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ILIAMNA ACRES Tracts 8A, 8B & 8C S-10444
Iliamna Acres Tracts 8A, 10 t It 1 1 1 5-10444 05/11/99 12:03 FAX 907 343'41220 Communlis Planning » CROSS SHORT PLAT (21002/005 SUMMARY MAY 10, ION RECEIVED MAY 12 1999 S-9281 ROW Acquisition Fireweed Lane - Municipality ut Ancnorage Approval of the plat. Dept. Health & Human Services 5-10444 Iliamna Acres, Tracts $A. 8B and 8C Approval of the plat subject to: I. Resolving utility easements. OK J9-c,&v-2. Resolving with DHHS the need to provide information on soils and water availability as required by AMC 21.15 and 16.65. S-10445 Walter G. Piovel Addn. 2. Block 12, Lots 16A Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements and verifying the dimension of the utility easement along the southwest property boundary as the certificate to plat indicates a 10 -foot easement. 2. Entering into mainline extension agreements with AWWU if public water and sewer is to be extended to the property. 3. Providing an additional 5 -feet of dedication for the Horseshoe Drive right-of-way along the west property boundary. 4. Providing a 6 -foot arterial landscape easement along the southwest (North Eagle Loop Road) property boundary. 5. Resolving with Parks and Beautification Division the need to provide a 10' trail easement along the south property boundary abutting North Eagle River Loop Road. 6. Resolving the need for drainage easements and drainage improvements with Project Management and Engineering, Public Works Dept. 7. Obtaining approval from ADEC, or its authorized designee. Post -It" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 of P -9-e To fte R, N%/V G•Y�Pr•n-�I/ From R if7- �°zorr ;=Fax 6 F -x - 2 2 � _4M ire MUNICIPALITY Or ANCHORAGE Department of Ilealth and IIuman Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: May 7, 1999 To:oning & Platting, CPD From: es Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Nater Quality Subject Request for Comments on Subdivision —dlay 6, 1999 The Environmental Services Division, On -Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-10444: Iliamna Acres Information to satisfy the requirements by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring must N be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on- o 1 site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April — May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope and n_ slope setback requirements. p, j7 3. Topographical information must be submitted. �J 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S-10445 Walter G Pippel 42, Block 12 Lot 16A No objections. S-10446: South Center Subdivision No objections. S-10448: Calais Subdivision, Tracts D -1 1E, D -1 1F & D -1 1G No objections. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill In the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 7 3. Street Address OFFICE USE RECD BY - 0 Y: S-�cL,u1-t oe©©eon■©oeeee■■■■�■��■�� 4. NEW abbreviated legal description (171 2N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). S. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. 6. Petitioners Name (Last - First) ae0000nn�e�me������� Address 13011 Bates Circle City Anchorage State Phone If Alaska ZD 99515 7. Pattionees Representative ©o■o©oo©■■o■oe©■ee■oe©■■ NINE Address 723 West 6th Avenue city Anchorage Phones 272-5451 State Alaska zip 99501 8. Petition Area Acreage 9. Proposed 10. Existing 11. Grid Number 12. Zone Number Lots Number Lots In= 11111111211 1 1 IIIIIIEW11111 oil IIIIIINIIIIII 13. Fee S 350.00 14. Community Council Rabbit Creek B. 1 hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that 1 desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee Is nonrefundable and is to coverthe costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the bask fee. 1 further understand that assigned hearing dates we tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: �✓� must provide written proof of 11 a 1 .0 . 4011 C. Please check or fill In the following: 1. _Comprehensive Plan —Land Use Classification x Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2 Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Intensity Special Study 3. Environmental Factors (d any): a. Wetland 1. Developable 2 Conservation 3. Preservation Marginal Land Commereiallindustrlal Public LandsMstitutions Dwe" Units per Acre<1 Alone/Slope Affected Alone/Slope Affected Industrial Spada) Study b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harcring/Lawson) i D_ Please Indicate below t any of these events have occurred In the last five years on the property. Retuning Case Number Subdivision Case Number Conditional Use Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For Building stand Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit E_ Legal description for advertising. Tract 8, Iliamna Acres F. Checklist 40 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) x 30 Copes of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (8 'A x 11) x Certificate to Plat x Aerial Photo x Housing Stock Map x Zoning Map Water. x Private Wells Sewer. x Private Septic esam �rm..wn• x Fee . Drainage Plan x Topo Map 4 Copies Sops Report 4 Copes Pedestdan Walkways Landscaping Requirements Community Well Community Sys. Waiver Public Utility Public Utility Eagle River Engineering Services Louis Butera, P.E. P.O. Box 773294 Eagle River, AK 99577-3294 May 22, 1999 Jim Cross, P.E. Manager, On -Site Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 Re: Proposed subdivision of Iliamna Acres, Tract 8 S- Dear Mr. Cross: (907) 694-5195 tel (907) 694-3297 fax RECEIVED MAY 24 1999 Municipality of Pt. Health Human Services At the request of our client, we have completed the soils investigation and report for the proposed subdivision of Iliamna Acres, Tract 8. The 4.13 acre tract will be split into 2 parts, with the dividing lot line as indicated on the preliminary plat. One testhole was excavated on each of the proposed lots Tract 8A and 8B. The soil logs attached show a soil that is adequate for single family residential development and it is our opinion that there is adequate area of each soil type to allow for reserve septic systems. Land area is such that well separation distance is not an issue. There are no encroaching well separation distance concerns. The area wells have been researched and it is found that the surrounding lot wells are producing in excess of 6 GPM. This acknowledges that there is adequate water supply in the surrounding area. Representative well logs are attached along with a summary map of locations and record well production. We recommend this two lot subdivision for approval. If you have any questions, feel free to me directly at 696-7375. Sincerely, Louis Butera, P.E. %19vm99-006-5oii rpt -MOA i I G✓e/�aPol�LG> /��J 3 S f L E 142 AVE ;s 1 RIVERTON DR _ u7 ' ��I I516 I �� 4 75TO I p 537 P 10g— F W b // I /1 !! ^ N (/ 9 I\MbW ,14630 / 6 M21 ! w SOC i 9071 5045 1 � I SOTS �I 5115 I Cry 14620 .riP �y 1J E. W AVE. TR A-/ 1469 2 t N 7 6IiGr1! u513e 14671 ! r 14571 MSOD B 1 E5 . 14621' 6$ 1 2 W 9.a M'RM / s B p 5161 Pa 3 5275 5261 E' N7 AVE, ° 7 E9 27 M 5246 5231 5215 5201 975 t21 rn 14700 - 14701 N P! ?2 1/ 14720 I 6 14710 14701 1479 g 14714 V 9 N !0 M !4 m'#J7 7rR A45014 $101 15M 121 99 5201 3241 5301 $341 WOOONAVEN AVE. 3137 S M7ba 1 GR. 3037 253 263 262 -Q®>- 264 DeArmoun Area Reference Map—P14 Y ® COPYRIGHT IM JMR 271 E. M10 __ E MO AVE_— 14001 TR AI TR P H 7R 9 7R I/ TR Q n7, / ,�p/1 M000 901 TR pB 1M � �� tIMgE QAC 527J 3341 j Sq0 7A 920 7B 14 !B 7W0 I 14 69m WI?TRP 560D TR 2I 3660 7RSB 3720 � iPm �� M23S0 IRB TR 6 t YD x 40 x .e BP,n 5001 SWI 53a j Sq0 7A 920 7B 14 !B 7W0 I 14 69m WI?TRP 560D TR 2I 3660 7RSB 3720 � iPm �� M23S0 IRB TR 6 t YD x 40 x .e BP,n 5001 53a 5345 s4a m45 r Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 3 HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Ire,., 4 –/ L -� 9 GATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 !' Q 2- 3- 4- 6- 7- 8 - it 346 711 16 17 18 19 4A,.a gclrJ S Or DY daeAl e. SM — Cr 5./> Sea./ 07e./ de -re, ;7�ty Derr;6r aZa,r4jeJ •t* h'. ar., 20 -� IL_ll PERCOLATION RATE / 7 Immures mcnl PERC MOLE DIAMETER E TEST RUN BETWEEN S FTAND FT COMMENTS 1 Prap.Je s/ 54 �../ir /l/i.., ,f 7,.Y ,F -I PERFORMED BY: Gtr r �• �n /e... I+>— CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCOROANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. .S— 2 2 – 55 72-0081Rer a 0.51 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? e, Section: Tri . # IP 71.+ Sem SLOPE 1 \• l'<r / 3.0 , Depth to War Mer mamlorulgT /�• `/ Date I/. 3A !Q Xi Reading Date Grote Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop S/4K /3: r7 S'•Y •/i. e it Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH S HUMAN SERVICES 825 `L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502.0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Ire,,, Ll —�imt a-99 GATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:_ %rref X/3 Of 1 h'+.....• Township, Range, Section: Tri N R 7 w Sea 3,/ Jrn D yp �_ _ Acivf SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -{ 11_. JI PERCOLATION RATE S'6 (minuteslncn) PERG MOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN S FTAND 6 FT COMMENTS Pinyift o/ .rr b✓i✓/l...,. rf ji..Y 1'/,'0 .....,� S [Jr Q!/ Xi 1�-4 e.[ -0W✓y' PERFORMED BY: CERTIFY L• Q.+'� i�1'`-T CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUICEUNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. S ' a- 9 9 / 1 VAS GROUND WATER INCOUNTEREDt %Ei F YES, AT WHAT i IEPTH! pth W Water Aller nitormg? P• 7 oats: -0'59 ■■■■■■■M■ Date Cron Time Not Time Depth to Water ■■■M■■M■ 4,-/4 -79 ■rMWRRARmm t...r 011EMM=3211ME 4-r a : w ■'1■■OMM1,■■ 3 ■, fa t'-7'Y'd RMINE ■1M■RNM,■■ .7:04 to.-:.. Sr --7 rte MINNEENNINEE ■e====MEN '2:.7 NESEEMENE 6 7:19r z Reading Date Cron Time Not Time Depth to Water Net Drop 4,-/4 -79 t...r 4-r a : w 3 r fa t'-7'Y'd .7:04 to.-:.. Sr --7 rte '2:.7 6 7:19r z g -7 'y, 724= IR" J,ML EAST 142nd Avenc S 90a0'0a' E 299.51' ' r+ y \ T A n 60.076 SF. Avenue m N gamoo w 299-M T/aaaoJ I I w uwnQj( 8P . \ I I I 59.850 IF '\ .16 i Q7 gl Ni or' 59.815 SF. 1 N 9oU0'00• w. 29&99 -Avenue RIVERTON A �1 ry OF .fig .••' ~''�, ¢ � I ' • :-. .. i ��� '►• CE 67J6 • . is-�iviv iPesc�c A•�Fm STATR OF ALALXA OEPARTMCUT OF NATURAL RI,$ t) Cts OtVL510N OF WATER WATER WELL WOR0 .' iCRO iNOb1Y{e10u IAT KO CK "CT" n IPA A�IitiC 1Y fiGTtON TOIWMIt/ h�Ds OW p WELL OWNER: YA AK"UM FROIrt:0c&UAp top Cproum "Ace WELL DEPTH: DATE OF CgAYL TOLE CA►A:U�Ath Depth of holo: / C// _h pyaarhf T"o wC A& From To Depth of walnp: /!�// ft �/ / •Z f oe"m,t0 STATIC WATER LEVEL: ft below tT top of cea;nd O around at. Cate: , 2 j _ • I METHOD OF DRiLLWG: flair f+otary (] CAW foal S Q�( ❑ ether USE 0* WELL. C domsit;c O imcaum O mot itor O public ►,trpply O other !�.CAS -NO STICK -M �-- ft. Di •n G 1- i a: ` rasin0 tyge: .fT- F to �► `� _ / WELL WTAXE OPENiNO TYP : -E 7i�pcn " (] leer r Cl POrforated 0 o,�en Rots 'JTRACTOR tNFOAMATION Dcptns of Opcn;np:: to It SCUEN TYPE: SIOLUesh Stye: Gam: GRAVEL PACK TYPE Volume used: DSOV► to top: GROUT TY►[: �. Volume. Gepth: fromft DEVELOPMENT mer l..t Duration- / I P'JMP:NG LEVEL AND YI�IO: / % ��. It after ►rt DumD.np�� I PUMP &NTAKE DEPYH: 1t "w&epowcr: I JGI WCLL OIStNfCCTED UPON C0F"'LETION) i� YES ❑ NI r.4A HI(!: - 1StYu tot 01.111.n er CNlq l<.1 rr Gw Sul f...... (Dt:fl 201 ron..tN o,lee Ir.la.... In.L♦t>. rra<! a• � f1<t•M b. / / A..t Ma$a. iljaee SSS :1 Iae.e Il.f {IIM SAW I<. OI\INt1 M 01IKltN rre. Iwb.<KIIM< $Sweet Ad*,H< 1w/ 11e, OI Wrl l LKa11M1n I A).,.JI{ D� q 1P L1 ANraU 2. WELL LOC ry 4, 41 1.M I IN1 Mln. +• . eH ba raOl. .I l 1CC 0.0 oallly C.neaee heee A1.i ,L \'. a Imo` .J /0' -� i OUn0. a NLL aww reeebte a4.e, la. 1]. nr le p r• t -'• I Cisl♦C: Te,eeeee r WeliN .. / Ie• br4. booth . wltat+ 7 twt&. I _In. w /t. reeve. r1i .•_ "" • , • �• ei=ter-- C. n•Iv or WELL: T1N' r .r.. It I /r_ 01ee.gel�. slam... Ue.+ Segtllr Set "Seem rt. OW It• net 1..11. 1 • , 1 I I 1 1 1 1 r STATS a i:ASli OI►AATIIt{T Or NTOAL PAM &$ W.S.C.S. twat b. 0,1110.0 perch M. I.O.L. N. la N,eNn $wee lele4w •10N Lel •� I� •IK• h. rra<! a• � f1<t•M b. / / te�geq VS Iae.e Il.f {IIM SAW I<. OI\INt1 M 01IKltN rre. Iwb.<KIIM< $Sweet Ad*,H< 1w/ 11e, OI Wrl l LKa11M1n I A).,.JI{ D� q 1P L1 ANraU 2. WELL LOC ry 4, 41 1.M I IN1 Mln. +• . eH ba ♦. Wla 0l1Tei Iw.4tN1 It. $Y/IK. clMstM Dace o/ t:fwm%t a t --t•/ S. CC.11e twl ©het.,, DMINw Q0p Q1.", QJ.ttee Q..wei 0ot.e. /0' -� usl: U" w+e.as ❑Mus f+w1r QI Iwtrp U,rflpltte. [2Ae1herMCJaM'Qot •,. • , , . ♦ 1 - - - p r• t -'• I Cisl♦C: Te,eeeee r WeliN .. / Ie• br4. booth . wltat+ 7 twt&. I _In. w /t. reeve. r1i .•_ "" • , • �• ei=ter-- C. n•Iv or WELL: T1N' r .r.. It I /r_ 01ee.gel�. slam... Ue.+ Segtllr Set "Seem rt. OW It• net 1..11. 1 • , 1 I I 1 1 1 1 STOIC WTI. IIHII 1'{ It. �irr,w 0.601w leel eerlel. . TrN er Neawerr.{ I 10. IyMle: LIKL Mlee le../ Serra/ It. el Hr M1. rwty UOQ. 1 lww� 1 CF of I,L W'L OLAO cwe trloe: le As"Wooi Olt 1l lleae ieaewr / 4' Iwthe1 clew owN 12. MUT 1.0: W i I Creetel: Q TN :,Joe Nt"101. O.wt Ceeeet ❑other, 7,44 . L 12 1L.1: (1/.w,le. bl M IN1t♦ el ow. 11N 4"0411VIt. Itll► o•r. TIN: ❑teN,f 1►1e ❑ Jet QOthen t❑4alirellue{ t IL. olew,s: - I r I t I I r P- I 1 IS, Wl1 eta CO♦•UC'7'f CI If Ir ICAf1N 11.11" r -V1 •e I p .4 C1•.- •-t •. • .em,• Is ...e .. t••, Na n: er a.q lNie a" 64114#1 •. •t '. e H a. Y.. N� .♦ •.1 . N•M e1 L 1.e. I • WELL LUX �. Peter Crimp Date Drilled:_ 12/20195 tzet•7A i Iliama Acres Static Water Level —37 feet Gallons Per MinUt2 r-6'-' Draw Down N/A feet TyTa Material Drilled: 0 feet to 2 ft. Casing Stickup 2 ft. to 4 ft. OverLvnic�n 4 ft: to 12 ft. Silty Gravel 12 ft. to 80 ft. Hardpan 80 ft. to 94 ft. Wieepiny Hardpan 94 ft. to 104 ft. Silty Sand ` 104 fL. to 110 ft. Sand w/wate_r to Screened w/.006 Slot to HEFTY OAILLIl:G 3540 AKULA DRIVE A:JCHC%AGE, P,K 9157�1 (97') 345•C53° Total Feet of Casing 110 • HA epsen Inl a sincel ry✓1ir.: •vrs.-..st.:�'rr.I�a.r..r..r�tw:.wra•..wr+•.. R:1 Clock pumping Startsd/ I Qepth to Orawdrorn/ runping Renarks Tine Stnooed• /fin. (later• ft. Rccorer Rate, rr4 I wr d' JU ' G _ • I0 0 Start 40 -79 i w' r r+ Ire 0�7 iw SU f' 7',r MIOJtCi:S_r �:.•IAIECf — L• O hour 1 LOCATIf1::Of 11(1.1 (Legal 1)r•b(11,11ron): _ FFF I:CLL MCM:�1 T. (AS IR": 'It I r __riy SCRC.•7:_ Ga TC ORCI LILG COt1W111):_�j/�•?q DR IIIER SIATIC ':AIiR LEVEL (Top,uf C71::ing): %-% r _ rw epsen Inl a sincel , , • r -.—_ . R:1 Clock pumping Startsd/ I Qepth to Orawdrorn/ runping Renarks Tine Stnooed• /fin. (later• ft. Rccorer Rate, rr4 I wr d' JU ' G _ • I0 0 Start 40 -79 i w' r r+ Ire 0�7 iw SU f' 7',r -7 — 1• MW REC07ERY f I D , , • r -.—_ . rW 20 7 7•. JU ' G r/ 40 -79 i r Ire 0�7 v SU f' 7',r / — 1• O hour 1 MW REC07ERY f . ', w, LVr•`L.U•a.raY_�.1 _' _ r _ - r..•r — �.. _ _ YMlc __ _ _ r i ' . vl/l CMT09CtICe tis Or Orrond Ce.,..iG 2'2)06 i)ri111n$ & t'`aterari Beg Uses of. OfuUr_YrrII,)A T., Nowull loos er 0,, c4,blo tool 0rte .ell generated 6-1.79 veto sever Joa we Bryant _bluest sewnoty. Anchorage jU11 location . (address t legaldeeu 0pllenl �TArt� alk�l' te:fltem 61141161, of /024010 march Tri — MtlArflt'AUTv �. Ft:.?+!'BAGE Oaet% of •ell1� 0 11. Casino; de)Iol 91, _to. dome. 6~ —In, Dftl r t. f•:�ro_t. ;•. ...:1;ON simile note# offer 731 /t. Ivii.0n-aLuL) land eslNee. Dels_fi—_]_-79 Flue% of well: Iepee.esd, acres", 0ulent°d. eoeh-%eoe, ether)— J u N 1 p, 13-19 Offr,ree late wall and fief! RECEIVED i veto yield tested %►to •� erne. Deo 10+C, eu) &I pl/•res. ! let --%tyre alit 15 11. of duNn° Ile. simile 4.11. ' Olill2v's wTE01tl let 0°01% %elan lend cone descflot U" of NrON penstraled amt Nee o• lost teles of material. Co'e:. births-.% N drlrllms. and solar salient) 0 t 1grn 10AM --- 5 to 10 blue-green hard silty clny with gravel 10 to 42 hard pia 42 to 87 silty brown till coopag') 0 65-690 70-719 78-791 017 to 91 sand .. gravol coaunted HP0 tc— — --- to --- —to I -- -It'4y:b- 0h I -- -It'4y:b- a (907) 2132M ' KEN JOHNSON f'+ u;A . 1 r .. K. ti. I 1 w KT r'f s�. a:..ti } 4�. lKENIS COMPANY WATER WELL DRILLING PUMP STILES 1 SERVICE 30 YEARS ALASKA DAILUNQ n Xorris Johnson 1200 1 Street S 410 Inchorsge. Alaska 99501 XXI tfATBx k?.L' L LOG 0 ft to 2 'ft pill 2 ft t•'' rt Organic past ( 278-1866 ) y it to 14 ft Come growl i gray silt .4 tt.t0032 ft Reds gray i gray silt 32 ft to ft Boulder j4 ft d ft Cou^se grav & gray silt r }6 ft'10 ft Douldar 39 Z'%woylles i course gray •, �rt to; . ft Course gray 4. gray silt 'tt te- 31 rt Rams w th finer gray $1 ft ;U' 557 .tt Uad gray t light Brown silt �7 ft to � ft Boulmer Q ft to ft Course crav % gray silt qb ft 170' 101 ft Broim silt A fine gray . 1C1,ft;to',10t•.ft acme ( weeps) 11 ft.'Lud .Bails down .104 ft to '14'i ft mama {dry )) 107 ft to 109 ft lied gray • sand.. Water bearing Sast bailed at 10 GPtt T0lAL CA&UG 21 ft head 110 ft 10} :n. 4 ft drawdownssss good recovery` Bottom stable •.•vary clean ANI PW WAS July 16, 1985 Static Water Laval 90.5 ft ( TOC ) r . . ;_ ,; ,.. ,, dirty i92o 14 97.5 Clloudy 194514_.. 98 Clean • clear 2000 "'.14 98 • Good recovery Pump set at 105 ft 10 in from top of casing ( TOC ) f a (907) 2132M ' KEN JOHNSON f'+ u;A . 1 r .. K. ti. I 1 w KT r'f s�. a:..ti } 4�. lKENIS COMPANY WATER WELL DRILLING PUMP STILES 1 SERVICE 30 YEARS ALASKA DAILUNQ n Xorris Johnson 1200 1 Street S 410 Inchorsge. Alaska 99501 XXI tfATBx k?.L' L LOG 0 ft to 2 'ft pill 2 ft t•'' rt Organic past ( 278-1866 ) y it to 14 ft Come growl i gray silt .4 tt.t0032 ft Reds gray i gray silt 32 ft to ft Boulder j4 ft d ft Cou^se grav & gray silt r }6 ft'10 ft Douldar 39 Z'%woylles i course gray •, �rt to; . ft Course gray 4. gray silt 'tt te- 31 rt Rams w th finer gray $1 ft ;U' 557 .tt Uad gray t light Brown silt �7 ft to � ft Boulmer Q ft to ft Course crav % gray silt qb ft 170' 101 ft Broim silt A fine gray . 1C1,ft;to',10t•.ft acme ( weeps) 11 ft.'Lud .Bails down .104 ft to '14'i ft mama {dry )) 107 ft to 109 ft lied gray • sand.. Water bearing Sast bailed at 10 GPtt T0lAL CA&UG 21 ft head 110 ft 10} :n. 4 ft drawdownssss good recovery` Bottom stable •.•vary clean ANI PW WAS July 16, 1985 Static Water Laval 90.5 ft ( TOC ) r . . ;_ ,; ,.. ,, dirty i92o 14 97.5 Clloudy 194514_.. 98 Clean • clear 2000 "'.14 98 • Good recovery Pump set at 105 ft 10 in from top of casing ( TOC ) ••�T •v • Yr;t.i �� Edi ♦'Y NUUNJ, Ina •';, '. �;• 1 •: Wil �• i, TO • ftr; •„r • 'V i.T�!�•r : AN CHf'It ACS, ALASKA 9/SG9 1 • ;w, , •,. �.•• !{ , .� ;''.?• DRILUNG LOG �•' \ •T ��� �. y Well Owner. A21 the Of ur.—U am �• :;�.. Location (address of. TownWp, Ran v, Section, if known; or distance main *o az• .. • .. , rLd. mie 60 Slfeore Subdivi•lonI .f �• Slee of Hot- 110 +cat ;:, cas<a to 106 +..► �„ II . T static l S7t1'.X ' Flnlcb x water (above) (below) land surface. of weR (cheek one) opm end \T .•�;sereem( i:. )� • Perforated ( )• I a,�, JY •Il ��IS !. '17~:.��._iwa !' •'`.. Y.` .." 4 It 31, w�,,,,{•t �'...,,��y 1 .,..� A •� . 1 p .� , Y�%.II; rV'%.••.,. '}. Z. • iIOT10 ^ 'i♦ 'V '• �T•. 1, •.,%� y , \}•r ..1� •"••4 •lV,•f"Ipj Y. ./4' _ -�a' tray- Describe $green or rr t: y:1+3,, ; _perfowt!� •Well 6—tslIons 1 '� .t'Ml, iii ,• pmaplA9 test OL' per (t1�S1) (minute) for hours with' 1C41i I ' !.. of drawdown from static Iere1 yl , .1 •�.•f • •.i !. •.'Y,••\-, ••aLL i•�•. t4`•%�r, T~�,�...�T�,C•�^.� � �.f 1 1 14 .•�. \:, , J ,�..r'.. ��ri'�~%\,�`•_: � f r y l: . 1 •' 1. r' �r •{1r•y � Y „ r �; V k '• 'Date of oompletl0+t ' T•T r/ � 1 l� �w bra � �� ... I �' a; _. A ry J .: �«.. \t.' p�.f ..1-. •• '. � :dJ• ~ 4r.S •tel Yf•i. w. Jt' r1 rr. Y.•. '•': • • tat>•+1 ..Ii+tV'(J:• ,.,,_i.•~�'ti •���•..,>(•,' =.4 ,5.. .�!°�,;:,'.. .T� ...c•►• • ' r' . �!. Depth In to" from arowul surface ••. `:•,• Cive detalb of fornistlons size of material, color and bar&isa penetrated, "' "•.i; !cjr.. :.T ;ry::;;.1 `. C .. 2 • x• Surface Orrnnies14. t '; 2 TO—M Scall Cravelr •iItY �]: S a.: y60� `,,} "'.? ?YL'^;' P C '•1i .}rrwf 5(3 T[1• ti.nd •' ••f:��,•CJ,•) . �J;.,�J.. .. .. •r7. L'}ry `��. :'.J :. . .'4 • Y���*.•\ K; ~ ., r��y 60 •I•o 66 Iri`�': Ved us Crevelr• oeesislonsl boulders Stull 'j�•�"i}i"'.w •,3.tlw(;'t: �lA`a�i: �7►-.s•:••i.:•'.�..:.•SI _ ..•. •.,;.0 r...•. ', �. •••,.. . r- .;=ti+cr'^n�i3,� �~�r. �:tlf�. s...n". �1• •ass ;� .o��•f[] 109' ��� Ball Craveli aendx and vflterbesrin• in La! Elva teat `4�1; _ .. M1 .. .• %,���'.-•L!'}41�t'•.•s'^<PT'rr�AF,•.:."a t�h4r^:1./:l`«�i'.. •.•... . ... yS '.• '�f`,�••� �'L •�•"1,r,`Z�y��..�✓ ti,,,r �'4 y. ., 1' I r ,vI ' t y Ir_• -qty • ••;: +\ilr -' �. ;,: �y .'7w"i fry:.\!.+' .• •�3•t, •a.•.'v`I•7._. � ...i.� r. .. .'f. , .: t'.'.r♦ i�1X'.'+ � T4 'rtN• n� J.' ••�T •v • Yr;t.i •';, '. YK 1.:1: 1 •: Wil �• i, TO •�'' TO ''t•' ♦,.r `I •'• yam•' :•! ••:M: �-�� � •' •' y! , t Wayne E. 4'eetberF/.,T.y: -• • T. yIIL Ir .. ^. J -, •'•Iwy F -•'1 • �t• i .. .. • . .. J : % I Com.- 301 u LOG • r• MUNIC:FALITY OF ANCHORAGE • v DE PARTMENTOF HEALTH AND ENVIRONNIENTAL PROTECTION O PERCZLATION ►eoch 6u A. Anchor TEST p•, AIS.• li502 Z76�2221 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR''��'�•E'� ��� J%tip• �A"T. .w5 DATE PERFORMED:- LEGAL DESCRIPTION. k-.ef_;t� rk 1t�tJ�`M���'••;'�✓�}�y oolPTM T SLOPE SITE /LAN 2- 3- 4 4 O(A) cv 6 7 13 14 15 18 17 18 t9 U� yP WAS GROUND WATER �} n S •.. - _ T._ _.. _ _.. --, ]Y.�- EI:COI:hif F•F�Dt ' LO IF YES. AT KHAT .1 E Rrwl.ny — D•t• O P.• Net Trees D"th I.a Watt of 20 1 1 PERCO'.ATION RATE L_J TI, 5t HVN 81 fNEf% FT AND FT COMMENTS J .. C f N t I I- I:) P _�. �%•:^^..�, (�.1••.�'`-_DATE 3A J� , & - SOILS LOG N.UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE -jar ; DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AN: - f NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ►E R."pIATICN FwaA 66A. Awd.w.� A,.w• 96602 7762221 TEST SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST FEPFORM[D FOR d dH`d �� _ DATE ►ERPORMED' y LEGAL DESCRIPTION OvM1 n. 5. O•E SITE PLAN IF r.l .rI , 15 16 17 18 19 20 FERFORMEO Sy r7 n•w.I •..i <jYO.FJG�� C� Swv�'d � EJVtO.M 4 • I SGvw,l� �yw�. , 41f I 5tl4, �+ � •"y�AFt\7JMF WAS GROU%3 WATFR ENC0U'd?f $;I,), Not 0.0& W T.r•a WY• L . r- � F i ``r p Io Y(S.Ar VI-Al- f1f ITHr j R•wL.� 11.•• Grow T.w.F Not 0.0& W T.r•a WY• Not GCw I � I I FERCCLATICN NATE • �_ TEST NVN 81 FWFEN r.rNTIr IRO P• f.w.n..11s� •ncnl FTAND FT DATE t I r St aw LS LOG r ' �ERCOl4'FWrI . TEST MUNICIPAL ITV OF ANLHORACE DE►ARTHENTOFHEAL ,NAND F'tVINU'.MLNTAi1'Pro ECTION 0 '• t?•. L. i..«t. A•.. •.....�.. At.w• Yl-jOI ?VE 1.1" SODS L!iG — PCRCOLATION TEST I[RFORYEO FI.R Lepy,". uj -- f•w VC.[ R:OPAIED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION O�rtl. apse ' SITE PLAN z Q.•I 0-10 GW��Sc If 5 �! t5/ss/e1.,a r./•%/4t ) SC 4'+.ev 10-12 GM WAS ^',%D WATFN I^ S — I E 1. 7• 6v[s. AT WHAT _L—, Prof", 11 15 Irl£CIF 4T' IG - t 9 �.. ...•;c> 19 a.,fOo ••......• Grotl T.m._ Not Twtw Coot%b W.ta Wt D" i +-,741 �Lr I rpp f I SC 4'+.ev 10-12 GM WAS ^',%D WATFN I^ S — I E 1. 7• 6v[s. AT WHAT _L—, Prof", 11 15 Irl£CIF 4T' IG - t 9 �.. ...•;c> 19 a.,fOo ••......• Grotl T.m._ Not Twtw Coot%b W.ta Wt D" P[/ICUt AIu)'. NATc TEST RU% hf TAI i•/ It 401'= FT Q COh•V=rrt Ww-tc•( �CF:�I Was ,! .0 .I n,•.f /t /i, arM++) rC ir ev ..-Y�:a1 �1.-1CJ�.� ff..7�L DATE •.r `�.. A �r �'///1/� • H M[a t- p L— ��^ x a S L..am) xt 127x15 ON"v • MON.^M4 Xi" 4.00.14..% ti b49,�s 3�5pp� ay EgY � Y a err=� i :yY�CY 1 L— ��^ s" r woos 7 nm sf I n sm s y� wm s S L..am) xt 127x15 ON"v • MON.^M4 Xi" 4.00.14..% ti b49,�s 3�5pp� ay EgY � Y a err=� i :yY�CY 1