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C+�;�L r �' �"` .' x= i4 � �� yy '��,��'' -: � { � �, „ -.;r.:�.�. µ� r� z � ; a �n� a,;. �:: �wr> � l 5 vV� �: .Aa. � �r eS' Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 S. Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page of www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT 0ormi4 Nh imhar• ',-N1,1 OrL l%Ll i Y PID Number: O I i " 1.2-x- — 'b-8 _. Name Wastewater System: VfNe,N ❑ Upgrace Address ABSORPTION FIELD P^.one- Number of Bedrooms: Deep Trench ❑Shallow Trench El Bed ❑Mound ❑ Other —_ Soil Rating: 1 L Total Depth from origqpl;rade. `'�.b LEGAL DESCRIPTION GPD/Ftp Block. Lot: Subdivision:j '14t Depth to pipe bottom from original grade: Fl. Gravel depth beneath pipe: + fG!r�J 1 F: C T� Township Range: Section: Fill added above original grade: t Gravel Length. _ G — Ft. Gravel width: Number of lines. i Dstunce bemeen I nes I Well: ❑ New ❑ Upgrade Ft. I Classification (Private, A. B, C): ClassificClassificationT Total Depth: Cased to: otal absorption area h c) Pipe Matunal: ' / Lt,C �1 L) z_—i FL Ft. ! Ft' tr Driller) r Dale Drilled: Static Water Level: Installer. Daly :nslalled: YieldPump Set at: Casing Height Above Ground: TANK GPM FL Ft. - SEPARATION DISTANCES C Septic ❑ Holding Y�(S.T.E.P. :1 Other: To Septic Absorption Lift Holding Public/Privatet Manufacturer. C37oC ty al From Tank Field Station Tank Sewer Line N �'� —_ Material: Nun bur of Companmer.t Well / LIFT STATION Surface Water �. Size: Manufacturer j Il A-,.,, VL GL Iq { Lot Line t �7j �J ] 1 Gal. ✓ 'Pump on' level at: 'Pump 'Pump off level a;- ��`� Hiyh water alarm a:. •�'LtYn ?/L(_ Foundation y 3 ('� f AI s {,_d9— in. L in. P/LW S e- - Pump Make 8 Model Electrical Inspections performed by: Cunain Drain r OAZA t.0 �Iem.rks: BENCH MARK Location and �Description: Assumec Eieva. =r _F �'tty��ik��KO•�t'�' 8� u 8q� f�C'�Q©Jr mOo�o�'tlg�l Inspections performed by: RV `C JdLK Dates: 151 10hyl rc9 2nd lO/L� Development Services Department Approval �� m Reviewed and approved by: 1 ��� � ftJlx rs�Y Date: *. a�v.lvoo / / /' / �,avg�� 9siv Ago ( ) _ GvIR g1SCJ e�QaJC( 9 (r ct s�a�+fy' rICN �Z: tQT�( 6"d TYC/2CN (iJ bi+`Qi1.Sl ZC'ci iL�. r Ic': J� s,, ;4- Lja, de7-/-4grrte,1 � SECONDARY DRAIN FIELDZ NDARD DEEP TRENCH TAL LENGTH 65 FT 'FT DEEP LOT 13 E 10.5 il SEWER ROCK COVER LOT 11 TH TH /1 F 2000 GAL Stp�` W*T&R S=-59 SERVICE LINE D BENCH MARK c 5 -BEDROOM SF RESIDENCE SWING TIES. AC 16 FT BC 40 AD JO 8D 41.5 AE 97 \8E 82 LET 12 54 BF 68 z v:: /Ilk 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 50 FT AV mr - fif- -49t Nb. CE -2225 BENCH MARK.• BOTTOM SIDING ........... ASSUMED ELEVATION: 100.00 f7 zai4vI TOBBEN SPURKLAND P.E. N LOT 13 IaNCAID HEIGHTS #1 SEPTIC SYSTEM AS BUILT 203 W 15TH. AVENUE DATE.' OCT. 22, 2003 (NCH. AK. 99501 90T 279-39>6 279-J916 WAYNE SSKI SHEET.- 213 GRID: 2222 PERMIT # SVO20474 PID # 011-122-68 KCH00132,DWG .`� f ♦off♦ 49th ��®1i �.....:....... `..........................: .. . �..........!.:.�. 4{frf .. ....... ...� T6RN SPURKLAND o No, CE-2225 ti= 14410;®pFESwS®�®�•o ° Foundation Clean out 2000 GAL STEP TANK 1-3/4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC 1/8° HOLES ® 30" Standard Trench,, 21 Wide 65' Long tom. �12' Deep 10.5' Sewer rock 3' Co ver NO SCALE BENCH MARK : BOTTOM SIDING AS BUILT- j j o nk L 5 ASSUMED ELEVATION 100.00 FT. T03BEN SPURKLAND P.E. LOT 13 KINCAID HEIGHTS #1 SEPTIC SYSTEM SCHEMATIC 203 W15th Ave DATE- OCT. 22, 2003 (Anchorage Ak 99501 ?79-391r wAmF, n FSK( SHEETi J/j GRIDS 2222 I PERMIT / SWO20474 PARCEL /D 1 011-122-68 KCH001JJ. DWG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA GE Development Services Department On -Site Water 8 Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ONSITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Initial Permit Number: SW020474 rLegal Description:'KiNCAID HEIGHTS #1 LT 13' Design Engineer: 0007 Tobben Spurkland, PE Owner Name: Wayne D. Eski Owner Address: 8245 Sand Lake Rd Anchorage , AK 99502-4013 Date Issued: Dec 05, 2002 Expiration Date: Dec 05, 2003 Parcel ID: 011-122-68 Site Address: Lot Size: 49436 SO. FT. Total Bedrooms: 5 Permit Bedrooms: 5 This permit is for the construction of: ❑✓ Disposal Field ❑✓ Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. ❑ Private Well ❑ Water Storage 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each Inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By. Issued By: Date: IZ I b Z Date: oZ Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department t Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343.7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING / Permit Number SW Q204 Parce! I.D. 0 ���� Property owner(s) \:C/Ft�/N►= `ikl Day phone Mailing address (1) Mailing address (2) Zip Code Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) k i NC A kip H k r 614 1 1 Legal description (Section, Township & Range) Lot Size f'/9',j,'SLP Acre .Sq.Ft. Number of Bedrooms THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Sewer Only N Well Only Sever and Well ❑ Water Storage Sewer Upgrade ❑ THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Ho: Tub ❑ Jacuzzi' '! Swimming Pool ❑ Water Softening Unit Therapy Pool ❑ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made fgr a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (SLC^a^ure of property owner or auborized agent) Permit Fees: _ µ� y60� Date of Payment: tt�� lto� Receipt Number. 1_9 iLU� 1zq (Rev 1,2'00) 7 5,15co S67-00 Waiver Fees: _ Date of Payment: Receipt Number: T.SPURKLAM P.E. 203 W 15th. Avenue, Suite 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907)279-3916 Fax (907)-276-6013 SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN LOT 13 KINCAID HEIGHTS S/D WAYNE D SSKI Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Street Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 November 8, 2002 We are submitting an application for the installation of a septic system for this lot. The submittal consists of three (3) drawings showing the present improvements on the lot and the adjoining properties, (sheet 1/3), the proposed improvements of the lot, of which only the system is subject to this permit application, (sheet 2/3), and a schematic of the septic system, (sheet 3/3). Soil logs and percolation tests of applicable test holes are also enclosed. The septic system design is based on the following: No Ground Water or Impervious Layer to I8 ft. Use Standard Trench Soil Rating. From Test holes 10/14/02 2 minrn - 12 gal per sq.ft/day No. of Bedrooms 5 Required Area per Bedroom: 15011.2 = 125 sq.fL Total area required: 125 x 5 = 625 sqft Testhole depth 18 feet Bottom Rock At 12 feet Top Rock At 3 feet Rock Depth 9 feet Minimum Trench Length 625 / 18 = 34.7 ft. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION STANDARD TRENCH TOTAL LENGTH 50 FT TOTAL WIDTH 2 FT TOTAL DEPTH 12 FT ROCK DEPTH 9 FT COVER 3 FT SEPTIC TANK 2000 GAL LIFT STATION The installation of this septic system will not prevent wells and septic systems from being installed on the adjacent lots. There are no developed or natural surface / sub surface drainage courses on this or the adjacent lots. The proposed septic system will not change the general slope of the area. Ponding and/or concentration of surface runoff will not result from this installation. N oml i LOT 8 C III / /// / ••�'•� JL4 ESS1��' VACANk 7 LOT 9 III / VACANT \ I I >d o sa fca f50 2so 300 I I I SCALD Y= Id f T REKLAS CIR. LOT 5 / I I / LOT / I I LOT 14 1 I LOT 13 � LOT 11 I I I I t �11 III S=am it f III 44-m III � — I VACANr LOT 1 I � t III ` t I -------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Iwnncn arurcRulEN E I I LOT 13 KINCAM HEIGHTS {1 I I SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN I 203 W 15TH. AVENUE DATE: AUG 25, 2002 ANCH. AK. 99501 WAYNE [SRT SHEET: 1/3 GRID: 2721 (9071 279-3916 I PERMIT # SV020XXX PID ! YY KCH00131.DV6 SECO/KNRY DRAM fE2D \ \ \ IKNRD DEVI TRENCH \ \ 1112 FT R= LOT 13 I \\ \\ LOT 11 1N /2 IN /1 \ X000 yip \ S --5x k � � \ •WAR smiff LK \ I s-eraiaaav ss R[StltACI N L l\ ♦ Z5 0 25 50 75 IX n5 150 ♦ 50 FT. �a. — R�{Y� 4noeFLtoravrwur V«- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CE -n25 I 0J W Z7H. AVnu F.L. I I LOT 13 IUNCAM IMIGIITS I I I S£P77C SYSTEM DESIGN I ?03 W fSTH AVENUE DA 7r.- Nov. 8. 2Ao2 ANCH. AK. 99501 WAYNr Earl SH££T.• 213 GRID: 2= (907) 279-3916 PERMIT N SV020XXX PID # YY KCH00132.DVG S/it SPURKLAND o 0 o Foundat/on Clean out 2000 GAL STEP TANK 1-3/I- StHf U 40 PIC 1/0- hUES O 30 - Standard Trenchr NO SCALE 2' W/de 50' Long 12' Deep 9.0' Sewer rock 3' Cover Hon/tor 90 Ft of Septic Rock E//ecHve 1Ti/ &ffl;T#4 2000 GAL STEP TANK smy r &w 1w rm"nav ASR#M V"AIXM' 100.00 FT. 203TUBBLNW1 th Ave AND P.E. I ( LOT 13 IC%NCAID HEIGHTS /I I I SEPTIC SYSTEM SCHEMATIC Anchorage orag Ave DATE, NOV 8, 2002 Anchorage Ak 99501 ?79-2910; _ WAYME 0 EW SHEETi 3/3 GRID, 2222 PERM? / SW020XXX PARCEL 1D / 011 -121 -XX KCH00133.DW0 Depth - . e 3-- 4- 5- 6- 7. - 4- 5-6-7. �. s- 10- 11- 13- 14- 15- 16. 3- 14.15- 16. 17- . is - COMMENTS F;Kk SCLK0 SP S tv lS"LttY StA IMt_ 13a %A &v%.% *_� NDIe- v:AS GROUND WATER Nt, E:CCUNTE=-K)? Or 4, 1116 IF YES. AT MAT DEPTH? L O Municipality of Anchorage i h f „ INEE s Development Services Department Building Safety Division �. «M�y»•«.«.«n•••e• 0 On -Site Water and Wastewater Program f� T.- 4700 South Bragaw SL AK 9951"650 •.•««.«••�• Vol t� P.O. Box 1966:0 Anchorage. www ci anchorace.ak.us To SParkland �, f% P d� (907) 343-7904 t' '�9 �'�.w....•-'4��� � O Soils Log - Percolation Test ROFE -•' Date Performed: 1 O —14 — D Performed For: \//,A N C E Gwt,�1 1' Legal Description: L oT :3 V i H t_e..w: 6T Ni et ownship, Range, Section: Depth - . e 3-- 4- 5- 6- 7. - 4- 5-6-7. �. s- 10- 11- 13- 14- 15- 16. 3- 14.15- 16. 17- . is - COMMENTS F;Kk SCLK0 SP S tv lS"LttY StA IMt_ 13a %A &v%.% *_� NDIe- v:AS GROUND WATER Nt, E:CCUNTE=-K)? Net Time IF YES. AT MAT DEPTH? L O Depth to Water After P Monitoring?I E Date: f� T.- Reading Dare Gross Tine Net Time Depth to Water Net Orcp o - IC o to t 10 - 3 Fc CCLAiICH PATS E_Irwi<stinr.+) PERC HCLE CIAMUE; to TEST RL'\S:WIEEH 1, FT AND '7 FT PERFORP.12D BY: 5 1 1 . 5 CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL S TAT --AND >.'U?i.CIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON I Tr.:S DATE. DATE: i 1 O 1O L Municipality of Anchorage 'IENGINEER'S SEAL) 1 Development Services Department C [:.r , r 1 Building Safety Division r r 0 On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL C vl P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6650 f� i� TCL.- S"jrLlun(1 $ ; www ci anchorace ak.us (907)343-7904 '� Soils Log -1 -Percolation Test Performed For: bCLh V - E 4 _ Dale Performed: t p — I e'1 Legal Description: Lc,4 l-<ZIN[0.1CA-•tih.riLTownship. Range. Section: _ Death 3- u SA•tc� DeaLhtoYlater NetDrca 4- o AV - 7 - ` 0 I Io Mlrl C- 10 to I fir. 1 1 1- I a0 I Q I I 12- 13- 14- to 15- 7 co .BENTS v,,AS GROL140 VIATER ESCCUNT"ED? s IFYES.ATV"TOEPTH? L O Depth to Water After p F.000r1ng? E Dare: Reading Dare Gross I Net Time DeaLhtoYlater NetDrca hltL le -1 -oL 12E o AV - 0 I Io Mlrl to I fir. c I I I a0 I Q I I 0 I 1 3 to 7 �3 to 9 '1 FERCCLAT!CrIoATE /- Tj (r 'esve) TEST RUN eETNES4 _FT AUD F-enC HC!E DIAMETER 7 FT PERFORMED BY: T 5 t � s CERTIFY TXAT THIS TEST WA.S PERFOR :IED INI ACCOROANCE Y:ITH ALL S T A T E AND >•!UfIICIPAL GUIDELItiES lAl EFFECT 0t I THIS D:,TE. DATE: 1 l l e t1 T--