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T15N R1W SEC 5 LT 115
T15N RIW ec. 5 Lot 115 #051-082-33 " Conditional Approval" Engineer: -egal Description: permit: Report Type: Municipality of Anchorage P.0 Box 196550 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 Fax (907) 343-7997 http://www.muni.org/onsite Planning and Development Services Department On -Site Water and Wastewater Program On -Site Sewer/Well Submittal Comment Sheet GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP LTD T15N R1W Sec 5 Lt 115 OSP111010 WellSeptic Completed By: As Built Review rhe attached paperwork has been reviewed and is being returned for the following reasons: 3/28/2013 J.Poet When house is built items noted on Invoice #5749 must be submitted along with all other requirements for Inspection Report approval. GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS 8 GENERAL CONTRACTORS— �� -- 3701 E. Tudor Rd, Suite 141 Anchorage, AK 99507.1259 Phone: (907) 337-6179 Fax: (907) 338-3246 BILL TO: Gabe Thomson PO BOX 210983 Anchorage, Alk 99521 PROJECT: Gabe Thomson INVOICE INVOICE # 5749 DATE: 6,127111 DUE: Due on receipt DESCRIPTION HRS/QTY RATE AMOUNT One (1) Perc Test & Analysis. (confirmation test hole and perk as required by the MOA). Performed on 5/13/2011 Inspection & documentation of conventional septic system installation (single bed/trench with sand filter) In order to get final Municipality of Anchorage approval of the septic system, we will need the electrical inspection report from the licensed electrician (which can't be done until the house is built and the control panel installed), the mounded drainfield will need to be topsoiled and seeded, and we will need an asbuilt survey (inautocad) showing the new house (after it is built), the well, and all of the septic system pipes. it is anticipated that we won't be able to finalize the paperwork until the Spring of 2012. We will also need a copy of the well drilling log, and water analysis for Arsenic, Nitrates, and bacteria. Please call or email if you have any questions n1 -%4L pv v%o CDU Too . 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Invoice Total: $1,500.00 Thank you for your business! Payments: $0.00 Balance Due: $19500.00 All invoices over 30 days old are assessed late fee charges of 0.875% per month, beginning from the invoice daze. A property lien will be filed if the invoice remains unpaid after 60 days. There is a $150.00 charge for the filing and releasing of the lien. Municipality of Anchorage Community Development Department Page 1 of 3 On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore St. • P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 • http://www.muni.org/onsite • (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WATER AND WASTEWATER INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number: OSP111010 PID Number: 051-082-33 Name: WASTEWATER SYSTEM ❑O New ❑ Upgrade GABE THOMPSON ABSORPTION FIELD ❑ Deep Trench ❑ Shallow Trench M Bed ❑ Mound Address PO BOX 210983 *ANCHORAGE, AK 99521 ❑ Other Phone Number of Bedrooms Soil Rating Total depth from original grade 916-616-5769 4 0.7 GPD/SF SEE DWG. Ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Depth to pipe invert from original grade SEE DWG. Ft. Gravel depth beneath pipe 0.5 Ft. Subdivision Block Lot 115 Fill added above original grade SEE DWG. Ft.1 lGravel length 58 Ft. Township Range Section 15N 1W 5 Gravel width 15 Ft. Beds: Number of Lines 3 Distance between lines 5 Ft. WELL (from logs/tests) ❑ New ❑ Upgrade Classification (Private, A, B. C) Total Depth Cased to Total absorption area Number of trenches Dist. between trenches NOT YET DRILLED I - FL - FL 870 Ft' 1 - Ft. Driller Date Drilled Static Water Level TANK ❑ Septic © S.T.E.P. ❑ Holding ❑ Other - - - Ft. Manufacturer ANCHORAGE TANK Capacity 1 1500 Gal. Yield Pump set at Casing height above ground - GPM - Ft. - Ft. Material STEEL Number of compartments 2 Water quality testing Coliform - Col/100mL LIFT STATION Arsenic- ug/L Nitrates _mg/L Manufacturer ANCHORAGE TANK Capacity 1500 Gal. SEPARATION DISTANCES To Septic Absorption Lift Station Holding Sewer Pump on level at Pump off level at High water alarm at From Tank Field Tank Line -'in. - in. - in. Well N/A N/A N/A - N/A Surface Water 100'+ 100'+ 100'+ - NA Pump make and model Electrical Inspections performed by Lot Line 5'+ 10'+ 10'+ - Foundation N/A N/A N/A PIPE MATERIAL SCH 40 Curtain Drain N/A N/A N/A - BENCH MARK Assumed elevation Remarks: Location and description BOTTOM OF S.T.E.P. TANK *ELECTRICAL INSPECTION TO BE DONE SPRING 2012 AFTER HOUSE IS BUILT., Installer RPC CONSTRUCTION Inspection v5/25/11 En dates: Inspector GARNESS ENGINEERING 2-a 5/27/11 QF Alq �.'' •'Sir 4 COMMUNITY DEVELOP ENT DEPAR�( APPROVAL Conditional Approval: Gv Date- - ...................:_... ci e r A erG T . o. CSE -7953 ; •�`_ ApprovedDate pROFE5S10N�� \\Geg1\gegfiles\TOWNSHIP, RANGE\T15N, R1 W\SECTION 5\LOT 115\ASBUILT PACKAGE\Inspection Report Form (2).doc PERMIT��NUMBER: AS BUILT DRAWING PARCEL ID NUMBER: OSP111010 051-082-33 RESERVE SITE (ADVANCED TREATMENT) MT4 — — — — — — — — . TH#3 I MT3 I �"auS� f5 �fA7l7r NEW DRAINFIELD--� CONFIRMATION TESTHOLE� (SEE ATTACHED SOIL LOG AND PERK TEST DATA) NEW 1500 GALLON- S.T.E.P. TANK / PRWE C WE I SHED D I I TF{#1 TH#2 1 � �p1u5 ,n0 WEU- GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS: 3701 L WWR ROkM SURE tot • NSHOR M 89601 • PHONE (907)361-6t19 • FM (901)066-0246 • Wmsne w.w.9=�R..••9n a,en, PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: GABE THOMPSON 916-616-5769 2 OF 3 n, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: OVo 9 T15N, RiW, SEC 5, LOT 115 PNB 4 TYPE OF WORK: DATE: ASBUILT DRAWING 6/9/11 (Rev. D1/06) ANQ r ees; -7953 ¢O r7 A B ST1 66.67 1 62.42 ST2 59.96 53.89 MH 58.59 52.10 MT1 30.36 39.07 MT2 21.90 30.96 MT3 1 74.50 36.73 MT4 71.03 29.83 RESERVE SITE (ADVANCED TREATMENT) MT4 — — — — — — — — . TH#3 I MT3 I �"auS� f5 �fA7l7r NEW DRAINFIELD--� CONFIRMATION TESTHOLE� (SEE ATTACHED SOIL LOG AND PERK TEST DATA) NEW 1500 GALLON- S.T.E.P. TANK / PRWE C WE I SHED D I I TF{#1 TH#2 1 � �p1u5 ,n0 WEU- GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS: 3701 L WWR ROkM SURE tot • NSHOR M 89601 • PHONE (907)361-6t19 • FM (901)066-0246 • Wmsne w.w.9=�R..••9n a,en, PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: GABE THOMPSON 916-616-5769 2 OF 3 n, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: OVo 9 T15N, RiW, SEC 5, LOT 115 PNB 4 TYPE OF WORK: DATE: ASBUILT DRAWING 6/9/11 (Rev. D1/06) ANQ r ees; -7953 ¢O r7 -PO' NUMBER:11'01 AS -BUILT DRAWING PARCEL ID NUMBER: I OSPSP111010 051-082-33 TOP OF AT INLET = INVERT OF BUNG AT INLET = 92.84 VEGETATION TO BE DONE SPRING 2012. 106191011114 TOPOF SAND = 96.40 (AVG.) BOTTOM OF BEL = 94.40 (AVG.) FINAL GRADE _ 98.12-98.40 ST1 ST2 MH NEW 1500 GALLON S.T.E.P. TANK -FINAL GRADE = 99.66-99.91 RELATIVE ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF TESTHOLE - 87.90 (GROUNDWATER ® 92.20) 5' FABRIC TOP OF TANK OUTLET = 93.47 3.I ORIGINAL GRADE = 95.40 HIGHEST POINT -INVERT OF DISTRIBUTION LINE = 96.97 (AVG.) THE DISTRIBUTION LINE IS 1.25 INCH PVC WITH } INCH HOLES SPACED 52 INCHES ON CENTER. (13 HOLES PER LATERAL/39 HOLES TOTAL. GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS Slot L NWR RMD, SUM 101 Ill 9950) • 9 E (80))331-8170 • FM (907)338-3446' MEB911E: ,nngomww,pinMNig w,n PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: GABE THOMPSON 916-616-5769 3 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: - DRAWN BY: T15N, RIW, SEC 5, LOT 115 A.J.G. TYPE OF WORK: DATE: PROFILE DRAWING 6/9/11 GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. U - ... CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS • 3701 E. MOOR ROAD, SONE 101 a ANCHORAGE, M. 99507 • PHONE: (907)337-6179 • FAX: 90))339-3248 • YIESSNE: qumevengirwtln9.0•m • • SOIL LOG — PERCOLATION TEST ................. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N, RiW, SECTION 5; LOT 115 m ff1' A. ar s; 1 PERFORMED FOR: GABE THOMPSON DATE: 5 13 2011 'Os @^•. E-7951 DEPTH ---�ORGANICS �0°aa & (feet) --��• CONFIRMATION TEST HOLE �p4000��oo ..• SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS GIN ORG '4.@^••• ",•�� GP-SPGP ML ,.... GGC OL M CL AAC)�!+�"�•i H2O ® 4' 00 000 o SW MH 1:1K :• • O 5- .._•.�•.• ;..; SM ; OH SC 7 B.O.H. P DEPTH TO DATE 8 9 SCALE: 10 11 12 13 3 +9 MIN - 14 15 16 17 18 PERCOLATION RATE 1.5 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN 1.0 FT. AND 2.0 FT. 20 A FOUR HOUR PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: ❑ YES NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JODY MAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: JODY MAUS COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY GEG, Ltd. I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS ERF RMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: : GROUNDWATER READING 4' 5/13/2011 3.2' 5/25/2011 5/13/2011 1 +0 MIN - DATE 19 READING CLOCK TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP (INCHES) 5/13/2011 1 +0 MIN - 6" - 2 +9 MIN 9 0" 6" /! b•aN - 4 +18 MIN 9 0" 6" 5 +18 MIN - )se 6-0, - 6 +27 MIN 9 0" 6" 7 +27 MIN - 6.0 A - 8 +36 MIN 9 0" 6" 9 +36 MIN - V (6-D" - 10 +45 MIN 9 0" 6" 11 +45 MIN - � G•O - 12 +54 MIN 9 0" 6" Mar 29 13 09:03a Sullivan Water Wells 907 688 2769 p.2 i81 SUL,#t+.>R ( AT "WELL aomwsac-emnnel W-GealfiermPl l PYona ferfif4drff ' 9YYYd.Yu IllrmwafPrrslls.com Well Log Permit Number: OSP 111910 Date of Issue 2M412011 Parcel Identification Number: o5Io8233909 - rxite Stared: 815t2D11 Datc Completed: 8115120111 Is well located at approv cd permit location? ix lyes .. N9 Property Description T15N R1 W SECS Lot 115 Block NONE Section: Town: Range: Total Coliform Bacteriaculonieslloomi. Properly Owner Nance & Address: GAGE THOMPSON Other bacteria: coF100mL 1907)688-2759 PO BOX 219989 ANCHORAGE, AK 99521 Borehole Data: Depth Method of Drilling lx an rotary �'? cahle tool SDil Type, Thickness & Water Strela From To Casing type: Casing Stickup 0 2 Wall thickness o.25- inches Diameter s inches Total: is9 feet Overburdan z 4 _ Liner type: Sand 8:Gravel W/BoWB de 4 8 Diameter 4.5 inches Amount: too fee? Sill Sand Gravel WFClay 8 35 Casingstick-up above ground: 2 feet Static Water Level(from top of casing) 36 feet Clay & Gravel 35 66 Clay 66 139 Pumping Level: feet atter-----�- SgtB Sand W/Gravel 139 147 1 - hotus pumping $pm Recovery Rafe 30 8pR. Sandstone 147 181 Method of Testing: Air Sandstone W/Gravel 131 232 Well Intake Opening Type Sandstone 232 240 Open End X) Opens Hole Screened Start feet Slopped feet ^ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: Bentonite dry granular Volume: 109 Pounds Depth 44 Start o feet Stopped 44 fee'. Pump Intake Depth: feet Pump size: H? brand name _ Well disinfected upon Completion? ix, Yes , No _ Method of disinfection CHLORINE 50 PPM --! Comin ents: Water Semple Results Arsenic: UO Well Driller: - -- C91e Sullivan Nitrates togil Sullivan Water Wells Total Coliform Bacteriaculonieslloomi. P.O. Box 670272 Chugiak, AK 99597 Other bacteria: coF100mL 1907)688-2759 Attention: The property owner shall ptrvidc this log to DSD ;onsite) and DINR within 30 day% of completion On -Site Water & Wastewater System Permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road, PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-7904 Permit Number: OSP111010 Tax Code Number: 05108233000 Work Type: WellSeptic Initial Permit Effective Dates: February 14, 2011 to February 14, 2012 Design Engineer: GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP LTD Subdivision: T1 5N R1 W SEC 5 Site Legal Address: T15N R1W SEC 5 LT 115 G:1457 Owner/Address: THOMPSON GABRIEL A & SARAH R PO BOX 210983 ANCHORAGE AK 995210983 Site Mailing Address: 20959 BIRCHWOOD SPUR RD, Chugiak This permit is for the construction of: Lot Size in Sq Ft Total Bedrooms: 72850 3 Y Disposal Field Y Septic Tank N Holding Tank N Privy Y Private Well N Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80). 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer must notify the Development Services Department at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must either: A. Open and Close on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Special Provisions: The entire subsurface disposal field and/or alternate is not within a 30 foot radius of a percolation test. The Engineer needs to do an additional percolation test prior to the construction of the septic field. Please submit stamped and signed results with the As -built Inspection Report. If the results require a design change, construction of the system will stop pending On -Site review and approval. AMC 15.65.060.B.3 Received Issued By By Date: Date: // MUNICIPALITY OF Community Development Department Development Services On -Site Water & Wastewater Program Parcel I.D. 051-082-33 ANCHORAGE Mayor Dan Sullivan On -Site Sewer/Well Permit Application For A Single Family Dwelling Phone: 907-343-7904 Fax: 907- 343-7997 Property owner(s) GABE THOMSON Day phone 916-616-5769 Mailing address PO BOX 210983 *ANCHORAGE, AK 99521-0983 Site address 20959 BIRCHWOOD SPUR *CHUGIAK, AK Legal description (Sub'd, Block & Lot ) Legal description (Township, Section & Range) T1 5N, R1W, SEC 5, LOT 115, Lot Size 72 X50 Sq.Ft. Number of Bedrooms 3 THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: (Nall that apply) Absorption Field Septic Tank Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑ Private Well Water Storage ❑ THIS APPLICATION IS AN: Initial 0 Upgrade ❑ Renewal ❑ THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE/ WAIVER REQUEST FOR: I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal codes. GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permiti#s-Fees: Y� �� Leh Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: c� °� Date of Payment: r -- Receipt Number: Cil'(C �JJ Receipt Number: Permit No. r I U I C Waiver No. (Rev. 01/11) GARN ESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS February 7, 2011 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, Ak 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 Ref: Proposed Initial Septic System for T15N, R1W, Sec 5, Lot 115 r To whom it may concern: The referenced property is currently vacant. The owner is proposing to build a 3 bedroom house that will be served by a private well and septic system. We are proposing to install a 1500 gallon S.T.E.P. tank and bed type drainfield. Attached are a site plan and a design drawing showing the proposed septic system. Three test holes were excavated on the property. The drainfield will be designed around the 30 foot radii of test hole #3 and a confirmation test hole which will be dug during construction. Comments regarding the design are summarized as follows: 1. SOILS: See the attached logs which show the soil classifications, groundwater monitoring, and the percolation test results. 2. DRAINFIELD DESIGN: See attached design drawing for drainfield specifications. 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface water concerns. 4. TOPOGRAPHY: As can be seen on the attached design drawing, the average topography below the drainfield is relatively flat. In short, there are no slope concerns. We are unaware ofd any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have ny qustions, please contact us at 337-6179. Thank you for your assistance. f Sink rely, .E., M.S. NOTE: Attached is a site plan drawing, a design drawing, two detail drawings, and two soil logs, which are all part of the design package for this septic system. (Contact G. E. G. Ltd. for 7 page construction specification letter) 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 * Anchorage, AK 99507-1259 Ph: (907) 337-6179 * Fax: (907) 338-3246 * Website: www.gamessengineering.com 6G1 T15N, R1W, SECTION 5;I T15N, R1W, SECTION 5; LOT 113 LOT 112 PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM e e e\-/`--* ------ ALTERNATE SITE -/r= e \� � _100° WEI I RADLUc # T15N, R1 W, SECTION 5; e TH 1 TH#2 LOT 114 \O \1o ee PRC e v e e ` e BIRCHWOOD_ LOOP e I ----------------------- AWN -- --------- AWN S/D; DANIEL S/D; \ \ LOT 2 LOT 1 \ e N \ \ \ e SCALE: \ \ 1" = 100° \\ e GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS 701 E. TUDOR ROAD, SUITE 101 • ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 PHONE (907)337-6179 • FAX (907)338-3246 WEBSRE: w .gom""ngineering.wm V PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: GABE THOMSON 916-616-5769 1 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N, R1 W, SEC 5, LOT 115, TYPE OF WORK: SITE PLAN PNB 2/7/2011 7 � W I Rq I I 115N, R1W, SECTION 5; LOT 111 -PROPOSED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE T15N,e)21W, SECTION 5; �OT 116 1 I PGP J i i SED 0 BLAIR AVENUE T15N, R1W, SECTION 8; LOT 6 -.Jeff - A.'`S�grnjss: E--79 311 rP'1 ° ° ° 2117 • �°o �D��pr o f e s slOvill. ° 0 9 -.Jeff - A.'`S�grnjss: E--79 311 rP'1 ° ° ° 2117 • �°o �D��pr o f e s slOvill. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: *3 GALLONS PER DAY (GPD): 450 PERCOLATION RATE/S: <1 PROPOSED APPLICATION RATE: 0.7 MINIMUM DRAINFIELD SQ.FT.: 643 DRAINFIELD DESIGN: FSIZED FOR 4 BEDROOMS MAXIMUM DEPTH: 1' WIDTH: 15' LENGTH: 58' M.O.A. APPROVED SAND FILTER: 2' EFFECTIVE: 0.5' REDUCTION FACTOR: N/A ACTUAL SQ.FT.: 870 LETTER THAT PERTAINS TO THIS DESIGN. TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE LETTER CONTACT GEG. BY PROCEEDING FORWARD WITH THIS INSTALLATION, THE ENGINEER, WELL DRILLER, CONTRACTOR AND PROPERTY OWNER AGREE THAT THEY HAVE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND AGREE TO ACCEPT THE TERMS AND PROPOSED DRAINFIELD: EXCAVATE A BED THAT IS 1 FOOT DEEP MAXIMUM BY 15 FEET WIDE BY 58 FEET LONG. REMOVE ALL ORGANICS THEN ADD 2 FEET OF M.O.A. APPROVED SAND FILTER AND THEN ADD 0.5 FEET OF CLEAN, WASHED SEWER DRAINROCK. THE DISTRIBUTION LINES ARE TO BE 1.25 INCH SCH. 40 PVC WITH 1/4 INCH HOLES DRILLED 52 INCHES ON CENTER (39 HOLES TOTAL, 13 HOLES PER LATTERAL).-\ ALTERNATE SITE WILL REQUIRE THE USE OF AN ADVANCED 0 TREATMENT SYSTEM A CONFIRMATION TEST `^ HOLE IS REQUIRED PRIOR 10 / TO CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OUTLINED.' PROPOSED 3 • ;" BEDROOM HOUSE RESERVE SITE DESIGN CRITERIA: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: *3 •'` •' `'" GALLONS PER DAY (GPD): 450 •, �.� �,•,:: •y• :;• PERCOLATION RATE/S: <1 PROPOSED APPLICATION RATE: 5.0 {'y'• +• MINIMUM DRAINFIELD SQ.FT.: 120 *SIZED FOR 4 BEDROOMS DRAINFIELD DESIGN: _ MAXIMUM DEPTH: 1' I WIDTH: 5' •' `." LENGTH: 24' M.O.A. APPROVED SAND FILTER: 2' EFFECTIVE: 0.5' ; '.•:; _ •'< :';• `. REDUCTION FACTOR: N/A I •' '� ACTUAL SQ.FT.: 120 " ii�0\115 S�4 NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE NORTH & \ EAST LOT LINES, AND ALL \ WELL RADII FLAGGED BY A .9 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR O PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. \ WELL TH#2 N SCALE: 0 GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD, SUITE 101 • ANCHORAGE. AK 99507 • PHONE (907)337-8179 • FAX (907)338-3248 WEBSITE: www.gameeeengineering.00m r PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUM ER: ......•••• GABE THOMSON 916-616-5769 2 OF 3 / Q� ••Jef,�F�'e�y A. � mess.,• LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: Q m CE -7 53 \c�G T15N, R1W, SEC 5, LOT 115 PNB ol p 1 ff o� F,co TYPE OF WORK: DATE: QO4OOes ioo(\ INITIAL WELL & SEPTIC DESIGN 2/7/2011 58 FEET F-- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - p MT 0 OMT L -FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LINES ARE TO BE 1.25 S.T.E.P. TANK INCH SCH. 40 PVC WITH 1/4 INCH HOLES DRILLED 52 INCHES ON CENTER (39 HOLES TOTAL, 13 HOLES PER LATTERAL).- TOPSOIL & SEED oQF FINAL GRADE 5� 2'+ OF 0.5 THE DISTRIBUTION LINES ARE TO BE 1.25 INCH SCH. 40 PVC WITH 1/4 INCH HOLES DRILLED 52 INCHES ON CENTER (39 HOLES TOTAL, 13 HOLES PER LATTERAL). 53' LONG LATERALS 1 --------S MT1 2.5 FEET I FEET 3 I45.0 w FEET 2.5 ---- MTO I FEET LATION ER FABRIC INSTALL PLYWOOD AND VISQUEEN BOX AROUND PERIMETER WITH BRACING 1 FEET DEEP MAXIMUM AT ANY POINT -L 0 G ERNESS E1GINEERINCGROUP, Ltd.oo��'• p* �-9 •�� CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS p• • • • • • • • • • • 1 • r• • • • • • • • • • • • 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD. SURE 101 • ANCHORAGE. AK 99507 • PHONE (907)337-8179 • FAX (907)338-3248 • WEBSRE:—.gemeeeengineering=m r PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER' •�•• •• ......•• GABE THOMSON 916-616-5769 3 OF 3 OO f re A. ar ess. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: Q49 E-79 �c�G T15N, R1 W, SEC 5, LOT 115 PNB TYPE OF WORK: DATE: �DOOOOOp00o'� BED DETAIL 2/7/2011 AI -,.AS KA «'rXl.' R & 'NvAs'rlA' N/rXr R CONSULTANTS, INC. 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD, SUITE 101 • ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 ' PHONE (907)3,37-6179 ' FAX (907)338-3246 SOIL LOG — PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N, R1W, SECTION 5; LOT 115 PERFORMED FOR: DOUG BARKER DATE: 6/24/2002 DEPTH --- (feet) ORGANICS TEST HOLE #3 2 ;:.. . 5.5' 6/24/2002 3.3' Few 3.3' 7/1/2002 I�IIIIIII 5/19/2003 0" 6" 3 — — 6" — 4 — • :'.�'�:1 6" 111111111 — '9m — 4— •i':"::••: 0" 6" � e.§4, GP 5- ::..:.:��• 6 8 B.O.H. 9- 1011 10- 11 12- 13- 14- 15- 16 213141516 17 18- 19— PERCOLATION RATE <1 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA TEST RUN BETWEEN 0.5 FT. AND 1.5 FT. 20 A PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: E YES ❑ NO DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE 5.5' 6/24/2002 3.3' Few 3.3' 7/1/2002 I�IIIIIII 5/19/2003 0" 6" 3 — — 6" — 4 — • :'.�'�:1 6" 111111111 — '9m — MORO 4 0" 6" � e.§4, DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE 5.5' 6/24/2002 3.3' 6/27/2002 3.3' 7/1/2002 4.1 ' 5/19/2003 TH.#3 S `Sti'wl i�. ' Y.r TH#1 TH#2 SITE PLAN 1 "=100' DATE READING CLOCK TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP (INCHES) 6/24/2002 1 — — 6" — 2 — 4 0" 6" 3 — — 6" — 4 — 4 0" 6" 5 — — 6" — 6 — 4 0" 6" 6 (INCHES) SOILS LOGGED BY: JODY MAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: CALEB GALL COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY AKWWC, INC. I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS S PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: ,= May 26, 2004 Ali icipality of Anchorage Mark Begich, Mayor Bttilding Safety Dh isiotl P.O. Box 196GW •-1.700 Bragaw Strcct Anchorage, Maska 99519.6650 • (907) 343.5301 • Fax (907) 343.5200 littp://mxiv.niuiii.org Doug Barker 3216 Lee Street Anchorage, AK 99504 Subject: On -Site Water and/or Wastewater Permit. Permit Number: S W030164 Legal Description: $'15N R1 W Sec 5 Lot -115 SE -1/4.• Dear Mr. Barker: An On -Site Water/Wastewater Permit, number SW030164, issued by this office for a single-family system, will expire on June 1, 2004 This permit was valid for 365 calendar days. If this was a well permit and the well has been drilled, a well log must be sent to this office for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If this permit was for a wastewater disposal system, an original as -built inspection report must be sent to this office for review, approval and documentation. This as -built inspection report must be signed by the licensed Professional Engineer who inspected the installation of the system. As -built inspection reports are required to be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the system. If no system was installed under this permit, and you are still planning to install a well or wastewater disposal system, a new permit must be obtained from this office. A new permit for a second year may be issued for a fee of $115.00 if the renewal application is received on or before the expiration date of the original permit. When applying for anew permit, the fees are: $460.00 for a wastewater permit and $175.00 for a well permit. If you have any questions, please call this office at 343-7904. /Sincerely, ' �./GC•t�/ I �C� . Dan Roth, P.E. Program Manager On -Site Water and Wastewater Program Enc: Copy of permit J MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water& Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ONSITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM / WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Permit Number: SW030164 Legal Description: T15N R1 W SECTION 5 LOT 115 SE 1/4 Design Engineer. 0041 AK Water & Wastewater Consultarr Owner Name: Doug Barker Owner Address: 3216 Lee Street Anchorage , AK 99504 - Date Issued: Jun 02, 2003 Expiration Date: Jun 01, 2004 Parcel ID: 051-082-33 Site Address: 3216 Lee Street Lot Size: 72850 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit is for the construction of: ❑✓ Disposal Field Ej Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑✓ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either. A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. 5. The following special provisions. THE SAND USED IN THE FILTER LAYER MUST BE A CLEAN COARSE SAND WITH 4% OR LESS PASSING THE #100 SIEVE AND 2% OR LESS PASSING THE #200 SIEVE. A SIEVE ANALYSIS MUST BE PROVIDED ON THE SAND USED OR OBTAINED FROM AN APPROVED SOURCE. Received By: Issued By: Date:6 Lo3 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. 051-082-33 Permit Number S W0,3016 Property owner(s) DOUG BARKER Day phone 337-4910 Mailing address (1) 3216 LEE STREET • ANCHORAGE. AK Mailing address (2) Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) N/A Legal description (Section, Township & Range) Zip Code 99504 Lot Size It $50Acres/Sq.Ft. Number of Bedrooms 3 THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: 5I°� Sewer Only ❑�� a Well Only ❑ Sewer and Well s.(�Water Storage ❑ Sewer Upgrade Ko THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub ❑ Jacuzzi ❑ Swimming Pool ❑ Water Softening Unit ❑ Therapy Pool ❑ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal codes. ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. Permit Fees: $550' — Date of Payment: 5.2Z. 03 Receipt Number. 1 Waiver Fees, Date of Payment: Receipt Number. ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. May 20, 2003 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, Ak 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 Ref: Well and Septic Design for T15N, R1 W, Section 5; SE '/4 of Lot 115 To whom it may concern: The proposed house is to be served by a private well and septic system. Test holes were excavated on the property. The proposed septic system will be designed around the 30 foot radius of test hole #3. We are proposing that a 1250 gallon S.T.E.P. tank and a bed type drainfield be installed. The well is to be drilled as shown on the site plan. Comments regarding the design are summarized as follows: 1. SOILS: Attached is three soil logs which show the soil classifications, groundwater monitoring, and the percolation test results. 2. PRESSURIZED BED DESIGN: a. Percolation Rate: <1 minutes/inch b. Allowable Application Rate: 0.7 gallons/day/ft2 c. Number of Bedrooms: 3 d. Design Flow: 450 gallons per day e. Minimum Absorption Area: 643 R2 f. Total Depth: 1 feet (max.) g. M.O.A. sand filter: 2+ feet h. Effective Depth: 0.5 feet i. Width: 15 feet j. Reduction Factor: N/A k. Minimum Length: 45 feet long 1. Effective absorption area = 675 ft2 Note: The distribution line is to be 1.25 inch sch. 40 pvc with'/4 inch holes spaced 52 inches on center (10 holes per lateral/ 30 holes total). 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 ' Anchorage, AK 99507 Ph: (907) 337-6179 • Fax: (907) 338-3246 • Website: akwwc.com 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed upgrade. 4. TOPOGRAPIIY: The area around the proposed drainfield is relatively flat. In short, there are no slope concerns. I am unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If y u have any questions, please contact me at 337-6179, or 244-9612. Thank you for your assistAnge. P.E., M.S. NOTE: Attached is a site plan drawing, a design drawing, a bed detail drawing, 3 soils logs, and a 7 page constntction specification letter which are all part of the design package for this septic system. 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 • Anchorage, AK 99507 Ph: (907) 337-6179' Fax: (907) 338-3246' Website: akwwc.com T15N, R1W. SECTION S; LOT 113 T15N, R1W. SECTION S; LOT 114 61:� 715N, RiW, SECTION S; LOT 112 PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM (SEE DESIGN PACE 2 OF 3}-\, WELL ---moi I__51KHKQQD -L49 --B-QA ----- -----}----------- SHAWN S/0; LOT 2 DANIEL S/D; LOT 1 I 6N, R1W, SECTION S: LOT 111 BEDROOM---- HOUSE SITE 715N, RiW, SECTION S; L07,.1µ'1116^/ Tz T+/2 BLAIR AVENUE I I i DATE 5/20/2003 DRAWN BY: ALAS IU WATL'R & WAS TL'WATI:R SCALE:Z,T.G. CONSULTANTS. INC. 1 • = 1 GG, 3101 F TIAM POAD. S01TF 101 • ANCHMAGF, AK O0507 • PNONF (001)10-6110 • FAX (OOINSM0A6 PREPARED FOR PHONE NUMBER: PACE NUMBER: DOUG BARKER 266-8366 1 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N, RiW, SECTION 5: SE 1/4, LOT 115 TYPE OF WORK SITE PLAN FOR PROPOSED WELL AND SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION TiSN, R1W, SECTION 6: LOT 6 S,... (. JY.f......J........0 PROPOSED DRAINFIELD. EXCAVATE A BED THAT IS I FOOT DEEP MAXIMUM BY 15 FEET WIDE BY 45 FEET LONG. REMOVE ALL ORGANICS THEN ADD 2 FEET OF M.OA APPROVED SAND FILTER AND THEN ADD 0.5 FEET OF CLEAN, WASHED SEWER DRAWROCK. THE DISTRIBUTION LINES ARE TO BE 1.25 INCH SCH. 40 PVC WITH 1/4 INCH HOLES DRILLED 52 INCHES ON COTTER (30 HOLES TOTAL. 10 HOLES PER LATTERAL). PROPOSED 1250 GALLON TAN 4.1 S.T.C.P. PROPOSED WELL JA INSTALL FOUNDATION CLEANOUT ALTERNATE SITE WILL REQUIRE THE USE OF AN ADVANTEX TREATMENT SYSTEM 6/1' 1po 7H#2 cl 0 00 10 NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE NORTH LOT LINE FLAGGED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. .1po DATE: 5/20/2003 DRAWN BY: Z.T.G. 3= ALASKA WATER &WASTEWATER S. INC. 1" = 40' 3701 F TUMQ ROAM StflTF 101 • ANCHORAOF, AK 99507 - �(INF ("7)557+10 -FGR (907)359-3?,6 O. PACE NUMBER: PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: .. .. ..... .... DOUG BARKER 266-8366 2 OF 3 of r A G me 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:7 T15N. RlW, SECTION 5; SE 1/4, LOT 115 ......... DOpp000 TYPE OF WORK: LOCATION PROPOSED WELL AND SEPTIC SYSTEM 0.3 IS FEET LONG �2.3 o ----------------------------------poi FEET I 1 I I i 5.0 I 4 I I ( 1 5.0 h I I --� I 1 I OMT ------"_'oma -5 L ---------------------------- THE Dt=IBLRION LINES ARE TO BE 123 WCH SCH. 40 PVC WITH 1/4 INC/ HOLE: DRILLED 32 WOES ON CENTER (30 HOLE TOTAL, 10 HOLES PER LATfERAU.— THE DISTRIBU110N LINES ARE TO BE 125 INCH SCK 40 PRC WITH 1/4 NCH HOLE. DRILLED 52 LACHES ON CENTER (30 HOLE TOTAL 10 HOLES PER LATTERAL)— AIASFA NVATER & NVASTEIVATER CONSULTANTS, INC. 101 F TMID FOLD. SIIITF 101 • Aw.00ftGF. AG 00301 • Fu F f001)3s?- 170 • FAX (0011338-3m NSTALL PLYWOOD AND VISOUEEN BOX AROUNE PERIMETER WITH BRACW FABRIC k `'•`t%:"• �'�`a`` `i:» 1 FEET DEEP MAXIMUM n:•. i': �;:•v'.<�.-•`_'�"ti :� AT ANY POINT 5/20/2003 oQooaoo � 4 AWN BY: P p PARED FOR: PRONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: V DOUG BAKER 266-8366 3 OF 3 U. DESCRIPnON:ff 9 T15N, RIM SECTION 5; SE 1/4. LOT 115 I �p���' «q`o� DETAIL OF PROPOSED DRAINFIELD ALASKA WATER R WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS. INC. 701WDOR ROAD. WM 101 • M YY00 • 90 -{I7i • A% YO - " SOIL LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N RIW SECTION 5; SE 1/4, LOT 115 PERFORMED FOR: DOUG BARKER DATE: 8/1/1997 (feet `== ORGANICS TEST HOLE 1 16 17 18 19 DATE 4' 8/1/1997 4' 8/12/1997 3' 4/24/2003 2 — 2 GW -GM 5 7- 1 1/2- NNEa.m., • TH I } T12 111111111 4 SITE PLAN RAM 8 1/40 1 1'=100' P !'1�7�[fi 5 4- • 6 1:52 5 5 3/4- 1 1/4- 7 5-- 5 'e 4 1/2- CH (IMPERMEABLE) 6- B.o.tl. 7- 789101112 8- 9- 10- 11- 12 13 16 17 18 19 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE 4' 8/1/1997 4' 8/12/1997 3' 4/24/2003 8 1/2- — 2 1:35 5 7- 1 1/2- NNEa.m., • TH I } T12 111111111 4 SITE PLAN RAM 8 1/40 1 1'=100' 5 !'1�7�[fi 5 �yB • 6 1:52 5 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE 4' 8/1/1997 4' 8/12/1997 3' 4/24/2003 8 1/2- — DATE READING CLOCK TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP (INCHES) THH3 1:30 — 8 1/2- — 2 1:35 5 7- 1 1/2- 3 1:40 TH I } T12 1 1/2- 4 SITE PLAN ` 8 1/40 1 1'=100' DATE READING CLOCK TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP (INCHES) 6/24/2002 1 1:30 — 8 1/2- — 2 1:35 5 7- 1 1/2- 3 1:40 5 5 1/2- 1 1/2- 4 1:42 1 - 8 1/40 1 - 5 1:47 5 70 1 1/4' 6 1:52 5 5 3/4- 1 1/4- 7 1:57 5 4 1/2- 1 1/4 - PERCOLATION RATE 4 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RLN BETWEEN 3.25 FT. AND 3.75 FT. 20 A PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: N YES ❑ NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JAMES P. WILLIAMS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: JAMES P. WILLIAMS PERFORMED BY AKWWC. INC. I. JEFFREY A. GARNESS. CERTIFY THAT THIS WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: _ IN ACCORDANCE ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N, R1W, SECTION 5; SE 1/4, LOT 115 PERFORMED FOR: OOUC BARKER DATE- 6/1/1987 (feet ORGANICS TEST HOLE 2 1 3 4- f ;rl U II GW -GM 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE 6' 111111111 4' 1i� 3' 4/24/2003 6' �Y� NNN 111111111 • IBM RAM 6OZZ. 3 011111: �V", • 1 2' 4 1:06 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE 6' 8/1/1997 4' 8/12/1997 3' 4/24/2003 6' - -.!'.......:... ff . Garness: 7953 FFG _ .... '• ecgd0 TV} TH�1 T12 SITE PLAN 1-100' DATE READING CLOCK TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) WATER LEVEL READING NET DROP (INCHES) 6 24 2002 1 1:02 - 6' - 2 1:04 2 4 1/20 1 1 2' 3 1:05 1 4' 1 2' 4 1:06 1 3 1/2- 1 2' 5 1:08 — 6- — 6 1:09 1 5 1/2" 1/2' 7 1:10 1 5' 1/2- 8 1:11 1 4 1/2- 1/2' 19� PERCOLATION RATE 2 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN 2.5 FT. AND 3.1 FT. 20 A PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: N YES ❑ NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JAMES P. WILLIAMS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: JAMES P. WILLIAMS COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY AKWWC.INC. I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS. CERTIFY THAT THIS YAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: ALASKA WAXER & 1VASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. 01 L TUDW RW. MME 101 • we —(9Qnu7-4179 • FAX (9O7pW-W46 SOIL LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N RIX SECTION 5; SE 1/4, LOT 115 PERFORMED FOR: DOUG BARKER DATE: 6/24/2002 (feet ORGANICS TEST HOLE 3 TEST RUN BETWEEN 0.5 FT. AND 1.5 FT. 20 A PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: 0 YES ❑ NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JODY MAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: CALEB CALL COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY AKWWC, INC. I, JEFFREY A GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PE FORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: '�•' 2—�^''•' SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS GW --= ORG 3 �:':•� ;r.c GP MLS _.:... GM CL GC OL SW MH 5 GP-SP2. SP CH SM m OH 6— •' SC " c 7 DEPTH TO DATE "• •; . GROUNDWATER TH/2 B.O.11.TH�1 8 5.5' 6/24/2002 4 3.3' 6/27/2002 9 3.3' 7 1 2002SRE PLAN 4.1' .5/19/2003, 1'100' 10 CLOCK WATER NET TIME EL NET DROP 11 DATE READING (MINUTES) READ NG (INCHES) 6/24/2002 1 — — 6• — 12 2 — 4 0' 6- 13 3 — — 6- 4 — 4 0' 6' 14 5 — — 6' — 6 — 4 0' 6' 15- 5161718PERCOLATION 16- 17- 18— PERCOLATIONRATE <1 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) 19 TEST RUN BETWEEN 0.5 FT. AND 1.5 FT. 20 A PRESOAK WAS PERFORMED: 0 YES ❑ NO SOILS LOGGED BY: JODY MAUS PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY: CALEB CALL COMMENTS: PERFORMED BY AKWWC, INC. I, JEFFREY A GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PE FORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: