HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE TABLELANDS BLK 8 LT 1The Tablelands Block 8 Lot 1 #051-801-41 Municipality of Anchorage .. Development Services Department Building Safety DMsion +• On-Site Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 S. Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page of www.d.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number. 040235 PID Number. 05180141 ice. Dennis Tol Wastewater System: 0 New ❑ Upgrade Ada"` PO Box 670590, Chugiak, AK 99567 ABSORPTION FIELD pr� 688-5204 Nwnbwofftdw w 4 ODwTrwWtt7S,WbnTrwWt❑e.a ❑rewm ❑oow: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sciol ` 0.45 Ta"opA�m a 7 amm, F,, Bbtl W. 5ardv"W: 8 1 The Tablelands Dtptebpipf fYMn, fan am" ll`' emM MVA O«Wtl,pq. 4.7 Ft. 4 FL T"Wnp: Rape: Swaan: Fa sikW flow atpn" pfef: GrA"LwgA. 0.0 Ft. 2 @ 67 Ft. Well: ElNewFL New ❑ Upgrade 5 wro« pw. 0W m.«,t 115 FL Clssvk�(P -.A. S. C): Ta"DeFA: GW V. T"abeerMnflK P"rMW". community water system I Ft. FL 1340 Fe PVC Dr..r Dow DOW SWKWww. Lew. b.trW Badger Excavating Dw,n"wa. 7/8/04 FL VwN.Pant/ S".L ca." AO Grw". TANK GPLt FI. FL SEPARATION DISTANCES El Septic ❑Holding ❑S.T.E.P. 13 Other. To Septic Absorption Lift Holding lublidlPtiale ' .. """- Fran Tank Field Station Tank Sewer Uns Greer 1250 G". wt«t" w a co V« M. wa na na na na na steel 2 Smeeew" na na na na LIFT STATION La LAe 50' 35' na na G" 'PWpai tA"el 'Pump otr ".a ". ,,pn «w«"wm el FaFnleum 10' 20' na na in A b. Pump L41u 6 Moa" EWtral fvgawa pwbrmM W cateot Dnn na na na na 1w" Test hole MT (AKTH#1) was In place (had been reported to have BENCH MARK Loawn w Dew�pw+ been knocked over). Was probed at time of installation of Nail in Vee near trench (temp BM). SAS to depth 15.5' and found to be dry. wan. FL 100.0 A4 f1 OF WqS,,G .�.� L4_9��i Inspections performed by: Kent Sheets. AK Rim Engineering' Ina Dates: 1" 7/8/04 TH 2nd Developm Int Services Department Approval Ma L. Shreves J� �. CE 9351 Reviewed wed approved by Date: ',��I� and C01 CO2 CO3 C04 C05 C06 MT1 MT2 A 18.5 27.8 38.2 22.5 67.7 60.7 69.2 61.9 B -- -- -- -- 47.4 32.1 47.9 33.1 C 35.4 48.0 63.1 46.3 -- -- -- -- UNSUBDIVIDED ZA13EL FLOW SPLITTE LOT 1 , 413.90'(C) �g 1,250—GAL SEPTIC TANK CA �a� M 40,000 S.F. 33' SECTION LINE EAM 6'fFEPLACEMENTn — — — — — --------7- ��-- ---------Q Z - y\� C01 D /FS•=50• �V p ONE STORY //\tF iP LOT 2 s s�� 3LOCK ®' ONE STORY DWELLING w/ DAYLIGHT 11 U.C. CANT ELECTRIC STAN // / THyt BUILDING / 15 NATL / ACAS GRAVEL DRIVEWAY,, L / 50' RADIUS TEMP TURNAROUND TO AUTOMATICALLY \ WHEN STREET IS ZZ LEGEND: (C) -CALCULATED DATA (M) -MEASURED DATA (R) -RECORD DATA U.G.-UNDERGROUND o00Dp s P.O. BOX 2749 vo o� 8IJ! PALMER, ALASKA 99645 P(E.�F• A�;9f�a ENC EE INC PHONE: (907)745-0222 . Fq�d� FAX: (907)746-0222 49TH •••••:*'D W.O. 0400581 DATE: 2/8/05 SCALE: 1" = 50' FILE: 04-005e .....p c ��.... .......- ;. M y L. reves ,� p LOT 1, BLOCK 8, THE TABLELANDS SUBDIVISION. icr.,•• CE 9351 'fid PLAT No. 2004-25, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ANCHORAGE. QQ �fp •••..••..•••'q EASEMENTS OF RECORD OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE Qdn�?ROFESSI�?dd" RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. INni 0/ Uy t 41J./b �U) 1FIJ./J FLOW DIVERTER 1,250 -GAL SEPTIC TANK 4( Q 1 R ACEMENT F LD ..t1 0 F .0' '1, 0 30 AKTH#1 •�6 • CO ti� h CO S ti M 1�. •s. �J s _l/ J � �k c, 1�h •Sly I � i N SEPTIC SYSTEM PLOT PLAN FIXED FINAL GRADE FINAL GRADE / unk ft. 103 4ft"/ 100.0 ft. AKTH //1 %:-9f t. 95.3f , 91.3 f DATUM (TEMP.) = NAIL IN TREE NEAR TRENCH = 100.00 ft. 84.5 ft. NO GW SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE 40oo�0�D�� SEPTIC y P.O. BOX 2749 PALMER, ALASKA 99645 AS BUILT ENC EE tNC. PHONE: (907)745-0222 ••• •'•. '7 FAX: (907)746-0222 •' `}9�H �,,�D� W.O. 0400581 DATE: 7/26/04 SCALE: 1" - 30 FILE: 0400581-WWAS I.; •L ShrLOT 1, BLOCK 8, THE TABLELANDS SLIBDMSION, ?� f •,.• CE 9351 ti d PLAT No. 2004-25, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ANCHORAGE, AK QQQa4�p�oo o O�'o EASEMENTS OF RECORD OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. SHEEP 2 OF 3 �; I eh am e pipe a \j:ou �■ _•• • TRENCH DETAIL Nal. t NOTE: TEMP. ELEVATIONS (BASED ON TEMP. DATUM) ELEV. 100.0' :..L.u.a pwd .vfr my os e• 4' .a..B.. •.•u was MWmam m..um r.e I» e...+ a t..L ELEV. e•.e 1.4 BOTTOM TH TRENCH SECTION MONITOR TUBE DETAIL mi go�pOODOpp DETAILSk P.O. BOX 2749 A pF A DD wy PALMER, ALASKA 99645 Q p(E.••••••.�yf➢� ENC EE INC. PHONE: (907)745-0222 =c,�:'••• •••;Fq�O� FAX: (907)746-0222 49TH X00 7-0040 )581 DATE: 7/27/04 SCALE: nts FILE: 0400581—WW .................:...p •f Mary Shreves LOT 1, BLOCK 8, THE TABLELANDS SUBDIVISION, ? f CE 9351 � d PLAT No. 2004-25, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA �QQQ� ?RQFESSI�pd� RECORDED PLATEASEMENTS OFRARE ECORD NOTSHOWN HEREON.E SHOWN ON THE Municipality of Anchorage NuINLC �4 V' f :��:. .� � •9Building Development Services Department DMsion THOo-Sile Safety Water and Wastewater Program4700 South Bragaw St.P.O. 8 Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 y L. Shreve.www.muni.orglonsile L.* (907) 34J -791M CE 9351Soils Log - Percolation Test HOF •••�oHP`�.�`` ►�taa Performed For. Dennis Tol Date Performed: 7/8/04 Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 8. The Tablelands Township, Range, Section: 5 &F 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- L_ 18- W YY1 r 19- Site WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO 8 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? L O Depth to water After P Monitoring? E Date: 7/8/04 PERCOLATION RATE (m`w"~) renes nv�c �iwnc,cn TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT COMMENTS GWmona scent Only PERFORMED BY: Kent Sheets. AK Rim Engineering, IM 1 Mary L. ShreveS, P.E. CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 1/10105 m m n 51 C .1�7� 0rrn �❑ B�C62g .•0 II p p h A I'D II t7 z C C D D o O D F 0 N Zo In � ,Zml o C r u�< moos 0> o ODDD M > g D D AA O A I N NOTES: 1. THIS pm ti It. 18 O c: OAIm 40 Im JO >0C Im I� z T m000 I>A0 IDiI D re$l m > 0 I mmz \\ I�1� 0Zy~\� I (D J \nom A> I ow \ WO 9 \ 00 Z \ 1 moo; °c \ `k 9 \ I oO o r 4 Z O yZy A to >r \ 5�=ge \ m D Z N \ N�o'u \ I CO > 1 o" j \ mm I o \ I I � I I CE LOCATION STANDARDS. I ENTS & CONDITIONS ON THE DATE OF SURVEY. )UNDARY SURVEY & IS SUBJECT TO ANY SURVEY MAY DISCLOSE. EXCLUSION NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF ANY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, OR RESTRICTIONS WHICH DO NOT APPEAR ON THE RECORDED SUBDIVISION PLAT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD ANY DATA HEREON BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OR FOR ESTABLISHING BOUNDARY OR FENCE LINES. AS -BUILT ALAS'!- P.O. BOX 2749 PAGE 1 of 1 t�•pF•ALqRIN PALMER, ALASKA 99645 ENC EE INC. PHONE: (907)745-0222 C7P'7 q FAX: (907)746-0222 F.B. 05-03 .. 49TH �V ....... W.O. 0400581 DATE: 1/12 04 SCALE: 1" = 50' FILE: 04-00581AS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A MORTGAGE INSPECTION WAS PERFORMED cRober J. •, . Former • • •.{ • UNDER MY DIRECTION ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: r . : o LOT 1, BILK 8, THE TABLELANDS SUBD. 'f,••, roars -s rar PLAT No. 2004-25, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT rq�O;;.......... `''aC i, EASEMENTS OF RECORD OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. DATED AT PALMER, ALASKA, THIS 13th DAY OF JANUARY, 2005. Jan 07 05 11:26a FILASKr1 RIM •r Alaska [9071746-0222 P.1 Rim Engineering, Inc. Engineers - Planners- Surveyors DATE: —1171-15— TIME: —4M— FROM: A907) 745-0222 P.O. Box 2749 laska Rim ineering, lnc. FAX: (907) 746-0222 Palmer, AK 99645 E-MAIL: iikrimRalaskarim.com TO: �/GL- i P PHONE: - i'1'J FAX: 7f -r'7 Total number of pages, including cover sheet / rljp44 �, 711 e TaP/�l� COMMENTS: yyi { 6e,l, i �i tTJlLsc �i�t THANK YOU MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department Onsite Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Initial Permit Number: SW040235 Legal Description: l[The Tablelands Block 8 Lot 1 '.1 Date Issued: Jul 01, 2004 Expiration Date: Jul 01, 2005 Parcel ID: 051-801-41 Design Engineer: 0032 Alaska Rim Engineering Site Address: Unknown Owner Name: Dennis Tol Lot Size: 40000 SO. FT. Owner Address: PO Box 670590 Total Bedrooms: 4 Permit Bedrooms: 4 Chugiak , AK 99567 - This permit is for the construction of: ❑✓ Disposal Field Q Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80 ). 3, The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. S. The following special provisions. During excavation 7 -day water monitoring must be completed Received By: Issued By: �\ Date: O Date: /-0!/ \ Municipality of Anchorage 1 O♦ �Y• �. Development Services Department Building Safety Division ' On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.muni.orglonsite (907)343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. pC::;1'-"<�- Q 1 vL1I PermitNumberSW 6� Property owner(s) Dennis Tol Day phone 351-0188 Mailing address (1) PO Box 670590, Chugiak AK Mailing address (2) Zip Code 99567 Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) Lot 1, Block 8, The Tablelands Legal description (Section, Township & Range) Lot Size 40,000 sf AcreslEFt. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Number of Bedrooms Sewer Only El Well Only ❑ Sewer and Well ❑ Water Storage ❑ Sewer Upgrade ❑ THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub 13 Jacuzzi ❑ Swimming Pool ❑ Water Softening Unit ❑ Therapy Pool ❑ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and Is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit Fees:' 4.3 Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Date of Payment: Receipt Number. 5U /� X11 Receipt Number. (Rev. 12=) LL I Si/_ C, -g- (AVasha Tall engineching, On. Phone (907) 745-0222 Fax (907) 746-0222 akdm®rogershsa.com June 22, 2004 Mr. Dan Roth Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 RE: Lot 1, Block 8, The Tablelands Subdivision On -Site Sewer Permit Application AK. Rim Engineering Ref. No. 04-00581 Dear Mr. Roth: P.O. Box 2749 Palmer. Alaska 99645 The owner of the above referenced lot is proposing to construct a 4 -bedroom single family dwelling (see attached Plot Plan). The proposed dwelling is to be served by a community water system and a private septic system. With this letter we are requesting plan review and a permit to install an onsite septic system to serve the proposed development. DESIGN SUMMARY Solis Two test holes were excavated on June 8, 2004, within a 30 -feet radius of the proposed onsite drainfield and replacement field (see attached Septic System Plot Plan). Test Hole #1 (AKTH#1) was excavated to a depth of 15 feet below grade, and Test Hole #2 (AKTH#2) to a depth of 17 feet below grade. Two monitor tubes were installed on June 4, 2004, for verification of groundwater, adjacent to the test holes that were dug on June 8, 2004, and were set at the same depths as the test holes. Groundwater was not encountered during the excavation of the test holes, and there was no groundwater detected when the monitor tubes were probed on 6/8/04. After a minimum 4 -hour presoak, percolation tests were conducted between 5 feet and 6 feet in each test hole on June 8, 2004. The attached Soils Log — Percolation Test forms show the approximate location of the test holes. The soils were rated in the field as SM, silty sand. For AKTH#1 the percolation test indicates a soil percolation rate of 24 minutes per inch which translates to a wastewater application rate of 0.6 gpd/sgft. For AKTH#2 the percolation test indicates a soil percolation rate of 34.3 minutes per inch which translates to a wastewater application rate of 0.45 gpd/sgft. Applying the higher application rate, 0.45 gpd/sgft, for Engineers • Planners • Surveyors Mr. Dan Roth, MOA Page 2 June 22, 2004 this design, the proposed drainfield will be designed within the 30 -feet radius of these test holes. Trench Design The following is a summary of the proposed design of the trench SAS: Percolation rate: Soil application rate: Number of bedrooms: Daily wastewater flow: Drainfield: Septic tank: Minimum absorption area: Total depth (max): Effective depth: Width: Reduction factor. Minimum length: Effective absorption area: Topography 34.3 minutes/inch 0.45 gpd/sgft 4 600 gpd 5 -wide type drainfield 1,250 gallons 1334 sgft lift 4 f 5 i 0.50 2-67ft 1340 sgft The topography of this lot is such that the lot slopes gently down from south to north. There does not appear to be any slopes 25% or greater on the lot. The onsite septic system will be constructed perpendicular to the contours of the slope. Surface Water There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed septic system. Surrounding Properties This property and the parent subdivision will be served by community water system. We are unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. Development on this lot will not preclude development of wells and septic systems on neighboring lots in the future. If you have any questions regarding this report or its recommendations, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ALASKA RIM ENGINEERING, INC. u` Mary L. Shreves Professional Engineer M11111 OFA WL. Shreves CE 9351 .... Mr. Dan Roth, MOA Page 3 June 22, 2004 CC: Dennis Tol AK Rim Engineering File No. 04-00581 Attachments: • MOA On -Site Sewer /Well Permit Application Form • MOA Soils Log — Percolation Test Form (2) • Plot Plan (3 pages) PERMIT NUMBER V 114 Lj V LLl v 11/1�j1J PID NUMBER N89.57'09"E 413.76'(C) 413.73'(R) LOT 1 40,000 S.F. _SECTIONIINF,�A�S N ------r— _--------- I s� v 1> 1 "=40/ / S,�r.•- 49TH ................. it /(S(; SITE PLAN me. filmli PROPOSED / DRIVEWAY / 50' RAD TURNA AUTOMA' WHEN S" TO VERIFY PROPOSED EXISTENCE OF ANY PLAT. AS P.O. BOX 2749 RtL PALMER, ALASKA 99645 E INC PHONE: (907)745-0222 FAX: (907)746-0222 ATF- A/99/04 SCALE: 1- = 40' FI YL Shreves ,� d LOT 1, BLOCK 8, THE TABLELANDS SUBDIVISION. CE 9351 'd PUT No. 2004-25, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ANCHORAGE, EASEMENTS OF RECORD OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE RQFESS1�R�d" RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. PERMIT NUMBER 1 "=30' PID NUMBER UNSUBDIVIDED =100' N89057'09"E 413.76'(C) 413.73'(R) LO` ZABEL FLOW SPLITTER�,��, 1,250 -GAL SEPTIC TANK 40 0( CION_ LINE EASEMFN ,—,aW`=� RISER EL=129: LACEMENT LD P '— D 1,1 AKTH =127' kPROPOSED ONE STORY DWELLING °�\ EL=135'-J / SEPTIC SYSTEM PLOT PLAN :nY"°r...." F 3 OCI EL=135' l/ / , N6 SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE oopo040 SEPTIC s P.O. BOX 2749 NM PALMER, ALASKA 99645 �➢QD ENC EE INC. PHONE: (907)745-0222 Fy �� FAX: (907)746-0222 49TH....:.* �D W.O. 0400581 DATE: 6 22 04 SCALE: 1 " = _3FFF . ................ o L Shreves • d LOT 1, BLOCK 8, THE TABLELANDS SUBDIVISION. 9351 PLAT No. 2004-25, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ANCHORAGE, •..•••'•'o EASEMENTS OF RECORD OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE n.SS10Na:s RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. PERMIT NUMBER p.faeW a• /R ... 0e , w.r net PID NUMBER t..w wx.r as. aaaamm Y,IeG .1•.rel LL ...t a r e.m oV• 1 -,.LL "m a' All. W. w nc o.s ao 2 ® 67' WIDE DRAINFIELD �.�• �: an monw t�LL PLAN VIEW (.num o ,oa ., e.m. aMneMej TRENCH DETAIL oe.e a MW k Yedw. ave.eUm at•U M ,w r U 1•d. Mw a: Mt .,..a nsv. Ize.o' TRENCH SECTION 4' eff n a.ous 5' t v prte.we T,c SECTION X—X iii M-1 IIIII7r... MONITOR TUBE DETAIL m o• e e..r net g00000ppp� DETAILS S P.O. BOX 2749 o OF Jum PALMER, ALASKA 99645 o PSE......••:q�.Da� SNC EE INC. PHONE: (907)745-0222 ?c,�:'•Fq d� FAX: (907)746-0222 tr? 49TH..••'; �0 W.O. 0400581 DATE: 6/22/04 SUBDIVISION. nts FILE: 04005 L•Shreves d LOT 1, BLOCK 8. THE TABLELANDS SUBDSION. • CE 9351 PLAT No. 2004-25, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ANCHORAGE, iQQQ� P ......••ped EASEMENTS OF RECORD OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE dn�_�FESSI� �d RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. 1 V -14 - Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Bax 196650 Anchorage, AK 995196650 www.munl.orglonsne (907) 3437904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Pedarmed For. Dennis Tol Dale Pere. Legal Description: Lot 1, Block S. The Tablelands Township, Range, Section: 9 Depth 11 6w- (AQ lyl SCPtY Ca �GbbIPS,);ud r rilDia,k (� ✓✓l, 1 17-1 1 AID 6 W P1 WAS GROUND WATER Date ENCOUNTERED? No Net Tkne Depth to Water a IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? L o Depth to Water AMr 30 IbnaaNp? NO E Date: 618104 — Reading Date Gross Time Net Tkne Depth to Water Net Drop 1 6/8/04 1534 30 6-518 in. 2 — 1605 — 6-5/161n. 3 — 1636 — 6-1/4 In. 1-1/4 In. PERCOLATION RATE 24 FERC HOLE DIAMETER at. TESTRUNBETWEEN 6.0 FT AND 6.0 FT COMMENTS Presoak 4 oaaa. Mm br ae. tm war am er pw I&- W "s W m Ab" 4.2004, b a deoar ar 7S lest e.bw Vsft AKTwt eua 8480Wa ID nO L10 kb PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division yam. On -She Water and Wastewater Program 47DO South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 19665D Anchorage. AK 995IMSO www.munioryonshe (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Perfomred For. Dennis Tol "Atilt, OFsti 'I//L. Shreves CE 9351 pROFFSSIONP Date Performed: 6/8/04 Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 6, The Tablelands Township, Range, Section: RK7'4#A I Depth I 3- 4- 5- -reg+ 6 r 7- 8- 9- 10- 11-1 12- 13- 14- 15- 16 8-9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16 17 - Silk NO She Plan '-qi1 15171(d W1 gYav� l I CCC r 1 Cold lot e y 7 91 i P- WAS GROUND WATER Vtl� I�7i- ENCOUNTERED? Lhv11� IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water After Monitoring? 0. -TQ No &w No a L 0 No P E Date: 6/8/04 Reading Date Gross Tkne Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 1 6/8/04 1538 30 67/8 in. 2 — 1609 615/16 in. 3 — 1640 — 6-7/8 in. 7/8 in. PERCOLATION RATE ar.a Im`.rwrnl FERC Ht7lE VI TER 6 TESTRUNSETWEEN 5.0 FT AND 6.0 FT COMMENTS Pmeak 4 han. Mnaor ab bwWkatbn appawwter as rt on Aar 4.7004. toa dw>A a 17 MM two. pan.. AKTHR dug 040e to morwor k" PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: