HomeMy WebLinkAboutBELLA VISTA #2 LT 10ABella Vl*sta.#2 Lot IOA 5-10668 11i02,00 15:29 FAX 907 Jai 4220 Community P1annlng - CRUSS WJuu_:uua LAT SUMMARY O ACTION RECEIVED OCTOBER 30, 2000 k,10V 02 2000 -yS=10668 Bclla Vista No: 2; Lot'lOA Municipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Correcting map information to show that Lot 4 north of the petition site is now Lot 4B. -10669 Turnagain Heights Subdivision, Block A. Lot 42A Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. (Note: The returned comment from CEA is requesting a 10 -foot T&E easement along the south property boundary, which is a different configuration as shown on the final plat submitted for Case S-10346, i.e. CEA has submitted two different requirements.) 2. Placing the following note on the plat: a. "The property is located in Seismic Zone 5 as shown on the Harding Lawson Report Seismic Map and has high ground failure susceptibility in the event of a seismic occurrence.' 3. Clarifying the following items on the Detail and Plat Map: a. Identify all the three easements (dotted) lines on the southern property boundary. The dotted line 30 feet north of the south property boundary is not identified. It aligns with the north boundary of the Marston Drive right-of-way, which is a dedicated street. Verify if this area along the south property boundary is a Public Use Easement or dedicated right-of-way. If dedicated, it needs to be stated on the plat. b. Delineate the private right-of-way to indicate it is not a part of the public right-of-way. Add vertical dividing line to plan and detail views separating the "Private ROW' from Loussac Street ROW and delete the extension of the Marston Drive MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE • Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Bos 196650 __- Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: October 10, 2000 To: Toning & Platting Division, CPD From: 4 es Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Services Subject_: y/ Request for Comments on Case(s) — October 26, 2000 The Environmental Services Division, On -Site Services, has reviewed the following case and has these comments: 510668. ._. ^Bella Vista Subdivision #2 No objections. S10669 Turnagain Heights Subdivision No objections. 510670 Hiland Terrace Subdivision No objections. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650' Anchorage, Alaska 99519.6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address OFFICE USE RECD BY: F1 lol S101-BIII 1 015 o 1 12- 4. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). 5. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. 6. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) MOGN 1■�e211■M■■■■ Address _3 GIIZ) LrY va Dt2.1\(6 City State AL -g' : cs. Phone# 5(03"�-Ico Zip �OlaOi. 7. Petitioners Representative Address! hoU'tvJ(5- city .s^'UR�r3' State r , ., ♦ .— Phone # Zip � � 1 8. Petition Area Acreage 9. Proposed 10. Existing 11. Grid Number 12. Zone Number Lots Number Lots n�� ��� ��� nim ��m■ 13. Fee$ >J 14. Community Council (A%41�GPN���L tel. B. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it In conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to coverthe costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed If the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: ?�e OD 'Agents must p*ide written proof of authorization. »marn....rar si.n C. Please check or fill In the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan —Land Use Classification Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/institutions 2. Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Intensity Dwelling Units per Acre �IF� Special Study Alpine/Slope Affected 3. Environmental Factors (if any): K1JZO9 a. Wetland 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. Rezoning Case Number Subdivision Case Number Conditional Use Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For Building /Land Use Permit For Amey Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for advertising. C_ F. Checklist '— 40 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (8'h x 11) Certificate to Plat P. Pedestrian Walkways �'/;� Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Water. Sewer. roam eb m... wl Private Wells Private Septic Community Well Community Sys. Waiver Public Utility Public Utility Fee Drainage Plan Topo Map 4 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies P. Pedestrian Walkways �'/;� Landscaping Requirements Community Well Community Sys. Waiver Public Utility Public Utility y S 106 6 8 ocT 3 0 2000 SHANNON MLSOR INC. GEOTECHNICAL ANO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 5430 Fairbanks Street • Suite 3 Anchorage, Alaska 99518 907 a 561.2120 .;'GEOTECHNICAL' --:REPORT LOTS ::10"AND .11 EAST 81ST.AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA June, 1994 Mechanical Entcrprises 4241 Folkee.#201 Anchorage,' Alaska_99508 S 106 6 8 ocT 3 0 2000 SHANNON MLSOR INC. GEOTECHNICAL ANO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 5430 Fairbanks Street • Suite 3 Anchorage, Alaska 99518 907 a 561.2120 June 27, 1994 i Mechanical Enterprises 4241 Folker H2O1 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Attn: Mr. John Edwards: RE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR LOTS 11) & 11, BAST 31ST AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA t This letter report presents the results of our field explorations for the above referenced project. _ The purpose of the field explorations were to determine the depth of the peaty soil known to occur in the vicinity and to provide structural fill recommendations after the removal of the organic soil. To aid in determining the depth of the organic material, four borings were advanced at the site. This report presents the results of our field exploration .incl structural rill recommendations. The site located on Lots 10 and 1 I at East 91 st Avenue just west of old Seward Highway, is currently covered with grasses and weeds. The site is fairly level and there is wooden debris located throughout the site. A previous field exploration was conducted by Shannon & Wilson on Lots 22 and 23, located directly south of Lots 10 & 11. The previous exploration results were presented in the form of boring logs entitled 'T: 32nd Storage, Anchorage. Alaska" dated April, 1994. in the previous six borings, the organic: layer varied in depth between 10.5 feet to 15.5 feet. The organic material underlicd a fill material of brown gravelly sand to gravelly silt that varied in depth from 3.5 feet to 5.5 feet. No groundwater was encountered during the previous drilling. The previous boring logs are presented in Appendix A. Four borings, designated 13-1 through 13-4 were advanced at the site on the 17th of June, 1994 to define subsurface conditions. The locations of these borings are shown in Figure I. Detailed logs of the borings are presented in Figures 2 through 5. Drilling services for this project were provided by Discovery Drilling of Anchorage, Alaska using a truck mounted CME 75 drill rig. The borings were advanced with a CME 8 -inch outside diameter, 3-3/3 inch inside diameter hollow -stem auger. An experienced engineer from our Firm was present continuously during drilling to locate the borings, ohscrve drill action, collect samples, log subsurface conditions, and monitor any ground water encountered. 54a1 rAsnnn11V S !, mrr t - stili -1 AI(X)3-61 ANI;1 pl1IA(7F, Al .4.^.MMn"PI g11r-r-n1.71.0 FA)1 +11.1111.14.1:1 SHANNON 6WILSON, INC. SFArnE •�• . rA1JW Yr, 111111111111F l 111 C111111'A I Ann rfIVI11(1111dF rl rAl CMIr..u1 rAn Is Au71IrINr 4 rill 11 ^.Alrlt IIr In June 27, 1994 i Mechanical Enterprises 4241 Folker H2O1 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Attn: Mr. John Edwards: RE: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR LOTS 11) & 11, BAST 31ST AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA t This letter report presents the results of our field explorations for the above referenced project. _ The purpose of the field explorations were to determine the depth of the peaty soil known to occur in the vicinity and to provide structural fill recommendations after the removal of the organic soil. To aid in determining the depth of the organic material, four borings were advanced at the site. This report presents the results of our field exploration .incl structural rill recommendations. The site located on Lots 10 and 1 I at East 91 st Avenue just west of old Seward Highway, is currently covered with grasses and weeds. The site is fairly level and there is wooden debris located throughout the site. A previous field exploration was conducted by Shannon & Wilson on Lots 22 and 23, located directly south of Lots 10 & 11. The previous exploration results were presented in the form of boring logs entitled 'T: 32nd Storage, Anchorage. Alaska" dated April, 1994. in the previous six borings, the organic: layer varied in depth between 10.5 feet to 15.5 feet. The organic material underlicd a fill material of brown gravelly sand to gravelly silt that varied in depth from 3.5 feet to 5.5 feet. No groundwater was encountered during the previous drilling. The previous boring logs are presented in Appendix A. Four borings, designated 13-1 through 13-4 were advanced at the site on the 17th of June, 1994 to define subsurface conditions. The locations of these borings are shown in Figure I. Detailed logs of the borings are presented in Figures 2 through 5. Drilling services for this project were provided by Discovery Drilling of Anchorage, Alaska using a truck mounted CME 75 drill rig. The borings were advanced with a CME 8 -inch outside diameter, 3-3/3 inch inside diameter hollow -stem auger. An experienced engineer from our Firm was present continuously during drilling to locate the borings, ohscrve drill action, collect samples, log subsurface conditions, and monitor any ground water encountered. 54a1 rAsnnn11V S !, mrr t - stili -1 AI(X)3-61 ANI;1 pl1IA(7F, Al .4.^.MMn"PI g11r-r-n1.71.0 FA)1 +11.1111.14.1:1 East 81 st Ave. Report Si UINNON fiWII SON. INC. June 27, I994 Page 2 The borings for this project were completed to depths of 21.5 feet. As the borings were advanced, samples were recovered at the at 2.5 foot intervals to 5 feet and at 5 foot intervals thereafter in Borings B-1 and B-3. In Borings B-2 and B-4, samples were recovered at 5 feet and at 5 foot intervals thereafter. Sampling was conducted using the Standard Penetration Test procedures. In this test, samples were recovered by driving a 2 -inch O.D. split spoon sampler into the bottom of the advancing hole with blows of a 140 -Ib. hammer free -Ladling 30 inches onto the drill rod. The number of blows required to advance the sampler the final 12 inches of 18 inch penetration is termed the Standard Penetration Resistance, which was recorded for each sample. 'These values are shown graphically on the boring logs adjacent to the sample depth. The values give a measure of the relative density (compactness) or consistency (stiffness) of cohesionless or cohesive soils, respectively. At the end of drilling, all borings were back filled with native cuttings. The locations of the horings were determined by our engineer using a cloth tape. The hole locations, shown in Figure I, should therefore be considered approximate. Elevation data was not available. The subsurface conditions at the site are depicted in detail on the boring logs .in Figures 2 through 5. Three main soil types were encountered. it brown, slightly gravelly, sandy silt, a dark brown peat, and it grey slightly gravelly, clayey silt. The brown, slightly gravelly, sandy silt was encountered to a depth of betwen 3 feet to 5.5 feet. This material was medium dense to dense and is considered fill material. Underlying this material was the loose, dark brown peat. The organic material varied in depth between 6.5 to 10.5 feet. The shallow depth was encountered in Boring B-4 which was located in the northeast section of the site. A till deposit consisting of the grey, slightly gravelly, clayey silt underlied the pro. This material was medium dense to very dense and contained cobbles. Groundwater was encountered during drilling at depths between 10 feet to 20 feet. The shallower groundwater was encountered in Boring II -4, in the northeast section of the site. No groundwater was encountered in Boring B -I which was located in the northwest section of the site. This may be due to the till deposit encountered at deptli. This material typically container varing amounts of clay an(I silt. 1 ligh clay anti silt content would reduce the amount of groundwater flowing into the boring during drilling. A 1003-61 f^1 Gast 81st Ave. Report June 27, 1994 Page 3 SI I/\NNON &WILSON.INC. Moisture contents and grain size classifications were not conducted at the request of the client. The brown, slightly gravelly, sandy silt was not tested to determine the percentage of fines, therefore no recommendations on its use as a fill material can be made. If the peat is removed, structural fill should be placed to level the site within a building footprint. This fill should be granular and consist of a reasonably well graded mixture of sand and gravel. Structural fill materials should be clean granular soils to provide drainage and frost protection. These soils should also be non -frost susceptible (NPS), with less than about 6 percent (by weight, based on minus 3/4 -inch portion) passing the H2(H) sieve. All structural fills supporting building footings and floor slabs should be placed in lifts not to exceed 10 to 12 inches loose thickness, and compacted to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by the Modified Proctor compaction procedure (ASTM D-1557). Prior to placing the structural fill for the proposed buildings, the site should be cleared of organics if encountered in areas where development is planned. During rill placement, we also recommend that large cobbles or boulders with dimensions in excess of R inches lie removed from any structural fills. When backfilling within 19 inches of a building wall, materials should he placed in layers not to exceed 6 inches loose thickness and densely compacted with hand operated equipment. Heavy equipment should not be used as it could cause increased lateral earth pressures and possibly damage adjacent walls. The bottom of all footing excavations should be compacted to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by the Modified Proctor compaction procedure (ASTM D- 1557). The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of the October. 1993, report and further assume that the explorations are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site, i.e., the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by our explorations and observations. If, during construction, subsurface conditions different from those encountered in these explorations are observed or appear to be present. we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of this report and the start of work at the site, or if A I(M-61 L East 81st Ave. Report June 27, 1994 Page 4 SHANNON gWILSON.INC. conditions have changed duc to natural causes or construction operations at or adjacent to the site, it is recommended that this report be reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations considering the changed conditions and time lapse. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot fully be detennined by merely taking soil samples or making test borineS. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is rccommendcd to accommodate such potential extra costs. Should you have any questions regarding information presented in this letter, please contact its. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Sincerely, SHANNON & WII SON. INC. Prepared by, t99F Reviewed Keith F. Mobley. 11. ANsociale OF A4 \4� * 49tH 9 • * tt �• ^0>..:..:..�..!1....... KEITH MOMEY j : t n CE - 5066 .' a� �<:f�•., �cds A 1(X)3-61 r • � n East 81st Avenue -Gravel Road B-1 B-4 Lot 11 • B•2 � B-3 84 83 B2 Lot 23 East 82nd Avenue -Paved Road Lot 22 • June, 1994 Shannon & Wilson Borings Lots 10 & 11, East 81st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 0 April, 1994 Shannon & Wilson Borings SITE MAP 0 60 120 June, 1994 A-1003.61 Approximate Scale in Feet �"' SHANNON 8 WILSON, INC. Fig.1 • • Lot 10 Lot 11 • B•2 � B-3 84 83 B2 Lot 23 Lot 22 BS B6 � B1 h n Alterh"a l.imiot A Water Content Natural Wal"Cm,mt 116 Soil Descriplinn Ploliru,nill 9 Liquid Limit Standard renelratlnn Resistance •� '� (1 40-M. weight 130 in. dmp) Surface Elevation: A111 onw m indicated depth zi ii 3 rn U Lt o 20 40 60 2 inches of mmeJnr mics 0.0 ........ , i ......... ........ . Medium dense, brown, slightly gravelly, enmly SI1.1', ........ dm to mnim 1.0 I1 :.. .. A. Loose, dark boon, PEAT ::.:A ....... --_._..------.._....,._...__._...___ I3.11 2 : . l 10.0 I. Medium dente. grey. slightly gravelly, 10.0 clayey SILT, moist : ; ::::: ::::: ; cobbles at depth I13.11 ... --.__._...:._.:..�......_-•--�---- ......... �--.--.-- ......... ......... . 211.11 ._..._........_._.r._.:.:....»»._� ....... • I .:._.�.',.»_.» ...... . 215 Baton of Ilnring Boring Compin"I June 17.199-1 ....... ' ....... • ::::: : No groundwater encountered while drilling. ••.• • 23.0 ... ..... ..• .- .• . ............... ..... t.__._...---__._ ......... ' 70.11 ... . .... ... . .... ................. .... ..... .;. ... ......... . ... ........ :::.... ......... :......... ... . ...:......... ;. ... ......... ......... ......... 40.11 ... ... � . ... ... ... ......... ......... Legend B LO -2.0 3.0 SLcer Slrenelh lar II T O.D, thin-wall sample Impervinn xol llelhCl of wa., remenl IY 0.1). split -app n --rinWner keel a radices Cl O lincrmfined Cemprea,im • s'i Continuance ample 11.90 one rd mcaaomment �IMconmlidned • Ilndnined 9[ Rnek Core ...PIC I'iearxnoer iip (riaaial rnmprexxirm Rp�y Q'rnnane Gni umpin 0 eM1'a" IoCx•ImmCer t. Gmondwat" level. mry vary with time, pr"ipiwi•m. i-rhnni—. aual wlwr No - 2 The anti(cninn linea repreacnt apprnceirmm and Mmdarim. Acurat bxmdary may Ion nnn.iiiaxd. Log of Boring 13-1 Lots 10 & 11 East 81st Avenue A-1003-61 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska C: otechnicalConsuftanle Fig. 2 ma n Allnherg I.Imlls A Nater Content N.tmd Water Conten) % SIIII Description 0 Liquid Limit $ Sbn.lard renNntlnn It"Istsoce .. (14n lb. weight / 30 in. d") Surface Elevation: c = r ♦n1---INw or indicated depth 3 L{�IJ 0 20 do 60 2 inches of mrwsfor anics ::::.:. t - • ' Medium dense, bmwn, slightly gravelly, sandy S11:r, dry ;.;.;.;..t......... • ' • ' • ' :... 7.5 l.noae, dark Mown, PEAT 5.1) --------------- .:.......:.:....__.. - I2 :: I.::::. .10.3 10.(1.:_.:......_. I3 ....:.t....:..._.:_........ .....: ' ::::: ._.• .:.:._ ::.:: : Medium dense to very densq SMY. slightly gravelly to gravelly. ......... : • • • • • • • : : • • • • • • • : clayey SI I.T. moist ... ........ • .... . ... . d ......... ......... ... ......... ......: daring Drilling .. ...... ...... . 21.5 211.n S ..._..................._...__..._.�._ :..::.:.: �......... .j::' :::::: ...... :.... • • •: .__._......�._ ... ...... ......... n,wnwn of Ituring liming Gwnpletal J .... c 17, 1994 ........ ...... • . ..... . Cmundwater encamlemd at l R feet ''''' . ''''''''t'' ' ''''''' ......... during drilling. 25.0 .»..........-........i._...:._.:..:._.:._ .__._...».--'- 311,11 ................ _......i._.........._.__._ ._._.».__.__._ ..... ......... .........:......... ......... ....•......... ......... 35.0 ...... .........._.:.:..t.:.»..._._»._»._ '--'—'--'--_ :........t ......... ........: .. ..... t ......... ......... Legend 11 I.0 2.0 3.0 Rhear Strength lot II3" A. n. thin•wdl sample Imperci.wn .rat' I2' O.D. arlit-vn n aamrle Water 1c cl at indicatedhlrlhml or Maruremenl OUneaflned Cmnpresaim teondnumn ample I I-qn nnedmmaa,mrnrm . Undrained 1Ca�aIlncmr.nlidatrd p g N Rock en" %ample ricenncter tip tna.ial emnpra.irm ■ finh sample Q Ihw4ri Pawlmmner 1. Cmend. ver IeveM may vary with none, preeipiuti.n, infihntin,, and rMr 4mw. 2. The antiftcairm tics. 2rm%Cnt arpm.imne a.il Iwnnd.rim. Acnl.I twnmdary may be ir.mithnul. Log of Boring 13-2 Lots 10 & 11 East 81st AvenueA-1003-61 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska C totmitnlcal Consultants Fig. 3 1z. -- ' Mirth" Llmld A Wal" Content Nannl Wner Cmlenl % Still Descriplion 1%.lie limit l0liquid limit Slandard Petrrtrad.n Reslalance .. •c 3 �- (140.1h. reiahl J 30 in. drop) .ni../r t m indicated depth Surface Elevation: F E E n != 1� 0 20 00 60 2 inchet of r m0rur anict 0.11 ' ....... I • ....... .:.:.::: ::::........ ..... . . Medium deruc, brown, alightly gravelly, emuly Sll:r, dry It .: ;.:.,....... ........... ........ ...... • . 3.5 I.trtne, dark Mrrwn. PKAT 5.0 ... ._ ... .......... ..... .i...:.. ... __.__._ :......:.......... ...... ..: 10.0 13 ._...__..._._..._.(._...__.__......_ :::.:.:.: I ::::::::: ......... .__..._.__._._ ........ . 10.3 Very dente, clayey SIIX. maim grey, gravelly, IS.t 4 .»....._..»I _ Q I 211.0 S daring drilling .._..._.:_;...: ...:. .--'--'-- ..... . 21.5 Net," of Boring noting Compincrl June 17. 094 .....: Groundwater enmmlcred n 20 feet ...:...: i ::.:. • .: ::::. : during drilling. 25.0: .............._».:.i..»...... ...__..._.__�._ . ......... ..... ... ....... .. ... . ....... ......... .... ..... ................... . i . ....... ..... .I ......... ......... ......... ......... an0.. i ......... ......... ' Legend 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Shrar Slrtneth tsf 3.O.b. Win-vdl .ample Irnpervimn .cal I Y O.D. rpiibspmn samrleIcvel al indienwl gtellunl nr alesmrement ak'a¢r 9llncrofincd Cr.mprd.i.n Ell Mnlinumra omrlc 1 1.901hu, r eeammumt �Ilnc.nmlidued • llndninrd R Rock cum ramp). Pir...nan tip trio ual --rr i— Rgri Q 1'nrvmr Gnh sample 0 P.<km Prnnmmmn 1. Gm..druet levels may .ary rith limn, rrroiritali.n, infrlln0.n, uuI nhrr ruar.n 2 The anlifreatira time re, e.m1 srrmdmam soil 1n.mdsnet. Artful 6,u.,6ry may be Imm�i.-sal. Log of Boring B-3 Lots 10 & 11 East 81st Avenue A-1003-61 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska 1� Geotoclnical ConsulUnK - Fig. 4 Allerhng I.IInIN k Water Conlent Not orft Water Cnorlent % Soil Description Ila,liel.imus 9 Liquid limit Standard Penetnllm Rahtanca .. (140.1h, wright / 30 in, drop) $UrrOCC ElCydllo0: i =Lean c o 3 t Aill.rtnnt no indicated depth PJ % £ d L3 90 v V 3 20 40 60 1 inches of mole/ur nuie, 11.11 ... i • ..... - . ..... . Dense, hrmvn, slightly gravelly, fortify SIM'. dry .:...: i ::::::::: ......... I 5.11.:..:.:.».:._._:.:..�---.---------- 1 ....... ......:: -- - Lome, dark Mown. PKAT 6.5 :::::: ' ::::::: ; : ' ; ' : : ......: : ... : : : Very dense, grey, gravelly, clayey SIIX, moist Ir, wet S 10.(1 l2 drlrind drillnd --------------- ._:._:._:-- :I. .�.:..__._. ::.: � .: :............... ... ........:.......i.__.__.:_ __.. ......... 20.0 ............................ . ... i ......... _• t_ __ .»......... _____ 4 I . . . . ::: .. .......... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... . 215 Ilmhmn of Iloring noring Ciampilctal )one 17, 1994 ....... I ......... GrounJwaltr tntamtereJ x1 10 feel """" """". ... ""' during drilling. 2.5.0 ._..-_....._..._.».i.��.:._.:.».:._.:...:..:.��.:.�w 311.0 ............._.... .........:......... ......... 75.11 . ......... ._ .:. .............. _.1 .............. _... ... ....... ......... 40.0 :.:.............. ........ Legend 11 1.0 2.0 3.0 IIJ' Q.D. thin-wall sample Imrervimr, vat Shear SIIMRth Id I2' 0 D. splilwr.var. samrle \1rlhnrl nr \leasnremenl Water 1.1 or imlirau-d O Ilnemnned Cmnp". inn ..+,' erartinnnu nmrte 1 1•oo Dale •{mumu+nem 0 UmymenlidatM -llndmined R(� Rick cmc samrle Pi—uaer car tria,ial muprerrim 0 rnrvane (inh samrle 1314a1n+ Pnafmmmer I. Gimrndw-ler IN[I, may Iffy with lime. ro-irilall.ar, Inhh Olimr, and n h,, li-t— t The wralllleallm line, mrm[Cnt arrrntlmale fmI Nmin tan". Actual F uulary may he Iramlli."61. Log of Boring B-4 Lots 10 & 11 East 81st Avenue A-1003-61 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska >_ Geotechnical Cortsultr, nrs Fig. 5 ka APPENDIX A Previous Borehole Logs Altnhrrg Clops 8 {Vater Conlenl Natural Wates Conlan R Soil Description Mon, Limit 0 16 Liquid Limit renelrsuen Redden" ' L°O ()40-I1,. weight 130 in. deep) $UffiCC Elevation: L �' `u •C AIllowslfan nr indicated Berth i v L7 0 20 40 60 Loose, wet. hic,". gravelly SANT) 0.11 i ::. i ........ . it 5.0 A, taole renr .... . :................... I- 11.0 Very stiff to hard, grey SILT ' Grey SILT I3 15.0 .. ................ .i..."---------- .(.:._��.:.�.:_._ .: 1 :.: :::......... ;.' ....... I4 ........:......... ..... :......: Hard• grey, slightly gravelly, sandy SILT 213 . . .. ....... i • .:.:. . Dottsom of Poring liming Completed 4/1/94 . . j I i . No groundwater encoomcfed durin • drilling 25.040.0 ......_..-......._...a-__..........._..._!.__._"_—'_ :... ...t........: Legend U LO 2.0 3.0 !' O.U. thm•wall rample Imperious seal Shear Strength of I 5' 0.0 srin-spurn samrlcMethod We," level n indtcatod of Measurement O Unconfined compression ;,F-continuous umplc 1 1.90Deteeftnusvrtmua &Unconsolidated • Undrained R Rock core sample gam' Pietemaer or ui.o.I compression IGolt simple OTorane 13 Pecka Penetrometer 1. Cimum wetef Ieacls may vary with time. prectrimeen. infiltration, and other faction 2 The nn ifuetmn Ines represent arrrmtmne soil hotndance. Actual Modery may he tnmitisoal. Log of Boring B-1 East 82nd Storage A-573 � SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska 31MI11F GettlechniCal CCnSUltan6 Fig. 2 00MI, n • Allerhe" Umltt 6 Weer semen) Nmn.lw.terconent i Soil Description M.w1Jmitl 0 L;g Nabi' � renetr.tlro Ralst.nee .. (340.1h. weight 130 in. deep) Surface Elevation: s m u E g u s o — "% ♦alnw.lrean in indiested depth rn L 0 20 40 60 Drown, loosc. gravelly SILT 0.0 . . . . . 1 .:...:.: i . ..... . I t ..... �•.. I ::..... - Lootc• PEAT 53 10.0 12 •...... I, {... . ,.;..,..:I........ • � • � • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' 15.5 Grehard, randy w SIM- y gravdh I 20.0.:... , i :•::::::: 213 .:...:I: .::::.:: ... . ... t .. • . • . • .: I : • :::.:: Patorn or Poring Poring Cornplctcd 41IN4:: : I ; :::::: : \o groundwater encountered during ' ' ' ' ' • ' • I ; ' ' ' ' ' drilling25.0 .__........_.__....,.__.__.__.__._.t.__....__._.. 10.0 .. ... ...............:......_.........._....;..._.:....:._.:._._ ..... ...:.........:......... ... .....:. ........ :. .. ...... 40.0 : :j:':,::: :j::::::::: Legend 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 II?' U.U. thin. -.11 temple ImPervn.ua +rl Sheer strength tar I5- U.D. splinapnm: tampie weer keel n indieaed hlethnd er \enurement _ O (inemdined compression tommurro+$..Ple I I -?O Uue nfma+umnmt �nem+nlid.ted - Undrained li R[ �_ R OD+kk� Rmk eon ssmrle Nuesneter tip enm we list prestirm ■ Gish ample OTorv.ne 0 Pnekn Pe rmnmer I. Gmuodwater levels in.r v..y wnh ume, pnctpims.. m0luntmt. and ober heron 2. The antibunm lines mrm., srrm.un.te .it Mundana. Am.l A.rid.r m.y he tnmitimtd. Loo of Borini, B-2 East 82nd Storae A-573 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska t� Gaota finical ConsuMnls Fig. 3 AlWbera Umila & Weer Coolant Nnunl Water Comatt •e Soil Description Pl.eue limit l- 9 Liquid limn Penelrallan Rnlaanee •� ,. V •= pao•Ib. `eight / ]o in. drop) Surface Elevation:r = ^o u t• E E is A111--Aoot or indicated depth '3 n U` 3 0 20 40 60 Hard, brown, gravelly SILT 0.0 :. j . _ ..... . i • . • . • • • . . I:. ::::::::............ I2 :A ....:: •; Loose PEAT I3 10.0•"'--'- .;..... .i......... .::.::::::::::: •.::::: I4•' I S.D ._..._........ .:.... .......... ....... ..._..._.r... .... .__.____.._._ ' ' ' A ' ' ' • ' ' ' 13.3 very stirf to hard, grey, arid), slightly gravelly to gravelly SILT .: ..... 1 ... . 21.3 .. :. ..: ;.. t......... Balloon or Boring Boring Completed 411/94 .: ' I ' ..... • .i. No groundwater..... encountered during . .:......... :......... , i • " • • , , i • , , • , • , • drilling 25.0 ..................... F-7-7-77"t-7-77-77 ... . . .:. .. ......:... ...... 30.0 ...................... . .:... ... ...:. . ..... . .__.:._.:._.__-- 33.0 ........................ ... . ... ..... ..... . .;. ... ;..__........... ........,.__.....__.__._ d0.t1 .�,...::...:........ . Legend 0 Lit 2.0 3.0 II]" O.D thin•wvll eamrk Impervmur seal Shear Strength of I T 0D. rplit•,peon ample Weser level a indauW atelh d of i1towemenl O UnermOned Comptesaion g CmnlnYmle rampie 11-11) Date of m wrcmeTI DUneonmlidned Unduined a —tom' Nuck rare sample a P.W..nmacr up cmnpraion Mahale -' Gnh ample OTervane O Pocaa Peo tmo e, 1. Gro mdwner level, may vary with time, preeiptunon. infilvaunn, and other factors 2.71.a ... ificsion liner reptceent approximate and Mundane. Actual Nand, y may he transitional. Log of Boring B-3 East 82nd Storage A-573 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska goo Geotechnical Consultants Fig. 4 AllerErrt Limits & Water Content Nnttnl Wale Content L Soil Description 1 0 <Limiti a—�Liquidumil o L ,' renNnllon RnhtanM r (340-th. v isht 130 in. drop) t m c = ARIowUfoot or indicated depth Surface Elevation: � E „ � 3 � c 3 G zo d0 60 Loose. brown, gravelly SAND 11.0 .. ' ......... j ....... 7.5 : ; : ' ::': ' ... I ..... .. Lorre PEAT 5.0 ....: 2 10.0.... _....... .. :... .. .;... .....�:.::::::: _._..... . ....;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :i......... 103 Verystiff tohard, rc.,sli h0)• ravellyto t > t C gravelly, sand and SILT • • . ..... i • ... .. 7 7t..:::....j: 0 15. .:.....................1.:....:._.:._� I 20.0 :::::... .... 21.5 .... Banner, of llonni; Ewing Completed 411194 No groundwater encountered during ; ' ' . ' ' ' I drilling :5.0 ._. ............... ....._.__._ 30.0 ........................ i... _ .................. s.__...""•"•" 75.0 .__..........._...:.i._ . ..... . ....... ........ .ti.:._.__.__.»._ 40.0 Legend O 1 .0 2.0 3.0 II.t• O.D. Ihto-wJl sample Imr<rvions seal Shear Strength Uf I5.O.D. split•spmm nmrle _ Wever level al indicated Method of hlessurement O Unconfined Cnmrrearton ¢'jeontinusms sample I I•glDne ri musurranea AUneonmlidued • Undrained p�{� RWm a IRI Rock core ramnl< Pierneter tir iaml enpreon vorni ■ Grah'sande OTnrvane ❑ Foca<t pennmmner I. Groundaarer levels may vary with tiro., rrurri atimr, inrdirnion. and other faetera 2. The nrstiftcation linea represent arproarmste rail hnmdanea. Actual boundary may he intuitional. - Log of Boring B-4 East 82nd Storage A-573 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska Geotechnical consultants Fig. 5 Allerberg Umllr gl R'a/R Conlmt Nuvnl Water Content % ' Soil Description plastic Limit 0 Liquid Limit • .' J .. J penelra0on Rnlstanee ` 'e ` (d0.1b. reight 130 In. drop) r u g ` $Uifue Elevation: Z =) m s u r ♦Bloc sRea or indicated depth �3 ei V 3 d 0 20 ao 60 Louse, brown. gravelly SILT 0.0 . ; ::::. • i ......... 11 : A: ...:::.:::::::::::::::: : JJ Loose PEAT ..I......... I2 ::'::::�.: ...... .....:.: 10.0 ----------- -- • 10.3 (lard. grey. slightly gmveUv to gravelly. 7 : �...... i ::::::::: A: • • . sandy SILT :::::::J ::::::::: Cobbles 12.0 It. ........ t . ....... ::::: : 13.0.:.. .I... ..:I:.......: --- 20.0.:. IS -------- :_ .:.: •- ..... . .:: 21.3 Ratan ,>(noting Swing Cumplcted 4/I.4/1 :...:.:.. ....:.:: ::::::: : No gruunduatcr cncounlerod during . .:. ....... • . • . • • • ......... ........ . Jrilling 25.0 ......... . .......:.. 70.0 73.0 ._..._...... ... ._...:..:.:.».:..:.»:».:._:.�.�.: ....... : Legend 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 R3' O.D. thin. -.11 sampla Impervious ml Shear Slrmeth tsr IT O.D. split..porn sample Method of %leaeuremenl Water level at indicated O Unconfined Compression "continuous temple 1 1.90Dnanf."uteement Unconsolidated • Undrained AP� Nock core sample Piev nice f lip tnaual compression nowt O Tetvane Grab sampla O packet peneremetar 1. Grwnd'Ytter heals may vale rids lime. rrIXipnatlan. inrUtra4an, and nlher factor 2. Tial ArtJfGIIM IIMs Rpmeml appmlrmato fad hAlndanes. Actual boundary may be tramition.l. Log of Boring B-5 East 82nd Storage A-573 SHANNON WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska Geoteclnical Coro � Consultants .Fig. 6 AL AlWher2 Umlle A Wet" Cmlmt N.nn.l We,. Cmterd % Mmie LhnitE0. Ugeld Urnll ' Soil nesc Opti1111 rendr.11.n It"Wanee S' 41 (14n.lh. Yeisht 130 H. dr..r) .nI.I.Ann1 a indic.ted der h SUr(Ncc Elcvnllon: �3 d vt V 3 d o 20 40 60 IAM#c, FfOY'11, grewily 5111 Ii.II ...... . .. .....� ....... .: ......... .......:. ........ ......... nine ITA1 7: IS.n ...................:. 10.5 I 10.0 ............ ........................... ...-.....- — .-' � ------------._ ..._.�._�._ :....... II.rJ, grey, slightly gravelly In gr.axlly, : , , ... :.......: randY SII:I. ......' ......: ......... I Is.n ..... _....._.__....__..._...... ::�.::" _ _ _—: ---- Tzll.11 ._..._......i...._.1._...__.__.__._ -_X_7__ . 21.s ... ..... ....... Ii.ni.tg ('.nnrletrnl •Illn't ... ' • • " :... • ...: ::.:: : • Nn gntundw.lcf enawuaual dining ..:.:.... ..... ... • .:::::. • ... . ... . • . • . . ......... thilling 25.0 ...... _ ..... 7._...7,......7_......7_._ 111.11 ........... -......... . 1 ........................ ..__._...__.__•_ . ........: 15.0 ..'. .............. ..... ..:..1: ......... :::::::: 77777• 40.11 ... :.. ..:.: ....... Legend 0 1.0 ' 2.0 3.0 She.r Strength Id II) O.U. Thin will nmrle I ... P' i.....rd nr gR..l I I' o u..rrt.ar..,, ou.rlrMrlhml ��'..er level a h.dir..ed O Ihvmfi.nd Cm.rraaalm untinn.nn .uncle II•glnna .d m<,n.m.ron Q l l..e.'Mid..e4• Undrained Prtt�N.rY mm mnrin Irierm.nrrtic id-4-1enmrmaim upn1�I O rm.',e„n I'r.h...nrk 0lWkr I'eMmmeer 1. ornnalwan krd. uY v.,y rl.h ling rrr.irimi.nt. i.dillr.thn. end r.hef r.cten 2. The nmilk.linn linea rcrraenn .rrnni.vte .nil 1v n l.riea. Artn.l h--Wy .nay he In.nitim.l. Lob of Boring 13-6 East 82nd Storage A-573 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. Anchorage, Alaska OMP Gttctnc nit:.'ll Comtoloom Fig. 7 AL LANG &ASSOCIATES, INC. D RA )NAGE ?LAIV 11500 Daryl Avenue _ Anchorage, Alaska 99515 ra i .QENOTES STI 6 Y SAGE i2Aa►�E I i W11 '_.—/A 0 I I 1 I 1 Trees 1 h M %03.9 r .II 1•—rIOQB S 10 6 6 8 OCT 302000 nJ . LANG & ASSOCIATES, INC. 11500 Daryl Avenue Anchorage. Alaska 99515 0 '9J Tank ofLi TOM MAI Trees —� 0 I Trees 0 I Trees / -Q S 106 6 8 OCT 302000 r -/00c om CL • _ c cmOE $ i .91 pt 1111 Z W ri fill t� Y ; 1 o 0 _tYyit W � R p sgg O�i a. 3 i i ; G zi ;i i EIsi 8, Y . e Be800. �� -J •uruu•i uwu --- ..n', �w 3 i ' �I � R r ts • y ' W i {{pppp8 1 3 Ili � y $ s H�' 3 I II • I I 3 o ills i J 2 ills;