HomeMy WebLinkAboutRAVEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES #1 BLK 1 LT 5Raven Mountain Estates #1 Block 1 Lot 5 #076 - 032 - 14 Permit ,.r Number: Municipality of Anchorage 4�! Development Services Department , "iii�f: il:: Building Safety Division t ��� On-Site Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 S. Bragaw St. ‘� P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page 1 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT S W 0 Li 0 2. L loPID Number: 6 4 to - -2---- jl;,:., }I:::�� �: all of 3 03 .14 Name: _ Vi S�1 G-zu� m Wastewater System: !j New ❑ Upgrade Address iP : ®, r o X \ S5 3 .— i} , 9 11 ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: Number of Bedrooms: 3 1 1 —d% S El Deep Trench Shallow Trench 0 Bed 0 Mound O Other- therSoil LEGAL DESCRIPTION SoilRating _ 1- ,.2, GPD/Fh Total Depth from original grade Block: Lot: Subdivision:��( `d , C 1 I— .5 RNEA v 1,'((yy l.1. WI�GS * 1. V Township: Depth to pipe bottom from original grade: 2 H. FI. Gravel depth beneath pipe 1 Range: Section: Fill added above original grade: FI. 3`lo44 fl. Gravel Length: Well: New 0 Upgrade Classification width: 5 Ft. Number of llii(nes' _JGravel rl. Distance between tines. ri (Private, A, B, C); P R.% V A-N E:_.1-"3 Driller: Total Depth: "� Y 5 ri. Cooed to; q d ' Fl. Total abaaMeal eal - 4-4 0 Ft} Bier Malarial, A 5-:I in D 3'3 --. ) F \ i NAA -b R i LLi Yield: M (' Dale Drilled: (i., 5 043 Static Water Level }4 Fl Installer: �,,ynca,, C.orAit-ac )R4l 4`.L Dale Installed: 9-15 - z Go 19 3 GPM Pump Set al: ) I /Y Pl. Casing Height Above Ground: 2, rt. SEPARATION DISTANCES IA Septic 0 Holding • S.T.E.P. ■ Other: To From Septic Tank Absorption Field Litt Station Holding Tank 'ublic/Private Sewer Line Manufacturer: \ TNchor 1< Capacity: is c)Q Gal Well 1 t� O I-- 100 y 1 --' .�_ 2.54 . C�.r) Material: Sk.-,t_, Number of Compartments 2_ Surface Water 1 00 4, 14® 4). -- LIFT STATION Lot line `� 3.1: r T OI 1 ✓ ..__. �� -size: Gal. Manulacturer; Foundation 33 "Pump on" level at: in "Pump off' levet a . High water alarm at. in. Curtain Drain .------" C3 N C. N Cr O N l ,1W pV ( Pump Make &Model Electrical Inspections performed by: Remarks: BENCH MARK Location and Description: p �d CS:S\ S lc%N.n� \ B. To'lr\-� Assurned Elevation ±00 rI c vrryp,. pi fir., ..• '� e.ti Inspections performed by: � Dates: lSt °' t - Za4 Er �.,��, e* .®4 ,;•..•`p : a••.. 618961 S. odIp, Chugiak ka 2nd 14--t-S 2-c dto —, ; ,' Development rvices • :art ant Appt oval } ; and approved ' /telc�-i Date: 0 9,� l() 7 is 57_: N . =•..... .Q. 12/00) „,____, JroReviewed 'UZ W,4-•(Rev, /6,..„,,, 9: PERMIT NO SW060266 PAGE 2 OF 3 lunicinaLtv o AncnoracE DEPARTMENT OF 'HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION PE, Box 196650 •Anchorage. Alaska 99519-6650 • Telephone: 343-47x, ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT '_,EGAL LOT 5. BLOCK 1, RAVEN MOUNTAIN EST. #1 P.I.D. NO. 076-032-14 PERMIT NO SW060266 PAGE 3 OF 3 N/lunicipaUtv cp-r AnchoracE DEPARTMENT OF 'HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P,{J, Box 196650 •Anchorage, (Aasko. 99519-6650 • -1-eephone 340 - ON -SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT 'LEGAL LOT 5, BLOCK 1, RAVEN MOUNTAIN EST. 1 P.I.D. NO. 076-032-14 PINAL GRADE -7 OEWPR. CPS NtV'•I E.)0 GALLON SEPTIC TANK FCC, ;1.0' ST1 40.0' 35.5' ST2 46,0' 41.5' DBL1 48.0' 44.0' DBL2 49.5' 001 96.0' 89.5 MT1 94.0 86.5' * PONT B 'TM 0-F TiNK-1--- 91.2' = NO WATER FOUND ?6.B' B 0 1-1. OCT -30-2008 11:336A FROM: Water wit' Drih/r 9in:dioranc. afv,k a aTune Service (907) 345.0593 T0:6941211 P.1 Well Log Drilling Started: Oa 03 2008campteted:09/05 t2008 City/Borough: subdivisi4: BLOCK LOT Prupeny Owner Name &Addmss: Justin Gumm P.O Box 112553 Site: NHN Annex Circle Anchorage, AK 99511 Girdwood Raven Mountain Fst#1 1 5 Meridian 'Tounship_Range Section__ __„ lit of_.t'ior_%nf_ ___.,Yu BOREHOLE DATA(fr7nt Material: T'ypc, Color BC top of aemcss Casingpcpth rota To Drilling method: (X 1 Air rotary. ( ) Cable tool. Other__.,_, Well use: ( 1 Public supply. (x) Domestic. Other stickup i • 0 3 Depth of hole: 135 f. Casing stickup: 2 ft Casing type: steel __ Thickness: _25(.1� laches Casing diameter. 6 inches Casing depth:._ 70 R silt / rock • 3 12 Liner type: PVC Diameter. 4_5 inches Depth:55_to 135' moist sift / rock i 12 18 Static water (from top of using): 74 Ron 992.022008 Pumping Icvcl & yield: fisa atter _ hours at _ _ gpm _ . Recovery rate: 3. gpm. Method of testing: airlift dry silt / rock i 18 55 Development airlift Duration: 1 hour silt w/ coarse gral,ei 55 70 Well intake opening type: ( ) Open cnd.IX 1 Open holc.Other_ Screened: Start - ft. Stopped - R bedrock w/ H2O i 70 72 Screen type: - Slotmcslt size: - Pcrfoatcd: Start - R. Stopped: - R bedrock w/ soft Ia tors 72 135 Stan: - R. Stopped: - R Note: _..-... • Grout type: Vutume - _bentonitie , Dcpth; from around surface _iv 20 R . Pump intake depth: R Pump site:_ hp. Brand name: Was well disinfected upon completion? ( X) Yes. ( 1 No Method of disinfection:CBICIUf.k{ypOChlOfite..(.ChIQflfle)... Driller commcntsi disclaimers: i I Well driller name- Johnny Company name: Hefty Drilling, Inc. Mailing address. 3540 Akula Dr. City Anchorage State: a_k Zip 99516 ' Plano number : ( 907 345 - 0593 fa c345 4700 Drillers signature: Municipality Development Se Building Sp On -Site Water and 4700 South P.O. Box 196650 An www.m i (907) of Anchorage vices Department ety Division Wastewater Section Bregew St. gage, AK 995I9-6650 org/onsite 3-7904 Attention: Property owner shall provide a well log to the DSD within 60 days of well completion. Permit Number. SW080180 Date of Issue: 0tIg/ 76 /7008 Parcel Identification Number. 0 6 —032 —14 Is well located at approved permit location?! X) Yin Of ( ) Nu Mark Begich Mayor Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.muni.org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Pump Installation Log Date of Issue: Replacement Only: YES NO Well Drilling Permit Number: SW Parcel Identification Number: Legal Description Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates #1 Pump Installation Date: 10/21/2009 Property Owner Name & Address: Justin Gumm 185 Annex Circle Girdwood,AK Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: 113 feet Pump Manufacturer's Name: Myers Pump Model: 12NFL50 Pump Size 1/2 hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: 10 feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer's Name: Maas Pitless Adapter Installer: Aarow Pump&We1ISVC Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes Q No Method of Disinfection: Recirc Comments: Pump Installer Name: Aarow Pump & Well Service LLC PO Box 110496,Anchorage, AK 99511 (907) 346- 9355 Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to the DSD within 30 days of pump installation. 07/13/2009 10:32 SCS R<LN Client Name Prefect Name//4 Climes Sample ID Maris Sample Remarks: Pamcelet 9076941211 1093015001 S & S Engineering L5,131 Raven Mtn Esc in L5,131 Raven Mtn Est Ml Drinking Water Metals by 2CP/)/9 Arsenic Maters Department Tota! Nittare/Nititc.N Ari erobdol Laborato Colony Count Total Coliform Fecal Coliform Remits ND 0.521 0 0 0 PQL 5.00 0.100 SNSENGINEERING Priote4 Dsttatme Collected Dateffime Received DatN(ime Technical Director Vat Method cooaunerw Limits Dam Date PAGE 02/03 07/092009 13:42 ' 06252009 0:00 06252009 15:30 Stephen C. Ede Allowable Prep Anyytyt mg/ EP200.8 Tot C (<10) 07/06,09 07/08/09 NRB mpg Skin 4500NO3•F B (<10) co1/100mL 55120 922213 col/100m1. SN120 9222E eoli100mt $M20 92229 0s3a09 LCE 0625/09 SDP 06/25/09 SDP 06/25,9 SDP MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water B Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Renewal Date Issued: Aug 26, 2008 Expiration Date: Aug 26, 2009 Permit Number: SW080180 Parcel ID: 076-032-14 Legal Description: RAVEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES #1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 Design Engineer: 0000 ZZ - NONE NEEDED Site Address: NHN ANNEX CIRCLE Owner Name: JUSTIN GUMM Lot Size' 70080 SO. FT. Owner Address: PO BOX 112553 Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 ANCHORAGE . AK 99511 - This permit is for the construction of: ❑ Disposal Field ❑ Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy Q Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: Date: 8/P7(C)6 Issued By: bLe iJlgr€6th S,1 _- Date: Municipality of Anchorage - Development Services Department : 4 Building Safety Division ., On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AIC 99519-6650 www.muni.orglonsite (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEPTIC/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. O14-62- tea- 14 Property owner(s) • (-- -h 4 u m m Day phone 317- 0841 5 Mailing address %�''z &�$ n' Alt` Zip Code 99671 4 Site address ••"'5 ia ii'/' Zip Code Legal description (Sub'd, Block &Lot Di ��.h X1 3/ I-5 Legal description (Township, Section & Range) 3 Lot Size leCgo Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms THIS APPLICATION IS FOR (®all that apply): THIS APPLICATION IS AN: Absorption Field 0 Initial Septic Tank 0 Upgrade Holding Tank 0 Renewal Privy 0 Private Well cd Water Storage 0 certify that the above information is correct. 1 further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. ow/ _. (Signal re of prop owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees:/ 105Waiver Fees: Date of Payment:/025708 8 Date of Payment: Receipt Number. 10 / 43 Receipt Number: (Rev. 11/05) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Renewal Date Issued: Aug 24, 2007 Expiration Date: Aug 23, 2008 Permit Number: SW070215 Parcel ID: 076-032-14 Legal Description: RAVEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES #1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 Design Engineer: 0003 S & S ENGINEERING Owner Name: JUSTIN GUMM Owner Address: PO BOX 112553 ANCHORAGE , AK 99511 - Site Address: NHN ANNEX CIRCLE Lot Size: 70080 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit is for the construction of: ❑ Disposal Field 0 Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑✓ Private Well p Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3, The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. 5. The following special provisions. THE INSTALLATION OF A WATER WELL SHALL MEET ALL THE ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE 15.55. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED SHEET "PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL". IT IS THE BURDEN OF THE PROPERTY OWNER TO DETERMINE THAT THE PROPOSED WELL WILL NOT HAVE ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS ON ADJACENT WELLS OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS AND DETERMINE ANY EXISTING WASTEWATER PERMITS EFFECT THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED WELL. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL THE MUNICIPAL ON SITE WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM AT 907-343-7904. Received By. Issued By: pile 4.-ti"ii Date* Date: 0i/07 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services:Department. Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program . 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.muni.orglonsite (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEPTIC/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. elYWA-Gt3P"- /4 0 Property owner(s) •n v LLD/i12 Day phone s6/q- cogq..5� Mailing address APC /B Y 11,R6-3 .. Ala Zip Code /167/ Site address NHn% ration (_ur& , Zip Code 'J1) 7]�A,u.ngrtu't.. 6_4#/ 3/ 4.5 - Legal description (Sub'd, Block & Lot) Legal description (Township, Section & Range) Lot Size 9'a) AQ Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 3 THIS APPLICATION IS FOR (®ali that apply): THIS APPLICATION IS AN: ❑ Initial 0 Upgrade ❑ ❑ Renewal Absorption Field Septic Tank Holding Tank Privy Private Well Water Storage certify that the above info Single Family Dwelling a ect. I further certify that this application is being made for a pplicabie Municipal Codes. accordance (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: /15 - Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: VD -0 /6 Date of Payment: Receipt Number. / a16 a Receipt Number: (Rev. 11/05) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM / WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Date Issued: Aug 17, 2006 Expiration Date: Aug 17, 2007 Permit Number: SW060266 Parcel ID: 076-032-14 Legal Description: RAVEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES #1 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 Design Engineer: 0003 S & S Engineering Site Address: NHN ANNEX CIRCLE Owner Name: JUSTIN GUMM Lot Size: 70080 SQ. FT. Owner Address: PO BOX 112553 ANCHORAGE , AK 99511 - Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit is for the construction of: ❑✓ Disposal Field ❑✓ Septic Tank D Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑.r Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by catling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: Issued By: Date. st7/0(, Date: d��/4 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.muni.org/onsite (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEPTIC/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. ble -o '-- 4 Property owner(s)(p 5 c u ii 1 V • Day phone 317-0315 Mailing address PO.B°x 11.3 Ancc4o,' nn,,l/Zip Code 9957/ Site address MO Aft.bUc*' aCr e Lam- Zip Code Legal description (Sub'd, Block & Lot) aWaLkf /t/OLLr)+aifl LdaTe'S Legal description (Township, Section & Range) Lot Size r 0 20 Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 3 411 THIS APPLICATION IS FOR (gall that apply): THIS APPLICATION IS AN: Absorption Field Septic Tank Holding Tank Privy Private Well Water Storage El Initial Upgrade 0 Renewal 0 0 certify that the above informatiois correct. I further certify that this application is bein Single Family ' welling and is i. accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature ow er or authorized agent) made for a Permit/Rush Fees: 9&o QU fi /TS" Date of Payment: �l 1 ¥1 Cp Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: My 1 ? 8 Receipt Number: (Rev. 11/05) . deak._.., ,/t:*•$&$ gzneeR(11G tiv ITEALTHAUTTORTY APPROVALS SEWER & WATER MAN DRENSIONS SEWER& WATER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION &FLOW TEST SITE PIANS ROAD DESIGN SOIL TEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL 11 MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS ON SITE WASTEWATER D6POSALSYSTEM DESIGN ROBERT C. COWAN, P.E. August 7, 2006 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 REFERENCE: Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates Subdivision CML ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX (907)694-1211 It is requested that you issue a permit to install a new well and a new septic system to serve the proposed three bedroom dwelling on the referenced property. A test hole was excavated and a percolation test performed. The approximate location of the test hole is located on the attached site plan. At the time of excavation 6/24/06, ground water was not found. After monitoring ground water for 7 days, the test hole was dry. We do not anticipate any adverse effects on neighboring wells, septic systems, reserve areas or drainage pattems by the installation of the proposed septic system. The construction of this system will not prevent any future development on any of the adjacent properties. If you req Sincerely, ire ad tional information, please contact us. rt A. Shafer, P.E. /bjj nclosure 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP • SURE 204 • EAGLE RIVER. ALASKA99577 0 W Z 0 .1\NZ l 0 DU J -pY •py o_Z 2 pf W W .' NZV n▪ ►• v 4T o 0 rciwyy LUN n� /21 • lMojJ . a . U 0 W tri O L0Ls - 0 0 0 N s 0 r f 0 0 0 W K o F 1 << W 0 U ¢ O x W N y � 0 W < or ,u00 z,_otz uoa3O CD 0 W fn 2 0C) CL z OW [Yee D < O 0 OW � Y 0z w 1- O1- cQW a_ O V) N. M 0 0 w cc 0 O LI- • II N o co —10 5 i M N V • > • �.. d w w O Lei Z L— o1w3o 0 003 00l in in NVId-31IS NJIS30 'vi', z Nn z doz 0 0 8 8 sF►u .03 = ,.l Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchoraoe.ak.ug (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. °STf>u Lvmm Date Performed: ere WW A trtJ FiRan Legal Description: Ler(.E,Cr l S SA) /pOtJ Township, Range, Section: Slope Site Plan I Depth (Feet) �55�3 —012b4? 1 t CS 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 0 .O• COMMENTS LoLTF- t.tvstt ' WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water Alter Monitoring? Dale: �l7 s sre Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 6/Zl /cb 3:30 — (r1 1 0 01,1- T 3:Li0 (D II1/2:41 i0Vf," 5%41 — l" 1 — Fiw--- 3.SI ib Il" 1 lo 3:53 — 1Yir e- 4:03 10 11Y: ID 1 PERCOLATION RATE Ie 0 (nndesMchi ^PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN y 1 FT AND r r ,FT PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ti S & S nglneerinq w /EALTNALAN CAGY APPRCNAL4 SEWER & WATER MAIN DCENSIO S SEWER & WATER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION t ROW TEST SITE PIANS ROAD DESIGN SOIL TEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURALS 1AECNNIICAL INSPECTIONS CPI SITE WASTEWATER DSPOSALSISTEM OESIGN ROBERT C. COWAN, P.E. CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX (907) 694-1211 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES and MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE: Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates Subdivision August 7, 2006 GENERAL: 1. The scope of this project includes the installation of a new 1000 gallon HDPE septic tank a septic trench to serve the proposed three bedroom residence located on the referenced property. 2. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved site plan and design drawings, Municipal permit with any special provisions or conditions, and all applicable State and Municipal Wastewater Disposal Regulations. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary underground utility locates. 4. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the property owner shall beesponsible for final grading areas subsequently depressed from soil settling. 5. Contractors installing wastewater disposal systems must be certified by the Municipal Development Services Department or ADEC if required, for system installations. Owners installing their own systems must also receive prior approval from the respective agency. SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION: 1. A septic tank is to be constructed by a certified septic tank manufacturer. Construction shall include two 4" cleanouts for pumping access. 2. The septic tank shall be sufficiently bedded to prevent settling or shifting of the tank. 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP • SURE 204 • EAGLE RIVER. ALASKA 99577 Page 2 Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates Subdivision August 7, 2006 3. All standpipes on the septic tank shall extend a minimum of 12 inches above final grade. 4. Septic tanks installed with less than 4 ft. of cover shall be insulated. 5. A foundation cleanout shall be installed one to four feet from the building foundation. In the line between the tank and the leachfield there shall be two adjacent cleanouts (unless an effluent pumping system exists within the septic tank). These cleanouts shall be located on undisturbed soil not more than 10 ft. from the tank. The first cleanout, in line, shall be to clean toward the leachfield. The second cleanout shall be to clean toward the septic tank. 6. Final grading over the septic tank shall be such that a positive slope exists away from the septic tank. ABSORPTION TRENCH/DRAINFIELD INSTALLATION: 1. Excavate the proposed trench to the dimensions shown on the design. The bottom of the excavation shall be within 2 inches of level. If the sidewalls of the excavation become smeared, they must be raked or scratched (ruffed -up) before gravel (sewer rock) placement. 2. Once the gravel is installed, the distribution pipe is to be installed level with the perforations faced downward. Gravel is then to be placed over the distribution pipe to provide a minimum of 2 inches of cover over the pipe. 3. A silt barrier must be installed between the final gravel layer and the native soil backfill. Ensure the silt barrier covers the entire gravel surface before placing backfill. 4. Monitor tubes shall be of four (4) inch diameter, installed approximately in the locations shown on the design, and extend a minimum of 12 inches above final grade. The portion of the monitoring tube extending through the gravel shall be perforated from the bottom of the trench to the invert of the distribution pipe. This is equivalent to the effective depth of the gravel as noted on the design. 5. Backfill over the final gravel layer must not be less than twenty-four (24) inches. Insulation must be installed when the backfill depth is less than thirty-six (36) orches. The finish grade over the trench must be mounded to prevent the formation of a depression after settling. Page 3 Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates Subdivision August 7, 2006 MINIMUM MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Any septic tank proposed for installation must be constructed by a Municipal approved septic tank manufacturer. 2. The following pipe materials are approved for use in septic system installa ions in the Municipality of Anchorage: Tyne of Pine Perforated Solid Cast Iron Yes Yes ASTM D3034 (PVC) Yes Yes ASTM F810 (HDPE) Yes No ASTM D2662 (ABS) Yes Yes Use of a type of pipe other than listed above must be approved by the inspecting engineer. 3. Insulation shall be at least 2" thick extruded direct burial polystyrene (Dow Chemical Company Styrofoam HI or equal). 4. Septic tank inlets and outlets shall be fitted with watertight couplings (Caulder, Femco, or equal). 5. A permeable nontoxic silt barrier (Typar 3401, Mirafi 140N, or equal) must be installed between the final leachfield gravel layer and the native soil backfill. 6. All leachfield gravel (sewer rock) shall be 0.5"-2.5" screened gravel with less than 3% passing the 11200 sieve. 7. When sand is being used as a filter material, its gradation specifications must conform to current M.O.A. or D.E.C. requirements, which ever requirement applies. Page 4 Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates Subdivision August 7, 2000 INSPECTIONS: Typically there will be a minimum of three (3) inspections required during the installation of the wastewater disposal system. These inspections will occur as follows: 1. The first inspection must be conducted after the excavation of ditches, pits, trenches, or beds and before the installation of any gravel. A septic tank may be set in place, but may not be backfilled before this inspection. 2. The second inspection must be conducted after the placement of the silt barrier, gravel, distribution lines, standpipes, cleanouts, and insulation, but before' the placement of any other backfill. 3. The final inspection is to occur upon final grading of the property. Often there will be more than these 3 inspections required. Especially with the installation of multiple trenches, sand filters, pressurized distribution systems, etc. Thus, the inspecting engineer is to be contacted at least 24 hours prior to the start of construction. If necessary, a pre - construction meeting will take place on-site. The inspecting engineer will not coordinate, direct or control in any way the contractors activities. The owner shall contract with the contractor to perform the work outlined in these specifications and plans and in accordance with the attached M.O.A. permit. There will be no contractual arrangement existing between the contractor and S & S Engineering. S & S Engineering shall be the owner's representative and will inspect the work as stated above to document the contractors activities. Final acceptance of the contractors work rests with the owner and the M.O.A. S & S Engineering shall have no liability to the owner or to others for acts or omissions of the contractor or any other persons performing work on this project or the failure of the contractor to carry out the work in accordance with these construction documents. S & S Engineering's inspecting engineer will not be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequence, procedures or the safety precautions incident to this project. CONTRACTOR / INSTALLER Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING CosA# f)S C, 1 / l I /,5' 3 Expiration Date: % 2 - Parcel1.D. 0 76-0 3 2-1 4 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Location (site address) Current Property owner(s) Mailing address Lending agency Mailing address Real Estate Agent Mailing address RAVEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES; BLOCK 1, LOT 5 185 ANNEX CIRCLE *GIRDWOOD AK NANCY SMITH 185 ANNEX CIRCLE *GIRDWOOD, AK Day phone C/O AGENT Day phone BRIAN EPLEY W/ REMAX OF ALYESKA Day phone 223-9799 Unless otherwise requested, COSA will be held by DSD for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual Well Individual Water Storage Community Class Well Public Water System • TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual On-site Individual Holding tank Community On-site Public Sewer ti The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) Issues Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 4 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval are required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by a single-family on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system. DSD also issues COSAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval are valid for 90 days from the date of issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water samples. (Certificates may be reissued for a period of up to one year with valid water samples.) Certificates are valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 4. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, 1 verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. Phone 337-6179 Address 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD, SUITE 101 * ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS, P.E. Date Engineer's Comments: In conducting this evaluation, GEG, LED. attempted to provide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with ADEC and MOA DSD Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results described the performance of the system undo.' the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soils condition, groundwater levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. These conditions are outside the control of the evaluator of the system. Satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defects or encroachments. GEG, LTD. can therefore not provide any warranty or future estimate of how long the system will continue to meet the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DSD. The content of this report is for the sole benefit of the owner listed above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or party is not authorized, nor will it confer any legal right whatsoever. 5. DSD SIGNATURE By: Approved for 3 bedrooms. Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations: � PROGRAM s. ) sER`A�N\ ))l)))))l�l Attachments: COSA Checklist Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory Nitrate Advisory (Rev. 11105) Pe Arsenic Advisory Maintenance Agreements Supplemental Engineer's Report Other Original Certificate Date: — — / 2_ Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907)343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL CHECKLIST MOUNTAIN ESTATES; BLOCK 1, LOT 5 Legal Description: RAVEN A. WELL DATA Well type PRIVATE Date completed 9/5/08 Total depth 135 ft. Date of test Static water level Well production If A, B, orC provide PWSID# N/A Sanitary seal (Y/N) YES Cased to 70 FROM WELL LOG 9/5/08 74 3 WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform 0 colonies/100 ml. Arsenic: ND ug./L. B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA ft ft. g.p.m. Parcel ID: 076-032-14 Well Log (Y/N) YES Wires properly protected (Y/N) Casing height (above ground) AT INSPECTION 11/10/11 60 8.08 Nitrate 0 46 mg./L. Date of sample: 11/11/11 *PUMPING CANNOT BE DONE UNTIL SPRING WHEN IT IS ACCESSIBLE TO A PUMP TRUCK. ft. g.p.m. YES 24 in. Collected by: GEG, Ltd. Tank Type/Material SEPTIC/STEEL Date installed 9/15/06 Tank size 1000 gal. Number of Compartments E Cleanouts (Y/N) YES Foundation cleanout (Y/N) YES Date of pumping *NOT YET C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Depression over tank (Y/N) NO Pumper High water alarm (YIN) N/A I*BELOW EXISTING GRADEI Date installed 9/15/06 Soil rating (g.p.d./ft2ort/bdrir)) 1_2 Length 44 ft. Width 5 ft. Total depth *9.91 ft. Eff. absorption area 440 ft2 Monitoring tube Date of adequacy test "11/11/11 Results (Pass/Fail) PASS Fluid depth in absorption field before test 0 in Wateradded 11 System type TRENCH Gravel below pipe 4 ft. YES Depression over field NO For 3 bedrooms New depth 2 in. 40 _gal. Elapsed Time: E min. Final fluid depth E in Absorption rate >= 450+ g.p.d. Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (Y/N & type) NONE KNOWN If yes, give date **DRAINFIELD WAS PRESOAKED WITH 2000 GALLONS OF WATER ON 11/10/11. D. LIFT STATION Date installed Size in gallons "Pump on" level at in. "Pump off" level Datum Cycles tested E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: 100'+ Septic tank/ltft station on lot Absorption field on lot Public sewer main 100'+ N/A Sewer /septic service line 25' + Manhole/Access (Y/N High water alarm level at in. Meets alarm & circuit requirements? On adjacent lots 100'+ On adjacent lots 100'+ Public sewer manhole/cleanout N/A Holding tank N/A Animal containment areas 50'+ Manure/animal excrete storage areas 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation 5'+ Property line 5'+ Absorption field Water main N/A Water service line 10'+ Surface water Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Properly line 10'+ Building foundation 10'+ Water main Water service line 10'+ Surface water 100'+ Curtain drain NONE KNOWN F. COMMENTS *PER INSPECTION REPORT. Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ *6' 100'+ N/A Driveway, parking/vehicle storage 0' G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have determined through field inspections and review of Municipal records that the above systems ate in conformance with MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS Date fl /Vie/ oo6��pO H a0 VA ey A. mess: m! CE -79 3 ..fl'zl ��.•''�co,�p DOOcfpro f e0on o� �00`ss� COSA Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number (Rev. 11105) �gb(0C X07 hiei Wai Fee $ ii/ai/i i °32 3c Date of Payment Receipt Number bap uz IL u0.❑oa Dili IVI[Lul IdIU kov,) wr •vow fl2c.l0,u R d Pt.tn pinci Service 7500 Beluga Circle Anchorage, Alaslca 99504 (907) 338-4476 •(907) 830-1421 •(907),830-1911 Tnvoicc;<; 8 3 0 7 sow Taw)n;v ke •y �g. n:me of S.rv;c:: #.4:/A -1.4.5(-x/1 ,Q,� pi,m, y? y/�/uS 7 Cmmcr l'.0.. Number: C ml; I F'.,,xuu fA,+! 7r3 -'/,J117 price: pc, ann Amount Description Septic rank pumped Sludge in tank Leach treatment Bio -mat in leach Water level in leach Cap on Stand Pipes 9 Other:l,r7ei•wc.ipAet05JCA 1 Recommendations: ) Total i275-34 , 2°'u interest will be clrorged .Ditira.\ly ort Unpaid bills unril paid. ' elev.=110' L=78.20' R=50.00' A=89°36'27" 0 2 Story House elev.=130' N 89°21'15" E N 89°21'15" E 158.19' 376.86' CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST NOTE: 1) Bearings and distances are as per Plat No. 66-143 and measured data. 2) Elevations are assumed. As. CI IN- remy A. Hurst No. #,1�1�'eatES'NA SENTEC Surveying • Engineering 2525 Gambell Street, Suite 200, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Tele: (907) 563-3835 Fax: (907) 563-3817 PLOT PLAN / AS BUILT OF: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates Subdivision, Girdwood, Alaska ORK ORDER MASER: 09-5315 Nov. 7, 2011 DRAWN RY JAH I MJH SCALE: 4 111 c ei 607/26-28 0 SURVEY CERTIFICATION: SENTEC has conducted a physical survey of this property as shown on this drawing and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and no encroachments exist other than noted. EXCLUSION NOTES: It is the owners responsibility to determine the existence of any easements, covenants, or restrictions which do not appear on the recorded subdivision plat. NOTE: Under no circumstances should any data hereon be used for the construction or for the establishing of property lines. LEGEND QW Well 0 Septic vent • Found Property Cor. Drainage direction Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.muni.org/onsite (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. 076-032-14 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Location (site address) 185 ANNEX CIRCLE *GIRDWOOD, AK Current Property owner(s) NANCY SMITH Day phone C/0 AGENT Mailing address 185 ANNEX CIRCLE *GIRDWOOD, AK Lending agency Day phone Mailing address Real Estate Agent BRIAN EPLEY W/ REMAX OF ALYESKA Day phone 223-9799 Mailing address COSA# cx.5C111453 a1a3/l�, Expiration Date: 'C\ RAVEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES; BLOCK 1, LOT 5 Unless otherwise requested, COSA will be held by DSD for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Well Individual Water Storage Community Class Well Public Water System Individual On-site ❑ Individual Holding tank ❑ Community On-site ❑ Public SewerEl • El The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) Issues Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 4 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval are required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by a single-family on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system. DSD also issues COSAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval are valid for 90 days from the date of issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water samples. (Certificates may be reissued for a period of up to one year with valid water samples.) Certificates are valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 4. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. Phone 337-6179 Address 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD, SUITE 101 * ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS, P.E. Engineer's Comments: In conducting this evaluation, GEG, LtD, attempted to provide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with ADEC and MOA DSD Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results described the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soils condition, groundwater levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. These conditions are outside the control of the evaluator of the system. Satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defects or encroachments. GEG, LTD. can therefore not provide any warranty or future estimate of how long the system will continue to meet the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DSD. The content of this report is for the sole benefit of the owner listed above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or party is not authorized, nor will it confer any legal right whatsoever. 5. DSD SIGNATURE Approved for Disapproved. _XConditional approval for .� bedrooms. MA 5i -- Date (ltZli// 004000�0�0 _o c L • ••� OQ A. Ga Hess; 0 Il�21 .11 •��AF Da�ofessionoQ`� ��O000�4 bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Q� pur' PFS rn� Attachments: COSA Checklist Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory Nitre AdvisoryBy: wwto ; j (Rev. 11/05) ?FOG" = 0` Arsenic Advisory Maintenance Agreements Supplemental Engineer's Report Other ZONENT S!!\\N`, Original Certificate Date: 1 I /,.,)J )1 / v // Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL CHECKLIST Legal Description: A. WELL DATA Well type PRIVATE Date completed RAVEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES; BLOCK 1, LOT 5 9/5/08 Parcel ID: 076-032-14 If A, B, or C provide PWSID# N/A Well Log (Y/N) YES Total depth 135 ft. Sanitary seal (Y/N) YES Cased to 70 ft. FROM WELL LOG Date of test 9/5/08 Static water level 74 ft. Well production 3 WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: g.p.m. Wires properly protected (Y/N) YES Casing height (above ground) 24 in. AT INSPECTION 11/10/11 60 ft. 8.08 Coliform 0 colonies/100 ml. Nitrate 0.46 mg./L. Collected by: Arsenic: Date of sample: 11/11/11 ND ug./L. B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Tank Type/Material Tank size 1000 gal. SEPTIC/STEEL g.p.m. GEG, Ltd. Number of Compartments 2 Foundation cleanout (Y/N) YES Depression over tank (YIN) NO Date of pumping - 'ET Pumper C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed 9/15/06 Cleanouts (Y/N) YES High water alarm (Y/N) N/A I*BELOW EXISTING GRADE Date installed 9/15/06 Soil rating (g.p.d./ft2or Length 44 ft. Width 5 1.2 ft. System type. TRENCH Gravel below pipe 4 ft. Total depth *9.91 ft. Eff. absorption area 440 ft2 Monitoring tube YES Depression over field NO Date of adequacy test "11/11/11 Results (Pass/Fail) PASS For 3 bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test 0 in. Water added 1 140 gal. New depth 2 in. Elapsed Time: 0 min. Final fluid depth 0 in. Absorption rate >= Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (Y/N & type) NONE KNOWN If yes, give date **DRAINFIELD WAS PRESOAKED WITH 2000 GALLONS OF WATER ON 11/10/11. 450+ g.p.d. D. LIFT STATION E. Date installed "Pump on" level at in. Datum Size in gallons Manhole/Access (Y/N "Pump off" level - High water alarm level at in. Cycles tested Meets alarm & circuit requirements? SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: 100'+ Septic tank/lift station on lot Absorption field on lot Public sewer main 100'+ N/A On adjacent lots 100'+ On adjacent lots 100'+ Public sewer manhole/cleanout N/A Sewer /septic service line 25'+ Holding tank N/A Animal containment areas 50'+ Manure/animal excrete storage areas 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation 5'+ Water main N/A Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Property line 5'+ Absorption field *6' Water service line 10'+ Surface water Property line 10'+ 100'+ Building foundation 10'+ Water main N/A Water service line 10'+ Surface water 100'+ Driveway, parking/vehicle storage 0' Curtain drain NONE KNOWN F. COMMENTS *PER INSPECTION REPORT. Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that 1 have determined through field inspections and review of Municipal records that the above systems are in conformance with MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS Date 11/Z1/1/ OF A ooboOOp 000 vA ey A. mess: CE -79 3 • CO a pro OzPI f essio��o� 0400004 COSA Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number (Rev. 11/05) gb d(P0 c l W- aiver Fee $ it/ter/i Date of Payment Receipt Number LOT 7 L=78.20' R=50.00' 0=89°36'27" LOT 2 LOT 6 LOT 3 N 89°21'15" E 158.19' CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST NOTE: 1) Bearings and distances are as per Plat No. 66-143 and measured data. 2) Elevations are assumed. OF At, emy A. Hurst No. L 1 796 fl,irl� .. Surveying • Engineering 2525 Gambell Street, Suite 200, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Tele: (907) 563-3835 Fax: (907) 563-3817 SENTEC PLOT PLAN / AS BUILT OF: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 5, Block 1, Raven Mountain Estates Subdivision, Girdwood, Alaska WORK ORDER NUMBER; 09-5315 607. SURVEY CERTIFICATION: SENTEC has conducted a physical survey of this property as shown on this drawing and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and no encroachments exist other than noted. EXCLUSION NOTES: It is the owners responsibility to determine the existence of any easements, covenants, or restrictions which do not appear on the recorded subdivision plat. NOTE: Under no circumstances should any data hereon be used for the construction or for the establishing of property lines. LEGEND Qw Well O Septic vent • Found Property Cor. Drainage direction