HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHOMAS L BOYLE BLK 2 LT 14AThomas L. Boyle Block Lot 2 14A #015-283-20 ARCTIC—SUBARCTIC / • Geotmlimcdl Enginmring • Petrol.,,,., Geoloq, • Enginmrinp CcologV • orillinq rA,m,;;n..,iq MICHAEL B. BERGMANN GEOCONSULTANT BOX 161, STAR ROUTE A. ANCHORAGE, ALA -KA 99502 (9071344-9150 Mr. Michael Downs P.O. Box 10-1523 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 May 11, 1979 Subject: Soils investigation for sanitary sewer system on Lot 14A, Block 2, Boyle Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Dear Mr. Downs: At your request of May 9, 1979, I conducted a soils investigation at the proposed location of a sanitary sewer system on the subject lot. This investigation, which was accomplished on May 10, 1979, consisted of the inspection of soils removed during the drilling of two test holes, using 6 inch diameter solid flight augers, powered by a Nodwell mounted CME 45 drill rig. Both hole were drilled to a total depth of 19.0 feet. The soils encountered are graphically shown on the accompanying test hole boring logs. The soils consisted of a layer of Organics and Peat 0.5 to 1.0 feet thick, overlying Silty Clays and Clayey Silts with a trace Gravel to a total depth of 19.0 feet in each of the test holes. No water table was noticed during the drilling of the test holes, although the soils moisture content varied from very moist to (slightly) wet. Test Hole No. 2 was completed at 1445 hrs. Upon returning to the drill sites at 1736 hrs later that day, a water table was observed in each of the test holes at a depth of 4.0 feet. On the morning of May 11, I again returned to the drill site. This time the water tables were measured at 1.0 feet at 1030 hrs. It was noticed that upon taking a sample in hand and shaking that the soil liquefied. The topography of the lot consists of a very gentle slope in awestward direction of approximately 1 to 2 per cent. Vegetation present on the subject lot consisted of dense moderately tall black spruce, with occasional birch trees, some alders and willows and a low ground cover of mosses and grasses. An accompanying sketch shows the subject lot with the approximate locations of the test holes in relation to the property lines. It is unfortunate, but the presence of the very high water table combined with the poor soil types encountered would seem to virtu111y-preclude construction of a sanitary sewer system on this property. Please feel free to take this report to the Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental protection and get their opinion. I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact me if you have any question regarding this soils investigation. Very ur Michael B. 11r Consulting Ge ogist x,7: n^nartmnnt of P-Alth .anei F.nvirnmm�ntal Pr^tnr•tinn N U -U/- W 100- 1081 56' 46' o 7T. o. '2 T. It. No. 1 Lot 14A, Block 2, Boyle Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska T. H. No. 1 0.01 -� Organics & Peat, loose, moist, green - brn. %.— — — ---0.5' .4.0'AB 1736hrs 5-10-79 Silty Clay to Clayey Silt: w/trc Gravel, vy moist to wet, soft, gry, siltier e zones are generally wetter, e soil is liquefiable. 1 D (ML -CL) D 19.0'TD I on 5-11-79 @ 1030 hrs. T. H. No., 2 5-10-79 y Organics & Peat, loose, 0.0' a e \moist, green - dk brn. 1.0' 4.0'AB 1736hrs 5-10-79 N 0007' W 165' 30' 30' Gander Street Silty Clay to Clayey Silt: w/trc Gravel, vy moist to wet, soft, gray, siltier zones are generally wetter, soil is liquefiable. (ML -CL) Distances are approximate and have not been measured by surveying methods as ON to locations of test holes. 19.0'TD Water table measured @ 1.0' NOT TO SCALE on 5-11-79 @ 1030 hrs. Michael B. Bergmann... -Consulting Geologist';., :r'. ;;'^v^,;': ^ •; Test Hole'Boring Logs represent soils Box 191, Star Route A encountered on Lot 14A, Block 2, ;j Anchorage, Alaska" 99502'' ":': Boyle Subdivision,'Anchorage, Alaska (907)344-9150 n ,_.