HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES #1 BLK 6 LT 2Ai Mountain #1 Block 6 Lot 2 #017-211-04 Municipality of Anchorage Page Of 3 J DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 • Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 • Telephone: 343-4744 On -Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection RepI ort Permit Number: �W�gd12O PID Number: (I-7- ZI1-04 N8Te: Wastewater System: ❑ New "F'1K Upgrade AEd "jo GLcoor_rcFT 111Nr3 ANu1• Ak 1-1.5a ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: No. of Beeddrooms:' 13 Deep Trench 6(Shallow Trench ❑ Bed ❑ Mound ❑ Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sal Rating: hi'hitA„v f.'ATF Z C Total Depth from original grade: �' ozsO 1 MAY • GPD/5 Ft . Lot:Block: •' Subdivision: Z If Depth to pipe bottom from or}gmal grade: Gravel depth beneath pipe 0.5 Ntior •Aw Esm: -1' 01 '� Ft Ft Township: Range: Section: •� Fill added above original f rade: A46 Gravel length: 1NC� Sd Al.' �— �- _5 Ft ZE Ft WELL:�X New ❑Upgrade Gravel width: I 5 Number of lines: Distance bMreen ones: I i 10"+ Ft I • tSYS Ft Classification (Private. A,B.C): Total Depth: To: Total absorption &me: 9'1'00 Pipe material: Af TM D 3c;'f / N.1V TF Ft I Ft. SO Ft reld "& Driller. Date Drilled: Sates Water LeveC Installer. %Mo,),lrAtrJ ESL. Date installed: 1 SfLc FL A(.Lc Yield- Pump Selo. Casing Height Above Ground: TANK*' GPM Ft. Ft. SEPARATION DISTANCES '%septick ❑Holding )CS.T;E.P. To septic AlaatplMn Lm molding bI-_?rhale M@nulacturer•. TANK capacity in gallons: 2-000 1 From Tank Field station Tank se.erunes ar,L c A F Welt ZSurfac Material: s -(EEL Number of Compartments: I IOII} loll+ 1011+ sl^� -- — LIFT STATION' Waters IDo t 1oc'+ loco+ Lot1 a•1♦ I 1 SL �— Size In gallons: Manufacturer. SYir Line JrG'�' •2 .2000 Ao'li o2AC..'C Foundation 11"i _-201} IG'f -- "Pump on" level at: y,Iem 'Pump ofr level al: 39„ High water alarTp at I L}ci Curtain Nta ��A)i Pum Make a Model f110$13l±klt- Electrical Inspections performed by: M.O.A. Drain ,J Remarks:* 11415 Is API Im+A1c11AtlJa` BENCH MARK QcGIC\\Cd rJL SL'fYu. �AAK �� T.ic1cK Location and Description: "1/-? a 1:vj LJ%rJf)! 5 L FLTEILJ At4n O LC;J 1;LTE0-. }�• wA1JtsL Sc.Jrll✓ESY VjE �'�F� n GCP i IS VAwlc CF 11sRMm1. Assumed Elevation: I IOb,o ENC([l�f'q'>t L OF AL 1 �E t 5/2-c • • w .. ..«..:...� Inspections performed by -A pates:ls q •• •;,•• •;,¢ 7320 Fast Cheater Hts. Circle 2nd 3 if Gar W� Anchorage, Alaska 99504 , 7953 ?� tai Department of Health and Human Services approval ,Foe..,, I.,• •••���;- Reviewed and approved by: Date: 9 9 1 72-013 (Rev. Well MOA 25 e 0 F n PERMIT NUMBER AS -BUILT DRAWINGPARCEL ID SIW980120 017-211-04 n �O�RQ� �Av�NVE CLD / i�ea F EXISTING HOUSE 0 NEW IUPFLOW FILTER INSTALLED SAMPLE I PORT (S') NEW -------------------------- LR un"OiEl1OR NOTE: THE EAST PROPERTY UNE AND THE WELL RADII WERE FLAGGED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES /1, LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TYPE OF WORK: F. i •••:••• AS -BUILT OF SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE (R.U.F.) •••• •••• ' J e A: C ss:� NRFPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: OA - a CUFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) V��;., 953 :; DALE: DRAWN tTr: SCAIL: VALE: 4�•'•yP••"j" 6/23/98 A.C.G. 1" = 40' 2 OF 3 rObo�lfeosb m>� NEW -------------------------- LR un"OiEl1OR NOTE: THE EAST PROPERTY UNE AND THE WELL RADII WERE FLAGGED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES /1, LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TYPE OF WORK: F. i •••:••• AS -BUILT OF SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE (R.U.F.) •••• •••• ' J e A: C ss:� NRFPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: OA - a CUFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) V��;., 953 :; DALE: DRAWN tTr: SCAIL: VALE: 4�•'•yP••"j" 6/23/98 A.C.G. 1" = 40' 2 OF 3 rObo�lfeosb PERAIR NUAIDER: AS -BUILT DRAWING PNtCEl IDNUMBER: �W980i20 017-21211-- 04 7 ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER I `9t.14. � Loi MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES 01; LOT 2, BLOCK 6, , OF WORK: PROFILE AS -BUILT OF SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE (R.U.F.) PARED FOR: PHONE NUMDER: Q i C ]9: CLIFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) 6/23/98 J.L.M. I N.T.S. 1 3 OF 3 C.., 4 5P ;,@ 2t INSPECTIO'V REPORT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE -- BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 3500 EAST TUDOR ROAD, ANCIIORAGF., ALASKA IASPECHOAS: Voice: (907) 563-3464 11". (907) 343-823S INFORAL4770N.• (907) 343-8211 N"E: ALCAN ELECTRIC PERARTNUNBER: 98-7808 ADDRESS: 6720 CLOUDCROFT LANE DATE: 5/29198 o6m A.\I FllOAc kl: 240-9240 Pf OAT C. L07: 2 BLOB: 6 SUBDIY7SION. NIT AME EST #1 CO1f5IF,A7SS PN4 Nl: k1: 0: ltii is a re. TYPE OF blecaical Rough irapect gtbox W INSPECTION is checked Q No non-cmnplance observed. ❑ Cormctiona essential w explained below. C.O. approved- [3 pproved❑ WM re-axamme at next in3pection. ❑ Do not conceal until re-inspect^d. ❑ C.C.O. approved (ccm n-nts below). CO,VAIENTS: START TIME: ��Yc �c�t L,USIc'f 1��17� it�O�CGP6, srorTnlE: INSPECTOR -<J5he DA n': IVt.'.r.NCORRECl70i1'SA1Z1:'DL1DE,1'LEASF. G,!U..I . PF_( -770N DO NOTMf01'F MIS NO;f, I 83v JUL-18-98 08:46 PM P.01 RECEIVED SAMPLING AGREEMENT JUL 20 X998 Mumc�patny ut Anchorage Capt. Health & Human Services The parties agree that Susan Oswalt & Associates (contractor) will provide monthly sampling services for the Upflow Filter System to be installed on Lot 2, Block 6, Mountain Aird pstates til, as required by the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Ilealth & Niman Services, during the designated testing period. At present the contractor will take samples from the outfall of the nitrate treatment apparatus; however, changes to this matrix may occur. If any changes to the sampling are required by the Municipality, this agreement will remain in force and samples will be collected as required. It is understood that the required testing period is currently six (6) months. It is also understood that although the cost of laboratory charges for this service will be borne by the Municipality. the actual sampling labor costs will be borne by the properly owner sigtiing this agreement: The cost of sampling will be at the rate of S45/hour. Additional services provided for this system will be charged at the same rate. The property owner agrees to keep sampling areas clear of snow and to provide reasonable access to these areas, including access to any control panel within the dwelling. The contractor will make every effort to give adequate notice to the property owner prior to sampling. This agreement may be terminated by either party with a minimum of ten (10) days' notice. Dated:_Z-1 A- -� I fl Signntu r rrnperty own Susan Oswalt & Associates i l�►S�ecftoz�S /?+� 19 9 71'3OP 2^d5•ZI.90 Z'cbp� 5,-27.95 Z'cc pry PAGE 1 OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM (UPGRADE) PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW980120 DATE ISSUED: 5/15/98 DESIGN ENGINEER:ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER SERVICES EXPIRATION DATE: 5/15/9! OWNER NAME:CULLINGS CLIFFORD D OWNER ADDRESS:6720 CLOUDCROFT IN ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 PARCEL ID:01721104 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES #1 BLK 6 IT 2 LOT SIZE: 25299 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 THIS PERMIT: 5 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD /SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). 3. THE ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. PROVIDE NOTIFICATION BY CALLING 343-4744 ( 24 HOURS ) . (NOT REQUIRED FOR WELL ONLY PERMIT) 4. FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL 15 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING FREEZING WEATHER MUST BE EITHER: A. OPENED AND CLOSED ON THE SAME DAY B. COVERED, SEALED AND HEATED TO PREVENT FREEZING 5. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: THIS PERMIT ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN INNOVATIVE RECIRCULATING TRICKLING UPFLOW FILTER. THE PROPERTY OWNER AGREEMENTS SHALL BECOME A PART OF THIS PERMIT PACKAGE. THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE SAMPLING OF THE SYSTEM. THE M.O.A. WILL PAY FOR LABORATORY FEES ONLY. ,{ pI RECEIVED BY: DATE: V -�•-- 9CJ ISSUED BY: DATE: Department of Health and Human Services OLA111nicipality of Anchorage 825 "L" Street Rick hlystrom, P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Mayor hltp l/www.ti.a nc horage. ak.us May 19, 1998 Jeff Garness, P.E. Alaska Water S Wastewater 7320 East Chester Heights Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Waiver Request for Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates #1 Waiver Request #WR980019, PID #017-211-04, SW980120 Dear Mr. Garness: Your request for a waiver of the required 10 foot separation between an on-site wastewater disposal system and a lot line has been approved. The waived distance is 1 foot from the east property line. This approval applies to the existing on-site wastewater disposal system lot line separation only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separations be met or another approval from this department. If there any further questions or concerns regarding this waiver, please call our office at 343-4744. Sincerely, �( ���((4caLO' � Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer Gn-site Services ljw #7 a • r1 r'1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGL Department of Health and Human Services On-site Services Section Waiver Review Worksheet 0�1 WR#1,�G�4fil�°1 PID# -x-211-04 HA# Permit Date Received: May 5, 1998 Legal Description: Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates Al Engineer: Jeff Garness, P.E., Alaska Water & Wastewater 7320 East Chester Heights Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Applicant: Clifford Cullings •►*,e ,e• _ i Waiver Requested: Lot line waiver Criteria: 1. Geology: Points: A. Water Table B. Soil Sorption C. Permeability D. Water Table Gradient E. Horizontal Separation TOTAL: 2. Special Conditions: 3. Other: Waiver is Granted: X Waiver is NOT Granted: List Conditions or Reasons for above: SEE AffACflED E-v61v6E0?r L&,rrejp OP TLS r1F1r*?-1VA- Date: ,r —%S- 98 By:0/iN Name of Reviewer Rec #: 03828/9797 Amount: $ 115.00 Date Paid: Mav 5. 1998 i ' M . 0 . A eoPi Alaska Water & Wastewater i 7320 East Chester Heights Circle — Anchorage — Alaska 99504 Phone (907) 337-6179 — Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers i i I I I April 28, 1998 i 1. Lo -r oaf; (:�AtvCJ2- Municipality of Anchorage # i (sem. Department of Health & IIuman Services Division of Environmental Services L SF�wfJL On -Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Ref: Septic Upgrade for Lot 2, Block 6, Mountain Air Estates #1 RECIRCULATING UPFLOW FILTER (RUF) SYSTEM To whom it may concern: P�t�' ` 320= 1. GENERAL: The existing 5 bedroom home, is served by a private septic system and a private well. The existing septic system is failed and must be upgraded. A permit was issued by'DHHS on 11/7/95 (Anderson Engineering) to install a system near the south lot be, however, it was never installed. The homeowner then proposed to operate a bed and breakfast out I of the residence. The design was modified to a Recirculating Upflow Filter system and submitted to the ADEC under the premises that a private home being used as a bed and breakfast would be classified as a community well/septic system The design was approved by ADEC, however, during installation it was found that the site was unsuitable due to the presence of ground i ter. The homeowner has now opted to not operate a bed and breakfast, therefore the house is now a single family residence. Additional soils testing has been performed, and the only suitable site found was near test hole #4. Attached is a copy of the soils logs. Due to the surrounding protective well radii, steep topography, poor soils, and the presence of groundwater, there is limited area available for the new drainfield. Given these site constraints, the only viable option appears to be installing a Recirculating Upflow Filter (RUF) system or a holding tank. We are proposing to install a RUF system. The specifics regarding the design are summarized as follows: i 2. SOIL CONDITIONS: A test hole was excavated on April 18, 1997 to a depth of 10 feet in TH#4. Groundwater was encountered during the excavation at a depth of 10 feet; find was monitored on 12/01/97 at a depth of 9 feet and on 4/20/98 at a depth of 7.5 deep. A percolation test was performed between the depths of 2 feet to 2.5 feet and the absorption rate was measured i I at a rate 15 minutes/inch (see attached soil logs). Also, a percolation test was performed between the depths of 4 feet to 4.5 feet and the soils were found to be impermeable. Also, attached is a drawing and soil logs of others test holes performed on this property. I 3. DRAINFIELD: The intent is to install a Recirculating Upflow Filter (RUF) system that will allow the use of a small drainfield in the area around a 30 foot radius of TH ft4. The size of the drainfield will be based upon the previously established criteria for the RUF systems, I which dictates that soils percolating between 1 & 30 minutes/inch have an allowable application rate of 4 gpd/fl2, and soils percolating between 30 & 60 minutes/inch have an allowable application rate of 2 gpd/ft2. Given the perk rate of 15 minuteslinch the 4 gpd/fl2 application rate would apply. We are proposing to install two 5 foot wide drainfields that is 37.5 feet long and have an effective depth of 6 inches. This corresponds to an absorption area of 375 ft2, or an application rate of 2.0 gpd/fl2 (assuming 750 gpd total flow). i 4. ORENCO PACKAGE SYSTEM: The STEP tank with the trickling and upflow filter will be manufactured by Anchorage Tank &Welding to meet the latest design criteria established by Orenco Systems, Inc. The point of contact at Anchorage Tank is Lowell McNutt. Since you are familiar with the operation of the system I won't elaborate. As with their standard STEP tank, it is equipped with a high water alarm per M.O.A requirements. 5. SURFACE WATER: There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed septic system 6. TOPOGRAPHY: Attached is a topography site plan. The average slope on this property is a 20-25% slope in a direction of approximately north to south. The proposed trenches kvill be placed approximately at the mid -point of the east property line which has an average slope of 20% slope. Fill will be placed on the downhill side of the trenches to ensure that the slopes will not exceed a 3 : 1 ratio. 7. CLOSING: I am open to any suggestions from your department that would be an improvement to the proposed system. I am unaware of any negative impacts that this installation would impose on adjacent wells, or septic systems. If you have any questions, please call me a 337-6179, or 244-9612. I .S. LOT i M eLx s, u v MOUNTAIN AIR EST. %2 �. SEPTI PRTVATE U AREA AMM lEPTIE SYSTEM. I – I "TED AT 06 I � � FEET FROM M NCLL `�i ,- CLOVpCRO� ELLS YELL GJ Q- I 3 C I LOT 1. BLK 6. MOUNTAIN AIR EST. J2 o I CACAN11 J DRAT WI! EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM UIg - - - - - - - - - - LOT 2 ES.K MOUNTAIN %UR EST_�2_ ---SA�— BLK 6. AIR EST. 12 VELL • moi' I UNFAIR BLKEST5.. /2 j -- VELL�– LOT 4, BLK 6, IMOUNTAIN AIR EST.`/2 �ACANT-1 1 73cit' Ji i SF BOX / / n / / LOT 7, BLIK e. MOUNTAIN AIR EST. J2 jIVA Ct? � I AREA BLK 6. SUR EST. /2 ALL• I/ i �`, , i \ PNLPARLD BT: ALASKAWATER &WASTEWATER o� ��. �F A, s°uo LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Q 1 • • •••:��QQ�, MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES #1; LOT 2. BLOCK 6, . ......... TYPE OF WORK: ! SITE PLAN t A. Ga .. ss,! PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBLR: CLIFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) Qd4Aa y953 DRAWN BY: SCALL: ^d I •• 4/28/98 J.L.M. 1 = 100' vAI L 1 OF 5 404 FofeeSlo LUIL• ^o CL ----------- h tnI � W LOT 10, BLK 6. • MOUNTAIN AIR EST. /2 PEVATE WELL I ANO urns WELL �� IS LOCATEDTHE h• SzmM 00 TME LOT. cMUTu 3 I TUN Im FEET rDaM PRM MsEl U GRFAZ Si177t I/NLPM I -- -��-- _ SNO' LOT 2 ES.K MOUNTAIN %UR EST_�2_ ---SA�— BLK 6. AIR EST. 12 VELL • moi' I UNFAIR BLKEST5.. /2 j -- VELL�– LOT 4, BLK 6, IMOUNTAIN AIR EST.`/2 �ACANT-1 1 73cit' Ji i SF BOX / / n / / LOT 7, BLIK e. MOUNTAIN AIR EST. J2 jIVA Ct? � I AREA BLK 6. SUR EST. /2 ALL• I/ i �`, , i \ PNLPARLD BT: ALASKAWATER &WASTEWATER o� ��. �F A, s°uo LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Q 1 • • •••:��QQ�, MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES #1; LOT 2. BLOCK 6, . ......... TYPE OF WORK: ! SITE PLAN t A. Ga .. ss,! PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBLR: CLIFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) Qd4Aa y953 DRAWN BY: SCALL: ^d I •• 4/28/98 J.L.M. 1 = 100' vAI L 1 OF 5 404 FofeeSlo LUIL• ^o P EXISTING HOUSE PROPOSED UPFLOW FOO 7H/{ PET e� -_- _ BENCH LC WELL i i I SAMPLE PORT FLOW SPLITTER NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO HAVE THE EASTI�•• "'•` ." PROPERTY UNE. THE NEIGHBORING 100' WELL RADIUS, A'0'0" 2 FOOT (MIN. OF LAKE I AND THE EKISTING 100' WELL RADIUS SERVING THIS GRAVEL FOR UNP GWR! PROPERTY, FLAGGED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR INSTALL XSMNDRAINELDS P URS i TO E%ISRNG CONTOURS i PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ------- (SEE PROFILE pRAw1NC) _--_ 1 -------_- 10' UTILITY EASEMENT _HAHLD BY: ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES #1. LOT 2. BLOCK 6, OF WORK: SEPTIC UPGRADE DESIGN (R.U.F. SYSTEM) PARED FOR: PHONE NUMUFR CLIFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) DmwN BY: 5CALk- HAGL: 4/28/98 J.L.M. 1 = 30' 2 OF 5 lUl minim a 4 WN FFDM MQUIZA FL1f.R BKKfO�PtICfRJ'.R,Lif nww f01 NG WIT OLw I II I U ul PLAN VIEW %� `O�NCO 5I`= B�( • ^r y `ray .�+ 7" !W \YI11 6"O f" fABWWt7 FROM 7� C0LnF G 3/ I6" PI.Ati COATED W I 1TEMEC X46-+465 CDP1. fM rmLSON PROFILE VIEW :PARED BY: ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER AL DESCRP110N: MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES /1• LOT 2. BLOCK 6. E OF M'OfM DETAIL OF RECIRCULATING SEPTIC TANK PARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: CLIFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) ErY:- SCALE' PAGE: E4/28/98 DRAWNJ.L.M. N.T.S. 3 OF 5 I MMJiA.E C1W.?) No�a�iv� AnACLY(Ir.2) Ouuf =I INf 1vn ftm of 412B, VoAV N51.A110N(1W i cel° rorty) N mum maw" I"J; PLAN VIEW \ c4 11 aLeco M-7 I PROFILE VIEW ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES 11, LOT 2, BLOCK 6, OF WORK: DETAIL OF UPFLOW FILTER PARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: CLIFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) L. DRAWN BY:SGLE: PAGE: 4/28/98 1.L.M. N.T.S. 4 OF 5 o1W I ourro —� MAN � FEW o I MV[ f CE—x/953 :, l���ey^ .I... •.alifo Ca i co L-------- ° ---- -----J —L Mf I 3�5 0 L--- ---- coi ---------ce ----------i � Mf PLAN VIEW Mf :, co l61AWN _ P61ERf/�: � Mfn co 11dN.CR/t7E �' .. ?.s...M�ti. NN Cp1DE lr2OGF:... Yi' EIKP ON LL'�lV'iu'yZ LTAM /.1i��.Vl •1 MwY V�V . L11hH \I�VM�� Z ft V1.;1nf.�.1Jl�NY Y���y IMAM XLOWAV( V� n � 5fM O' Wi. 4 5w Nf ty4 ' PROFILE VIEW N4 F�JJEJDI C D/UTf ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES /1: LOT 2. BLOCK 6. ' PA E OF WORK: DETAIL OF DRAINFIELD PARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: Q CLIFF CULLINGS 345-0566(HM)/271-3245(WK) E: DRAWN BY: SCALE: PAGE'S OF S ys� 4/28/98 J.L.M. N.T.S. rTH N5 LOT 3. BK 6, "'�-� =�` "•' MOUNTAIN AIR ;�}-.: Y•�;�ri•: •�'"�-'• ESTATES 01 TH N5 BENC 12-\ A• TH N TH 04 5 BEDROOM HOUSE TH N4,i PERK rB, rBENCH N2 TH N6 / TH N4 PERK %•BENCH NI EXISTING TEST HOLES N 1,2, 6 3 WERE DONE BY MICHAEL E. ANDERSON, P.E. IN OCTOBER OF 1995. SITE FOUND TO LOT 1, BK 6, MOUNTAIN TH 03- BE UNSUITABLE DURING NOVEMBER AIR EST. 01. UNDEVELOPED. 1997 INSTALLTION, SHALLOW GROUN- WATER AND IMPERMEABLE SOILS. TH LOT 2, BK 6, MOUNTAIN AIR #11 TEST HOLE LOCATIONS PREPARED FORt CLIFF CULLINGS PREPARED BY, ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER SERVICES DATE, 12/14/97 DRAWN; GARNESS SCALE, 1' = 30' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT I N1 �A.'Game rys' CE -'7953 '`�: HAN➢ONE➢ WELL A NS BENCH - LAND "QUD`RpTT D MIKE ANDERSON RIVATE WELL ,;.r�; `,_,�.• WELL LOT 3. BK 6, "'�-� =�` "•' MOUNTAIN AIR ;�}-.: Y•�;�ri•: •�'"�-'• ESTATES 01 TH N5 BENC 12-\ A• TH N TH 04 5 BEDROOM HOUSE TH N4,i PERK rB, rBENCH N2 TH N6 / TH N4 PERK %•BENCH NI EXISTING TEST HOLES N 1,2, 6 3 WERE DONE BY MICHAEL E. ANDERSON, P.E. IN OCTOBER OF 1995. SITE FOUND TO LOT 1, BK 6, MOUNTAIN TH 03- BE UNSUITABLE DURING NOVEMBER AIR EST. 01. UNDEVELOPED. 1997 INSTALLTION, SHALLOW GROUN- WATER AND IMPERMEABLE SOILS. TH LOT 2, BK 6, MOUNTAIN AIR #11 TEST HOLE LOCATIONS PREPARED FORt CLIFF CULLINGS PREPARED BY, ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER SERVICES DATE, 12/14/97 DRAWN; GARNESS SCALE, 1' = 30' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT I N1 �A.'Game rys' CE -'7953 '`�: Municipality of Anchorage �•• INEE .,-P Municipality a V DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 6 HUMAN SERVICES/ 1:T ., •.� t��.!.*, 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 1 / Slls SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST IAM S . WILUAMS 1 s•.� 0.9608 • �. PERFORMED FOR: eDF- ' ( &WAZS DA+��\q •E 0$I�N�� LEGAL DESCRIPTION://(B/!NF'NN !7!Q•t I d t DC Township, Range, Section: �- SLOPE SITE PLAN WE }I 6VZiPr`1tCS (Tup PJ"ALRa;oy 27c^ 1�) i i 1 It Sowt� Aorrts �—I--1--�� 2 Reading , I SMIML - &ILTY Towo iD '%Jv?. Depth to Water Net Drop i ML - StL c-/(J64r 641AVEL 5 _ I'Evw 1,ota>_oEai 11111 111 8 9 I I I I I —10 Q WAS GROUND WATER `-"U' ENCOUNTERED] ' 11 gLwHGs f9,8c•s. IF YES, AT WHAT 'Or DEPTH? yl. Depn to Water user r 13 Matiloring? - pate: OI 14 15 16 17 18 d 19 rM e �SrH Reading Date Grotf Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop y,0-yS' / H r, _ 3 M 2, was r1 7 16:00&w t) NRS " ye" Nva M 30µ,N y ,. V.,Sf goo Iu 6 SNrw rt I r• 20 _ n Ew) PERCOLATION RA?EtL(mi^!esn^ch ) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN a.a FT AND IS FT PERFORMED/M41% CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE I HALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINE EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE 72-MBjRev. UBS) mSj 4 F ...:4. a Municipality of Anchorage 9 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES '*, f 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 M .. SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST JAMS PYALLI • 0.9608 PERFORMEDFOR: CLIFF C;l LLirj4l DAT 2 Kw%LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RAIIAraW All, Atr- Township, Range, Section: DEPTH O� 4FEgT) D� 1 3 SLOPE TaOSI (mmeH i) mt-hm 4ML�S.v� ` &L.-( w/ S40y S'4•.0 5 6 7- 8- 9 89 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? _ Depth to Water Atter 111miloring7 DatC Na SITE SEAL) ®®mmm -Wfm&mMO M��*��� 1 !! PERCOLATIONRATE aO+F �, (mmutesiinch) PERC MOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN _A�,FTAND LS FT COMMENT 11,7M/6 nr Ni7F I n «� e o T e W rt STA.+7.4 S 5ib•+� gRwe. ` I PERFORMED BVH 1 ^'^�.ERTIFY THAT THI$ TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINE IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: —(Xi yy 1 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) 1 OF ow .' .r Municipality o1 Anchorage *:49i DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 6 HUMAN SERVICES • • • •• 825 "L•• Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 .. . , • „ SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST m •; JAY'l �� s •, '0.9608 1�9••• i :ER'S SEAL) PERFORMED FOR:C (.[FF (_141LpU63 DATE It LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ICY/dUN7gw flit EV. Township, Range, Section: DFvTH .y,^F�W I SLOPE SITE PLAN r'^,TI 3ENLµ moi+ 14"S 1-- �� O�TL• 1---��F---LF-1 2 ML/y"4 SILT $"/S LT'r �--4 5 6 7 a 9 10 1 I WAS GROUND WATER 4l D ENCOUNTERED? i� 12� I DEPTH? S IF YES, AT WHAT O L P E 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS P PERFORMED BY ACCORDANCE% 72-008 (Rev. 4185) (kpN to Water Atter monitoring? Date n PERCOLATION RATE 1.'L0 4;- (mmutestmh) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 TEST RUN BETWEEN :9.0 FTAND 3•S FT 3 1.04A7Ev BETwe&1 &—�4CH #'I 4 e='^ -N $',?- (irvjm. %Nt nr . I, 1 n. 1 i buil IIY/t It II v NN" )�I V' vv�"� CERTIFY THAT TjiII ATE T WAS PERFORMED IN ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINE N EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ✓��l/ (61 i ,� C✓f ,,,AVR'S SEAL) Municipality of Anchorage o �:4 ILU /. .......... .q..0 �/ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825'L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502.0650 / SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST f ESP. VAUTAMS 0: NO. 9M 1 �i'�•• C.E. .• PERFORMED FOR: I��ii .UFF C. //11 UIL/NGS••���•�•• r � 9 DATE PEF jj ;' LEGAL DESCRIPTION:/Y/U004I1i fill, 6r, Township, Range, Section: iENGN (V gEFZH ,(FEE,T) pp'' ey 2 Tu, *#.6« 11 3 ftls� S IL -r i.I S,L,y Se.,,o •°�LIcwT Com' 4 (UF&Y DE,gSc /two D166,04) 5 26- 7- a- 9- 10 - 11 6789l0 11 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- is- 19 - 20 -1 21314151617181920 COMMENTS PERFORMED 72-008 (Rev. 4i85) 6C-Nc.H 1 ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? NO In Water After Monitoring? SITE PLAN ®®Mmm 1 o+t PERCOLATION RATE /a (minu(evincn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN �.0 FTAND 6.S FT N1 PILL V 1 �l^^"^+� CERTIFY THATT JJ}''IIIIS/JEST WAS PERFORMED IN IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ��r 3119 1 o+t PERCOLATION RATE /a (minu(evincn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN �.0 FTAND 6.S FT N1 PILL V 1 �l^^"^+� CERTIFY THATT JJ}''IIIIS/JEST WAS PERFORMED IN IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ��r 3119 .� Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street Rick Mystrom, P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Mayor http:/lwvnv. Ci. anthorage.ak. us Dear Homeowner/Prospective Buyer: The on-site wastewater disposal system you are purchasing/installing is an "alternative" wastewater disposal system. This system, known as a "Recirculating/Uptlow Filter Septic System", is undergoing testing within the Municipality of Anchorage under the Alternative System section of the Wastewater Disposal Regulations (AC 15.65). There are certain risks involved with the ownership of one o Mf these systems: 1. The technology used in this system has been shown to be effective in other areas. The system is currently undergoing a two year testing period in Anchorage under the guidance of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) to determine its effectiveness in a subarctic environment. 2. The system for this property received a vertical separation distance waiver from both (State of Alaska and Anchorage Municipal Codes to ground water. This waiver was granted due to the system's expected performance within the site conditions on this property. I (we) certify that I (we) have read the above statements and am (are) aware of the risks outlined. I (we) also certify that I (we) am (are) in the process of purchasing (property legal description): jn (Purchaser Name) CIZ� Qc_tLt-iIIUS (Purchaser Signature) Notarize Here (Purchaser Name) (Purchaser Signature) State of f1�l,S q On this yf/j day of IgC,, personally appeared before.me, who is personally known to me _ _jt, whose identity I proved on the basis of whose identity I proved on the oath/affirmation of _ t a credible witness to be the signer of the above document, and he/she acknowledged that he/she signed it. Notary Public) My commission expires oZJ oe2 PROPERTY OWNER AGREEMENT FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM I This agreement, datedS ' 199 , is made between the Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DRHS) and the property owner(s) of: -Lr a 44 h+ 4-t, C This agreement is made for the purpose of maintaining an on-site wastewater disposal system on the subject property. The property owners agree to the following: Submit to the Municipality of Anchorage, on an annual basis, an inspection and operation statement from a registered professional engineer. This inspection and - operation statement shall verify that the engineer has inspected all effluent and air pumps, timers, and alarms, and that any deficiencies have been repaired and that the system is functioning as designed. (Signature) (Printed Name) ---- — --- — ---- —_—---- —__Notarize Here (Signature) (Printed Name) State of f%/451<_ct On this I/ Ili day of , olArcrl CN/1'/Ii9S personally appeared before me, who is personally known to me t/ whose identity I proved on the whose identity I proved on the basis of! bath/affirmation of to be the signer of the above document, and he/she J. credible witness`. acknowledged that he/she signed it. Notary Public My commission expires Altmielpc`1hty Of Anehorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street Rick Mystrom, P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Mayor 343-4744 November 6, 1996 Clifford D Cullings 6720 Cloudcroft Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99516 4436 Subject: Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates Subdivision O1 Permit OSW950376, PID 0017-211-04 The subject permit, issued November 6, 1995 by this office for a single family well and/or on-site wastewater system, has expired as of November 6, 1996. A new permit must be obtained from this office for a well and/or on-site wastewater system NOT installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log must be sent to this office for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a licensed Professional Engineer has inspected the installation of the on-site wastewater system, the original as -built inspection report must be sent to this office for review, approval and documentation. All inspection reports must be submitted within 30 days of construction completion. When applying for a new permit, the fees are: $320.00 for an on-site wastewater permit; $120.00 for a well permit and $440.00 for a combined on-site wastewater and well permit. If you have any questions, please call this office at 343-4744. Sin ely, J es Cross, P.E. pies Manager On-site Services enc: Copy of Permit cc: Anderson Engineering PAGE 1 OF 1 • MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM (UPGRADE) PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW950376 DATE ISSUED:11/06/95 DESIGN ENGINEER:ANDERSON ENGINEERING EXPIRATION DATE111/06/96 OWNER NAME:CULLINGS CLIFFORD D OWNER ADDRESS:6720 CLOUDCROFT LN ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 PARCEL ID:01721104 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: V4OUNTAIN,AIR_ESTATES #1 BLK 6 LT 2 -r LOT SIZE: 25299 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 THIS PERMIT: 5 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD /SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). 3. THE ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. PROVIDE NOTIFICATION BY 4 5. CALLING 343-4744 ( 24 HOURS ) . (NOT REQUIRED FOR WELL ONLY PERMIT) FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL 15 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING FREEZING WEATHER MUST BE EITHER: A. OPENED AND CLOSED ON THE SAME DAY B. COVERED, SEALED AND HEATED TO PREVENT FREEZING THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: RECEIVED ISSUED BY DATE: /l/% ,9s - DATE: 0/6 h)� October 31, 1995 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Heath & Human Services 825 "L" Street Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 Subject: Lot 2, Block 6, Mountain Air Estates Subdivision Septic System Design Impacts to Adjacent Properties Dear On Site Services Engineer: The owner ofthe subject lot fin -tends' to operate -a bed and breakfast' 1,.establishment_ out of his five bedroom home. An investigation of the septic system indicated it was at or near a state of failure and required upgrading before a certification could be issued. Testholes placed near the existing absorption trench revealed a very dense silt material (which would not percolate at an acceptable rate. Additional testholes placed on the lot indicated the only area suitable for an absorption system was near the south lot line of the property. The attached site plan indicates the proposed design for the new septic system. A Class B well is required for a bed and breakfast certification so the well has been moved outside the 150' radius. We have also designed two 75' laterals at different elevations due to the terrain of the lot. A 2,000 gallon S.T.E.P. tank will be placed along with a pressure distribution system to evenly discharge the effluent from the septic tank. The topography of the lot is shown on the site plan. Unfortunately, steep slopes exist over much of the lot making it unusable. This problem along with the poor absorption characteristics of the soil limit they area available for a septic system. The location shown on the site plan appears to be the only location available for the new system. The existing septic tank will be crushed and backfilled and left in place. The existing absorption trench will be abandoned in its current location. Lot 2, Block October 31, Page Two 6, Mountain Air Estates Subdivision 1995 If the septic system is placed in the location shown the following statements can be made: 1. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on the wells in the area or those to be constructed in the future. 2. The system, if constructed on existing septic systems the future. 3. The system, if constructed on reserved space, either in the area. as designed, will have no adverse impact in the area or those to be constructed in as designed, will have no adverse impact surface or subsurface, on any lots located 4. The system, if constructed as designed, on drainage patterns in the area. The be maintained. Sincerely, -1)/U" E CrnwC� Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments will have no adverse impact current drainage pattern will �R•hvchc,l E. AnJonan 4u+' i 1 I I t .l / II � I I / /IJ _=-' LOCATION MAP LOT 2, BLOCK 6, MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES SITE PLAN SCALE 1' = 30' G`-GvpGR�F � "w • N 5 �g•O3� aO ....... .::::.....'..... ................... ...... 29 8 40.2' ? 18.5' k 16.1 v ! OQ I 17.1' •? EXISMNG N P'• HOUSE u O A' s Z 43.4' .A, LOT N ik S LOT 1 - o x _ o, tp —,� Z� OD ALUIJ , E TaNIL '7S-' 4r-o�-- ..�......---- •:� ,.7 �., .o �t° ,• RAINAGE-EASEMENT.Pf—li I'.l tl '�`"•'�•`a`^:•............... A m,hm:l E. t.ndcrwn • ��• 88•23•05rr W 133.60' +ll u"•••. 1751-E •1; �rn�I�,.,L�Q �' LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 2, BLOCK 6, MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES DESIGN FACTORS: Five Bedroom Home Perc. Rate: 17 MlnJln. Application Rate: .6 GPD/SF Reduction Factor: .5 5 Bdrms. X 150 GPD / .6 GPD/SF = 1,250 SF / 5 LF X .58 (Red. Factor) Therefore: Construct a Shallow Two Laterals Each 75' in Length. Lateral. Laterals Placed at Different 3-0 N..chca E. Anden�� L+✓ NOTE: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Shallow Trench System 2,000 Gallon S.T.E.P. 3' Gravel Beneath Dist. Pipe 1,250 SF of Absorption Area = 145 LF Total Absorption Trench Wide Absorption Trench System With Pressure Distribution System to Each Elevations Due to Terrain of ILot. N /,TV 2A'L. R Ac,,..F7 c.t_ GOT' , C--cra i FAE(Llc, _ I%" -Pvc. P,uL !:-9 W OF 11-5-j , �<.5�� 3 Loq 1. Bottom of Trench to be 4' Above Groundwater. 2. Grade Area Over Trench to Drain .r Municipality of Anchorape DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 3 HUMAN SERVICES 925 `L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST (ENGINEER'S SEAL) a'u`rson _ 41tl1-� PERFORMED FOR: CLIFFOrLp CyLW4eAS DATE PERFORM LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LfAfz, Township, Range, Section: 2 3K-.trl 41;,)C 'I OL 19 Mj. Ne7. I WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? pe0 to WMar NW . _ i Wondorlop7 ME,MENEM ONE ■ 'I Reading Date Gross Time Not Time Dooth to Water I Not Drop :<Y i g.S&I / + ),:07 ZS w-- SG t t.L 7 4. 7 Z 6.811 .71 3:5 / CL I 20LJI r• ,Il. JII PERCOLATION RATE Z= (mmutevmch) PERC MOLE DIAMETER 8 / TEST RUN BETWEEN �— FT AND 4' FT COMMENTS f! 1 �- 1 i) iu6�iW I ' PERFORMED BY: ERTIFY THAT THIS EST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE C/3� �Q� 72 -OW (Rev. 4/83) • .. Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 `L" Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Ct-IF-FOfLA ULLIA166 DATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION (,p ET) 2- 7 3 3- 4- 5- 6- 9 • 10 Ic30 11 . G • •• 12 • ••' 13 G�F'I ML G o •• r 14 15 161 1 17Y 18 19 Township. Range, Section: SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SEAL) Date Gross Time Not Time 4 Net Drop In yf % Z SI 57 i i:o(e or 1.311 •n .. •r...�,�..ai ; i 9 • 10 Ic30 11 . G • •• 12 • ••' 13 G�F'I ML G o •• r 14 15 161 1 17Y 18 19 Township. Range, Section: SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SEAL) w6c.l E. I" •o i. Dept m Whet Alter .. I . MoNlaring7 R—ivt O71C re jo Reading Date Gross Time Not Time Depth to Water I Net Drop In yf % Z SI i i:o(e or 1.311 •n .. •r...�,�..ai ; w6c.l E. I" •o i. Dept m Whet Alter .. I . MoNlaring7 R—ivt O71C re jo Reading Date Gross Time Not Time Depth to Water I Net Drop In yf % Z SI i i:o(e IS 1.311 i+1 IGPJ Io. I.1 i9 t IL lo. .t I 20 LJ(minutes/inch) PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 7_ TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND 6 FT COMMENTS ' `���'��RwCo P/2+Ort- Tp TGS'nIJG PERFORMED BY: .4. r' A &A LA I " *"`'""� �RTIFY THAT THIS EST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE: �c%las 72-008 (Rev. 41851 Municipalityof Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH S HUMAN SERVICES 625'L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: UuF: =orA4 WLC.In1GS DATE PERFOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 7-/1- [-1".- (FEET) 1 2- 15 17 18—.-- TH 3 19 I ►' COMMENTS /b Township. Range. Section: r`+ SLOPE X0.1 1 - WAS GROUND WATER r ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT / DEPTH? •� I2 Dmh to Wrier ARC mmdoritg? 4 —/Z I law %v o•9S `..`;;(ENGINEER'S SEAL) m..nc I E. A3J.t.o 4:51 - ®=/m®® ,' I .• PERCOLATION RATE 17 (mmutevmcn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER �_ TEST RUN BETWEEN * FT AND FT ",—.h�}y ' •n P24 ti M . TD T r "PJL A. f>taa�tr_,o YiQu/..� ca PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT HIS EST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: �/ 3��`! i 72-M8 (Rev. UES) q— 4�0. 5 6 o. 7 o � $ �.-•• �M rl�sp 10 t it 2 12- 13- 14 1 14 15 17 18—.-- TH 3 19 I ►' COMMENTS /b Township. Range. Section: r`+ SLOPE X0.1 1 - WAS GROUND WATER r ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT / DEPTH? •� I2 Dmh to Wrier ARC mmdoritg? 4 —/Z I law %v o•9S `..`;;(ENGINEER'S SEAL) m..nc I E. A3J.t.o 4:51 - ®=/m®® ,' I .• PERCOLATION RATE 17 (mmutevmcn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER �_ TEST RUN BETWEEN * FT AND FT ",—.h�}y ' •n P24 ti M . TD T r "PJL A. f>taa�tr_,o YiQu/..� ca PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT HIS EST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: �/ 3��`! i 72-M8 (Rev. UES) ,' I .• PERCOLATION RATE 17 (mmutevmcn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER �_ TEST RUN BETWEEN * FT AND FT ",—.h�}y ' •n P24 ti M . TD T r "PJL A. f>taa�tr_,o YiQu/..� ca PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT HIS EST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: �/ 3��`! i 72-M8 (Rev. UES) Xe LOT 4C. UL 4 •••v•.... w,u m.� •- 1" 4 own M OF PRESSURE CALCULATION DALcuuTw MCA DATE I Igs- CHECXED IfY DATE I I I ._. . :Elevation -at Highest Discharge Point-.—__ .Pressure at Highest Discharge Point 5I "Liquid Level in the Septic Tank Diameter of Holes to Distribution Piping - , / 2>75 Diameter of Transport Line ...... :Length of Transport Line Diameter of Distribution Pipe _ „,—, . __._•...:, :-_.L,zS.•.-... - Hole Spacing in Distribution PipeTF : .97..G.P.O. Ort�FIGC__:...@.Ys._.._N.. 9, -ML. _ ..9.1 .. ?�.. �S O FicEs Last _?c _, ? LarEna�s 76).1 G P M ' Z— ..000995 Sti� �Z9 1� - �9 4 --- - --- . ._1.57:.... 9 : • � -' (0� _��' /(o� ''t=---8,57 .._..__�.. : : ; , •n • 1 • I � .._...__ _ ....._._—_ —_._ _ , � i I T—•r--'. :�—.. Mi<h of E. An�crwn �crmLLNL.n..m,w®a..oa r nm �onr„o[tdula w+aas ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT: Lot 2, Block 6, Mountain Air Estates Subdivision GENERAL: 1. The scope of this project includes the procurement and installation of a 2,000 gallon S.T.E.P. Tank with a I lift station and the construction of two 75' long X 5' wide absorption trenches. Work also includes the demolition, filling with sand and abandoning of the exisiting septic tank in place. 2. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved site plan, design drawings, Municipal Permit with any special provisions or conditions, and all applicable State and Municipal Wastewater Disposal Regulations. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtainingall underground utility locates and for the layout of the septic system. 4. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the property owner shall be responsible for final grading areas subsequently depressed from soil settling. Property owner shall also' be responsible for revegetation of affected areas unless specifically agreed otherwise. I 5. Contractors installing wastewater disposal systems must be certified by the Municipal Department of Health and Human Services for system installations. Owners installing their own systems must receive prior approval from D.H.H.S. before beginning system installation. LIFT STATION INSTALLATION 1. The lift station is to be constructed by a certified tank manufacturer. Construction shall include an 18" manhole for access to the lift station. Lot 2, Block 6, Mountain Air Estates Subdivision October 31, 1995 Page Two 2. The lift station shall be sufficiently bedded to p settling or shifting of the tank. int 3. All standpipes on the lift station shall extend a minimum of 12 inches above final grade. 4. Lift stations installed without 4' of cover shall have a minimum of 2" of direct burial insulation. 5. A foundation cleanout shall be installed one to four feet from the building foundation. No cleanouts are required between the lift station and the drainfield in a pressure distribution system. I 6. Final grading over the lift station shall be such that a positive slope exists away from the septic tank. ABSORPTION TRENCH CONSTRUCTION: 1. The absorption trench shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the design. The bottom of the trench shall be within 2" of level. The bottom and sidewalls of the trench must be raked before gravel placement. 2. Distribution piping must be placed level with perforations down atop a level bed of drainfield rock. Rock should then be placed over the pipe to provide a minimum of 2" of cover. 3. A silt barrier or geotextile fabric must be placed between the drainfield rock and the natural soil backfill. 4. Monitor tubes must be 4" in diameter and installed at the locations shown on the design. The portion in the drainfield rock must be perforated. 5. Direct bury insulation must be placed over the distribution system when less than 3' of backfill depth is available. Lot 2, Block 6, Mountain Air Estates Subdivision October 31, 1995 Page Three Finish grade over the trenches must be mounded to p settlement or depressions. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. The lift station must be constructed by a Municipally approved septic tank manufacturer. An Orenco 20 OSI 05 HHF - 5 is recommended. 2. The following pipe materials are approved for use in septic system installations in the Municipality of Anchorage: Cast Iron (perforated and solid), ASTM D3034 or P.V.C. (perforated and solid), ASTM F810 or H.D.P.E. (perforated, but not solid) and ASTM D2662 or A.B.S. (perforated and solid). 3. Insulation shall be at least 2" thick extruded direct burial polystyrene (Dow Chemical Co. Styrofoam HI or equal). 4. Septic tank inlets and outlets shall be fitted with watertight couplings (Caulder, Fernco, or equal). 5. A permeable geotextile fabric (Typar, Mirafi or equal) must be installed between the final drain rock layer and the native soil layer. 6. All drain rock shall be .5" to 2.5" in diameter with less than 3% passing the #200 seive. INSPECTIONS: A minimum of two inspections are required by Municipal Ordinance. These inspections must be conducted under Ithe supervision of a professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The first inspection must be conducted after Ithe excavation of trenches, beds or pits and before the installation of any gravel. A septic tank may be set in place, but may not be backfilled. Lot 2, Block 6, Mountain Air Estates Subdivision October 31, 1995 Page Four The second inspection must be conducted after the placement of the geotextile fabric, gravel, distribution piping, standpipes, cleanouts and insulation. No backfill should be in place at the time of the second inspection. 0\ r % MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �.f� .�\ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION II ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street • Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAh1�s / / PHONE NEW LJ/• UPGRADE MAILINGAD R $S.._ LEGAL ,'r -DESCRIPTION C/_ ^� yV LOCATION C DUA .4 4y(2, NO. OF BEDROOMS D DISTANCE TO: II •/ Y Absorphoq area 77! Dwelling r� & PEHMI N . Y E2Manufacturer /'1 /7 s G Material5k., No. of com artments N Liq. cap ity9allons IF HOMEMADE: Inside length Width Liquid depth dUZ DISTANCE TO: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. SFQ- Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity In gallons o _1 sit DISTANCE TO: Well / l4 Foundation // (O rO / Nearest lot im PERMIT N Com{ ZZ 2 to F —C No. of line Length oLC6irtp. CCC77 CC�J Total le9�th f ines (p d( Trench inches Distance betwey^}i ssG '✓ <F- p Top of the to finish grade Material beneath tile inches Total aflec(i n tion area W Length Width Depth PERMIT NO. dF W 1 Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total el lective absorption area i rn DISTANCE TO: Well Building foundation Nearest lot line J J Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. w � DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption steals) OTHER PIPE MATE LS SOIL TEST RATING I Fr REMARKS i APPHO DATE LEGAL 72-013 (Rev 3/78) v MUNI C I�tr F"L_ I T -•T OF Fir�ICHOERGE J�c,rS )�)- SI "= DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IU .Lv�!c� 825 'L' STREET, ANCHORAGE, AY,. 99501 ay 264-4720 n^arc CAN -"n I TE SEWEE UPGEF E>E= F'EFOM I T PERMIT NO. ( 810950 ) �. O il& 6 uutfet APPLICANT CLIFFORD D. CULLINGS SRA BOX 454C 345-1091 LOCATION CLOUDCROFT LANE LEGAL L2 66 MOUNTAIN AIR. ESTATES LOT SIZE 25299 SQUARE FEET TYPE OF SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: TRENCH MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS = 5 SOIL RATING (SQ FT/6R:)= 21f f THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: DEPTH= 1.4 LEI�JC3-r = S!5 iGF; F'n L DEPTH 1C3 THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRAINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF A TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR. TRENCHES. THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MIFJIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFALL PIPE AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). EErlU I EEE SEPT I co TF NK SS 12" ET EnU« GIALL_CDN5 PERMIT APPLICANT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT DURIFJG THE INSTALLATION INSPECTIONS OF ANY WELLS ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY AND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THAT THE WELL WILL SERVE. --- Tl,10 C ] I fVSPECT I UI'J�. FiEE EECAl_t I EEL7 --- BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY THIS DEPARTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MIFJIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS 100 FEET FOR A PRIVATE WELL OR 150 TO 200 FEET FROM A PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC.WELL. I MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM A PRIVATE WELL TO A PRIVATE SEWER LINE IS 25 FEET AND TO A COMMUNITY SEWER. LINE IS 75 FEET. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. DEEM I T E}SP I F;;. ES C+ECEMEEE 2 1. 1 +51 I CERTIFY THAT I 1: I AM FAMILIAR, WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS AS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: I WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE, CODES. 3: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER.. SYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THAN 5 BEDROOMS. _ iN,s UPG�e� �, 15 SIGNED:- ---'------------ 77T) /yiOUi' /1 Sys7Fo,� APPLI. FJwoof FORD D. C LLINGS �p �T- 1`�N fiD�i770K1 AMR -A44 1 ISSUED ------ DATE r - BY O ��fJpe- - L _sF h1f}aF, V4. 0 18Denl 0 770+v 601u- use,s�in�a /a>o GREA R ANCHORAGE AREA BM.JGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I NAME MAILING ADDRESS S 331 1 922" PHONE'L/f/ �''a�� LOCATION ��`"��&ant'_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION �1 � u � MST' �IYL '' s7- SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE�"" ((�� NUMBER OF FROM WELL _143x�� MANUFACTURER MATERIAL COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH 11 INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY 00 GALLONS. TILE DRAIN FIELD: TOTAL LENGTH DISTANCE FROM WELL FOUNDATION NEAREST LOT LINE OF LINES NUMBER OF LINES DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES TRENCH WIDTH_ IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA�aa SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE Ob-- MATERIAL BENEATH TILEIN. ABOVE TILE IN. WELL: TYPE CONSTRUCTION DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: r BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE ; FOUNDATION . LOT LINE . SEWER LINE . TANK . SYSTEM i CESSPOOL . OTHER SOURCES I APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS —• I DISTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM w'z« INSTALLED BY: i Ir 5-T(Q SEWER LINEDEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: /O.LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: VNI, DATE 1 ;=PPROVED . G.A.A.B. I Form EQ -032 GREA�:R ANCHORAGE AREA BOF"�JGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1110"C"STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 TELEPHONE 274.4561 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM — APPLICATION AND PERMIT RMIT NO. -As L�LII/s l•�JT[�/i�! iP��f i MAILING ADDRESS 'J.�� /r<*/ 33O T a •macPHONE 9(%✓�� NAME OF APPLICANT INSTALLATION LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED CED THROUGH SEEPAGE 4 x DRAIN FIELD OTHER � 1 TO BE INSTALLED BY FINAN s- y �SO��Y'S S P?.j� S•?D NOTE, THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST SOIL TEST RESULTS COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED I �— FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. I 1�� an/ TYPE �� u��ly1 EPAGE AREA SIZE eWt6�/ TYPE SEPTIC TANK SIZE I DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM MINIMUM DISTANCES. REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK �O / FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE ►TT DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE ►R WALL T1 SEPTIC TANK /' SEEPAGE T4 /l�j , DRAIN FIELD TO NEAREST LOT LINE. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK /G4) ' SEEPAGE PIT-- DRAIN ITDRAIN FIELD /`Ki/ ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PLF- DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK. I'' SEEPAGE PreM' DRAIN FIELD FF- LPf TO RIVER. LAKE. STREAM. CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION B FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. OR LICENSED DESIGNER 1 CERTIFY THAT 1 AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. NO. 28-6I AND THAT THE ABOVE DATEAPPLICANT'6 SIGNATURE FORM NO. MG -016 1 I NO. 28-6I AND THAT THE ABOVE DATEAPPLICANT'6 SIGNATURE FORM NO. MG -016 1 COVSULTA.N INC. n ANCHORAGE. FMIADVVK8 JUNEAU 249 EAST 9IST AVENUE . P, O. BOX 6067 • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99903 • TELEPHONE 907.279.0463 • TELEX 090.39419 June 10, 1975 R & M No. 562044 Revised Report �S i Clabo Construction P. O. Box 3-4056 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Test Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System Lot 2. Block 6 Mountain Air Estates Dear Mr. Clabo: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This inves- tigation was performed in accordance with your request of June 7, 1975, and those procedures outlined in a letter dated December 19, 1975, by Mr. Rolf Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A single test hole was put down within the Lot 2 area for the purpose) of defining general subsurface soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with an auger type drilling rig and the test hole was extended to a total depth of 20.0 feet below groundl surface.' One sample was recovered from the test hole and retained for grain size analysis. The results of this sample are enclosed. The final .log prepared for the test hole has been included in Drawing A-01. Ground water was not encountered in the test hole. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service to you.. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. W Jamas lJ. Rooney Vice President JbTR/tIED/sc Enclosure Lrxc: GRAB i T.H. No. 1 6-10-75 0.0' ORGANICS W/ SONE SILT 1.5' h:000 0 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) OopQ e� 4.0' of 4t GRAVELLY SAID, TRACE SILT (SP) .y' 5.5' SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) .0' T.D. NO WATER TABLE Log Represents Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates Clabo Construction Gary Lewis Property Rf� Consulton)s InC SKA auNiAu Log of Test Hole riA ANCNO�A6E LAIR➢ANN3 ALAl Anchorage, Alaska, GATE 6-10-75 iscAL.E DwN ey MAM cw o 0T WED 1PRoj. No.562044 lown NO. A-01 TEST ON PROJECT SAMPLED SOURCE LOCATION LABORATORY TEST REPORT Insitu Material -Ram PROJECT N0. 562044 N0. PROJECT NAME Gary Lewis LAB N0.75A-1000 Test Hole No. 1 Duncan I 1 FROM SUBMITTED BY FIELD 1 Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates DATE REPORTED 6-B-75 Anchorage, Alaska DEPTH 8-10, DATE SAMPLED 6-7-75 DATE RECEIVED 6-7-75 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION COMPACTION - I a PASSING AS - SPEC UN If IED AASHO FAA SIEVE RECE IVEO _ 5%+10 - OPTIMUM MOISTURE MAX. WET DENSITY MAX. DRY DENSITY I CORK MAX. DRY DENSITY I /. FRACTURE METHOD NATURAL DENSITY NATURAL MOISTURE WEIGHT LOOSE WEIGHT RODDED I 4" - %+S 3 % GRAVEL 2" 100 % SAND I Ili" 92 % SILT 1" 84 - % CLAY 3/4- 80 FSV Ile 73 LL 3/8' j 70 PL 4P4 62 PI #[ CLASS (CM) #10 54 REMARKS W U a 1 I I I I #IB Classification 020 Based on Gradation # 30 4F 40 41 *30 #[0 I I W 10 40200 27 STATIC IMMERSION .02 N Y BRAND .00S MM 'I%_11/2%_2%,_ DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MINUS # 200 MESH SOFT FRAGMENTS COAL B LIG. OR LT. WT. PART. CLAY LUMPS STICKS B ROOTS FRIABLE PARTICLES SPECIFIC GRAVITY ABSORPTION FINENESS MODULUS SULFATE SOUNDNESS FREEZE-TMAW RATIO L.A. ABRASION LOSS DEGRADATION VALUE THIN-ELONGATEO_ ORGANIC COLOR— GRADE I MOISTURE - PERCENT Engineering Ef Geological ConSUltanto ANCN0w A4[ IAIR [ANN • ALAZKA .IY N[AV CLABO CONSTRUCTION L068372 N IN N �411b4l,uA Las lfit, i MU" I G I F"f=l L I TY OF FAIFVCHOFZF=l GE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3330 C STREET. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 274-4561 W ELL F}EFZM I T PERMIT NO.( > GARY LEWIS SRA BX 330 T 3446241 LOCATION LUPINE LEGAL L2 86 MT AIR EST LOT SIZE 17-930 SQFT MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM WELL TO ANY SEPTIC TANK/PACKAGE PLANT OR SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS 100 FT FOR A PRIVATE WELL AND 200 FT FOR A PUBLIC WELL. j !JELL LOGS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE WELL COMPLETION. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS AS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE AND WILL INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODE. , SIGNED....0 ISSUED . . . . . .a. . . ..� ..... DATE..l.�.^��-7� m,j, z 1 0,..12 6r,,/ - /on Ircis pas,!. Mi -L 3 /2jxr.c/ ale, /Lizh5l- qtcv 4o /moo nzvx4 ?Ly-,1go hl OaLic%26Al - �ALUlJ v- cni 6N. i .> `//l )a— P, ' r f .. .. -� ._1 1 � ! :'IJ �'-� t � �- :`- YJ `,i .I_i-' l :llfa,!I :•.{ F1 :'�-1 i 19 t c.I f i . �'.: J_l":'J ! II f'� G."oltli [Il l>lali:,,i i'1 _:'iii Ql i JJ_•:S . ': i .-ii'!'I�{i�07f .:i 1':,.Qip ,t,�. ✓::I�+ � ��r'i-;'�I'1 lti;: i:�U.!T=::., -c.) �I;.�t 'iii ?Tti._•?i t_ i.. C�' � ►_ 't"JTF"!�I:'li cJ"S.�.S �:: i,. '-'.!a:.1 3i I.4 -';_ �I .: fl' i _',-IT ili"Ili �i�i1.1 J.i'•�� t :,=:-i t .I t"i 1.I:.' '+ Y�u_+,t1:i ';il 'r "I:.Yi ?7If1.!!1 r...' .... .....`.. ........ i ., I 1 S LEVEL GPM 3 D DRILL BY CH SELF ph 3449242 I I i r� r� GARY LE17IS 17ELL LOG #2 LOT 2 BLOCK_ 0 ---4 top soil 4----22 S&G 22--28-G 2s--30. C 30--34 Water Sand 15 gpm 34--65 Gravel- 65--79 sand i 79--97 G& sand 97--114 sand 114-124gravel `I 124-127 clay f 127-130 W Sand 130-134 17 Gravel i I S LEVEL GPM 3 D DRILL BY CH SELF ph 3449242 I I i MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department `� ¢' ' Phone: 907-343-7904 On -Site Water & Wastewater Section Fax: 907-343-7997 Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Parcel I.D. 017-211-04 Expiration Date: I0'2,2 "-ZI 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Mountain Air Estates Sub #1, Block 6, Lot 2 Location (site address) 6720 Cloudcroft Lane Current property owner(s) Joe Linden Day phone (907) 360-1465 Mailing address 6720 Cloudcroft Lane, Anchorage, AK 99516 Real estate agent Day phone 2. TYPE OF DWELLING: Fmil Single Family (w/wo ADU) ❑ Duplex ❑ Multiple Dwellings (Single Family and/or Duplex) 3. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 4. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Private Well 0 Private Septic Q Water Storage ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Community Well ❑ Community ❑ Public Water System ❑ Public Sewer ❑ Waiver request for: Distan Received by: COSA to be released to the engineer, unless otherwise requested by the engineer. Date: COSA Fee $ .5-159 Waiver Fee $ _ Date of Payment 71-0,Az-Date of Payment Receipt NumberReceipt Number COSA# 05r_211"2)77 Waiver# 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. I acknowledge that On -Site staff may visit the site to verify the information submitted. Name of Firm Forge Engineering Phone (907) 522-7773 Address 1399 W. 34th Ave Suite 101, Anchorage, AK 99503 Engineer's Printed Name Benjamin Schiller Date 6/22/21 6. DSD SIGNATURE [� XSystem #1 Approved for J bedrooms System #2 Approved for bedrooms Disapproved Conditional approval for bedrooms. �c °F Ali i co - TH 9+�� •-:- BenjamirySchiller CE 12592 low/ 11 �1iF, pROFESSI�NP�-` ,waR � with the followina stipulations: WATER m T=u!`ATER z J PRC)rT,;— o; , T SERI\G�����•~ Original Certificate Date: The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Division (DSD) issues Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 7. ATTACHMENTS: COSA Checklist X Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory COSA Checklist blue sheet Nitrate Advisory Arsenic Advisory Other �� Legal Description: Mountain Air Estates Sub #1, Block 6, Lot 2 Parcel ID: 017-211-04 If more than 1 septic system on lot: COSA Checklist # of Structure served by this system A. WELL DATA ❑ Well log is filed with Onsite (or attached) Date drilled Total depth 134 ft Cased to 134 ft 0 Sanitary seal is functioning correctly © Wires are properly protected Casing height (above ground) 30 in. Date of flow test for COSA 4/28/21 Static water level at beginning of test 79 Comments B. TANK DATA Age of tank(s) 27 years Tank type/material Orenco/Steel ft. Measured operating fluid level in septic tank n/a ® Standpipes/foundation cleanout per record drawing Date of pumping 4/22/21 A+ Home Services D. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Shallow Trench Which system tested (date installed) 5/20/94-6/25/94 0 ALL standpipes present per record drawing Total measured depth from grade 5.0 ft (max) Measured depth to pipe invert from grade 4.6 ft (min) ❑ N/A — pressurized field ® Monitor tubes go to bottom of effective. If not, state depth into effective 0.4 FE -1 Code -required soil cover over field ❑ System presoaked (Required if vacant for greater than 30 days prior to date of test) Gallons introduced gallons Comments/Deficiencies: COSA Checklist yellow sheet Well production at time of test 5.7 gpm Water storage tank volume gallons Well disinfected for coliform test? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Coliform bacteria is Negative Nitrate 4.71 mg/L ❑ Nitrate less than MRL (ND) Arsenic ug/L ❑ Arsenic less than MRL (ND) Collected by Forge Engineering Date of Sample 6/18/2 C. LIFT STATION ❑ Required maintenance completed Age of lift station 27 years Lift station material Steel Comments: Adequacy test date 4/28/21 Results O/ Pass For 5 bedrooms Fluid depth prior to test 0 in Water added 891 gal New depth 0 in Elapsed time 1440 min Final fluid depth 0 in Absorption rate '800 gpd Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 months) If yes, enter date i E. SEPARATION DISTANCES From Private Well on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required or if community well) Septic Tank/Lift Station on Lot > 100' F,71 Yes Community Sewer Manhole/Cleanout > 100' ✓❑ Yes if No ft ❑ Yes if No Neighboring Tank > 100' ✓❑ Yes if No ft Private Sewer/Septic Line > 25' 7 Yes if No Absorption Field on Lot > 100' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Holding Tank > 100' ❑✓ Yes if No Neighboring Absorption Fields > 100' Yes if No Animal Containment > 50' ✓0 Yes if No ❑✓ Yes if No ft if No ft F. ENGINEER'S COMMENTS Manure/Animal Excreta Storage > 100' Community Sewer Main > 75' ❑✓ Yes if No ft ❑✓ Yes if No From Septic/Holding Tank on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required) Building Foundations > 10' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Surface Water > 100' ft ft ft ft ft ❑✓ Yes if No ft Property Line > 5' F,71 Yes if No ft Wells on Adjacent Lots: Absorption Field > 5' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Private Wells > 100' Q Yes if No Water Main > 10' Q Yes if No ft Community Wells > 200' E] Yes if No. Water Service Line > 10' 0 Yes if No ft If septic tank is under driveway comment below From Absorption Field on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required) Building Foundation > 10' ED Yes if No ft If absorption field is under driveway comment below Property Line > 10' ❑ Yes if No 2 ft Wells on Adjacent Lots.- ots:Water WaterMain > 10'✓❑ Yes if No ft Private Wells > 100' Yes if No Water Service Line > 10' F� Yes if No ft Community Wells > 200' Yes if No Surface Water > 100' F71 Yes if No ft F. ENGINEER'S COMMENTS #WR980019* G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION • , I certify that 1 have determined through field inspections and review 'o, co • •-17 of Municipal records that the above systems are in conformance with 49TH ¢� MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. ?• • • • �- •• Benjaaj6chiller ®` �Fc• CE 12592 .•���®� �A ���F�, • 6/22/21 , •���� ONP . COSA Checklist yellow sheet pROFESSI WQW- ft ft ft ft MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE • Community Development Department • On -Site Water & Wastewater Program P: 907-343-7904 • F: 907-343-7997 • P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AI< 99519-6650 - http://www.mmni.org Maintenance Log Owner Street Address �� c�� �,� 0 Uc1Cr 4V Phone Legal Desc. PID Septic Tank: -Sludge level inches -Pumping: required es no -Pumping completed yes no Absorption Field: -Liquid level ^inches f -Flushing valves per approved designey s no -All flushing valves opened, distribution lines flushed, and flushing valves closed yes no I iff cfafinn- •Pump basket cleaned es no •Biotube effluent filter cleaned es no -Timer float setting inches -High level float setting�,Iinches -Reference pointToP qF R�,sec- •Pump on 60 seconds -Pump off minutes -Cumulative lifetime cycles S3 115-0 -Operation satisfactory s no Air System: -Air pump filter cleaned yes no N 1d -Date of latest install or rebuild / Alarm System: -Dedicated electrical circuit es no -Float setting 2,�inches -Cumulative run time ) D 31 '38 hours -Air pressure psi -Air system operation satisfactory not satisfactory *Audible and visual alarm inside dwelling e no -Alarm system operationsatisfactory not satisfactory Comments: N� 5 �m.....i.s.....-.....'g2J�G .eC-........W.J............' ..�? .... �o ........ 5......>..(4v— . ............................................................................................................................ ..... .... .................................................................................... ................................................... I .............. 'Rs.4.i"C�-1r�.......4".!'hl.n...Ct.......6d.��4�..dn........................................................... 5. j`loir_...C\. e. ........................... ........................................................................ Maintenance Provider: Technician Company S e c kj tees Signature mor nn_:_c______ i -- n.n � Date of maintenance M J(J T\ Date U a 2) 1V1A1IV 1 L' 1` AIM -L'. AIV V KhYA1K AUKI".UVI IV 1 THIS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT, herein the "AGREEMENT" made and entered into as of this �� Da} of ,1-1- �`( of 20 .0 , by and between Ck 'k' �r-or it 0.. [�c- � (9 11, A erein the "C�WNFR "and the Mnnin.innlity of Anchorage, herein the "MUNICIFALITY", in accordance with Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC) 15.65.365. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties to this Agreement agree as follows: 1. Advanced Wastewater T.-eatment Systems. The Municipality grants permission to the Owner to utilize and operate an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWWTS), described as Orenco located at (legal descriptioi) Mountain Air Estates #1 Block 6 Lot 2 2. Maintenance, Repairs and Alterations. (Owner is required to read, un Jerstand and initial each section) ��r� Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Owner shall enter into a service agreement with an AWWTS service znd maintenance provider approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's representative. The AWWTS shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition capable of perfo-ming as designed and producing treated septic effluent in accordance with the equipment's approval for operation in the Municipality. It shall be the responsibility of the Owner during the term of this Agreement to pay for all repair(s), maintenance, adjustment(s), replacement costs, and inspection costs. This includes an annual maintenance fee (typically $400 to $600). Owner agrees that only mE intenance and repair personnel approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's repr,-sentative will inspect and make any necessary maintenance, repairs or permitted alterations to the system. 1 Owner acknowledges that regular maintenance of an AWWTS reduces the potential failure of the system, which could include sewage backup and costly repairs or drainfield replacement. (rev. 05/18/2018) Pagel of3 Owner acknowledges that the fine for failing to maintain and repair an AWWTS may be assessed in accordance wi- h AMC 14.60.030. r �1 IW N- Owner agrees to grant the Municipality reasonable access to test and inspect the AWWTS. The Municipal ty will give at least 24-hour notice. Owner agrees that any sale or transfer of title of the property will not occur without a new Certificate of On -Site Syswrns Approval. Owner agrees that the AWWTS installation and maintenance requirements as provided by the AWWTS vendor/installer and approved by the Municipality are the governing guidelines for the construction, maintenance and repair of the Owner's AWWTS. Owner agrees to maintain -emote monitoring of the AWWTS as required by the AWWTS approval. 3. Term. The term of this Aareernent shall begin on the date of approval by the Municipality to operate the installed system, or upon transfer of title, and shall continue while the AWWTS is operational or until title is transferred. 4. Nonwaiver. The failure cxf the Municipality at any time to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall in no wa,. constitute a waiver of the provisions, nor in any way affect the validity of the Agreement or any part hereof, or the right of the Municipality thereafter to enforce every provision hereof. 5. Amendment. This Agree Hent shall only be amended by authorized representatives of the Owner and Municipality. Any attempt to arnend this agreement by either an unauthorized representative or unauthorized rneans shall be void. 6. Jurisdiction: Choice of Law. Any civil action arising frorn this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Cc urt for the Third Judicial District of the State of Alaska at Anchorage. The laws of the State of Alaska shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreernent. 7. Severability. Any provisions of this Agreement decreed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction shall not inval date the rernaining provisions of the Agreement. (rev. 05118/2018) Page 2 of 3 L)Y. 1, - I/ I - kaigiiatuir-) uatc. k, (print name) STATE OF-A-LASKA SS. T-HI-RD-J-UDiCbkL DISTRICT r.. The foregoing instrument was acl, nowledged before me this day of 20" by r NOTARY PUBLIC FOR k -LA S KA KRISTEN JOHNSON NOTARY PUBLIC for the My Commission expires: • State of Montana 1P SEAL; Residing at Bozeman, Montana 1lF. C . F My Commission Fxpires October 11. 2021 MUNICIPALITY: By: iture) Date: -7-2 Z Zr - name) Title: (rev. 05/18/2018)1 Page 3 of 3 4= Septic Tank Advisory Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval #OSC 211377 Subdivision: Mountain Air Estates Sub #1 Block 6 Lot 2 Starting at 20 years of age the MOA issues Advisory's for steel septic tanks. The septic tank for this property is 27 years old. Typical replacement costs range from $8,000 to $11,000 This advisory must be attached to all copies of the subject Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval. This is an example of what the metal of a 20 -year-old steel tank MAY look like. r"" � �� ", e�?�3" ?,:.�v t��`-r'r �; �.y �„"xsk.'� 5�.$,ez *„y n�<`•"�'s.,,� -yn' a' ,�-�`".s "2.�;��Yf� ssk w�. �� �.��� , t. tee'" �,� sk ;� 6 '� �� � � � � Mailing Address P �O Box 196650 * Anc�iorage, �l�aska 99519 6650 www muni org � � x �° / o .� Ile - � 8 c 4-S £ -• v\. 2� 2 � R1 0 a" a i4 ep den A. 0 xc ��_ akSt T -}teles �• ' 5gsre,z 1 '�. OF t ,• � •A amaa Karl Dowling ' I' � l�i�ii7 a e-C,Smtl• It is the responsibility of the wncr to determine the cxtstcncc of any cascmcnis, c do not the re riled subdivision plat.. NOTES :no eireutnstanees should any data hereon be urnsta lc bouddary. ASBUILTSHOWN RUnduwhich EASEMGi�"TSOFACCORD,07�.iERTHANTHOSE=dtror cotutruction or for establishing ON THE RECORDED kAT, ARLNOT.. fens lines. The surveyor takes responsibility for dtc si{OWN HL'REON. initial innsaetion only.' T.F.CRND' BRASS CAP MONUMENT LOT BLOCK �P 0 PIPE >. 6 ,Tara Alft.l�a�ati5(vAt�c\ 1 (PLAT _� CORNERFOUND EBA RC � EBAR R -ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT ❑ HUB AND TACK PREPARED BY: to DOWLING S ASSOCIATES - 1426 Hyder. Street BY t ' Anchorage, Alaska 99501 'REVISIONS DATE DATE: BY: SCALE: WORK ORDER: FIELD BOOK: GRID NO.: �t3 r: - I Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division % On -Site Water and Wastewater Program , . ... 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Icrr �3 O� Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 7J 1 f; ww907) 3.3-79Dsite crd' (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL J FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcell.D.P COSA# hha5 Expiration Date: i - 2 - O 6 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates #1 Location (site address) 6720 Ctoudcroft Lane Anchorage AK 99516 Current Property owner(s) Robert & Kim Snively Day phone i Mailing address Lending agency. 6720 Cloudcroft Lane Anchorage AK 99516 Day phone Mailing address Real Estate Agent Ruth Ann Baker/Prudential Day phone 3014882 Mailing Address 3801 Centerpoint Anchorage AK 99503 unless otherwise requested, COSA will be held by DSD for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual Well Individual Water Storage ❑ Community Class Well ❑ Public Water System ❑ TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual On-site Individual Holding Tank ❑ Community On-site ❑ Public Sewer ❑ I The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) issues Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 4 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Certificates of On Site Systems Approval are required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by asingle-family on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system. DSD also issues COSAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of Onsite Systems Approval are valid for 90 days from the date of issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water sample results. (Certificates may be reissued for a period of up to one year with valid water samples.) Certificates are valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 4. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined In the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm _Pannone Engineering Services LLC Phone 272-8218 Address _P.O. Box 102954, Anchorage AK 99510 Engineer's Printed Name G. Scott Crowther Date q'Lo Engineers Comments: In conducting an adequacy test, I attempt to provide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with MOA DSD Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results describe the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soil condition, ground water levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. Thcsc conditions arc outside the control of the evaluator of this system. All systems evconrnity fail and satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are n encroachments. PES can therefore not provide any warranty for future performance nor give any estimate of ^fy _ continue to meet the operational requirements of the MOA DSD. Thc content of this report is for the soleffi t rc ownc7te. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or party is not authorized nor will it confer r ht"w hak!g`+„'9 5. DSD SIGNATURE __fZ Approved for 5 bedrooms. f „� y _ k Disapproved. %.P4 on cAovmu a-6491Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the followi' ns: �� Q4 t�wH uneCKust A Arsenic Advisory Septic System Advisory Maintenance Agreements Well Flow Advisory Supplemental Engineer's Report --Nitrate­Advisory ther By: - a- _111/ A/ l Original Certificate Date: 2. - O .� (Rev 1IM5) le�f— 404 Municipality of Anchorage ,+ Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Sita Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 995198850 www.muni.org/onsits (907)343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL CHECKLIST - � _ - M • 1 • q Il I 1'1 k 1 w � ' ' A. WELL DATA Well type P If A, B, or C provide PWSID # _ Date completed Aa �1CLO YA Sanitary seal (Y/N) Y Total depth 144—ft. Cased toj.H—ft. FROM WELL LOG Date of test < A)* oh L05 Static water level 70 ft. Well production 30 9 p M. - WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform �oolonies/100 mL Arsenic: mgA B. SEPTICIHOLDING TANK DATA Nitrate &IL mg/L Date of sample: 8111108 Well Log (Y/N) Y Wires properly protected (Y/N) i Casing height (above ground) 24+ in. AT INSPECTION SM1 006 82 ft. 6.2 g.p.m. Other bacteria —G?- colonies/100 mL Collected by: Laura Pannone' -r(1v�oU0i�V�, Qet"�c1��C'i'�U1c,5eQtiG�o�1�G�r�t -{ylcKle (>c1d �tQ�ioW \t Tank Tank Type/Materiai Orenco Steel Date installed 6125N998 Tank sae 2000 _ gal. Number of Compartments a Cleanouts (Y/N) Y Foundation cleanout (YM) i Depression over tank (YIN) N High water alarm (Y/N) Yes' Date of pumping 3 S b Pumpers i C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA i Date installed 612511998 Soil rating (g.p.d./fe or fe/bdrm) 2.0_ System type Dual Trench Lenge 40140 ft. Width S15 ft. Gravel below pipe 0.510.5 ft. Total depth LAM ft. ER. absorption area 4aftZ Monitoring tube Y/Y Depression over field NISI Date of adequacy test 61119006 Results (Pass/Fail) Pass For 5 bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test Q in. Water added]§§ gal. New depthQ in. Elapsed Time: Q min. Final fluid depth Q in. Absorption rate >= 750 i g.p.d. Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (Y/N & type) No If yes, give date D. LIFTSTATION $►�+�ova4�ve �^vcir�ulcla� SQA+icrlKv�ii -t-rtC.Kte- cLio upkt> u Date installed _512311998 Size in gallons 2400 Manhole/Aocess (Y/N) Yes 'Pump on" level at Timor in. 'Pump ofr level at EQgi 1 in. High water alarm level at 49 in. Datum _Bottom otTank Cycles tested 2 Meets alarm & circuit requirements? Y E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tankAlft station on lot too+ Absorption field on lot _190+ Public sewer main 100+ Sewer /septic service line _Z3+ On adjacent lots 100► On adjacent lots _too+ Public sewer manhole/cleanout 100+ Holding tank 100+ Animal containment areas 100+ Manure/animal excrete storage areas 100+ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation 10+ Property line 10+ Absorption field 10+ Water main too+ Water service line 23+ Surface water 100+ Wells on adjacent lots 1110+ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Property line _2" Building foundation lQ_t Water main 100+ Water Service line 23+ Surface water 100+ Driveway. parkingNehicle storage 23+ Curtain drain None Observed Wells on adjacent lots 100+_ F. COMMENTS G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have determined through field inspections and 49th review of Municipal records that the above systems are in conformance with MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. p a SCO17 CROVMM Engineer's Printed Name O. Seott Crowtherr0 . CE - 64 1 Date `�'(glb�o l`^plp COSA Fee I Date of Payment <Kla Receipt Number 85D U3 (Rev. 11/05) Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number T nIlIDN4 ■n.lx IuaN .iw.a ..AINe.,M•L . If p"E LAa� � N 88' 23' 05- "E /3 3 • GO' Braver menFlCAnaa��r.:■��-� Prepared by PLOT PLAN E of '`�,I Robert E. Johns, Jr. & Assoc. IAwr,.w.I,.wlk..r..rY...w `1�..• Ij Professional Land Surveyors •" M" ^� .�•r �� •'°• I /y� I 1700 BRINK DR. I r� w• M w.� M r r IM r wY 'I �� ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 � kwrw M rwo.A r �.nAur M M•I r {i Iw... M N w.•w. t Scold: RK. Lot S.F. i Rat. Plot FIe No. FOUNDATION AS -BUILT M • M / •• • •• .....� L t •ea L aY.r A. A.+Y .eler IMI I Dtt• sor is 'Drown Ey. I '-hocked 0y. M MA�r A�erl �'� w M • .r( m eun I ,1 TRW ►wYlr• tw. M YM r M . , S R N$ •• a a Late Damn: Orld: W.C. 121 - - 6268-6314 FINAL STRUCTURE AS -BOLT •; e �ef .• •. ail L09d Wsulpbon: I wr.w ^e' iCwiw w I II �• •............••i•• 5 �� wl.r..w«.rrewrw I �P� Ota � M �.... _ I`���pi�� �o�• LOT in Ai 6Estates $1 ❑ LOT 9ueLTY SURVEY TYPE SYMBOLS �1 ❑ FOOOATKIN AS -BOLT • SET REDARA"ULT O ❑ MK LIMICNA[ DRNNAGE ASPHALT ci�a1 ❑ PLOT RAN ... AS-91LT ... LOT 9UevEY ... TVP ANIY t OI WRAP �.. p_p WIXN) �NQ LTCONCRETE .tel A^Cl LU fuel VIVV :..eT7 A ue�u LYurc I / f / 11 .unnn new PLOT PLANS & LOT SURVM NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDER OR C•WNER, PRIOR TO ONLY THOSE IMPROVE.MEHT ABOVE GROUND AND VISIBLE WILL BE CONSTRUCTION. TO VERIFY PROPOSED PUILDINO GRADE RELATIVE SHOWN. FENCES, WnJ.S. .^,EPIC CLEANOUTS. SIDEWALKS. DRIVEWAYS, TO FINISHED GRADE AND UTILITY CLNJNLCTIONS AND TO UEIEKMINE ETC.. ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION, ONLY. SNOW THE EXISTENCE OF ANY EASEMENTS. COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS MAY PREVENT SOME IMPROVEMENTS FROM BEIM. SEEN AND LOCATED. WHICH DO NOT APPEAR ON THE RECORDED qk IF3 IVItiIOH PLAT. ALL DISTANCES APF -111R- 1 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD AN AS -BOLT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OR FOR ESTABLISHING BOUNDARY OR FENCE LINES. THE SURVEYOR TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE INITIAL TRANSACTION ONLY AND ASSUMES FINANCIAL UACIUTY ONLY FOR THE COST OF THE SURVEY. LISTED DISTANCES PREVAIL OVER SCAUNC. REPRODUCTION MAY CAUSE ERRORS IN SCALE. i FROM : PFNNONE ENO SVC R -ONE NO. : 272 8218 Aug. 17 2996 e4:2BRM P2 ADVANCED \VASTEWAT£R TREATAIENT SYSTEr1 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MUNICIPALITY OF ANCIIO CE AND/-lllV n In THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING made and entered into as of this ' �dayof�U�t'!`J% of2012�byand between herein the "OWNER,^ and the MuniripalityofAnchorage, herein the "MUNICIPALITY." In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties to this Memorandum of Understanding agree as follows: 1. ADVANCED WASTEWATERTREATMENTSYSTEMS. Municipality grants permission to Owner to utilize and operate an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWW M), dees11cribed as /� 2 RK G &A,C&Mi ai n located at (01020 d.OV t�C. j'� t y— , Anchorage, Alaska. i 2. Definitions. A. Alteration. Any change to the design or function of an AW WTS that includes the installation or rcmovaI of any parts, components or pieces not included in the original construction permit and design. Prior to performing any alterations to an AW WTS the owner must obtain a Wastewater Disposal System Construction Permit from the Municipality pursuant to Anchorage Municipal Code (hereinafter, "AMC 15.65. I B. CertifrcntcofOn-Site Systems Approval. An approval by the Municipality of existing water and wastewater disposal systems given of the time of property sale and title transfer in accordance with AMC 15.65. Rb0 : PR 440tJE ENO SVC PH01,E NO. : 272 8218 Rug. 17 2006 04:28RM P3 Thew approvals certify that the systems are adequate for the homes that they support and meet the codes that were in place at the time of system construction. j C. Damage. Any man-made or natural change in a system that would inhibit the system from performing as designed. D. Maintenance and Repair. The scheduled and as needed replacement of existing parts, components and pieces of an AW WTS that were included in the original design which would allow the AWVM to continue to perform as designed. E. Permit (Construction) An On -Site Wastewater Disposal System Construction Permit as defined by AMC 15.65. F. Permit (Operating) An Advanced Wastewater Treatment System Operating Permit. An annual permit, issued by the Municipality, that allows the Owner to operate an AWWTS, upon meeting all the requirements of this agreement. the conditions of Operating Permit, the requirements of the On -Site Wastewater System Construction Permit and all relevant provisions of AMC 15.65 3, ec. Owner shall pay to Municipality an annual fee of (E_E!:.00), payable on or before the issuance of the operating permit and annually thereaRer. The annual fee is due on or before the anniversary date of the approval by the Municipality of installed system. R. Ism. m. wMe term of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be for the life of the AWWTS. FROM PR44ME ENG SVC PI -TOME NO. : 272 8218 Rug. 17 2006 04:28RM i I The term begins on the date of approval by the Municipality of the installed system and shall continue while the A\VWTS system is in use or operational or tmtil the property i I sold or title is transferred by owner and a new certificate of On -Site approval is issued to the new owner or transferee of the property. 5. Alterations Tostallation and Removal orAdditional Equipment. Owneragrees not to make any alterations, removal of parts or additions to the AW WTS without a Construction Permit from the Municipality. 6. h1aintcnanee and Repairs. A. Throughout the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Owner shall maintain AW WTS in good repair. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of the Owner during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, and any extensions or renewals thereof, at the owner's sole expense, to pay for any and all: (1) repair(s), (2) maintenance, (3) adjustment(s), (4) replacement costs, and (S) inspection costs. Further, Owner agrees to comply will all applicable ordinance, laws, regulations, rules and orders for the AW WfS. B. Owner agrees to provide the Municipality a written schedule of routine maintenance and repairs which have been performed on the system pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Owner's AWWTS Operating Permit. This schedule shall be submitted to the Municipality annually upon the renewal of the permit. The schedule of maintenance and repair contained in the Owner's AWATS Operating Permit is: C. Owner acknowledges that the fine schedule for failing to maintain and repair an AWATS are codified in AMC 14.60. m I PR+U,E ENG SVC PHONE N0. : 272 8218 Aug. 17 2606 04:2941 P5 I D. Owner agrees that only maintenance, repair personnel certified by the Municipality will inspect and make any necessary maintenance, repairs or permitted I alterations to the system. E. Owner agrees to grant the Municipality reasonable access to test and inspect the' AWWTS upon 24 hours written notice. F. Owner agrm that any sale or transfer of title of the property will not occur without a new Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval. G. Owner agrees that the relevant provisions of the standard specification guidebook for AWWTS is the governing professional guidelines for the construction, maintenance and repair of the Owner's AW WTS. 7, Nonwalver. The failure of either party at any time to enforce a provision of this Memorandum of Understanding shall in no way constitute a waiver of the provisions, nor in any way effect the validity of the Memorandum of Understanding or any part hereof, or the right of such party thereafter to enforce each and every provision hereof. 8. Amendment. A. This Memorandum of Understanding shall only be amended, modified or changed by a writing, executed by authorized representatives of the parties, with the same I formality of this Memorandum of Understanding was executed and such writing shall be attached to this Memorandum of Understanding as an amendment. B. For the purposes of any amendment modification or change to the terms and conditions of this contract, the only authorized representatives of the panics are. FRU" : ppkNONE ENG SVC Buy o Anchorage PHONE N0. : 272 8218 Aug. 17 2e06 04:29RM P6 4-T /,,vns A1 C. Any attempt to amend, modify, or change this contract by either an unauthorized representative or unauthorized means shall be void. 9. Jur(_dictionr Chotce of i.aw. Any civil action arising from this Memorandum of Understanding shall be brought in the Superior Court for the Third Judicial District of the State ofAlaska at Anchorage. The laws of the State of Alaska shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under this Memorandum of Understanding. 1t). Severability. Any provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding decreed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Memorandum of� ding. 0��4�� By. Date: "F, //9 11TUNTCTPAi TTY: By: Titic: Date: STATE OF ALASKA ss THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Th� egoin instrument was a knowledged before me this &ay of,�g . 20 ,by _�T� Li�nr, .thenalV\o o�s�no of t.,, V�rd�+anhehalfoftheMuniewZhtyofAnchorage. ROTARY PUBLIC FOR My Commission expires: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department j Building Safety Division / -- Onsite Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. 017-211-04 1. GENERAL INFORMATION �1:•'IFlf���: • Complete legal description LOT 2 BLOCK 6• MOUNTAIN AIR SUBDMSION #1 I Location (site address or directions) 6720 CLOUDCROFT LANE • ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 Current Property owner(s) FANNIE MAE Day phone 261-7603 Mailing address C/O BOB BROCK W/ DYNAMIC PROPERTIES Lending agency Day phone Mailing address Real Estate Agent Mailing address .I BOB BROCK W/ DYNAMIC PROPERTIES Day phone 261-7603 Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held by DSD for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Well l0 Individual On-site N Individual Water Storage ❑ Individual Holding tank ❑ Community Class Well ❑ Community On-site ❑ Public Water System ❑ Public Sewer I] The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) Issues Certificates of Health Authority Approval (HAA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by a single family on-site wastewater disposal andlor water supply system. DSD also issues HAAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of Health F uthority Approval are valid for 90 days from the date of issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water sample results less than 30 days old. (Certificates may be reissued for i3 period of up to one year with valid water samples.) Certificates are valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineers work. Note: Alaska Water and Wastewater Consultants, Inc. shall be paid 5 &,25, s= at, or prior to closing for the engineering services provided. 4. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Health Authority Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system Is(are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the Information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage riles and from my investigation and Inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Finn ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. Address 6901 DEBARR ROAD, SURE 28 • ANCHORAGE, AK 99504 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS, P.E. Engineer's Comments: In conducting this evaluation, AWWC, Inc. attempted to provide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system In accordance with ADEC and MOA DSD Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results described the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily Identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soils condition, groundwater levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. These conditions are outside the control of the evaluator of the system. Satisfactory lest results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defects or encroachments. AWWC, Inc. can therefore not provide any warranty or future estimate of how long the system will continue to meet the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DSD. The content of this report Is for the sole benefit of the ownerlisted above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any otherperson or party is not authorized, nor will it confer any legal right whatsoever. 5. DSD SIGNATURE Approved for bedrooms. Disapproved. Phone 337-6179 Date Z'ekZ % Conditional approval for 5 bedrooms, with the fllowing stipulations: rp4 A. &rngss.: ... Prof eeeiot°c At the time of title transfer the new Property owner shall s qn thp attnrhPtl maintenance agreement which shall be returned to this affire before an unconrlirional approval is issued. Attachments: / HAA Checklist Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory Manitenance Agreements Supplemental Engineer's Reort Other By:��/ �1.� �c Original Certificate Date:77 (Rw. 13A1( Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division OnSfte Water& Wastewater Program 4700 South SM98W SL P.O. Box 195650 Anchorage. AK 995194M www.cLsnchcrsge.akA a Wn 343-7904 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST Legal Description: LOT 2 BLOCK 6 MOUNTAIN AIR SUBDNISION i Parcel ID-, 017-211-04 A. WELL DATA Web type PRIVAYE If A, B, or C provide PWSID# N A Date completed NOT ON LOG Sanitary seal (YIN) YES Totetdepth 134 ft. Cased to 134 ft. FROM WELL LOG Date of test NOT ON LOG Static water level 70 —ft. Web production 30 g.p,m. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Well Log (YIN) YES I Wires property protected (YIN) YES Casing height (above ground)' 30 in. AT INSPECTION 5/15/01 79' ft. I I 6.39 g.p.m., Conform �_ colonies/100 ml. Nitrate a=mg•/L. other bacteria 0 colonies/100 ml. Date of sample: 4/18/2002 Collected by: AWWC. INC. i B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA qm is AN WMVATM RECIRCUTA11NC SEPTIC TANK (Wmt YMME FUM AND UPFLOW FVER. Tank Type/Material ORENCO/STEEL Date installed 6/25/98 Tank size 02000 gal. Number of Compartments 2 Cleanouts (YIN) 'YES Foundation cleanout (YIN) YES Depression over tank (YIN) NO High water alarm (YIN) YES Dale of pumping 6/24/01 Pumper A+ HOME SERVICES i C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed 6/25/98 Soil rating .p.d. r ft)bdrm) 2_0 System type DUAL TRENCH (2 040) 5' Length 80 R. Width fl. Gravel below pipe 0.5 R. Total depth 03.4-4.2 ft. ER. absorption area 400 R' Monitoring tube YES Depression over field NO Date of adequacy test 5-15-01 Results (Pass/Fall) PASS For IIS bedrooms Fluid depth In absorption field before test 0 in. Water added 759 9W. New depth 0in. Elapsed Time: 0 min. Final fluid depth 0 in. Absorption rate >= 750+ g.p.d. Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (YIN & type) NONE KNOWN If yes, give date - D. LIFT STATION "THIS IS AN NNOVA71VE RECIRCULATING SEPTIC TANK (WITH TRICKLE FILTER) AND UPFIAW FILTER. Date installed 6/25/98 Size in gallons 02000 Manhole/Access (Y/N) YES "Pump on" level at TIMER in. "Pump off* level at TIMER in. High water alarm level at _ 49 in. Datum BOTTOM OF TANK Cycles tested 3 Meets alarm & circuit requirements? YES E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tank/lift station on lot 100'+ Absorption field on lot 100'+ Public sewer main N/A Sewer /septic service line 25'+ On adjacent lots 100'+ On adjacent lots 1000+ Public sewer manhole/cleanout _ N/A Holding tank 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation 5'+ Property line 5'+ Absorption field 5'+ Water main N/A Water service line 10'+ Surface water 100'+ Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: *WAVER GRANTED IN 1998 Property line 02 . Building foundation 10'+ Water main N/A Water service line 10'+ Surface water 100'+ Driveway, parkinglvehide storage SO'+ Curtain drain NONE KNOWN Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ F. COMMENTS G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certfly that I have determined through field inspections and * •:* review of Municipal records that the above systems are in • • • • "' ... conformance with MOA HAA guidelines in effect on this date. e A. Game$ • Engineer's Priint?d Na To JEFFREY A. GARNESS 5'. _7953 r Date �f'1 ZSR/�Z f• �F o/essWo HAA Fee $ 7 5 ,� Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment _ 5 —Q1-0 & Date of Payment Receipt Number 4 a00'd. Receipt Number, (Rev. I2W) MAY -17-2002 FRI 03:14 PM FAX N0. P. 02 �/J I �\ LIQ I! 3 • ,,� • 5 b� n � Z`1 'Ls ;• �; BSc .q3a ok 3 pu .4 1C Or 013 dA AIX " - o ,Nd, He'" A 00 too to It o t a. 11WAs Kort D"Iinp 1.561.5 Ir . t .� • F `.• .o • • `�_ _� ..— iii`\\ �v►� �•� :,..•,•: 14 uT,r��ry¢Dim+�r le ti i iF�upon+ieTh.grft ww Igd._tamina oK abtenre of aY,° cm" � •.. . . , , . � .., ..... .. • ' which einot.ppw on the idcd}uti4 v cion plat Undu no itrwmstaneu shoo d ony data hereon if /` �� 7T nud•rorccimmstworfor�I'ahintahem n to n 1L EASEMENTSOFAL•CORD,OTECRTHANTHOSC Rhee Ona Tho ton or f t tdt retpentihilhy for the SHOWN ON THE RECORDED 4AT. ARE NOT, • cc anty.. SNOWNHERLON. fnWallmm I I.I:CF.I�12 • . . LOT 2 BLOCK IP M BRASS PE 1 ALFA'17Aa 1e�%k w I (PLATNO.:�, 9 IRON Rm- AACORNL•RFOUND ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT 0 NUO AND TACK PREPARED BY: DOWLINC & ASSOCIATES 1426 Hydcr.Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 /REVISIONS DATE I BY a • • ' DATE BY: SCALE WORK ORDER: FIELD 800K: GRID NO.:' 1144 oz /''=3D o-0 3 I Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department 0e* Building Safety Division Onsite Water ti Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.d.anchorage.sk.us (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. 017-211-04 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description HAA# J^ (3 Q / f -I 12- 5-6 Expiration Date: % —'/'.10/ Location (site address or directions) Current Property owners) Mailing address Lending agency. Mailing address Real Estate Agent Mailing address I 6720 CLOUDCROFT LANE • ANCHORAGE. AK 99516 CLIFF CULLINGS Day phone 479-6659 679n CIOIIOCROFT LANE • ANCHORAGE. AK 99516 Day phone i JILL HOLTING W/ DYNAMIC PROPERTIES Day phone 245-2454 3111 "C" STREET • ANCHORAGE. AK. 99516 Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held by DSD forpickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: I Individual Well ® Individual On-slte Individual Water Storage ❑ Individual Holding tank i] Community Class Weil ❑ Community On-site i] Public Water System ❑ Public Sewer i] The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) Issues Certificates of Health Authority Approval (HAA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an Independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by a single family on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system. DSD also issues HAAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are valid for 90 days from the data of Issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water sample results less than 30 days old. (Certificates may be reissued for a period of up to one year with valid water samples.) Certificates are valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineers work. Note: Alaska Waterand Wastewater Consultants, Inc. shall be pald $1000.00 at, or prior to closing for the engineering services provided. 4. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my Investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Health AuthorityApproval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. 1 further vorrfy that based on the information obtained from the Munlcipallly of Anchorage riles and from my Investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) In compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations In effect at the time of Installation. Name of Finn ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. Address 6901 DEBARR ROAD, SURE 2B ' ANCHORAGE, AK 99504 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A GARNESS, P.E. Engineer's Comments: In conducting this evaluation, AMVC, Inc. attempted to provide a o�ugh, conscientious engineering anaysls of the system In accordan th ADEC and MCA DSD Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results descd . the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the ost and separation distances measured to roadily identifiable features. The operational fife of all wells and septic systems depend on the Iccal softs condition, groundwater levels that may Iluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by Me system. These conditions are outside Me control of the evaluator of the system. Satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden detects or encroachments. AINWC, Inc. can therefore not provide any warranty or future estimate of how long the system will continue to meet the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DSD. The content of this report is for the solo benefit of the owner frsted above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or party Is not authorized, nor will ti confer any legal tight whatsoever. 5. DSD SIGNATURE ✓ Approved for bedrooms. Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the illowing Attachments: HAA Checklist Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory Phone 337-6179 Date O/ Manitenance Agreements Supplemental Engineer's Reort Other VA. Gcrness: -7953....'**Fa c c4f G�QPv 0 ON-SITE '• WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM By:— ��n.-!il Original Certificate Date: (0— / - O / (RW. 12U) Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Bulk" $afety Divlelon OnSRe WstW & WaatewaterProg®m 4700 South Bregew SL P.O. Boot 198850 And>orage, AK 99519.8850 www.dAndraageAk uB (907)3437904 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST ! legalD98Wpd= LOT 2 BLOCK B MOUNTAIN AIR SUBDIVISION /1 Pame11D: 017-211-04 A. WELL DATA Wen type PRIME BA, B. or C provide PWSID# N/A Data completed NOT ON LOG Sanitary seal (YM) YES TOW depth 134 it. 191I .: Static water level Well production C83W lD 134 R FROM WELL LOG NOT ON LOG WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: 70 R Wen Log (Y" YES Wires prcpe* protected (Y/1) YES I Caging height (above ground) 30 In. AT INSPECTION 5/15/01 79' R 30 g,p,m, 6.39 g.p.m. Conform 0 colonies/100 ml. Date of sample: 5/15/01 B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA I Nitrate 0.5 mgJL. Other bacteria 0 colonies/100 ml. Collected by. AWWC. INC. I (wrt►i"1mcaNVONe j�iu+u�UP ax � TANK Tank7yperUaterlal ORENCO/STEEL Date Installed 6/25/98 Tank sine '2000 gal. Number of Compartments 2 Cleanout (YIN) YES Foundation cleanout (YIN) YES Del Date of pumping C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA vsslon over tank (YM NO Migh water alarm (YM) ' YES Pumper A+ HOME SERVICES Data installed 6/25/95 Soo rating .pA fe/bdrtn) 2_0 System type DUI TRENCH (2 BO Length 9 fL Width 5' R Gravel below pipe 0.5 tk Total depth •3.4-4.2 R Etf. absorption area 400 E' Monitoring tuba YES Depression over field N0 I Data of edaquacy test 5-15-01 Results (Pass/Fall) PASS For bedrooms Fluid depth In absorption held before lest 0 In. Water added 759 gat. New depth 0 In. Elapsed Time: 2 min. Final Auk1 depth 0 in. Absorption rate >: 750+ g.p d. I Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (YIN d, type) NONE KNOWN B yes, give date - D. UFT STATION MIsiR►AtwArrvEaAAnNo sFlrAwC FLOW Date installed 8/25/90 Size in gallons •2000 Manhole/A=933 (Y/N) YES 'Pump on' level atMSE b1. 'Pump oft" level at TIMER $1. High water alarm level at 49 in. Datum BOTTOM OF TANK Cycles meted 3 Meets alamr 6 circuit requirements E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tankAift station on lot 100'+ Absorption Held on kri 100'+ Public sewer main N/A On adjacent lots 1001+ On adjacent kris 100'+ Public sewer manhole/deanart N/A Sewer /septic service One 25'+ Holding tank 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTICIHOLDINO TANK ON LOT TO: Building toundatlon 5'+ Property One 5'+ Absorption field 5'+ Water main N/A Water service One t 0'+ Surface water 100'+ Web on adjacent kris 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: *WAIVER GRANTED 1N 1998 Property one •2' Building foundation 10'+ Water main N/A Water service one 10'+ Surface water 100'+ Driveway, parking/vehide storage 50'+ Curtain drain NONE KNOWN Wells on adjaCentb 1L4 00'+ F. COMMENTS O. CERTIFICATION 1 cot* that I have deteardned through field In*eWons and review ofMunk1pat records that Bre above systems are In conformance with MOA NAA guidelines In effect on tris date. Engineers Printed Ne a JEFFREY A GARNESS Date g/1301 HAA Fees 300.ov Date of Payment ��/ 30 /0 / Receipt Number Sn.12 0M Waiver Fee W pUM P �' W�I.i S�✓/l� Data of Payment Receipt Number ........ ..... ...... a ' A. Gameeq; •. —7953 Data of Payment Receipt Number cc we O 7 y %m 83 R$o O 0.4 '��o +<3 . ° » 4n r �R '^m^'Zo rae�� c o Z�8 '4Oms= a Omme 2 0 i s e g-4sig m�i�'�w' 3$g o _ 9z . 0..� s e 6 m ymm:'a i rte'. mpy$oR»a m'0tgwn s spmtc xR .vLtr yLIf9T 1rn 7 r "o ASSY� 3e_ C 0Sr JOS us 2=0 za ff� 1b ? �' a 7 O 5 m -I= : a a 8 n^�'c a' S r •>>�m}3 v 7 o'�S R $ ci ~J r .n0aZ x .oz. m(jD 1_ p 7 2 e• ym-C �o� 2 Om ,3 � `� 3 $ m N �3cr D� -1 p- �O `S _ 6 n>�•• �R� m s 3' rn 0 Omzm2 U3 0 N n 3 0 r k • r� 1 R 83 R$o O 0.4 '��o +<3 . ° » 4n r �R '^m^'Zo rae�� c o Z�8 '4Oms= a Omme 2 0 i s e g-4sig m�i�'�w' 3$g o _ 9z . 0..� s e 6 m ymm:'a i rte'. mpy$oR»a m'0tgwn s spmtc xR .vLtr yLIf9T 1rn 7 r "o ASSY� 3e_ C 0Sr JOS us 2=0 za ff� 1b ? �' a 7 O 5 m -I= : a a 8 n^�'c a' S r •>>�m}3 v 7 o'�S R $ ci ~J r .n0aZ x .oz. m(jD 1_ p 7 2 e• ym-C �o� 2 Om ,3 � `� 3 $ m N �3cr D� -1 p- �O `S _ 6 n>�•• �R� m s 3' rn 0 Omzm2 U3 0 N n 3 0 r k GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received January 26; 1977 i Time of Inspection 10:00 a.m. U ti � Date of Inspection 1-26-77 Wed. l REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF Buchholz INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Cony, 1. Approval requested by: Alaska Mutual Savings Bank Mailing Address: Post Office Box 1120 Phone: 274-3561 2. Property Owner: Gary Lewis Phone: 344-6241 Mailing Address: Star Route A Box 330T 3. Legal Description: Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates #1 4. Location: Cloudcrof t Drive 5. Type of facility to be inspected Single Family No. of bedrooms 3 6. Well Data: A. Type Individual B. Depth 134' C. Construction D. Bacterial Analysis 7. Sewage Disposal System: On—site system A. Installed 1975 B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1. Size 2. Manufacturer D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank Absorption area Sewer Lines Nearest lot line Other contamination i B. Foundation to septic tank Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ -034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Page 2 of two pages - Req It for Approval of Individual S"�r & Water Facjlities i . I Legal Description —_Lot 2 Block 6 Mountain Air Estates 81 Comments Approve Disapproved Date—/ — 7 7 i Approv lid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I i certify that the intormation containea in this request Tor approval to be a true ana accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED EQ -034 (1/74) Date Gary A. Lewis and Alison E. Lewis SRA Box 330-T Anchorage, Alaska 99502 FROM Alaska Mutuat Savings Bank P. O. BOX 1120 • 5th & F STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 199510 1, ctt� (9071274.3561 l +, SUBJECT On-site inspection of well and septic tank DATE ll/ 77 MESSAGE i Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, In a recent review of our interim files, we noted that your lot (lot 2, Block 6) n Mountain Air Estates Subd. 91 has a private well ana septic necessary for us to have a copy of the municipality's onsite inspection of the well and septic tank in your loan Me. It you do not have a copy of ENTE; inSpenlan it is available to you at the Municipality's Department of Bealth and Environmental Protection, which s now locatea a street, a business reply envelope for your convenience in returning this to us as soon as possible. If you have any questions nor problems, p ease contact e .rr°rhmyself. Thank �you. _ - _ SIGNED T1 � T NEPILY Kristin a y, klortgageVoan Dept. 3 SEP A» Jck�G -%L rrnc 1, e31.5 i� r. I SIGNED DATE Rod ill Pme 4S 472 SEND PARTS I AND S WITH CARBON INTACT - PART S WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. P.1, RJ I!0 rN NN] J\'r?r:£I 2;?nivr:Z Ir:u�uT/ 1::l2r:[E� C' f f XO? .O r y 117 TZ �. ', -+.' t a.. .' - ).r •nom n ��., f ...t r t - .r-. .. — •%. .' oriqj - �r► - _� e a _v �a97v /3U- y3o ! r oe /y1Qn to as 79 1) • v` MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. O F- 1T1I ✓ *-- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT(W RONNANTAL FF,JTCCTION 1126 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 9MI NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION JUIN 2'2. 19119 ❑ One ❑ Four ❑ Other Telephone 284-4720 RECEIVED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES I DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Planes allow tan (101 days for procaain4 1. PR,QPERTY OWNER 7. WATER SUPPLY PHONE i �'— INDIVIDUAL* ' ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled ❑ COMMUNITY MAILING ADD SS 1 PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above) H NE ft I 2. S %n If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required 1:1 PUBLIC UTILITY by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE IN i Mgkl G DRESS O(/ Q 3. LEN I IT PHONE ; I MAILING ADDRESS 4. R OR/AGENT MAI DRE J 5. EGAL ey DESCR�ION � STRM LOCATION S. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SINGLE FAMILY ❑ One ❑ Four ❑ Other ❑ Two ❑Five ❑ MULTIPLE FAMILY � Three ❑ Six 7. WATER SUPPLY �'— INDIVIDUAL* ' ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled ❑ COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY depth (attach log if available.) S. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM >(—INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITEYSTEM'* � **If individual/on-site, give instal latiootlate�� ; If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required 1:1 PUBLIC UTILITY by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE IN i "I rvwr r ue THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS DATE RECEIVED. , TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: t. TYPE OF RESIDENCE ❑ SINGLE FAMILY ❑ MULTIPLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ❑ ONE ❑ THREE ❑ FIVE ❑ OTHER ❑ TWO ❑ FOUR ❑ SIX 2. WATER SUPPLY ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ COMMUNITY ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED 1 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ❑INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE ❑PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER DATEINSTALLED INSTALLER ❑SepticTanor ❑Holding Tank Size: /A o If Tank is homemade give dimensions: SOILS RATING 2S TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURE TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL n 4. DISTANCES WELL TO: Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS 6+— APPROVED FOR 0_ BEDROOMS ❑ CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany cer 'Ica c) ❑ DISAPPROVED GATE _ `) BY (Till LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (Rev. 3/78) ��as�se�r-de — 1/O.4,40 YJat 'ww''♦ R cIPT and AGREEMENT to PURCHAS, qq ANCHORAGE. ALASKA REAL ESTATE FIRMS b ® Listing — Rev. 10/78 hRR's7n A% s'.y Ess: /aS W, %OI= YVEt�p L/�' Aneh ,A aei11' _AQ 4S /A - RECEIVED FROM�/4� MA1LINC ADDRESS The sum of—_OA/ETDuenaln p i Aj in the form of check for f_� f7 i)_ /I1) cads for f ,note for f Payment for the real property and improvements ther_qm situation in the Aii c//O.0 tt t�P. u....•..w:. Phone �� Phdne , 19 JVI16N E:�yti- s73 Dollars as a deposit on and part State of Alaska, dewlribed as: and all fixtures and equipment attached to and a part of the above described property; and the personal property also to be left upon the premises, described in an inventory as part of the Gating agreement. _. _ TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE.....................................f �!O % OOn cp .................... DOWN PAYMENT �y SOO •• .a..`.�.................................. f_� � BUYER shall apply for and obtain a __ _1 ��Q 1.iZ�i_pF loan in the amount of J0 UQ (7 ,L. BALANCE shall be paid as follows 2 Tt_" C RkRY e S PCtxU . Q, 7 l9Ci•c —,rQst' Ile, RJ- �J,� `'•' mss, mn, A+ f�tyyy 'g Fs ,/ mGn�Nts ('�a a✓cp COSTS: The taus designated below shall be paid ai indiwtcd: /L+ m', C SOS W C:- ITEM BUYER SELLER ITEM BUYER SELLER ITEM I BUYER SELLER xes d Ins Estab4sh Reserves TaAuorncy 1_ eco T�� 1. Bank Set -Up 1 ee i Commission ' Water ration Fees ( Warranty Deed). _ I_— x Escrow Fee u POSSESSION: � et /' -session shall be given to buyer on or before � D / to R PR. .TIONS: - raxes and rents shall be prorated as of the date of closing. Rental security deposits will be transferred to buyer. /� BUYER AGREES: •: SeYrr, ✓A AD3rrr--; ol. I. Forthwith and In gond faith apply for said loan in the Perform mourn of S116.L.kddJand furnish all information and all monies necessary to the lending institution to process u y appliotign without delay, and to promptly ansa all of the Gond tons required by said lending institution. 2. Buyer shall rigs all rted in writing. papers to cosi this transaction by the lending institution and stall Institution unless otherwise stated In writing. agree to pay the interest rate then charged by the lending 3. Should the buyer fail to cxecvte the necessary documents OF Iserl'onn the conditions required by the closing agent within 4-01fter notice• without good cruse, or wittingly fail to do so. then It shall be seller's option to either Ienninale this agreement, at which time the amount paid herewith stall be forfeited to the " "'�" "•n^' ^-•• ter.., ,„ w.n..rA In -nv nthnr Lval manner In entnnr the contract.