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Tuxednl* Park West 5-11026 Municipality of Anchorage o ` ��.� Development Services Department . Building Safety Division ... ,' MEMORANDUM DATE: May 13, 2003 TO: q1L Jerr Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FROM: Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water and Wastewater SUBJECT: Comments on Cases due May 16, 2003 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-10811-1 Grandview Subdivision. Same comments as my previous memo concerning this proposed subdivison. CS --'I 1026-1Tuxedni Park West (Revised). ° Same comments as my previous memo concerning this proposed I- subdivision. k d f bel Please fill In the Information as a or ow. PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE (iFmy) PETITIONER' Name (lest name ) Name past name sl) Tuxedni Park, a partnership ..........DHI Consultin Madmg Adaiess"Mai P.O. Box 210397 * � nmess , Boo 1nond Blvd. Suite 3-545 nc orage, A as a 94 1 a� =Anchorage,"`7A'laska 99515 a .::. contact Phone: Day 333-8188?'-" Night Same + Contact Phone:Day349=;7385 wAttsame FAX: 338-6091 'i<'-'+„-” 'FAX: 344-1383 E-maIL a ` Emertdhiconsulting@msn.com •Report patdgrers or octose doer soowners on suppleftre!Ital lam ametow"orm too et rrferest owners meY ?B�eY p r^8 of Irus Calan. aoiumal mom PROPERTY INFURIATION Pro a Tax ktooQooaoa000t: i Site Street Address: NoneA. Current legal description: (�adaharaisheetarrecessay) , kfi re " B-2, 8,8.4, of 'tTte Might of Way Aquisition Tracts A2,; B-'1 , Plat(No. <86 239) NW Y9 i4, Section1NR2W S.M. y' Zonin : P.1 0 S . L :;H Acrea e:: 33 T7 Pi Gnd #if 20 9 2 # Travts, 5 Total # arcels: 5 # Lots: $ _ : - ::. I hereby that (I am)(1 have been authorized to ad for) owner of the property desa tbed above end Uratl petition to subdnride it in certify Title 21 the Anchorage Municipal, Code of ordinanoes3 understand That payment of ire appficebon tae is rwrrefundable conformance with of is to cover the costs associated with procesung this apPticatlon and tt eI N does not assure approve of the sliti6v cion. l also understand and hexing dates are tentative and may have, to ba pos�oned 6q Planning Department slafl or the Platting Board, Planning and that assigned Zoning Commission, or the Assemblyfor admmts atrve tee �tnership -Tuxe�nr�c, Iroge Zremo, par ner..,:���:::::: Date Signature (Pgeris m a provlas;tvrmen,prwl V un r.. mi -I) 'ROPOSED SUBDIVISION INFORMATIUN 'roposed legal description: (ase addtional sheet n rtessarr) Lots 1-12 Block 1, Lots 1-3 Block 2, & Tracts A & B Tuxedni Park West Subdivision 17 Page 2 . ADMZion far PrelinFery Pial continued COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION None Anchorage 2020 Urban/Rural Services: ❑ Urban ® Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside ❑ Outside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Mixed Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor 0 Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre 0 Subdivision drainage plan Girdwood- Tumagain Arm ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre Avalanche Zone: Floodplain: Seismic Zone K I7 None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone E7 None ❑ 100 year ❑ 500 year Oslo ❑ Landscaping required by zoning 0-2- 0 RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Everds mal have oc ured In W 5 years for an or porion or ale) ❑ Rezoning - Case Number. ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat - Case Number(s). ❑ Conditional Use - Case Number(s): ❑ Zoning variance - Case Numbers): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for ❑ Building or Land Use Permit for ❑ Wetland permit ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ Municipality of Anchorage ❑ -4- ❑ 'S" APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: Plat Copies ❑ 42 (long plats) ❑ 32 (short plats only) ER 8'/=x11 reduced copy Other maps ❑ Aerial photo ❑ Housing stock ❑ Zoning Mandatory on plat depictions: ❑ Pedestrian walkway ❑ Landscaping required by zoning rope Title: ®Certificate to Plat Additional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer. 0 Site topography (4 copies minimum) Waived by ❑ Soils investigation and analysis reports (4 copies minimum) Waived by 0 Subdivision drainage plan Waived b 2MM (Rev. OIMZ Ba* Please fill in the information asked for below. ••—••••••••..•y.,�.., o..n-.w.V.w wz�w�.�.��o�.. v��wynm�2i�w nnn�. raiwe uunuya oulef OBnellOal mrasloWref5 may amaypr=mng of W4appfi=m, RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR INFORMATION Benefiting Property Tax #mo4omoao): Site Street Address: None Description of right-of-way/easement: (use addmawebeetiwws ary) See Preliminary Plat 511026 Zoning: R10 SL Acrea e: Grid # 2042 # Lots: IF /S 1 # Tracts: 3 I Total #parcels: /q I hereby certify that (I am)(] have been authorized to act for) owner of the property described above and that I petition to vacate it in conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the vacation. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Dep'a� ent ff, the Platting Board, or Planning and Zoning Commission for administrative reasons. �K/ / �' rVx d �o- of i ��sa ��,, /z -z3 -Az( �r �/ „- Date iinnnti (Agents mus{pfwide written proof of r Lase Number `' `,.... :5,11026. FEB p.'S 20bI PETITIONER* PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE (IFAN1') Namet h Tures'2 ilark, a partnership ( onsuiting Engineers MKVITox 210347 'g"6%Aaafees Dimond Blvd. Suite 3-545 Anchorage, AK 99521 Anchorage, Alaska Contact Phone: Day:333-81 88 NightSame Contact Phone: Day: 344-138b Night:Same FAX:338-6041 FAX:344-1383 E-mail: tin�i.lATnnnl .... E-mail: dhiconsulting@msn.com ••—••••••••..•y.,�.., o..n-.w.V.w wz�w�.�.��o�.. v��wynm�2i�w nnn�. raiwe uunuya oulef OBnellOal mrasloWref5 may amaypr=mng of W4appfi=m, RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR INFORMATION Benefiting Property Tax #mo4omoao): Site Street Address: None Description of right-of-way/easement: (use addmawebeetiwws ary) See Preliminary Plat 511026 Zoning: R10 SL Acrea e: Grid # 2042 # Lots: IF /S 1 # Tracts: 3 I Total #parcels: /q I hereby certify that (I am)(] have been authorized to act for) owner of the property described above and that I petition to vacate it in conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the vacation. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Dep'a� ent ff, the Platting Board, or Planning and Zoning Commission for administrative reasons. �K/ / �' rVx d �o- of i ��sa ��,, /z -z3 -Az( �r �/ „- Date iinnnti (Agents mus{pfwide written proof of r Lase Number `' `,.... :5,11026. FEB p.'S 20bI ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION fall orporfion of sb aAeded) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION Wetland Classification: Anchorage 2020 Urban/Rural Services: ❑ Urban tl Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside ❑ Outside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Mixed Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor ❑ 100 year Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre Girdwood- Tumagain Arm ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION fall orporfion of sb aAeded) APPLICATION CHECKLIST Wetland Classification: 13 None ❑ TO ❑ "B" ❑ 'A" Avalanche Zone: 13 None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone Floodplain: 13 None ❑ 100 year ❑ 500 year Seismic Zone Hardin wson : [],is ❑ "2" 13-3- ❑ '4" ❑'S" RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Evems mat have odvned in L10 5 years for an or portion of sne) ❑ Rezoning - Case Number: ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat - Case Number(s): ❑ Conditional Use - Case Number(s): ❑ Zoninq variance - Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for ❑ Building or Land Use Permit for ❑ Wetlandpermit: ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ Municipality of Anchorage POTABLE WATER AND WASTE WATER DISPOSAL Potable Water provided by: ❑ Public utility ❑ Community well 12F Private well Wastewater disposal method: ❑ Public utility ❑ Community system 13 Private on-site 20-019 (Rev. =2) -Bark APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: Plat: Copies IN 42 each 1381/2x11 reduced copy Other maps ❑ Aerial photo ❑ Housing stock ❑ Zonin Property Title: aCertificate to Plat Documents to provided unless waived by Platting Officer: Mite topography (4 copies minimum) ❑ Soils investigation and analysis reports (4 copies minimum) ® Subdivision drainage plan Waived by Waived by Waived b 20-019 (Rev. =2) -Bark GE W Platting Board Summary of Action June 4, 2003 Page 3 g 6. � 7. � Q �j}ppgo19 (CKgvbE Nor.TE l No rc RF5aP �s ENO rE I I.B�Z7/04 0 ply Fey plat S/10/N (,ovt e;dtaWJAI, ivau(s lci,vd . 0 Entering into a subdivision agreement with the Private Development Section to: a: Construct Atelier and Tundra Loop Drives to rural standards. Ai. Construct a portion of Atelier Drive to the south, exact length to be resoled with Projects Management and Engineering. c Construct a portion of Tundra Loop Drive to the east, exact length to be resoled with Projects Management and Engineering. Construct a temporary turnaround for Atelier Drive. eInstalling street name signs and traffic control devices. Ensuring the intersection design .of Tundra Loop and Atelier Drive is constructed to Municipal Standards. Annexation into the local Limited Road Service Area if not already in the service area. 612e1 n04� 6kwO^` Correcting drafting errors per the Municipal Addressing Section comments. S-1/026 n x F-t9uT P49K f„E sT Placing the following notes on the plat: "Lot 8 shall show the location of the septic systems and the replacement sites on the plat." "Tracts A and B shall not contain a dwelling; and shall be / limited to uses permitted by ordinance." Resolve the need with the Municipal Trails Coordinator to provide a trail easement to the west to Far North Bicentennial Park. (AN' $•lq•0q C. S-10919 Goose Lake Land Exchange Vacation only Approval to vacate (eliminate) the AWWU Sewer and Water easement per plat 93-44 subject to: Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 9:26 74.76 10:26 74.84 11:26 7491 12:26 74.99 1:26 75.05 2:26 75.12 3:24 75.16 4:24 75.20 5:24 75.23 6:24 75.27 7:24 7530 8:24 7535 9:24 75.43 10:24 75.46 11:24 7555 End Well 03 monitor during Well M1 24hr pump test 11:27 7555 Begin recovery of monitor Well #3 after Well Ml pump test 11:30 7555 11:35 7554 11:40 75.49 11:44.5 75.43 11:495 7536 19 0 o Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:54.5 75.27 11:59.5 75.17 12:05.5 75.09 12:095 75.00 12:145 74.93 12:19.5 74.85 12:245 74.78 12:29.5 74.71 12:35.5 74.66 12:39.5 74.60 12:44.5 7455 1:05 7439 1:'2 74.29 1:35 7420 2:05 74.09 2:25 73.99 2:55 73.90 3:25 73.82 3:55 73.75 4:25 73.69 End recovery ao -F CPO Platting Board Summary of Action June 4, 2003 Page 2 F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a. S-10811 Grandview Subdivision Postponed to June 18, 2003. The request to remand back to the Platting Board is scheduled on the June 10, 2003 Assembly agenda. b. 0 S-11026 Tuxedni Park West —with Vacation Approval of the vacation request (right-of-way per the Right -of -Way Acquisition Plat 86-239) subject to filing a suitable replat within 18 months. Approval of the plat for 18 months subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Providing a temporary turnaround at the northern terminus of Atelier Drive 3. Submitting the following to Project Management and Engineering: a. A grading and drainage plan to resolve the need for drainage easements and to demonstrate that the post development drainage patterns will not adversely impact adjacent properties or rights-of- way. b. An erosion and sediment control plan for review and approval prior to the issuance of an excavation and grading permit. C. A storm water site plan (SSP) for review and approval prior to the issuance of an excavation and grading permit. Platting Board Summary of Action June 4, 2003 Page 3 4. Entering into a subdivision agreement with the Private Development Section to: a. Construct Atelier and Tundra Loop Drives to rural standards. b. Construct a portion of Atelier Drive to the south, exact length to be resoled with Projects Management and Engineering. C. Construct a portion of Tundra Loop Drive to the east, exact length to be resoled with Projects Management and Engineering. d. Construct a temporary turnaround for Atelier Drive. C. Installing street name signs and traffic control devices. 5. Ensuring the intersection design of Tundra Loop and Atelier Drive is constructed to Municipal Standards. 6. Annexation into the local Limited Road Service Area if not already in the service area. 7. Correcting drafting errors per the Municipal Addressing Section comments. 8. Placing the following notes on the plat: "Lot 8 shall show the location of the septic systems and the replacement sites on the plat." "Tracts A and B shall not contain a dwelling; and shall be limited to uses permitted by ordinance." 9. Resolve the need with the Municipal Trails Coordinator to provide a trail easement to the west to Far North Bicentennial Park. C. S-10919 Goose Lake Land Exchange Vacation only Approval to vacate (eliminate) the AWWU Sewer and Water easement per plat 93-44 subject to: I 5-1102-G Tuve Qnl Pork LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL _ Shop drawings _ Copy of letter _ Prints _ Change order _ Plans _ Samples _ Specifications )(- Reports _ Other n•e� i nen I un I nFSCRIPMN 11 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: _ For approval —As requested _ Approved as submitted For review and comment _ Approved as noted _ Other _ FOR BIDS DUE 19 _ REMARKS -:Zq— CMg31VQ"MWa1G,Jt For your use Returned for corrections _ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US If enclosures are not as noted• please notify us at once. =AM A , ME M • 1las I' M I MIIIIIII INVE C � , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: _ For approval —As requested _ Approved as submitted For review and comment _ Approved as noted _ Other _ FOR BIDS DUE 19 _ REMARKS -:Zq— CMg31VQ"MWa1G,Jt For your use Returned for corrections _ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US If enclosures are not as noted• please notify us at once. a J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC May 21, 2003 Mr. Dee High DHI Consulting Engineers 800 E. Dimond Suite 3-545, Anchorage, AK 99515 Re: Evaluation of aquifers at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. High: This letter is to present the findings of recent test well drilling, aquifer testing, and well impact evaluation performed Tuxedni Park West Subdivision in the Stuckagain Heights area of Anchorage. The purpose of the testing is to evaluate potential long-term yields at the property and assess potential impacts to surrounding well owners from the projected use of water. Background Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is planned to have 15 homes on individual lots. Each lot is to be served by an individual well and on-site septic system. Average total estimated water use for the development is 6,750 gallons per day (gpd) or 4.7 gallons per minute on a continuous basis (gpm), assuming 450 gallons/day/home. Sources of Data and Methods The following sources of information and methods were used to conduct this evaluation: • Available reports showing topographic, hydrographic, geologic, climatological, and water table information. • Well logs for surrounding areas providing information on well depth, geology, yield, and water levels. • Well log data from three newly -drilled test wells on the property. • Aquifer test data collected from 24 hours of pumping from two of the test wells measurements of drawdown and recovery from nonpumping test wel; was test pumped for 5.67 hours. Pumping and water level data were Brian Wille and Mr. Joe Tolles of Aarow Pump and Well Service, LLC. 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 1 amunter(a�a rct i c.net PHONE(907)345-0165; FAx(907)348-8592 i. The third collected by and well I A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Background The Municipality of Anchorage has provided guidance on performing aquifer testing at the subdivision (see attached). Test pumping was performed between April 24 and May 2, 2003, in accordance with the MOA guidance. Hydrologic Setting Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is located between North Fork Campbell Creek and South Fork Campbell Creek in the Stuckagain Heights area of Anchorage. The site is in the lower foothills of the Chugach Mountains at an elevation between 550 and 750 ft above sea level. Surficial geologic deposits in the area are the result of repeated glacial advances and retreats through the area. Almost all surficial deposits in the Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions are mapped as glacial alluvium, including kames and kame terraces. Deposits are chiefly sand and gravel, although varying amounts of silty diarnicton (till) may be present (Schmoll and Dobrovolny, 1972). Most wells in the area obtain water from sand and gravel aquifers within the glacial drift deposits. Beneath the glacial drift aquifer is a fracture metamorphic rock aquifer consisting of argillite, greywacke, and related rock types (Dearborn and Barnwell, 1975). Four wells in the Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions reportedly encountered bedrock at depths between 101 ft and 185 ft below land surface. Following is a summary table of information from 17 representative well logs from wells in Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Atelier Subdivision. Tuxedni Park Subdivision is located immediately east of Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, and Atelier Subdivision is located to the south of Tuxedni Park West. The wells in table 1 are all located within approximately 1400 R of Tuxedni Park West Subdivision. Well data in Table 1 were obtained from the State WELTS database (http://info.dec.state.ak.us/weltsf) and MOA On -Site databases (http://onsite.ci.anchorage.ak.us/scripts/LFWebLink.exe/weblink/default2.htm?templatelD=2). Transmissivity of an aquifer is a measure of the ability of the aquifer to transmit water under a hydraulic gradient. Transmissivities of the aquifers tapped by the wells in Table 1 were estimated using the formula: T (gpd/ft)=2000 x specific capacity (gpm/ft of drawdown), where specific capacity --reported yield/drawdown (Driscoll, 1986). Full drawdown is assumed where drawdown data were lacking, resulting in a conservative (low) estimate of T. Transmissivity values were converted and are reported below in units of 62/day. Page 2 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Table 1. Summary of well data near Tuxedni Park West Subdivision Location Depth Reported Estimated Reported Reported Static Approx. (feet) yield Transmis- Aquifer depth to Water Available (gpm) sivity bedrock Level (feet Drawdown (ft=/day) (feet) below in Well (feet) ground surface L. 2, B. 3 65 15-20 Unknown Sand, unknown unknown Tuxedni Gravel Park L. 6, B. 3 196 5 9 Gravel 50 140 Tuxedni Park L. 3, B. 3 101 10 44 Gravel 36 60 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 3 101 6 32 Gravel 45 50 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 3 101 2 (data 13 Gravel 55 40 Tuxedni from Park engineer's flow test L. 5, B. 2 87 30 130 Sandy 20 60 Tuxedni gravel Park L. 5, B. 2 150 3 16 Gravel/ 101 100 50 Tuxedni bedrock Park L. 6, B. 2 159 20 110 Sand and 107 50 Tuxedni gravel Park L 13, B. 1 109 12 360 Sand and 78 25 Tuxedni Gravel Park L 12, B. 1 108 7 31 Gravel 40 60 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 1 387 1 0.7 Bedrock 135 Unknown Unknown Tuzedni Park L 11, B. 1 78 12 160 Sand and 37 35 Tuxedni gravel Park Page 3 I A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Location Depth Reported Estimated Reported Reported Static Approx. (feet) yield Transmis- Aquifer depth to Water Available (gpm) sivity bedrock Level (feet Drawdown (felday) (feet) below in Well (feet) ground surface L. 2, B. 2 105 20 110 Sand and 26 Tuxedni Gravel 148 Park (perf. 74- 77 R L 14, B. 1 284 3.5 5.2 Bedrock 181 99 180 Tuxedni Park L. 6, B. 1 86 8 44 Sand, 33 48 Tuxedni Gravel Park L. 1, B. 1 76 25 98 Sand and Flowing 70 Atelier Gravel Artesian Sub L. 8, B. 2 81 16 75 Clayey 20 57 Atelier Gravel Sub Tract 2A 88 30 400 Sand, 61 20 Atelier Grnvel Sub Summary of Well Data Review Most wells obtain water from gravel aquifers at depths ranging from 65 ft to 110 ft. Most wells penetrated less than 10 ft of aquifer materials and obtain water from the open end of the well casing. There is approximately 300 ft of topographic relief (with an average topographic gradient of approximately 10%) across Tuxedni Park and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions, yet most wells obtain water from a relatively narrow depth interval. This suggests that some aquifers are arranged in a stair -step fashion separated vertically by silty glacial deposits. Some wells within a few hundred feet of each other, with similar topographic elevations and well depths, probably tap common aquifers. Reported well yields range from I gpm to 30 gpm, with a median well yield of 10 gpm. Static water levels range from flowing artesian to a depth 107 ft below land surface. Well depths range from 65 to 387 ft, although only 3 wells are greater than 159 ft deep. All wells show a reported well yield of greater than 1 gpm, which is equivalent to 1440 gpd, which is approximately three times the typical daily demand for a single family residence. The median well yield of 10 gpm is approximately 30 times the typical daily demand for a home. The yield data presented in Table 1 show that wells in the project area are capable of supplying sufficient water for single family homes on an on-going basis. Page 4 I A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Estimated transmissivity values shown in Table 1 range from 0.7 to 400 ft2/day. The median transmissivity value is 44 ft /day. Assuming a typical five foot aquifer thickness, this value is typical of silty sand aquifers (Freeze and Cherry, p. 29). Water Budget, Groundwater Supply Potential, and Surrounding Development Regional data indicate that average annual precipitation in this part of Anchorage is approximately 20 inches/year. Assuming approximately 20 percent of this amount recharges groundwater, then the 46.5 acre tract should be recharged by an average of approximately 16,000 gallons/day of water. This amount of water equates to 1,100 gallons per day each for the 15 planned homes on the tract, which is approximately two to three times the amount of water that a typical home would use in a day. Dearborn and Barnwell (1975) completed a U. S. Geological Survey study of the Anchorage Hillside area to determine the long-term potential yield of water -supply aquifers. Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is located to the north of their study area, however the mountain foothills setting is hydrogeologically similar and many of the findings are expected to apply. Dearborn and Barnwell (1975) concluded that the sustainable yield of groundwater in areas underlain by glacial drift aquifers was in the range of 24 million gpd for their study area. This equates to 12,000-24,000 gpd for a 53.7 acre parcel, or 800 to 1600 gpd for each of 15 homes on the parcel. The 12,000-24,000 gpd recharge rate is approximately two to four times the total estimate water use rate for the subdivision of approximately 6750 gpd. The U.S. Geological study shows that groundwater supplies in the project area are likely capable of supporting residential development as proposed. The proposed subdivision, with an average lot size of 3.6 acres per lot, is consistent with surrounding residential development, which does not appear to have resulted in groundwater depletions in the area. This represents a small marginal increase in development of the area with on-site wells. Such a marginal increase in development in the area would not be expected to exert a significant effect on wells of surrounding property owners. Further evaluation of the area was conducted through a program of test -well drilling, aquifer testing, and quantitative impact assessment. Well Drilling and Aquifer Testing Three wells were drilled in Tuxedni Park West Subdivision between April 18 and April 20, 2003, as described on the attached well logs. For the purposes of this report, the first well drilled, on Lot 5, Block 1, is termed Well 1. The second well drilled, on Lot 4, Block 1, is termed Well 2. The third well drilled, Well 3, is located on a small undevelopable tract (Tract B) across Atelier Drive from Well 1. Locations of wells and separation distances are shown on Figure 1. Wells 1 and 3 appear to tap the same aquifer, a confined cobbly-silty-gravelly aquifer that may grade into weathered bedrock at a depth interval of approximately 122 to 164 feet below land Page 5 surface. The wells are completed with open -ends at depths of 141 ft (Well 1) and 146 ft (Well 3), respectively. Well 2 taps a confined sand and gravel aquifer at a depth of 81 ft. The pumping and water level data were collected by Mr. Brian Wille and Mr. Joe Tolles of Aarow Pump and Well Service, LLC. A summary of the aquifer test results are contained in Table 2. Well 1 Pumping A step -drawdown test was performed at Well 1 at stepped flow rates of 3 and 6 gpm (see attached data). The well reached maximum available drawdown of 53.16 ft after 155 minutes and was terminated. Based on this test the 24 -hr test pump rate target was set at 4 gpm. Well 1 was pumped for 24 hours at a constant rate of 4 gpm, exhibiting a maximum drawdown of 33.15 ft, which is 69% of the available drawdown. The data were analyzed according to method of Cooper and Jacob (1946) to yield a calculated transmissivity of 6.1 e/day. The drawdown response changed after approximately 60 minutes of pumping in a manner that suggested that a recharge -type boundary condition had been encountered. This is most likely the result of leakage into the aquifer from other aquifers in the area The recharge -type boundary condition also explains why the test did not achieve 70 percent or more of available drawdown as planned. The small deviation from the 70% goal is not considered significant. Recovery data collected from Well 1 yielded a calculated transmissivity of 6.4 a/day for the early -time data and exhibited a recharge -boundary type data curve similar to that observed in the drawdown data. The water level in Well 2 was measured throughout the test period, however there was no observable water -level response attributable to pumping. Well 3 exhibited a maximum drawdown of 3.4 ft during the pumping of Well 1, and yielded a calculated transmissivity of 72 ftZ/day and a storativity value of 4.2x10. Well 3 Pumping In accordance with the MOA guidelines, Well 3 was test pumped for 5.67 hours to determine the approximate transmissivity of the aquifer and the long-term productive capacity of the well. Pumping initially started at a rate of approximately 6 gpm, however after 50 minutes of pumping the water level drew down to 140.96 ft in the 146 ft deep casing and it became apparent that the rate was not sustainable. The pump was shut down after 100 minutes of pumping and allowed to recover 93% of the way to static conditions before restarting the test at a flow rate of 5.2 gpm. The flow rate fluctuated between a relatively narrow range of 4.8 gpm and 5.2 gpm for the remainder of the test. After four hours of pumping at the 4.8 to 5.2 gpm rate, the well exhibited 52.95 ft of drawdown from the original static water level. Using the methods described above for estimating transmissivity values in Table 1, a transmissivity value of 25 ftZ/day is calculated. This value is within the range of transmissivity identified during the more extensive pumping of Well 1 for the aquifer tapped by Well 1 and Well 3 (6.1 to 72 ftZ/day) . Page 6 Well 2 Pumping The well log for Well 2 indicated that the estimated potential yield of the well was in excess of 40 gpm at the time the well was developed. In order to achieve the 70 percent of available drawdown contained in the guidelines from the MOA, it was projected that a commercial -scale well screen, well development, and pump testing program would be required in order to avoid damaging the well and test pump from sand intrusion into the well. In concurrence with the Municipality of Anchorage (J. Cross, oral common., 2003) it was decided that considering the size of the subdivision and the amount of water potentially available, that a test pumping rate in the range of 15-25 gpm would be adequate for the 24 -hr test and protective of the well construction. In order to determine an appropriate rate, a 2.25 hour step -drawdown test was conducted. The step -drawdown test was conducted by pumping at a rate of 15 gpm for one hour and at a rate of 31 gpm for the next 1.25 hours. Maximum drawdown observed was 45.25 ft. A projection indicated that the higher rate was probably not sustainable for 24 hours, so a constant rate of 23 gpm was selected for the 24-hour test so that a constant rate could be maintained for the entire test and also hopefully achieve the goal of 70% of available drawdown. After overnight full recovery of water levels from the step -drawdown test, Well 2 was pumped at an average rate of 22.8 gpm for 24 hours. Well 2 exhibited 39.48 ft of drawdown, or 65% of available drawdown, at the end of the test. The data were analyzed according to the method of Cooper and Jacob (1946) to yield a calculated transmissivity of 66 ftz/day. The drawdown response changed after approximately two hours of pumping in a manner similar to the response observed in Well 1 during the flow test on Well 1. The data indicate that a recharge -type boundary condition was also encountered at Well 2 in response to pumping. This is most likely the result of leakage into the aquifer from other aquifers in the area. As with the test of Well 1, the recharge -type boundary condition also explains why the test did not achieve 70 percent or more of available drawdown as planned. The small deviation from the 70% goal is not considered significant. Recovery data collected from Well 2 yielded a calculated transmissivity of 81 Oday. The water levels in Well 1 and Well 3 were measured throughout the testing of Well 2. At the end of the 24 hours of pumping, the water level in Well 1 was 0.26 ft lower than at the start, and the water level in Well 3 was 0.85 ft lower than at the start. These data indicate that there is an indirect hydraulic connection between the aquifer tapped by Well 2 and the aquifer tapped by Well 1 and Well 3, however there was insufficient drawdown to calculate aquifer coefficients. The calculated transmissivity values at Well 2 are somewhat higher than the median value estimated from surrounding wells (44 fNday) but are well within what would be expected for a sand and gravel aquifer in the area. Page 7 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Table 2. Summary of aquifer test results. Pumped Data Transmissivity Storativity Method of Comment Well analyzed (ft2/da anal sis Well 1 Well 1 6.1 NC Cooper and Semilog method drawdown Jacob 1946 Well 1 Well 1 6.4 NC Todd (1980) Semilog method recovery Well 1 Well 3 72 4.2x10 Theis (1935) Log -log type drawdown curve match method Well 3 Well 3 25 NC Driscoll (1986) Specific Capacity drawdown method Well 2 Well 2 66 NC Cooper and Semilog method drawdown I Jacob 1946 Well 2 1 Well 21 NC Todd (1980) Semilog method recovery Notes NCI. Not Calculable from dataset. Interpretations of Aquifer Testing Results The range of transmssiviv values determined during the aquifer testing at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, 6 — 81 ft /day, brackets the median transmissivity value determined from surrounding well logs of 44 R /day. The aquifer testing provides quantitative evidence that supports the conceptual model that multiple sand and gravel aquifers are present and are separated by silty glacial deposits. Calculated transmissivities based on early -time data are relatively low, and the long-term productivity of the groundwater is influenced by leakage into the pumped aquifer from surrounding aquifers. A small amount of drawdown propagates through the leaky confining beds into the surrounding aquifers when wells are heavily stressed. The aquifer coefficients calculated from the early -time data as reported above likely understates the overall transmissivity of the glacial drift deposits in the area. Impact Projections A Theis analysis is commonly used to project the impacts of pumping a confined aquifer. Freeze and Cherry (1979) state that "if the aquifer properties, T (transmissivity) and S (storativity), and the pumping rate, Q, are known, it is possible to predict the drawdown in hydraulic head in a confined aquifer at any distance r from a well at any time t after the start of pumping". The Theis method assumes that the aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic, horizontal, confined above and below by impermeable layers, infinite in areal extent, and receives no recharge. Despite these Page 8 limiting assumptions, the Theis method is a widely -used tool for assessing aquifer responses to pumping. The assumption that one aquifer is continuous across the flow field is inherent in the Theis method. This assumption does not closely fit the Tuxedni Park West Subdivision area because wells appear to tap numerous individual sand and gravel zones within the glacial drift. In order to project impacts for this study, the most conservative (i.e. worst-case) assumption is made that all aquifers are perfectly connected to one another and that drawdown is propagated unimpeded through the aquifer system in accordance with the Theis assumptions. This is appropriate considering that a primary objective is estimating long-term projections where local geological irregularities would be less important. The effects of long-term pumping for a single home are calculated using a typical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, the lower, more conservative value of T obtained from the data from Well 1 (44 ft /day), and S=4.2x10. After 30 years of pumping, drawdown of 1.36 ft is calculated for a well that is 100 ft away from the pumping well. This assumes no recharge, which is extremely conservative. Noting that the wells in Table 1 generally have 20 ft or more of available drawdown. This illustrates that the expected impacts from any single domestic well are expected to be negligible, even using very conservative assumptions. A review of planned well locations and surrounding lots (Figure 1) reveals that new wells will be mostly more than 100 ft apart, and all wells will be more than 100 ft distant from existing wells in the neighborhood. This means that the 15 wells in the neighborhood are expected to have little to no observable effect on neighboring wells within or outside of the Tuxedni Park West Subdivision. Tuxedni Park West Subdivision will have wells spread out across a 2500 ft expanse of the hillside, which serves to spread out pumping over a broad span of the glacial drift aquifer system. Conclusions Groundwater conditions at Subdivision have been extensively studied using existing data sources and have been tested on-site with three newly -drilled test wells. The test wells are all capable of yielding adequate supplies for single family homes. Existing aquifer testing, water level, well yield, and water budget data all consistently indicate that adequate water supplies are available from wells at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision without adversely affecting nearby well users. All new wells are expected to exceed MOA requirements for well yield. Page 9 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. The aquifer testing guidelines of the MOA have been met, and the required approvals for on-site wells for Tuxedni Park West Subdivision should be issued. Should you have any questions, please call me at 345-0165 or 727-6310. Thank you. Sincerely, J. A. Munter Consulting, Inc. iak)W4 0. James A. Munter, Certified Ground Water Professional Principal Hydrogeologist References Cited Cooper, H. H., and C. E. Jacob, 1946, A generalized graphical method for evaluating formation constants and summarizing well -field history, Trans. Am. Geophysical Union, v. 27, pp526-534. Dearborn, L.L., and W. W. Barnwell, 1975, Hydrology for Land -Use Planning, The Hillside area, Anchorage, Alaska, US Geological Survey Open -File Report 75-105. Driscoll, Fletcher, 1986, Groundwater and Wells, Johnson Div., UOP, St. Paul Minnesota. Freeze, R. A., and J. A. Cherry, 1979, Groundwater, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 604 p. Schmoll, H. R. and Ernest Dobrovolny, 1972, Geveralized geologic map of Anchorage and vicinity, Alaska, U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I -787-A, 1 sheet. Theis, C. V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using ground -water storage. Trans. Am. Geophysical Union, v. 16, pp519-525. Todd, David K., 1980, Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 535 p. Attachments MOA test guidance Site Map (1 sheet) Test Well Logs (3 p.) Test Data Sheets (47 p.) Page 10 ib -04-03 04:35P .rmit-Counter 7.343 8250 P.01 1., A . Aquifer Test Procedures Three water wells shall be drilled on three adjacent lots within the proposed subdivision. (An existing well on an adjacent property may be used for one of the wells in this test with the prior approval of the Development Services Department). The hydro -geologist or engineer shall determine the separation distances between these wells, which shall be between SO and 300 feet Larger separation distances maybe justified based on information obtained when drilling the first well. Final well layout shall be approved by the Development Services Deparbnent prior to conducting the test. The central well shall be pumped for a period of 2 to 4 hours to obtain data to determine the approximate trumnissivity of this well. Aber allowing the well to recover at least 90% of the measured drawdown, a 24-hour pump test shall be conducted. The 24-hour pump test shall be conducted at a constant discharge rate that will cause 70% or greater drawdown in the well. During this pumping test, the remaining two wells shall be monitored and data shall be collected to determine the aquifer transrnissivity, the storage coefficient (if possible), the long-term production capacity of the well and the lilcely or predicted impact on surrounding wells. Following the 24-hour pump test. each well shall be monitored during the first 24 hours of recovery. Data from the recovery test shall be used to verify the aquifer tnmsmissivity. If either of the other two wells does not draw down during the initial aquifer test, these wells will also be tested with a 24-hour drawdown test following the procedures above. Otherwise, the other two wells shall be pumped for a period of to 8 hours to determine their approximate t wismissivity and long-term production capacity. All of the data obtained from these tests shall be submitted to the Development Services Department along with a summary and interpretation done by the engineer or hydrogeologist All testing shall be conducted according to minimum industry standards. 02-04-2003 e4:41PM 907 343 8250 P.01 FROM ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 21 2003 09:05AM P1 Municipality of Anchorage Aak Department of Health and Human Services ARM 82515 Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519.6650 an Rick Mysham MVJ1 ..d.anchaaga.ak.us Mayor Permit Number. #SW 0300378 Date of Issue: 4-14-03 Parcel Identification Number: 041-022-33 Date Started: 4-113-03 Date Completed: 4-19-03 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Right of Way acoisition Plat Tract 81 Property Owner Name & Address: Ta xedini Paris Partnership wet( I 300 E Dimond Suite 3-545 Anchorage. Alaska 99515 Borehole Data: Soil Type, Thickness & Water Sum stick-up gravely silt silly water sand 6 gravel gravelly sAt silty gravel silt gravelly sandy silt cobbly silty gravel w/bldrs wet silty cobbly gravel w)bldrs dry gravelly cobbly silt w/ blda cobbly silty gravel H2O weathered bedrock H2O Depth (ft) From To 0 2 31 35 49 56 72 93 111 118 132 145 2 31 35 49 56 72 Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cabletool Casing type: steel Wall Thickness: ,= inches Diameter. ¢ inches Depth: 141 feet Liner Type: Diameter inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): §4 feet Pumping 1evel:-L4-Q-feet after 2 hours pumping est 10 gpm Recovery Rate set 10 gpm Method of Testing: &ff 132 Well Intake Opening Type: 145 ❑ Open End ® Open Hole 164 [—IScreenedScreened Start feet Stopped f ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: benronire erm:ulee Volume: jig Depth: Start 0 feet Stopped.Z feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size h2 Brand Namc Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes 0 No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: see,ullowingpump tesi Well Driller. Alpine Drilling 8 Enterprises PO Boz 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property ....1. 11 J.•ff.. ...... • �. �..ff f.... K. T... .Ctt..44 O tom.. �... P...i.. W.f. /A J . f .. • .•. . FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FFD< NO. : 907 345 6202 Apr. 21 2003 09:05RM P2 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 OV Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519650 Rkk Mystrom ntm•J/wew.d.ancnaapa•akus Mayor Permit Number. #SW 0300376 Date of issue: 4-14 03 Parcel Identification Number. 041-022-03 Date Started: 4-19-03 Date Completed: 4-19-03 is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Richt of Wov aevisition Plat Tract B Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedin/ Park Partnership we(f 2 800 E Dimond Suite 3-545 Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strsta From To Casing tYP • �a feet — stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness: .250 inches gravel (!r l 2 3 Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 81 feet organics & sift 3 6 Liner Type: gravelly sift 6 10 Diameter. inches Depth: fat Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet cobbly gravelly sift 10 62 Static water level (from ground level): 16 fat sandy silt 62 69 Pumping level: 80 fat after silty water sand & gravel ' 69 75 2 hours pumping 40 + gpm water sand & gravel 75 83 Recovery Rate: 40+ gpm Method of Testing: air lift Well Intake Opening Type: ® Open End ❑ Open Hole ❑ Screened Startfeet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: henronite granules Volume: "b Depth: Start Q feet Stopped P feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: see following pump test Well Driller. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property ........ ..A \I J.'\\.. .L .\1 �....: J. ....111. •. .1.. n..• .l�1..4L tt.... P. .}.L 1. 1. .1 ... ! \..\.. FROM ALPINE DRILLING FAX No. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 23 20M 01:25PM P1 5 v 40 ,,,� Municipality of Anchorage ARL Department of Health and Human Services 825'L' Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. Alaska 99519-6650 40 Rick Mystrorn httpJlwww.d.snoh0 ape.akus Mayor be Date of Issue:-[ Parcel IdeatfcationVNumYbe® 041-022-34a auu JUWN V rttjt071 x 4- uau Omp,etea: q Legal Description: Right of Way auisrlion Plat Tract 83 property Owner Name & Address: TUX&dini Park rShlo 800 E Dimond Suite w Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Soil Type. Thickness & Water Strata From To stick uP 0 2 organics 2 3 sandy gravel 3 4 gravelly silt 4 36 silty sany gravel wet 36 40 gravelly silt 40 53 silty gravel 53 59 . Ot 59 67 gravoV sandy sin 67 101 cabby silty gravel wet 101 107 cobbty gravelly silt dry 107 122 cobbly sandy silty gravel H2O 122 154 ,VVj IJ Fwethod of Drilling ® air rotary E] cable tool asing type.. steel auZhirknm%' 2M imim, iameter. finches Depth: 1446 feet iner Type: Ilismetrr inrhrs Itenth:_ foot' Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): ,L1 feet Pumping level: -L-5-0 feet after 2 hours pumping L gpm R4s4Yerx Rate: 10 Cpm Method ofTcsliar- irl Well Is'1Ike. R;+rrir._ Types ® Open End ❑ Open Hole ❑ Scrocned Start feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: bentonite trranAl Volume: Lg Depth: Start.Q feet Stopped 2 feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pum size h Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: see jollowingpwnp test tneu unuar. rlplln: vinuuy a cneorNlwaa PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property ownerwida 30 days of completion and the property .. .. . . . ......,.4 0 .... _.. . w - •. . ...... I- .I. I.... .L.._. -I... WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Asrow Pump and Well Service L.L.C. Owner- Tuxedini Park Partnersin Address: 800 E.Diamond Suite3-545 Anch.AK99515 WellLocation: Right of Way scouistion Plat Tact 133 Well N 2 2 hr test Well Information: Total Depth: 83' Depth of Casing: 83' Screen From: N/A To: Casing Size: 6" Screen Diam: Screen Slot: Remarks: no screen or perforations Pump Information Intake Depth: 72' Pump Sizel.5 hp-22GPM Air Line Depth: Static Water Levet: 13.87' Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Time: 1:38 A.M. Date: 44-29-03 Pump OH- Time: :53 A.M. Date:429-03 Time IIr.Min. Sec. Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:38 13.87 0 •�<Itr SrOt1 1.3847-*— 20.79 is M w 579x.0 1:39 21.64 11 1:39.45 23.13 15 1:41 24.16 15 1:41.41 24.72 15 1:42.21 25.08 15 1:4332 25.61 15 1:44.18 25.84 15 1:44.53 26.08 15 1:4535 26.19 15 1:46.18 26.47 15 1:47.16 26.64 15 1:47.47 26.80 15 1:4836 26.96 15 0 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:49:07 27.07 15 1:4936 27.13 15 1:50.19 27.24 15 1:50A9 2739 15 1:5130 27.80 15 1:53 27.80 15 1:54 27.80 15 1:55 2796 15 2:00 28.62 15 2:05 29.27 15 2:10 29.81 15 2:15 30.26 15 2:20 30.69 15 2:25 31.03 15 2:30 31A1 15 2:35 31.70 15 2:38 36.87 15 2:3837 36.57 31.2 Increased now. 2:39.29 3934 31.2 2:41 45.27 31.2 2:42 46.43 31.2 �f Time NRV Airl Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:425 47.04 31.2 2:43 4750 31.2 2:435 47.86 31.2 2:44 48.18 31.2 2:445 48.43 31.2 2:45 48.72 31.2 2:455 49.01 31.2 2:46 49.06 31.2 2:465 4927 31 2:47 49.48 31 2:475 49.63 31 2:48 49.89 31 2:48.5 50.00 31 2:49.5 50.22 31 2:505 5052 31 2:515 50.80 31 2:525 51.03 31 2:535 5129 31 78--= 31 3:03 5323 31 3:08 53.93 31 Flowtest ran overdue to eheeking other wells SWM 3 Time Water Level Flow CPM Remarks 3:13 54.53 31 3a8 55.12 31 3:23 55.72 31 3:28 56.32 31 3:33 56.99 31 3:38 57.73 31 3:43 5838 31 3:48 58.76 31 3:53 59.12 31 End Well M2 2hr flowtest 0 51.29 Begin recovery of Well N2 after 2hr test .5 52.48 1 44.61 1.5 39.65 2 3638 2.5 3458 3 33.76 35 33 27 4 32.64 4.5 32.00 5 3154 55 31.24 a'F Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 6 30.84 6.5 30.53 7 30.24 7.5 29.99 8 29.79 8.5 29.51 9 2932 9.5 29.10 10 28.94 11 28.57 12 28.22 13 27.91 14 27.59 15 2730 20 NIR 25 N/R 30 NIR 35 N/R 40 22.67 45 22.]8 50 21.68 s"F WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: row Pump and Weu Service t-L,.er. Owner. Tuxedini Park Partnership Address: 800 E.Diamond Suite 3-545 AmftAK99515 Well Location: Right of Way acquisition Plat Tract B3 Well N 2 24 hr flow test Well Information: Total Depth: 83' Depth of Casing: 83' Screen From To Casing Size: 6" Screen Diam: Screen Slot: Remarks: no screen of yerferations Pump Information Intake Depth: 72' Pump Size 1S ho -22 gom Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: 13.70' Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Time: 2:10 P.M.Date: 6-01-03 Pump Off: Time: 2:10 P.M. Date:.' -02-03 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 0 13.70 0 I N/R 27 2 33.79 26 2.5 34.89 26 3 35.43 26 3.5 35.76 26 4 36.08 26 4.5 34.41 26 5 36.74 26 SS 36.08 26 6 N/R 26 6.5 N/R 26 7 35.76 22 7.5 N/R 23 8 36.41 23 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 8.5 36.62 23 9 NIR 23 9.5 N/R 23 10 36.81 23 11 37.07 23 12 37AO 23 13 37.72 23 14 38.05 23 15 3838 22.2 20 39.04 23.1 25 40.02 23 Flow remained constant for the remainder of test 30 41.01 35 41.66 40 42.65 45 4330 50 43.96 SS 44.29 60 44.61 90 47.24 120 48.22 150 49.21 180 49.86 t' Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 210 5052 240 50.85 270 51.18 300 5150 360 51.83 420 52.16 480 52.49 540 52.82 600 53.14 660 53.15 720 53.15 780 53.14 840 53.16 900 53.16 960 53.16 1020 53.15 1080 53.16 1140 53.17 1200 53.17 1260 53.18 1320 53.17 1380 53.18 o'F Time Water Level now GPM Remarks 1440 53.18 End test 0 53.18 Recovery .5 45.60 1 41.66 1.5 38.71 2 36.74 2.5 35A3 3 34.44 3 5 33.79 4 33.13 4.5 32.80 5 32.48 5.5 32.15 6 31.82 6.5 MA9 7 31.16 7.5 30.83 8 3051 8.5 3032 9 30.18 9.5 29.85 0 29.71 10 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11 2952 12 29.19 13 28.27 14 2854 15 28.21 20 26.63 25 25.66 30 25.14 35 24.27 40 23.80 45 23.23 50 22.72 55 22.15 60 21.81 90 19.80 120 18A2 150 N/R 180 16.74 210 1622 240 1556 270 15.47 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:10 85'2 7/8" Monitor of Well 01 during Well N2 24hr test 2:12 85' 2 7/8" Water levels are at 85 feet and the additional recorded inches 2:14 27/8 5-01-03 2:16 27/8 2:18 27/8 2:20 27/8 2:22 27/8 2:24 27/8 2:26 27/8 2:28 27/827/8 2:30 27/8 2:32 27/8 2:34 27/8 2:36 27/8 2:38 27/8 2:40 27/8 2:42 27/8 2:44 27/8 2:46 2718 2:48 27/8 2:50 2 318 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:52 2 318 2:54 23/8 2:56 23/8 2:58 23/8 3:00 23/8 3:02 23/8 3:04 23/8 3:06 23/8 3:08 23/16 3:30 17/8 4:24 17/8 4:48 1718 5:20 17/8 6:08 17/8 6:38 17/8 7:08 21/8 8:08 2318 9:04 23/8 10:09 27/8 11:08 31/8 12:09 35/8 Water Level Flow Remarks Time GPM l:ll 10:08 37/8 4:10 4 718 5:08 47/8 6:09 47/8 7:10 47/8 8:08 47/8 qno 5 10:08 11:09 12:10 1:09 2:11 V End of Well 01 monitor for Well H2 24hr flowtest 2:11 Begin recovery of Well Hl monitor for Well ill flowtest 20 Water levels are at 85 feet and the additional recorded Inches. 25 Times are since pumping stopped. 30 35 161/8 Z5 16318 55 16518 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:10 67.27 Well N 3 Monitor during well # 2 24 hr flowtest. 2:11 67.27 5-01-03 2:13 67.27 2:15 67.27 2:17 67.27 2:19 67.27 2:21 67.27 2:23 67.27 2:25 67.27 2:27 67.27 2:29 67.27 2:31 —7. 27 2:33 67.27 2:35 67.27 2:37 67.27 2:39 67.27 2:41 67.27 2:43 67.27 2:45 67.27 2:47 67.27 2:49 67.27 16 � Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:51 6717 2:53 6717 2:55 6717 2:57 6717 2:59 6717 3:01 6717 3:03 67.27 3:05 6717 3:07 6717 3:33 6712 4:25 6730 4:49 6735 5:24 67.40 6:12 67.49 6:42 67.55 7:10 67.61 8:09 67.66 9:05 67.71 10:10 67.77 11:09 67.82 12:11 67.85 17 Of l Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:13 67.88 4:12 6797 5:11 67.98 612 6799 7:13 68.00 8:11 68.01 9:11 68.02 10:10 68.03 11:09 68.05 12:12 68.08 1:10 68.10 2:09 68.11 End of Well H3 monitor for Well N2 24hr flowtest 2:09 68.11 Begin recovery of Well H3 after Well H2 24hr flowtest 20 68.12 Times are since pumping stopped. 25 68.88 30 68.88 35 68.88 40 68.88 45 68.88 50 68.88 55 68.88 of l Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 60 68.88 90 68.88 120 68.88 150 68.88 180 68.88 210 68.88 240 6855 270 6855 300 6855 End End End Test WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Aarow Pump and Well Service L.L.C. Owner. Tuxedeni Park Partnershio Address:800E,Dimond,Suite3-545,Anch.AK99515 Well Location: Right of Way Acauistion Plat Tract B 3 Well k 3 4 hr test Well Information: Total Depth: 154' Depth of casing: 146' Screen From: N/A To: Casing Size: 6" Screen Diam: Scorn Slot: Remarks: po sreen or perforations Pump Information Intake Depth: Pump Sizel.%p-22GPM Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: 71.85' Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Time: 11:30 A.M.Date: 4-28-03 Pump OS: Time: 6:15 P.M. Date: 4-28-03 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 0 71.85 N/R 5 77.22 N/R l 78.24 N/R 15 78.94 NIR 2 79.84 3 2.5 82.31 NIR 3 83.82 NIR 3.5 85.90 6.5 4 8793 N/R 4 5 N/R N/R 5 89.94 N/R 5.5 92.46 5.8 6 94.02 7 6.5 95.66 6 7 97.2 6 f Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 7.5 9835 6 8 9951 6 85 100.70 6 9 101.80 6 9.5 102.77 6 10 103.81 6 11 105.87 6 12 107.75 5.5 13 109.70 5.5 14 111.59 5.5 15 112.76 5.5 16 113.98 5.5 17 114.94 55 18 117.69 55 19 121.58 55 20 123.48 8 21 125.52 7 22 127.22 7 23 128.06 N/R 24 128.94 6.2 25 129.81 NIR Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 26 130.56 NIR 27 13132 63 28 132.03 N/R 29 132.66 NIR 30 13337 N/R 'Ti- 133.84 N/R 32 134.50 N/R 33 135.06 6 34 135.59 N/R 35 136.03 NIR 36 136.53 NIR 37 136.96 N/R 38 137.4 N/R 39 137.83 N/R 40 138.26 NIR 45 139.90 NIR 50 140.96 6 55 140.03 5.5 60 139.28 5.5 65 138.64 5.5 70 139.65 6 3 of Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 100 137.20 5.2 2:15 76.69 5.2 Restart Test 2:155 79.70 N/R 2:16 80.62 N/R 2:165 81.43 N/R 2:17 82.11 N/R 2:175 82.77 N/R 2:18 8357 N/R 2:185 84.20 N/R 2:19 84.75 N/R ' 2.195 85.43 N/R 2:20 86.10 N/R 2:205 86.68 N/R 2:21 87.24 N/R 2:215 87.73 N/R 2:22 88.24 N/R 2:225 88.68 N/R 2:23 89.15 N/R 2:235 89.41 N/R 2:24 89.88 N/R 2:245 90.16 N/R Time Fahr Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:25 90.43 N/R 2:26 90.87 3.10 2:27 91.44 N/R 2:28 94.50 N/R 2:29 9795 6 2:305 99.61 N/R 2:315 100.13 4.4 2:33 100.62 N/R 2:34 101.09 N/R 2:35 101.52 N/R 2:38 104.25 5 2:39 104.93 5 2:40 105.57 5 2:45 108.03 5 2:50 109.72 5 2:55 111.19 4.8 3:00 112.68 5 3:05 114.25 4.9 3:10 116.52 5 3:15 117.71 4.9 3:45 121.16 5 So'F Time Waterl.evel Flow GPM Remarks 4:15 122.82 4.9 4:45 112.75 49 5:15 122.75 4.9 5:45 123.8 5 6:15 124.8 4.9 End Well 03 flowtest 6:155 120.55 Begin recovery Wdl N3 6:16 119.47 6:165 118.27 6:17 117.25 6:175 116.33 6:18 115.54 6:185 114.55 6:19.25 113.74 6:195 113.11 6:20 112.43 6:205 111.47 6:21 110.85 6:215 110.04 6:22 109.37 6:225 108.54 6:23 108.02 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 6:235 107.32 6:24 106.66 6:245 106.04 6:26 105.41 6:27 104.26 6:28 103.02 6:29 10148 6:30 100.80 6:31 99.73 6:32 98.75 6:33 97.76 6:34 96.87 6:35 95.96 6:36 95.09 6:37 94.25 6:38 9351 6:39 92.75 6:40 91.91 6:41 9131 6:42 90.63 6:43 89.95 of Time Water Level Flow CPM Remarks 6:44 8934 6:45 88.76 6:46 88.22 6:47 87.63 6:48 87.10 6:49 86.61 6:50 86.08 6:51 85.61 6:52 85.18 6:53 84.73 6:54 84.31 6:55 8393 6:56 8353 7:01 81.83 7:06 8034 7:11 78.91 7:16 78.08 7:215 77.1 End recovery Well H3 Of WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Aarow Pump and Well Service 1..0 . Owner. TuzedeniPark Partnershin Address:800E.DimondSuite3-545.Anch.AK99515 Flow GPM Weil Location: Right of Way acuuistion Piot Tract B3 Well K 1 Step Drawdown Well Information: 0 Total Depth: 164' Depth of Casing: 141' Screen From: N/A To: Casing Size: 164' Screen Diam: Screen Slot: Remarks: no screen or wrferations 2 Pump Information 10 Intake Depth: 142' Pump Size ] 5hn-22GPM Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: 84.62, Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On 4.5 Time: 12:00 noon Datc: 4-24-03 Pump Off: Time:.3� 5 P.M. Date: 4-24-03 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 0 84.62 0 .5 94.46 l8 1.5 106.27 38 2 107.91 10 2.5 108.89 10 3 109.22 4.5 3.5 109.16 4.5 4 109.02 2 4.5 108.91 2 5 108.82 2 2 ff1 6 2 2 2.5 9 107.91 2.75 10 108.40 2.75 of 2d Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11 108.97 3.2 12 109.51 3.2 13 107.72 3 14 109.88 3 15 109.93 3 16 110.20 3 17 110.29 3 18 110.36 3 19 110.42 3 20 110.53 3 21 110.56 3 22 110.55 3 23 110.57 3 24 110.62 3 25 110.74 3 28 110.86 3 30 110.98 3 35 111.19 3 40 111.14 3 45 111.02 3 50 111.13 3 of ao Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 55 111.09 3 60 111.12 3 65 111.13 3 70 111.10 3 70.5 112.51 6.5 71 113.49 5.8 71.5 114.14 5.75 72 114.81 5.75 72.5 115.45 5.8 73 116.10 5.8 73.5 116.77 5.8 74 117.42 6 74.5 118.08 6 75 118.74 6 75.5 119.38 6 76 119.72 6 76.5 12038 6 77 121.03 6 77.5 121.69 6 78 122.02 6 78.5 122.66 6 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 79 123.01 6 79.5 123.65 6 80 123.98 6 80.5 124.30 6 81 124.64 6 81.5 125.29 6 82 125.62 6 82.5 125.94 6 83 126.28 6 83.5 126.61 6 84 126.94 6 84.5 127.26 6 85 127.59 6 86 127.91 6 87 128.58 6 88 129.22 6 89 129.89 6 90 130.21 6 91 130.54 6 92 131.21 6 93 131.52 6 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 94 131.86 6 95 132.18 6 96 132.30 6 97 132.51 6 9$ 132.$4 6 99 132.96 6 100 133.19 6 To 1 133.29 6 102 133.50 6 103 133.82 6 104 133.96 6 105 134.15 6 106 134.31 6 107 134.36 6 108 134.41 6 109 134.48 6 110 134.56 6 115 135.13 6 120 135.46 6 125 135.79 6 130 135.81 6 r WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Aarow Pump and Well Service Owner. Tuxedini Park Partnership Address: Well Location: Rieht of Way acquisition Plat Tract 113 Well k 1 'A,-/ hr Well Information: Total Depth: 164' Depth of Casing: 141' Screen From To Casing Size:. Screen Diam: Screen Slot: Remarks: no screen of ptrferations Pump Information Intake Depth: 142' Pump Size 15 hv-22 rpm Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Tmte•.11:25 A.M.Date: 4-25-03 Pump Off: Time: 11:25 A.M. Date: 4-26-03 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:25 86.26 0 Well 0124hour flow test 11:25.5 88.56 4 4GPM flow restrictor used to stabilize flow 11:26 89.54 11:26.5 9052 11:27 92.49 11:27.5 92.72 11:28 93.48 11:28.5 94.13 11:29 94.79 11:29.5 95.44 11:30 96.43 11:30.5 97.08 11:31 97.74 11:31.5 98.40 11:32 98.72 J20 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:325 9938 11:33 100.04 11:335 100.69 11:34 101.02 11:345 101.68 11:35 102.0 11:36 102.66 11:37 103.32 11:38 10430 11:39 105.61 11:40 106.27 11:45 109.22 11:50 111.19 11:55 112.50 12:00 113.81 12:05 114.80 12:10 115.45 12:15 115.78 12:20 116.11 12:25 116.44 12:55 117.42 1:25 117.75 _o F as c Time Nater Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:55 117.89 2:25 118.08 2:55 118.08 3:25 118.08 3:55 118.14 4:25 118.22 5:25 118.31 6:28 118.40 7:28 118.48 8:28 118.58 9:28 118.66 10:28 118.73 11:28 118.75 12:28 118.75 1:28 118.77 2:28 11&79 3:26 118.79 4:26 118.83 5:26 118.89 6:26 118.95 7:26 118.99 8:26 119.06 Time Water Level Flow GPM Ren3arks 9:26 119.22 10:26 119.39 11:25 119.41 End test 11:25.5 119.39 Start recovery 11:26 115.78 11:26.5 114.8 11:27.5 113.48 11:28 112.50 11:28.5 111.84 11:29 111.19 11:29.5 110.53 11:30.5 109.22 11:31 10&56 11:31.5 107.91 11:32 107.58 11:32.5 106.92 11:33 106.27 11:33.5 105.94 11:34 105.28 11:34.5 104.96 11:35.5 103.97 11:36 103.32 l0 n -i 'Del Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:365 102.99 11:37 102.66 11:37.5 102.33 11:38 101.68 11:385 10135 11:39 101.02 11:395 100.69 11:405 100.04 11:41 99.71 11:42 99.05 11:43 98A0 11:44 98.07 11:45 97A1 11:46 97.08 11:47 96.76 11:48 96.10 11:49 95.77 11:50 95A4 11:51 95.12 11:52 94.79 11:53 94.46 11:54 94.13 Time Water Level Flow CPM Remarks 11:55 93.80 11:56 93A8 11:57 93.15 11:58 92.82 11:59 92A9 11:00 9232 12:01 92.16 12:02 91.84 12:03 91.72 12:04 91.60 12:05 9151 12:06 91.18 12:07 90.85 12:08 90.68 12:09 9052 12:10 9038 12:15 90.20 12:20 89.87 12:25 8954 12:30 89.21 12:40 88.88 12:50 8856 i10� ao Time Water Level Fbw GPM Remarks 1:15 88.23 1:45 87.90 2:15 87.72 2:20 8757 2:50 8750 3:20 87.39 3:50 8734 4:20 87.28 End test 13 o a0 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:25 1667/8 Well H2 monitor during Well N124hr test Water level measured in inches. 4-25-03 11:27 1663/8 11:29 166318 11:31 166518 11:33 1669116 11:35 1661/2 11:37 166 9/16 11:39 1669/16 11:41 1669/16 11:43 16612 11:45 1669/16 11:47 1669/16 11:49 1669/16 11:51 1669/16 11:53 1669116 11:55 1669/16 11:57 1669/16 11:59 1669/16 12:01 1669/16 12:03 1669/16 12:05 1669/16 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 12:07 1669/16 12:09 1669116 12:11 1669/16 12:13 1669/16 12:15 1669116 12:17 1669/16 12:19 1669116 12:21 1669116 12:23 1669/16 12:25 1669/16 12:30 1669116 12:35 1669/16 12:40 1669/16 12:57 1669116 1:57 166 9/16 2:57 1669/16 No changes during the rest of the test Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:25 72.15 WeD #3 monitor during Well *124hr test. 4-25-03 11:27 72.15 11:29 72.15 11:31 72.16 11:33 72.17 11:35 72.18 11:37 72.20 11:39 72.22 11:41 72.25 11:43 72.28 11:44 72.30 11:46 72.33 11:48 72.38 11:50 72.40 11:52 72.44 11:54 72.48 11:56 72.52 11:58 72.57 12:00 72.59 12:02 72.63 12:04 72.68 16 0� .5o Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 12:06 72.71 12:08 72.74 12:10 72.77 12:12 72.81 12:14 72.85 12:16 72.89 12:18 72.91 12:20 72.94 12:22 7297 12:24 73.0 12:26 73.03 12:31 73.11 12:36 73.16 12:41 73.21 12:46 7330 12:51 7335 12:56 73.40 1:01 73.43 1:06 73.47 1:11 73.50 1:16 7351 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:21 73.54 1:26 7356 1:36 73.59 1:46 73.66 1:56 73.71 2:06 73.76 2:16 73.80 2:26 73.84 2:36 73.88 2:46 73.91 2:56 7394 3:06 73.97 3:16 74.00 3:26 74.04 3:56 74.10 4:26 74.17 4:56 74.26 5:26 7433 6:26 74.45 7:26 7455 8:26 74.66 of 010 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING INC May 21, 2003 Mr. Dee High DHI Consulting Engineers 800 E. Dimond Suite 3-545, Anchorage, AK 99515 Re: Evaluation of aquifers at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. High: This letter is to present the findings of recent test well drilling, aquifer testing, and well impact evaluation performed Tuxedni Park West Subdivision in the Stuckagain Heights area of Anchorage. The purpose of the testing is to evaluate potential long-term yields at the property and assess potential impacts to surrounding well owners from the projected use of water. Background Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is planned to have 15 homes on individual lots. Each lot is to be served by an individual well and on-site septic system. Average total estimated water use for the development is 6,750 gallons per day (gpd) or 4.7 gallons per minute on a continuous basis (gpm), assuming 450 gallons/day/home. Sources of Data and Methods The following sources of information and methods were used to conduct this evaluation: • Available reports showing topographic, hydrographic, geologic, climatological, and water table information. • Well logs for surrounding areas providing information on well depth, geology, yield, and water levels. • Well log data from three newly -drilled test wells on the property. • Aquifer test data collected from 24 hours of pumping from two of the test wells and measurements of drawdown and recovery from nonpumping test wells. The third well was test pumped for 5.67 hours. Pumping and water level data were collected by Mr. Brian Wille and Mr. Joe Tolles of Aarow Pump and Well Service, LLC. 5701 PENNY CIRcLr, ANCi ioaaoE, AK, 99516 iamunternarctic.net PtfONE (907) 345-0165; FAx (907) 348-8592 I A. MUNTER CONSULTING INC Background The Municipality of Anchorage has provided guidance on performing aquifer testing at the subdivision (see attached). Test pumping was performed between April 24 and May 2, 2003, in accordance with the MOA guidance. Hydrologic Setting Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is located between North Fork Campbell Creek and South Fork Campbell Creek in the Stuckagain Heights area of Anchorage. The site is in the lower foothills of the Chugach Mountains at an elevation between 550 and 750 ft above sea level. Surficial geologic deposits in the area are the result of repeated glacial advances and retreats through the area. Almost all surficial deposits in the Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions are mapped as glacial alluvium, including kames and kame terraces. Deposits are chiefly sand and gravel, although varying amounts of silty diamicton (till) may be present (Schmoll and Dobrovolny, 1972). Most wells in the area obtain water from sand and gravel aquifers within the glacial drift deposits. Beneath the glacial drift aquifer is a fracture metamorphic rock aquifer consisting of argillite, greywacke, and related rock types (Dearborn and Barnwell, 1975). Four wells in the Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions reportedly encountered bedrock at depths between 101 ft and 185 ft below land surface. Following is a summary table of information from 17 representative well logs from wells in Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Atelier Subdivision. Tuxedni Park Subdivision is located immediately east of Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, and Atelier Subdivision is located to the south of Tuxedni Park West. The wells in table 1 are all located within approximately 1400 ft of Tuxedni Park West Subdivision. Well data in Table 1 were obtained from the State WELTS database (http://info.dec.state.ak.us/welts/) and MOA On -Site databases (http://onsite.ci.anchoragc.ak.us/scripts/LF WcbLink.exehveblink/default2.htm?templateID=2). Transmissivity of an aquifer is a measure of the ability of the aquifer to transmit water under a hydraulic gradient. Transmissivities of the aquifers tapped by the wells in Table I were estimated using the formula: T (gpd/ft)=2000 x specific capacity (gpm/ft of drawdown), where specific capacity=reported yield/drawdown (Driscoll, 1986). Full drawdown is assumed where drawdown data were lacking, resulting in a conservative (low) estimate of T. Transmissivity values were converted and are reported below in units of felday. Page 2 J. A. MUNTF,R CONSULTING INC. Table 1. Summary of well data near Tuxedni Park Nest Subdivision Location Depth Reported Estimated Reported Reported Static Approx. (feet) yield Transmis- Aquifer depth to Nater Available (Spm) sivity bedrock Level (feet Drawdown (Qday) (feet) below in Well (feet) ground surface L. 2, B. 3 65 15-20 Unknown Sand, unknown unknown Tuxedni Gravel Park L. 6, B. 3 196 5 9 Gravel 50 140 Tuxedni Park L. 3, B. 3 101 10 44 Gravel 36 60 Ttmedni Park L. 4, B. 3 101 6 32 Gravel 45 50 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 3 101 2 (data 13 Gravel 55 40 Tuxedni from Park engineer's flow test L. 5, B. 2 87 30 130 Sandy 20 60 Tuxedni gravel Park L. 5, B. 2 150 3 16 Gravel/ 101 100 50 Tuxedni bedrock Park L. 6, B. 2 159 20 110 Sand and 107 50 Tuxedni gravel Park L 13, B. 1 109 12 360 Sand and 78 25 Tuxedni Gravel Park L 12, B. 1 108 7 31 Gravel 40 60 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 1 387 1 0.7 Bedrock 135 Unknown Unknown Tuxedni Park L 11, B. 1 78 12 160 Sand and 37 Tuxedni gravel 135 Park Page 3 .T. A. MUNTF,R CONSULTING, INC. Location Depth Reported Estimated Reported Reported Static Approx. (feet) yield Transmis- Aquifer depth to Water Available (gpm) sivity bedrock Level (feet Drawdown (felday) (feet) below in Well (feet) ground surface L. 2, B. 2 105 20 110 Sand and 26 48 Tuxedni Gravel Park (pert 74- 77 ft) L 14, B. 1 284 3.5 5.2 Bedrock 181 99 180 Tuxedni Park L. 6, B. 1 86 8 44 Sand, 33 48 Tuxedni Gravel Park L. 1, B. 1 76 25 98 Sand and Flowing 70 Atelier Gravel Artesian Sub L. 8, B. 2 81 16 75 Clayey 20 57 Atelier Gravel Sub Tract 2A 88 30 400 Sand, 61 20 Atelier Gravel Sub Summary of Well Data Review Most wells obtain water from gravel aquifers at depths ranging from 65 ft to 110 ft. Most wells penetrated less than 10 ft of aquifer materials and obtain water from the open end of the well casing. There is approximately 300 ft of topographic relief (with an average topographic gradient of approximately 10%) across Tuxedni Park and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions, yet most wells obtain water from a relatively narrow depth interval. This suggests that some aquifers are arranged in a stair -step fashion separated vertically by silty glacial deposits. Some wells within a few hundred feet of each other, with similar topographic elevations and well depths, probably tap common aquifers. Reported well yields range from 1 gpm to 30 gpm, with a median well yield of 10 gpm. Static water levels range from flowing artesian to a depth 107 ft below land surface. Well depths range from 65 to 387 ft, although only 3 wells are greater than 159 ft deep. All wells show a reported well yield of greater than 1 gpm, which is equivalent to 1440 gpd, which is approximately three times the typical daily demand for a single family residence. The median well yield of 10 gpm is approximately 30 times the typical daily demand for a home. The yield data presented in Table 1 show that wells in the project area are capable of supplying sufficient water for single family homes on an on-going basis. Page 4 I A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Estimated transmissivity values shown in Table 1 range from 0.7 to 400 Oday. The median transmissivity value is 44 Oday. Assuming a typical five foot aquifer thickness, this value is typical of silty sand aquifers (Freeze and Cherry, p. 29). Nater Budget, Groundwater Supply Potential, and Surrounding Development Regional data indicate that average annual precipitation in this part of Anchorage is approximately 20 inches/year. Assuming approximately 20 percent of this amount recharges groundwater, then the 46.5 acre tract should be recharged by an average of approximately 16,000 gallons/day of water. This amount of water equates to 1,100 gallons per day each for the 15 planned homes on the tract, which is approximately two to three times the amount of water that a typical home would use in a day. Dearborn and Barnwell (1975) completed a U. S. Geological Survey study of the Anchorage Hillside area to determine the long-term potential yield of water -supply aquifers. Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is located to the north of their study area, however the mountain foothills setting is hydrogeologically similar and many of the findings are expected to apply. Dearborn and Barnwell (1975) concluded that the sustainable yield of groundwater in areas underlain by glacial drift aquifers was in the range of 24 million gpd for their study area. This equates to 12,000-24,000 gpd for a 53.7 acre parcel, or 800 to 1600 gpd for each of 15 homes on the parcel. The 12,000-24,000 gpd recharge rate is approximately two to four times the total estimate water use rate for the subdivision of approximately 6750 gpd. The U.S. Geological study shows that groundwater supplies in the project area are likely capable of supporting residential development as proposed. The proposed subdivision, with an average lot size of 3.6 acres per lot, is consistent with surrounding residential development, which does not appear to have resulted in groundwater depletions in the area. This represents a small marginal increase in development of the area with on-site wells. Such a marginal increase in development in the area would not be expected to exert a significant effect on wells of surrounding property owners. Further evaluation of the area was conducted through a program of test -well drilling, aquifer testing, and quantitative impact assessment. Well Drilling and Aquifer Testing Three wells were drilled in Tuxedni Park West Subdivision between April 18 and April 20, 2003, as described on the attached well logs. For the purposes of this report, the first well drilled, on Lot 5, Block 1, is termed Well 1. The second well drilled, on Lot 4, Block 1, is termed Well 2. The third well drilled, Well 3, is located on a small undevelopable tract (Tract B) across Atelier Drive from Well 1. Locations of wells and separation distances are shown on Figure 1. Wells 1 and 3 appear to tap the same aquifer, a confined cobbly-silty-gravelly aquifer that may grade into weathered bedrock at a depth interval of approximately 122 to 164 feet below land Page 5 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. surface. The wells are completed with open -ends at depths of 141 ft (Well 1) and 146 ft (Well 3), respectively. Well 2 taps a confined sand and gravel aquifer at a depth of 81 ft. The pumping and water level data were collected by Mr. Brian Wille and Mr. Joe Tolles of Aarow Pump and Well Service, LLC. A summary of the aquifer test results are contained in Table 2. Well 1 Pumping A step -drawdown test was performed at Well 1 at stepped flow rates of 3 and 6 gpm (see attached data). The well reached maximum available drawdown of 53.16 ft after 155 minutes and was terminated. Based on this test the 24 -hr test pump rate target was set at 4 gpm. Well 1 was pumped for 24 hours at a constant rate of 4 gpm, exhibiting a maximum drawdown of 33.15 ft, which is 69% of the available drawdown. The data were analyzed according to method of Cooper and Jacob (1946) to yield a calculated transmissivity of 6.1 ftz/day. The drawdown response changed after approximately 60 minutes of pumping in a manner that suggested that a recharge -type boundary condition had been encountered. This is most likely the result of leakage into the aquifer from other aquifers in the area The recharge -type boundary condition also explains why the test did not achieve 70 percent or more of available drawdown as planned. The small deviation from the 70% goal is not considered significant. Recovery data collected from Well I yielded a calculated transmissivity of 6.4 felday for the early -time data and exhibited a recharge -boundary type data curve similar to that observed in the drawdown data. The water level in Well 2 was measured throughout the test period, however there was no observable water -level response attributable to pumping. Well 3 exhibited a maximum drawdown of 3.4 ft during the pumping of Well 1, and yielded a calculated transmissivity of 72 WIday and a storativity value of 4.2x10. Well 3 Pumping In accordance with the MOA guidelines, Well 3 was test pumped for 5.67 hours to determine the approximate transmissivity of the aquifer and the long-term productive capacity of the well. Pumping initially started at a rate of approximately 6 gpm, however after 50 minutes of pumping the water level drew down to 140.96 ft in the 146 ft deep casing and it became apparent that the rate was not sustainable. The pump was shut down after 100 minutes of pumping and allowed to recover 93% of the way to static conditions before restarting the test at a flow rate of 5.2 gpm. The flow rate fluctuated between a relatively narrow range of 4.8 gpm and 5.2 gpm for the remainder of the test. After four hours of pumping at the 4.8 to 5.2 gpm rate, the well exhibited 52.95 ft of drawdown from the original static water level. Using the methods described above for estimating transmissivity values in Table 1, a transmissivity value of 25 ft2/day is calculated. This value is within the range of transmissivity identified during the more extensive pumping of Well 1 for the aquifer tapped by Well 1 and Well 3 (6.1 to 72 Oday) . Page 6 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Well 2 Pumping The well log for Well 2 indicated that the estimated potential yield of the well was in excess of 40 gpm at the time the well was developed. In order to achieve the 70 percent of available drawdown contained in the guidelines from the MOA, it was projected that a commercial -scale well screen, well development, and pump testing program would be required in order to avoid damaging the well and test pump from sand intrusion into the well. In concurrence with the Municipality of Anchorage (J. Cross, oral commun., 2003) it was decided that considering the size of the subdivision and the amount of water potentially available, that a test pumping rate in the range of 15-25 gpm would be adequate for the 24 -hr test and protective of the well construction. In order to determine an appropriate rate, a 2.25 hour step -drawdown test was conducted. The step -drawdown test was conducted by pumping at a rate of 15 gpm for one hour and at a rate of 31 gpm for the next 1.25 hours. Maximum drawdown observed was 45.25 ft. A projection indicated that the higher rate was probably not sustainable for 24 hours, so a constant rate of 23 gpm was selected for the 24-hour test so that a constant rate could be maintained for the entire test and also hopefully achieve the goal of 70% of available drawdown. After overnight full recovery of water levels from the step -drawdown test, Well 2 was pumped at an average rate of 22.8 gpm for 24 hours. Well 2 exhibited 39.48 ft of drawdown, or 65% of available drawdown, at the end of the test. The data were analyzed according to the method of Cooper and Jacob (1946) to yield a calculated transmissivity of 66 R2/day. The drawdown response changed after approximately two hours of pumping in a manner similar to the response observed in Well 1 during the flow test on Well 1. The data indicate that a recharge -type boundary condition was also encountered at Well 2 in response to pumping. This is most likely the result of leakage into the aquifer from other aquifers in the area. As with the test of Well 1, the recharge -type boundary condition also explains why the test did not achieve 70 percent or more of available drawdown as planned. The small deviation from the 70% goal is not considered significant. Recovery data collected from Well 2 yielded a calculated transmissivity of 81 ftZ/day. The water levels in Well 1 and Well 3 were measured throughout the testing of Well 2. At the end of the 24 hours of pumping, the water level in Well 1 was 0.26 ft lower than at the start, and the water level in Well 3 was 0.85 ft lower than at the start. These data indicate that there is an indirect hydraulic connection between the aquifer tapped by Well 2 and the aquifer tapped by Well 1 and Well 3, however there was insufficient drawdown to calculate aquifer coefficients. The calculated transmissivity values at Well 2 are somewhat higher than the median value estimated from surrounding wells (44 ftZ/day) but are well within what would be expected for a sand and gravel aquifer in the area. Page 7 J. A. MUNTF.R CONSULTING, INC. Table 2. Summary of aquifer test results. Pumped Data Transmissivity Storativity Method of Comment Well anal edft2/da analysis Well 1 Well 1 6.1 NC Cooper and Semilog method drawdo%%m Jacob 1946 Well 1 Well 1 6.4 NC Todd (1980) Semilog method recovery Well I Well 3 72 4.2x10 Theis (193 5) Log -log type drawdown curve match method Well 3 Well 3 25 NO Driscoll (1986) Specific Capacity drawdown method Well 2 Well 2 66 NO Cooper and Semilog method drawdown Jacob 1946 Well 2 Well 2 81 NC Todd (1980) Semilog method recovery Notes NC1. Not Calculable from dataset. . Interpretations of Aquifer Testing Results The range of transmssiviV values determined during the aquifer testing at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, 6 — 81 ft My, brackets the median transmissivity value determined from surrounding well logs of 44 ft /day. The aquifer testing provides quantitative evidence that supports the conceptual model that multiple sand and gravel aquifers are present and are separated by silty glacial deposits. Calculated transmissivities based on early -time data are relatively low, and the long-term productivity of the groundwater is influenced by leakage into the pumped aquifer from surrounding aquifers. A small amount of drawdown propagates through the leaky confining beds into the surrounding aquifers when wells are heavily stressed. The aquifer coefficients calculated from the early -time data as reported above likely understates the overall transmissivity of the glacial drift deposits in the area. Impact Projections A Theis analysis is commonly used to project the impacts of pumping a confined aquifer. Freeze and Cherry (1979) state that "if the aquifer properties, T (transmissivity) and S (stomtivity), and the pumping rate, Q, are known, it is possible to predict the drawdown in hydraulic head in a confined aquifer at any distance r from a well at any time t after the start of pumping". The Theis method assumes that the aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic, horizontal, confined above and below by impermeable layers, infinite in areal extent, and receives no recharge. Despite these Page 8 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. limiting assumptions, the Theis method is a widely -used tool for assessing aquifer responses to pumping. The assumption that one aquifer is continuous across the flow field is inherent in the Theis method. This assumption does not closely fit the Tuxedni Park West Subdivision area because wells appear to tap numerous individual sand and gravel zones within the glacial drift. In order to project impacts for this study, the most conservative (i.e. worst-case) assumption is made that all aquifers are perfectly connected to one another and that drawdown is propagated unimpeded through the aquifer system in accordance with the Theis assumptions. This is appropriate considering that a primary objective is estimating long-term projections where local geological irregularities would be less important. The effects of long-term pumping for a single home are calculated using a typical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, the lower, more conservative value of T obtained from the data from Well 1 (44 R2/day), and S=4.2x10. After 30 years of pumping, drawdown of 1.36 ft is calculated for a well that is 100 ft away from the pumping well. This assumes no recharge, which is extremely conservative. Noting that the wells in Table 1 generally have 20 ft or more of available drawdown. This illustrates that the expected impacts from any single domestic well are expected to be negligible, even using very conservative assumptions. A review of planned well locations and surrounding lots (Figure 1) reveals that new wells will be mostly more than 100 ft apart, and all wells will be more than 100 ft distant from existing wells in the neighborhood. This means that the 15 wells in the neighborhood are expected to have little to no observable effect on neighboring wells within or outside of the Tuxedni Park West Subdivision. Tuxedni Park West Subdivision will have wells spread out across a 2500 ft expanse of the hillside, which serves to spread out pumping over a broad span of the glacial drift aquifer system. Conclusions Groundwater conditions at Subdivision have been extensively studied using existing data sources and have been tested on-site with three newly -drilled test wells. The test wells are all capable of yielding adequate supplies for single family homes. Existing aquifer testing, water level, well yield, and water budget data all consistently indicate that adequate water supplies are available from wells at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision without adversely affecting nearby well users. All new wells are expected to exceed MOA requirements for well yield. Page 9 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING INC The aquifer testing guidelines of the MOA have been met, and the required approvals for on-site wells for Tuxedni Park West Subdivision should be issued. Should you have any questions, please call me at 345-0165 or 727-6310. Thank you. Sincerely, J. A. 51unter Consulting, Inc. 0. James A. Munter, Certified Ground Water Professional Principal Hydrogeologist References Cited Cooper, H. H., and C. E. Jacob, 1946, A generalized graphical method for evaluating formation constants and summarizing well -field history, Trans. Am. Geophysical Union, v. 27, pp526-534. Dearborn, L.L., and W. W. Barnwell, 1975, Hydrology for Land -Use Planning, The Hillside area, Anchorage, Alaska, US Geological Survey Open -File Report 75-105. Driscoll, Fletcher, 1986, Groundwater and Wells, Johnson Div., UOP, St. Paul Minnesota. Freeze, R. A., and J. A. Cherry, 1979, Groundwater, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 604 p. Schmoll, H. R. and Ernest Dobrovolny, 1972, Geveralized geologic map of Anchorage and vicinity, Alaska, U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map 1-787-A, 1 sheet. Theis, C. V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using ground -water storage. Trans. Am. Geophysical Union, v. 16, pp519-525. Todd, David K., 1980, Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 535 p. Attachments MOA test guidance Site Map (I sheet) Test Well Logs (3 p.) Test Data Sheets (47 p.) Page 10 FROM : ALPINE DRILLM FAX N0. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 21 2003 09:05W F1 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825'1-' Street P.O. B= 196650 Anchorage. Alaska 99519.8850 Rick Mystram hftPjfwww.d.anchmage.akus Mayor Permit Number. #SW 0300378 Date of Issue: 4-14-03 Parcel Identification Number: 041-022-33 Date Staru4l: 4-18-03 Date Completed: 4-19-03 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Right of Way ecoisition Plat Tract 81 Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedini Parc Partnership tut t ( OO E Dimond Suite 3-545 Anchorage. Alaska 99515 Borehole Data: Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strata Depth (ft) From To Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑cable tool Casing type: steel stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness: 2,LO inches gravelly silt 2 31 Diameter: ¢ inches Depth: Jff feet silty water sand 6 gravel 31 35 Liner Type: gravelly silt silty gravel Silt 35 49 56 49 56 72 Diameter inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): 84 feet Pumping level:—4Qfeet after gravelly sandy silt 72 93 2 hours pumping est 10 gpm cobbly silty gravel w/bldrs wet 93 111 Recovery Rate:set 10 gpm silty cobbly gravel w/bldrs dry 111' 118 Method of Testing: &C gravelly cobbly silt w/bldrs 118 132 Well Intake Opening Type: cobbly silty gravel H2O weathered bedrock H2O 132 145 145 164 ❑ Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Screened Start feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: bentomte nramsler Volume: 1 -ft Depth: Stan D feet Stopped 2 feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size h2 Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes (l No Method of Disinfection: ghlorine tablets Comments: seefollowingpump test Well Driller: Alpine Drilling 8 Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property . ...4. \\ J :\\.. .\. .\\ • \. �..\\ \.. .. .4. n... .OVY..4L O �R.i... P. L .S.1- T.. /I\ J.... ./'.. / .•.. FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 21 2003 09:05AM P2 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 OV Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519650 Rick Mystrom httplMww.d.anchoaage.akus Mayor Permit Number. #SW3Q 00376 Date of Issue: 4-14-03 Parcel Identification Number --041-022-33 Date Started: 4-19-03 Date Completed: 4-19-03 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Richt of Way aceisition Plat Tract 13 Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedini Park Partnership 800 E Dimond Suite 3-545 Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strata From To Casing type: steel stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness:. inches gravel fill 2 3 Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 81 feet organics & silt 3 6 Liner Type: gravelly silt 6 10 Diameter: inches Depth: fat Cobb! y gravelly silt 10 62 Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet sandy silt 62 69 Static water level (from ground level): 1§feet Pumping level: 80 feet after silty water sand & gravel 69 75 2 hours pumping 40 +gpm water sand 8 gravel 75 83 Recovery Rate: 40+gpm Method of Testing: air lift Well Intake Opening Type: ® Open End ❑ Open Hole ❑ Screened Start feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: hentonite rrmtules Volume: Depth: Start Q feet Stopped? feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: seefollowingpump test Well Driller: Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property .......- _..., ,.:.....1... _....: J . ........ .. .... n... .t......1 0 11-.. - 0._:......:.l f.. .A .. ... -r ........ T.. FRQ9 : ALPINE DRILLING FAX N0. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 23 2003 01:25PM Pi Municipality of Anchorage ., Department of Health and Human Services 825'L' Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519650 Rick Myshom http:/Av .d.anehomge.ak.tn Mayor ppe�.,,�itt Nu bet•: #SW 0300379 Date of Issue: ,4L4-r0� Parcel Identification Number: 041-022-34 Date�tartet� 4 -LU -OJ nate complerea:g-c r -v t J C11 eM Q .•v Le jal Description: Right of Way acouisition Plat Tract 83 Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedinl Park Partnership L'ux i s ;, 800 E Dimond Suite 3.545 Anchora a Alaska 99515 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Soil Type, Tbickness dt Water Strata From To Casing type: steel stick-up 0 2 WallZhirknms*2 Q 410101 organics sandy gravel gravelly silt silty sanygravel wet gravelly silt 2 3 4 36 40 3 4 36 40 53 Diameter. 6 inches Depth: M feet Liner Type: Diarnmer innhm Denth:_ feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): �1 feet Pumping level. -_L5_0 feet after silty gravel 53 59 2 hours pumping L gpm silt 59 67 Rccutry.. Rate: 10 cpm gravelly sandy silt 67 101 Method of Testing to rm Well Intake Op grim Tyge: ® Open End ❑ Open Hole ❑ Scrcened Start feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Startfeet Stopped feet eabbly silty gravel wct oobbly gravelly silt dry cobbly sandy silty gravel H2O 101 107 122 107 122 154 Grout Type: bentonite ¢runulet Volume: LL)g Depth: StartQ feet Stopped 2 feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: see following pump test Welt urmur; Nrp1nC ulmnly a c��olp/uw PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property .. •r \I J.i\\.. .4.1• .1 J. �.. tl l.. •. •\ n • .!'/t..l.A O tt...... M •. ...\.4\. /I• J.... .L ..\..\.� WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Aarow, Pump and Well Service I.L.C. Owner, Tuxedini Park Partnersip Address: 800 E.Diamond Suite3-545 Anch,AK99515 Well Location: Right of Way acauistion Plat Tact B3 Well it 2 2 hr test Well Information: 0 Total Depth: 83' Depth of Casing: 83' Screen From: N/A To: Casing Size: 6^ Screen Diam: Screen Slot.- lot:Remarks: Remarks:no screen or perferations Pump Information 21.64 Intake Depth: 72' Pump Sizel.5 hp-22GPM Air line Depth: Static Water Level: 13.87' Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Time: k.38 A.M. Date: 4-29-03 Pump Off: Time::53 A.M. Date:4-29-03 Time IIr.Min. Sec. Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:38 13.87 0 rl e'fcf 5 -fort 1:38 .9b 20.79 18 M r w S79a.O 1:39 21.64 11 1:39.45 23.13 15 1:41 24.16 15 1:41AI 24.72 15 1:42.21 25.08 15 1:4332 25.61 15 1:44.18 25.84 15 1:4453 26.08 15 1:4535 26.19 15 1:46.18 26.47 15 1:47.16 26,64 15 1:47.47 26.80 15 1:4836 26.96 15 0 Time Water Level Flow GP117 Remarks 1:49:07 27.07 15 1:49.36 27.13 15 1:50.19 27.24 15 1:50.49 27.39 15 1:5130 27.80 15 1:53 27.80 15 1:54 27.80 15 1:55 27.96 15 2:00 28.62 15 2:05 29.27 15 2:10 29.81 15 2:15 30.26 15 2:20 30.69 15 2:25 31.03 15 2:30 31Al 15 2:35 31.70 15 2:38 36.87 15 2:3837 36.57 31.2 Increased flow. 2:39.29 3934 31.2 2:41 45.27 31.2 2:42 46.43 31.2 Time NRS: H,tl Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:425 47.04 31.2 2:43 4750 31.2 2:435 47.86 31.2 2:43 48.18 31.2 2:445 48.43 31.2 2:45 48.72 31.2 2:455 49.01 31.2 2:46 49.06 31.2 2:46.5 49.27 31 2:47 49.48 31 2:475 49.63 31 2:48 49.89 31 2:485 50.00 31 2:495 50.22 31 2:505 5052 31 2:51.5 50.80 31 2:525 51.03 31 2:535 51.29 31 2:58 5231 31 3:03 53.23 31 3:08 53.93 31 Flowtest ran over due to checking other wells SWL Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 3:13 54.53 31 3:18 55.12 31 3:23 55.72 31 3:28 56.32 31 3:33 56.99 31 3:38 57.73 31 3:43 58.38 31 3:48 58.76 31 :53 59.12 31 End Well 02 2hr flowtest 0 51.29 Begin recovery of Well k2 after 2hr test .5 52.48 1 44.61 1.5 39.65 2 36.38 2.5 3458 3 33.76 3.5 33.27 4 32.64 4.5 32.00 5 3154 5.5 31:24 of Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 6 30.84 6.5 30.53 7 30.24 7.5 29.99 8 29.79 8.5 29.51 9 2932 9.5 29.10 10 28.94 11 2857 12 28.22 13 27.91 14 2759 15 2730 20 NIR 25 N/R 30 N/R 35 N/R 40 22.67 45 22.18 50 21.68 sf WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: A row Pump and Well Service L.L.C. Owner. Tuxedini Park Partnership Address: 800 E.Diamond Suite 3-545 Anch.AK"515 Well Location: Right of Way acquisition Plat Tract 83 Well 0 2 24 hr flow test Well Information: Total Depth: 83' Depth of Casing: 83' Screen From To Casing Size: 6" Screen Diam: Screen Slot: Remarks: no screen of perforations Pump Information Intake Depth: 72' Pump Size 1 5 hp•22 gym Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: 13.70' Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Time: 2:10 P.M.Date: 5-01-03 Pump Off: Time: 2:10 P.M. Date: 5 02-03 Time Water Level Flow CPM Remarks 0 13.70 0 1 N/R 27 m<<t hd 8�1 2 33.79 26 2.5 34.89 26 3 35.43 26 3.5 35.76 26 4 36.08 26 4.5 34A1 26 5 36.74 26 5.5 36.08 26 6 N/R 26 6.5 N/R 26 7 35.76 22 7.5 N/R 23 8 36.41 23 f T11e Water Level Flow CPM Remarks 8.5 36.62 23 9 N/R 23 9.5 N/R 23 10 36.81 23 11 37.07 23 12 37.40 23 13 37.72 23 14 38.05 23 15 38.38 22.2 20 39.04 23.1 25 40.02 23 Flow remained constant for the remainder of test 30 41.01 35 41.66 40 42.65 45 43.30 50 43.96 55 44.29 60 44.61 90 47.24 120 48.22 150 49.21 180 49.86 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 210 5052 240 50.85 270 51.18 300 5150 360 51.83 420 52.16 480 52.49 540 52.82 600 53.14 660 53.15 720 53.15 780 53.14 840 53.16 900 53.16 960 53.16 1020 53.15 1080 53.16 1140 53.17 1200 53.17 1260 53.18 1320 53.17 1380 53.18 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1410 53.18 End test 0 53.18 Recovery .5 45.60 1 41.66 1.5 38.71 2 36.74 2.5 35.43 3 34.44 3.5 33.79 4 33.13 4.5 32.80 5 32.48 5.5 32.15 6 31.82 6.5 MA9 7 31.16 7.5 30.83 8 30.51 8.5 30.32 9 30.18 9.5 29.85 10 29.71 O Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11 29.52 12 29.19 13 28.27 14 28.54 15 28.21 20 26.63 25 25.66 30 25.14 35 24.27 40 23.80 45 23.23 50 22.72 55 22.15 60 21.81 90 19.80 120 18.42 150 N/R 180 16.74 210 16.22 240 15.56 270 15.47 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:10 85'2 7/8^ Monitor of Well N1 during Well N2 24hr test 2:12 85' 2 7/8^ Water levels are at 85 feet and the additional recorded inches 2:14 27/8 5-01-03 2:16 27/8 2:18 27/8 2:20 27/8 2:22 27/8 2:24 27/8 2:26 27/8 2:28 27/82718 2:30 27/8 2:32 27/8 2:34 27/8 2:36 2 7/8 2:38 27/8 2:40 27/8 2:42 27/8 2:44 27/8 2:46 27/8 2:48 27/8 2:50 2318 Ip of )9 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:52 23/8 2:54 23/8 2:56 23/8 2:58 23/8 3:00 23/8 3:02 23/8 3:04 23/8 3:06 23/8 3:08 23/16 3:30 17/8 4:24 17/8 4:48 17/8 5:20 17/8 6:08 17/8 6:38 17/8 7:08 21/8 8:08 23/8 9:04 23/8 10:09 27/8 11:08 31/8 12:09 3518 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:11 37/8 4:10 47/8 5:08 47/8 6:09 47/8 7:10 4718 8:08 47/8 9:09 5 10:08 51/8 11:09 53/8 12:10 55/8 1:09 57/8 2:11 85' 6" End of Well M1 monitor for Well N2 24hr flowtest 2:11 85' 6" Begin recovery of Well kl monitor for Well 02 flowtest 20 85' 6" Water levels are at 85 feet and the additional recorded Inches. 25 6 Times are since pumping stopped. 30 6 35 61/8 40 61/4 45 6318 50 61/2 55 65/8 IY of t9 Time Water Level blow GPM Remarks 2:10 67.27 Well k 3 Monitor during well 0 2 24 hr flowtest. 2:11 67.27 5-01-03 2:13 6722 7 2:15 67.27 2:17 67.27 2:19 67.27 2:21 67.27 2:23 67.27 2:25 67.27 2:27 67.27 2:29 67.27 2:31 67.27 2:33 67.27 2:35 67.27 2:37 67.27 2:39 67.27 2:41 67.27 2:43 67.27 2:45 67.27 2:47 67.27 2:49 67.27 16 0� 19 Time Water Level Flow GPDI Remarks 2:51 67.27 2:53 67.27 2:55 6717 2:57 6717 2:59 6717 3:01 6717 3:03 6717 3:05 67.27 3:07 6717 3:33 6712 4:25 67.30 4:49 67.35 5:24 67.40 6:12 67.49 6:42 67.55 7:10 67.61 8:09 67.66 9:05 67.71 10:10 67.77 11:09 67.82 12:11 67.85 17 o'F l Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 1:13 67.88 4:12 67.97 5:11 67.98 6:12 67.99 7:13 68.00 8:11 68.01 9:11 68.02 10:10 68.03 11:09 68.05 12:12 68.08 1:10 68.10 2:09 68.11 End of Well N3 monitor for Well N2 24hr flowtest 2:09 68.11 Begin recovery of Well N3 after Well N2 24hr flowtest 20 68.12 Times are since pumping stopped. 25 68.88 30 68.88 35 68.88 40 68.88 45 68.88 50 68.88 55 68.88 if-of zq Time Water Level Flow GPI Remarks 60 68.88 90 68.88 120 68.88 150 68.88 180 68.88 210 68.88 240 68.55 270 6855 300 6855 End End End Test WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Arow Puma and Well Service I.L.C. Owner. T_uxedeniPark Partnership Address: 800E.Dimond,Suite3-545,Anch,AK.99515 Well Location: Rieht of Way Acouistion Plat Tract R 3 Well N 3 4 hr test Well Information: 71.85 Total Depth: 154' Depth of Casing: 146' Screen From: NIA To: Casing Size: 6^ Screen Diam: Scorn Slot: Remarks: _no Breen or perferations Pump Information 78.24 Intake Depth: Pump Sizel.5ho-22GPM Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: 71.85' Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Time: 11:30 A.M.Date: 428-03 Pump Off: Time: 6:15 P.M. Date: 4-28-03 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 0 71.85 N/R .5 77.22 N/R 1 78.24 N/R 1 i 78.94 N/R 2 79.84 3 2.5 82.31 N/R 3 83.82 N/R 3.5 85.90 6.5 4 87.93 N/R 4.5 N/R N/R 5 89.94 N/R 5.5 92.46 5.8 6 94.02 7 6.5 95.66 6 7 97.2 6 of Time Water Level Flow GPM Remark; 7.5 9835 6 8 9951 6 8.5 100.70 6 9 101.80 6 9.5 102.77 6 10 103.81 6 11 105.87 6 12 107.75 5.5 13 109.70 5.5 14 111.59 5.5 1.5 112.76 5.5 16 113.98 5.5 17 114.94 5.5 18 117.69 5.5 19 121.58 55 20 123.48 8 21 125.52 7 22 127.22 7 23 128.06 NIR 24 128.94 6.2 25 129.81 NIR Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 26 130.56 N/R 27 131.32 6.3 28 132.03 NIR 29 132.66 NIR 30 13337 NIR 31 133.84 N/R 32 134.50 NIR 33 135.06 6 34 135.59 N/R 35 136.03 NIR 36 136.53 NIR 37 136.96 N/R 38 137.4 N/R 39 137.83 N/R 40 138.26 N/R 45 139.90 N/R 50 140.96 6 55 140.03 5.5 60 139.28 5.5 65 138.64 5.5 70 139.65 6 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 100 137.20 5.2 2:15 76.69 5.2 Restart Test 2:155 79.70 N/R 2:16 80.62 N/R 2:165 81.43 N/R 2:17 82.11 N/R 2:175 82.77 N/R 2:18 8357 N/R 2:18.5 84.20 N/R 2:19 84.75 N/R 2:195 85.43 N/R 2:20 86.10 N/R 2:205 86.68 N/R 2:21 87.24 N/R 2:21.5 87.73 N/R 2:22 88.24 N/R 2:225 88.68 N/R 2:23 89.15 N/R 2:235 89.41 N/R 2:24 89.88 N/R 2:24.5 90.16 N/R Yof -7 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 2:25 90.43 N/R 2:26 90.87 3.10 2:27 91.44 N/R 2:28 94.50 N/R 2:29 9795 6 2:305 99.61 N/R 2:315 100.13 4.4 2:33 100.62 N/R 2:34 101.09 N/R 2:35 101.52 N/R 2:38 104.25 5 2:39 104.93 5 2:40 105.57 5 2:45 108.03 5 2:50 109.72 5 2:55 111.19 4.8 3:00 112.68 5 3:05 114.25 4.9 3:10 116.52 5 3:15 117.71 4.9 3:45 121.16 5 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 4:15 122.82 4.9 4:45 122.75 4.9 5:15 122.75 4.9 5:45 123.8 5 6:15 124.8 4.9 End Well 03 flowtest 6:15.5 120.55 Begin recovery Well #3 6:16 119.47 6:16.5 118.27 6:17 117.25 6:175 116.33 6:18 115.54 6:185 114.55 6:1925 113.74 6:195 113.11 6:20 112.43 6:205 111.47 6:21 110.85 6:215 110.04 6:22 109.37 6:225 108.54 6:23 108.02 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 6:23.5 107.32 6:24 106.66 6:245 106.04 6:26 105.41 6:27 104.26 6:28 103.02 6:29 101.88 6:30 100.80 6:31 99.73 6:32 98.75 6:33 97.76 6:34 96.87 6:35 95.96 6:36 95.09 6:37 94.25 6:38 9351 6:39 92.75 6:40 91.91 6:41 91.31 6:42 90.63 6:43 89.95 o'F Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 6:44 89.34 6:45 88.76 6:46 88.22 6:47 87.63 6:48 87.10 6:49 86.61 6:50 86.08 6:51 85.61 6:52 85.18 6:53 84.73 6:54 8431 6:55 83.93 6:56 83.53 7:01 81.83 7:06 8034 7:11 78.91 7:16 78.08 7:215 77.1 End recovery Well b3 O� WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Aprow Pump and Well Service L.L.C. Owner: Tuaedeni Park Partnership Address: 800E.Dimond.Suite3-.e45.Aach.AK99515 Well Location: Rieht of Way acauistion Plat Tract 113 Well N 1 Sten Drawdown Well Information: Total Depth: 164' Depth of Casing: 141' Screen From: NIA To: Casing Size: 164' Screen Diam: Screen Slot: Remarks: no screen or perferations Pump Information Intake Depth: 142' Pump Size 1-5442GPM Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: 84.62• Av. Discharge: GPM,111a: Drawdwn: Pump On Time: 12:00 noon Date: 4-24-03 Pump Off: Time::32 5 P.M. Date: 4-24-03 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 0 84.62 0 .5 94.46 18 1.5 106.27 18 2 107.91 10 2.5 108.89 10 3 109.22 4.5 3.5 109.16 4.5 4 109.02 2 4.5 108.91 2 5 108.82 2 6 108.51 2 7 108.36 2 8 108.12 2.5 9 107.91 2.75 10 108.40 2.75 o �4 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11 108.97 3.2 12 109.51 3.2 13 107.72 3 14 109.88 3 15 109.93 3 16 110.20 3 17 110.29 3 18 110.36 3 19 110.42 3 20 110.53 3 21 110.56 3 22 110.55 3 23 110.57 3 24 110.62 3 25 110.74 3 28 110.86 3 30 110.98 3 35 111.19 3 40 111.14 3 45 111.02 3 50 111.13 3 a of ao Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 55 111.09 3 60 111.12 3 65 111.13 3 70 111.10 3 70.5 112.51 6.5 71 113.49 5.8 71.5 114.14 5.75 72 114.81 5.75 72.5 115.45 5.8 73 116.10 5.8 73.5 116.77 5.8 74 117.42 6 74.5 118.08 6 75 11&74 6 75.5 119.38 6 76 119.72 6 76.5 12038 6 77 121.03 6 77.5 121.69 6 78 122.02 6 78.5 122.66 6 3 as Time Water Level Flow CPM Remarks 79 123.01 6 79.5 123.65 6 80 123.98 6 80.5 124.30 6 81 124.64 6 81.5 125.29 6 82 125.62 6 82.5 125.94 6 83 126.28 6 83.5 126.61 6 84 126.94 6 84.5 127.26 6 85 127.59 6 86 127.91 6 87 128.58 6 88 129.22 6 89 129.89 6 90 130.21 6 91 130.54 6 92 131.21 6 93 131.52 6 c Time Water Level Flow CPM Remarks 94 131.86 6 95 132.18 6 96 132.30 6 97 132.51 6 98 132.84 6 99 132.96 6 100 133.19 6 101 133.29 6 102 133.50 6 103 133.82 6 104 133.96 6 105 134.15 6 106 134.31 6 107 134.36 6 108 134.41 6 109 134.48 6 110 134.56 6 115 135.13 6 120 135.46 6 125 135.79 6 130 135.81 6 s WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Aarow Pump and Well Service L.L.C. Owner. Tuxedini Park Partnership Address: 800 F.Diamond Suite 3-545 Anch,AK99515 Well Location: Rieht of Way aeauisition Plat Tract B3 Well 8 1 )kH hr Well Information: Total Depth: 164' Depth of Casing: 141' Screen From To Casing Size: 6^ Screen Diam: Screen Slot: Remarks: no screen of perferations Pump Information Intake Depth: 142' Pump Size 1.5 hp -22 gym Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: Av. Discharge: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On Time: 11:25 A.M.Date: 4-2."3 Pump Off: Time: 11:25 A.M. Date: 4-26-03 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:25 86.26 0 Well Ml 24hour flow test 11:25.5 88.56 4 4GPM flow restrictor used to stabilize flow 11:26 89.54 11:26.5 9052 11:27 92.49 11:27.5 92.72 11:28 93A8 11:28.5 94.13 11:29 94.79 11:29.5 95.44 11:30 96.43 11:30.5 97.08 11:31 97.74 11:31.5 98.40 11:32 98.72 OT A0 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:32.5 9938 11:33 100.04 11:33.5 100.69 11:34 101.02 11:34.5 101.68 11:35 102.0 11:36 102.66 11:37 10332 11:38 10430 11:39 105.61 11:40 106.27 11:45 109.22 11:50 111.19 11:55 112.50 12:00 113.81 12:05 114.80 12:10 115.45 12:15 115.78 12:20 116.11 12:25 116.44 12:55 117.42 1:25 117.75 Q Time Nater Level Flow CPM Remarks 1:55 117.89 2:25 118.08 2:55 118.08 3:25 118.08 3:55 118.14 4:25 118.22 5:25 118.31 6:28 118.40 7:28 118.48 8:28 118.58 9:28 118.66 10:28 118.73 11:28 118.75 12:28 118.75 1:28 118.77 2:28 118.79 3:26 118.79 4:26 118.83 5:26 118.89 6:26 118.95 7:26 118.99 8:26 119.06 ao Time Water Level Flog GPM Remarks 9:26 119.22 10:26 119.39 11:25 119.41 End test 11:25.5 119.39 Start recovery 11:26 115.78 11:26.5 114.8 11:27.5 113.48 11:28 112.50 11:28.5 111.84 11:29 111.19 11:29.5 110.53 11:30.5 109.22 11:31 108.56 11:31.5 107.91 11:32 107.58 11:32.5 106.92 11:33 106.27 11:33.5 105.94 11:34 105.28 11:34.5 104.% 11:35.5 103.97 11:36 103.32 O 'F Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:36.5 102.99 11:37 102.66 11:37.5 102.33 11:38 101.68 11:38.5 101.35 11:39 101.02 11:39.5 100.69 11:40.5 100.04 11:41 99.71 11:42 99.05 11:43 98.40 11:44 98.07 11:45 97A1 11:46 97.08 11:47 96.76 11:48 96.10 11:49 95.77 11:50 95.44 11:51 95.12 11:52 94.79 11:53 94.46 11:54 94.13 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:55 93.80 11:56 93.48 11:57 93.15 11:58 92.82 11:59 92A9 12:00 9232 12:01 92.16 12:02 91.80 12:03 91.72 12:03 91.60 12:05 9151 12:06 91.18 12:07 90.85 12:08 90.68 12:09 9052 12:10 9038 12:15 90.20 12:20 89.87 12:25 8953 12:30 89.21 12:40 88.88 12:50 8856 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:25 1667/8 Well 02 monitor during Well #124hr test Water level measured in inches. 4-25.03 11:27 1663/8 11:29 1663/8 11:31 166518 11:33 1669/16 11:35 1661/2 11:37 1669/16 11:39 1669/16 11:41 1669116 11:43 1661/2 11:45 1669116 11:47 1669/16 11:49 1669/16 11:51 1669/16 11:53 1669/16 11:55 1669/16 11:57 1669/16 11:59 1669/16 12:01 1669/16 12:03 1669/16 12:05 1669/16 t 0 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 12:07 1669/16 12:09 1669116 12:11 1669/16 12:13 1669116 12:15 1669/16 12:17 1669/16 12:19 1669/16 12:21 1669/16 12:23 1669116 12:25 1669/16 12:30 1669116 12:35 1669/16 12:40 1669/16 12:57 1669/16 1:57 1669/16 2:57 1669/16 No changes during the rest of the test O Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:25 72.15 Well #3 monitor during Well 01 24h test. 4-25-03 11:27 72.15 11:29 72.15 11:31 72.16 11:33 72.17 11:35 72.18 11:37 72.20 11:39 72.22 11:41 72.25 11:43 72.28 11:44 72.30 11:46 72.33 11:48 72.38 11:50 72.40 11:52 72.44 11:54 72.48 11:56 7252 11:58 7157 12:00 7259 12:02 72.63 12:04 72.68 16 oi Time Nater Level Flow CPM Remark3 12:06 71.71 12:08 72.74 12:10 72.77 12:12 72.81 11:14 72.85 12:16 72.89 12:18 72.91 12:20 72.94 12:22 72.97 12:24 73.0 12:26 73.03 12:31 73.11 12:36 73.16 12:41 73.21 12:46 73.30 12:51 73.35 12:56 73.40 1:01 73.43 1:06 73.47 1:11 73„50 1:16 7351 Time Water Level Flaw GPM Remarks 1:21 73.54 1:26 73.56 1:36 73.59 1:46 73.66 1:56 73.71 2:06 73.76 2:16 73.80 2:26 73.84 2:36 73.88 2:46 73.91 2:56 73.94 3:06 73.97 3:16 74.00 3:26 74.04 3:56 74.10 4:26 74.17 4:56 74.26 5:26 7433 6:26 74.45 7:26 74.55 8:26 74.66 010 Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 9:26 74.76 10:26 74.84 11:26 74.91 12:26 74.99 1:26 75.05 2:26 75.12 3:24 75.16 4:24 75.20 5:24 75.23 6:24 75.27 7:24 75.30 8:24 75.35 9:24 75.43 10:24 75.46 11:24 7555 End Well N3 monitor during Well N1 24hr pump test 11:27 7555 Begin recovery of monitor Well N3 after Well Nl pump test 11:30 7555 11:35 7554 11:40 75.49 11:44.5 75.43 11:49.5 7536 19 0 o Time Water Level Flow GPM Remarks 11:54.5 75.27 11:59.5 75.17 12:05.5 75.09 12:09.5 75.00 12:14.5 74.93 12:19.5 74.85 12:24.5 74.78 12:29.5 74.72 12:35.5 74.66 12:39.5 74.60 12:44.5 74.55 1:05 7439 1:20 74.29 1:35 74.20 2:05 74.09 2:25 73.99 2:55 73.90 3:25 73.82 3:55 73.75 4:25 73.69 End recovery ao f CPO •b-04-03 04:35P .rmit Counter 7 343 8250 P.01 Aquifer Test Procedures Three water wells shall be drilled on three adjacent lots within the proposed subdivision. (An existing well on an adjacent property may be used for one of the wells in this test with the prior approval of the Development Services Department). The hydro-grnlogist or engineer shall determine the separation distances between these wells, which shall be between 50 and 300 feet larger separation distances may be justified based on information obtained when drilling the first well. Final well layout shall be approved by the Development Services Department prior to conducting the test. The central well shall be pumped for a period of 2 to 4 hours to obtain data to determine the approximate transmissivity of this well. After allowing the well to recover at least 90% of the measured drawdown, a 24 -how pump test shall be conducted. The 24-hour pump test shall be conducted at a constant discharge rate that will cause 70% or greater drawdown in the well. During this pumping test, the remaining two wells shall be monitored and data shall be collected to determine the aquifer transmissivity, the storage coefficient (if possible), the long-term production capacity of the well and the lrlcely or predicted impact on surrounding wells. Following the 24-hour pump test, each well shall be monitored during the first 24 hours of recovery. Data from the recovery test shall be used to verify the aquifer transmissivity. If either of the other two wells docs not draw down during the initial aquifer test, these wells will also be tested with a 24 -tour drawdown test following the procedures above. Otherwise, the other two wells shall be pumped for a period of 4 to 8 hours to determine their approximate transmissivity and long-term production capacity. All of the data obtained from these tests shall be submitted to the Development Services Department along with a summary and interpretation done by the engineer or hydrogeologist. All testing shall be conducted according to minimum industry standards. 02-04-2003 04:41PM 907 343 13250 P.01 Letter of Transmittal DHI Consulting Engineers 800 E. Dimond Blvd St 3-54 Anchorage, AK 99515 Phone: (907) 344-1385 Fax: (907) 344-1383 To: Development Services Dept. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Ph: 343.4200 Fax: 343-4786 ATTN: Jim Cross RE: Tuxedni Park West Mr. Cross April 29, 2003 W.O.p: 02558 Project: Tuxedni Park West Client: t. Tt.xd�t P�.a✓ Attached is an original copy of the soils report for Tuxedni Park West Subdivison. Please call if you have any questions. These items are being delivered vi Courier. Revision Copies Date Sheets Remarks Sin DHInsulGn n ' ers Dee High Enclosure cc: Roger Cremo - Type Description DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS Civil Surveying 0 Planning Mr. Jim Cross April 29, 2003 Municipality of Anchorage W.O.: 02558 Dept of Development Services PO Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 RE: Preliminary Plat - Tuxedni Park West (S-11026) Soils Investigation Report for On Site Septic Systems Dear Mr. Cross, The following report is being submitted for your review and approval in accordance with AMC 21.15.110 and AMC 15.65.180. Tuxedni Park West is located in the N.W. comer of Section 6, T12N, R3W. See plat no. 82-239. This subdivision consists of a 53.7 acre tract being subdivided Into 15 lots and two small tracts (see Figure 1). The lots range in size from about 1.7 to 7 acres with the average lot size being 3.5 acres. On April 7 & 8, 2003 test pits were dug on all 15 of the proposed lots. Since the two small Tracts (Tract A and B) cannot be developed, no testing was conducted on these lots. Test pits were dug using a track mounted Hitachi backhoe. Test pits were dug to a minimum depth of 16 feet, or to 2' below the water table (were water was encountered). Soils were visually classified and soil samples were calculated. A four inch perforated monitoring tube was placed in each test pits. The soils consisted primarily of slightly silty sands to slightly silty sandy gravels which are overlaid by a foot of organic sands/silts and root material. No bedrock was encountered in any of the holes. Detailed soils information for each lot can be found on the Soils Log In Appendix'A'. Percolation tests were performed on each lot in accordance with MOA guidelines. The soils on each lot percolated at rates greater than 5 minutes per inch with many being faster than 1 minute per inch. For those lots which percolated faster than 1 minute per inch, a sand filter will be required; though the existing material will most likely meet M.O.A. gradation requirements for sand filters. Water was initially encountered on lots 1 thru 5, 11 & 12 of Block 1, at depths ranging from 10.5 to 15.0 feet below the ground. After monitoring thru April 241h , groundwater was found in the same test holes plus Lot 8. Water levels after monitoring range from 7.0 to 14.5. Dimond Center Tower, 5th Floor • 800 E. Dimond Blvd., Suite 3-545 • Anchorage, Alaska 99515 (907) 344.1385 • Fax 344-1383 Based on the percolation rates, AMC Title (Subdivision Standards), Table 2, requires all lots with the exception of Lot 8, have a minimum of 10,000 square feet Figure I shows the location of the reserve area for each lot Lot 8 is 7 acres In size. With this large acreage, there are several areas were we could have found the 10,000 square feet reserve area. However, we believe the most likely place for a home site will be as shown on sheet 2 (see Appendix 'B'). At this location, we could only identify approximately 5,000 square feet of reserve area, due to contours, driveways, etc. Therefore in accordance AMC 15.65.180.B.2., we have Included a spec septic system design for Lot 8. The design Is based on a 5 bedroom house (see Appendix'B'). There is adequate space for a house, well, septic system (for 5 bedrooms) and 2 reserve areas. In summary, there is adequate area on each of the fifteen (15) lots for an on site septic system, required reserve areas, domestic well, house and driveways. This subdivision as proposed meets all the requirements as established by AMC 15.65.180 and AMC 21.15.110. yours, Dee High, P.E. Principal Erclo"" cc: Roger Crew Jim Motor mYdh 5550agwomAr APPENDIX'A' SOIL LOGS DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #1 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/7/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W.O,j 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 '12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 + 1' FROZEN ORGANIC MAT IREDDISH ORGANIC SILT TRACE OF GRAVEL GRAY SANDY GRAVEL ROCK TO 6' GRAY GRAVELLY SAND MOIST B.O.T. SLOPE &�%•\ OFqtgo44 IQ � , ;DENNIS DEGFS• i ♦�,•.• CE 58 �•�Ar LQA �F}Df`:%�: , SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED Y YES L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH Y 11.5' E DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING Y 9.4 DATE: 4/23/03 00m®�mm PERCOLATION RATE . <1 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6_ TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4' FT. AND FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: I. DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 118 LL STATE 558STROI PERCOLATION RATE . <1 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6_ TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4' FT. AND FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: I. DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 118 LL STATE 558STROI OHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #2 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/7/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W.O.#02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FROZEN, ORGANIC MAT W/ RED ORGANIC SILT BROWN SILTY SAND BROWN SANDY GRAVEL SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S GRAY SAND NFS ENCOUNTERED Y NO L SOME GRAVEL W/ 0 OCCASIONAL BOULDER IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH Y E DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING Y NO WATER DATE: 4/23/03 B.O.T. 00m®�mm Duff vim PERCOLATION RATE. 41 (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6* TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5 FT. AND B FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: I. DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE IN ACCORDAN WI ALL STATE _DATE: 9 558STR02 DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #3A IPERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/7/03 LEGAL DESCRIP11ON: LOT 3 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W,D.,02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BLACK FROZEN ORGANICS GRAY SANDY SILT (MORE SAND WITH DEPTH) SANDY SILT OCCASIONAL BOULDER B.O.T. SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER $ ENCOUNTERED Y YES L IF YES, AT WHAT 0 DEPTH Y 7.0' P DEPTH OF WATER E IH AFTER MONITORING Y DATE: r o.o I DAN IMM uc I�w 1 °r"�.� 1 W W� rmc W 1 PERCOLATION RATE N/A (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: N/A TEST RUN BETWEEN: FT. AND FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 k AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY. I. DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. IN ALL STATE DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #3B PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/09/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W0,102558 1 2 3 4 5 ' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 REDDISH ORGANIC SILTY SAND DRY. ROOT MAT 60 . SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, DRY SANDY GRAVEL, DRY SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S MEDIUM SAND W/ ENCOUNTERED Y YES L TRACE SILT, DAMP 0 IF YES, AT WHAT ' P DEPTH Y 15.0 E DEPTH OF WATER 5, 4/23/03 AFTER MONITORING Y DATE: 13 `r SAND W/ SILT do GRAVEL '.'j , BROWN, DAMP. 14 15 16 17 f -'B.O.t Omm®LLPWmm PERCOLATION RATE. <1 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER. 6_ 18 TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5.5 FT. AND 6.0 FT. 19 THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS 20 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. COMMENTS - SOILS PRESOAKED PRIOR TO STARTING TEST. PERFORMED BY: L DEE HIGH CERTIFY TH T TH lE5 W S PE"MED MED IN ACCORDANTH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 585TR036 PERCOLATION RATE. <1 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER. 6_ 18 TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5.5 FT. AND 6.0 FT. 19 THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS 20 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. COMMENTS - SOILS PRESOAKED PRIOR TO STARTING TEST. PERFORMED BY: L DEE HIGH CERTIFY TH T TH lE5 W S PE"MED MED IN ACCORDANTH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 585TR036 DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #4A PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/7/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W.0.f02558 1 K 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.75' FROZEN, DARK BROWN ORGANICS REDDISH BROWN SILT W/ SAND CRAY SANDY SILT ROCK TO 6' SLOPE SITE PLAN BROWN, VERY MOIST, SANDY GRAVEL ROCK TO 3WAS GROUND WATER $ ' ENCOUNTERED Y YES L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH 4 8.0' E DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING Y 7.0' DATE: —4/23/03 11 B.O.T. 12 13 14 15 16 17 i I DAM 1a we I W ra I PERCOLATION RATE SIA (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: N/A 18 TEST RUN BETWEEN: FT. AND FT. 19 THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 & AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS 20 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. COMMENTS - TEST BENCH SLOUGHED IN. PERFORMED BY. I. DEE HIGH CERTIFY AT I TE S ERF ED IN ACCORDAN-C� WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE: Sl�>�____-.. DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #48 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/09/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W,O,,02558 ny "' REDDISH BROWN ORGANIC SILTY SAND W/ GRAVEL, ROCK TO 2' 071 3 �fSILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL. BROWN, DRY. GRAVEL CONTENT 4 1 ' INCREASES WITH DEPTH 5 6 7 8 + •''�'• SILTY GRAVELY SAND, BROWN, DRY 10 12 SLOPE `•III QA44 ............. ..... ;DENNIS D HI 1 s �•.� CE 5807 p 41 few •'••.....••' `p ',sS,l WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED 4 YES L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH Y 15.0' E DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING 4 11.2' DATE: 4/23/03 13,.': y° GRAVELY SANG, DARK BROWN -DAMP ar• 14 _. 15 16 e.o.T. 17 18 19 20 trAOrc as mas 1MC 1R >K ww" MR OMW POWAAR 4/9/07 22M lY lY PRE SOAK 1 4/9/03 low a• 31/Y 2aa 2 4/9/07 10M►/ r 3 3/r 240 3 4/4/07 tow r 3 3/1a' 3.02 4 4/9/03 tow r 31/4' 305 a 4/9/03 low r 3 1/4' l08 a 4/9/03 tow r 3 3/9• 246 PERCOLATION RATE. 3 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER:_ TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5.0 FT. AND 6.0 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: I. DEE HIGH CER71FATH T THI TEST AS E ED IN ACCORDANCEALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. _ - DATE;i •a�� . DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #5 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/07/03 LEGAL DESCRIPnON:LOT 5 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W.O,j02558 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6' FROZEN ORGANIC LAYER REDDISH BROWN ORGANIC SILTY SAND 6'.'•..•-: • BROWN GRAVELY SAND, CLEAN, ROCK TO 3', OCCASIONAL BOULDER MORE GRAVELLY BELOW 10' SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED ? YES L •. IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH ? 1 ••• DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING Y 12-1' DATE: 4/23/03 16 F- ;--1 B.o.T. 17 18 19 20 00m®�mm PERCOLATION RATE . 1.29 (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6* TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. AND 4.5 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 & AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY.L DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. ALL STATE PERCOLATION RATE . 1.29 (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6* TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. AND 4.5 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 & AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY.L DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. ALL STATE DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG J6 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/08/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 6 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W,O,# 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9' FROZEN ORGANIC MAT REDDISH BROWN ORGANIC SANDY SILT GRAY GRAVELLY SAND, CLEAN, TRACE OF ROCK TO 3' OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 12' SLOPE • o•• ACO,, s� -•.• CE 5807 SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED Y NO L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH 4 E DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING 4 NO WATER DATE: 4/23/03 Ommm rmr-!!m� PERCOL A71ON RATE: <1 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER. So B.O.T. TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. AND 4.5 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 & AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: L DEE HIGH CERTIFY THA THIS WPRF IN ACCORDAN 1M STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. . DATE DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #7 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/07/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 7 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W,D,j 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FROZEN ORGANIC LAYER REDDISH BROWN ORGANIC SILT WITH SAND CRAY SANDY GRAVEL W/ TRACE OF SILT. ROCK TO 40 OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 12' GRAVEL. CONTENT INCREASES WITH DEPTH B.O.T. s •.• CE 580Z/, is 40, �•k gores . SITE PLAN GEMMEMMEMME PERCOLATION RATE. <1 _ (MINUTES ANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER. 6 - TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. AND 4.5 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: L DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 71 ALL STATE 00-000 00�0v00 PERCOLATION RATE. <1 _ (MINUTES ANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER. 6 - TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. AND 4.5 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: L DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 71 ALL STATE DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #8 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/08/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 8 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W.D.# 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ROZEN ORGANIC MAT LAYER V/ SILTY SAND tEDDISi BROWN SILTY SAND CROWN SANDY GRAVEL W/ TRACE OF SILT tOCK TO 4' ;RAY GRAVELLY SAND RACE OF SILT K:CASONAL BOULDER TO 18' HARD DIGGING 17 e.o SLOPE SITE PLAN i •. T i• • , ■.■■■■EMEM ■■■■ MEMMEMEMEM . i' ■■■■■■■■■■ Fl a N1 :a I • . . ommm�mm O��mv n m a��mvo® a��mvv® PERCOLATION RATE: 3.75 (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER:6_ TEST RUN BETWEEN:- 5.5 FT. AND 6.0 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING %7TH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: I. DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. IN ACCORDANCE 1M3HJUL STATE DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #9 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/07/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 9 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST WD,# 02558 0.5' FROZEN ORGANIC ROOT MAT 1 H..6 REDDISH BROWN ORGANIC SANDY 2 SILT WITH GRAVEL 3 4 47. . 5 's 6 / CRAY TO BROWN LOOSE GRAVEL ROCK TO 4- 7 OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 12' 0 SLOPE • CE 58)V ,N i °� WAS GROUND WATER S B.O.T. 16 17 18 19 20 _ala.: . e •.: • � . - 0j=rm s���oom s��mo©o o��moso om�msso ��Do�Qe PERCOLATION RATE: 4 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER:_ TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. AND 4.5 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY. L OFF HIGH CERTIFY TH THIS FCOED IN ACCORDANCE Wy1} ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. �— ` DATE 03 ccco�m. DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #10 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/07/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 10 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W,O_j 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FROZEN ORGANIC LAYER IV REDDISH BROWN ORGANIC SANDY SILT CRAY SANDY GRAVEL W/ TRACE OF SILTS. DRY OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 9' SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER S CRAY SANDY GRAVEL ENCOUNTERED 4 NO L W/ TRACE OF SILTS, MOIST OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 9' IF YES, AT WHAT P DEPTH 4 E DEPTH OF WATER NO WATER 4/23/03 AFTER MONITORING 4 DATE: B.O.T. Omm®��m a���vom O���vOm PERCOLATION RATE: 1.40 (MINUTESANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETEM TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4 FT. AND 4.5 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 k AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY: L BEE HIGH -CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE IN LL STATE 558STRIO DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #11 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/08/03 LEGAL DESCRIPnON. LOT 11 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W,O,j 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9' FROZEN ORGANIC MAT RE DISH BLROWN ORGANIC SILTY SAND BROWN SANDY GRUEL W/ TRACE OF SILT GRAY FINE SAND W/ TRACE SILT WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED 4 YES L 0 IF YES, AT WHAT 15• P DEPTH 4 E DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING 4 74'5' DATE: 4/23/03 GRAY GRAVELLY SAND TRACE OF SILT ROCK TO 3' OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 12' MORE GRAVELLY WITH DEPTH B.O.T. PERCOLATION RATE. ._9__(MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER. So TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5.0 FT. AND 6.0 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY:L DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE IN ALL STATE ` 558STR11 DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 600 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #12 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/08/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 12 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W0,102558 1 FROZEN ORGANIC MAT 2 3 % 4 5 6 7 r•4 8 9 . 10 15 16 17 REDDISH BROWN ORGANIC SILTY SAND W/ GRAVEL, ROCK TO 2 - BROWN SANDY GRAVEL ROCK TO 3' SILTY SAND LENS, GRAY MINOR SEEP (TRICKLE) STOPPED DURING TEST SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S GRAY GRAVELLY SAND ENCOUNTERED 4 YES L ROCK TO 4'• 0 IF YES. AT WHAT P DEPTH 4 11.5 DEPTH OF WATER E AFTER MONITORING Y 11.5' DATE: NO WATER HARD DIGGING Q GRAY SANDY SILT FINE SANDS. MOIST B.O.T. PERCOLATION RATE: 1.25 (MINUTES ANCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6" 18 TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5.0 FT. AND 6.0 FT. 19 THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 k AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS 20 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. COMMENTS -SOILS PRESOAKED PRIOR TO STARTING PERFORMED BY. I. DEE HIGH CERTIFY THIS MED IN ACCORDANCE W,7H ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. GATE: DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG—PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #13 PERFORMED FOR; ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/08/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 BLOCK 2 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W.O.j 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 is • ia1 •.:. P - REDDISH BROWN SILTY SAND ROCK TO 3' BROWN GRAVEL W/ SAND CRAY SANDY GRAVEL. CLEAN WELL GRADED, ROCK TO 6 - OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 18' SLOPE . a• ���������� CRAY GRAVELLY SAND MOIST CLEAN POORLY GRADED 00m®�i�mm a��®voo B.O.T. PERCOLATION RATE: -_(MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6 - TEST RUN BETWEEN: 5.0 FT. AND 5.5 Fr. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY:L DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. IN ACCORDANCE WyTH ALL STATE DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 800 E DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #14 PERFORMED FOR; ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED; 408/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION; LOT 2 BLOCK 2 TUIXEDNI PARK WEST W.O j 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FROZEN ORGANIC MAT REDDISH BROWN SILTY SAND SOME ORGANICS, ROCK TO 2•-4" BROWN GRAVEL W/ SAND ROCK TO 3' GRAY SILTY SAND, DRY GRAY GRAVELLY SAND, CLEAN, DRY OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 12• GRAY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND ROCKS TO 4• 3.0.T. SLOPE AV ww%\\ OFA .• CE 58W , WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED 4 NO L IF YES, AT WHAT 0 DEPTH 4 P DEPTH OF WATER E AFTER MONITORING Y NO WATER DATF• 4/23/03 PERCOLATION RATE. 1.37 (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER. e- TEST RUN BETWEEN; 4.5 FT. µ0 5.0 rr. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING WITH AMC 15.65.180 do AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY. I. HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE IN ACCORD=9,l N ALL STATE _DATE 9, 9 a3 558STRI4 DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS 600 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE 3-545 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99515 SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE LOG #15 PERFORMED FOR: ROGER CREMO DATE PERFORMED: 4/08/03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3 BLOCK 2 TUXEDNI PARK WEST W.O./ 02558 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9' FROZEN ORGANIC LAYER REDDISH BROWN SILTY SAND W/ GRAVEL. ORGANIC ROOTS BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (ROCKY) ROCK TO 6' SLOPE SITE PLAN NF' • • i• .......... i • 7' i� • .......... DEPTH .......... DEPTH OF T GRAY GRAVELLY • DRY AFTER • •• N• hi DATE: 4/23/03 OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 12* HARD DIGGING B.O.T. PERCOLATION RATE: S_(MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER:- 6 - TEST RUN BETWEEN: 4.5 FT AND 5.0 FT. THIS SOIL LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COMPLYING HATH AMC 15.65.180 k AMC 21.15.110. REUSE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OTHER THAT OBTAINING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PERFORMED BY:L DEE HIGH CERTIFY AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE IN ACCORDAN TN ALL STATE _DATE: v 1 0 558STR15 APPENDIX'B' LOT 8 -SEPTIC PLAN Permit No. Page 1 of 4 W 0 02558 Municipality of Anchorage 4/28/03 Department of Health and Human Services Date ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Boz 196650 • Anchorage. AK 99519-6650• Tel: 343-4744 On—Site Wastewater Disposal System/Well Inspection Report Legal Description: LOT 8 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK WEST SUBD. PID No. SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1. NO. BEDROOMS = 5 2. USE DEEP TRENCH SYSTEM 3. ABSORBTION AREA = (# BEDROOMS)(150 GPD/BR) TRENCH APPLICATION RATE _ (5)(150) = 625 SF 1.2* 4. TRENCH LENGTH = ABSORPTION AREA (2X DEPTH OF GRAVEL) IF DEPTH OF GRAVEL = 6' THEN LENGTH OF TRENCH = 52.1' USE 54' PERCOLATION RATE PIT & TRENCH MOUND & BED APPLICATION RATE APPLICATION RATE MIN/INCH GPD/SF GPD/SF 0-1 NOT SUITABLE NOT SUITABLE 1-5 1.2 1 0.8 6-15 0.8 0.5 16-30 0.6 0.4 31-60 0.45 0.3 GREATER THAN 60 NOT SUITABLE NOT SUITABLE FILTER LAYER 1.0 .7 V!'k TH ••' o ,DENN D IG r �CE 5807 � - •.• \ • \ V4 P Ofess%641y 9 o -T es Ic Permit No. Page 2 of 4 yy,0, 02558 Municipality of Anchorage 4/28/03 Department of Health and Human Services Date ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Boz 198850 • Anchorage, AK 99519-8850 • Tel: 343-4744 On—Site Wastewater Disposal System/Well Inspection Report Legal Description: LOT 8 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK 'WEST SUBD. PID No. LOT 9 o 0 F0 0 1&0 ,MSE 0NNj 10A -DR, `_ST LOT 6 s$ — \ 100' PRO TECTNE 30' DRAINAGE \ WELL RADIUS EAS` ENT \ \\ SEE SHEET 3 / ( WELL FOR BLOWUPS LOT 8 \ to PROPOSED SEPTIC \I I \ 'LOT 5 do RESERVE AREA \ PROPOSED DRIVEWAY J LOT 4 LOT'S I PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1 =200' ) 3A")Y = SUB00 0o IL OFAt ,DEN IS HI GI i f LV DATE Permit No. Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION Page 3 of 4 W.O. 02558 Date 4/28/03 P.O. Boz 196650 • Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 • Tel: 343-4744 On—Site Wastewater Disposal System/Well Inspection Report Legal Description: LOT 8 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK HEST SUBD. PID No. 100' PROTECTIVE � I WELL RADIUS WELL 0 e � to T- 30' DRAINAGE \ \ EASEMENTS \ \ LOT 8 \ \ FOUNDATION C.O. \ 1:500 GAL: (2) COMPARTMENT ` STEEL SEPTIC TANK C.O.'S -- I I PROPOSED DEEP TRENCH. 54 LF. AVAILABLE _ __ ESERVE.AREA f1 SEPTIC AREA RESERVE AREA 12 PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1"=60' PROPOSED DRIVEWAY Permit No. " Page 4 of 4 W 0, 02558 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services Date 4/28/03 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Boz 198850 • Anchorage, AK 99519-8850 • Tel: 343-4744 Proposed Well & On—Site Wastewater Disposal System Legal Description: LOT 8 BLOCK 1 TUXEDNI PARK 'NEST SUED. PID No. • — ORIGINAL GROUND FROZEN ORGANIC MAT LAYER 1 �w. W/ SILTY SAND 2 <;�, REDDISH BROWN SILTY SAND . 0 2• INSULATION .,:•• .r .• GEOTE)MLE FABRIC 3 ./ BROWN SANDY GRAVEL W/ ' TRACE OF SILT, ROCK TO 4• BOTTOM 40 PERFORATED PIPE 4 OF PIPE 5 <,1 i GRAY GRAVELLY SAND 6 ">�,r""' ";? ;'- TRACE OF SILT OCCASIONAL BOULDER TO 18' 7 r IG 8 SEPTIC ROCK PER M.OA SPECIFICATIONS 9 ..'.. 10 "`: 'a 12 ..,. g 13 TO SEASONAL HIGH ' r'•�i�.. WATER LEVEL 14 15 HARD DIGGING 015•5 ..... �P'��' OFqtgs+r,� J. •: i'. '1lt.'A 0 T �. .,•,� 16 46-A TO BEDROCK OR • •... •• IMPERMEABLE LAYER TRENCH SECTION .DEN S HIGI{• J i �4 s••.• GE D7 ; SCALE: NTS •: 4110 '••......•••� . 441% �lofess .• D ATE SBSDD3C �. Municipality of Anchorage .••`. •bi Development Services Department Building Safety Division s • , r. MEMORANDUM DATE: January 21, 2003 TO: Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FRONT: James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water & Wastewater SUBJECT: Comments on Cases The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-11026 Tuxedni Park Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. 3. Topographical slope information must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided Date: JanIiary 28, 2003 To: Jerry Weaver, Division Administrator, Zoning Division From: Affected Homeowners in the Stuckagain Heights Area Subject: Request to Delay Public Hearing for Planning Dept Case Number 5110261 Thank'you for the opportunity to comment on the formation of the proposed Tuxedni Park West Subdivision that is scheduled for public hearing by the Platting Board on February 5, 2003. We believe that the application is very incomplete and request that the hearing be delayed pending completion of the application. Without more information there is not adequate opportunity for the public to study the facts and give meaningful comment. The incomplete application requests the vacation of portions of the current established right-of-way through currently unsubdivided land and creation of a new subdivision named Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, which would include 5 tracts. The proposed subdivision will consist of 17 lots, with 15 proposed home sites on approximately 54 acres. The proposed subdivision is currently zoned R -10 -SL and is undeveloped land that adjoins Fort Richardson Military Reservation to the North, Tuxedni Park Subdivision to the east, and Far North Bicentenial Park to the west. The area consists of irregular hilly topography (the base of the Chugach range) in the easter portion and low-lying topography in the western portion. Several of us have visited the planning department to acquire information on the proposed subdivision and to review the public files and discuss the proposed subdivision with the staff. We very much appreciate your staff's time and effort. They have been very forthcoming with information and very generous with their time. We would also like to acknowledge that the proposed petitioner's managing partner, Roger Cremo, has extensive experience in developing within the Stuckagain Heights Area and has done a good job in the past of creating large lot subdivisions. However, our complete review of the public files coupled with our decades of local knowledge of the area have brought out several key concerns. Chief among these concerns is that the application is very incomplete and lacks much of the information required under municipal code for approval of a preliminary plat. Second, the area's physical geography, hydrology and vegetation suggest that much of the area is wet and will likely qualify as wetlands. This has implications both for design of the subdivision and its roads but also for issues involving on-site septic systems, water systems, overall drainage and geohazard analysis. Visual inspection of this area suggests that it possesses characteristics that are considerably different than most of the currently developed areas of Stuckagain Heights. The application is so incomplete that we believe that the public hearing should be delayed. Itis difficult to provide meaningful public comment on the preliminary plat because most of the substantive required information has not yet been filed with the municipality. This information is critical to subdivision lot and road design and environmen mitigation. The petitioner has not yet submitted the following information that is requiied under AMC 21.15: 1. The Ilgeneral location of streams, lakes, swamps and drainage courses. 2. Information on existing vegetative cover, including major stands of trees. 3. The location and nature of areas within any area zoned R-10 susceptible to landslide, mudslide, mud and earth flow, talus development, soil creep, soliflucation or rock glaciation, avalanche chutes or run -outs, wind blasts and high -velocity winds. 4. All plans, data, tests and engineering reports ... to substantiate the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes and the capability of the proposed subdivision to adequately dispose of all waterborne domestic wastes (location of representative test sites for water sources, results of all chemical and bacteriological testing of water sources). 5. Soil or percolation tests for each of the proposed lots in areas most likely to be used for on-site wastewater disposal systems and additional tests as required by the Department of Health and Human Services including long term monitoring. 6. Location of existing water sources, on-site wastewater disposal systems and bodies of water within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision. 7. A soils report, prepared by a professional engineer, geologist or other person with demonstrated training in soils mechanics, if required by the platting officer, 8. A preliminary drainage analysis. 9. If required by the platting officer, an analysis of the effect on the surrounding neighborhood. 10. A determination by the Corps of Engineers that the area does or doesn't contain wetlands subject to Corps jurisdiction. We believe that the lack of the above critical information makes it difficult, if not impossible, to understand the impacts and design of proposed subdivision. We want to provide accurate and meaningful testimony but feel that the lack of required information inhibits our ability to do so. For these reasons, we believe that the public hearing is premature and should be postponed until the application is more complete. Thank you for your consideration. cc: Gloria Bartels Signed: qaa Clgr< ne✓ 6tfhenne 5 P, S, Arc.14er er }tilrenM.A��L Date: January 28, 2003 TO: Jerry Weaver, Division Administrator, Zoning Division From: Affected Homeowners in the Stuckagain Heights Area A 2 9 2003 COMMUNITY PLANA'NG AND OEVELOPMENt _ Subject: Request to Delay Public Hearing for Planning Dept Case Number S110261 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the formation of the proposed Tuxedni Park West Subdivision that is scheduled for public hearing by the Platting Board on February 5, 2003. We believe that the application is very incomplete and request that the hearing be delayed pending completion of the application. Without more information there is not adequate opportunity for the public to study the facts and give meaningful comment. The incomplete application requests the vacation of portions of the current established right-of-way through currently unsubdivided land and creation of a new subdivision named Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, which would include 5 tracts. The proposed subdivision will consist of 17 lots, with 15 proposed home sites on approximately 54 acres. The proposed subdivision is currently zoned R -10 -SL and is undeveloped land that adjoins Fort Richardson Military Reservation to the North, Tuxedni Park Subdivision to the east, and Far North Bicentenial Park to the west. The area consists of irregular hilly topography (the base of the Chugach range) in the eastern portion and low-lying topography in the western portion. Several of us have visited the planning department to acquire information on the proposed subdivision and to review the public files and discuss the proposed subdivision with the staff. We very much appreciate your staffs time and effort. They have been very forthcoming with information and very generous with their time. We would also like to acknowledge that the proposed petitioner's managing partner, Roger Cremo, has extensive experience with developing within the Stuckagain Heights Area and has done a good job in the past of creating large lot subdivisions. However, our complete review of the public files coupled with our decades of local knowledge of the area have brought out several key concerns. Chief among these concerns are that the application is very incomplete and lacks much of the information required under municipal code for approval of a preliminary plat. Second, the area's physical geography, hydrology and vegetation suggest that much of the area is wet and will likely qualify as wetlands. This has implications both for design of the subdivision and its roads but also for issues involving on-site septic systems, water systems, overall drainage and geohazard analysis. Visual inspection of this area suggests that it possesses characteristics that are considerably different than most of the currently developed areas of Stuckagain Heights. The application is so incomplete that we believe that the public hearing should be delayed. It is difficult to provide meaningful public comment on the preliminary plat because most of the substantive required information has not yet been filed with the municipality. This information is critical to subdivision lot and road design and environmental mitigation. The petitioner has not yet submitted the following information that is required under AMC 21.15: 1. The general location of streams, lakes, swamps and drainage courses, 2. Information on existing vegetative cover, including major stands of trees, 3. The location and nature of areas within any area zoned R-10 susceptible to landslide, mudslide, mud and earth flow, talus development, soil creep, soliflucation or rock glaciation, avalanche chutes or run -outs, wind blasts and high -velocity winds, 4. . All plans, data, tests and engineering reports ... to substantiate the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes and the capability of the proposed subdivision to adequately dispose of all waterborne domestic wastes (location of representative test sites for water sources, results of all chemical and bacteriological testing of water sources) 5. Soil or percolation tests for each of the proposed lots in areas most likely to be used for on-site wastewater disposal systems and additional tests as required by the Department of Health and Human Services including long term monitoring, 6. . Location of existing water sources, on-site wastewater disposal systems and bodies of water within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision, 7. . A soils report, prepared by a professional engineer, geologist or other person with demonstrated training in soils mechanics, if required by the platting officer, 8. . A preliminary drainage analysis, 9. . If required by the platting officer, an analysis of the effect on the surrounding neighborhood, and l0.. A determination by the Corps of Engineers that the area does or doesn't contain wetlands subject to Corps jurisdiction. We believe that the lack of the above critical information makes it difficult, if not impossible, to understand the impacts and design of proposed subdivision. We want to provide accurate and meaningful testimony but feel that the lack of required information inhibits our ability to do so. For these reasons, we believe that the public hearing is premature and should be postponed until the application is more complete. Thank you for your consideration. CC: Gloria Bartels Signed: V ��ma,Ci._t Comments on Cases due January 17 Page 2 [$ � 11026 Flight of Way Acquisition Plat/ Tuxedni Park West. ' R. s,... /The change in property lines on the lots being diminished in size must be shown to not interfere with the septic system reserve areas located for the initial' subdivision. 4, Two substandard parcels (less than 40,000 square feet) are being created by this y proposed action. Tract A, a parcel of 0.23 acres, should be included in Lots 6 and 7 of Block 2. Tract B, a parcel of 0.31 acres, should be included in Lot 2, Block 3. S-11028 Goldenview Park Tract Plat #9 / Goldenview Park Phase FIC (with variances). No objections. 2 A Pipase fill in the information asked for below. PETITIONER! PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE (IF ANY) Name (test name IKSQ Name (lasl name bsl) Tuxedni Park, a partnership ........... ...DHI Consultinq Encrinpt-r-et _Wa7mg _kkren �:3 P.O. Box 210347 llq. ..... MUTIRV A—MKS !800 E'.Dlmond Blvd. Suite 3-545 -W-1_a_sR_a 99521 n-cfiorage, A 1^;; A --Alaska 99515 Contact Phone: D&f. 333-8188 Night same tact Phone: Dfff.3 4 4-::13 85 NghtSame FA)(: 338-6041 ,F, %x: 344-1383 E-mail. '14i: E-moldhiconsulting@msri.com -Repoo�,"'Wpelllonors �®r orsdose aner'wcw ;�wal �onn� * Ii bonefimt RoZ owners T,00ay. pocmffg of INS a ocalm. PROPERTY INFORMATION A..i Property Tax Aoocioco-oom: No, Site Street Address: None neogs s Current legal description: (use amiaiai street Hiary) f the Rig t o Tracts A2' B-11 B- 2 1 �:B- �3 4 B � 4 "N6 f Way Aguisition ti,/� Section ion' �Zi .1 1.2 Plat(No.`86-2i39') NW; IT: N zR2W S.M. 4t Zoning: R10 S L. Acreage:,i53'.'711 rid #":,2 0 4 2!;.' I #Lots: -V- #Tracts: iTojal # parcels: 5 I hereby certify that (I am)([ have been authorized to act fdi)owner 'of lhe properly described above and thatipelitiorfto sub&Adeltin conformance with Title 21 ofthe Ancli6reigi Municipal, Code of Ofdinan6s'. I 6nd'an;tandlhatpqyment�the applicelibn fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated With -pro"8e:sdng this application and that Udoe's not assure approvalof the sdbcMsion. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be posh by Planning Deparlment Met or the hathng Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, or the Assembly fa edmlrnsifatveI.P .::. Roger 4remo, par Lner..77777- Date Signature (Agerts musi pi0'M'dDwAiW'd amoizalion) PROPOSED SUBDIVISION INFORMATION Proposed legal description: (use aculionai shad in namsary) Lots 1-12 Block 1,,Lots 1-3 Block 2, & Tracts A & B Tuxedni Park West Subdivision # Lots: # Tracts: 2 Total #parcels: 17 Page 2 ADOmfion for Preln ry Pial oadnued COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION Anchorage 2020 Urban/Rural Services: ❑ Urban ® Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside ❑ Outside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Mixed Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor Additional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parkslopens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre Waived b Girdwood- Tumagain Arm ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parkslopens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre Avalanche Zone: Floodplain: Seismic Zone ft of the El None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone Q None ❑ 100 year ❑ 500 year 011' 0'2' ❑'3' RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Everds that here omared In last 5 years for all or portion of silo) ❑ Rezoning - Case Number. ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat - Case Number(s): ❑ Conditional Use - Case Number(s): ❑ Zoning variance - Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for ❑ Building or Land Use Permit for ❑ Welland permit ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ Municipality of Anchorage ❑ '4' ❑ 'S' APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: Plat Copies ❑ 42 (long plats) ❑ 32 (short plats only) ❑ 8%2x11 reduced copy Other maps ❑ Aerial photo ❑ Housing stock ❑ Zoning Mandatory on plat depictions: ❑ Pedestrian walkway ❑ Landscaping required by zoning Property Title: ® Certificate to Plat Additional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer. El Site topography (4 copies minimum) Waived by ❑ Soils investigation and analysis reports (4 copies minimum) Waived by El Subdivision drains a plan Waived b 2MM (Rei. OIM2)'Bak Letter of Transmittal DHI Consulting Engineers 800 E. Dimond Blvd St 3-54 Anchorage, AK 99515 Phone: (907) 344-1385 Fax: (907) 344-1383 To: Tuxedni Park P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Ph: 3434200 Fax: 3434786 ATTN: Jim Cross RE: Tuxedni Park West Mr. Cross April 29, 2003 W.01: 02558 Project: Tuxedni Park West Client: Tuxedni Park Attached is a copy of the well log for each of the three well which have been drill for the Tuxedni Park West project. The logs are being submitted for compliance with the well permits which were issued for this project. The aquifer tests are under way and a full report of our finding should be into your office by early next week. These items are being delivered vi Revision Copies Date Sheets Remarks cerely, DHI nsulting Engine s Dee High Enclosure cc:Roger Cremo Type Description Rick Mystrom M3yor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 AV Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 heyl/wva.tl.ancAorage.ak.us •. ' Permit Number: #tSW 0300379 Date of Issue: 4-14-03 Parcel Identification Number: 041-022-34 Date Started: 4-20-03 Date Completed: 4-21-03 Is well located at approved pennit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Right of Way acquisition Plat Tract 83 Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedini Park Partnership WO E Dimond Suite 3-545 dnrhmmna dlaeka QQ515 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Soil Type; Thickness & Water Strata .: From To i Casing type: steel ' sfick-up ' i 0 2 Wall Thickness: .2,96 -inches organics sandy gravel gravelly silt silty sany gravel wet gravelly silt 2 3 4 36 40 3 4 36 40 53 Diameter: 6 inches °Depth: 146 feet Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: g feet Static water level (from ground level): 91 feet Pumping level: 150 feet after . silty gravel 53 59 2 hours pumping 10 gpm silt 59 67 Recovery Rate: 10 gptn gravelly sandy silt 67 101 Method of Testing: airlift Well Intake Opening Type: cobbly silty gravel wet 101 107 cobbly gravelly silt dry cobbly sandy silty gravel H2O 107 122 122 154 ® Open End ❑ Qpen Hole ❑ Screened Stan feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Startfeet Stopped feet Grout Type: bentonite =nules Volume: L-�g Depth: Start 0 feet Stopped Z feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: see following pump rest Well Driller. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property Mayor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services, 825 OV Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 httpJAv .d.nnchora".ak.us Permit Number: #SW 0300378 Date of Issue: 4-14-03 Parcel Identification Number: 041-022-33 Date Started: 4-18-03 Date Completed: 4-19-03 Is well located at approved permit location? ® '3'es ❑ No Legal Description: R�ght of Way acoisition Plat Tract B 1 Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedini Park Partnership 2000 E Dimond Suite 3 545 Anchorage. Alaska 99515 Borehole'Data: e,lilickss & Water Strata Sotl� T} me ,.. • ; stick -tip ; i Depth (h) From To 0 2 Method of Drilling ® au'rotary ❑ cable tool i i Casingtype: steel .i WallThickness: 2� •inches - gravelly silt 2 31 Diameter: 6 inches IDepth: 141 feet silly water sand & gravel gravelly silt silty gravel Silt 31 35 49 35 49 56 72 Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): 84 feet Pumping level: 140 feet after gravelly sandy silt 72 93 2 hours pumping est 10 gpm cobbly silty gravel w/bldrs wet 93 111 Recovery Rate: est 10 gpm silty cobbly gravel w/bldrs dry 111' 118 Method of Testing: alrfi t Well Intake Opening Type: gravelly cobbly sr7t w/bldrs 118 132 cobbly silty gravel H2O weathered bedrock H2O 132 145 145 164 ❑ Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Screened Stan feet Stopped --feet ❑ Perforations Startfeet Stopped feet Grout Type: bentonlre mnules Volume: 1 bx Depth: Start D feet Stopped? feet Pump: Intake Depth fcet . _._....,. _ .. _____,.._._.---• :� •i;fze - ,iip'BrsndNamc Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ED Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection:: chlorine tablets Comments: see followingpump test Well Driller: Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property . -. :.,. ,.J. ... ... ..........:,..-......... .k. r`.- 0".....Ct......... f.. .... -....: ....'n.... r.... ...:... Rick Mystrom Mayor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825'L' Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519650 httpjtw w.ei.anchorage.ek.us Permit Number: #SW 03003 Date of Issue: 4-14-03 Parcel Identification Number: 041-022-33 Date Started: 4-19-03 Date Completed: 4-19-03 is well located at approved permit location? ®-Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Right of Way ac Isition Mt Tract B Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedinl Park Partnership 800 E Dimond Suae 3-545 A nnl.nrnne AlAekn 0091.5 orehole Data: il_'�pe,.•thickness & Water Strata r,nvuv.. Depth (ft) : From . To Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cal;le tool Casio type: tee? g pe: c0 I 2 Wall Thickness: 250 inches ..avel rill' organics & silt gravelly sat 2 3 6 3 6 10 Diameter. 6 inches Depth: 81 feet Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet cobbly gravelly silt 10 62 Static Rater level (from ground level): 16 feet sandy silt 62 69 Pumping level: 80 feet atter Silty water send & gravel 69 75 2 hours pumping 40 + gpm water sand & gravel 75 83 Recovery Rate: 40+•gpm Method of Testing: i t$ r lift Well Intake Opening Type: ® Open End ❑ Open ?tole ❑ Screened Stan feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: henronite Qramrles Volume: Lb -9 Depth: Start 0 feet Stopped ? feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size . hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: Chlorine tablets Comments: see folloiring pump test Well Driller: Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 i I i Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property _.G. _....• , .0 . —.-J. .....o I. .. ... n._. J.• b, a - n. . •. ta. e..♦n .1.. P.. . 7. cas �" r... .... , Rick Mystrom Mayor Permit Number. ftSW Date of Issue: Parcel Identification Number. Date Started: 6-19-02 Date Completed: 6-20-02 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: ShanariLa Estates Blk 1 Lt 13 Property Owner Name & Address: Anchorage Developrnert & Corstr.:ex.,, LLC Anchorage, Alaska Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑cable tool Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strata From To Casing type: steel stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness: .250 inches silty cobbly gravel 2 10 Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 20 feet Bedrock 10 307 Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: feet gravelly silt Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): 20 feet H2O w/Intermittent fractures Pumping level: 307 feet after throughout with main source 32 40 2 hours pumping 20+ gpm Recovery Rate: 20+ gpin Method of Testing: airlift Well Intake Opening Type: ❑ Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Screened Startfeet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: Bentonite Urrmrles Volume: Depth: Start0 feet Stopped: feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size lip Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: Well Driller. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owns within 30 days of completion and the property / Municipanty oz-.ncuura9c; Department of Health and Human Services Street P.O. BOX 1966 PO Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Rick Myst/on Mayor parcel Identifintion Number. ermit Number. NSW Date of fssue: Is well located at approved permit location? 0 Yes 0 No %te Started: 6-14-02 Daft Completed- --r' La Estates 61k 1 Lot 20 egal Description: De elo mit & Corutrnction, LLC roperty Owner lame & Address: Anchorage Anchordoe: Alaska „ lorebole Data: Depth (D) oil Type, Thickness do Water Strata From To dick -up dityeobblygrauel 3edrock 't20 w/intem9tient fractures hroWhout with main source 0 2 5 30 2 Method of Drilling o air rotary 0 cable tool Casing type: steel Wall Thickness: 250 inches 5 Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 13 feet 307 I3ner.Type: Diameter. itches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): 23 feet 35 pumping level: 307 feet after 2 hours pumping 6 gpm Recovery Rate: 6 gpm Method of Testing: airlift Well Intake Opening Type: ® open End 0open Hole 0 Screened Start feet Stopped feet 0 Perforations Start fed Stopped feet Grout Type: &enromte gramrles Volume: Depth: Start0 feet Stopped 13- fed pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes 0 No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: Well Driller. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises po Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property .1. A. MUNTF.R CONSULTING, INC. May 13, 2002 DRAFT Mr. Dee High DHI Consulting Engineers 800 E. Dimond Suite 3-545, Anchorage, AK 99515 Re: Evaluation of aquifers at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. High: This letter is to present the findings of recent test well drilling, aquifer testing, and well impact evaluation performed Tuxedni Park West Subdivision in the Stuckagain Heights area of Anchorage. The purpose of the testing is to evaluate potential long-term yields at the property and assess potential impacts to surrounding well owners from the projected use of water. Background Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is planned to have 12 homes on individual lots. Each lot is to be served by an individual well and on-site septic system. Average total estimated water use for the development is 5,400 gallons per day (gpd) or 3.75 gallons per minute on a continuous basis (gpm), assuming 450 gallons/day/home. Sources of Data and 1lfethods The following sources of information and methods were used to conduct this evaluation: • Available reports showing topographic, hydrographic, geologic, climatological, and water table information. • Well logs for surrounding areas providing information on well depth, geology, yield, and water levels. • Well log data from three newly -drilled test wells on the property. • Aquifer test data collected from 24 hours of pumping from two of the test wells and measurements of drawdown and recovery from nonpumping test wells. The third well was test pumped for 5.67 hours. Pumping and water level data were collected by Mr. Brian Wille and Mr. Joe Tolles of Aarow Pump and Well Service, LLC. 5701 PENNY CIRCLE, ANCI IORAGE, AK, 99516 iamunter a arctic.net PHONE(907)345-0165; FAX (907)348-8592 I A. MUNTF.R CONSULTING, INC. Background The Municipality of Anchorage has provided guidance on performing aquifer testing at the subdivision (see attached). Test pumping was performed between April 24 and May 2, 2003, in accordance with the MOA guidance. Hydrologic Setting Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is located between North Fork Campbell Creek and South Fork Campbell Creek in the Stuckagain Heights area of Anchorage. The site is in the lower foothills of the Chugach Mountains at an elevation between 550 and 750 ft above sea level. Surficial geologic deposits in the area are the result of repeated glacial advances and retreats through the area. Almost all surficial deposits in the Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions are mapped as glacial alluvium, including kames and kame terraces. Deposits are chiefly sand and gravel, although varying amounts of silty diamicton (till) may be present (Schmoll and Dobrovolny, 1972). Most wells in the area obtain water from sand and gravel aquifers within the glacial drift deposits. Beneath the glacial drift aquifer is a fracture metamorphic rock aquifer consisting of argillite, greywacke, and related rock types (Dearborn and Barnwell, 1975). Four wells in the Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions reportedly encountered bedrock at depths between 101 ft and 185 ft below land surface. Following is a summary table of information from 17 representative well logs from wells in Tuxedni Park Subdivision and Atelier Subdivision. Tuxedni Park Subdivision is located immediately east of Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, and Atelier Subdivision is located to the south of Tuxedni Park West. The wells in table 1 are all located within approximately 1400 ft of Tuxedni Park West Subdivision. Well data in Table 1 were obtained from the State WELTS database (http://info.dec.state.ak.us/welts/) and MOA On -Site databases (http://onsite.ci.anchorage.ak.us/scriptsILF WebLink.exe/webl ink/default2.htm?templateID=2). Transmissivities were estimated using the formula: T (gpd/ft)=2000 x specific capacity (gpm/ft of drawdown), where specific capacity --reported yield/drawdown (Driscoll, 1986). Full drawdown is assumed where drawdown data were lacking, resulting in a conservative (!jw) estimate of T. Tmnsmissivity values were converted and are reported below in units of ft2/day. Page 2 I A. MUNTF,R CONSULTING, INC. Table 1. Summary of well data near Tuxedni Park West Subdivision Location Depth Reported Estimated Reported Reported Static Approx. (feet) yield Transmis- Aquifer depth to Water Available (gpm) sivity bedrock Level (feet Drawdown (Qday) (feet) below in Well (feet) ground surface L. 2, B. 3 65 15-20 Unknown Sand, unknown unknown Tuxedni Gravel Park L. 6, B. 3 196 5 9 Gravel 50 140 Tuxedni Park L.3, B. 3 101 10 44 Gravel 36 60 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 3 101 6 32 Gravel 45 50 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 3 101 2 (data 13 Gravel 55 40 Tuxedni from Park engineer's flow test L. 5, B. 2 87 30 130 Sandy 20 60 Tuxedni gravel Park L. 5, B. 2 150 3 16 Gravel/ 101 100 50 Tuxedni bedrock Park L. 6, B. 2 159 20 110 Sand and 107 50 Tuxedni gravel Park L 13, B. 1 109 12 360 Sand and 78 25 Tuxedni Gravel Park L 12, B. 1 108 7 31 Gravel 40 60 Tuxedni Park L. 4, B. 1 387 1 0.7 Bedrock 135 Unknown Unknown Tuxedni Park L. 11, B. 78 12 160 Sand and 37 35 1 gravel Tuxedni Park Page 3 I A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Location Depth Reported Estimated Reported Reported Static Approx. (feet) yield Transmis- Aquifer depth to Water Available (gpm) sivity bedrock Level (feet Drawdown (Qday) (feet) below in Well (feet) ground surface L. 2, B. 2 105 20 110 Sand and 26 48 Tuxedni Gravel Park (perf. 74- 77 ft L 14, B. 1 284 3.5 5.2 Bedrock 181 99 180 Tuxedni Park L. 6, B. 1 86 8 44 Sand, 33 48 Tuxedni Gravel Park L. 1, B. 1 76 25 98 Sand and Flowing 70 Atelier Gravel Artesian Sub L. 8, B. 2 81 16 75 Clayey 20 57 Atelier Gravel Sub Tract 2A 88 30 400 Sand, 61 20 Atelier Gravel Sub Summary of Well Data Review Most wells obtain water from gravel aquifers at depths ranging from 65 ft to 110 ft. Most wells penetrated less than 10 ft of aquifer materials and obtain water from the open end of the well casing. There is approximately 300 ft of topographic relief (with an average topographic gradient of approximately 10%) across Tuxedni Park and Tuxedni Park West Subdivisions, yet most wells obtain water from a relatively narrow depth interval. This suggests that some aquifers are arranged in a stair -step fashion separated vertically by silty glacial deposits. Some wells within a few hundred feet of each other, with similar topographic elevations and well depths, probably tap common aquifers. Reported well yields range from 1 gpm to 30 gpm, with a median well yield of 10 gpm. Static water levels range from flowing artesian to a depth 107 ft below land surface. Well depths range from 65 to 387 ft, although only 3 wells are greater than 159 ft deep. All wells show a reported well yield of greater than 1 gpm, which is equivalent to 1440 gpd, which is approximately three times the typical daily demand for a single family residence. The median well yield of 10 gpm is approximately 30 times the typical daily demand for a home. The yield data presented in Table 1 show that wells in the project area are capable of supplying sufficient water for single family homes on an on-going basis. Page 4 I A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC. Estimated transmissivity values shown in Table 1 range from 0.7 to 400 ftZ/day. The median transmissivity value is 44 A2/day. Assuming a typical five foot aquifer thickness, this value is typical of silty sand aquifers (Freeze and Cherry, p. 29). Water Budget, Groundwater Supply Potential, and Surrounding Development Regional data indicate that average annual precipitation in this part of Anchorage is approximately 20 inches/year. Assuming approximately 20 percent of this amount recharges groundwater, then the 46.5 acre tract should be recharged by an average of approximately 14,000 gallonstday of water. This amount of water equates to 1,150 gallons per day each for the 12 planned homes on the tract, which is approximately three times the amount of water that a typical home would use per day. Dearborn and Barnwell (1975) completed a U. S. Geological Survey study of the Anchorage Hillside area to determine the long-term potential yield of water -supply aquifers. Tuxedni Park West Subdivision is located to the north of their study area, however the mountain foothills setting is hydrogeologically similar and many of the findings are expected to apply. Dearborn and Barnwell (1975) concluded that the sustainable yield of groundwater in areas underlain by glacial drift aquifers was in the range of 24 million gpd for their study area. This equates to 10,000-20,000 gpd for a 46.5 acre tract, or 800 to 1600 gpd for each of 12 homes on a 46.5 -acre tract. The 10,000-20,000 gpd recharge rate is approximately two to four times the total estimate water use rate for the subdivision of approximately 5400 gpd. The U.S. Geological study shows that groundwater supplies in the project area are likely capable of supporting residential development as proposed. The proposed subdivision, with an average lot size of 3.9 acres per lot, is consistent with surrounding residential development, which does not appear to have resulted in groundwater depletions in the area. This represents a small marginal increase in development of the area with on-site wells. Such a marginal increase in development in the area would not be expected to exert a significant effect on wells of surrounding property owners. Further evaluation of the area was conducted through a program of test -well drilling, aquifer testing, and quantitative impact assessment. Well Drilling and Aquifer Testing Three wells were drilled in Tuxedni Park West Subdivision between April 18 and April "20, 2003, as described on the attached well logs. For the purposes of this report, the first well drilled, on Lot 5, Block 1, is termed Well 1. The second well drilled, on Lot 4, Block 1, is termed Well 2. The third well drilled, Well 3, is located on a small undevelopable tract (Tract B) across Atelier Drive from Well 1. Locations of wells and separation distances are shown on Figure 1. Wells 1 and 3 appear to tap the same aquifer, a confined cobbly-silty-gravelly aquifer that may grade into weathered bedrock at a depth interval of approximately 122 to 164 feet below land Page 5 J. A. MUNTF.R CONSULTING INC. surface. The wells are completed with open -ends at depths of 141 ft (Well 1) and 146 ft (Well 3), respectively. Well 2 taps a confined sand and gravel aquifer at a depth of 81 ft. The pumping and water level data were collected by Mr. Brian Wille and Mr. Joe Tolles of Aarow Pump and Well Service, LLC. A summary of the aquifer test results are contained in Table 2. Well I Pumping A step -drawdown test was performed at Well 1 at stepped flow rates of 3 and 6 gpm (see attached data). The well reached maximum available drawdown of 53.16 ft after 155 minutes and was terminated. Based on this test the 24 -hr test pump rate target was set at 4 gpm. Well 1 was pumped for 24 hours at a constant rate of 4 gpm, exhibiting a maximum drawdown of 33.15 ft. The data were analyzed according to method of Cooper and Jacob (1946) to yield a calculated transmissivity of 6.1 ft2/day. The drawdown response changed after approximately 60 minutes of pumping in a manner that suggested that a recharge -type boundary condition had been encountered. This is most likely the result of leakage into the aquifer from other aquifers in the area. Recovery data collected from Well 1 yielded a calculated transmissivity of 6.4 112/day for the early -time data and exhibited a recharge -boundary type data curve similar to that observed in the drawdown data. The water level in Well 2 was measured throughout the test period, however there was no observable water -level response attributable to pumping. Well 3 exhibited a maximum drawdown of 3.4 ft during the pumping of Well 1, and yielded a calculated transmissivity of 72 ft2/day and a storativity value of 4.2x10. Well Pumping In accordance with the MOA guidelines, Well 3 was test pumped for 5.67 hours to determine the approximate transmissivity of the aquifer and the long-term productive capacity of the well. Pumping initially started at a rate of approximately 6 gpm, however after 50 minutes of pumping the water level drew down to 140.96 ft in the 146 ft deep casing and it became apparent that the rate was not sustainable. The pump was shut down after 100 minutes of pumping and allowed to recover 93% of the way to static conditions before restarting the test at a flow rate of 5.2 gpm. The flow rate fluctuated between a relatively narrow range of 4.8 gpm and 5.2 gpm for the remainder of the test. After four hours of pumping at the 4.8 to 5.2 gpm rate, the well exhibited 52.95 ft of drawdown from the original static water level. Using the methods described above for estimating transmissivity values in Table 1, a transmissivity value of 25 ft2/day is calculated. This value is within the range of transmissivity identified during the more extensive pumping of Well 1 for the aquifer tapped by Well 1 and Well 3 (6.1 to 72 ft2/day) . Page 6 .I. A. MUNTF,R CONSULTING INC. Well Pumping The well log for Well 2 indicated that the estimated potential yield of the well was in excess of 40 gpm at the time the well was developed. In order to achieve the 70 percent of available drawdown contained in the guidelines from the MOA, it was projected that a commercial -scale well screen, well development, and pump testing program would be required in order to avoid damaging the well and test pump from sand intrusion into the well. In concurrence with the Municipality of Anchorage (J. Cross, oral commun., 2003) it was decided that considering the size of the subdivision and the amount of water potentially available, that a test pumping rate in the range of 15-25 gpm would be adequate for the 24 -hr test and protective of the well construction. In order to determine an appropriate rate, a 2.25 hour step -drawdown test was conducted. The step -drawdown test was conducted by pumping at a rate of 15 gpm for one hour and at a rate of 31 gpm for the next 1.25 hours. Maximum drawdown observed was 45.25 ft. A projection indicated that the higher rate was probably not sustainable for 24 hours, so a constant rate of 23 gpm was selected for the 24-hour test. After overnight full recovery of water levels from the step -drawdown test, Well 2 was pumped at an average rate of 22.8 gpm for 24 hours. Well 2 exhibited 39.48 ft of drawdown at the end of the test. The data were analyzed according to method of Cooper and Jacob (1946) to yield a calculated transmissivity of 66 ft2/day. The drawdown response changed after approximately two hours of pumping in a manner similar to the response observed in Well 1 during the flow test on Well 1. The data indicate that a recharge -type boundary condition was also encountered at Well 2 in response to pumping. This is most likely the result of leakage into the aquifer from other aquifers in the area. Recovery data collected from Well 2 yielded a calculated transmissivity of 81 ft2/day. The water levels in Well 1 and Well 3 were measured throughout the testing of Well 2. At the end of the 24 hours of pumping, the water level in Well I was 0.26 ft lower than at the start, and the water level in Well 3 was 0.85 ft lower than at the start. These data indicate that there is an indirect hydraulic connection between the aquifer tapped by Well 2 and the aquifer tapped by Well I and Well 3, however there was insufficient drawdown to calculate aquifer coefficients. The calculated transmissivity values at Well 2 are somewhat higher than the median value estimated from surrounding wells (44 I12/day) but are well within what would be expected for a sand and gravel aquifer in the area. Page 7 J. A. MUNTF.R CONSULTING INC. Table 2. Summary of aquifer test results. Pumped Data Transmissivity Storativity Method of Comment Well analyzed(ft Z/da analysis Well 1 Well 1 6.1 NC Cooper and Semilog method drawdown Jacob 1946 Well 1 Well 1 6.4 NC Todd (1980) Semilog method recovery Well 1 Well 3 72 4.2x10 Theis (1935) Log -log type drawdown curve match method Well 3 Well 3 25 NC Driscoll (1986) Specific Capacity drawdown method Well 2 Well 2 66 NC Cooper and Semilog method drawdown Jacob 1946 We112 Well 2 81 NC Todd (1980) Semilog method recovery Notes NC1. Not Calculable from dataset. Interpretations of Aquifer Testing Results The range of transmssivit� values determined during the aquifer testing at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision, 6 — 81 ft Mg, brackets the median transmissivity value determined from surrounding well logs of 44 ft /day. The aquifer testing provides quantitative evidence that supports the conceptual model that multiple sand and gravel aquifers are present and are separated by silty glacial deposits. Calculated transmissivities based on early -time data are relatively low, and the long-term productivity of the groundwater is influenced by leakage into the pumped aquifer from surrounding aquifers. A small amount of drawdown propagates through the leaky confining beds into the surrounding aquifers when wells are heavily stressed. The aquifer coefficients calculated from the early -time data as reported above likely understates the overall transmissivity of the glacial drift deposits in the area. Impact Projections A Theis analysis is commonly used to project the impacts of pumping a confined aquifer. Freeze and Cherry (1979) state that "if the aquifer properties, T (transmissivity) and S (storativity), and the pumping rate, Q, are known, it is possible to predict the drawdown in hydraulic head in a confined aquifer at any distance r from a well at any time t after the start of pumping". The Theis method assumes that the aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic, horizontal, confined above and below by impermeable layers, infinite in areal extent, and receives no recharge. Despite these Page 8 .I. A. MUNTF.R CONSULTING INC limiting assumptions, the Theis method is a widely -used tool for assessing aquifer responses to pumping. The assumption that one aquifer is continuous across the flow field is inherent in the Theis method. This assumption does not closely fit the Tuxedni Park West Subdivision area because wells appear to tap numerous individual sand and gravel zones within the glacial drift. In order to project impacts for this study, the most conservative (i.e. worst-case) assumption is made that all aquifers are perfectly connected to one another and that drawdown is propagated unimpeded through the aquifer system in accordance with the Theis assumptions. This is appropriate considering that a primary objective is estimating long-term projections where local geological irregularities would be less important. The effects of long-term pumping for this aquifer are calculated using a typical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, the lower, more conservative value of T obtained from the data from Well 1 (44 ft'/day), and S=4.2x10. After 30 years of pumping, drawdown of 1.36 ft is calculated for a well that is 100 ft away from the pumping well. This assumes no recharge, which is extremely conservative. Noting that the wells in Table 1 generally have 20 ft or more of available drawdown. This illustrates that the expected impacts from any single domestic well are expected to be negligible, even using very conservative assumptions. A review of planned well locations and surrounding lots (Figure 1) reveals that new wells will be mostly more than 100 ft apart, and all wells will be more than 100 ft distant from existing wells in the neighborhood. This means that the 12 wells in the neighborhood are expected to have little to no observable effect on neighboring wells within or outside of the Tuxedni Park West Subdivision. Tuxedni Park West Subdivision will have wells spread out across a 2500 ft expanse of the hillside, which serves to spread out pumping over a broad span of the glacial drift aquifer system. Conclusions Groundwater conditions at Subdivision have been extensively studied using existing data sources and have been tested on-site with three newly -drilled test wells. The test wells are all capable of yielding adequate supplies for single family homes. Existing aquifer testing, water level, well yield, and water budget data all consistently indicate that adequate water supplies are available from wells at Tuxedni Park West Subdivision without adversely affecting nearby well users. All new wells are expected to exceed MOA requirements for well yield. Page 9 J. A. MUNTF.R CONSULTING INC. The aquifer testing guidelines of the MOA have been met, and the required approvals for on-site wells for Tuxedni Park West Subdivision should be issued. Should you have any questions, please call me at 345-0165 or 727-6310. Thank you. Sincerely, J. A. Munter Consulting, Inc. DRAFT James A. Munter, Certified Ground Water Professional Principal Hydrogeologist References Cited Cooper, H. 11., and C. E. Jacob, 1946, A generalized graphical method for evaluating formation constants and summarizing well -field history, Trans. Am. Geophysical Union, v. 27, pp526-534. Dearborn, L.L., and W. W. Barnwell, 1975, hydrology for Land -Use Planning, The Hillside area, Anchorage, Alaska, US Geological Survey Open -File Report 75-105. Driscoll, Fletcher, 1986, Groundwater and Wells, Johnson Div., UOP, St. Paul Minnesota. 604 p. Freeze, R. A., and J. A. Cherry, 1979, Groundwater, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Schmoll, H. R. and Ernest Dobrovolny, 1972, Geveralized geologic map of Anchorage and vicinity, Alaska, U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I -787-A, 1 sheet. Theis, C. V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using ground -water storage. Trans. Am. Geophysical Union, v. 16, pp519-525. 535 p. Todd, David K., 1980, Groundwater hydrology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, Attachments MOA test guidance Site Map (1 sheet) Test Well Logs (3 p.) Test Data Sheets (to be attached to final) Page 10 Tract 02A Page 2 of 3 PMIT HO.SW990195 PAGE 2 OF 4 DEPARTMENTuOFIP4k-[ H ANDhHUKAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION p�. Box 196650 * Anchorage, Alaska 99519-665 • Telephone: 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM ANO%OR IIVELL INSPECTION RE LEGAL TRACT 2A ATELIER C P.I.D. No. 041-031-37 'e y http://onsite.ei.anchorage.ak.us/scripts/LFWebLink.exe/weblink/default2.htm?doc=38403&ty:... 5/11/03 db -04-03 04:35P .rniZ Counter .7 343 8250 P.Ol - Y/c Aquifer Test Procedures Three water wells shall be drilled on three adjacent lots within the proposed subdivision. (An existing well on an adjacent property may be used for one of the wells in this tat with the prior approval of the Development Services Department). The hydro -geologist or engineer shall determine the separation distances between these wells, which shall be between 50 and 300 feet Larger separation distances may bejustified based on information obtained when drilling the fust well. Final well layout shall be approved by the Development Services Department prior to conducting the test. The central well shall be pumped for a period of 2 to 4 hours to obtain data to determine the approximate t wismissivity of this well. Atter allowing the well to recover at least 90% of the measured drawdown, a 24-hour pump test shall be conducted. The 24-hour pump test shall be conducted at a constant discharge rate that will cause 701/o or greater drawdown in the well. During this pumping test, the remaining two wells shall be monitored and data shall be collected to determine the aquifer tr =issivity, the storage coefficient (if possible), the long-term production capacity of the well and the likely or predicted impact on surrounding wells. Following the 24-hour pump test, each well shall be monitored during the first 24 hours of recovery. Data from the recovery test shall be used to verify the aquifer transmissivity. if either of the other two wells does not draw down during the initial aquifer test, these wells will also be tested with a 24-hour drawdown test following the procedures above. Otherwise, the other two wells shall be pumped for a period of 4 to 8 hours to determine their approximate tmnsmissivity and long -tens production capacity. All of the data obtained from these tests shall be submitted to the Development Services Department along with a summary and interpretation done by the engineer or hydrogeologist. All testing shall be conducted according to minimum industry standards. 02-04-2003 04:41PM 907 343 8250 P.01 FVW : ALPINE DRILLING FAX N0. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 21 2003 09:05AM P2 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services $25'L' Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. Alaska 99519650 Rick Mystrom IntpJMww.o.anehomge.ak.us Mayor Permit Number. VSW3Q 00376 Date of Issue: 4-14-03 Parcel identification Number: 041-022-33 Date Started: 4.19-03 Date Completed: 4-19-03 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: Right of Way acaisition Plat Tract B Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedint Park Partnership , p, 800 E Dimond Suite 3545 Anchorage Alaska 99515 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Soil Type, Thiclmess & Fater Strata From To Casing type: steel Stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness: X250 inches gravel fill 2 3 Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 81 feet organics & silt gravelly silt 3 6 6 10 Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: fat Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet cobbly gravelly silt 10 62 Static water level (from ground level): 16 feet sandy silt 62 69 Pumping level: 80 feet after silty water sand & gravel 69 75 g hours pumping ±0--+ gpm water sand & gravel 75 83 Recovery Rate: Q gpm Method of Testing: ati fiff Well Intake Opening Type: ® Open End ❑ Open Bole ❑ Screened Start feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: bentonite granules Volume: ,b Depth: Start Q feet Stopped ? feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: gtlorine tablets Comments: seefollowingpump rest Well Driller: Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property .... ... ...\......\\ J.•\\.. .\..\\ -....•}. �... \.\. .. .\.. Imo..• .ftt..\.4 • •t...... f•. �.•... ...•A... //\ .\ ... .1 ..-..\..f FROM : ALPINE DRILLING FAX NO. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 21 2003 09:05AM Pl Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 *V Street CEM P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. Alaska 99519'6650 Rick Mystrvm hVp.N.lww.ei.anchoraga.ak.us Mayor Permit Number: #SW30 00378 Date of Issue: 41 Parcel identification Number: 041-022.33 Date Started: 418-03 Date Completed: 419-03 is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes Lj No Legal Description: Right of Way ecoisition Plat Tract 61 Property Owner Name & Address: Tuxedini Park Partnership Soo E Dimond Suite 3-545 Anrhnrann Alaeka 94515 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strata From To Casing type: ,�e ,1 stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness: 2M inches gravelly silt 2 31 Diameter: ¢ inches Depth: L feet Silty water sand & gravel gravelly silt silty grave! sift 31 35 49 56 35 49 56 72 Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): 84 feet Pumping level:_j__Q_fcet after gravelly sandy silt 72 93 2 hours pumping est 10 gpm cobbly silty gravel wrbldrs wet 93 111 Recovery Rate: est 10 gpm silty cobbly gravel w/bldrs dry 111' 118 Method of Testing: Ir Well Intake Opening Type: ❑ Open End ® Open Holc ❑ Screened Start feet Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Startfeet Stopped feet gravelly cobbly sr7tw/b/drs 118 132 cobbly silty gravel H2O 132 145 weathered bedrock H2O 145 164 Grout Type: benroni]g mrrtle,c Volamt: jsig Depth: Start2 feet Stopped 2 fat Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size b2 Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes [] No Method of Disinfection: g_Morine tablets Comments: see jullowing ptmrp test Well Driller. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Boz 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property • �. .....111.... �G. n... .!11..1.4 • ��...... I•. �.'...«:.F\. //1 J.... .r.. • .•.. FRcim : ALPINE DRILLING FAX N0. : 907 345 0202 Apr. 23 2003 01:25PM P1 5�}-x%�'yt � Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 OV Street P.0.13=196650 Anchorage. Alaska 99519-6650 Rick "nmhM IM,ww.v.snchora9a.ak.us Mayor pp ,�,miitt ParcelldentificationNumber: Oa1-022-34 Ijair 5talrtedm 4•ru VJ Date of Issue: - 4�0 eu Iu, atcY a� a� y, v.<u yam,,,•,, v�� •vu, ® •.. l� Legal Description: rtw of CLO Wav erty acauiertbP n lat T10 PropOwner Name & Address: Tuxedtni Park Partnership 1. 800 E Dimond Suite 3-545 Atteadon: The well driticr shall provide a well log 10 the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property - ^Depth (ft)JEod of Drilling ® air rotary ❑ cable tool Borehole Data: Soil Type, Thickness Sc Water Strata From To a eel Casing type: :'f— 0 2Zbirkrms• 2M im;brs' stid(-Up 3eter: 6 inches Depth: l4¢ feet organics 2 3 4Pter r Type: ftt t sandy gravel inrhrs I crith: - gravelly silt 4 36ng stickup above ground: 2 feet silty $any gravel wet 36 40c water level (from ground level): i1 feet gravelly silt 40 53ping level -j§0 fat after silty gravel 53 59urs purnping L Spm 58 674Y4rX Rate: 10 PPM silt 67 101hod of Testing* it Idt gravelly sandy silt 101 107ll Intnlre. Openin_ Tyge:pen eobbly silly gravel wct End ❑ Open Holecobbly gravelly silt dry 107 122 Screened Staff feet Stopped feet cobbly sandy silty gravel H2O 122 154 perforations Startfeet Stopped feet Grout Type: bentonite rcrtrr ides Volume: Lbg Depth: Start 0 feet Stopped 2 fat Pump: Intake Depth feet Pum size h BrandName Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: ch/orin� a tablets _ Comments: see following pump test yve11 unuer. Impure Lit nnry a r-11"Pnooa Po Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Atteadon: The well driticr shall provide a well log 10 the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property MAY -04-2003 08:63 AM I WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted Owner: <rrC Address: Well L adon: Well Information: Total Depth: ! 5 y r Depth of Casing: 14116 t Screen Fromfo Cuing Site:"6 Screen Dlam: Screen Slot: Ratrarim: Pumpiir�ation DD"th: t Y Pump Site Air Line Depth: Static Water level: RLaAv. Discharge. CPM. Ma: Drawdwa:_i Pump On c j Time: 12:co, Date- 'Ed T-03 Pump off: ==Time: Time Water I Flu,* Level I CPM ' Remarks i __..._..... _ _... gq q6 10 ------- ------K,S q(5,----- ----- -- _ ...--- -- _ _ 0 ! 16�Lt_S! 7 6$ 36_ JA 10 ,5tep yaw dojo►` Remarks pAt Time Water FlOw Level GPM Remarks MAY -04-2003 09:19 AM Ii-eff # fim Water Flow Remarks C Level g�.o ►as,a9, 6 a q 6 57,7S -- j.7.�L� AJ-..' St._� . �..__---- .............. ... _ . , 7y Q 1117,qa 7S0�L6 1 D I X0,0 I I;l_3� `� ;____�_.. `• _.... _... _ _.. . I y g�.o ►as,a9, 6 a q 6 y MAY -P4-2003 08:57 AM WtlI vz.4 �-rrf ar4w Time• I water Flu-. Remarks 3 ; 131, -.. _._... iy__►3.Lg6 6 _ __ _ ................. _._..._._... _6 Lt__. _ .._. /o.( _ ► 33 x.9_.:.....6 ___.�____.__..---_- _.._ ........._.__ .._....._ IGS _�--_- 10 106 1 6 '60ci-3/ MAY -0 1 4-2003 08:57 AM p, 5- . (if (I I'- i 5ry-P drd tj �toV% O IN I Remarks Time wastr Fkj,* Level GPM .. ....... . . . ................ t. D6 J5 .5- 113 . . ............ . .. .. 9 MAY -04-2003 09:24 AM WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Coadmetcd by C Owoer.Tati .rJL� Aaareu: Well Location: k '7Tar 1 W ell Information: Total Dsptb: /� Depth of Culap: / 4 Screen From = Tc Cut m� Slee: �'� Screen Diam: -� Screen Slot Remarks: 'Platy rit [dor Pump Information Intake Deptb: ILL Pump SIUIL •1` c �6 rN Air Lime Deptbo Stack Water Level: G Av. Dbcharts' t l GPM, Max Draw•dw•o: Pump On L2=Date: I/ oar Pump Off: Time. Date: I Time Water Flow I Remarks -- Level GPM _ i .as �6 G � � �•' 99�� -- C � ' 2 3 • -� —flow" to " X00, �y -- a�. � q 7,7 � •SO ! -111,,1 __________._ MAY -04-2003 09:23 AM 1, ITime Wear Flow LeV— el _CPM ►'9' D 5 � Ransr;o .26 -- I I Time 1R'atever Lel Flow GPM ,0 ea. So .-; 3`I, / v 3 3 107, as h.0 X31 ,S6 '3D, I I.0 3/15- 1o3, 3 D II. S 31, 9 loa,� >>, 31, ba, 6( 31, a x.33 ....::..::.... F', / Remarks W P(, f-,/ 1�_ejO1,eI r (} t-,rr d i.r. f- toc-j7v--T Nr pl MAY -04-2003 09:23 AM i -- 1 Time Wrier Fiow { Lead CPMpL 1 Remarks ' , ..y P.12 91,7 3�6 gl,bo 9t,s� iia u I e( 9o,g5 �a c j s� 90.E y 60 X9.5 sg,a� G� � �.3 g�,90 ty 5, Remarks ' , ..y P.12 P.13 MAY -04-2003 09:24 AM Dili ;VIP wet -�l a�l ltr, 1j''5 WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: Owner: Address: — Well Location: Water Level Flow Remarks GPM — —� Well Information: Al Total Depth: Depth of Cuing: Screen From_ To Cola` Sin: Screen Diem: Screen Slot: Remarks: Pump Information lotaka Depth: Pump Size Air Llue Depths Statk: Wrier Level: Av. Discharge: GPM, Ma: Drawdwa: _ Pump On Time: Date: Pump Off: Time: Date: — Time Water Level Flow Remarks GPM — —� v Al a 94" ice i ala-- --a aL _._------ ----- -a .� MAY -04-2003 09:24 AM lv,r I I #a`�,,j- /) uri u % Cd-rea Y br. F/ow Time Water I Flow Level GPM 76 /C6 m d Remarks P.14 E MAY -04-2003 06:58 AM , .)> 1 tt-3 /146NIPI Conducted by: WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Owner: Address: Well Locatlont Well Information: Total Depth: Depth of Cuing: Screen From. To Cuing Sire: Screen Diem: Screen Slot: Remarks: Pump Information Intake Depth: Pump Sl u Air Line Depth: Static Water Level: Av. Dieckar`e: GPM, MAX Drawdwa: -_ Pump On c! Time: Date: Pump Off: Time: Date: _ Time Water Flow 1 Remarks I Level I GPM I 4 ; . - , .. /' I DL),p ! I :' I i, F / ') -01 MAV -04-2003 09:19 AM P.03 MAY -04-2003 09:19 AM •r,�lrl J n•rcuvr�7�r..w.:llcw�'/�fa-;1'.r 1,..%r(� �- ��lif i`1,5 3'-1,5 a9(5 31, 5 39,5 / t3 Time Water Level i Flow CPh1 I Remarks S i 7S:L1j!! 3,x5 �3, `%3 -- — r9. S 71-1.7K — --i )elf _ �ico,o � l ";4Y-04-2003 08:53 AM VVC( L 0.( w e,11 It r, Flo PI-I Time 1 Water Flovt Remark% Lend GP.M 57 �-o 1266 J --P 'o . ...... g Jf ),70 j; P. kl r MR Lv 2003 I � �:20 `QM 1`fr Cond acted by: WATERWELL • TEST PUMP REPORT Owner: - — Address: Plow GPM Well Location: WOO Information: r) 5 ted; 35 Total Depth: Depth of Casing: Screen From To Casing Siff: Screen Diem: Screen Slot: Remarks: Pump Informadoo 9, (n) Intake Depth: Pu Slu Air Llan Depth: Stack Water Level: YM Av, Diaeharje: GPM, Max Drawdwn: Pump On I -lb : s Time: l A Amts:c -;1V Pump Off: Time: Date: Time Water Love] Plow GPM Remarks rw� r) 5 ted; 35 ~�7 TV 791 `I1 9, (n) 105) P� f3 11�1) I -lb : s Y6-1�a 6: 11� 107, 75- s 5� _J � /Leff 7a 5 Tj 1?,/ 1 1 A /P 1 74 2,qj , g 1 113 , 6 N,0 �� J1`�.9 y 95166------ 7 t2 MAY -04-2003 09:20 AM tj.4f :13- 9 �r, Time Water Flow Remarks Level GPM i a 13 � 7 ; 0 . �4 q I IDT, V 16t 2 — 5-1) 346 3 _-- 3? )36t96 qM, f3 0 13ffra --_ 13', 90 I a g4L),4) � 133t3� 3TTI33ify 3 a 13*5S0 5-1) 346 3 _-- 3? )36t96 qM, f3 0 13ffra --_ 13', 90 I a MOY-04-2003 09:21 RM .6fII a 3..-1�r• F� rjrV �6 MAY -04-2003 09:21 AM M/ w{u.3'`iw: I I Time We tcr I Flow I i Level GPM / .93 e3�4�M 110 10 _ i- � l a,6057 � 5 - ,r�,�l l� 10 Pl /I 9 y7_ Remarks MAY -04-2003 09:21 AM Time Winter Level Ir , I rV )051 5 It 11,17 G, o flo, g 5 I q! lao, �O �7, 99.?3 'fro y. 1a7t] 9,0 1 14.66 Ir , I rV )051 5 It 13 101 I q! lao, �O /5- 99.?3 //1-5- Flow /1.r Flow CPM Remarks I a MAY -04-20039:2 A rAM 4 Time1 Time Water i Flow Level �j GPM �G r X35 SSS, 6 l�- `;,-3G--- 3� V �? ^ — �3�- 3qcto w O° 10766 Y Eery -Cr r_ emer rµ( iJ4 yr sa 8'D. 3 i s9 I ,-�n l` t) n MAY -04-2003 00232 AM .J L P.02 Weil 1-5w(- BAo(e Wel14$_$wia�ere 6f16a"i1tt Y),C`� 17-4z/ � {�, � �loww• P�orr479Y ter"V Time _ I Water Level i Flow CPMr _. Remarks /°10 i 1. ue Mir ' � � S 39,115 �3, l 3 11 /p `11,00 NrIC lS- lS a7 r?a-� ao as,c aS y3,3a q,l,lg a5,p 35 yy, s30 5 73 .Y. 5 -7 — y.5/3 P6,1`, I `Q 11 ?6, 6 � `f 1. d yS,— -1 a7 117,y7 ,�I, �,0 Ya,o y6,Y3 _--- Vit5, e170 �f 9136 ��1/3. 5 1/7,, 9Q� S'049 � 37f a a'A6 It 01 X32_���iF, `/3 - ---- -_- - 3 153- iwvys,s `l,Fo/ _W — SN, ? 1 `/6,0 g9,oG I" 1 j 1 r v'\• • I Y w 10'd Y `I -)9-0'3 7 imr ,W* Wtl %.4:80 £00L-40-AtlW Water Level Flow GPM Remarks � 1 fry. s 570,60 570,3a 6057 505 S1,5 50. 6,0 — 3 �03f - 3:08" 5 1T I_ ew o v A4 e 13 51,53 G _.Wr�,�tf/� 23 y 3�,-2 _ _----- H3 %11;) ,W* Wtl %.4:80 £00L-40-AtlW P.05 MAY -04-2003 08:33 AM WATERWELL - TEST PUMP REPORT CoadvcW by: Owner:Address: Wen Location: Time Water Level Well Iafotmadon: Remarks f Total Depth: Depth of Cuing: Screen From To Cuing Sire: Screto Diem: Screen Slot: i Romarb: Pump Information e1y,6- Intake Depth: Pump Sire Air Liao Depth: Static Water Level; Av. DUcharte: GPM. Max Drowdwa: _ Pump On Time: �' T q '��!'ump Date: OR: Time: Date: ^� Time Water Level Flow CPM Remarks f P S o e1y,6- 50 1 /V� l,S c,4 3K39' I !9.5 9,i'a a, 5 15f;1� �.�`l 0 _l7f.9. 0 -33,7Z I X-57 ` ,5- .00 0 /,S4 I /S 2.30 05- 31.4pq Time water Flow Remarks GPM 6q t4C > 33.. gr �• � 5:08 71j WH TZ:80 200Z-40-AMW 101.1 P.07 35,,6 E0'd k WATERWELL -TEST PUMP REPORT Conducted by: O -e' +b W UUNz 47 / Owner: Addra ; Well Lecathm: Well Information: Total Depth:_ Depth of Casing: Screen From_ To Casing Size: KI, Screen Diam: Screen Slot. Remarks: _till m w iw 4 rims p r.r /ems wrfrr [ Iw r�c S-- Pump Information Intake Depth: Pump Size Air Line Depth: Static Water Level:" 4 Av. Discharge: GPM, Mat Drowdws: Pump On i� ,- Time: 2: OW f t^ Date: s) : Pump OH; Si i' > Time:.' • I& Date: Time e Water Fknv Level GPM Remarks A A^ �{ 0AA II -Mr t(icl a �3 i 3 3�fo #3 y 376 — c ,b — Y,1 I 01 o7, <<o 5—IT34 e:51 .. �� , _ _l�__3__I r 3 gr O y c)3, / WV Z£:00 £00Z-40-A0W �...� •. r C;f'J Vt'. f focal /e1j/ I 'rime Water Level Flow CPM Remarks o5- � 30 -l.o l 78'0 5-3, ty S Ytl6 1 hyo 5-3,16 0 , boa _ 5-3,16 ca3a 960 53,14 0 3.96 -- - 0 0 53.1 S F 5- ��, a9 1W 5-3,14 .60 qif Gl ya 53, I 9O 1-0,t)y I aoo 5-3, o o Ye -0;a 166 "Il g SO 5,� 3�v 530 D , $6 13 dV 53,1 WO -0,5-a 153,16 D Yo o,g- LC14 70 S/I/tf r--- 3� 57, Sa� -3, l �f DSl,We- yao_ a.r� �_ 1, 5- _?-,-2/ �, y3 � 5qO 12 S2 --'------- y,yy �- UO X3,15 i � 3,W. _ '�:.,•::;::[ WV ££=60 £00Z-60-AbW 60'd MAY -04/-2003 00:41 AM P, 3 P.01 r – - I—'I I Time Water Leve! Fbw GPM Remarks _ 3 Vo SO . a3 G , I OLi,TI No I ! s� , 3 a V a- 16,aa 9, i 'ayo ! ^, 5-i52 !! 9 _ � 9l INroa7 p. 6►�3 _ __ MAY -04-2003 00:34 AM n'rokr her- 6Jo( -tr;:t. Aq ar Time I waster Fkow "d GPM --1- -R. off_ 6727. --- - Remarks P.08 00 .63-01 /9?, .08 MAY+04-2003 00:53 AM '✓SII i RG CPV6✓t . p.l P.03 3 `l 4 r, F/c4)�r sI Time %%Ater F'10% Remrrla ! L.evel 4YN /.G 'ALO /SO 121.0 _...:.... ----- .-._ .... _. __ ...... -. . -7�7..�a.. i ki is , 41! i i !Elll'ya s Itt + 1 at i fEE E+It •f•�•i� �� 1!. 2' (r,y 1+{, .i! jlf•l�i; ;r/: �il�j_t.1�.1511 IS �! ",{�� J, a t,'•1. a. �. ,1 f'jilt mill: ll Ir \ Ali ! i. ON - .• M ,C .e i i • \ 1, i• '•1 O ; .as ki is , 41! i i !Elll'ya s Itt + 1 at i fEE E+It •f•�•i� �� 1!. 2' (r,y 1+{, .i! jlf•l�i; ;r/: �il�j_t.1�.1511 IS �! ",{�� J, a t,'•1. a. �. ,1 f'jilt mill: ll Ir \ Ali ! i. ki is , 41! i i !Elll'ya s Itt + 1 at i fEE E+It •f•�•i� �� 1!. 2' (r,y 1+{, .i! jlf•l�i; ;r/: �il�j_t.1�.1511 IS �! ",{�� J, a t,'•1. a. �. ,1 f'jilt mill: ll Ir • !1 .e • -- --------- --_ ;--------------- I I r m Oz A H / I J r` c ovco() / '01 099 I01) % r Ej 1 0E9 p29 0%9 p09 En o5 p6 065 i ' r 19r, 0 / \ N l , / r 1 d'HV I Auvinm o s6o