HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLISKA S-11108-1Valll*ska 5-11108-1 Comments on Cases Due May 22, 2003 S-11108-1 Valliska Subdivision. No objections. S-11109-1 Murray Subdivision. No objections. Page 2 T- SK a Wj t! • 71017, 41 G WPIg Ililllll •. 1.111!11GM EM CL /.iGc LLMOL IIIIIiIIMH SP CH SM4.U6. SC ry.. -►. -w 1 .1....1, ..y. I,& 5 NET TIME WATER I (MINUTES) READI - Ear- 6, _ 6. NET DROP (INCHES) 4- 19 F'E�RCOLATION RATE 6 (MIN./MCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6- (INCHES) Y0 TEST RLIN BETWEEN 5.0 FT, AND 5.5 COMMENTS: PERC HOLE WAS PRE-SOAKED FDR 4+ HOURS PERC TEST WAS PERFORMED BY CALEB CALL PERFORMED BY ALASKA WATER do WASTEWATER I, JEFFREY A GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS ERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNK IPAL GUIDEUINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: 8 c "A" 110 8 MAY 2 6 2003 uo.• Y�• L�wlnw r.e.e. wuu bwe.ewe .e. wur wV• Wv u1.7vr IyO-LI-uV 1.111.r reye c/a ALALS— —KC1 W) LEGAL DESCR1PT10N: VALL6K/1 SU9DINSgM L0T S. PERFORMED FOR: J05EP4 VALUERES DATE; -6/21/01 QEPTH Liifll ORGANICSOLE 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 SM/Ml. B 9 10 11 12 13 14 B.O.B. 15 16 17 16 19 PERCOLATION RATE 12 (MINdINCF) FERC. HOLE DIA. 6. (INCHES) 20-1— TEST RLN BETWEEN 5.0 FT, AND 5.5 FT COMMENTS: PERC HOLE WAS PRE—SOAKED FOR 4+ HOURS. PERC TEST WAS PERFORMED BY CALEB CALL PERFORMED BY ALASKA WATER do WASTEWATER L JEFFREY A. GARNESS. CERTIFY THAT THIS WIIy�SS P RfORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE./2 O . ...._.. ...., ... .-- ... I ..' ... _. .....I _.. ..._ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA GE -r Development SaMas t#paRmant On-4Ae Wetar6 WesfeweW PrCgnwn 4700 South Hrapew Street P.C. Box 19ti850, Anchorage, AK 99519.W50 (907) 343.7904 ONSRE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM /WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Permit Number. SWO10364 Legal Description: VALLISKA LT 6 Design Engineer: 0041 AK Water 8 Wastewater Consultent Owner Name: Joseph Vallieres Owner Address: PO Box 671924 Chugiak . AK 99567. Date Issued: Sep 10, 2001 Expiroticn Date: Sap 10, 2002 Parcel ID: 051-302-48 Sire Address: 019239 DARBY RD Lot Size: 44122 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit Is for the construction of LDlsposai Field J Septic Tank Hotding Tank �; privy V Private Well r-1 Water Storage All construction must be h accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified In Archorage Municipal Code Chapte-s 15.55 and 15.65 and Phe State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations (.16AAC60 ). 3. The engineer must notify, DSD at least 2 hours prior to each Inspection. Provide notification by Calling (907) 343.7904 (24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to ApH 15, a subsurface sos absorption system under Construction during freezing weather must be either. k Open and dosed or, the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: Issued By: 01T 0 a 2001 ROD DUNSTON 33 t7 Date: a /o/ Date: L/0 —toj .Cent By: Alaska Water 81c Wastewater Con; 007 338 3248; Aug -28-01 12:02; Page 2/6 ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER •• - CONSULTANTS. INC. -_ •••••• •.•_••.•— August 28.2001 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Ref: Well and Septic Design for Lot 5, Valliska Subdivision To whom it may concern: The proposed 3 bedroom house will be served by a private well and septic system. Two test holes were excavated in the area of the proposed septic system. The septic system will be designed around the 30 toot radii of these test holes. We arc proposing that a 1000 gallon septic tank and a bed type drainfield be installed. Comments regarding the design are summarized as follows: 1. SOILS: See the attached logs which shows the soil classifications, groundwater monitoring, and the percolation test results. It is our opinion that due to the overall appearance of the soils, an application rate of 0.5 gallons/day/Rt should be used. 2. TRENCH DESIGN: a. Percolation Rate: 8 & 12 minutes/inch b. Allowable Application Rate: 0.5 gallons'day/ftr c. Number of Bedrooms: 3 d. Design Flow: 450 gallons per day e. Minimum Absorption Area: 900 ftt f. Total Depth: 6 feet (maximum — at any point) g. Effective Depth: 0.5 filet h. Width: 15 feet i. Minimum Length: 60 feet long j Effective absorption area - 900 !lr 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface waters within 100 fat of the proposed septic system. 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B • Anchorage, AK 99504 Ph: (907) 337.6179 0 Fax: (907) 338-3246 • Website: skwwc.com Sent By: Alaska Water and Wastewatsr Con; 007 338 3248; Aug -28-01 12:03; Papa 3/6 4. TOPOGRAPHY: As can be seen on the attached design drawing, the arca for the proposm septic system is mostly flat; in short, there are no slope concerns. We are unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have any questions, please contact us at 337.6179. Thank you for your Aetietnnrr U., M.S. NOTE. Attached is a site plan drawing, a design drawing, two soils logs, and a 7 page construction specification letter which are all parr of the design package for this septic systent. 6901 Debw Road, Suite 2B • Amborale, AK 99504 Ph: (907) 3376179 • Fax: (907) 33&3246 6 WcWte: akwwe.com Sent By: Alaska Water and Wastewater Con; 007 338 3248; Aug•28.01 12:03; Page 4/8 1 6t00Y COYNf1' 1 tart � !. M 715i R1W SEC 30 LOT 72 No VCR" OONCfFM I t 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I ATNMS= I I I i L_ � DARBY ROAD W I Afl1AW VS LOT ata 1k VALL1�J M S/D v��cwr...0 OT 4 VA�L+LISSKA SID �YAG:1Ni� SITE ''/ ♦�'� •—•—•� T' �V ODIC WNs"/aff v ,� OWE W M S/D f 1: DUE WALKER $/D P. LOT a 8/26/2001 DRAWN QR ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER c.J.c./J.L M. _..._ . CONSULTANTS, INC. -- •..... _^ x� —y uK.hn • �a»•ru r ' t o 1001 PRO -AM /OR PNONE Nuumt P NUNBER JOSEPH VALLIERES Sara -2949 1 OF 3 KdOAL 064ORIT04 LOT 5, VALLISKA SUBDIVISION rmc or WORK: SITE PLAN FOR PROPOSED WELL LOCATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEM Eertt By: Meeks Water SIC Wastewater Con; 907 338 3246; Aug -28-01 12:04; Pape 6/8 1 � �y EAN + OM T S DRAMFI E TANK TO BE b'+ FROM ORAINFlELD E IS TO BE FROM LOT LINE DRAT E OWJNi1E1D IS TO B BE10'+ FROM LOT LIN /V1 NAVE THE 15' UTILITY EASMENT AND THE EAST LOT LINE FLAGGED By A REGISTERED LAID SURVEYOR — PRIOR TO CONSTRU N. PROPOSM 011Ae✓14D. DIGVAIE A90 I / \ MAXIMUM BY 14 FtEr VAO[CSY SO MP M LOW,ADD 0.5 FEET OF cLEAm ws"Eo DM"44 PAGE 3 OF 3) % •l �� / / \ - �� / •.. F /j / .. , • / / 1 INSTALL DOUOIZ CIEiViONi / �. 3unic TANK _ ! '�%�ALTERMTt SM WALL ,_OV`7 Or / / i:• -••,. •' PROPOSED \ 3 StDR00W • •; HOUSE .:' , / �•? ' I PROPOSED WElI -------------�-- 20• Unmr EASU M 1 DA7G 8/28/200DROM1 t •'QS, ... M. C.J.C./J.M. ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER 3GAIr: CONSULTANTS. INC.--- �.—..:__..... 1� e: 40• .:.. .. ........ Alt *"at. • aer 374ft PAfu PAGE NUMBER JOSEPH VALUERES 688-2949 2 OF 3 '" y mass 933 ''• t19A1 D[KRP7gNr LOT S. VAWSKA SUBDIVISION /. .,,,,,,,,..• nArp'D/eeee^d� ME of weft DESIGN FOR PROPOSED WELL LOCATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEIA Sent By: Alaska Water and Waatawatar Con; 807 338 3248; Aup•28.01 12:05; Pao. 8/8 ----------------------------------------------------- I - Ir w0t - I . s ALASKA WA'T'ER & WAST LW_ AT_IM — .. • CONSULTANTS INC — ._..........,...... FM W011 W3 4 JOSEPH VAWERES VALLISKA SUBDIVISION C.J.C./J.LM. N.T.S. 49 1 3OF3 DETAIL AND PROFILE OF PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM A. 11 tie• 1 • • • : •` • . _ _ of .• . I r lore .• ••^- •• %. `. 1 �/� / ,�' `\� � e � • . It * r° . •< . •� Fr• -«v 'j.�1 �cxS' r .. '• t AS•BU1LT herebycer* that'I.Mve am tyid'd4 f0lCowinS described PA R V Y. (P a q D DroPa?y; .'• ' Vi1LLf1KA,•ff�'Bb,� .' , e�..tipt. � Sr_ �-f r..� ' 3 0�.-•�. f t�- N k R l w, S.M ; :..... , -- OF A4 +T,e N Anchorage Remrd3n9 Precinct, Alaska, and that the Improve• i •��� «n� -"I.� • • Etenb dNaEW there -6n -am W11k1{m the IOplTty enddOlWt ar.`�'•� ~y �•If`, ovedaporencroach'on the svy r s ho ProPertj kY ad*entlherea thee. • ' y 7 IntprovetnetiH on Property kyins ed' nt thereto etrcroech „r * 0 on the premBee in queMon nd that thert'ere no roadways, •+ — trerbmiasion Ines or other visibk'tesetnents on r"'�• vy «.«.j :. VOMPI Datod t I veh Xk , said PmPeity �k��RobvtC.loh•:;:-.t_..'s DatedetrEeRJe ee ;• t: o. > s_ r oris '� — daZ of C e.f 200= st to �'•p• .�j .� SCALE: It land Surveyor No.�BB0.LS PPhhoone (9�0!)•t River, Aluki 99577 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-site Water 6 Wastewater Program. 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 198050 Anchorage. AK 99519.6650 www.cl anctwrageakus (907) 343.7904 On -Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Po" 1 of 3 Permit Number: SWO10364 JOSEPH VALl1ERES Addrw: P.O. BOX 671924 a CHUCIAK, AK 99567 Phow No(907) 688-2949 a e. oma LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot -lock SubdMNon: 5 VAWSKA Township: — taon9e: — S•dion: — WELL: ■ New p Upgrade 0-WWar On AA* 70Is Dyes Ora To PRAIA PD Numbs: 051-302-48 Wastewater System: 1 New 0 Upgrade ABSORPTION FIELD O Deep Trmeh O $how. Troch INand O Mound O other as n 0.5 T•N b•ra ..• w. 7060 �/sa� ti 5.0-6.0 a R ert• eke woo b•.• •ryYrl pwew ' a,� �,jei M..r�, eb•r 4.42-5.42 R0.58 n PO awn ob . - 0.1 erw *v a rya SEE DWG. R60 n. w r w QrWd ws%W rwa 01. " b,1— awe 15 n 3 I 5 n 'row rerern er,s ►Y• awns TE 62 R 61 a 900 , M R D 3034/. F-810 �` SULLIVAN WATER WELLS Dow DAM stmr ever Iwwa &"w'" ba. bow's 9/17/2001 27 R WALKER CONSTRUCTION 9/18-20/01 Trrt►wr s.t K ti+�e rryat we... Qwoe 20 aw UNKNOWN rj 2•o R TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES rsepno allo" a&TZP. oothor rrm To Mr rLid SteMtlon T►k+a s...°� uM :M -a HORAGE TANK a� ~ 1000 Wen 100'+ 1000+ — — 25'+ e""'* STEEL aa•wr ~ '"""""` 2 Surface Water 100'+ 100'+ — — — Lot Line 5'+ 051+ — — — roundcUon 5'+ 101+ — — — curtain Drain NONE KNOUT Remarks: '5' LOT LINE WAIVER VERBALLY GRANTED BY DAN ROTH ON 9/20/2001 LIFT STATION b M edrs I / Or 'frril r' a..d rb /, ob r ",or wm 41,par. tr.rw lMeow bwNweas earw..e en BENCH MARK to$"" w bran«. TOP OF WELL HEAD I� w o...am 100.84 ti aararrs ad Inspections performed by: AKWWC, INC. Dates: lst 9/18/2001 .* 4'31j YtI 2nd 9/19/2001 3rd 9/20/2001 .. y.......... s —79 Department of Health d Human Services approval �} Cam 1i7e"wied and approved bY:(� Date: Qjk 107 a^'°r+roree+aedf`� PERVIT NUUBER SWO10364 AS -BUILT srm / WUS ROF A T � NC use oP A LFT STATgN.� NEW 1000 1 CALLON DRAWING ' 513DB saw Tr A B � STt 51.87 55.04 ST2 57.84 60.71 DELI 59.80 62.59 / // / DBL2 60.99 83.73 / MT1 45.19 39.86 COI 43.47 35.05 CO2 46.93 33.76 CO3 49.98 33.41WT2 53.19 36.3a C04 95.81 /F89 69 C05 94.21 90.03 006 92.48 9061 1R3 97.48 91.29 / MT4 93.11 91.58 / 20' UMJIY EASM NT DAT, ' 10/9/2002 DRAWN 9n "KA WATER & WASTEWATER SAE, C.J.G. CONSULTANTS, INC. wa oe"" ■OAO. WYE i • ANC�. AK M5% • MO* (M)377 -W" • FAX ("?)M6.3744 1 � = 40' PREPARED ►OR: PHONE NUUK : RAGE N MOM JOSEPH VALUERES (907) 688-2949 2 OF 3 LEGAL DESCWPDON: VALUSKA SUBDIVISION; LOT S. TME OF WO(O(: AS—BUILT DRAWING OF NEW WELL AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION SWO10364 AS -BUILT DRAWING INSULATION PER EXCAVATOR PARCEL E NLUBM 051-302-48 (JNwY WALKER) rFWN. GRADE . 99.4a TOP OF TANK A o `// o INLET - 95.74 7oP OF TANG AT OUTLET - 95.52 NEW 1000 GALLON INVER GF tiU1C SEPTIC TANK AT MET . 9525 NVER'T OF BUNG AT I OUTLET - 95.09 MTER FABRIC——INSULATION PER MAL GRADE . EXCAVATOR (JIWEf 99.52-100.71 WALIffR ffL9 �L' 15• WIDE �DISTRIBUTION • I Borrow OF 7- 94.14�ItEH)CH "A= OF DISTRIB I N RELATIVE ELEVATION of Borrow of TESTHOLE - 8&54 (77STH E DRY)$ DATE' 10/9/2002 DRAWN BY- ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER c.J.G. CONSULTANTS, INC. N.T.S. Na MAA ft". EUTi 30 • ANCHORAGE. AA 99"4 • "40e (M)337.•m • EAR f"MM-3VA PREPARED EOIC PHONE NWam PACE NIA49M JOSEPH VALUERES (907) 688-2949 3 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION, VALUSKA SUBDIVISION; LOT 5, TYPE of WORIL PROFILE AS -BUILT DRAWING OF NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM fAA 493U^. v* ............. r/•1.: .... i •.Jef Tey Camesa.� ��• .......... ��•`J• �f'�ofeeeU•�d Short Plat Summary May 26, 2003 Page 4 of 5 7. Placing the following notes on the plat. a. Direct vehicular access to Tudor Road from this subdivision is prohibited. b. Arterial landscaping meeting the requirements of AMC 21.45.125.C.4 shall be installed and maintained by the property owner or his/her designee within the arterial landscape easement. 8. Installing the landscaping prior to final plat being recorded or entering into a subdivision agreement for it's installation with Development Services or demonstrating that sufficient natural vegetation exists to meet the above noted standard. 5-11107 Right -of -Way Acguision Plat — A Street, Fireweed Lane to 38th Avenue Approval of the plat as submitted. IS -1 1108 Valliska Subdivision Approval of the plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Labeling the portions of the rights-of-way width on Monastery Drive 100 - feet (50' from centerline) and Darby Road as 100 -feet (50' from centerline) per State DOT comments. If remaining portions of r -o -w is BLM it must be clearly delineated on the plat. 3. Providing a 6 -foot arterial landscape easement along the property boundary which abuts Old Glenn Highway. 4. Placing the following note on the plat: a. Arterial landscaping meeting the requirements of AMC 21.45.125.C.4 shall be installed and maintained within the arterial landscape easement by the property owner or his/her designee. DRAINAGE ARROW J� TREES �7fA /4459.0 Vy DRAINAGE PLAN VALLISKA SUBDIVISION Scale: 1 Inch = 200 Feet Contour Interval = 4 Feet Prepared: April 21, 2003 Base Map from Municipality of Anchorage Grid Map NW 655 Contours from MOA Aerial Photographic Map Eagle River and Vicinity Grid 29 Prepared by: McCkrbock Lend Asfodates. Inc -11940 Business Blvd, Surae 205, Ea& RKw. Alaska 99577 - Phone: (907) 594-4499 Please fill in the information asked for below. PETITIONER` Name past name ) Vallieres, Joseph M. Property Tax #l00000aoa000): 051-302-46-000, 051-302-47-000 051-302-48-000 PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE pF" Narne aet name ) McClintock William ailing dress P.O. Box 671924 adirp dress 11940 Business Blvd., Ste. 205 Chu iak, AR 99567 Eagle River, AK 99577 Contact Phone: Day: 696-2436 Night 688-2949 Contact Phone: Day: 694-4499 Night FAX: FAX: E-mail: E-maO:bmcciintock@mappingalaska.com r • '- � � ��'�^ ��.�.-�......... .... wyy- --- , W V-• --- w,-",IKICTI ON mI appicatom PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax #l00000aoa000): 051-302-46-000, 051-302-47-000 051-302-48-000 Site Street Address: 19239 Darby Road, Chu iak Current legal description: (use additional sheet if necessary) Lots 3,4 & 5, Valliska Subdivision (Plat 80-68) Zonin : R-7 Acreage: 3.309 acres 1Grid# NW 655 # Lots: 3 # Tracts: 0 1 Total #parcels: 3 I hereby certify that (I am)(1 have been authorized to act for) owner of the property described above and that I petition to subdivide It In conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee Is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Department staff or the Platting Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, or the Assembly foradministrative reason . VIP �b3 Rents must provide "lien proof of authorization) PROPOSED SUBDIVISION INFORMATION Proposed legal description: (use additional sheet in necessary) Lot 3A, Valliska Subdivision # Lots: 1 # Tracts: 0 Total # arcels: 1 Accepted by: Poster a Affidavit Fee I Case Number Application for Prerunhw Plat Continued Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION Anchorage 2020 Urban/Rural Services: ❑ Urban ❑ Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside ❑ Outside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Mixed Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parkslopens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ® Residential at 1-2 dwelling units peracre Waived b Girdwood- Tumagain Ann ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre Avalanche Zone: Floodplain: Seismic Zone (H: of site ® None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone ® None ❑ 100 year ❑ 500 year 0'1' 0 0 N ❑'4' ❑'5' RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Events that have occurred in last 5 years for as or portion of site) ❑ Rezoning - Case Number. ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat - Case Number(s): ❑ Conditional Use - Case Number(s): ❑ Zoning variance - Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for 0 Building or Land Use Permit for Lot 5, Vailiska Subdivision Permit*01—E-3347 ❑ Wetland permit: ❑ Arm Corpof Engineers ❑ Municipality e of Anchorage APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: $430.00 Plat: Copies ❑ 42 (long plats) JD 32 (short plats only) ® 8Yx11 reduced copy Other maps ® Aerial photo 23 Housing stock MI Zoning Mandatory on plat depictions: ❑ Pedestrian walkway ❑ Landscaping required by zoning Property Title: 12 Certificate to Plat Additional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer: 10 Site topography (4 copies minimum) Waived by KI Soils investigation and analysis reports (4 copies minimum) Waived by El Subdivision drainage plan Waived b 20-003 (Rev. 011M*Back �J j{ v ) a ! Ila u5�j' IPSCA3a@ w RSR1 p� `�� �t�C Xi -'�. i S d ? i-:Yi �jn � ■1 F3q 1��5 taaf Y? Y ✓4 a= !3it -L'6 C➢•� ¢ et+w. tlTATH- NMSIUS ST Rm"� IE Wil. t: wv-. wa+.-.,•-,��} e A eYS I .7b1 I� Lp + I C •:4 :4 rr. Eli 5 I w [% • It t:F.•4 SllI ^ ^ 0 Q � ''E ` \ vDvnI — ` g bo ❑ JO I r i�� � °'°•:P'ti i� \ bb'ay� � \'. 7� r-rOltl� .. ]] �iB :Qe ZS• J +M ttt�, � ��, �'T�%S•. 4. � 4gg4l I Imp$: m "' !�°thg3' _ 9 .� �iys ¢, .' :t r •. iS :# .A b' f �� / Fr I il;A bd�i a > AR YS ' C+ '• ` �� .$y, `dd'awcs s ._II � •°_"-- 6. a• =?Aa A pad K'�/. / C' '`o\ fp`°• . Y \'���� wa..a F6a� Z 1 �} ��S�t ', \ y�, \\ �g•'� 3lr r�' A fV i• C) , iq a5 a5 a5 a5 ➢ '� i• p `' 'PQlR " "aai g• ..... /.............�......� ® a al \ e �. rV ! A3 9!➢ i e• a a• e• _e� € e!t FF $ -; � Ep )C: C C C � =�# �i ¢ a � ,• ;= C Hit cFN d .5. a5;� a5 :°5 .e , a 7 j1_^'` t'. ?-2a-ps:3`:: .g yq� agq'y0 D`^ € ••fad.�i t:::•�' •q �� R i![.;x.[_'3 Ak ig L! Si11$141 ho F m S•p0 — Ir. 6i, g 7w sR �tS �•Cy:� I7 i1f s C� �C�y � � � ••w.,�Dal'. •� � . 5 �; � 5 � ;. r_ 'a ¢ � IrI�� [�s.;:/t;�;! me FN •'a