HomeMy WebLinkAboutSNOW VALLEY Lots 23A - 23H General Community Well LogE N ERAL Cour mo Y�/ ELL N4 -W DRILLING, Inc. P.O. Box 4-'\,.1 - 1310C International Airport Road (907) 274-4GI I ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG Well Owner—. Use of Well Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road kr Size of casing—" Depth of Hole feet Cased to feet Static water level ft. (above) (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end Screen Perforated Describe screen or perforation -1JY 01 Well pumping test at --') gallons per (hour) (minute) for —1hours with ft, of drawdown from static level. "T '"A1 i7_ 0. Date of completion `n'!7 11 cmc),u1tl �A:ccsunCl 100 in WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness C1 TO ? v-, TO 11� TO- -) — - �-- Q TO , .6 TO-� 4—TO O� 1 -TO -1-1 Z- 3 — CONTRACTOR \� li S31of11S lOVdWI IVIN3WNOHIAN3-H31, A d0 SISAIVNV IVNOIIVN831NI (I/6w = -w'd-d -- l'LL Aq Ai0o O -L) :pau6iS Tom— •. Sllllfl timoppl''AIIpI)Iln1_ O ploysajgl AOPO ^ O aleoS llego0 wnwleld P1ePuelS '10100 X. (Ajolejoge-1) Hd ( 0 , X. n0 se 'jaddo0 . �,= x• UIN se 'asouP6uelN �I Q, x• ad Se'uoal �1 'x P.NSP'Lunlpo '—'7– �--- x• 6jN se 'wnisoubeIN ah x Po sp. 'wripleo I V 1 x EO0e0 se 'ssaupaeH wnisou6en IL EO0 se 'salPunq lel 021 x 600"0 se 'ssauPJPH wniole0 x E()0P0 sP 'sSoupigl lelol Z IE i x E00e0se'Al!u!le)IIVIPlol 'w•d'd •x ualleulw,elap vau viva nes S11 f1S3u Tom— X. xapul uoile.InleS b$.LX.SHd xapul Ai!I!ge1S X. (Ajolejoge-1) Hd to bOd sP 'alegrisogd d se'apponld S x VOS se 'alelInS x LO sP 'apuolg0 x ZO0 se'ap!xo1(] uogAeo .x HO se 'soptxolpAH I V 1 x E00H se 'saiPuogae:)i8 EO0 se 'salPunq lel h' x E00e0se'Allutle)IIV aleuogjeo!8 'x EOoeO se 'Apu!leNIV aleuoq.le0 O?►I x E00e0se'Al!u!le)IIVIPlol 0 •x EOOeo se'Al!u!le)IIV uelegigdlOuagd •x '0090L @'splIOS panj0ss!O lelol •w•d`d 1.106iewwalep v)v0 JJdM Pl)e VMMV 'VHdV "uOIIIP3 IYu10-1 "Aolomolsom pun )fn PPA )o Uglloultuox] alll d)}spallapq pAupuelS.. Ol ®ulp)a'J9P. pozAlOUa som AOIOM sIl1.I. SCOH13W UOISIAipanS AOII13A MOUS :uolieoi;iluapl "}11ORD :Aq paldweS ahal3 :aouejeaddV 1991-EV9/90£ • 908Z£ UPPOld 'OPue)a0 • VSZOS XOS '0 'd •OuZ "saia4m1fasogla►Z opu�Tap .LHod3H SISA'IVNV HTLVM (IHVaNvLS Z$901 :aagwnN 3Aodaa 9L Iclas £ :ale0 UiIl IQ Ail – Ik :01laodaa I Dra t}tuber 2 , 1975 Dickinson, Clawald, WAtleh a Lee 4040 09" Stroid nchcorx e: Ala -3503 UBJECT° to la ir�vflc-, fftM I&IIgs SubAbd-olon - tm-eipu lic ,"1as Water Systern and Well Sowing Lots (0) 23A Through 2311 War Mr, Hamm, ,he AnaborAge IN vnlQjpol Departmevit of Realthrind nviro t nttt Protaction has received and ravlowed vour latest - ubmittal dated December 16, 1916, W04 find thW dAta andefles our quostions rv*-arding t le water gy t"a. ` stem i now approv4 t serve the eight � to" in tete subject �g1�his!!! a our Blas ahow the owner is. All. Joseph Crusey P. ox 245 "51.0 . Cru ay will be requite to submit monthly samplas on this cyst=;effin-ning January* 107 . in e lys ltelf .StriU-nd , . Chieff Sanitarian PAW 04i Los Buchholz, 11.8. O Crusey 7110 cherry I' y Y� NO P On 0 WhLD WhLG+ LCC may'Encs NCE Rs 4040 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE )907) 278-1551 F December 16, 1975 W.O. #8588 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ATTENTION: Mr. Rolf Strickland SUBJECT: Danish Circle, Snow Valley Subdivision Approval of Water System Gentlemen: In response to your letter on this subject dated October 28, 1975, we wish to offer the following additional information and comments: We previously submitted as -built drawings covering the portions of the system constructed above ground. These have been checked by a representative from our office and we feel they are correct as submitted. As indicated previously, we were not given the opportunity to inspect the underground portions of the system. You indicated that adequate tests would be sufficient to verify the integrity of the waterlines. We are forwarding a copy of a letter received from Hanson Plumbing & Heating Company certifying that a pressure test was run. We hope this will satisfy your requirements on this matter. 2. You requested information verifying that storage capacity and capacity of the well was adequate to serve the lots in the subdivision. Attached is a copy of the drilling log prepared by MW Drilling Company. We have reviewed the information provided on this drilling log and feel that it indicates there is sufficient water available in the well to serve the 8 lots without additional storage capacity. The small tank incorporated in the well house is intended for pressure regulation. We hope the above information will complete the submittal and enable you to approve the system. Very truly yours, DICKINSON-OSWALD-WALCH-LEE, ENGINEERS 00er J" William P. Hamm, P.E. WPH/vms Enclosures n HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. Box 513 Girdwood, AK 99587 November 22, 1975 Snow Valley Subdivision Box 245 Anchorage, AK 99501 Gentlemen: Please be advised that on or about the 29th day of September, 1974, while installing a water system in Snow Valley Subdivision, Girdwood, I did make a pressure test on the system. The test consisted of 50 pounds per square inch of air pressure held for approximately one hour's time. Sincerely yours, HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING George Hanson, Owner t eport ont Or Enviroav"ontalr�tecfi74-4561. 1330 OCR street October ber * 1344 V N,0 *; -i Mr. t tlllum P. "am, , P.R. Mokinson, OFim d. VVAMi & Lee 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, :task 99533 SUIMM Danish Circle. Snw Valleyttb to 'Water *System, Som1pubite Clam �1 boll AAd Water System fmProvements Dear Mr, Henry= The Munie4pali Anebornovopart ent of rn-vo roamemul prote.MUM re�vly d from r. Joe Crtmey on 0;-A0b4r 22, 1076 addiffonul date regarding the subject grater systom. The 491submitted a bifteterlological analysix taken on AuVat 266 4976* A well drilling log ftm M -W Drilling -showing test pump dots=d a chemied andlyda hoOrlando Laboratories. thosrla red Orlando* T'lorid . This daU is Partial Willmmt of our l er ' + tebo 15:* 1976. fe raeomend thOt YOU tka aVi"sof this data ferow 41r. Crus and complato the ars-hilt submislaton as tails*Ate In our 0- clabor 16 1915 letter. Broca; we did: not got bite the spealfto details of the dna raqu4sted In o Ortobar 13, 1975 letters we will ot this tib dates the litems that we find necossary 1br -built per. ✓1. ria ust have as -built plan and profile of fft water litres or adequate tests vvvifylug the IxzieSTIty of the water sines In the ladila. /2. We do havo the chemical Aml sis on € e water system whith mare to be adequato, ✓3. We do have the b"ferW analyols# altbough Bald* It does appear to be ✓ . We need arr�bufltx of the interlor of the well homes verifying that the storages capacity and capaelty oft the well is adequate to see tho lots in tho stubd3 alw * mUltmv. P. Hamm, P.R. Page Two October 21W. 1976 lettor ragur-ding thio watts System 0 pleave vontad the Undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf StrIckle" v .;.S Chief sauttarim RSAW CC+ lila Cherry ,"oo Crusay ctobee 16, 1976 File no,I4-1 Mcldnso , Oswald, lea oh * Lase . 4040 930 Street Anchorage. la*4 99503 U13JEM Danish Male, sato 'Velloy suWtviston rater system wi chile Class 440 Well 4 ad Water Systorn ImproverorMts Deas' Mr.ltatsaim The z iunia 1paality of Anchorage Department of l vironnt ontal Quality has r€caived your transwittal of Oetabor 10, 1076. Please bo advLsed that this submittal does not meet the requirements of the letter vent out on € ctober 7, 1914 for submittal and approval of the caum. leted water aystam in the subject subdivision. vlow of the information you have submitted Lidiestes by the as -built motes *u the vim* that the underground details were, reported to be as shown by than ownor%butlder and not adudW aeon by the ar ea wlwse signatu" and stamp is shows an the plana. We have not yet reeelved the well log or pump teat 4ataor ehemAcal and bsetarWogled aftelysts f:PM tho well. our depart±np�nt has not boon q1vm the newasory data to approve thAs watersystem. We would strongly suggest that than data listed above i aoWundir,n w" whatever testing to ne^,essary to verify the Integrity of the water system be su mittod And statoped by your Aram, so that we may F . with the approval. . Should you have questions roWding our rMaw of the Information to date lease contM, the undersigned. Rolf irtck-l€andi, U.S. Chief sanitarlau RSAW Kyle icer # Algia Dept. of ftVinumentalonso joe crusey DICKINSON-OSWALD-WAI,.EE ENGINEERS 4040 "B" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone (907) 278.1551 Air I4ISIU MUZZLIVL MI L DATE % JOB 0 - ATTENTION RE: '�j �) .5.� 1q h -1 t 15 4 Z 1� 11)71- LUA GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU )< Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings X Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 5i 1'- 1 -97 q- LOA 1-i pL)i-t 7-S THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval %For your use xAs requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS il -7-/-E r 5 15 1+15 C -1-C) IS 67 je:� 74 n t /i4 �J b U t L 1 COPY TO �� �F V /iii SIGNED: Xy(f°�,.._� vo ro�zar—nn Fn:IWe s .. iN.. *o.�sNa.".:x If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. VU 1 LI_. 1 A' -'t �OT October 7, 1974 Mr; William P. Ham, P.E. Dickinson -Oswald -Walsh -Leo 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99601 SUBJECT. Danish Circle - Snow Valley Subdivision Hater System, Semipublic Class A Heil, and Hater System Improvements Dear Mr. Ham: The Great gr Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality has recei46d your letter of October 2, 1974 and the accompanying plans, thesepplans adequately handle the first if listed in our letter of SepteXr 24, 1974. final approval of this water system for use will be based upon the subMission of the as -built plans plus ita #2, which is the well log and the test puap data and item #3, which is chemical and bacterial analysis from the water system. Should you have any questions regarding our review of the project to date, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian RS/lw cc: Kyle Cherry DlOdn On - 0 WhLD W LC 4 LCC En c i n EE R s 800 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 88501 PHONE 807 277.1685 October_ 2, 1974 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Dept. of. Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attn: Rolf Strickland. Re: Danish Circle - Snow Valley Subd. Water System Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a copy of the design drawing for the subject project with the revisions which you .requested incorporated. By copy of this letter we are requesting that the owner furnish us with the well log, pump test data, and chemical and biological analysis data on the well as soon as possible. This information will then be sent to you. We will also see that this drawing is recorded as you requested. If. any other questions remain, please advise. Very truly yours, DICKINSON-OSWALD-TATALCH- (SEE, ENGINEERS William P. Hamm, P.E. ,dPH/pf Encl. cc: Joe Crusey Kyle Cherry, State D.E.C. September 24> 1974 r. Wi l l i am P, r flaM Dickinson, Oswald, Walch & Lee 809 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaskan 99501 SUBJECT: Danish Circle - Snow Valley Subdivision Ilater Syst , �yy -. $. Semipublic Mass A Bail and tar 5yste.-1�ravents - Dear ear. {3 4 The Greater Anchorage Area borou2b Dgpartwnt of Environmental Quality has received and reviewd the engineering plans for the subject well. For your information this well is a sami blic class A water system because the subdivision was approved in 197 or 1971 requiring that when developmnt comenced the ower of the subdivision would install a water system. The.lens submitted on the sketchthat you presented to us are net cowtjte.; We request an additional submittal showing the following 1. 5 nce this is a sepipublic class A water system. we will raquire that the 40w 80 and 100 foot pr tine radius around the well be s€om and recorded. 2. We also request that a well log and pw teat data be provided for the existing well. 3b We will need bath chefaical and bacterial analysis of the water fnp this system prior to our approval for its use. We will expect to receive the above listed infdrrtivn at your earliest convenience, Should you have questions regarding our review of this grater system, please contact the un4 rsigned. Sirrcely3 July 26, 1974 Joseph Crusey P. 0. Box 245 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 SUBJECT: Semi-public well serving Lot 23A -23H of Snow Valley Subdivision Dear Por. Crusey: The plans for the subject well have not been submitted to this office for approval. before we can give approval of the subject well we will need the following information: Q) A bacterial analysis of the wafter must be taken to make sure it is free of coliform bacteria. 2) A drawing by scale must show where the lines serving in- dividual leas will be located. 3) The depth of the well should be Evade available. 4) tt visual inspection must be made -o check for proper con- struction. IF you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 274-4561, extension 137. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, Environmental Control Officer III P,CP/ko A', ASKA ...STL1, . 50 l:f.:: SIXTH AVE. — ANCHORAGE. ALASKA - 99901 � 'I E:_ 127;'-S426 July 2.0, 1971 W. O. 11560 Dickinson--oso-:ald & Associates 800 Cordova Anchorage, Alas}:a 99501 PROJECT: Visual ClassificatioIl of Soil Sainoles Crick & Crusey Property at Alyeska---- Gent7.cmen The iso soil samples delivered to Alaska Testlab have been clas-ified by Alaska Testlab. Th, ., c:.l:,ssi ` 1. oican and seepage area for on-.s,4-te sewage disposal, iz acc:>�^dance with Greater Anchorage Area Borough criteria, are Classification Seepage Area (Unified -Visual) Required/Bedroom 6 Lot 233 GM 225 sq. ft. ro :;addle Lot 2311 GM 225 sq. ft. 1'r1. ,as no other identification with* the samples. '_ruly yours, CORTHELL, LEE, WINCE u ASSOCIAftS FFICHA: 0 S.. AIJAM1;. P.E. ALAN N. CORTHELL; P.r. HARRY U. LF.[. Pxf FRANK M WiNct% P:1 -,j coy POUCH 6 650 ANCHORAGi-, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279 2511 GEORGE M. SIAL IVAN, 111/1 YOR DFPARTMFNT OF W Al III AND FNVIRONMFNTAI PH01FMl)N 18:,5 '1 Stmrt) February 16, 1977 J. Crusey 1028 P Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Snow Valley According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for Snow Valley Subdivision for the month of February, 1977. Our redords indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 279-2511, extension 224, or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, William M. Dixson Principal Environmental Control Officer WMD/ljh beceraber 16, 1977 Chad Milson 4209 north Star rive Anchorage$ Alaska 99503 Subject.. Snowy Valley Subdivision .According to this department's water sampling =niter last, we have not as yet received a nater sample for the above sulaject well system for the month of Decembers 1977. our records indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system* If you have not dome so as yet, please obtain a water sampling battle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue.. as senora as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water systema please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. if there are any further questions, Please contact this office at 264-4724 or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, Lynn Bringle Code Enforcement officer Lia/l j h 0 3 w SENDER: Complete items t • -'. and 4. Add your address in the 'RETURN TO" space on reverse. ). The following service is requested (check one). Show to whom and date delivered.......... _¢ I] Show to whom, date, and address of delivery.._—¢ RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered ..........—¢ RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery. $— LJB( fX' 40TePW0P"aS T Wgtr6� ) 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Chad Wilson 4209 North Star Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99503 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. I 741558 (Alw s p6taln signature of addressee or agent) 1have lved the article described above. SIGNAT❑ Addressee ❑ Authorized agent i ' 4. ATE OF DELIVERY POST A- A_K RLCEIPT 2, Shaws to whom, dale and where delivered .. 35C 5. ADDRESS (Complete only If requested 5. SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 850 4 DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... n 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: nI CEEB K'S-' ITIALS 7 _ C PS form NO INSURANCE. COVERAGE PROVIDED n wmr.irr F®n CHITIFIED MAIL --305' (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE tx) STREET AND NO. - - -- -- — E P.O., S'fATF AND ZIP CODE ._ SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES �`�• _OPTI9:(AL RETURN t. sill to whom and 6atc delivered ............ With delivery to addressee only ............ 150 64A RLCEIPT 2, Shaws to whom, dale and where delivered .. 35C SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 850 4 DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... 50C _ SPECCIAL DELIVERER Y (extra foo required) ••••••••••••••_ _ PS form NO INSURANCE. COVERAGE PROVIDED __ v (See other side) ;000 Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL „GPO: 1072 01� 400-743 t 3 August 30, 1377 Chad Wilson 4203 north Star Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Snow Valley Subdivision According to this department t s water sample nnoniter list, tae have not as yet received h coater sampler for the above subject well system -for the month of August,. 1977, Out records indicate that you are resp rsi,ble. for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject eater system. If; you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 Bast 4th Avenue, as soon as ppss ble and return the sample to the same address for analysis. you are no longer in charge of the € object water systems please ' notify us imediate, y to any rim=ne and/car address changes, -i f , there are any further questions, Tease contact this i office at 264•-4720 or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, Lyng:Bringle Principal Envir®nmental Control Officer IJB/I jh SENT TO I,i� M�il3ps' (plus p0stage) ..-_--_. -___�« r P_f't] rn rpe-p i T1i- rcrrlicai-ori 0 SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ----__ STItE:[-Y AND N0__. ---------_— reverse. - POSTMARK— OR DATE Show to whom and date delivered ...... ...... 150 E] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 350 [j RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ...:......... 650 F1 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. P,O., STATE ANO ZIP CODE: LJB/ljh Sewer and Water 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: - - Chad Wilson 4209 North Star Drive -" Anchorage Alaska 99503 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: - - REGISTERED NO.CERTIFIED NO.INSURED NO. Il_ONAL SERVICES 1`OH_ AOOITIONAL Eh ES ------ IIETU 1. Slior�s to -'111011 ail - IAlways obbin slgnatum of addresses or agent) I hale received the article described above. r� P ddata aG-jl—ed ........ UIiC6'IP7 =; lSith deliver skRviews y to addressee only"'- 2. Shores to wlmm •�^••��•��. --" ) 4 650 u date With deliver and Where delivered ., UELIVLR 70 ADDRESSED ONLY ----Y to addressee only ..........,. 360 A Rnly it E�> C-'-1 SPECIAL DEuvifny ______---.... _.--s....... ................ I'st; -- (oxfra foe ra ulra).. ........... or�,i__._.—..--_.q 050- .. - - - _d ......_._— f Apr, 19,f I :(rlOO tJ0 INSURANCE COVEItAC VE ROVI NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (sea other sido) 1094 0 _ 551_45.1 r P_f't] rn rpe-p i T1i- rcrrlicai-ori 0 SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. - 1. The following service is requested (check one). Show to whom and date delivered ...... ...... 150 E] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 350 [j RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ...:......... 650 F1 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery`85` LJB/ljh Sewer and Water 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: - - Chad Wilson 4209 North Star Drive -" Anchorage Alaska 99503 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: - - REGISTERED NO.CERTIFIED NO.INSURED NO. 1102307 I - - IAlways obbin slgnatum of addresses or agent) I hale received the article described above. SIG ATURE ' ❑ Addressee Authorized agent 4.7.D `a POSTMARK5. *ERY =,equest*'11) •���. - ( - A Rnly it 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: -- -" �'CLERKIS+ - - INITIALS * GOP: 1976-0-2037450