HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN PARK ESTATES BLK 7 LT 8Mountain Park Estates Block 7 Lot 8 #017-391-11 Development Services Department Building Safety Division ® On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road P.O. Box 196650 Mark Begich Anchorage, AK 99507 Mayor w .muni org/onsii� (907) 343-7904 Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Permit Number: SW_ Parcel Identification Number: Date of Issue: Legal Description /h o U/V -%A //V Property Owner Name & Address: Com. I c.k C.►-a..1P-Fg Silb 1 .5Y�A4�� %3 - % Pump Installation Date: —5--/ & — / 5— Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: V30ffeet Pump Manufacturer's Name: Pump Model: 5 2 Pump Size I hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: / O feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer's Name: vvicL%4�� Pitless Adapter Adapter Installer: /L Well Disinfected Upon Completion? iX�l, Yes NO �'Iethod of Disinfection: Comments: Anchorage Well & Pump Service, Ira Pump Installer Name: 330 East 76th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99518 Phone: 907-243.0740 Fax: 907-243-0742 Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to the DSD within 30 days of pump installation. GRE,, C'R ANCHORAGE AREA BOK .. JGH 'y 11, 4 Department of Environmental Gualit P Y 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 -1 co S C(� INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DIS OSAL SYSTEM NAME, 91e1. MAILING ADDRESSJ.+_✓�D �'Q�C1=� PHONEyam- LOCA LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE � �J n FROM WELL��LMANUFACTUREQjtlJW4,I3t/ATi TERIAL INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH � NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS R LIQUID CAPACITY GALLONS. / nn / TOTAL LENGTHlO / DISTANCE FROM WELL 1/00 FOUNDATION 02-6 NEAREST LOT LINE LINES NUMBER OF LINES DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES TRENCH WIDTHS^" IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE ^� DEPTH OF FILTER ^� DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE _/ t MATERIAL BENEATH TILE_/a IN. ABOVE TILE IN. WELL: / J l TYPE _.._�//QjV CONSTRUCTION_��IjYO L•�-y� DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE FOUNDATION_. LOT LINE , SEWER LINE . TANK , SYSTEM , CESSPOOL . OTHER SOURCES / APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS 1,�O_I 647_./I'C_���,J�ed • ._. DISTANCES:__ p� INSTALLED BY: A f Deo SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: _5LO REMARKS:�� F1 Fo,m EQ -032 DIAG DATE 0- _121-�__174ROVED G.A.A.B. iSi3S� t3TAu liOLTI� A ANVJ"0RAGVs, AILASKA IM5-vo." 344-7714 lv%a m" WATM WELL DRILLBLi AND CASED OUT TO THE DEPTH OF 483 foot. ;WMkW AT THE RATE Ott PER FOOT. CRnsaorr twat M JW, F20d ttwlw 277+8677 Y a'e,•:�Y I!• • lI .1 ... - � -+. a {/� � .,177.11>��T BEELLO ., and teserel small boulders. .. Y .. .. l�bisw'•� •. t�. VSs AWVO a ♦ swllaSIkUM rook tdth areas of cracks and fissures prodnolnE �:: +�►pare. ��� - ; 9 0-5, mQroty1w.to wt "a%* for ow 6412m put 330 foot. no reason for this .r J' 8 ft pui S '!t dsi UV4'eft bat at tha saes, tlso,try to Wodaoo a better wall with S *U—tt ow". No Pertordn to wtorate the sow at 204 tort to allow Mir s: - E Mite a fJlat area Sae % Cbasp to eartoDsr. O', •hVV 00 O 4 W$ dtk a 300 feat head 6 of ft%AuftIta 330 tes0j $5930.00 Coat of Wall seals $22.50 ,.i1D$MAi.L. LABOR.AND MATERIAL FOR COMPLETION OF SAID DRILLING. ' CHWK PAYJLBL.E TO RAMPAW DRILLING WORKS FOR THE SUM OF is THANK YQZi VERY MUCH. BERNIE.CLAUS OF RAMPART DRI LINGWORKS -:$ SERYWO-19TIAPOK O F 1911 PM MONTH WILL WE ASSaSSZO ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. y,. • MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE • Department of Health and Environmental Protection SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Floyd Siegler Date Performed 7/18-19/76 Legal Description Lot 8, Block 7, Mt. Park Estates (See back for test hole location) 0 n 14 16 18 20 Organics Very moist,brown-silt with some sand (ML) Pere rate = 275 ft.2/bdrm. Moist, gray -brown, fine Sand with some gravel (SP) Perc rate = 150 ft. /bdrm. Moist, gray -brown, silty, sandy gravel (GM) Pere rate = 225 ft. /bdrm. Material coarser and denser from -8.5 feet to -20 feet Increase.in silt and moisture content at -13 feet. Very rocky from -15 feet to -20 feet. No water table encountered. AVERAGE PERC RATE FROM SOILS LOG = 221 ft. 2/bdrm. Percolation Rate 15 minutes/inch = 187 ft. 2/bdrm. (u� c,o�fY.cr r 1,:bF 1� Ppl.>r-f�1� �LSG�+nt� f -o F 91 B (� pocJert.tc L�.sc.. �U4 10 FT • . t•1 ut-.i I t_ I� y L_ I T ti.' p E F1 t•.7 t_ H t =t Ci t=— el DEPARTMENT 0 DEPARTMENT ;EALTH AND ENVIRQNMENTAL F TECTION 17 2516 E. TUDOR RD, , ANCHORAGE, --AF:. 99507 LJEI-L Ht�C• t_'tJ—c I TE �ELJF.F F •EF: y —T� ;0}6 PERMIT NO. i 76546 i 6PPLICnNT FLOYD SIEGLER- -' ' S500'.bLD= EIJAF.D" H_IGHIJAY 349-x415`7 ATION loU fH&U i Az HOLDEN LE;iL L8 B7 MOUqTAfN PARK -EST - LOT SIZE 21760 SQUARE FEET f_ -VE OF SOIL A6_OR..BTION SYSTEM IS: TRENCH trIhUJ q NUMBER rF�*IBEGF0OF15 4- J COIL' F'ATING Z`.6t' FT/EF.'r-187)t: <• � , : '� REQUIRED =: TIE wA THE%$OIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS:' =F•TH= 1=" LES-.IGTH= r=.�: r t�Rti':••E�L'' 'G•EPTH-- �r.- _ THE LENGTH DIMEN=ION IS THE LENGTH CIN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRAINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF A TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION CIN FEET). THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFALL PIPE AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION CIN FEET). =tt==f�FiCii= PLHt-•IT F='El:�t_t I t* EG• EITHER A CLASS I OR, II NSF APPROVED PLANT MAY BE INSTALLED. A CONTINUOUS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED. IF A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS NOT KEPT CURRENT YOU MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENLARGE THE SOIL ADSORPTION SYSTEM AND./OR YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. IF A CLASS I SYSTEM IS USED THE LENGTH IS 45.0 FEET. IF A CLASS II SYSTEM IS USED THE LENGTH IS 57.0 FEET. :;FILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION AND APPF:0VAL BY THIS 'ARTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. NINUM DISTANCE BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS 0 FEET FOR A PRIVATE WELL OR 200 FEET FOR A PUBLIC WELL. LL LOGS ARE REQUIRED AND MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAY: THE WELL COMPLETION. ECIFICATION'_ AND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM_ ARE AVAILABLE TO INURE PROPER =TALLATION. f .t7 I T '•:'HL I Gti FOR s--Ir-JE: BHF=' F t=ttl I = ctJE INTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS AS SET IH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODES. UNDERSTAND THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE DENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THAN 4 BEDROOMS. c AF 'LIC; FLOVD EGLE. It D E4' __ , ._ _ _:G%tt mss+-------DATE-� S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION DA..1'RECEIVED i INSPECTION APPOINTM NTFI TIME / TIME TIME DATE NUMBER O B D O DATE�(yy N DATE 0 Two Five X ( -lq - CA INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPEC O AA ❑ COMMUNITY ICIPAUTY OF ANCHORAGE ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH a �\ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIENJIRONMENTAL KOTECTION 825 L Street - Anehorape, Alaska 98801 INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE**•YEAR AUG 1 8 1981 ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. I�SeAN�1T4�;I�ON RECEIVED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incornpleas rego ft will not be processed. Please allow ten 110) days for processing. 1. PROPERTYOWNER r PHONE /c 3L/� MAILING URE .6•6oX 1o365;- 50v P OPE TY RESIDENT (it G0T ZY /3COK 7 C differen from above) A.eK L -T trl /a7. GI PHONE epjeAtXrF!Spo-n4je^g7r) (-w 2. BUYER PHUNL iv -DL AILING DD ESS 3. LENDING INSTITUTION PHONE V MAILING ADDRESS 4. REALTOR/AGE T PHONE r f 1 MAILING ADOR SS S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION i STREET LOCATION / AIVI) Ll 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER O B D O M�SINGLE FAMILY ❑ One Four ❑ Other 0 Two Five ❑ MULTIPLE FAMILY ❑ Three ❑ Six 7. WATER SUPPLY •ILT' INDIVIDUAL- ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled ❑ COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY depth (attach log if available.) S. SEWAGED POSAL SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE**•YEAR ONSITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72 010 (Rev. 6/791VU111-15 �� ra r� THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE ❑ SINGLEFAMILY ❑ MULTIPLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ❑ ONE ❑ THREE ❑ FIVE ❑ OTHER ❑ TWO ❑ FOUR ❑ SIX 2. WATER SUPPLY ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ COMMUNITY ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ❑INDIVIDUAUON-SITE ❑PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER DATEINSTALLED A5 INSTALLER ❑SepticTankor ❑Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade give dimensions: SOILS RATING ' TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL �L 4. DISTANCES WELL T0: SepuC/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS b--APPROVEDFOR_ BEDROOMS ❑ CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) ❑ DISAPPROVED i / DATE BY 72 010 IRO, 6/79) Cano e� 's Concrete Products of Wasilla, Inc. HOME & COMMERCIAL SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS BOX 149.• WASILLA, AK. 99687 - PHONE 376-5919 JET Home Plant Service Policy This Agreement entitles: Owner_ Street Address City _ Phone "- �-"_••^--•�ti:�o fnr �— year(s) from the d_ ate _ of acceptance. Pe's Concrete Products agrees to perform the . ng a gr Lz4610C 7 .� ant J moun-A n ANCHORAGE CESSPOOL PUMm6 Star Route A, Box 144 r< Lel address twice a year. These inspections ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 of aerator's shaft, field service of aeration Phone 344.2632 or 344.2453 0 7418 —claim. and rnteri accompanied by NI ---SERIES W9 _ ce skimmer and/or tube setter. t9 �s access at time of inspection. 1blockage (if applicable). Overload protection, if there is access at time removal when build-up warrants removal. I i lap f 1 ICE — — I re -Installation of aerator, if required. V�.— rvice, homeowner will be notified immediately Vice, the Department of Environmental Quality, II be replaced according to the manufacturer's �s. station and aerator repair charges are not You Owner's Signature Date Accepted for Canole's Concrete Products Date PENINSULA ENGINEERING a, a - August 26, 1981 Floyd Seigler NIIN Bolden Drive P.O. Box 10365 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Re: Adequacy Test — Septic System Lot 8, Block 7, Mountain Park Estates Dear Mr. Seigler: As per your request, I have performed the adequacy test on your sanitary sewer system's drain filed. The system consists of a septic tank with built—in agitator, approximately 60 L.F. of drain field with standpipes at all junctions and ends. The system was tested in accordance with the Municipality of Anchorage recommended test procedure. A daily load of 600 gals was added to the septic tank in the stable operational condition for two consequetive days. Levels in the septic tank and drainfield ends were monitored on a regular basis and the results tabulated. (See Attachment). Based on the data recorded, I conclude that the absorption system is performing adequately for a four bedroom home. Sincerely, tl Berson WH:sa Attachment 2820 'C' Street, Suite 113 * Anchorage, Alaska 99503 * 276-4855 n Municipality � of 01. Anchorage r1 825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 2G4-4111 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PIt OTECTION August 21, 1981 Floyd D./Jean Seigler Post Office Box 10-365 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: Lot 8 Block 7 Mountain Park Estates Subdivision Approval for the individual sewer and water facilities cannot be granted until the following items have been completed:. (1) The water analysis report needs to be submitted to his office from the Chem Lab; 5633 B Street, for our review. (2) The septic tank pumped with a receipt submitted to this office. (3) An adequacy test needs to be performed on the existing leaching area. This test will determine if the system is adequate according to National Standards. A listing of private firms performing the test is enclosed. This report needs to be submitted to this office for our review. (4) A maintenance contract needs to be submitted to this office on the Jet unit in the sewer system. This contract can be obtained from Clyde Rhoades, Consteel Company, Post Office Box 1490, Wasilla, Alaska .99687, phone number: 376-5919. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Associate Specialist RCP/ljw ,✓� i v GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality " Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received January 31, 1977 Time of Inspection 9:30 a.m. Date of Inspection 2-1-77 Tues4ay REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIESl1ra FOR Conv. 1. Approval requested by: Home Federal Savings and Loan Association Mailing Address: 535 D Street Phone: 272-1451 2. Property Owner: Floyd/Jean Seigler Phone: 349-3415 Mailing Address: Box 10365 Klatt Station 99502 3. Legal Description: Lot8 Block 7 Mountain Park Estates 4. Location: Corner of Southport and Holden Drive 5. Type of facility to be inspected Single Family No. of bedrooms 6. 7 Well Data: A. Type Individual C. Construction , B. Depth D. Bacterial Analysis 0 rt t Sewage Disposal Syst : On—site system. %71,6t/4, A. Installed B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1. Size 2. Manufacturer D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area a 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: rV� r A. Well to: Septic tank , Absorption area Sewer Lines , Nearest lot line Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ -034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages . �. ...�.--e . s-. • _ -. .-.. .....�...� -. �-r. -�� -.�� � f w.ww.• ._ _ w, • � .A/..--..s� 1' K'�...+.+M � ... ._ � � tidy' � Page 2 of two pages - ReC�jt for Approval of Individual'_ ,r & Water Facilities Legal Description Lot 8 Block 7 Moutnain Park Estates Comments Approved Disapproved Date Apal,valid for one year from date signed Greater Anchors Area Borough. Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM 1 certify that the Information contained in tnis request Tor approvai to De a true ano accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED EQ -034 (1/74) Date MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE v1/ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEPT. OF HEALTH ✓s< 2510 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 89504 276.2221 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF JAN 31 1977 INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES �_ IVED 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO VA FHA CONY 3. Name of Buyer: F — Mailing Address: Day1Phone: 4. Name of Lending Institution: 14b m F- %'bL--r j ( 9 i L, Mailing Address: AAI" — Phone: 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: _/ D AX --- Mailing Legal Description: M i l .r7�II 7. Type of Facility to be Inspected: %74,yt /L N No. Bdrms. 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth of well 9. Sewage Disposal System Type of System: If Individual, date of 72003(3/76) Public Utility—Individual (on-site) installationi . ... ! .0/,. i 'AS -IS PROPERTY SALE' //��/� ANP EARNEST h&JNEY RECEIPT AND AGREEMEt.. TO PURCHASE jaee.P�op:rt'ts This Is a legally binding contract. Red all pages carefully afore signing. /9 mPhans X78 —a77(o 0:0nooffice• — Agent ,r?V z– etllne office Agent _ r• _ _ - c u =1 EaIVED FBM CN�sTE72 � CA20C_YAJ C24)=77 Sa-.3csyN he as of ❑ r�E n - Dollars (I t ) n the form of check for &4!l� cash for S , as earnest awry an awed pert payment or the rest property(los) and is situated In the Recording District, State of Alaska, described as: NIC = ADDRESS LEGAL PNYf1CAL DESCRIPTION (SFR, O•lot, Cando, PID, Tr&s, Multi, Vaunt land, MN an lad L2 13 l S801 Na.DE" J)2. MOUAlT-AIAJ, PAicti; Es7-�q. sF"i2 T1-3 L_.80.6 jb 00 TOTAL GSR PIRCMfC "ICE . ..: •:�: �) �: �:....:.! ' ::.: _ , (INCLIMINO EM DEPOSIT ASM) i•r•{:. a:i'1' a• i; ) NOTE: KM(S) MUST ATTACH PROOF OF ADEMIATE CASE DEPOSIT CR CASS RESERVE= TO COMPLETE PLKCKM. lrLL NOTES BUYERS) ACS)OR.IDrf THAT TRE FMI=ION= OF ARFC NAI SALE RECULATIORS WILL OOMERU ANY till SALE TRANSACTION. ("r) 1RISOLICITED til[ OFFERS ARE SULLECT TO A PUBLIC NOTICING PROCEDURE THAT AFFORDS OTHER BUYERS THE OIPOlT1RITT TO PRESENT OFFERS TO PuRCUSE TME SAIF PROPERTIES. N,., , . •, � 1. C&e- NOTES ANT/ALL OFFERS TO RRCSASE ARF SUNgCT TO APPROVAL -ST APPLICABLE MORTGAGE )NARANLE COMPANIES, If ANY. tower) i, COSTS: the costs designated below sM(l be paid "' Indluted by Buyer (_) or faller (S). Plea" Indicate any coat paid by Seller by filling the blank with a dollar sarant of cost Vary with the letter •f•. feller agrees to pay the following West m dollar roots If the following costs apply. "r(S) Weratards lost ear Instances, actual costs may be higher, and will be Buyer reaponslbSltty. - . . % _ As•bullt =Wwy = /VLIT f ) Na Transfer Fes = U 1 • Owner Title Innatrane S liar .res i' ! T • cf Radwrding f" S S • Resale Cortif costa f (fe sr)� Smoke Detectors ler) I ..: M=aonegyod i (S) "W5Escrow C1041 f Reeonveysnea f" S_(6 sit )� •• as sting toS rl ; :, Other .�S EYLN�1 • this prgrrty gumltfleo for a Aller ra •' Any liar, eeseessasnts, FILA'• ar other arrambroncr rill b• paid only In the s,"tnt specified by the set lar as of the agreed Esrtwt Mary data. t. &AW(s) to provide' Witten proof at•';closlrg i6t, oppropriste utilities have been plead oder buyers rrfresponalbllity. :.,EI .}all IY�r•:, ;', 2. Tm AMD CdDtttosm: DI -FO- property(les) islare bring sold strictly •es -is with all defects•. in Itsltheir present condition the proprty(les) may er may rot moot condition standards to qualify for firrncing, comply with nsw federal, state, or local Wilding codes, oeeepay ratulreoonts. The propsity(les) a" or soy rot be habitable, now or at saw future sato. this site to contt. o"t ..m na,arrat arkrrad-.----r and eeeeetanee of the attached ARP 'AI -Is' AMendsent to Purehne (auyer) AarteR,ent Regarding Property Condition and Salter Release front liability, Buyer(s) acknowledge that the AAI Property CanditioniSelter Notes" will be recorded along with Other closing documents. ADDITIONAL YENS AND COOtTIOMSt ' 3. CLOSING/POSSESSION. This sale &hall be closed on or before 1C) MAy , 192-3. Possession shall be given to ='oyer upon recording. A. BROCEII INFORMATION. Euyer(s) awed Seller authorize all lenders, escrow agents, and &Walser to furnish to the ltatlnE and/or Selling Agents on request arty and all information and copies of documents concerning the status, progress and flnst disposition of loan, credit, @Welesl, closing, corneyance and any other matter related to this "le. ANFCI 11913 /tea • ' Gtr_ ` t /_ -Buyer's initiate N4Setker, a initial& "AS -IS PROPERTY SALE• AHP EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT AND AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE Regarding property(ies) legally described as: S. CLOSING DOCAENTS. Buyer(s) and Seller agree to sign all necessary closing docents Snd perform the condition required by the closing agent and/or any financing institution. 6. EARNEST MONEY - DISPOSITION. If either Buyer or Seller fails to comply with paragraph 5, above, then the other party say terminate this agreement in writing ard, as applicable, Buyer or Seller say forfeit the earnest Morey and/or proceed in any other legal maser. In the event that the Broker is cable to determine to his/her satisfaction which party is responsible for failing to perform the requirements of the contract, the Broker shall rawest the parties to execute an agreement for release of earnest money to ors or the other or both parties. Alternatively, Broker my: (a) with Buyer's and Seller's consent, submit the matter to arbitration or (b) interplead the earnest Morey with the courts (mew, for determination of who is entitled to the earrwt money. 7. PROPERTY CONDITION. Buyer offers to purchase the property in -ss-is with all defects• condition, on term Itemized (Buyer) and made a part of this Agreement. Any representat Ions about the condition of property are basad upon Seller's written representation and Seller's attached ANP As -19 Am ndwnt to Purchase Agreement Regarding Property Condition aro Releasing Seller from Liability or AMP Inspection Report Disclosure. AMFC/AMP does rot warrant the existence or accuracy of any of the facts, condition, or acacia stated or implied by any of the representation, statemsete. conclusions or opinion wt forth b/ vel estate agents, larders, contractors, or any scarce other than • eller-siWe d listing agreement, AMP As -Is Amenient to Purchase Agreement Regarding Property Condition Semi blessing Beller from Liability, Ave lrspeetim Report Diselorre, or other Ave written contract or communication. An AMP Inspection Report Disclosure is hereby made a part of this agreements —yes /_rs AMP Specialist's Initials: � Buyer's Initialat B. TITLE. Seller shall convey title by statutory warranty deed, std will provide proof of marketable title at tim of closing by a preliminary commitment to issue title Insurance. Title may or my not be clear of encumbrances exempt condition, restrictions, reservations and rights-of-way. easements Med eovenents of record. Title will be conveyed subject to the term of the -&$-is with all defects- purchase agreement and all attachments/disclosure documents. 9. PRORATION. Taxes, interest, Insurance, prepaid rents and some Owner's Association fees, if applicable, will be pro- rated as of the data of Nosing. 10. ASSIGNARILITT. Seller's acceptance of this Agreement is based 4pon Buyer's apparent ability to complete this purchase within the agreed time and according to the agreed term. This earearmt is not sssiaable. 11. BRO>ER. It is mutually agreed by all parties that the Brokers shall not be held liable in any saner whatsoever for damages arising from defaults or sets by or upon the part of either party to this agreement. The following agency relationship is hereby confined for this transaction. The selling broker and Ms/her agents are considered agents ons / V Buyer exclusively Seller exclusively 12.=--SOLME FWTACE. _ Seller makes no representation as to the square footage of the iaprovemrrts or land. If this Is important to the Buyer, the Buyer must (ndeperdently verify or mesure the square footage. 13. ENTIRE AGNEE ENT. This document and the referenced attachments including the AMP As -Is Amenbment to Purchase Agreement Regarding Property Condition and Seller Release From Liability)connisting of to pages contain the entire Agreement between the parties. IT MY NOT BE MODIFIED EXCEPT IN WRITING AM SIGNED RT ALL PARTIES. %*A.%tE OF SELLING OFFICE AGE1T SIGNATURE DATE -t7 Jq/f-93 TIME - --30/40/11 AGENT PHONE We agree to purchase and pay for the above described property an the term and conditions herein stated. Receipt of s Agreement is hereby ackrowladged. I/We understand this is a legally binding contract. Said Agent is granted the M irrevocablZE-r r days from date to obtain an acceptance of this offer failing which earnest money dw returned.BUYER TiL BUYER Print names to be on Nosing documents: Cif PHONE: Now COMMISSION. I/We agree to pay forthwith at closing, subject to recording, a total brokerage fee of for services of this transaction. Base, if ary, is psysbta by pool insurer. ANFC does not repres or exiling bons will be.Doi/,p�ro liability for same. GATE flfDIM�Mgo"Y16 YTi iJ m _moi TIME /:00 /c SELLER DELIVERY TO BUYER OF COPY OF ACCEPTED OFFER BUYER RECEIPT: The undersigned Buyer(s) acknowledges receipt of a fully signed copy of the foregoing Agreement. DATE BUYER 19 TIME M. ANFC r / / % /J / BUYER 1.0 pay of this lusive and t shall be 2A:AS)S.EM Page 2 of(0 6/92 AJa�r��'AS-IS PROPERTY SALE Hames ABP ADDENDUM/COUNTER OFFER FORM MBS Of MWC • I /? /d DATED: 7 In ressaece to the offer to Purchase real property crewif knew as: ��'^ • Inv ,v rev purchase price to N S f -P a/TE7'/� /5 COSTSI iM seats driputd bouv Wall N MM u tdiegJ by Serer (0) or felly (S). ►lean. Indicate my cost paid by Seller by fllltng the blank with a dallool onmm4 of pest aunt with W lefts► •S•. fella serer to pay the following Whr dollar mesas*" tf the following owns .Arpu(s) undrware rens. to oom wtsomwo moval One" MY N bijrr WA will -•be wy.r responsibility. AsAvilt Server MCA Transfer Foe • •Ow► Title Insurance Ae..rdA" Fpe �J Aosslo Certificate . OrOng o0 Fac SS Used Owteatere Yerreaty OiaT—" t23 Eaaraw Closing fm toreroream Fr •• Existing Assummu Other • Ais property grlifua far a tp tido pallor reN. ,� a• '• Any lieu. "ban =&&, MA's or other ommb dna will N paidaly in No s_s Specified y the sailer m of tha agro.d ACOTTI AL T Paw. �,,j!/` ,c=/� do Lir />( et" AODIT10MA1 TEM An CONDITIORS1 �C ((f�( L((iC►�/�, zoo Z. AZZ�4� 76— Igo e Dellverrt Oryer4 rosoeer ural N delJJ����yy��dd b hN app11=0--r lYlla /YV rrbsting hour had raw -stinted as a kmwlmgsmnt of receipt na later than 400 p.o. pe C�6112L y ��/'1 11 ''4 , 19 I 11 tst Deliver gpro arias mincemeat doe to the applicable AMI rrNtiag broker and vi suss the data sold tipe &tamed Wperksting broke is emmossible for delivering tpe original dommems package to AMP. (VON my repeat that the ANP nerketing brokersetify "Pat pending delivery by •fazing• • song of tM Offer Passing Slip.) 101 AIDC. AS S111R. MAT 9ZWU 07103 OFFERS TO 9011=2 111111COB 710; T= MINE ALUM 90t tLTOAR Or VOR !!SPOOK. Ir ANP IMZM AS ACCUUM or 7Q CMUM.WM SIO® OT A__llt� WMC6 {WL0110 70 OOt0NE1R WrTIRt THE TINE FRAME SPICEFIm AM. AIV WIA ODOOR 1101 COORRA M AS AN A® T OFFERS AECE7TID MDR TO mnm OP 7R Accmu twTftpfR. Tr 71Ctf C3ilQ n wines To AIV uxc=. R wT O umm 1f1TtIt THE TIME FRAME SPIW= Af1011. u ODT f19>m sT ALL OOTRS, alt Ir 7w cminx4 n OEMs , Amp, AS SIulL RESm1ES THE UW 70 Offm, ->am malt Acayr 07103 OFnn. The adrsigeTed .0m"swem=6w-/{For. .OsWI 7 `L7 Tim,�ll ,� �d )�e+•1 MZ101Sf1R - -/ .� �' Fi7an7.T' ;7T -T 0 2AtASIS.AC0 Iz�s; PA. Speitielitt, AHP .r • (';� %� ��s ��o� 1�c y z7 j e Pan Paye lk�-5 of rrI � •��U We! �a 8VK02422PG364 7wyr Home Propert �`lAl 't7� ��7 110519 . 75,166 AHP 'AS -IS' AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT REGARDING PROPERTY CONDITION AND RELEASING SELLER FROM LIABILITY (RECORDED CONCURRENTLY WITH AFFIDAVIT) The parties have entered into an agreement to sell and purchase real property. The agreement, entitled "ANP As -Is Property Sale Earnest Money Receipt and Agreement to Purchase dated 4/19/93 is between'Alaskan Home Pro erties, Seller, and Chester L. and Carol n C. Crafts , Buyer(s5, regarding purchase a t e o owing ego y esc n e property ies AHFc / ADDRESS LEGAL PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION (SFR, 0 -Lot, Condo, PUD, Tnhs, 119131 5801 Holden Drive Multi, Vacant Land, MH on Land) SFR Lot eight (8), Block Seven (7), MOUNTAIN PARK ESTATES SUBDIVISION, according to the official plat thereof, filed under Plat No. P-501, records of the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska In consideration of the terms of this agreement, the conveyance of title to the property(ies) and other good and valuable consideration, Buyer(s) and Seller agree as follows: 1. The above-described property(ies) has/have been previously occupied and the property improvements, if any, are not new construction. The property(ies) was/were obtained by Seller through the foreclosure process. Seller makes no re resentations whatsoever re ardin property condition. This/these property les is/are being sold "as -is with all defects." 2. Seller hereby discloses that it is aware of the existence of various documents which describe defects in the property(ies) that may effect the habitability and/or marketability of the property. Seller has provided copies of the following documents to Buyer: Copy of an asbuilt survey dated 2/23/93 prepared by Frantz Hildonen, Registered Land Surveyor Copy of an Engineer Report dated 3/4/93 regarding the well and septic system serving serving subject property stating that the septic system absorption rate is inadequate to receive a Health Authority approval. Tests performed by S b S Engineering Copy of an engineer report dated 3/1/93 performed by S&S Engineer regarding inadequacies with the structure Copy of two (2) Requests for Letters of Opinion for repairs to subject property from L. Clare Construction and Tuffy's Painting. Letters of Opinion are dated 3/12/93 Copy of an engineer report dated 4/22/93 performed by Vladimir M. Petrov, PE, SP Incorporated Engineers regarding inadequacies with the structure. Report obtained and requested by Chester Crafts Seller does not warrant that these documents describe all defects in the property(ies) or that they accurately describe the extent of those defects identified. It is likely that inan oeS[rtDea. tluyer acknowledges that sale of the property is "with all defects", including any responsibility for defects not disclosed in the above documents. 3. Condominiums/property(ies) with common ownership, There may be defects which exist in areas held in common by homeowner's associations. Buyer is aware that common area repairs are the collective responsibility of all unit owners. It is possible that the homeowner's association may levy special assessments or increase the amount of regular assessments to repair defects to common areas. The homeowner's association may, or may not, be active and available to produce documentation regarding the common area or assessments, whether pending, levied, or anticipated. 4. In its present condition, the property(ies) may not meet property condition standards for conventional residential mortgage or other financing. This may substantially impair Buyer's ability to resell the property. 'Buyer uyeertt�ey 2A:ASIS.HH Page 4 of 6 of Agreement to Purchase 04/91 —Page 1 oil of this Agreement AHP BK(1?_(1?_2PG365 A::IC / 119131 AHP 'AS -IS' AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT REGARDING PROPERTY- CONDITION AND RELEASING SELLER FROM LIABILITY 5. In its present condition, the property(ies) improvements may be in such a condition as to be required to be demolished, or occupancy restricted by a proper authority. Should improvements be destroyed. by razing, fire. natural disaster, or by any means, local codes or restrictions may prohibit rebuilding. 6. In its present condition. the property(ies) and/or improvements may not meet federal, state, local, or other building codes. zoning requirements, land use covenants, statutes, ordinances or regulations. No representations are made regarding future compliance. 7. The property or its improvements may contain hazardous materials including, but not limited to: asbestos, formaldehyde. radon or petroleum/oil products. Buyer hereby specifically waives. releases and forever discharges AHFC and its officers, agents, employees. successors and assigns from any liability of any nature arising out of the existence of such materials on the property. In the event a governmental authority orders the removal of such materials from the property after closing. Buyer agrees to assume full responsibility for such removal. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless. AHFC from all liability, including removal costs, resulting from the existence of hazardous materials on the property. 8. In its present condition, the on-site water and/or sewage disposal systems, if applicable. may or may not meet federal, state, local, or other health authority requirements. No representation is made regarding future compliance. 9. In its present condition. the property(ies) hydronic heating system(s) and/or domestic water system(s), including appliances, have been winterized. During winterization procedures, toxic antifreeze fluids, which may be harmful to the buyer's health, may have been introduced into these systems. The buyer is advised to obtain the services of a licensed plumbing and heating contractor to dewinterize the property(ies) before placing hydronic heating and/or domestic water systems and appliances into service. 6410 10. Buyer(s) desire to purchase the property *as -is" and "with all defects', and understands 6�that the Seller does not warrant the condition of the premises in any manner. _11.._Buyer(s) hereby acknowledge(s) that there have been no representations by the Seller Fu er regarding the condition of the premises (including fixtures such as heating and air conditioning units) or the condition of any of the appliances or other personal property contained thereon. Buyer is hereby informed and placed on notice that Seller is unaware of any defects, latent or otherwise. in the property or any of its components, including, but not limited to plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems, fixtures and appliances. cosmetic repairs, roof. insulation, sewer or septic systems. well, if applicable, soil conditions. foundation. or structural conditions. unless otherwise set forth in writing in the Seller signed listing agreement. Purchase Agreement, Amendment(s) to the Purchase Agreement, AHP Inspection Report Disclosure or other AHP written contract or communication. AHP does not warrant the existence or accuracy of any o —the he facts, conditions, or status stated or implied by any of the representations, statements, conclusions or opinions set forth by real estate agents. lenders, contractors, or any source other than a Seller signed 6/listing agreement, Purchase Agreement. Amendments) to the Purchase Agreement, AHP Inspection /2 Report Disclosure, or other AHP written contract or communication. CIE 12. Nu or are strongly encouraged to hire a licensed engineer or other person that Buyer Buyer s deem qualified to inspect the premises to determine/define the extent of nrpnerry eT4 ects. anouia nuyer(s) elect to go forward with the purchase without hiring a professional to inspect the premises; Buyer(s) hereby acknowledge that he/she/they have made a knowing decision not to conduct an engineering investigation of the property and accordingly accept all consequences. Buyer elects to proceed with property(ies) purchase without the benefit of an engineer's inspection: YES BUYER(S)SIGNATURE(S) (NO ENGINEER OR 0 13TATNED NO_ Cy BUYER(S)SIGNATURE(S) e7e�e 19110 Buyer oyer Attorney 2A:ASIS.HH Page 5 of 6 of Agreement to Purchase 04/91 -Fage 2 oi-3-of this Agreement AHP 6K02L122FG366 119131 AHP 'AS -IS' AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT REGARDING PROPERTY CONDITION AND RELEASING SELLER FROM LIABILITY 13. Buyer(s), for himself/herself/themselves, his/her/their heirs, executors, administrators and successors in interest, hereby waives. releases and discharges Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. its marketing division Alaskan Home Properties, and its officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns from any liability of any nature. including personal injury. property damage, physical destruction of the property and improvements, inability to repair, remodel or renovate the property. diminution in the value of the property and improvements by the actions of any governmental entity and any other thing whatsoever arising out of the condition of the property. 14. Buyer(s) agree that he/she/they will not. either by himself/herself/themselves or in concert with others, make or cause to be made. acquiesce in or assist in the bringing of any action against AHFC. AHP, or its officers. agents, employees, successors, and assigns with respect to any matters related to the condition of the property. 15. Buyer(s) will indemnify, save harmless. and defend AHFC, AHP. its officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns from all liability. including costs and expenses, from all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of the condition of the above-described property(ies). 16. Buyer(s) agree that it is his/her/their intention that this agreement will absolutely limit the liability of Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, its marketing division Alaskan Home Properties, and its officers, agents, employees. successors and assigns. 17. Buyer(s) represent(s) that the execution of this agreement was not secured in haste at the instigation of AHFC. AHP or any of its officers, agents or employees and that he/she/they has/have consulted with an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Alaska concerning this agreement and said attorney has attested to that fact below. 18. The provisions of this agreement shall survive delivery of the deed and the closing of sale(s). This document shall be recorded as an integral part of the closing documents. In addition to any constructive notice that such recording may imply, Buyer(s) agree(s) to give -actual no ce of property defec to any future purchaser, transferee. or lender. z , P D %rrieU 4 AHP BUYER: THIS AMENDMENT AND ALL INITIALED PAGES MUST BE RETURNED TO ALASKAN HOME PROPERTIES THROUGH YOUR REAL ESTATE AGENT WITHIN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS OF THE ABOVE DATE OF SELLER'S SIGNATURE. FAILURE TO RETURN THE FULLY AGREED, EXECUTED AND NOTARIZED AMENDMENT WITHIN THE SPECIFIC TIME FRAME WILL CAUSE THE ENTIRE PURCHASE CONTRACT TO BE AUTOMATICALLY NULL AND VOID. The undersigned represents: I am an attorney currently licensed to practice law in the State of Alaska. I hereby attest to the fact that I have consulted with the Buyer(s) concerning the provisions of the above agreement. (ATTORNEY FIRM/ADDRESS) 1? -Cu ••lcy, LA.W-A[�vj� ­)451"whf 4th Mt�'n�6 U S�n�r�s Z3c cUacrGgt.<, A�ik s►�A 191 ................................................................................................ STATE OF ALASKA )) ss. �1VdO:t''s ���JUOICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me.=this My commission 2A:ASIS.HH Page 6 of 6 of Agreement to Purchase 04/91 —age 3 oil of this Agreement AHP BK021;22PG363 024764 ^ I l�l//`I'J a� ANCHORAGE REC.DISTRICT REQUESTED SY FA.T.C.C+. ' 93 MY 19 EPI 6 30 110519 75166 BKn2It22FG363 1t � AFMAVIT AHFCIl119131 It is hereby sworn and attested to by and between ALASKAN HOME PROPERTIES, asSeller,and Chpsrpr 1.. and Carolyn C. Crafts as Purchaser, that on the 19thday Of Anr11 . 19 93 . the parties hereto entered into an agreement entitled: 'AS IS PROPERTY SALE,' AHP EARNFST'MONEYRECEIPTAND AGREEMENTTO PURCHASE, on the following described property. Lot 8, Block 7, MOUNTAIN PARK ESTATES the official plat thereof, filed under the Anchorage Recording District, Thi of Alaska. Return original to: Alaska Home Properties- P.O. Box 101020 Anchorage, AK 99510 SUBDIVISION, according to Plat No. P 501 records of rd Judicial District, State AWARwed & 19"M u! by Haknl�9:' AWww Home Now4s¢ ALASKA HOUSING FINANCE CORP. _0� Tmvr Br . a RArvi 11 raAleekeFToub�in Flnance�Corpaation SAID AGREEMIE T SETS OUT CERTAIN TERMS AND REQUIM MIDM AND AN EXECUTED COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT IS ON FILE WITH ALASKA - _ HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION (AHFCj State of Alaska ) Third Judicial District ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /i{- day of MAU 1943 .by: Chester L. Crafts and Carolyn C. Crafts 0 film ATAT omni Nota Public in and for the State of Alaska NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: tQNE NW State of Alaska I ) ) ss. Third Judicial District ) The foregoinginstrunie_nt wasp� edg 19 9,.3o by: X of UU OFFlCIALSiAI - �%S F ATE OF ALASKAOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public in and for the St�to o��.AAl1aska H T. KIM My commission expires: o7 day of 2A:FORM\ASM.AFT 0 i 024763 0 �J ANCli0,4ACE REC.DISI ICT REQUESTED BY F.A.T.C.a 093 FIRY 19 R41 8 30 04/91 8 TEL No.907-563-4418 Mar 18.93 17:51 No.020 P.07 REQUEST LETZEB. OF OFY6I06 763 *y AUSM BONL FROFELTIES IS REQUESTING.A L== ,''OF OFIRZOO(OMSISSIM OF TWO PAGES) TO ASSIST US IN DETER1Q M TBE RM EEA8="Ia� TO �,TM FROSLUM ASSOCIATED WtTB TRS A&0W RZWZR= 'b FROFERTf. O:U j== D Ill TBE FROPERTT SUVICES CUZaI, ARF V= PAT 1130 FOR UIS S . IOU am 7M DAIS TO SUMT A LZr= OF OPINION ALOBO WITE AN INTOZCE IN TBS AHOUBT OF "S0. FLEltE RST=M YOUR COST TO PERFORM TBE ITEKS LISTS TEMs 1. Prep and stain exterior cedar sidinguse a solid coat ata to cover/paint trim/facia/soffits a co-ordinating color 2. perform repairs per the attached enq.,reprt and scope of work dated 3/1/93 from 648 rngineerinq/put individual prices by each line item, 1 rAVW V giZa 3. Install new supports under the deck pada of pressure treated wood/install on sono tubes 8 (900 4. Replace/repair deck rails as needed/replace any rotted or broken boards in decking or stairs 8_7 9d 5. prep and paint deck/rails/stairs g vu 6. Prop and paint interior walls & ceilings that are already painted (do not paint natural wood) 00 7. Prep and paint interior trim (doors '& window trim) that is already and doors that are painted g 8. Replace missing switch/outlet plates 9. Install new gas FA or HWBB heating system/install a minimum 175,000 BTU furnace (Weil Mclein or equal)/cost to include heat lose analysis for placement of registers/all plumbing, etc. g_1Z -C so 10. Remove all existing electric heat registers & thermostats/repair walls as needed/vacate allwiring & remove 11. Install now pad and grade A carpet to areae already carpeted ' $ Hamra 12. Install new Grade B vinyl to areas•that have vinyl -c st to Include underlayment if needed 8 P0 -i 13. Install GFCI protected outlets in kitchen & baths $ atd'O 14. Clean up after repairs/includes rebulb/clean interior ,wipd ova _._1s. .Install new wood railings on all interior stairs $ /fi76! 16. Sand and reetain all wood through -nut as needed to remove water marks/includes walls/ceilings 8 j P76f 17. Sand 6 reetain floor in middle level entry foyer g_ L d4 18. Install trim around foyer door where exposed insulation is Z. showing (middle level foyer -door with oval glass) 8 / r4 k r i H as TEL No.907-563-4418 Mar 18.93 17:51 No.020 P.08 •• ad . ILL No.907-563-4418 Mar 15.93 16:21 No.013 p.04 AI 19. Refinish/repair kitchen floor/rbplace all damaged wood/ match existing color/install co-ordinating basabcaOrd trim $ .ro i 20. ]nateii now floor in under sink cabinet+ g_ 7-G' 21. .Replace all missing cabinet doors in kitchen 22. Prep and paint kitchen cabinets inside/cut g J 0 23. Reinstall kitchen oven properly/repair vont ran $ .300 24. Install new door that leads from kitchen to lower level (missihallwang)/repair Itrim around doorway lading from kitcheninto 1 25.kiReplace ceiling panels that are water stained or missing In tchen 1. $ 70 26. Bedroom 12 (upper level left -front] of house)/reins all speaker/install shelf in closet/install closet doors $ 27. BEdrm A2/Repair coiling by front window Chars ceiling boar4 is hissing/Install trim along ceiling where missing ¢ 28. bedroom f3/upptaira top level left/back 'side of house/install closet doors that are missing $ a Z I 29. Bedroom 14/upstairs top level/right side/replace d god closet door/new hardware $ 30. Bedroom fS/top level/right side/rear/Install hardwareof closet door/remove wall bracks and repair holes in wood $ / 7$- 31. Family room/basement level/install covers on wall mounted florescent fixtures/remove ugly pool table light and install an appropriate attractive wood/glass 3 glob& fixture $_A64_1 32. REpalce nissing slate on fireplace hearth $ 3.p 33. Sheetrock and tape understains off of family rm $y7ar 34. Top level hallway -install cover on light fiture/install handles on closet door and laundry chute door $ I rA 35. Bath fl -main level (middle level where kitch is)/Pre6 and paint vanity cabinet g a J.;- 36. Install trim around bath fi door inside and out to cover Saps 37. ' Bath 11/replace flooring next to toilet where it � is buckled/warped 38. BAth fi/Install large plate glass mirror over vanity/install cover over vent fan I 39. Bathfi/install new tub surround 6 greenboard $ goo 40. Bath 12/blue bath top level/replace broken window pan $ !-0a 41.Bath f2/replace missing vanity doors/inetall la ' mirror over vanity large plate ss 42. Bath f3/almond color bath/top level/replace missing door paint white/repair-drawers on vanity/install new towel bar $ 43. Remove ugly wood plank floor/install newisubfloor a'viy 7 y with new cove bas&(bathroom f3) $ 44. Bath f4/basement level bath/install cover over vent fan and cover on light fixture aboye sink 45. Bathf4/install new mirror over sink to replace broken' �� $ 46. RefiniA hardwood floor in living room n' ,Zl. •o- r�' M Total S L f L 87 I � t' I vW ILL 1\Y.JVI JVJ •.11V rte---- fi0a -•Bs MN 14x32 IDtS&S Q131:EFRIH3 A PIQI JU.dJ 11 •J1 11U.V4V I' •VJ ML HM61T 69 9 1211 11340 p0g rAgvd A6A11 M ISSYQa P=JMTM 7M to awns 100 1t�AD AR0a MMM Ala= 99x&2 Lot *1 81oak 71 Mt. Park Setntas eut9dviaion j Saol Iblawn oeino, Anahocup � - AM #11914 1. ftmv&ts aramid the O t"ke yarlmster Of the tauadatia► system wd OWly a in a°°°idonce with 04101factum as SPwifi&atianoo fills mro www is to be installed �y an the tall +Iu fess and is to acehed down Cover. the f&otim a minlmml of 30. A Pwitiva sell is to be establiMud the facting end the tMMftUM Well. Shahjoint WA 4dpe of themembrane is to be Positively sealed wide a Ihhutio• 2• At the time O2 ssoavaUM install 4", 0d drainpipe &=xd the � t tM ftunmtiom t�stem. is to be ecCs00a! late a r"alar &loth to WPPhd with a regmilim n• Tho Soo"uvi (damOods an 'o"" extend system to a dayllaft drain I.. yr ILL Hy .9V1—JV J—a/Vly 1101 10.7.! 11 •:J1 III) yy ICL f101 ay.Jv aver• nu .vav . .ate �I.>. tm-oe-093" 14M IDMS @AIFEFRIND ML M617 694 1211 1340 POS Lot DI Elmk 71 tot. Pack Estates eubdivlalon I1 kuxh 4. IM • 3. satwo baaUming, the Dvirwr is to ba soliped m OM IrAVOCILLCIn of {• Of the uppllonticn the i. ` aleM1bilife and the iaot&Uatlm of the 4... Alter the Eagieeet . h". had an I•' opportsxsity to iaaotU the 1 ^ Eesgps oO1tLIq SM rhe t lnatalLtias, Lastali a ripfd. h= the 6wmdwtmft r A the ItouadRtlas van i proteet the vall Mm baAfliiiag. s. lesan beokL nim, a paeitive alape is to be established tM .. lbmsdatiaa Vail. 2sa alq i l� hwo a su3nim 11 rias of 30 axtenmed ths+otsSps i 1 a 6' tuts. 1 ' G. ftetions K the oeliiaq slstaw and :. the wail n=taoee are to be opsatl W t, .. for vlwirq so that the Eaplaeer hes +n op�tY to ln&Pm* the acres ?. WA the exult of Vater thft sot the O0�°dCPM 'sam . V� lnoee aft li 1 0� a hw thm ban bbaea 7. Sn aed.r to pe*wust isstnt noistuft vm6mimInto the -. root stc== of the eeeeasa-- to VMS" a plsrwood sozoof austere thele axtead. i; 4m the eew to the CL Otltbe ilA'• go wr++ood ie to be iaatalled Ln asoosaaaoe vlth the tlrsltemcoft (t1dC) ' r'e9sdt�tas"�'an impavlvlow , .1 1 /ro SLG J.1 ao vv ILL 1.U. JV I-JVJ-YYLV 1901 LU 17J LI •JL 11U .v4v f.VJ A,w�.... MBR -08-'0S MON 14233 IMSdS ENINEERIN3 TEL HM617 694 1211 11340 P10 pace 4htee i Lot 81 Block 7s Rt. Slack metates euhdivision AM 0119M �Ittntl 4. 19fJ r W bitutheae iw shield is to be !N Up thel sroofline ek aLniata of 41 Dost bhe intesiee valla. she ma�ras+a is • to COMLIrt Of a bituthme materW and LA to by inotallee in ao=denoe with :. I �! the 'a apeoiflostien. Bach 50sto Bad wipe of the Low shiald to - D6 poaitltsly sealed with the um of a saatia. satase sesurtwinp the Woof the Contractor is to notify !: the I MUMOr to •irapaet the application cc the Woe MdWd to Mo ,• !, �, teof attvctun. ' a. A positive Desi is to be setebllaw asoisd the moulding Dae trim to peevent !mother manturs lnfiltsation ! into tho wall oadttes. �• '• 1 '11Cm11L 0 �T :• is • r f 0 61.2 o 0 Jvo� v. 1"" IW.JVI 'JV J'.V..LV 11¢1 1Y11A 11 •JL I\U.VLV 1' .VV ELr= OF OPIMON��C DATED I AHFC i/ / `a >•F% i141 ICL I.U.7U1 ..'-•av IIQ1 . - I. a a1 •v1 .1. .tea.. i .vv RECEIVED ., MAR 1.9 1993 REQUEST FflR LETTER OF OPINION AHP DATED � /0 Macct/ �%,//�/, 7 / maico 4YQ1. 3 �70�1 7/ ADDRESS ��O / �X &r.7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION C ALLSXU HMM PROPERTIES IS REQUESTING A LErtER OF OPZSI0N(C08EIn= OF TWO PAGES) TO ASSIST US IN 1)ETEMUXXG TSE XM REASONARMAPPROACH TO RESOLVIBG PRORLmm Amen= w= THL As= REIEREiCED .PROPa1T. As OUTLImm IN THE PROPERTY SERVICES GUIDE. ARP VUL PAY $150 FOR THIS SELTXCE. YOU NAVE SIVE DAYS TO SUM= A LEITER OP OPINION ALONO RITH AN INVOICE IN THE AWmrr"OF $1S0. PLEASE ESTIMM YOUR COST TO PERFORM THE ITEMS LISTED'EELOwt 1. Prep and stain exterior cedar siding -use a solid coat stain_to cover/paint trim/facia/soffits a co-ordinating color $ 33 n;p 2. Perform repairs per the attached eng reprt and scope of work dated 3/1/93 from S&S Engineering/put individual prices by each line itam zi:;C� I lccvr" 8 S SO 3. Install new supports under the deck made of pressure treated wood/install on sono tubes $ /6-yy 4. Replace/repair deck rails as needed/replace any rotted or broken boards in decking or stairs 5. Prep and paint deck/rails/stairs 6. Prep and paint interior walls & ceilings that are alXaady painted (do not paint natural wood) $ C, 7. Prep and paint interior trim (doors & window trims that _isalready painted -paint doors that are painted 8. Replace missing switch/outlet plates $ 9. Install new gas FA or HWBB heating system/install a minimum 175,000 BTU furnace (Weil Mclein or equal)/cost to include heat loss analysis for placement of registers/all plumbing, etc � $ ' 10. Remove all existing electric heat registers & thermostats/repair walls as needed/vacate allwiring & remove $ r73' 11. Install new pad and grade A carpet to areas already carpeted 12. Install new Grade B vinyl to areas that have vinyl -cost to include underlayment if needed $ SZS 13. Install GFCI protected outlets in kitchen & baths $ 40D 14. Clean up after repairs/ includes rebulb/clean interior wind9tV $ 375 15. Install new wood railings on all interior stairs 5 351J 16. Sand and restain all wood through -out as needed to remove water marks/includes walls/ceilings 17. Sand & restain floor in middle level entry foyer $��� (Sr/GVi.A C&-n~09Ze_ SGLrZV^r 0., 106&v is. Install trim around foyer door where exposed _insulattion.is showing (middle level foyer -door with oval glass) $ 19. Refinish/repair kitchen floor/replace all damaged wcod matctk existing color/install co-ordinating baseboard trim JIJLN/Oeg at-p U�f Avt, 20.' Install now floor in under sink cabinat $ 3� 21. Replace all missing cabinet doors in kitchen 22. Prep and paint kitchen cabinets inside/out � i m 23. Reinstall kitchen oven properly/repair vent fan $ � � 0 ( S'HOvc.o ,E'p7'crri�) -"-"� - m 24. Install new door that leads from kitchen to lower 1M�el`c (missing)/repair trim around doorway lading from kitchen intcz hallway S / ,!�;O Z" m 25. Replace ceiling panels that are water stained or missin in kitchen S 26. Bedroom #2 (upper level left-front of house)/reinstall speaker/install shelf.in closet/install closet doors $ 27. BEdrm 02/Repair ceiling by front window where ceiling board is missing/Install trim along ceiling where missing $_775-_ 28. Bedroom #3/upstairs top level lett/back side of house/instf.11 closet doors that are missing $ /71;_ 29. Bedroom #4/upstairs top level/right side/replace damaged closet door/new hardware $ /Z 5 30. Bedroom #5/top level/right side/rear/Install hardware _9fcloset door/remove wall bracks and repair holes in wood S 75 31. Family room/basament level/install covers on wall mounted florescent fixtures/remove ugly pool table light and install an appropriate attractive wood/glass 3 globe fixture $_.aZZ:5_ 32. REpalce missing slate on fireplace hearth $ qD 33. Sheetrock and tape understains off of family rm $ 34. Top level hallway-install cover on light fiture/instill handles on closet door and laundry chute door 35. Bath #1-main level (middle level where kitch is)/Prep and paint vanity cabinet 36. Install trim around bath 11 door inside and out to cover gaps 37. Bath #1/replace flooring next to toilet whereitis buckled/warped 38. BAth #1/Install large plate glass mirror over vanity/install cover over vent fan $_Z�Z-57- 39. Bath#1/install new tub surround 6 greenboard $-3-Z-5- 3-Z�40. 40.Bath #2/blue bath top level/replace broken window pane $ 41.Sath 42/replace missing vanity doors/install large plate lass mirror over-vanity - $ g ___ 42. Bath #3/almond color bath/top level/replace missing door/paint white/repair drawers on vanity/install now towel bar $_ /� 1 43. Remove ugly wood plank floor/install new subfloor & vinyl with new cove bass(bathroom #3) $ 3z.5_ 44. Bath #4/basement level bath/install cover over vent_fan and cover on light fixture abcVe sink S � 45. Bath14/install now mirror over sink to replace broken 46. Refinish hardwood floor in living room S� :_ Total 5 •U.0 ICL 1'IJ .7V1-70J-VY10 rtac-lft •*M MON 14:32 ID:SBS EN131HEERIm f• :•1 t Y' mora or "= •t �.:. ALAffA11 !!a Pi00PTati7S4 701 2. Twm ache •:. t; atJlTa 100 M6'WUM# ALA= 99503 1•l&1 1: .7J TEL NO:617 691 1211 t: Lot SI Block 71 Ht. Pack attates Subdivision SW3, 8oldns Crive, Anchorage : tr. AMC #119111 I� 1l. • I•f . 1. IS,=Vft a arotmd the exterior perimeter z. of the un fodation system and apply a aacoocraw adwAe s' With beane in epeoiSastians.The f mwbnne to to be iratallad vettioell on the wall surface " is to a:tend i' down own -the footing a minim= of 3". A positive seat is to be, established i' between the footing and the fotmda tLen I: wall• Esoh joint and edge of the d=PProo9 meoiersae is to be positively sealed with a antic. 2. At the time of enmavatlan install 4", i. PYC, perforated deaiaplPD arotmd the Perimeter of the faadation System. ` The draLm;dP is to be a bedded into a 1 f9MV@l CV= t s napped with a Mmiaipality of �1Y with the e0a (l1011) made r*Mdrematte, The footing drainn$ ars to extend downalops away from the ,. Attie. Y"= to a daylight drain w �u 41 'U( IVO.U14-P�l #34e Pee RECEIVED MAR 19 1993 U= NEE m �' •�+ '� "'L'rrrtxjM 7�L NO;617 694 1211 Page SVo Lot 81 Dlock 71 mt. Dark Estates & bdivlalon AM S 119131 farm 4, 1993 +7340 F+09 RECEIVED MAR 19 1993 AHP 3• 9.tw* baokilllinq,be the ir>gi'M+r is to tlotiliad m the an Inspection f"atimerw arW ��nb a the �iathe %*ting drains. tallation or the _ 25 0 4. After f i>detaaa M &Vin"r hau had an to inspect the i lm,d the °*ting drain l derteity loran lnstLU a rigid' high Wrlereter of tFw lcastdat to ptbteCt the wall ►Run backfilling. S. iaaan beaullingra Positive elto be i SO established aye, frm� ie Po7aadetion yell. �w s1aPe is to h va amlaimum rio. of �" O1�'r� t111=22tt s 6 tun. 6• portitns oe the. r fJ� the wall Ur vlav,G7tf • % . • + .2 be o rod rq so ort s7% E}t tr an oPportutir ; . w , ao and detr•�.w th. ex i -a the arrdumq& . Mk/d as vata tct s. ' N o ve am=red tO the a"" vha- r vri � bow loot 3 Densttation. -+,store 2.7Jr. �. 1n order to pnyanc further 0101st... P+ •tration into the rode Do 1 AYtar it is twcea.ery tO 2tructmvoa s 1D l • that e xtolds tocflirw.the emv@ �Pirioodthe � dge or the imtall.d is to be thiform BuIjc4. Omdw Qs rdth the t' 9'4reoentmr and amortcode Pervious (Lac) -. � ..:::.y u.ulrt•.Xl - � r,ai .:i.9J 1, :i„ G h'. "0.617 694 1211 NO -U14 F.13 gue P10 ._ :v agree Lot 0; Al= 111l1u �: Mt. P&M anew albalvW n fah 4o 1993 A*6".& ..y .. ,. bl t e lo. • on& sht•la 'ftma to be thnt the the �1� n � oft 46 save' to encu a b,•. The mat is be be l+�eta11•d rani is 1 et�u and th• n.w.-M_--v,�r� a acc°cd with i� �be ' � o! the id man. y� ld 02 R � otlrwle �al•d w! � ththe e � tbntraoear afcwo � tsoim roof a o the 'on to inspect the the 9. a P*"ti� Neel la to be satabllaho �vnt awther mole urn to Into the wall wvltlOa. intiltV and �ration 2CUL: RECEIVED. MAR 19 1993 AHP RECEIVED MAR 19 1993 AHP LE MOFOPIMON DATM A WC #/ ! ff�7 Marc DFSM0y RFSMRE LOT To MARKEr • • ��m- ABM ,. i ar s. S S 3) BEST SOLUTION FOR THIS PROPERTY (YOUR OPITOTAL MON) S Arlo A"% F " . ; . JA_Cili¢ __. ayment are delivered for sezrtces wrll be made witiLa thirty (30) days after bid letter and invoice to Alaskan Home Properties. Please return this bid letter ) by /�/t•?�t ^' 411 -77 Nkme C' L Date