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Alyeska Basin #7 5-11140 f. .. r�. .ur.nw r..... r•. ,.r ww.. w. .. n, .rw vw JLC - V1 WI -CL -VL O.J/L�, ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. October 15, 2002 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY .S1114'0 AUG 6W raye e . Ref: Proposed and Well Septic System Design for Alyeska Basin Subdivision Unit 7 Tract B-3. ADVANTEXTN TREATMENT SYSTEM To whom it may concern: The proposed 4 bedroom house will be served by a private well and septic system. Two test holes were excavated on the property. The drainfield will be designed around the 30 foot radius of these test holes. Due to the presence of high ground water and the owners desire to minimize environmental impact, we. are proposing to utilize a Class III Advantex system. Comments regarding the proposed design are summarized as follows: DRAINFIELD APPLICATION RATE: Percolation tests were performed between 3.0 to 3.5 feet and the rate was determined to be between 3.3 and 13.3 minutelinch. Given this percolation rate;, the effluent from a Class III Advantex system has an allowable application rate of 5.0 GP61FT=. To be conservative, the proposed system will utilize an application rate of 3.0 GPD/FT2. 2. TRENCH DESIGN: a. Percolation Rate: 13.3 & 3.3 rninutesrnch b. Proposed Application Rate: 3.0 gallons/day/fl2 c. Number of Bedrooms: 4 d. Design Flow: 600 gallons per day e. Minimum Absorption Area: 200 e E Total Depth: 1.5 feet (Remove organics) g. M.O.A. Approved Sand Filter Depth: 2 feet h. Effective Depth: 0.5 feet i. Width: 5 feet j. Minimum Length: 40 feet long 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B • Anchorage, AK 99504 Ph: (907) 337-6179 6 Fax: (907) 338-3246 0 Website: akwwc.com ;Ont By: Alaska Water and Wastewater Con; 807 338 3248; Oct -22-02 9:58AY; .Paas 3 k. Effective absorption area: 200 ft 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed design. 4. TOPOCRAPHY: The area for the proposed septic system is on a roughly 12 percent slope. The proposed drainfield will be installed parallel to slope contours. We arc unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have any questions, please contact us at 337-6179. Thank you for your assistance. ''II ARY NOTE: Attached is a site plan drawing, a design drawing, two detail drawings, two soil logs, a topographical drawing, and a 7 page construction specification letter which are all part of the design package for this septic system. 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B • Anchorage, AK 99504 Ph: (907) 337.6179 0 Fax: (907) 338.3246 0 Website: akwwc.eom LOT 21 BLOCK 25 t LOT 22 1 LOT 23 LOT 24 LOT 25 20 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED SEPTIC SYST1 THP GRAVEL DRIVE 1 1 . t• 1 PROPOSED WELL LOT 10 10/15/02 DRAWN 6T: ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER: B.S.1 CONSULTANTS, INC. 1" = 100' a" DFMAM MOLD, SLATE ED . ANEMORAGE. M 9"M • MMGH' HO7A77l"•FAX 1O07"U-3ri PREPARED FOR PHONE MJMBER PAGE NUMBER: BARBARA do RALPH BRODINE 783-2367 1 OF 4 LEGAL DESCRii)OH: ALYESKA BASIN S/D; UNIT 7. TRACT B-3; TYPE OF WORK: 100' SCALE SITE PLAN PRELIMINARY '� � � PB0Pp6(p OAMB14D. LICAMIL A "IT Mab ma Mo 2 rm or mm APAPm GNO nm ANB n a os "a or Q2NA uA91 m 6yN/7 `i� / i� arae 7"o olv+m 6s7Au. vola '�7' rARAl16 A iOrE CONNIOtBq. / �0,F6 9'BOrOBm 1800 G4}0N �•` • i . 11O101Atf &T"- UM •17N AM • `• M-20 AVAOM FM OAN L. PA" 44 OF 4T"%/ C PIIO108m own coal" / C/o / on DATE. 10/15/02 Of... ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER B.S.G. CONSULTANTS, INC. SLAT�" = 50'It 6901 OrBM BOAR . E 78 • AN[M0UCF. M 996M • P,04 19071737.6179' FM f00MU-3246 PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER; PACE NUMOM RALPH do BARBARA BROOINE (907) 783-2367 2 OF 4 tf y �o LEGAL DEscRIPI'M CE 7953 ` ALYESKA BASIN S/0; UNIT 7, TRACT B-3; �+ `aB rrPE of • `^o 50' SCALE SITE PLAN ��d4°p0••�^^a C/o 1 1 1 - I loooposm VAIL 01, DR STALLr"T B0 ran MOW LK I c/o 1 / rco / r,1nBm 4 B6DMMM "oust on DATE. 10/15/02 Of... ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER B.S.G. CONSULTANTS, INC. SLAT�" = 50'It 6901 OrBM BOAR . E 78 • AN[M0UCF. M 996M • P,04 19071737.6179' FM f00MU-3246 PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER; PACE NUMOM RALPH do BARBARA BROOINE (907) 783-2367 2 OF 4 tf y �o LEGAL DEscRIPI'M CE 7953 ` ALYESKA BASIN S/0; UNIT 7, TRACT B-3; �+ `aB rrPE of • `^o 50' SCALE SITE PLAN ��d4°p0••�^^a •NOTE; JU cross, P.E. NAS THE ADVANTEX AdvanTe)C Treatment System AX20 - Mode I a 40x94Pod ►N•L ORAOC- S• OPTiON4L SLIDE SECTION or $• PIPE V,O1 THIS CONNECTION TO PROADE MEND To SIOOOC EZCAwnON eP► 2w.P.Rs`oa�c 'H — •'i!-+_ter—^_� •:i , I 1500. GALLON! � ' i'1! FIBERGLASS` ADVANTEX TANK ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS. INC.— CVG OCTA" 0010. SU" 28 • AWKI,ACf." ON" - h101C (902UJTl n - Fu WCMU."" PREPAREO FOIL PHONE NUUBER BARBARA do RALPH BRODINE (907) 783-2367 LEGAL DESCMrr*N: - ALYESKA BASIN S/D: UNIT 7, TRACT 8-3 nn or wglW - DETAIL DRAWING OF ADVANTEX TREATMENT SYSTEM IIN NM b.cm 10/15/02 AwN eT: B.S.G. N.T.S. .......... :E NUMBER; 3 OF 4 _ B10TUSE EVAULTNED t�Zu ,bent By: Alaska Water and Wastewater Con; 907 338 3248; Oct -22-02 9:59AY; w PRELIMINARY r------------------------------------YOHEORM TUEE_ C0 I LONRORNC IUaC----------------------------------- C Y -- FEET �0'p YONRORRIO TUBE, r DMPOIX °N uK MnR TE: k7, r 10/17/0: ORA" 6Y: ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER MT! CONSULTANTS, INC. N.T.S. IVOI CEDAR" ROAD. Hh • Ar[r10RAGE. AM MOO4 • PMA*•! ("71,3, q • F" t90)USAJri! VAREO FOR: PHONE NUMBED PAGE HUMOM- RALPH dE BARBARA BRODINE (907) 783-2367 1 4 OF 4 ALTESKA BASIN S/D; UNIT 7, TRACT B-3 + "� E or trop«: •�• '• • .••••• DETAIL DRAWING OF TRENCH DESIGN QnP �. pew Pape 7/7 REOLARED .•4'w'r �.� �� A •.�+' OF S2 AM BIER 1.5 FEET DEEP MAX REMOVE ORf.NOM ORPCW GRADE FEET YAOE TE: k7, r 10/17/0: ORA" 6Y: ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER MT! CONSULTANTS, INC. N.T.S. IVOI CEDAR" ROAD. Hh • Ar[r10RAGE. AM MOO4 • PMA*•! ("71,3, q • F" t90)USAJri! VAREO FOR: PHONE NUMBED PAGE HUMOM- RALPH dE BARBARA BRODINE (907) 783-2367 1 4 OF 4 ALTESKA BASIN S/D; UNIT 7, TRACT B-3 + "� E or trop«: •�• '• • .••••• DETAIL DRAWING OF TRENCH DESIGN QnP �. pew Pape 7/7 CWM A ENVM;NMENTAL ENGINEERING • ENERGY CONSERVATION t ANALYSIS 14530 ECHO ST, THEOt30RE F. MOORE, P.E. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 PH: (907) 345.1355 May 1, 2003 Ralph Brodie EEICC P.O. Box 369. 4 Q AUG 620 Girdwood, AK 99587 J� 111 Dear Ralph: Per your request I have conducted soils tests to assess the feasibility of constructing on-site wastewater disposal systems on Lots 2 and 3 of the proposed Alyeska Basin #8 S/D. A site plan and logs of three test holes are enclosed. The lot configuration and test hole locations are as shown on the latest Lantech drawing provided to me on April 30. We dug two test holes on the proposed Lot 2 at the locations shown on the site plan, and both showed the presence of excellent soils for construction of on-site wastewater disposal systems. Beneath the shallow peat and loam strata we found a clean gravelly sand extending down to a depth of as much as 18 feet in test hole # 1. The soil perc'ed at a rate faster than 1 minute per inch. In some situations this would necessitate installation of a sand filter to slow down the pert rate; however the fact that the native material is already classified as sand avoids that necessity. Despite the high rainfall typical of Girdwood, no water table was encountered in either test bole or showed up when the monitor tubes were rechecked a week later. A third test pit dug nearer to the proposed house site did show small water seeps at a depth of approximately 12 feet where a silt lens was encountered. On the enclosed site plan1 have illustrated a possible water supply and wastewater disposal system configuration for a 4 -bedroom residence. This includes a potential well site as well as sites for an original and two replacement soil absorption trenches. On the proposed Lot 3 we dug test hole 43, where we found very different soil conditions. There, we found a shallow stratum of silty gravel overlying a dense, hard silt containing many large boulders. The silt layers commenced at a depth of approximately 3 feet, and are impermeable as evidenced by the presence of water seeps noted at the bottom of the silty gravel stratum. We did not place a groundwater monitoring tube in this test hole. This material is not suitable for construction of on-site wastewater disposal systems, so you should plan on having this lot served by the nearby public sewer. A second test pit excavated nearer to a proposed house site showed similar poor soil conditions for the purposes of on-site wastewater disposal. Please give me a call if you have any questions on this report. Sincerely, Ted Moore, P.E. 20 18 17 \ LOT 2 , ,-SEPTIC ---- REPLACEMENT_. LOT 1 40•FOOT LONG SOIL ABS. TRENCH W. V EFF. GRAVEL Od --- 02 HOUSE S TE , 'T.H. ' , • T.H. #3 , LOT 3 , , , R100' i ;• ; _wELI ' 1250 -GALLON SITE ; ,SEPTIC TANK J ; „ 49TH l`'a . �? :THEODORE F. YOOFE LOT 2, ALYESKA BASIN SID #8 SEPTIC SYSTEM FEASIBILITY SITE PLAN IFLATropTEcimcAL SERVICES14530 ECII0 STREET AN ORAGE ALASKA99 6 I IDRAWN Y0033M NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PLAT. Al I t OCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIh TEST HOLE 0 1 FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 119518 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: of _ baska Be4In SRl t8 DATE PERFORMED:_Mrt A9(YL4 PERFORMED FOR Tom SkIll W do Ralph Brodie M.0 10 SM Reddish sandy loam SPIGP Clean, black gravelly sand Increasing sand fraction w. depth B.H. • .. . •: t q. -M. cm>• . �4�uKYe� a OF; A,! = 49TK •Y � :Tlic:gCGC F.:L7•kE •_ CE-UZZ? ;•.......• SITE PLAN SEE SEPARATE SITE PLAN Date Reading I Clock Net Tme I Drop minutes I PReadinp r I Net (Ind PERCOLATION RATE «1 (minuteeMch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 10' TESTRUNBETWEEN 4_0 FT AND 4.5 FT COMMENTS: Excellent material for construction of on she wastewater disposal system DeslAe rapid Derc rote sand content of native material shot •d avoid the nemsally to Instal an Imported sand filler PERFORMED BY FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES. I..c,C CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: S // /O? TEST HOLE 0 2 FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA M16 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2. ANeska Ravin CR] 28 DATE PERFORMED: _Anr9 9,?M't PERFORMED FOR: Tom Skilling rJo Ralph Brodin FFJQQ DEP (64 fil SM Reddish sandy loam SPIGP Clean, black gravelly sand Sand similar to test hole #1 Fewer cobbles and boulders B.N. ^ry CO- Ftt���� Ty¢000ze F. uooae- ,g 14' •. CE -3509 r e a�tV .• y ........... Y :mow w,a... SITE PLAN SEE SEPARATE SITE PLAN Depth to Groundwater Date :. ..:....... o—groundwater 0% Monitor tube d(y LIE .....:.....:.....:.....:.....:........... . PERCOLATION RATE (minutesAnch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS: Excellent material for construction of on-site wastewater disposal system. See log of THp1 for pert test. PERFORMED BY FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES. 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE S --Il /Q? TEST HOLE 0 3 DATE PERFORMED: April 0 2nm FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA M16 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOP: Tom SkIlling do Ralph Brodin FEMC {feet) PL 1 2 GM Brown silly gravel Some boulders 3 Water seep 4 ML Brown Sgt Many boulders 6 ML Blueish sift 8- Many boulders Very hard digging 9 SLOPE s•. -q r ......... k e>. {. ,.• t efi- t. y •49— Tr >r : « ........................ -�IK0301tE F. IJ')O■e zit.• CE -3584 r� ^"yi Y�. �12'$..e •+" ,fid SEE SEPARATE . SITE PLAN Depth to Groundwater Date 11 B.H. Seeps .... ...............:.......... .... :... D% LO.....:..... 12 PERCOLATION RATE (minuMw%ich) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS: Soil unsuitable for construction of on-site wastewater disposal system. Mo monitor tube installed in test hole PERFORMED BY FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES. I ry.( CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE -5-// /0-P r Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department ,•�` Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM S` DATE: June 24, 2003 TO:Je Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FROM: S Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water and Wastewater SUBJECT: Comments on Cases due July 18, 2003 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S — 10836-1 Third Addition Variances and Vacation. No objections. S —10851-2 Riclin Subdivision Variances and Vacation. No objections to time extension. S —10869-2 Dowling and Polar School Sub. No objections. S-11033-2 Woodhaven Heights (with variances). Same requirements and my previous memo dated 2/14/03. S-11126-1 Turnagain Heights Subdivision. No objections. S-11133-1 Martens Industrial Subdivision #1 No objections. S-11135-1 Kijik Subdivision. An as -built inspection report documenting the construction of an on-site wastewater disposal system under permit number SW970357 shall be submitted to the Department of Development Services. Comments on Cases due July 18, 2003 Page 2 S-11138-1 Chester Creek Park Addition tt 1. No objections. S-11139-1 Honeywood Subdivision. No objections. S-11140-1 Alyeska Basin Subdivision, Unit VII. Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and slope setback requirements. 3. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S — 1114 1 -1 Mesquite Subdivison. No objections. Platting Board Summary of Action September 3, 2003 i Page 5 the 1979 Harding -Lawson Geotechnical Hazard Assessment Study." b. S-11126 Turnagain Heights Subdivision — with Variances Approval of the variance from AMC 21.80.330 — Lot frontage and access and AMC 21.80.200 — Legal and physical access, subject to: Petitione5r providing a deed restriction binding Tract A-2 and the contiguous unsubdivided parcel on the east boundary of Tract a-2 and providing a plat note prohibiting sale, development or transfer of the two properties separately on independently. Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Providing a deed restriction that binds Tract a-2 with the contiguous unsubdivided parcel on the east boundary of Tract A-2 owned by Mrs. McCarrey and providing a plat not indicating the same restriction. The deed restriction would state that Tract A-2 cannot be developed or conveyed separately from the unsubdivided parcel. 3. Making the following drafting changes: Vicinity map: "Dr" missing from Minnesota Dr. "Ave" missing from E 20th Ave. Map information: Lot 23A and 24A labels cuts off. Plat note number 5: the word "floodplain" is misspelled. C. S-11116 Park and Simonson Subdivisions — with Vacation Postponed indefinitely at the request of the petitioner. d. S-11140 Alyeska Basin Subdivision, Unit VII Approval of the request to vacate the 100 -foot General Public Use Easement subject to resolving the size and location of access to be dedicated for trails to the Platting Board Summary of Action September 3, 2003 Page 6 Municipal lands to the south and east with the Heritage Land Bank, Parks and Recreation, and the Municipal Trails Coordinator; and resolve the need for any plat notes to identify the trails and their uses. Approval of the plat for 18 months subject to the following conditions: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving with AWWU the need to carry over note 10 of underlying plat 75-87 regarding sewer service. 3. Submitting erosion and sediment control plan, and a storm water site plan for the proposed development of the subject parcels to Project Management & Engineering. 4. Resolving with Project Management & Engineering the need for any drainage easements or drainage facilities. 5. Resolving with Municipal Traffic Engineer the need to construct the unconstructed cul-de-sac for Timberline Drive. 6. Resolving with the Fire Department, Traffic, and Development Services the width of the driveway to serve all three lots, and showing the width on the final plat. 7. Resolving with Parks & Recreation, Municipal Trails Coordinator, and Heritage Land Bank the location and size of trail(s) to be dedicated with this plat to maintain public access to the Municipal properties to the east and south of this subdivision. 8. Providing a 50 -foot creek maintenance/ protection easement, 25 -feet on each side of the creek which runs through the property. Platting Board Summary of Action September 3, 2003 Page 7 9. Resolving the location of the proposed house which is plotted within the "Open Space" designation boundary on Map 11 of the Girdwood Area Plan. 10. Resolving with the Planning Department the location of and showing the boundaries of the Single-Family/Open Space designations as outlined in the Girdwood Area Plan Land Use Map. 11. Verifying with the Floodplains Coordinator if the property is affected by a floodplain and providing an appropriate note on the plat to reflect the status. 12. Placing the following notes on the plat a. There shall be no clearing or disturbing of vegetation; no grading or excavation work way be performed; no structures fill, paving, vehicles or other materials may be placed within the 25 -foot stream maintenance and protection setback easement on either side of the stream. b. All structures and uses must conform to the regulations governing the land use designation in which they are located. 13. Executing an access agreement from Development Services for the shared access/driveway for these 3 proposed lots which will obligate the property owners to be mutually responsible for the maintenance/liability/ responsibility of the shared access. C. 5-11148 River Park Subdivision —Vacation Only APPROVAL of the vacation request, subject to: The surfacing material for the pathway shown in River Park Condominiums Development Plan, I„. OP'TEGHTIAL S CIVIL. 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • ENERGY CONSERVATION 6 A.NAI THEODORE F. MOORE, P.E. PH: (907) 345.1355 May 1, 2003 Ralph Brodin EE/CC P.O. Box 369 Girdwood, AK 99587 Dear Ralph: C/'Iofl ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 -- Per your request I have conducted soils tests to assess the feasibility of constructing on-site wastewater disposal systems on Lots 2 and 3 of the proposed Alyeska Basin #8 S/D. A site plan and logs of three test holes are enclosed. The lot configuration and test hole locations are as shown on the latest Lantech drawing provided to me on April 30. We dug two test holes on the proposed Lot 2 at the locations shown on the site plan, and both showed the presence of excellent soils for construction of on-site wastewater disposal systems. Beneath the shallow peat and loam strata we found a clean gravelly sand extending down to a depth of as much as 18 feet in test hole # 1. The soil perc'ed at a rate faster than I minute per inch. In some situations this would necessitate installation of a sand filter to slow down the perc rate; however the fact that the native material is already classified as sand avoids that necessity. Despite the high rainfall typical of Girdwood, no water table was encountered in either test hole or showed up when the monitor tubes were rechecked a week later. A third test pit dug nearer to the proposed house site did show small water seeps at a depth of approximately 12 feet where a silt lens was encountered. On the enclosed site plan'I have illustrated a possible water supply and wastewater disposal system configuration for a 4 -bedroom residence. This includes a potential well site as well as sites for an original and two replacement soil absorption trenches. On the proposed Lot 3 we dug test hole 0, where we found very different soil conditions. There, we found a shallow stratum of silty gravel overlying a dense, hard silt containing many large boulders. The silt layers commenced at a depth of approximately 3 feet, and are impermeable as evidenced by the presence of water seeps noted at the bottom of the silty gravel stratum. We did not place a groundwater monitoring tube in this test hole. This material is not suitable for construction of on-site wastewater disposal systems, so you should plan on having this lot served by the nearby public sewer. A second test pit excavated nearer to a proposed house site showed similar poor soil conditions for the purposes of on-site wastewater disposal. Please give me a call if you have any questions on this report. Sincerely, Ted Moore, P.E. 20 I T.H. 19 18 T.H. #3 17 , LOT 3 , LOT 2 ,-SEPTIC - I I REPLACEMENT, SITES �� 58 _ All 112 -�T.H. , HOUSE r; ' 400-4 LOT 1 SITE R 100' WELL 40 -FOOT LONG 1250 -GALLON SITE ; SOIL ABS. TRENCH `,SEPTIC TANK ; W.V EFF.GRAVEL „ , , , , , , , .^sr�OF At c ••...... z r. TNEODC¢E TEST HOLE # 1 FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99516 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION:_Lot2, %eSka 13asln_S1D DATE PERFORMED: ___,April PERFORMED FOR:om_Skilling clo RalphBrodin-EE/CC DE " 0 Pt. SM Reddish sandy loam SP/GP Clean, black gravelly sand Increasing sand fraction w. depth T" SLOPE 16 25% 115% Depth to Groundwater Date ggroun ater —Monitor -tube dry /9103 4/16/03_ Net Drop (Inches) 419 atlon_presoak #1 2 :28:00 1:29:00 :29:45 1_ 0.75 24 193/84518 Z�/2 Dry oF A4 14- a' 4'+ • 7 TN • t1" 11 . TKODC9E F. ASOCRE !> w ;�, r'., �• C:-3589 ,' ••.�, SITE PLAN SEE SEPARATE SITE PLAN PVA N Date Reading Clock Tame Net Tune (minutes) Percometer Reading Net Drop (Inches) 419 atlon_presoak #1 2 :28:00 1:29:00 :29:45 1_ 0.75 24 193/84518 Z�/2 Dry i PERCOLATION RATE «1 (minutesfinch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 10" TEST RUN BETWEEN 4.0_FTAND 4.5_ FT COMMENTS:_Excellentmaterial for construction_ of on-site wastewater disposal_ system,_ Despite rapid perc.rate_sand content of native _material should avoid the nemsityto- install art Imported sand filter. PERFORMED BY FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES. I _r�C CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 TEST HOLE # 2 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: --Lot 2,Alyeska Basin S/D #8 DATE PERFORMED: April 9,2003 PERFORMED FOR:_TOm_Skilling GO_ Ralph_BrodirLEE/CC. 15 16 17 16 19 20 Pt. SM Reddish sandy loam SP/GP Clean, black gravelly sand Sand similar to test hole #1 Fewer cobbles and boulders B.H. SLOPE 25% 15% 25% Depth to Groundwater Date ogN ro� titer onitorJube.dry /9/03 4/16/03_1 -S,N4e C't C Ilk U; *40TH! R IMODCRE F. 900RE CL -351)9 as SEE SEPARATE SITE PLAN 0% :I I N Date Reading Clock Net Time Percometer Net Drop Time (minutes) Reading (inches) PERCOLATION RATE (minutesfinch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS: Excellent material for Construction of On -Site wastewater disposal system. See log of TH#1 for pert test. PERFORMED BY FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES. 1. 9o -e- C CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: S // /off FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 TEST HOLE N 3 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION:_LOt.3,Ayeska BasirtB/D p8 DATE PERFORMED: —Apol 9,.2003 PERFORMED FOR:Om.Skilling Go Ralph_Brodin EE/CC DEPTH (feet) ® Pl. 1- 2 - GM Brown silty gravel Some boulders 3 Water seep 4- ML Brown Sift Many boulders 5- 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15- 16' 17' 18' 19' 20' ML Blueish silt Many boulders Very hard digging B.H. 20% SITE PLAN SEE SEPARATE SITE PLAN :I N Date Reading Clock Net Time Percometer NetDmp T'ene (minutes) Reading (inches) i i I J PERCOLATION RATE (minutesfinch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS: Soil unsuitable for construction of on-site wastewater disposal system_Mo_ mon for tube Installed in test hole. PERFORMED BY FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES. CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: S'// /0'? 17 LOT 2 '------------ 18 se,Aic r�oJe^�e 20 19 + T.H. + LOT 3 -SEPTIC REPLACEM SIT 58' H , •' N- loo .#1. .:• - 2 LOT 2, ALYESKA BASIN SID #8 SEPTIC SYSTEM FEASIBILITY SITE PLAN FLATTOP TECID41CAL SERVICES 1 INCH = 100 FEET 14530 ECHO STREET DRAWN BY TFM ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 APRIL, 2003 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PLAT. ALL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIN 13 EE 40 � HOUSE SITE R 100' LOT 1 WELL 40 -FOOT LONG' 1250 -GALLON SITE SOIL ABS. TRENCH `,SEPTIC TANK Lail Z W.V EFF.GRAVEL ------ 70'?; Ito' _ 7, 700 q' SW -A Ito' 21 7ro r7fi 7a iv = la, qsb LOT 2, ALYESKA BASIN SID #8 SEPTIC SYSTEM FEASIBILITY SITE PLAN FLATTOP TECID41CAL SERVICES 1 INCH = 100 FEET 14530 ECHO STREET DRAWN BY TFM ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 APRIL, 2003 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PLAT. ALL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIN LOVr:L NOCA .`,'rp z 17;QAi•- fit yo Ttlt'HELL DRIEms IrOG W n' FaLI f� Drilling,Co, /F A fl/IV 4a t1SGS P10. -7 n.a�sy .udl Xfp - DrillerE.[.f�C lea:. 1 F Well o��erCherrior��r i.* Charier use of well ti Location (address of: Township,'Range,'. &'Section (if.known),.di�tcr-;!n'fr6m ron: ' t lC nu ,C1 (JL�al17UcK �� Size of Casing�Depth of Hole feet. Used to c'i �' '` __feot. Static water levels If feet 6d=.=!q (below) land surf ate. "Piri3h of ;Call.. - . (check one) Open end ( ): Screen"0 perforated Describe screen or perfor tions.. /0— Well D—Nell pumRing test at allons per.. L;;-aTmsn .ior hours' %r_t ► 452 feet drawdown from static level. Remarks Date eomoletod WELL LOG --Depth in feet from Give details of formations penetrated,-sizd-�e- ground �surface color, and hardness. s `' 94 46d ;;. ;.. . to t0 .. �,' .'' _ �', r tO to r to to to to to �.7 to to t to t�..n�//,il/✓/1/id'� t 4/. N t�..n�//,il/✓/1/id'� t 4/. CA -! f r 200582 � ' r tz :. • 8 ` 'lilt �� �/� •i n / M ON d ." F,y .ti I • i i - Anchorage. Aroeea 77)-t 111MISP VAT[L WELL R[CONO Orlllln[ ceewey Nes Fonr Drill.Lng a']7— 2?C{9 V.S.G.S. Local No. Drilling Nmot No. LOCATION Or ML pleese consists either Ie. Is. of or. A.D.L. M. Ia. Sorough Subdivision Let Block IN. reaction Section no. Township Range Meridien Anclle tly�e:l:w ? / / / M/S EN Is. lists"* and Direction frM Road intersections 7. OWNER 0/ WELLI 1:,:'l'! L : C91-..; Street Address and Aro of Veil Location 2. WELL LOG Notarial Type „r rt r i :b r v, r ouf i ' AluvluMa: re 01" I1 or aT+d 1 Wd i'i V 688-9009 Addressl,. sA u:: L L CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: "s 0,11160 under r my JYr IsOlctiM 6M thA ngrt h true to the Mat of My bnorledge and MUd: eg.ltele `nail he. •, �' nt,act .<en6e M er Author eed Representative / Copy Distrlbutlent UNITE Stats DGGS. PINK • Orilla. CANARY • CYatoner l.hrh. feet Delve S facp A• WELL DE►TM: (spools 4) Surface Elevation Date of I Caiplet ion W 18/81 wtloe Z9 S. Cable two ❑Rotary, ❑0rlven ❑Ovq ❑Auger ❑J•tted ❑Dared [30th.,:� 32 Z E. VAS R:' _itis ❑public Supply ❑Industry 01rrlgatlon-011"harg. ❑Cawrclal ❑iat Wall ❑other: 7. CASING: ❑ Threaded ❑Velde0 —In. to —lift. Depth weight _4LI bs/ft. In. to ft. Depth 2 Z S D. FIN ISN Or WELL: V/DQV, /G' Typo: 04eeter: Slot/Mao Sia.: length: Set between ft. and ft. flttlag$t O !. STATIC WATER LEVEL: ft. 0 Above ONlou land surface Type of Noasorenent:SA4 h 10. PUMPING LEVEL bele, land surface , 9 ft. after _hr$. p'eapin9 ft. after hrs. pue,Ing S.p.A. 11. WELL MEAD COMPL[TIW4_ n Approved Pit ❑Pitta$$ Adapter \ Inches above gross 11. GROUTING. well Grouted: 0VMS ❑ho material: ❑Nut Covent ❑Other: 11. PUMP: (If 6"114614) MP . t Length of Drop Pipe ft. capacity q.p.i Type: f ❑Su►rrflbl• ❑R"lproutlnq ❑Jet ❑Other: 11. REMARKS: L L CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: "s 0,11160 under r my JYr IsOlctiM 6M thA ngrt h true to the Mat of My bnorledge and MUd: eg.ltele `nail he. •, �' nt,act .<en6e M er Author eed Representative / Copy Distrlbutlent UNITE Stats DGGS. PINK • Orilla. CANARY • CYatoner WAILK wLLL KLCUKD STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURES Division of Geological a Geophysical Surveys Drilling Permit he. LOCATION OF WELL (Pleas* complete either It, If or $o.) A.O.L. No. la. Borough gobdivls an let Macy Ib. r/4411`6. Eeollen No. TeenehlpN0 Reap E0 Marlelon Z —ef—ef_ef— 60 w0 le. DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM ROAD INTERSECTIONS S. OWNER OF WELL: Address: Street Address end Arae of Wall Lecelloo I. WELL LOG paar $alae tartaeB a. w2l DEPTH: (final) S. DATE OF COMPLETION Material Trre .Tap Bottom � ft• — *o .9.Z '. O'• Z, 6. ❑Cable 1001 fj?'Ralary []Driven C3 Dug Auger ❑Jetted ❑Bored C3 other, ?-USE: 8000166tid ❑►ablle Supply ❑Industry ❑ Irrigation ❑ Recharge ❑ Commerical ❑ Tose Well ❑ Other: e, CASINGi ❑ Threaded JaWolded did.._In. tett. Depen weight1�tb../n. dum. u. to— It. Depth SUeks*> ft. e. FINISH OF WELL: / • Type: G�fe� olam.te.r, Slot/hIth sere: Leaph: r .. • Set hot"" ft. and ft. Saa1r1111ng Brave$ pack IO,STATIC WATER LEVEL:_/7 rt. •Q Abmn or 11,10Nlae IoM surface Oe16 • Equipment iced; 11. PUMPING LEVEL het0e lend $.,leas and YIELD •� ft. offer�Lhra. pumping ft. after Ms• pumping _g,p.m. • ' 12.64OUYINa well Granted: Q Yee as No Material: Q Neat Cement Q Other! Is. PUM►t (if available) HP • Length of Orap Pipa (1. casually I ❑ Subm.l Q Jat Q Csatrifleal Q other 14.11EMARKS: 16. WATER WELL CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATION: IS. Water Temperature ❑ F ❑ C This well bee drl It ander j, lure diction o this report is true to toyytt0 0l m InceI d need belief; t 1�tI�- Re stored Bua 0660 am0 Contract Llea "so Number A4a1a66: 0 . 4/ 4 .c/1 signed: Date: Authorls yRepresentative , Form 02•WWR (11/61) Copy Distribution: WHITE -$lots 04as. PINK -Driller. CANARY -Customer WELL LOC Date Drilled: 8-22-84 Static 'dater Level surfece feet Draw Down N/A feet 'lyre Material Drilled: 0 feet to 30 Silty Sravel 30 feet to 110 8►drock w/water to to to to ��IH>44 S.R.A. Box 1553 H ���a� Anchorage,Alaska �00Ff, 9957 A %f� 't,50 V l:enrpe iicrnv .+ a iirtr .t1H� /�(j7 �j ov Girdwood, Ak. T-trYe�� Gallons Per Minute. 3!1+ 0"♦vac Total Feet of Casing cased to 32 611 10f 13 rsCI< DL 2 Ae-y-e sncaI%v• 3 Vor/oN 2007., s� lc a qe Flo w IV -3 4 '05 s T Well M -W DRILLING, Inc. P.O. Box 4-1224 • 1310C International Airport Road (907) 274.4611 ANCHORAGE, trALASKA 99509 DRILuNO'LDZi `�" t V. ;6°S 71'7l�1906 q5 / UC AL NU- SA 10-7L- cAc 83-8 Schultz CAA'+'=ti4' Use of Well Dem _ Location (address of: Township, Lot 22 Block 11 Size of casing—EL—Depth of Hole_ • •a Static water levet S fL (abov4 Screen ( }; =-Perforated,(; e Describe screen or perferatlon 3 Well pumping test at 10 g pi of drawdown from static Date of completion 8/16/7 in feet from surface TO TO ; TO TO TO 0 ge, Section, if ]mown; or distance main road ,yeska.#3, Girdwood - eet Cased to 2) -ii feet land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( xx ); •ie 't 0 (minute) for,--L—hours with 1 007 trX WELL LOG . yr 7 penetrated, size of material, color and hardness 11 ` ughout NMVA r"fied Genirecler Ctrt;f+cate Nos. 914 dr 9T7 2 — STATE • i '{ RSI -W MILLING, Inc. 85-220 P.O. Box 10378 • 10300 Old Seward Highway ... ...,� (807) 348.8535 • • ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 88511 DRILLING LOG Well Owner Warren U. Caress Use of Well Domestic Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if (mown; or distance main road LII, B21 Alveska, Subd. AAA J -k Cirdvood, Ak. Size of casin B 6 Depth of Hole -11 -50 --feet Cased to 39.10 Beet Static water level n-,, { (rte)' . (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( X ) Screen ( ): Perforated Describe screen or verforation `Aoni Well pumping test3c 0 35 a U,—per (1iSiY of drawdown from static level. Date of completion .Tulp 25. 1985 ` T (minute) for----L.--hours wi 100% M. WELL LOG VeptA in feet from ground surface Give details Of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness 0 TO 2 SCicknv`' Cobblr Fill o 4 TO___li_ _15—TO 25 _2j_TO 3s TO 11n _ i l f1 qp 1 5(1 TO ' TO TO TO TO TO —TO - 2 O Cr.e�'ae�ire 4._,.v�P F' -„S., :y;.�:•�: 1 2 — STATE Data Drilledt Static hater Level feet Dar Down MiA feet wr. .:::. to to to Hefty Drilling S.R.A. Box 1553 H Anchorage ,Alasks rot a eft. 22 Alyeaia SuDd. Gallons Per Minute ; Total Feet of Casing 20 Please fill in the information asked for below. X I \ u o a uth PROPERTY INFORMATION PETITIONER' PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE ff an Hama ba+l Mar Iv41 NanN IWI nanr hM1 Ral h Brodin. EE/CC Lantech, Inc. N.ena Aauaas Nauvq Aamau P.O. BOX 369 440 West Benson Blvd., Suite 103 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Anchors e, Alaska 99503 Contac Phone: Day: 783-2367 Night 229-5444 Contact Phone: Day: 562-5291 Night: Fax: 783-2813 Fax: 561-6626 E-mail: E-mail: mail@lantechi.com a uth PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax # 000-000-00-000: 076-062-06 Site Street Address: NA Current Legal Descnpbon (use additional sheet d necessary) Tract B-3, Alyeska Basin Subdivision, See Attached Legal Zoning: R-11 Acres e: 36.49 Grid #: 4915, 4916 # Lots: 1# Tracts: 1 I hemoy cc" that it am) (I nava been ITotal# Parcels: 1 oru a to M for) owner of the property descnbed above and that I Petition for wbdmde d m Conformance Vath Title 21 of the Anchorage Munfdple Code of ordinances. l understand that Payment of the &PPliratlon fee Is nonrefundable and la to cover the Costs associated with processing this OPPliration, and that 4 does not assure approval Of the aubdiwsion. 1 also understand that amoned Marine data. am M bnta" __ a.,..« r --— _.._ Planning DepartineM Stag or the Platti^g Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, or the Assembly for administrsuv reasons. 6/17/2003 Date Signature (Ag is must provide written proof of authorization) if 1, 2 & 3, Alyeska Basin Subdivision, Unit No. VIII Accepted or. Poster & Affidavit Fee: Case Numoer. L a....14aHnn rnr Pr"emin2m Plat rmntinueA Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION Anchorage 2020 Urban/Rural Services: ❑ Urban ❑ Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside ❑ Outside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Mired Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/Open Space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study - - E3 Res Residential at dwelling units per acre. Girdwood-Tumagain Arm: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/open Space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study 0 Residential at 33=5 dwelling units per acre. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Wetlands Classification: B None ❑ "C" ❑ "B" ❑ "A" Avalanche Zone: a None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone Floodplain: ❑@ None ❑ 100 Year ❑ 500 Year Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson): ❑ "1" 13-2- ❑ "3" 13-4- ❑"5" RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Events that have occurred in the last 5 years for all or portion of site) ❑ Rezoning Case Number. ❑ Preliminary Plat . ❑ Final Plat Case Number(s): ❑ Conditional Use Case Number(s): ❑ Zoning Variance Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use EnforcementAction for. ❑ Building of Land Use Permit for. ❑ Wetland permit ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ Municipalityof Anchorage POTABLE WATER AND WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Potable Water provided by: ❑ Public Utility ❑ Communitywell Private well Wastewater disposal method: ❑ Public Utility ❑ Community system Q Private on-site APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: Plat: Copies ❑ 42 (long plats) ❑ 32 (short plats only) ❑ 8 12'5,11"reduced copy Other Maps ❑ Aerial photo - ❑ Housing stock - ❑ Zoning - Mandatory on plat depictions: ❑ Pedestrian walkway - ❑ Landscaping required by zoning Property Title: ❑ Certificate to Plat Additional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer. ❑ Site topography (4 copies minimum) Waived by _ ❑ Soils Investigation and analysis Waived by ❑ Subdivision Drainage Plan Waived by LEGAL DESCRIPTION Commencing for point of reference at Comer No.'6 of Alaska Division of Lands Lease No. 25305 as shown on the plat of record of ALYESKA BASIN SUBDIVISION, UNIT VII, Plat No. 75-87, thence South 89056'14" East for a distance of 660.39 feet; thence South 00°03'18" West for a distance of 630.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 00°03'18" West for a distance of 813.32 feet; thence South 00°05'51" West for a distance of 537.03 feet; thence North 89°57'44" West for a distance of 1292.10 feet; thence North 89"59'39" West for a distance of 219.99 feet; thence North 45000'00" West for a distance of 133.87 feet; thence Northwesterly for a distance of 108.53 feet, through a delta angle of.124"21'56", along a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 50.00 feet; thence North 10038'04" East for a distance of 149.79 feet thence North 41'40'48" East for a distance of 376.84 feet thence North 15000'00" West for a distance of 191.74 feet thence North 75°00'00" East for a distance of 60.00 feet thence North 15000'00" West for a distance of 77.72 feet thence North 75°00'00" East for a distance of 1,026.83 feet; thence North 62°00'00" East for a distance of 426.71 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Please fill in the infnrmafinn ee4n.1 ir.. k l .., RIGHT-OF-WAY ANDfOR INFORMATION Benefiting Pro a Tax # 000-000-00-000 : 076-062-46 Site Street Address: N/A Current Legal Description (use additional sheet it necessary) Vacation of General Public Use Easement (See Attached) Zonin : R-11 Acres(: e: 36.49 Grid #: 4915, 4916 # Lots: 3 # Tracts: Total #Parcels: I hereby certify that (1 am) (I have been authorized to ad f owner of Me Property described above and that I petition for subdivide h M conformance wind Title Z1 of the Anchorage Munidpla Catle of Ordinances. I understand Mat Payment of the application fee Is nonrefundable and la to cover Me Mats associated wind processing this application. and that h does not assure approval of Me subdivision. 1 also understand that assigned hearing dates aro tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Depanli SUR or the Platting Board. Planning and ZMing Commission, or the Assembly for administrative masons. 16/17/2003 Date Signatu Agents must Drovidewrihan nmnfnf...t .aI % PETITIONER' Nana (uu � IvN) PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE if an Ral, h B )din, EE/CC Mvnr (4N rYYOa IV N) galAotrw Lantech, Inc. P.O. Box 369 Muluq Aarvu 440 West Benson Blvd., Suite 103 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact Phone: Day: 783-2367 Night: Contact Phone: Day: 562-5291 Night: Fax: 783-2813 Fax: 561 6626 E-mail: 'Rwal ptl4nvY i»umara a aaww arw Wowwa m NVPwvuvw lam enuv q rvwga E-mail: mail lantechi.com ovw Darulviu vwvu owrra n,.. ........,.._.....- _.._.. ___. _ _. _ RIGHT-OF-WAY ANDfOR INFORMATION Benefiting Pro a Tax # 000-000-00-000 : 076-062-46 Site Street Address: N/A Current Legal Description (use additional sheet it necessary) Vacation of General Public Use Easement (See Attached) Zonin : R-11 Acres(: e: 36.49 Grid #: 4915, 4916 # Lots: 3 # Tracts: Total #Parcels: I hereby certify that (1 am) (I have been authorized to ad f owner of Me Property described above and that I petition for subdivide h M conformance wind Title Z1 of the Anchorage Munidpla Catle of Ordinances. I understand Mat Payment of the application fee Is nonrefundable and la to cover Me Mats associated wind processing this application. and that h does not assure approval of Me subdivision. 1 also understand that assigned hearing dates aro tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Depanli SUR or the Platting Board. Planning and ZMing Commission, or the Assembly for administrative masons. 16/17/2003 Date Signatu Agents must Drovidewrihan nmnfnf...t .aI % 2 for Preliminary Plat COMPREHENSIVE FLAN INruKaaAr rvn Anchorage 2020 Urban/Ftural Services: ❑ Urban ❑ Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside ❑ Outside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Med Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: [:]Commercial ❑ Industrial E3 Parks/Open Space [3 Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre. Girdwood-Tumagain Arm: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/Open Space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study .. - El Residential at 33=5 dwelling units per acre. Wetlands C lassification: RECENT 21 None ❑ "C" ❑ "B" ❑ .A, Avalanche Zone: 21 None ❑ Blue Zone - ❑ Red Zane Floodplain: El None ❑ 100 Year ❑ 500 Year Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson): ❑ "1" ❑ "2" "5" ❑ "3" ❑ "4" 13 -5 - RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Events that have occurred in the last 5 years for all or portion of site) ❑ Rezoning Case Number. ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat Case Number(s): ❑ Conditional Use Case Number(s): ❑ Zoning Variance Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for. ❑ Building of Land Use Permit for. ❑ Wetland permit: ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ MunicipalityofAnchorage POTABLE WATER AND WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Potable Water provided by: ❑ Public Utility ❑ Communitywell R1 Private well Wastewater disposal method: ❑ Public Utility ❑ Community system © Private on-site APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: Plat: Copies ❑ 42 each ❑ 8 12"A I" reduced copy Other Maps - ❑ Aerial photo E31 -lousing stock ❑ Zoning Property Title: ❑ Certificate to Plat Additional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer. ❑ Site topography(4 copies minimum) Waived by ❑ Soils Investigation and analysis - Waived by - ❑ Subdivision Drainage Plan Waived by EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT A Tract B-3, Lying in Sections 16, 21 and 22, TION, R2E, S.H., . AX (Unplatted) General Public Use Easement A general public use easement, 100 feet in width, eom- mencing at the southerly terminus of Vail Drive as depicted on Plat 75-87, Alyeska Basin Subdivision, Unit VII, running generally to the South and East'in such fashion as to provide access to lands owned by the Municipality of Anchorage to the east of Alyeska Basin Subdivision; Units I through VIII. This easement shall be in effect only until such time as a valid plat shall be filed in the office of the District' Recorder, Anchorage Recording District, providing the same access through said Tract B-3, whereupon said public use easement shall ekpire. 8r-o75s34 'NONORACE REC. DISTRICT DtcZH 3 �P8'�� •. , J�t� ••]DRE$$ d lull -n To- A!; La rWO Cn i TN' : . •��•�YeJ.Yf'Jo..}Y•A• Faa:... a>..�:i+e.v.�uvaxu.y.ro��•..++.ewe . v^r+.a�u.ayyy�y' S y.J:.;: c•..�'!. ..-`..n o..n ...n ••.r..urwl.k �. •. �UUt� 6 8 3' EXHIBIT A Tract B-3, Lying in Sections 16, 21 and 22, TION, R2E, S.H., . AX (Unplatted) General Public Use Easement A general public use easement, 100 feet in width, eom- mencing at the southerly terminus of Vail Drive as depicted on Plat 75-87, Alyeska Basin Subdivision, Unit VII, running generally to the South and East'in such fashion as to provide access to lands owned by the Municipality of Anchorage to the east of Alyeska Basin Subdivision; Units I through VIII. This easement shall be in effect only until such time as a valid plat shall be filed in the office of the District' Recorder, Anchorage Recording District, providing the same access through said Tract B-3, whereupon said public use easement shall ekpire. 8r-o75s34 'NONORACE REC. DISTRICT DtcZH 3 �P8'�� •. , J�t� ••]DRE$$ d lull -n To- A!; La rWO Cn i [Nit? tlJt' j3? t .i i11H i all i t fi;1l ��iii Y•t3�f � -t lam.'':_--` !: \\.`C .'. YX` t� `• `( 1 a \ - F: ,kAj =11 111iitrf ei=�a �'•� i'�' k. CIi� •}t .• � ' I.i �i.cls'f;jl[