HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARADISE VALLEY BLK 1 LT 20Paradise Valley Block 1 Lot 20 & 21 #020-424-40 .. Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services - Building Safety Division ' • " Onsite Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page 1 of 4 www.d.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number. SWSW0402574 .5W0SU,Z— PID Number: 020-424-40 Nerve Tom Smith Wastewater System: ® New ❑ Upgrade r Box 731387. 99573 ABSORPTION FIELD Ph" comber of Bedroom. p D..p Trwta, ®shellav, Tlw,tlt O Bea p Maud paw LEGAL DESCRIPTIONSol a TOW Depth krvmawnwa.d.. slo k to s'tAuie Depth ld p" bollen hwn angr W grade Gravel depth bwroh Me Towdlup Rwpe s.a.w+. Fa added abp.e arpnul grade. Grew lwgih Well: New El Upgrade Gr.w.alh 515 F1 Hem.ra W. D19. bowenw ee 11.7 Ft Cleeufretgn (Pmoe, A e, C) PriVate TOW Dpft 325 r, called b 1 189 F, Toad ebewpew wee 500 Fe Ppe Mateno I 3034PVCIF81OHDPE Duller Hefty Drilling Doe DnMd SWp Wow Level 246 F, kuUMr Owner ate kutwNd 1 9/11/2004 you —6/1612905 Pump' w D+•nw Hwgr" Above Grwte TANK 6 GPM 324 Fl. 2 F. SEPARATION DISTANCES ® Septic ❑ Holding ❑ S.T.E.P. (3 Other. To Septic Absorption Lift Holding ublWPrivate mal 'tl10f " cp«ar From Tank Field Station Tank Sewerune AnchTank 15000w WON 103.8 114.3 25 wow Steel 2� surp.wow 100+ 100+ LIFT STATION La LM 42 17.5 V sae NIA Gel mar ".aae.r 19.6 26.9 'PUOpM level o. 'FMp or Uvoo Hph woer alarm o. FwaYm H M k 100+ 100+ PMnv Make a Model Elam" Inepecimne perk nd by C~Dron Plac d 2" Rigid Insulation over field. Installed PrimarV BENCH MARK Lootan end Deeoptam & reserve fields. Placed 4 feet of cover over tank. Center Property Corner Moved tank on 5-16-06 outside the well radius. Final Maw" Ele.wan 500.0 FL ' Inspection on 5-16-06. Engineer's stamp ............... performed by: Pannone Eng. Svc Dates: 1618/15/2004 iGTH .Inspections 2n°09/01 /2004 of Health and Human Services approval a """'"""""""'Department I�''i n R. • .A Reviewed and approved by: Date: '? ' 0 CE 49 (Rev. 11m)03 IrI1 ••v•''�i,�`'♦ PERMIT NO:SWO40257 RECORD DRAWING P.I.D. NO: 02042440 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM Lots 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise Valley SA) 1 1 I / I - I I I I I 1 NDEVELOPED LO S UNDEVELOPED I I \ LOT LOT LOT I 1 / I 3NEW I 1 I NDEVELOPED I 158R HOUSE LOT NWP�C I NEW 15008 I SEPTICTANK I I I / EW t0 o WELL /-UNDEVELOPED I 1 LOT I II I 1 10% 3. V FLOW SPLITTER +, B 4 �ON! EVELOP NEW PRIMARY FIELD 0",G 50LFx5'Wx4'ED,6TD 1 d CTRPC I I III n T1 s 1111�11 111'- '- T11 I� 0 a ,,,-UNDEVELOPED LOT I Ip :III T I \ SEPTIC SEPC AREA1 1 f' 0% TH2 2 � \ � \ATI � PROPOSED RESERVE FIELDI 501-Fz5Wx4'ED,6TD I I \ 1 I I I 2 LlJ I NOTE: 1 4)ALLWORK WAS PERFORMED I I -E IST' -ON FILE 0 EXISTG 100' WELL RADIUS 1 IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMC15.65.2) 1 MATERIALS USED WAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE SPECIFIED ENGLAND AVE IN AMC15.65. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3) A SEPTIC AND WATER EASEMENT WAS GRANTED BEWTEEN LOTS 20 E 21 ON JANUARY 8, 004 BY THE OWNER. 4) SUROUNDING LOTS ARE UNDEVELOPED. CO NWPC CTRPC 5) SWING TIES ARE FROM FOUND PROPERTY T/ 116.2 60.9 DESIGN: CORNERS OF LOT 20. NO BUILDING TO TIE TO T2 112.8 51.7 NO. BEDROOM: 5 AT THIS TIME. DC 110.5 48.8 TANK SIZE: 1,500 gallon CO A B C1 115.8 43.4 PERC. RATE: 10-15 MPI „USI' FC 19.6 21.2 M1 118.1 41.3 SOIL RATING: 0.8 gpd/SF OFT1 27.•••P'(., 33.2 ...",Q,;/,vq♦1♦♦ �'�..•-'•.�4-_♦♦ T2 38.19 M2 158.3 495 C1 51.1 57.6 C3 106.7 26.6 AREA ROD: 940 SF 4'EFF ` "`999 C2 31.0 42.2 SYS. TYPE: 5-WIDETRENCH, •- ♦ M3 112.3 22.3 `;�� C3 59.1 90.8 R.F. - 0.50 qgn, M4 153.7 37.6 SIZE: 100LFx5'WIDE,4'TOTALDEPTH �.....• ... .. .........h.....0 C4 48.9 85.0 C4 156.5 40.1 TOTAL AREA 500 SF �•••••..••• ••••• •• ......•• PREPARED FOR: ♦. :Steven R. Pannone: a PANNONE ENG. SVC, LLC Tom Smith P.O. BOX 102954 1♦No. CE 8149 ♦ • ♦ '�•,,'••�i P.O. Box 231382 Anchorage, AK 99523 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 227-3522 P, 272-8218 Fax .• ♦♦Otto 2294e34 � DATAE: 5.16-06 RECORD PERMIT NO:SWO40257 RECORD DRAWING DETAILS P.I.D. NO: 020.424.41 WASTEWATER ABSORPTION SYSTEM Lots 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise Valley S/D 4 a u ? h $ � a 0 g lOONV310 N ON3 HOV31V 39M tlo11Now 7 11 w y E b ZU u� Z w� 10 M C O = LL O O L Z 90 rU N o Q rc $ $ J_ O ON3 HOV31V LL N a K w 38MV011NOw O o O. 3 MONVY13 0 7 Z 0- o a O O o: u � G N Mantas Moia 1fbNV3lO m lAONY310 fi IMNY310 w M Z 0 <F N 1fK)NV310 Na1VONn04 TH / 0 ••• ••••• 0 "":"' R. POnnone;* . PREPARED FOR' PANNONE ENG. SVC.,LLC 0. ;Steven 0No. CE 8149 . Tom Smith P. O. BOX 102954 #``i%•.Q•. �. "� ♦ P.O. Box 231382 Anchorage, AK 99523 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 272-8218 PHONE & FAX �1 ti♦'♦ �4wj 229-4834 ; \♦♦ DATE: 7.3-04 RECORD NOT TO SCALE MRY-16-2006 07:00A FROMt i-;�TY DRILFLING Phvnr 19u7) 34;-0593 aW)ALWa Dnvr rax (90?) 3454700 ArchwaSe,ALi4490SI6 CA ',"7) 243-8911 70:2726211 P.111 STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MINING, LAND & WATER NATER WELL LAC 15nnng 8nrted.09:11 .2q*---mp1ctcd: ,1612005 C1ry'Borough• SubdIVILton: BLOCK Urr I m Owner Name C Addmu: Tom Sm P.O Ei. ox 231382 Anchorage, AT 23 choraBe Bradlee Valley 1 20 Meridian _ _ To%m%Yp Range Section _ I/4 or —Y. of th of Y4 BOREHOLE DATA: (from T.O.C. ) Depth Drilling method: (X) Airrotary, ( ) Cable tuul, Othcr Material: Type. Color & wetness F11iII3 T4 Well use: ( ) Public supply, (X) Domestic, Other overburden 0 3 Depth of hole. 325 ft. Casing stickup: 3 Cuingtypc:glae(_ Thickness: 0,250 trchcs Casing diameter; inches Cuingdcpth: 189 it sand & gravel 3 35 Llrer We: Diameter. _Inches Depth _ ft silly sand & grave) 35 62 Static water (from top of txising): 246 ft on Q111IL/M Pumping level & yield: ___ Qct after_ hours at __ spm Recovery rate: 6 pm. Method ortesting.. airlift Slily Clay 82 98 Development method: SMIh __ Duration: I hour sflty sand & gravel 88 152 Well intake opening type: ( ) Open end. (X ) Open hole, Otkr_ Screened: Start: ft. Stopped ft screen type: Slot/mesh size: moist sand & gravel 152 155 Perforated: Start: - ft. Stopped: ft Sten: - __ ft, stopped: - r. sand & gravel 155 162 No:c: )Met sand & gravel 162 165 Grout type: Fhan(rx,ttw Volume Dcpth: from 0 -ft. to 20 ft silty sand & gravel 185 186 Pump mlake depth: ft Pumpai=: hp. Brsndrame: bedrock 186 325 Was well disinfected upon tomplc on? (X) Yes, ( ) No Method of disinfection:.. A1.QqD.0._..........»_ Drillereommentu disclaimers: ......... ...................... ..... ............. Or oo thru fractures In bedrock at tie ..s. of 215.�225A285' and 285 for a, total of 6 ................ .......... ..... _... ____....._._..........._...__...__.........._...-- Well driller nsmc:.Jot=KYAY........ ......... ........................ Company name: ... HAny.-pflll(r>9.lO.c......... ..... ........... ........... Melling addrcar...,'�%5„!iQ./�C{JI0 Dr,........ .............. ... ............ ...... City: Ard4te"ge State: AK zip 99516 Phoncnumber: 907 ) 45 • 0593 Drillers signature Ale,ka Nota law retialra that o :ropy of this well log be nem to ttho Dcrwrsment of Natural Resources within 45 days: DNM.71t aneemoble.(AKatamtcs38. 46.15.0:0 and AK regulations I I AAC 93.1401 DNR,' Division of Mining. Lord and Water, 550 W 7th Amrw, Subs 1020 AnchomLc. AK 99501.3M Phwne (907)269.8639 and fax (907)264.1947 Within the City o &horageWLs required that a copy of die well log be sent to the appropriate city office within 60 days and that another copy of the well log be sent to the welirpropery owner within 30 days. Permit Number: M&0502fiG2 Dam ofletoo: Aticsrte_ Parcelldcnrif:cation umber 424 -��. Is well located st approved permit location° (X) Ycs or ( ) No FROM PP IOW ENG SVC PI -01-11E NO. : 272 8218 Jul. 12 2004 03:23AM PS M2()()t=t-q#O 1,163-0 ...._._—..._ RowsdiiiU I) VI - AtId A 1/8/2004 1.51 Ph1 Pages: 1 of 1 A K �IId11111811111011�pI�iIII�I�GIIiII�II�IiL'IIIIiIlllIIIII01Q�1�1 A Scprieatd Well Water Easement v� I/ t GRANT mads this _ day of�p,Yy_,, 2U�betwecn Phomas Smith, 6822 OBrien Street, Anchorage, AK 99507, hereinafter rW cferrcd as the grantor, and Thomas Smith of 6822 O'Brien Street, Am9ara6e, AK 99507, hereinafter rePerrud to" . the grantee. WHEREAS. the grantor is the owner In fee simple of the following deswlbcd reality: Lot 21 Bktdo l Paradise Valley Plat 170-79 in Anchorage Recording IXstria of Alaska and, WI IEREAS, the grantor is desirous of enjoying the use of a certain portion of the gn out's land fur the sole purposes oringrw W ews ss w grantees land for the purpose installing and maintaining a private septie system, and water well, and. WI ICREAS, the grantor has agreed, in consideration of S 10.00 (Ton Dollars and No Cents) bind other good and valuable - consideration, the receipt of which by grantor is hereby acknowledti ti. Io grant to the gnuuee an casement solely for said defined Purposes and for no other. NOW this gram witnesseth that in return for said specified umxideration paid by dee grantee to the grantor, the grantor hereby f grants unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns, full and free right and authority to install and thereafter maintain a private septic system and well water. Attached is a map showing the area to be used. This Grant of Eawment is Intended to be: appurtenant err grantec's land and Waeilex, txaucrnY and runs with said lands. This is not intended to be an exclusive easement: the grantor herein expressly reserves onto himselfeyual rights of ingress and egress and All other rights as & owner i fee simple of the described prcmism If the Grantor sells or develops lot 20, this easement bcwrc6 null and void "at Grantee will ab uakat this system and install a legal system on lot 21 by moving the well on tut 21 to, make room 6r such legal system. ' Any dispute or disagreement arising under or in any way coni eming this Instrument shall be submitted for resolution to the Process of binding arbitration in accordance with the Alaska Statutes made and provided fur said arbitrallon. Thisjurisdiralon ur the Arbitrator shall commence 60 days from the.onsot of the dispute and shall operate W loll all appliurhle Statues of umitaticat. IN WITNESS WHEREOF that grantor and grants have heresmw set their bawls the day end year first above written. mom c'sm A4 - t MAS SMRI-ORANfU lonZ Orn GNIASSMITH- GRANTEE - VATE OF ALASKA 1 r . ) as. ANCHORGAGE RECORDING DISTRICT ) j TTIIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this _f_iLday orjAtvmL.).20kVbefore me the undersigned. a NuLry Pt the State of Alaska, duly commissioned arid sworn, personally appeared THOMAS SMI'I'l I to me known tot be the described in and who executed the abtwo and foregoing instrument, and aAnowdelged to in;: that Ile signed and at freely and voluntarily fur that uses and Purposes therein mentioned. 1 ' W rl'NCSS m hand and ottidal seal the da and YYp� year In this oeniticale Ilnt above written. theory Public In and Gr Aloka ..J!r�rir(7r s� Myoommissiatcxpires;--'. r�v7 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Date Issued: Aug 02, 2005 Expiration Date: Aug 02, 2006 Permit Number: SWO50262 Parcel ID: 020-424-40 Legal Description: PARADISE VALLEY SUBDIVISION BLOCK 1 LOT 20 Design Engineer: 0000 None Required Site Address: 18730 DENMARK CIRCLE Owner Name: TOM SMITH Lot Size: 16802 SQ. FT. Owner Address: P.O. BOX 231382 Total Bedrooms: 5 Permit Bedrooms: 5 ANCHORAGE. AK 99523 - This permit is for the construction of: ❑ Disposal Field ❑ Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑✓ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By. Issued By. Date: '(:�'-3—[1� Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907)343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. wip - Nay- 4/0 Permit Number SW Property phone ;Zgg-V934 Mailing address P6 Box .A3138,2 AIA Zip Code 995, 3 Site address Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) Legal description (Section, Township & Range) Lot Size W60 Acres q.Ft. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Number of Bedrooms Code 0 t,ZO Sewer Only ❑ Well Only Sewer and Well ❑ Water Storage ❑ Sewer Upgrade ❑ THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub ❑ Jacuzzi ❑ Swimming Pool ❑ Water Softening Unit ❑ Therapy Pool ❑ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: 1`75 Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: 6y6 Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Receipt Number: (Rev. 09/04) PERMIT NO: DESIGN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM Lots 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise ValleyS/D I I I I PROPOSED 1500g I SEPTIC TANK- I --UNDEVELOPED LOT n L I PROPOSED PRIMARY FIELD I I I I I I 1 (PROPOSED 15BR HOUSE 1 1.9 00A 19 LOT I I II Ilr III 11 It IIf III I III III -I lL J 11- ,,-UNDEVELOPED N H I II If 0 LOT 1 10. 111 I � T 1 III 1 ; I TH2 ; 1 Q PROPOSED RESERVE FIELD I 9 .8 I bOLFx51Nx4'ED,BTD � 1 1 1 -E ISTD —ONfi NOTE'. 1) ALLWORK SHALL BE PERFORMED / IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMC15.65. ENGLAND AVE 2) MATERIALS USED SHALL BE IN 3) A SEPTIC AND WATER EASEMENT WAS GRANTED BEWTEEN LOTS 20 & 21 ON JANUARY S. 2004 BY THE OWNER 4) SUROUNDING LOTS ARE UNDEVELOPED. • f.• � l i 49^' rcn R. t"VIII,VIIGi TornSmIth No. CE 8149 Z� A P.O. Box 231382 C(O�?S..• �.• Anchorage, AK 99523 n�"'^^"..�•D1._�� 229.4834 P.I.D. NO: 020424-41 LOT LOT EXIST'G SEPTIC AREA 1 Exism 00' WELL RADIUS I DESIGN: NO. BEDROOM: 5 TANK SIZE: 1,500 gallon PERC. RATE 1015 MPI SOIL RATING: 0.8 gpd/SF (188 SFBR) AREA ROO: 940 SF SYS. TYPE: 5 -WIDE TRENCH, 4'EFF RF.. 0.50 SIZE: t 00LFx5Y41DE, 4' TOTAL. DEPTH TOTAL AREA 500 SF PANNONE ENG. SVC, LLC P. O. BOX 102954 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 227-3522 P. 272-8218 Fax DATE_ 7304 1DESIGN e V Municipality of Anchorage .• •• Department of Health and Human Services Building Safety Division " "' On-Site Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6650 Page 1 of 3 www.d.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343.7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number: SW SW040257 PID Number: 020-424-40 !�M Smith Wastewater System: ® New ❑ Upgrade ra ROX 231382 99571 ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: Nurreer d Bedroortr: O Deco Trandt ®Slutiow Trench O Bed O Mound O Other. LEGAL DESCRIPTION saRaanp, TadDepth bon, mgnuWaft: Block: Led: Subdvislm: DeM to pia bman ban orynal Veda: Gravel depth beneetn pipe: Townsfvp: Rrge: Seam: FA added above original Vane: Gavel Larger: 2+ Fl 50150 Well: ® New ❑ Upgrade Gravel*din: Nuniw of lines: I Distance between lines: Clnvaaem (Private. A a. Q Private Total Depth: F1_1 Cased b: Ft Taal absorption area: 500 Fe pipe Material: _3034PVVF8t0HQPE pier Installed Date paled: Slauc water Level: I Ft. kwaaer: Owner Date Moped: 1 91112004 Yield: carry set at: Casing Height Abo„ Grand: TAN K GPM fl. Ft. SEPARATION DISTANCES ® Septic ❑ Holding ❑ S.T.E.P. ❑ Other. To Septic Absorption Uft Holding ubliUPdvate �aar aa Capacity From Tank Field Station Tank SewerLIne Anch Tank 1500". Wiwi°: s8neer of ConVartmenis: wen Steel 2 safecewater 100+ 100+ LIFT STATION 42 17.5 V Sae: Wnutachr Ld Line G,,, 'Pump on-l.W at: wry or level at: Wgn voter dam al: Fwgdan N. M M. 100+ 100+ Pump Make 3 Modd Electrical Inspections performed by Curtain pan a: R"'"""' House & Well not Installed at this time. Placed 2" t ' BENCH MARK Location and DesmPtim: Rigid Insulation over field. Placed 2 feet of cover over Center Property Corner tank. Staked proposed location of well at 101 feet from Aswmed Ft. 5000.00 Ft.. septic system. A final form will be submitted when the well is installed—. "' Engineer's Stamp OF `P\F;.........LgC air# Inspections performed by: Pannone Eng. Svc Dates: 118/15/2004 : g 49_ -* 0 Sa...0 2nd09/01/2004 L�W • Department of Health and Human Services approval 0. " ""'i0 Steven R. Pannone.' c� ?.1p: Reviewed and approved by: Date: ♦♦ . Nn. CE 8149 e" ♦ 1 NO:SWO40257 RESORD DRAWING 51.7 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM tzPERMIT Lots 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise Valley SID I I I 19 NOEVELOPED LOT I PROPOSED 3 I I 1 5BR HOUSE I NOT BUILT /UNDEVELOPED I AT THIS TIME / LOT NWP,C SYS. TYPE: 5 -WIDE TRENCH, 4'EFF NEW 15009 1 R.F. - 0.50 SEPTIC TANK 1 I O ROPC 40.1 10 WELL - �-lNDEVELOPED INS LOT 2 P. O. BOX 102954 I I I I 10% FLOW SPLITTER -1, I DC -I NEW PRIMARY FIELD I CTRPC11- .�iirfj, III III �' a) III UNDEVELOPED TI 1 1 II ILII nr 0 ___---- LOT I 1 C4 C2 II 1 1715 IZTH2� PROPOSED RESERVE FIELD j 501-Fx5Wx4'ED,67D 7 .9 t T I 1 \ I I 1 NOTE: 1 1 E ISTG T 4) ALLWORK WAS PERFORMED —ON FILE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMC15.65. 2) MATERIALS USED WAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE SPECIFIED ENGLAND AVE IN AMC15.65. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL. 3) A SEPTIC AND WATER EASEMENT WAS GRANTED BEWTEEN LOTS 20 E 21 ON JANUARY _ 4) SUROUNDING LOTS ARE UNDEVELOPED. 5) SWING TIES ARE FROM FOUND PROPERTY CORNERS OF LOT 20. NO BUILDING TO TIE TO AT THIS TIME. 4V 49RL ........................... PRELIMINARY ............... M.Steven R. Pannone? SWING TIES: CO NWPC T11 116.2 T2 112.8 DC 110.5 C1 115.8 Mt 118.1 C2 161.7 M2 158.3 C3 106.7 M3 112.3 M4 153.7 C4 156.5 Tom Smith P.O. Box 231382 Anchorage, AK 99523 229-4834 CTRPC P.I.D. NO: 020.424-40 LOT pr It LOT EXISTG SEPTIC AREA l EXISTG 100'-------i WELL RADIUS _ 60.9 DESIGN: 51.7 NO. BEDROOM: 5 48.8 TANK SIZE: 1,500 gallon 43.4 PERC. RATE: 10.15 MPI 41.3 SOIL RATING: 0.8 gpd/SF 52.0 (188 SFBR) 49.5 AREA ROD: 940 SF 26.6 SYS. TYPE: 5 -WIDE TRENCH, 4'EFF 22.3 R.F. - 0.50 37.6 SIZE: I00LFx5WIDE, 4' TOTAL DEPTH 40.1 TOTAL AREA: SW SF PANNONE ENG. SVC, LLC P. O. BOX 102954 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 227-3522 P. 272-8218 Fax DATE: 7-3-04 1 RECORD PERMIT NO:SWO40257 RECORD DRAWING DETAILS P.I.D.NO: 020424-41 WASTEWATER ABSORPTION SYSTEM Lob 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise Valley SID z a � ti MOON+= 0 'O Q13 NO" 1V ami um NON �d O w E jr Z� v c £� O Q LL O Z F- O O U) 9 i g �ZZ O uj ON3 NOV31V N K 3mu UOIJ"O g $ a Lnohv3,o r + zz n- a � r p it Q Q o: Q ~ o `7 a3unas Mate inoNv3n m LwNv= 1nONV= b*vaus•ftrits� o i 41° 49TM � �.�•�1 / " .j i Tom Smith PREPARED FOR: PANNONE ENG. SVC.,LLC tiSteven Pannone+ r P• O. BOX 102954 /t•N•M r No. CE 8149 r P.O. Box 231382 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 .......... .•'•• ape. AK 99523 272-8218 PHONE & FAX ••',���• NOT 70 SCALE I RECORD r v FROM PAMJXE ENG SVC PFIOtE NO. : 272 8218 Jul. 12 2004 03:23AM Pi 2004-l00 1,16-1--0 --....--.--..._ Rerorrlinlj 11„_.;,101 - Anchnrage 1. 1/8/2004 1 *51 Ph1 Pages: 1 of 1 A E IIgIIIIIgIIIIIVIIVqIViIqqlVlqlIilVIIqVVIIVIIIli11111161 OVI V1 Septic and Well Water Etuement GRANT made this _o day of —, 20_obetween Thou Smith, 6822 O'Brien Street, Anchorage, AK 99507, hereinafter referred to as the grantor, and Thomas Smith uf6822 O'Brien Street. Andi ragc, AK 99507, hereinafter rercrtuf to As . the grantee. WHEREAS, the grantor is the owner In fee simple of the following described reality: 1,41 21 Block 1 Paradise Valley Plat 070-79 in Anchorage Recording DistrictufAlaska, and, WHEREAS, the grantor is desirous of alloying the use of a Curtain portion of Ito gramta^s land for the sole purposes of ingress and tWIss W grantee's land for the purpose inttalling and maintaining a private sclaic system, and wwm well, Ltd, WI IEREAS, the grantor has agreed, in consideration of 210.00 (Ten Dollars and No Cents) and other good and valuable considcratiun, the receipt of which by grantor is hereby acknowledged, to grant to the gr laee an easement solely lir said Defined purposes and for no other. NOW this grant wiumueth that in return for said specified consideration pall by to grantee to the grant, the grantor hereby Wants unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns, full and free right and authority to install and thereafter mainudn a private septic system and well water, Allached Is a trap showing the area to be usoJ. This Grant of Easement is Intended to b: appurtenant to Wanlec's aboveAleuxibed land and lwchc-4 uahucrns and runs with said lands. This is not intcndcd to bean exclusive easement: the grantor herein expressly reserves unto himsetfelual rights or ingress and egress and ell other rights as tie owner i Tec simple orth: deseribed premises. Ifthv Grantor sails or develops lot 20, this easement bewnics null and void and Grantee will ab:uakm this system and install a legal system on Int 21 by moving the well on tut 21 a, make worn lir xuwh legal system. Any dispute or disagreement arising under or in any way conot:ming this instrument shall be submiued fir rewtotion to the process of binding arbitration in accordance with the Alaska Statutes made and provided fur said arbitration. T ha jurisdiction tit' the Arbitrator shall eamle oe 60 days from theonset of the dispute and diall operate to loll all appliehble Slatuas of UmitotHm. IN WriNESS WHEREOF the grantor and grantee have hen utw set their hands the day and year first above writers. �/y,�� Ornj!/P MASSM(TII-ORANTUR /dIr(,/,r 9T �� tASSMITN-GRANTEE S rATE OF ALASKA as. ANCHOROAOE RECORDING DISTRICT ) : i TIIIS IS TO CER'1.1FY that on this (,day of7Aps,a.22Uj,(bctbm ma the urhdcntgned, a /way Pt the Stere ofAlaska duly txxnmisslonc4 and swum personally appeared THOMAS SMITI l to me known to be the desalted in and who exeeutW the above and foregoing Instrument, and acltwwlelg el to me that be signed and ere lively and voluntarily fur the uses and purposes thermin mentioned. W rINCSS m hand and ofildal seal the da and i Y day and year lnthis rant-l"ti'C'a't�a/It'er�above �written. I �'Ci5 Nouuy pubtfc t� Alaska ....._ lr S� My oommiulwexpires:—..r4 v.C..S•oo7 �O� 7�:sQii�7r —75— : Pi�OM PR 4HD E ENG sic i PHONE N0. : 272 8210 •r/•q Jul. 12 2004 03:24AM P2 •. ..i rla • iv i� \ s 0 %C 1 V,{s i2_� A ✓ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water 8 Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM I WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Permit Number: SW040257 Date Issued: Jul 12, 2004 Expiration Date: Jul 12, 2005 Parcel ID: 020-424-40 Legal Description:TMAOISEVALLEY SUBDIVISION BLOCK 1 LOT 20 1 Design Engineer: 0062 Pannone Engineering Services Owner Name: TOM SMITH Owner Address: 18730 DENMARK CIRCLE ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 - Site Address: 18730 DENMARK CIRCLE Lot Size: 16802 SO. FT. Total Bedrooms: 5 Permit Bedrooms: 5 This permit is for the construction of: ❑✓ Disposal Field ❑,/ Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑✓ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified In Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80 ). 3, The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each Inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. Received By: B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. av t/v `v i Date: Issued By:/ '�I w l Date: ;F /7 o Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.enchorage.ek.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. 020.424.40 Permit Number SW Property owners) Tom Smith Day phone 2294834 Mailing address (1) P. . Box 1 2 CL� _ unQe. cLc mailmgaddress (2) AneheregsOL Zip Code 99523 Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) Lots 20 842f Block 1 Paradise Vally Legal description (Section, Township & Range) 10 02 Lot Size -"=I 5870 --Ar-res4o Number of Bedrooms 5 THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Sewer Only Cl Well Only Cl Sewer and Well Water Storage ❑ Sewer Upgrade ❑ THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub Cl Jacuzzi ❑ Swimming Pool ❑ Water Softening Unit ❑ Therapy Pool ❑ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) c Permit Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number. c/ (Rev. 12100) Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: 76 q &, Receipt Number. Pannone Engineering Services, LLC P.O. Box 102954 Consulting Engineers Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 (907) 272-8218 (907) 272-8218 Fax July 5, 2004 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 S. Bragaw Street P. O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Subject: Lot 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise Valley S/D Well & Septic System Permit Request Gentlemen: My firm was contacted to investigate the possibility of installing a new septic system serving this lot. Two test holes were excavated on June 24, 2004 by my company in preparation of designing a new septic system. The soils report and a percolation tests result are attached. Ground water was monitored two weeks and there was no groundwater in either monitor location. Bedrock was not encountered in either test hole. A single test hole was excavated for a permit in September of 1982. No ground water or bedrock was encountered in that test hole either. I have attached a site plan and design for a new waste water disposal system. Each lot Is 15,872 square feet (0.364 acres) in size, for a total of 31,744 square feet. The owner recorded a wastewater and water easement between the two lots in January of 2004. The ground on lots 20 & 21 slope to the southwest at approximately 8 to 10 percent. The proposed installation will be located in the south center portion of the two lots, along the western property line. The proposed well will be located in the northeastern comer of lot 21, greater than 100 feet from the proposed system and from the neighboring septic systems. The proposed location of the septic system is greater than 100 feet away from surface water, existing neighboring wells, and 25 feet from the water service lines. The surrounding wells are located greater than 100 feet from the proposed installation. The proposed installation will not affect the future development of the surrounding or existing lots. See the attached design. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 227-3522 or 272-8218. Sincerely, St' even R. P ne, P.E. Civil Engineer Attachments: C:\Work\Letters\20 & 21-1 Paradise Valley.001.doc l 49TH No. CE 81 ? 4071C 0 PERMIT NO: DESIGN P.I.D. NO: 020424.41 DESIGN: WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM NO. BEDROOM: 5 4) SUROUNDINO LOTS ARE UNDEVELOPED. TANK SIZE: 1,500 gallon Lots 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise Valley SID PERC. RATE 1015 MPI ' %O"s q\,,. — I AREA ROD: 940 SF I I I I I ILO 19 N LOPED /'��NO 4JNDEVELOPED 1 1 TOTAL AREA 500 SF LOT LOT I I PANNONE ENG. SVC, LLC P.O. BOX 102954 / I 3 I I i NDEVEL I PROPOSED 158R HOUSE LOT 227-3522 P, 272-8218 Fax 1� DATE: 73-04 DESIGN I I PROPOSED 15008 SEPTIC TANK I /-PWEOLPL UNDEVELOPED LOT 2101. I I I I 21.9 PROPOSED PRIMARY FIELD 1 1 0°A 18. NDEVELOP 50LFx5Wz4'ED,B TD i 'BIB 4 LOT 1 I 2 .3 I I SII III II if I +y1} IL I III III IN III it it- _ ___ ,-UNDEVELOPED I 10: N N 11 0 EXIST Ci LOT I III I -10% AREA 1 THZ PROPOSED RESERVEFIELDI 916 60LFx5Wx1ED,8TD I t ,� \ +C I Z I I � I I W Exisro lar I I IST'G p WELL RADIUS I �Atfl ' NOTE: 1) ALLWORK SL BE PERFOR IN ACCORDANCE WITHAMC15.85.ED ENGLAND AVE 2) MATERIALS USED SHALL BE IN 3) A SEPTIC AND WATER EASEMENT WAS GRANTED BEWTEEN LOTS 20 & 21 ON JANUARY DESIGN: 8, 2004 BY THE OWNER NO. BEDROOM: 5 4) SUROUNDINO LOTS ARE UNDEVELOPED. TANK SIZE: 1,500 gallon PERC. RATE 1015 MPI ' %O"s q\,,. SOILRAB SF/BR) ) '. .`� •+..... AREA ROD: 940 SF • .•..14• � '♦♦ SYS. TYPE: 5 -WIDE TRENCH, 4EFF *•��Q:'" R.F.. 0.50 • s ♦ w 49TM = ♦♦ SIZE: 100LFx5W1DE, V TOTAL DEPTH N �..•. ..»......». i.....L TOTAL AREA 500 SF ........ • PREPARED FOR: j�ssteven R. Pannone? Tom Smith PANNONE ENG. SVC, LLC P.O. BOX 102954 ♦1 �+ No. CE 8149 f P.O. Box 231382 ♦♦`� ` • AK 99523 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 .•c4o?Zs•.• Anchorage, �1 �eDD ^ • �'' i•' 2294834 �1�, 227-3522 P, 272-8218 Fax E % DATE: 73-04 DESIGN DESIGN DETAILS P•I.D.NO: 020424-41 PERMIT N0: WASTEWATER ABSORPTION SYSTEM Lots 20 & 21, Block 1 Paradise Valley SID e snow= ON3 N7V31V 30n1 IgLN013 g a Y QV Ir Z N u� 4 6 W*O n W ti J OUN3 NOV31V WK 9wu N011Non O a 1now4m 0 3 s a i? 0 a c� cami6N 81 03311 3AN353N 3 3AIVA VMLGN0 1nONVT10 Irlomr= IMNV310 GGGGGG �ry 1110NV310 iS � ��GJ�f ••' ♦♦1 Nati jr 49TM "sem ♦♦ %. s..... o to �- - -^-� PREPARED FOR: PANNONE ENG. SVC.,LLC •SSteven R. Pannone: = Tom 1'.` P. O. BOX 102954 No. CE 8149 P.O. Box 231382 ♦♦ ',�yog ,� ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 ♦� _ yf"�r AK9ssz3 2294&14 272-8218 PHONE & FAX ♦♦1 1�' ��� 2 DATE: 7-3-04 , NOT TO SGU _ DESIGN U SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST •�•�P,.,; — •�� PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES P.O. BOX 102954 49TM :i ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 i (907) 272-8218 �- LStevyn R, onnone: ♦� s r PERFORMED FOR: Mr. Tom Smith DATE PERFORMED: 624.04 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 20 & 21 Block 1 Paradise Valley S/D SWPE TEST HOLE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 0-' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? Dry DATE: 7-03-04 SLOPE TEST HOLE PEROI.ATION RATE I I hnin/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWIEEN 6 FT and 7 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by Curt Whitters. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. Test Hole I Organlo- Topsoil I OR 2 Poorly Graded 3 am GRAVELS to Silty GRAVELS 4 S GP Poorly Graded GRAVELS 6- 7— 78910 a- 9- 10 GM Silty GRAVELS w/d=11k It 12 BGH 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 SWPE TEST HOLE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 0-' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? Dry DATE: 7-03-04 SLOPE TEST HOLE PEROI.ATION RATE I I hnin/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWIEEN 6 FT and 7 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by Curt Whitters. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. s; SOILS LOO - PERCOLATION TEST •�'`P�� � "••. ♦♦ ♦ PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES w �,. t ♦♦ P.O. BOX 102954 w' 49TM i� ♦♦ ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 i w (907) 272-8218 ♦ ""' «" "' ' ♦-It'i5teven R. Pannone: w ♦1� No. CE 8149 +� PERFORMED FOR: Mr. Tom Smith DATE PERFORMED: 6-24-04 ♦�1 ",, ",,; \ �� LEOAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 20&21, Block I ParadiseValley S/D •',,' ��' Test Hole 2 SLOE I SnE IAN OR ROOT MASS 1 ORGANICS 1 2 A I L 1 1 1 3 I 1 4 1 1 S CP/ Poorly Graded TEST HOLE i 1� ON GRAVELSto 6 Silty GRAVELS I 4- 7— _T i I 0%________ I S I I TH 01%` � /G -AJ .�`U rNz P x 10 11 I i ` Hr C !1! I Isro (, 12 13 WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE la ENCOUNTERED? No t5 IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE DEPTH? U' 16- 17 6 17 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? Dry la DATE: 7-3-04 19 READING DATE GROSS NET DEPnI OF NEI' 20 PEROLATION RATE I I linin/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 6 FT and 7 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by Curt Whitters. Test Hole was presoaked before peen test. PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCELI WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDNES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. TWE TIME WATER DROP 6.2444 12:20 8IN• 12:50 30 3 3/8' 215/18' 12:50 81/C 3:20 5/e' 15H8' 13:2(1 8 1/8' 13:50 30 31N' 215118'