN.O fit" 4 ' 0"k'1610 BOARD LJNSut A r/o�v JrAin) AJ UIf CGEAn/Our CAUL PVC y/(aH G /Qu/0 LEVEL i 2I f oO MC IAJLEr P/P6 p,/_ ZoL'� �alla,-i Il A/TsOry o-�03�. HOLD/Nh T4NK (F�oM ow�z�ialCr/ _ `—_ ME,PCL/�Y FLDAT SW1r'CH "ALArM LEVEZ C,RoUND SuRFAG � _ ll,jl��f Z0"(0 aocmv, wArez 7-16yr cov6 o,16K ACCESS NOLES I�� WAGG SSG TANK CoATEA 1A/s 1DE oar W/l7/ B/7'4lA1A571C oK E¢41A L min F-0,' caffOSIOW �2or€cneW BSI ffL E • USE WArFRP�ASF ALAPT�X N/NE,�E AGAC'M Wlfe^14 P,5-AlE7;C,4>-r3 TANK WALL. sI!411vD151-4190aD s,57- TANK oN vvP1Sr41R49Eii Of ,�NA TJ V E 5014. COMPA C rr-D -501L. z ��r�w®4 0 j Uoa® EJ 83 to a. V ; : o amt . ^ 3 �� t. H IL zw 1 H ��� :w,n Z • W N j n e 1 ui (. w J a /I.�o .�� ga • u H soV. B p U ® '7 ei J O J YO w 2 U NQ z u Q z I W W ItJ Q U W N IL Q J Y a. M U H W Qfr D y (1J N ❑ ❑❑ 0 _.1 � a.N U) U - � J to i Q 4 Z rt C9 O J Q I' - H H M J [a U) G C) O N H Q H H O U IL 11_ Q Y- > J w U C7 IL a z II X aL in J Q a. 0 ! 2 °w a u a a: U G :9 z H Ir z W H U HJ I D a w Q o H z u� z U) Ili 1i w Iil -1 IL W IL H z W W IL IL O Q IL Q ' II z 11. z UI z Uto _a W o %ap m a Q" — °° ® k a m ❑ G :� -�cn- 171, 111 IL ul n v w � � �_ ✓�s�rv� �i a--6�� � �z✓����, �'�rya C � v /f —�-� -��-� '������ /% , �--- n ��%lf� v ,. .i�„cJ" � /2�a�c �� r GC�'��G,c-o-vC.Gc -Gi ./el-=,�� ll�iiG•<t� o2�sY�G�-�� � ✓fie-LLt-�_t%e� o���ui/�'t-1 AP PROVED; r DATR :LZ r �. � TE . c . , F,"), ,� s z .E ., MAUR AINCI 10R7AC E AREA i0ROUGl l DEPARTMENT OF Ei INIMMITAL (UALITY ED/7 PPROVAL fl"^U_:ST FOP ''!ATE P, FACILITIE: PAS L _r !o Jai .fi"C'P;1G? SIT C. DISPOSAL FIELD TOTAL i1 i\EOUIRED :EASURE11-:"ITs A. tt: si B i I!l LL TO SL-EPAGE PIT C ,.,"LL TO T'.' ER D. WELL TO PROPERTY LI:'r E1 !rLL TO 011 iCR ('OS^I`.:L" CO;:TAf lh iATIOP:' F, FOUMATION1 TO SEPTIC TAiIK' _ �1 FOUNDATI0[1 TO SEEPAGE PIT -- - II SEEPAGE PIT TO PROPERTY LIPJE� 31 C31HUM TS AP PROVED; r DATR :LZ r �. � TE . c . , F,"), ,� s z .E ., MAUR AINCI 10R7AC E AREA i0ROUGl l DEPARTMENT OF Ei INIMMITAL (UALITY ED/7 2, 3, 4. MATER R A 1Ci 10 AGE AU WRIOUG1 I C-PARTfIIEdT OF EVIRO11hIEf,'TAL l UALIN 3500 R ROAD AiCHORAGE,ILALASKA 99507 27�-3�'3G DATE :lECEIVED,'=: TIME: lo ; u RMUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SLl,!ER AM WATER FACILITIES FOR F , u,) APPROVAL REQUESTED DY',_- sler/Wefft Wbrqage Cc, ADDRESS; - - -- _. 694- H Gth Me,. Anchorage, Al"ka 99501 PHONE: 272-9501 PROPERTY MINER._.._Mr.A Mrs. Larrry S� PEIOPIE;_ 344 18713 LEGAL DESCR I PT I Of J, IOt So ahell' Subdivision sj 1732 Alaska 89502NPL FACILITY TO LE INSPECTED: 53r81* Family STREET,_Anr;e, --- IJUMGER OF LEDROO(,IS �_,__ 4 bedrom 5, UELL vATA4 (is Typ B. DEPTIC. D. CofdSTRucTIOr+ ­_ .. -- E. DACTER IAL Ai ZALYS G. SE'JAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM; A -SEPTIC TANK (IF HOMEP•IADE. SI -10..1 DIAGRAM ON BACK) 2, 3, fWUFACTURER—___­_. 4. I f JSTALLER..._._„_ ___„___ LC� r' � f it