HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHOMAS L BOYLE Tracts 1A & A2 S-7313Thomas L 0 Boyle 5-7313 Tracts I A&A2 0 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1 Environmental Health Division 4y. CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET yf CASE NUMBER: S-7313 DATE RECEIVED: October 50 1983 COMMENTS DUE BY: October 21, 1983 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Tracts A-1, A-2 Boyles Subdivision ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE CO ENTS: %✓//JJ// L & 5 -L 42) Fact, eG -� ► s o •c. U -C A FAH-<- A7 Alaska Testlab 1040-g-Slreel - Anchorage, Ala.4a 99501 Quadrant Development Company 621 West Dimond Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attn: Mr. Joe Vicente 0 phone (907) 279-1551 ( Telecopier (907) 272-5742 ) May 6, 1981 W.O. #A19747 Grid #2734 th of man Subject: SubsRoaduandcEastpofrLakenOtis;ANWe1/4act andNNr1/2 ofHSWf1/4, SW 1/40 Sec 211 T12N, R3W Dear Mr. Vicente: Transmitted herein are the boring logs for the 9 test holes drilled on the subject property. Also included is a location sketch for the test holes and results of laboratory tests on selected samples. Prior to drilling, a site reconnaissance was performed by Mr. O. M. hatch, geologist with Alaska Testlab. In this reconnaissance, Mr. Hatch examined geologic features, topography, vegetation, and other information, to determine the most likely locations of possible permafrost, deep peat, or other subsurface anomaly. Test hole locations were selected at this time to determine general subsurface conditions; additional test hole locations were based on conditions encountered during the initial drilling. Subsurface exploration at this site was conducted April 22, and April 23, 1981. Test holes were located as shown in Figure 2. The test holes were drilled using a Nodwell mounted, Mobile B-50 drill, fitted with a hollow stem auger. The drill rig is owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. In Borings 1, 2, 4, and 5, the standard penetration test was, performed and split spoon samples were obtained at 5 foot intervals. The SPT is a measure of the relative density and consistency of a soil. The other borings were drilled with a solid flight auger. These probes were placed to determine the depth and extent of the deeper peat deposits. Grab samples were obtained from the underlying sandy silt layer. The drilling was supervised and test holes were logged by Mr. O. M. Batch. The samples were visually identified in the field, were sealed in plastic bags to preserve the natural moisture content, and were returned to the laboratory. Additional lab- oratory testing included tests to determine grain size distri- S7313 OCT 241983 Quadrant May 6, 1981 Page Two bution, frost classification, and index properties of fine- grained soils. The majority of this site is overlain by a 2 to 3 feet layer of. peat. "'Below"this peat layer- is"Silt, 8a'hdy'Silt,•`and Gravelly Sandy Silt, with occasional Silty Sand lenses. Thi'oundlis water relatively dense and of low compressibility. The g - table is quite shallow, gendrally�..t_a-depth-of.-2-fe-gLt b low grounci -sukTacU-.--TH-e--w`aEer level measured.while drilling is likely higher than it will be during most of the year. The _ground water level will fluctuate with seasonal and weather changes. 1 rand TL area near the northwest corner of this site was found to be verlain with a relatively deep, highly compressible peat layer. his peat layer is about 8 to 10 feet thick, and covers about 8 cres. Below the peat layer is a Sandy Silt of medium stiffness low compressibility. The water table is also about 2 feet j below the ground surface in this area. The silts underlying the surface peat at this site are sufficient- ly stiff such that excessive settlements should not be of concern for the average commercial or residential development. Excavation of the peat would be required for structures using spread footings, from beneath footings and on -grade slabs. in parking areas the neat would need to be removed and replaced with 2 to 3 feet of NFS fill. Where the peat layer is less than S feet thick, the peat could be overlain with about 4 feet of fill, with the expectation that considerable settlement will occur, but will decrease with time such that the fill could be bladed and paved after one year. The high water table and the relative poor draining subsurface soils will be of concern for development at this site. Structures should not be placed below grade unless considerable precautions . are taken. Subsurface drainage or raising the building site would be necessary to keep.ground water away from buildings. Foundations with a crawl space could be used to raise the floor above the water level, and would decrease the amount of fill required. Excavations for footings and utilities will probably require dewatering. Development in the deep peat area will be expensive. Structures could be founded on piles placed through the peat layer, but surrounding fill placed for building access could be expected to settle for many years. A convention earthwork approach could also be used -excavating the peat and replacing it with compacted fill. (X --TI ALASKA TESTLAR Quadrant May 6, 1981. Page Three if you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to call. CAB/smb Attachments very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Carl A. Bassler Geotechnical Engineer Approved: LQZN)102w� .- Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Manager A T ALASKA TESTLAB ` APPFOxiMATE 1�DEEP pl:A-T LZMZT - iao _270"t —/T M. 7 700' � ��!✓ K Sol: ` . T s4 3 T44�4-H. G f 90o i • �oo'i 7. H.$ ' 944 = THA 2gd► '(. H. I 3sc; I 11 I f� •u! Y Q v f`Y .\t!%�('� IL:•T rll+L� G��.'AiLf` � IOCATION•- A T L ALASKA TESTLAB Table A WO pA19747 .� Test Bole 11 Date: 4/23/81 N: Logged by: OW1 Depth i�et From To 0.0 2.5 2.5 20.5 20.5 21.5 Soil Descri tion Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, Brown to Grey Silt, (:4L), NP to PL-, moist, stiff, with occasional sand lensing and gravel F-4, Grey Gravelly Sandy Silt, ML), NP, moist, hard Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Pater Level: Sa. 11o. Depth 1 5'-6.5' 2 10-11.5' 3 15-16.5' 4 20-21.5' Type of Blows/6" DS$ Sample 7/23/28 29.7 STD.PEN. 30/27/28 23.3 STD .PEN. 7/18/25 46.2 STD .PEN. 17/28/33 20.7 STD .PEN - Group classification refers to grouping by visual identification, this exploration only - Refer to explanatory information attached to aid interpretation of soil description. AT L) ALASKA TESTLA6 Temp. Dry Srenath Group Unified F� L A ML 38 VL A ML 42 L.. A ML 40 L/M B ML 42 Group classification refers to grouping by visual identification, this exploration only - Refer to explanatory information attached to aid interpretation of soil description. AT L) ALASKA TESTLA6 Table B WO CA19747 Test (tole 12 Date: 4/23/81 Logged by: 0t•111 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 2.0 Brown Peat, (Pt) 2.0 8,0 F-4, Grey Gravelly Sandy Silt 8.0 15.8 F-2, Brown Silty Fine Sand 15:8 21,5 F-4, Brown to Grey Sandy Silt, (ML), stiff, layered with F-2, Brown Silty Fine Sand, (SPS), medium dense, poorly graded Bottom of Test Hole: 21.5' Frost Line: 1.5' Free Water Level: 2.0' Sa. Blows/6" tit Type of Sample Dry Strencrth Grou Unified Temp. `'O No. Depth 1 5-6.5' 7/10/12 16.3 STD.PEN. M/H II -.ML 39 2 10-11.5'' 10/17/28 22.1 STD.PEN. N C SM 41 3 15-16.5' 21/32/35 19.9 STD.PEN. VL/N A ML -SM 42 4 20-21.5' 13/33/37 24.7 STD.PEN. VL/N A PSL -SM 43 Group classification refers to grouping by visual identification, this exploration only. Refer to explanatoryy information attached to aid interpretation of soil description. (7A -Tl-) ALASKA TESTLA6 Test liole 13 Table C WO #A19747 Date: 4/23/81 Logged by: MIR Death in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 8.0 Brown Peat, (Pt), saturated, soft 8.0 12.0 F-4, Grey Sandy Silt, (ML), moist, stiff, NP Bottom of Test Hole: 12.0' Frost Line: 2.0' Free Water Level: 2.0' Sa. Type of Dry Temp. No. Depth Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified F° 1 12.0' --- 21.1 Grab M/1I A ML -- Group classification refers to grouping by visual identification, this exploration only. Refer to explanatory information attached to aid interpretation of soil description. i a CA -T- ALASKA TESTLAS Test Hole 94 Depth in Feet' From To 0.0 2.5 2.5 13.0 13.0 16.5 Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: j Sa. No. Depth, 1 5-6.5' e: i' 2 10-11.5' t' 3 15-16.5' FS j Table D WO IA19747 Date: 4/23/81 Logged by: OWI • Soil Description Brown Peat, (Pt) F-4, Grey Sandy Silt, to Silt (ML), NP to PL-, moist, stiff with a 1 foot Sand layer at 7.5' - 8.5' F-4, Grey Gravelly Sandy Silt, (ML), NP, moist, hard, 3" + 16.5' 2.0' 7.5' Type of Blows/6" 1.1% Sample --- 16.8 STD.PEN. 12/11/22 19.5 STD.PEN. 25/57/117 17.9 STD.PEN. Dry Strength Groue Unified L/M A ML L A ML L D ML Group classification refers to grouping by visual identification,. this exploration only. Refer to explanatory information attached to aid interpretation i-. of soil description. Temp. F° 37 40 44 T l_ ALASXA TESTLAR I Test 110le 15 Table E / WO JA19747 ( Date: 4/22/81 Logged by: OMH 1 ' Depth in Feet Soil Descri tion Fro 1 0.0 2.0 Brown Peat, (Pt) 5.5 F-4, Brown to Grey Silt, (ML), PL+, stiff, 2.0 moist F-2, Grey slightlySilty fine Sand, (SM), 5.5 9.0 medium dense, poorly ed ` F-4, Grey Silt, (PLL), NP, moist, stiff with 9.0 18,0 occasional sand layers or.lenses 18.0 21,5 F-4, Grey Silty fine Sand, (SM), saturated, graded, layered with medium dense, poorly Grey Silt, (ML) , NPS stiff Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Temp. Sa. Type of Dry Blo_ k Ft$ Sam le Strep th Group Unified F ( No. Depth A/C ML/SM 38 1 5-6.5' 4/9/17 23.0 STD.PEN. N r ' 10-11.5' 18/22/18 18.4 STD.PEN. VL/N A ML 40 2 3 15-16.5' 12/22/20 18.6 STD.rEN. VL/N A ML 4' 4 20-21.5' 12/27/31 21.7 STD. i'l:fd. M A/C M11 '2 rcfcrs to grouping by visual iacntif.icatiun, Groai: cla::sificntion this ex11301-ation only. infcnria.Itioii a..tacho:1 to aid interpretation i kefcr to oxpl:ui,�tor� of soil description- A T ALASKA TESTLAB Test Hole 96 R -C t et From To 0.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 . b.;, Table F WO JA19747 Date: 4/23/81 Logged by: O:SH Soil Descri tion Brown Peat, (Pt), saturated, soft F-4, GLey Silt, (ML), trace sand, NP, moist, stiff Bottom of Test Hole: 12.0' Frost Line 2.5' Free Water Level: ' 2.5' Temp. Type of Dry �__ Sa. Sample Stren th Grou Unified 27� D — Bloom M� — ML --- 1 121 _ ___ 20.0 Grab M A isual identification, Group classification refers to grouping by v this exploration only. explanatory information attached to aid interpretation. Refer to e�=P of Soil description. A 7 L ALASKA TESTLAS i Test Hole 17 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 Table G WO #A19747 Date: 4/23/81 Logged by: OMH Soil Description Brown Peat, (Pt), saturated, soft F_40 Grey Sandy Silt, (ML), NP, moist, stiff, Silt Sand, (SM) red with F' , saturated, laye medium dense, Poorly y g raded Bottom of Test Hole: 15.0' Frost Line: 2.0' Free Water Level: 2.0' Type of Sa.. •Bloom /6" Dia Sample No No. Depth 1 15, 35.1 Grab Dry Unified a,, n� 2rpuR. VL/N A DSL Group classification refers to grouping by visual identificationt this exploration only. Refer to explanatory information attached to aid interpretation of soil description. Temp. F" A T L ALASKA TESTLAB M Table H WO #A19747 Test Hole IS Date: 4/23/61 Logged by: OMH Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 8.0 Brown Peat, (Pt), saturated, soft 8.0 12,0 F-4, Grey Sandy Silt, (ML), NP, stiff, moist Bottom of Test Hole: 12.0' 'Frost Line: 2.0' Free Water Level: 2.0' Type of Dry Sa. N_, Depth Blows/6" w= MS Sample Strom th Grou Unifie 1 12' ---- 17.6 Grab M/11B' Group classification refers to grouping by visual identification, this exploration only. Refer to explanatory information attached to aid interpretation of soil description. Temp. FO - ALASKA TESTLAB Test Hole 19 Table I WO 9A19747 Date: 4/23/81 Logged by: OMH Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 8.5 Brown Peat, (Pt), saturated, soft 8.5 10.0 F-4, Grey Sandy Silt, (ML), PL+, moist; stiff Bottom of Test Hole: 10.0' Frost Line: 2.0' Free 1 -later Level: 2.0' e -AT h AI.ASKA TFSTLAB vin iri I K n� ° ilm flO M IX I c , �G�Ic I I z0 4.9 ! rn B; Ll E— I I lug 1 y�c4�rtTE rolef rIO C7 �I2eF L -, N O p C f doEE rcy I I •1 cis 0% in in • OT Q>1 °Irl lf-1 I I^I I L I I �' I v N •O p p l �.! C Q1 n N � I" 1 � A� . f• v I_ H fN.l CO JI•b Iw i• Y11 •>0) Illp Y)• too plil.1 coo I. � I,. *i, ki I !�I :;:iW 1::: 1 1 P1, Miilll!III�1W!" 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