HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R2E SEC 6 S2SE4SE4NW4T15N R2E Sec 6 S1/25E1/4 SE1/4NW1/4 #057-131-03 Municipality of Anchorage ~ ~-~, Development Services Department ~ Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater. Program, 4700 S. Bragaw St. "~ P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page of www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT ,_,LPermit Number: SW 020003 PID Number: 057-131-03 "~'me: Byron & Debora Rix Wastewater System: [] New [] Upgrade Address: HC 79 Box 8162 Eklutna Lake Road, Chugiak AK 99567 ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: Number of Bedrooms: (907) 688-0125 3 [] DeepTrench [] Shallow Trench [~"~Bed r~uound ["1Other: LEGAL DESCRIPTION So,,a,ng: *ota, De.th from o.g~' · 0.8 cPD~=t' 3.5 Ft. Biotic Lot; .~ .,~. Subdivlsio~: Depth Io pipe bottom from original grade: Gravel depth beneath pipe: S1/2SEI/4SEI/4NW 114 3.0 Ft. 0.5 Ft. ' ~,Ra~e: P,2E s~c~on: Fill added above original grade: Gravel Length: Sec 6 2.0 Ft. 60.0 Ft. Well: [] New [] Upgrade orave~,~h: 15 Ft. Number of lines:3 [ Distance betweenlines:5 Ft. Classificallon (Private, A. B. C): Toial Depth: Cased t~: Total absorption ama: Pipe Material: FI. FL 900 Et~ PVC F789 Driller:. Date Drilled: Static Water Level: Installer. Date InstaIled: FL CMM 6/02/02 Yield: [ Pump Set at: [ Casing Height Above Ground: ~Pu[ Ft.I p~ TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES !-I Septic [] Holding [] S.T.E.P. [] Other:  Septic Absorption Lift Holding ~ublic/Private Manufacturer:. Capacity:. Tank Field Station Tank Sewer Une Anchorage Tank 1,250 oat. Material: Numher of Compaflments: wa, GT 100 ft GT 100 ft GT 100 ft N/A N/A Steel 2 SurfaceWetar GT100Ft GTI00Ft GT100ft N/A ~ / LIFT STATION Size; Manufacturer: Cotune GT10 Ft GT 10 Ft GT 10 Ft N/A 1250 ~a~. Anchorage Tank 'Pump on' level at; 'Pump Off' level at; I H~gh water elam1 at; Foundation GT 10 Ft GT 10 Ft GT 10 ft N/A 86.52 Ft In. 883.38 Ft ~n.i 86.97 Ft in. Pump Make & Model Electrical Inspections perfom3ed by:. ca,~nOr,~n N/A N/A N/A N/A Orenco Rising Sun Electrical Remarks: Foundation Cleanout is under Deck BENCH MARK Location and DeSCnpbon: Top of Deck, Side of House nearest Septic tank, Assumed Elevebon: Above Second Pile from North side 100.0 Inspections performed by: R. Godden Dates: 1,t 6/02/02 ~. · 1.~/. · ¢"'l'*~'-t · ' ' 2~ 6/04/02 ~ ~J~.'.-'~NALD E, ~ te ' · Development Services Department Approval ~,'~.. CES~, / / Reviewed and approved by: /~ ~,J- ~ Date: J~/Z./o~ -' ' .... i:' ' ', Muni ipaHtY :O.f Anchorag ~, ,~. ,.,eva men1 ' ~' ' i 'i: -: ,i ' Building safety Division :~: k , : i .: On~ite Water and WasteWater Program ~' ' ' i ~ ~:,,: ;" 4700 South Bragaw St. !' I . ;' i P.O. Box 106650 ;~'mhomge; AK '09510-11650 ', , ,, . , ,~, www.ci.anchorao_.ak.us ~ . ~ .;:~! ~ ' ~ i ' '~ ~" (907) 343-7g04 . ~ - ' : ~ ' ~ ;ON SITE SEWER/VVELL SUBMITTAL COMMENT ~To: Ron Goddenr ~ , ',. i i !",i~ i }/,, : ', f' ~ , .. ~ ~ ~ , !~ i .r i Legal descnptmn; T1SN R2E Sechon 6 ..- ,i ~',. ~he ~' ,,, ,. ,, :, be n'~.ev' f attached paperwork has e iewed andl: being returned or 0 '0 0 OrigInal. , signatUre .. or stamp .: 'misSing .. . on Calculation'error in designi:' I~ · Additi(~n~l soilS' inform~tion needed. Wate~onitoring results' inadeqUate. , 0 'E] 0 Name , , i of reviewer:...ice ~Oodall: ~: i! i '~ i' SHEET the following reasons: septic sYstem Discrepa, ncy in' Information 'submitted. , ' i il :~ Topographic i~formati°n missing'er.inadequate::" ' InComplete; missing ~r ~ : ' ' ~ ' ~ ; ~+1 ~ :' InC0mblete: missino , ~ ' "':; ,, , aa,~;tiA ~, ...... adoque' 'r:='' .... ,~,,,,,,,,,,n~,, acyt st information needed. ,~ '~ ~: .. , '~, ~ :~'~ ;, , i : ,i:. , ' ', ' ' Waterisampleunacceptable:.: ,- - .- -: . ._!::- ._ .. '~!:i .., i. . Measure, d/proposed distances/dimenSions misSing. L catl?ns of al! soils, percelation and water monitoring tests not Shown. ProP°~ed SyStem tOo d~ep :for sOils informatiOh '~Ubmiffed.: ' '~ i ! i, .~ :. i, I : ~ ' : ~' '. , Well log required. !: "~ ~ ':, ;i i OmiSsion in n~rratiVe, i "'',! ,,: ,, ~'ii:: uffi~ci~ ~ nE ~3r fi id. '~: Insnt fill veT ta e r ~ ~ * ' Other~iPleaSe describe bn as-built and site plan What Was done with'the Old Please, supply the necessary informatio~ and '; , ~ i. ~ ~. ', : i,. 'i, ~ '~ . ' '! ~''~ ' ~ Er ~:'~'~E ''' i' '' ]'' i' LEA VE ~ ' THIS ':~ ''':'~ :';? 'FORM ' !~' ~ ' A ''ITA:~ , .i .. . i' CH, ED'TO ~ ' THE :'' PAPERWORK Date: 8/22/02 ,- re-sUbmit YOur request. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA GE Development Services Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Upgrade Date Issued: Jan 10, 2002 Expiration Date: Jan 10, 2003 Permit Number: SW020003 Legal Description: T15N R2E SEC 6 S2SE4SE4NW4 Design Engineer: 0072 Theta Environmental Engineering Owner Name: Byron & Deborah Rix Owner Address: HC 79 Box 8162 Eklutna Lake Rd. Chugiak, AK 99567- Parcel ID: 057-131-03 Site Address: Lot Size: 217800 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field r-~ septic Tank [] Holding Tank [~ Privy Private Well [--1 Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The ~ttached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: Issued By: Date: Date: Parcel I.D. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www. ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Permit Number SWO Z. OOO Property owner(s) Mailing address (1) Mailing address (2) Day phone ZipCode . '~?.5'6 7 Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'&) Legal description (Section, Township & Rangb) Lot size ,~)~E-..$ Acres/Sq. Ft. ¢1"/ ~'o~ THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Sewer Only Sewer and Well Sewer Upgrade THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub Swimming Pool Therapy Pool Number of Bedrooms [] Well Only [] [] Water Storage [] [] Jacuzzi [] [] Water Softening Unit ~ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is Tn accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit Fees: ~ '27 ,~ ' ~l. Waiver Fees: DateofPaymen;:-~']:~]/C)/, Date of Payment: Receipt Number: (f~ I ~7'~ ~ (/'~ Receipt Number:. (Rev. 12/00) Janua~ 9,2002 THETA ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 23254 Northwoods Drive Chugiak, Alaska 99567 (907) 688-0755 On-Site Services Program Dept of Health & Human Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Re: S 1/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, Sec 6. T 15N, R 2 E, SM, On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit Application, Addendum # 1. In accordance with the On-site Sewer/Well Submittal Comment Sheet, dated 1/03.02, the following information is provided. A revised Plan View drawing is attached. This drawing provides proposed distances for: Distance between dwelling foundation and septic tank, septic tank to absorption bed, and absorption bed to test holes. 2. The proposed construction of the on-site wastewater disposal system on this property will not preclude the development of adjoining lots. It is my understanding the owners intend to contract for the installation of the system and not install it themselves. If they should change this decision and contact me, I will advise them of the requirement to notify your office, in writing of their intent. Based upon the data and drawings attached, a permit for this wastewater system may be granted. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at (907) 242- 0755. Sincerely, Enclosures: Revised Plan View Drawing 1/9/2002 RixS6T15NR2EMuniLtr2.doc (~E2 THETA ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 23254 Northwoods Drive Chugiak, Alaska 99567 (907) 688-0755 November 19, 2001 On-Site Services Program Dept of Health & Human Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Re: S 1/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, Sec 6. T 15N, R 2 E, SM, On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit Application In accordance with AMC 15.65.030, the following information is provided in support of an On-site Wastewater Disposal System Permit Application for the subject property: The subject property currently has a 3 bedroom single family dwelling with an existing well and an on-site wastewater disposal system. The existing wastewater system was installed by unknown persons. The line from the house exits through a basement at is well below grade. The existing wastewater system is in the MEA Electrical Easement. The owner desires to abandon the existing system and replace it with a new system, which is not in the easement. This application is for a replacement system for a 3 bedroom single family dwelling. The property lies near Eklutna Road and is located in Section 6, Township 16 ' North, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian. The lot is in the shape of a rectangle. A Matanuska Electric Association Electrical Easement exists along the south lot line. The property is on the North Slope of the Eklutna River valley and is approximately 1 mile from Eklutna Lake. In general, the property slopes south with a vertical cutbank of approximately 10 feet along the electrical easement and access road. A 25% slope exists to the front of the house. The area near the wood shed is generally sloping to the west at 5-10 % with a slope to the south of 10 %. The area, where the soils absorption system will exist is located on a terrace adjacent to the cutbank along the electrical easement. There is sufficient area for both the system being applied for, and a replacement system on the terrace. BcJth systems will meet the slope criteria for beds and will be at least 50 feet away from a natural or manmade slope of 25% or more. 9/26/01 RixS6T15NR2EMuniLtr1.doc .The soils found during the soils test were silty sandy gravel underlain by a sandy gravelly silt. No water was observed in the test holes, or in subsequent monitoring. The silty sandy gravel had veins of sand, which made the percolation rates vary slightly. For purposes of this design, a percolation rate of 6 minutes per inch was assumed. Based upon this percolation rate, a loading rate of 0.8 gal/day/S.F, was assumed. The existing system exits the home through the basement. The existing service connection then goes out under a deck and appears to take a plunge down a 25% slope to a level area under the power lines. In order to connect to the existing service line, and use the best soils, it appears the grades are such a lift station will be required. The bed will be slightly mounded and the service connection under the driveway will be well insulated. The size of the bed will be at least 846 sq ft and will consist of an absorption area of 15 ft by 57 feet. This will allow the bottom of the bed to be at least 6 feet above an impermeable layer or bedrock and at least 4 feet above seasonally high ground water. A 1,250-gallon Anchorage Tank Septic tank with a Orenco lift station package is specified. The line from the lift station will be 1 inch HDPE with a series of reducers to provide for gravity feed of the bed soils absorption system. 8. The existing septic tank will be removed after the new system is installed and connected to the dwelling. o There are no existing wells or on-site wastewater disposal systems on any of the adjacent lots. There are no wells, wastewater systems, or surface waters within 200 feet of the proposed systems. Based upon the data and drawings attached, a permit for this wastewater system may be granted. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at (907) 242- 0755. Ror~d E. Godden, P.E. Enclosures: Soils Log, Test hole # 3 Soils Log, Test hole # 4 Plan View Drawing Details Drawing. 9/26/01 RixS6T15NP,2EMuniLtr1.doc Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Bryon & Deborah Rix TH#3 ATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION S 1//2 SE ¼ SE % SE ¼ Township, Range, Section: T15N, R2E, SEC 6 Seward Meridian DEPTH (FEET) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18- 19 20 Organics Silty Gravel (GM) Orange/Tan Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) Grey Sandy Silty Gravel (GM) Tan Bottom of hole" COMMENTS 0.5 feet. Rated at 1881~ / bedroom 3.0- 7.51. SLOPE SITE PLAN 25O/o! I I 5% 1 i WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO $ IF YES. AT WHAT L DEPTH? NA o P E Depth to Water Aftsr Monitoring? None Oats 9/4/01 71 .~ ft/ / TI-#3 {~ Hou ~e \ TH~ 3 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time (min) Time(mln) Water (ft) Drop (ft) 0 8/27/01 0 0 / 0.65 0.00 1 8/27/01 10 10 0.47 / 0.65 0.18 2 8/27/01 20 10 0.47 / 0.65 0.18 3 8/27/01 30 10 0.47 10.65 0.18 4 8/27/01 40 10 0.47 / 0.65 0.18 5 8~27~01 50 10 0.47 10.65 0.18 6 8/27/01 60 10 0.47 1 0.18 PERCOLATION RATE 5 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BETWEEN 4.0 FT AND 4.5 FT Pre-soak perc 4.0 hours. Depth to water is invert from bottom of perc hole. Measurements are ruler depth. Actual depth of Water is PERFORMED BY: P,. Godden I Ronald E. Godden CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: J I ~ I ~ lo I 72-008 (Rev. 4~85) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Bryon & Deborah Rix TH~2 DATE PERFORMED: 8/26/01 LEGAL DESCRIPTION S t/2 SE ¼ SE ¼ SE ¼ Township, Range, Section: T15N, R2E, SEC 6 Seward Meridian DEPTH (FEET) 1 2 3 4 5 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-- 14 15 16 18- 1 20 Organics Silty Gravel (GM) Orange/Tan Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) Grey Sandy Silty Gravel (GM) Tan Bottom of hole WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? NO SLOPE SITE PLAN 25% 3~ · Cut tank Flat / TI-!#2 { ~ Ho~ ~e ~?Sf ;ut B ~nk {oad $ IF YES, AT WHAT L DEPTH? NA o P E Depth to Water After 9/4/01 Monttot'lng? None ,Date: TH~ 2 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time (rain) Time(rain) Water (ft) Drop (fi) 0 8/27~01 0 0 I 0.50 0.00 I 8/27/01 10 10 0.3610.50 0.14 2 8/27101 20 10 0.36 10.50 0.14 3 8/27/01 30 10 0.3610.50 0.14 4 8/27/01 40 10 0.3610.50 0.14 5 8/27/01 50 10 0.36 / 0.50 0.14 6 8/27/01 60 10 0.361 0.14 PERCOLATION RATE 6 TEST RUN BETWEEN 1.5 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches FT AND 2.0 Er COMMENTS Pre-soak perc 4.0 hours. Depth to water is invert from bottom of perc hole. Measurements are ruler depth. Actual depth of water is 0.5 feet. Rated at 188 f~ I bedroom 1.0 - 5.0. PERFORMED BY: R. Godden I Ronald E. Godden CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ! ~ I 11 / '~ ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND 72-008 (Rev. 4~85) i Municipality of Anchorage. Degelopment ServiCes Department ""=,, '' : BtJildingSafetyDivisi°n'-, . '~! '~ ' , i ' ~ 4700 South Bragaw St. "i~ ~- ..... p.O. Box 196650 :AnChorage, AK 99519-6650 ': :, ',-:' '.: ~ Www.ci.anchorage.ak.us ~ ~ · :~.!i ~ ' -' ' : ~ ',~Lii. '(907) 343-7904 : iON;SITE SEWER/VVELL suBMITTAL CoMMENT. SHEET To: EON Legal deSCriptiOn:l~SN RZE S~¢. 6 Sl/2 S~:l/4 SE1/4 NW~/4; The attached paperwork has' been reviewed and is being returned for the following reasons: ~isign o stampmissing ~) ~-I Originai ature' ~ ' I"-I calculation error in design.'i, .~ : 'r . ~ , ' ' r-I Additional Soils information needed.::: : "~ : : ' ~,: I'"1 Water monitoring results inadequate.,. ' :. [-] Discrepancy in information Submitted:, ' ·; [--I Topographic information miSsing Or inadeqUatel ,, ~, ~ .,. I--I piCt 'mi sing InC°m e; s ' ~ ~ ' :~ ['-I Incomplete;.missing ~ :';,-.. ;, , :: ~ F"I al a equacy to informa on needed. :. , , Addition d st ti ' ~ [--I Water sample unacceptable. ' ~ii~ i - ,~ ~ MeasUred/pr°Posed distanCes/dimensions missing. NEED House T° TANK, TANK TO BED, TO TEST HOLES ' ,, :' " ! - ' ' r"] Locati°ns of all soils, percolation and water monitoring tests not shown. ' · [--] Pr°Posedr system'too deep for soils information 'submitted.' ': '~ i' ' [-'1 Well log required.-; , I~ , omisSion* in narrative, sTATEMENT:THAT PROPOSED CONsTRucTION WILL 'NOT PRECLUDF DEVELOPMENT OF ADI'OINING LOTS !i}!; : ,,~ r-! 'Insufficient El! over tank or field. .'" .-' i- - ~ i:i ~ ' Other. 'WILL THIS BE AN OWNER INSTALL~ ;~ ' : Name of revi r: N ': r , ~ , ~ Date: ' 1/3/02, P/ease suPPly the,nece~sarY information and re~.submit'your request. · ~i 'LEAVE THIS 'FORM'A TTACHED'TO THE pAPERwoRK' ' "' :;,i' ': ' ' ; ' : ! ·-