HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTH ADDITION Block 14 Lot 4SouTh IDD�-tioN 4 l.oT' sig zj MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION " ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME � PHONE RrINEW \L Ln _cn _,ZJ 11,—� r ❑UPGRADE MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS EST � 1 U DISTANCE TO: Well \ Absorption area . Dwelling �® PERMIT NO. b�n 34 '-1 Y a Q Manufacturer Material No. of compartments LU EL 7. ur Liq, capacity in gallons IF HOMEMADE: Inside length Width Liquid depth i NIA OO(Dz DISTANCE TO: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. O z F Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons O DISTANCE TO: lAell ` Foundation- J � Nearest lot line ,Q PERMIT NO. 41 1 , ��ci's - w= bYv1Nl k LL z No. of lines Length of each line Total length of lines Trench width Distance between lines F e w \ 35 3 i inches cc H Top of tile to finish grade-1{ �t Material beneath tile N Total effective absbr ,tioonarea 0 O inches Length Width Depth PERMIT NO. w Q F- Type of cr Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area CL w w Well Building foundation Nearest lot line - DISTANCE TO: � r�lass IN Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. w Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area (s) DISTANCE TO: OTHER PIPE ATERIALS \ l Q SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER C /y REMARKS d ,46 eJ �r� t(iiD k F wk IL s h 0VED DATE LEGAL t a\ i 9ls_C�tL 14:c N kA1 72-013`(Rev. 3178) DEPAPTMENI' L", '-1EHLTH AND ENV IRONMENIFIL 1. .11EC'IION 825 -L, STREET, FINCHOF.-AGE, AK 9,3561 ./ t):� itk- In--s --79 6-t � (_ #_-I I _r F—E !F; Ire. C -A F= F-7 Fz, F=_ Fe r-11 "IF PERMIT NO. C 780934 APPLICANT WILLIAM PITTNER 12305 W. 51"H#1 _e' LUGH11UN WEST 11TH t`=;``. L4H 814 1 , SPt'H601lot! LOT S I ZE 23000 SQUARE FEET fYPE OF SOIL HOSORP-TION SYSTEM 1'_S': '14P.ENCH .RXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS = 4 SOIL RATING (SQ --IE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE StIlL ABSORPTI134 SYSTEM IS: THE LENGTH DIMENSION 15 THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF' THE TRENCH OR DRAINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF A TRENCH OR P11 IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN 'THE SURFACE OF' THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). 'THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOP IRENCHES. THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS, THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF 13RFIVEL BETWEEN THE OUI,FFILL. PIPE AND THE BOTTOM OF 'THE EXCAVATION �.IN FEET). I F1pF=r_f JE rl_T_F11r_-1IK !=-. 11 = -1 1311"IL-K HEFr-117' APPLICAN'f HAS' THE PESPONSIBIL11Y TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT DURING THE INSTALLATION INSPECTIONS OF ANY WELLS ADJACEN't' TO THIS PROPERTY AND THE iNUMBER OF RESIDENCES T'HA'T' THE WELL WILL 'SERVE. T- L4 f_-, < :2 > 1 11 "F' I---- I F,01= t:-11 - - - SHCKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY THIS DEPHRIMEN 1 WILL. BE SUB-JECT TO PRUSECUfICSN. MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Is JUiLl FEET FOR A PRIVATE I -JELL) UP Itif-i TO 200 FEET FROM A PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON 'THE TYPE OF PUBLIC kIELL. OIHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIA13FIRMS ARE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. I C."EPTIFY THAI' 1: 1 AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON- ITE SEWERS AND WELI_4S, AS ET FURTH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: 1 WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODES. 3: 1 UNDERSTAND THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THAN 4 BEDROOMS. S I G N E D APPLICANT WILL ISSUED BY---- - _-_-------_-CSA ft/t- I 4C,% 2 C,6yAl af I ENGINEERS R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 CORDOVA 9 BOX 6087 9 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 9 PH, 907-279-0483 9 TLX. 090-25360 GEOLOGISTS PLANNERS SURVEVOPS September 29, 1978 William Bittner 1236 West 5th, #1 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 R&M No. 851149 Subject: Soil Investigation for Sanitary Sewer System, Lot 4A, Block 14, South Addition Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Bittner : At your request of September 25, 1978, we conducted a subsurface soils inves- tigation at the proposed location of the sanitary sewer system on the subject lot. The investigation complied with those procedures required by the Munic- ipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection. This investigation, which was accomplished on September 28, 1978, consisted of a test hole drilled to a depth of 25 feet below the existing ground surface. The test hole was sited according to your instructions and its location is shown in attached Drawing A-01. Drilling was accomplished with a rotary drill rig using continuous flight solid -stem auger with an outside diameter of 6 inches. A sample was taken taken at the depths shown on the soils log in Drawing A-01. The sample will be held in storage at our lab for approximately six months. In addition, all material brought to the surface by the augers was continuously monitored by an experienced engineering geol- ogist. The topography at the drilling site is generally horizontal. At the time of the investigation a residence was under construction at the site. The top of the test hole was located on fill material approximately 2 feet above orig- inal ground surface. The elevation of the top of the test hole is approx- imately six feet above the footing elevation. The soils encountered in the bore hole are shown in the test hole log in Drawing A-01. This log displays specific conditions encountered at the test location. However, subsurface conditions may vary in other parts of the lot without any apparent surficial evidence of the change. Groundwater was not encountered. Bedrock was not encountered. At the time the hole was drilled seasonal frost was not present and permafrost was not encountered. Based on the visual classification of the soil and the requirements set forth by the Muncipality of Anchorage, a percolation test was not necessary within the test hole on the subject lot. ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEAU VALDEZ WA5ILLA Sepbember 29, 1978 William Bittner Page -2- We appreciated this opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning this letter or if we can be of addi- tional service. Very truly yours, R&M ONSULTANTS, INC. Gary Smith Sen r Geologist GS/djb/12-N 'BORING NUMBER Date Completed: Little Visible Ice 0-10 Vx qod o 1,- SOIL DESCRIPTION' F 4 N JQ SAMPLE NUMBER w o oa �� I L_ DRY DENSITY 5 •'Ro WATER CONTENT L p1 SAND W/SOME GRAVEL (FILL) Qp o';'•' brown, loose 2.0' ZAPPROX STRATA CHANGE GRAVELLY SAND W/TRACE TO BEDROCK SOME SILT (GM) L= o brown " 3 0 Ru'Y SANDY GRAVEL (GW) gray 5 SANDY SILT (ML) <4 hContains � roots and trace) o V•Qi fine organics, light brown 9� SANDY GRAVEL (GW) 9:up gray :d d1 0 ;Q;;• SAND W/TRACE GRAVEL (SW) brown, fine to med., slightly moist, med. dense V,, ------------16.0' J' . O I- y SAND (SW) brown, fine to med., slightly moist 20 .r' 25.0' T.D. EXPLANATION r UN i OZEN GROUND OZEN GROUND WO-WHIL£DR/LL/NG TYPICAL SOILS LOG A.B.-AFTER BORING Ss I.4 "" SPLIT SPOON W/TH /40 LB. HAMMER Sz L4""SPLIT SPOONW/rH340 LB. HAMMER Sh 25"" SPLIT SPOON WITH 340 LB. HAMMER Sp 2.5"" SPLIT SPOON, PUSHED A AUGER SAMPLE Ts SHELBY TU3E TM MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Bs BULK SAMPLE 771 SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS ORGANIC oo° GRA VFL MATERIAL ° ®CLAY COBBLES a BOULDERS ® SILT ® BEDROCK SAND ICE, MASSIVE SOIL SYMBOLS 0o ORGANIC MATERIAL Little Visible Ice 0-10 Vx qod A B �—/CE DESCRIPTION .g. ,. SAMPLE NUMBER USs,72,57.1%,85.9pcf nA b,q I L_ DRY DENSITY 5 •'Ro WATER CONTENT L BLOWS/FOOT Qp SAMPLER TYPE G;b W.D. WATER TABLE ZAPPROX STRATA CHANGE BEDROCK OWN. o o Lot 4A, Block 14 GR CKD. R&.M CONSULTANTS, INC. South Addition GRID. ENGIN EEii6 GEOLGGIET6 PIYNNER6 SURVEVGR6 PROJ.NO. 851149 DATE. 9_2g_']g Anchorage, Alaska SCALE. - SOILS LOG DWG.NO. A-01