HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R4W SEC 10 LT 40BT12N R4W Section 10 Lot 40B #011-213-55 JLL-20-2001 2030 WILLIP" J. MILLS MD P.01 grilling Co._ �� i 1 ��•�.�,. USGa aa. DzilJ.r� '.f [ Area —i dell D.ncr /1 7/P Use of pall Location (address of: Township. Range, 6 Section (if known)j distance from road! Si:o of easinf�0dpth of Nolcj?`e .t. sisal to V? sdI " feat. Static ester lev+l�f+et (above) (bal� land surface. Finish of -wall ..•.(check one) Open and (&•f: $erten ( ): Ferforotod ( )( Describe scraan or perfo tions: - Wall pumpinr c+st at 1.1 par(hr) ra/( or iours with f+e o draulown from stalaa lcvrl. Aetarks u ' (e^ �mplr7 I ML LOG _ Dep[h in fast from Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, (round surface color, and hardness. neo//1��� � d e . I -• 1 to �� ■ .��_[�" /' SLG to- te ... .� to .—. to !_ i to to td _ [o i Sr7 gince "7/ pr tb� ObbcvL nQ I Tm,v a n. I rillSnt Co._ �� �i� ��• • .._� yam_ USC:. wc.....__ Drills_ �'' `� (' � ' •Arne Mall D.'ner/%7 %�,a y Use of Wnll Location (address of: Township, Ranpe, q S=ation(!t known)1 discanca from roadr —r 1 Site of Casin;itDepth of llolc.P I .•t, Cy;cJ co_o?+5� 10 • feat, Static water levelnA , feet (about) (baluis) land surface. Finish of'Iali ...,(check one) Opee and ( ars Screen ( ): Ferfaratcd ( )1 - Ddseribe seroon ur pvrru tuns: (fail pu spiny cast at �llans per hr Kae or ,uar► 646h �a � fee o draiaiawa from stelae Leval, . -• �--: • Acrarks MLL LOG .._Depth in fact frog Givd dotails of formations penetrated, site of (round surface color, said hardness. r ta, � to/�� �'� �. h 1._•e-5••'-�'--; ' :i •-•-• �11`.�; to � • '.r. �.���_.._. ��.-�' ./ In go • r ,— to • La i 1 �. to to --. - •1 to •. to I .f� 1 1 1' i Attachment B Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division Onsite Water 6 Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.cl.anchorage.sk.us (907)343.7904 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. 011-213-55 1. GENERAL INFORMATION t Expiration Date: Complete legal description T12N, Raw, SECTION 10, LOT 408 • I Location (site address or directions) 8844 CLORALEE STREET, ANCHORAGE, AK 99502 Current Property owner(s) Mailing address Lending agency Mailing address Real Estate Agent Mailing address DON OSBORNE Dayphone 344-1603 3050 AMSERBAY LOOP, ANCHORAGE, AK 99515 Day phone I Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held by DSD for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 2 Day phone 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Well ® Individual On-site ❑ Individual Water Storage ❑ Individual Holding tank ❑ Community Class Well ❑ Community On-site ❑ Public Water System ❑ Public Sewer I® The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) Issues Certificates of Health Authority Approval (HAA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by a single family on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system. DSD also issues HAAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are valid for 90 days from the date of issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water sample results less than 30 days old. (Certificates may be reissued for a period of up to one year with valid water samples.) Certificates are valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineers work. 4. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, f verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Health Authority Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verity that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage tiles and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Finn ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS. INC. Phone Address, 6901 DEBARR ROAD. SUITE 2B • ANCHORAGE. AK 99504 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS. P.E. Engineers Comments: In conducting this evaluation, AWWC, Inc. attempted to provide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with ADEC and MOA DSD Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results described the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soils condition, groundwater levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. These conditions are outside the control of the evaluator of the system. Satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defects or encroachments. AWWC, Inc. can therefore not provide any warranty or future estimate of how long the system will continue to meet the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DSD. The content ofthis report Is for the sole benefit of the owner listed above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or party is not authorized, nor will it confer any legal right whatsoever. 5. DSD SIGNATURE Approved for 2 bedrooms. Disapproved. 337-6179 Date 6 (3 ZoI Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the fllowing stipulations: ltttt�'Dt !i'rr \kQ\,\� �( Attachments: HAA Checklist Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory ON�PR IR n _ ncT[VVATER F'KUurv,�v� Manitenance Agreements///Ill t tt Supplemental Engineer's Reort Other By: �L� /— � Original Certificate Date: 9 - a- O - (3 � (ar.12=) Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department SUMM saw Division O"no w"towater Prom m 47W South 8repaw St P.O. Sox 19tif160 Anchorage, AK 051941= Www.cIA%horsge.ak.us (907) 943-7904 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST Legal Description: LOT 408 SECTION 10 T12N R4W Parcel ID: 0111-213-55 A. WELL DATA WOO type MATE It A, 8, or C provide PWSID# N/A Well Log (YM) YES Date Completed 11/3/1971 Sanflaryseal (YIN) YES Wires properly protected (YM) YES Total depth 238 tL CHS8d to 40+ ft. Casing height (above ground} 12 in. FROM WELL LOG AT INSPECTION Date of feSt 11/3/1971 8/9/01 Static water level 58 ft. 55 ft. Well production 129.p.m. t o.s WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Cotifonn 0 colonies/100 ml. Nitrate 0.5 mgA. Other bacteria 0 colonies/100 ml. Date of sample: 9/7/01-8/9/01 Collectedby: AWWC, INC. 8. SEP`nC/HOLDINO TANK DATA PUBLIC SEWER Tank Type/Material Date i Tank size gal. Number of Com Cleanouts�(Y/N) Foundation cleanout Depression over tank (YIN)_ High watalarm (Y/N) Of pumping Pumper a. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA PUBLIC SEWER ! / Date installed Sail rating (g.p.d.Aeor fe/bdnn)_ Length fL Width Total depth ft. Eft. absorption area_ ft' Date of adequacy test ,R ults (Pass/Fall) Fluid depth In absorption Elapsed Tom _ min. System type A6 vel below pipe 1 ft. tube— Depression over field For bedrooms I test _ in. Water added —gal. New depth —In. Final fluid depth _ in. iejuvenstion treatment (past 12 mo.) (YM & type) Absorption rate >= i g.p.d. I If yes, give date i D. LIFT STATION Date installed "Pump on" level at _in. E. SEPARATION DISTANCES Size in gallons High water alarm level at in. Cycles tested Meets alarm & circuit requirements? SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tankAlft station on lot N/A Absorption field on lot N/A Public sewer main •40'+ Sewer /septic service line 10'+ On adjacent lots N/A On adjacent lots N/A Public sewer menhole/deanout Holding tank N SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: PUB= Building foundation Property •40'+ Waller main r service line Surface water _Wel n adjacent kft SEWER SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: PUBIC Property line Building Water service line Wells on adjacent lots F. COMMENTS "AWWU IS SUBMITTING WAIVER REQUEST G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 1 certify that I have determined through field inspections and review of Municipal records that the above systems ars in conformance wfih MOA HAA guidelines in effect on this date. Engineers 's Printed Na a JEFFREY A. GARNESS Data HAA Fee E ¢CO Date of Payment 91 Receipt Number. 0 irtw. wool Driveway, parldnglvehide storage Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number =114111MMEN CEtd 7953 6 Pro lessp^O\ SEP -11-0I 11:33 FRO"T&E ENVIRONLfNTAI SRV 9075615301 T-111 P.01/0II F-218 AL ME Environmental Services Inc.i�� � Laboratory Division 200 W, Porter Drive Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria Anchorage, AK 99618.1606 READ lNSTRUCTIONS ONREVERSESIDEBEFORE COLLECTINOSAMPLE Tel:(907)662.2343 O PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM I.D. N CLW PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM ❑ Send Rrsulrs ❑ Srnd lnvoicr fi� �Y1.w1 YfY Y\ Y@ I Nu l A". O Send Resatn O Srnd lnroiee SAMPLE DATE: NLU Month SAMPLETYPE: O Routine Cl Repeat Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no. ❑ Special Purpose SAMPLE LOCATION EMISIdfALFir- (eyr 140n48) y ye DaYear O Treated Water 29, Untreated Water Time Collected 1.2a36 Collected By 3-Eyy'7 rk.,f mer .v VC IAJMYLE"rED BY LABORATORY ,?An lysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: Satisfactory O Unsatisfactory O Sample over 30 hours old, results may be unreliable Cl Sample too long in transit; sI mple should not be over31Dhours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample via special delivery mail. Date Received__ Time Received j n1� Analysis Began _J-00 _ Analytical Method:lemb I Filter O MMO-MUG • Numberofcolonies/IOOmI. 101609 Analyst 1Cp Jun 0 Fa%rd Date: Time: Client notified of unsatisfactory results: Phoned Spoke with I Fa❑aed Date Time: BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD M.MO-MUC Result: Total Collform E. Coll Membrane Filter: Direct Count Colonies/100 ml Verification: LTB BCB COLIFIRM Fecal Coliform Confirmation Final Membrane Filler Results Coliform/100 ml Reported By 0 Time u br, Comments: TNTCw rw N.w..fwr T. t:wwr oa-arfrd.fk,.. .__._ _,__,_ _I+5 Member of the SGS Group(Socidtd Gandrale do Surveillance) ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES IN ALASKA, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA. ILLINOIS, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN. MISSOURI, NEW JERSEY OHIO, WEST VIRGINIA AUG -I4-01 08:58 FRO"TLE ENVIRONMENTAL SRV ME Environmental Services Inc. JA`G • �rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr� ME Ref0 1015201001 Client Name AK Water & Wastewater Consultants Inc. Project Nanwt# 8844 Gloralce Client Sample ID Lt 4013 Sec 10 T12N R4W Matrix Drinking Water Ordered By Stephen C. Ede P%VSID 0 Sample Remarks: Parameter Remlu Waters Department Ninatc-N 0.500 U Microbiology Laboratory Total Coliform No Coli 9075615301 T-597 P.02/03 F-292 I 1 Client PON i i I Printed Date/17me 08/13/2001 10:59 Collected DatelTime 08/09/2001 9:54 Received Date/Time 08/09/2001 11.25 Technical Director Stephen C. Ede Released By �Cy1W�.c�C PQL Units Method 0.500 mg/L EPA 300.0 coV100mL SM18922213 I I Allowable Prep ' Analysis Limits Date Date Ink I (<10) (<1) I 06/09/01 SCL 08/09/01 SKW AUG -14-01 08:58 FROM-CTiE ENVIROMENTAL SRV 9075615301 T-597 P.03/03 F-292 LTE. ME Environmental Services Inc. Meld For Confirmation Laboratory Division I 200 W. Potter Drive Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria Anchorage. AK 99618-1606 Tel: 19071562-2343 READ INSTRUCTIONS ONREVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SIE Fax: (907) 561-5301 TnP F COMPLETED BY LABORATORY o PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM I.D. M l� PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM D Send Results D Sendlnvoice .......�. M a n. us 'P ��esn - Send lnvoke 11 1�Jf�Lf see .X "Cvsia rac GG�r �95ay 1.y ZP O& SAMPLE DATE: Em DJ Month SAMPLE TYPE: Routine D Repeat Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no. ) C3 Special Purpose 9 Y—/.gd Day Year Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory I D Sample over 30 hours old, results may be unreliable I D Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over31h7hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample via special deliv ry Inad. Date Received 8 �/ Time Received Analysis Began I Analytical Method:Membrane Filter o MMO-MUG Numher of colonies/100 ml. Resulte1 Analyst 1015201 1 5� CA�r� D Treated Water V Untreated Water Time Collected Collected By Plow him to Foks Jun Fazed Date: Time: Client notified of unsatisfactory results: ❑ I ❑ Phoned Dee. BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD NIM0-MUG Result: Total Coliform E. call Spoke with Time: Membrane Filter: Direct Count/ o e Colonlesl100 ml Verification: LTB /gO.GGLU 6GGB 1LC��V COLIFIRSI Fecal CollformConfirmation Final Membrane Filter Results �CooliformnDo ml Reported By Date 7 t'? Time lel'( lire Comments: Fazed - IV15UW Member of the SOS Group lSociiti Ginirale do Surveillance) ee..onuueYTal cern (TIES IN ALASKA, CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA. ILLINOIS. MARYLAND. MICHIGAN. MISSOURI, NEW JERSEY.'OHI 3. WEST VIRGINIA E, Mayor,11ark Bcyich Municipa ty of Anchorage N). Ra 1!KKCi(l ;�pchum);c..�laslu: SC6i1!I IKii0•1ilcphonc(!MMAia-KS)l• 1'as(!M)7)M4Q(0 47(X) nm}giw Si rcct • .\nchorage. dlnslui lY. i07 %miulumLurg August 24, 2006 I11111( ing S.►fety IN -s islon Kurt Vause, P.E. Manager, Engineering Division Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503-3898 Subject: Waiver Request for T12N R4W Section 10 Lot 40B Waiver Request WR#: 060048 Parcel ID # 011-213-55 Dear Kurt Vause: Your request for a waiver of the required 100 feet horizontal separation from Ithe public sewer manhole and public sewer main to the private well has been approved. The approved separation distances are: 40 foot horizontal separation from well on lot to'the public sanitary sewer manhole; and a 44 to 75 foot horizontal separation from well on to a sanitary sewer 8 -inch ductile iron public sewer main This waiver approval applies to the existing separation distances only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. If there are any further concerns or questions regarding this waiver, please call our office at 343-7904. 1 Sincerely, o Goodall vil Engineer On -Site Water & Wastewater Program Community, Security, Prosperity Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department • r Building Safcty Division On -Site Watcr and Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Strcct P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907)343-7904 Waiver Review Worksheet WR#:060048 PID#: 0 11-213-55 HA/Permit# Date Received: August 24, 2006 Legal Description: T12N R4W Section 10 Lot 40B Engineer. Kurt Vause, P.E. Manager, Engineering Division Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503-3898 Applicant: Kurt Vause, P.E. Waiver Requested: Waiver Requested Criteria: Geology A. Water Table B. Soli Sorption C. Permeability D. Water Table Gradient E. Horizontal Separation Total: Points: ......................................................................... Waiver is Granted: X Waiver is not Granted. List Conditions or Reasons for above: Please see waiver request by AW WU and justificatton letter dated Sept. 11, 2001. This waiver was Issued to correct missing waiver paper work. Date: 8124/06 By: Joe Goodall Name of Reviewer ..@ease.................................................................. Rec#: Amount: $ Date Paid: 8/2412006 ANCHORAGF. WATER & WASTFWATER UTILII Mayor "A Ne7V Standard of Excellence" Engineering Division 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503898 fax 907.562.0824 htfpYAvww, awwu.cf.anchoragF). ak.us November2l, 2001 Dan Roth Municipality of Anchorage On -Site Water and Sewer Supervisor 4700 South Bragaw Street Andiurugc, AK 09507 Subject: Well Waiver addendum Lot 40B Section 10 T12N R4W SM Alaska Dear Mr. Roth: Thr,. Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) has successfully submitted an application to your office seeking lesser separation distance between n private writer system and a community sewer line. We have searched our records for any existence of a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) of that sewer main, per your request. however, we are confident that a CCN video was never performed for that particular line. Using Information from record drawing #3032 the estimated distance from the well to the second service connection into the sewer main in Gloralee is approximately ±48 feet. It is at this point that there is a confluence of flows and the sewer main actually becomes a community system. North from this Pohl there is only one service connection, essendelty rendering this portion of the main on extension of the first service connection. At the North end of the main Is a manhole which is set approximately 10 feet West of cr:ntedine within the right-of-way of Gloraleo Street and between Lots 40A1B and 3A A crew was sent to inspect lhlo manhole and found It to be dry with no influent pipes and one effluent pipe (report attached). The first line to feed the system Is a service connection for lot 3A, located approximately 16 feet South from the center of the manhole. Flow direction from the manhole at the North end of the system is south. duwnhill, and owny from lho well in que-stion. All improved properties north from the end of this sewer main are already served, establishing Lot 40A as the last parcel to be served from this main. Therefore any extension of this main to the North toward Jewel Lake Park is highly doubtful. Sewer services established to serve currently unimproved parcels North of Lot 40A would most likely be required to enter Into a mainline extension agreement to extend the main from West 88" Ave. In dosing 1 would like to thank you for your timely attention to this mnticr and expeditiously resolving It. AWWU would appreciate a copy of this waiver. Please mail it to Don Keefer's attention at AWWU headquarters 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, AK 995033098, or fax it to (907}562-0024. 1 Sincerely, Robert J Stachura Engineering Technician III Voted Best lasting Water In America - U98 U.S. Conference of Mayors iV ANCHORAGE WATER & WASTEWATER UTILITY Engineering Division 3000 Arctic Boulevard \ f• JJ Anchorage, A 99503 898 fax 907.502..562. 0824 http://www.awwu.cLanchorage.alcus Gorge r'tvue1Ch. Se September 11 2001 A1ayor P , James Cross, P.E. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services, Onsite Water & Sewer Supervisor 4700 South Bragaw Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 RE: Well waiverappiication Lot 40B Section 10 T12N R4W SM Alaska Dear Mr. Cross: utmed by flu Munra'j> lily ofAnthoruge The Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility (AWWU)'f•.; submitting referenced application! to you pursuant to the State of Alaska having delegated plan review and approval authority In this matter to the Municipality of Anchorage. AWWU is seeking u waiver (Reference 18AAC72.020(e)) of separation distances required by Alaska Administrative Code 18AAC72.020(c). This application seeks lesser separation distance between a private water system and a community sewer line, and between a private water system and sanitary sewer manhole. This waiver application is in consideration of a set of circumstances that has coexisted since 1974. Background Information Lot 400 Section 10 T12N R4W SM Alaska is part of a residential development In Southwest Anchorage, on the east shore of Jewel Lake, west of Gloralee Stmot, south of West Be Avenue, and north of Dimond Boulevard. The property Is generally described as the middle portion of property previously desrribed as BLM 40. Historical information rnsrarncod by the undersigned indicates the following: 1971: On November 3, 1971, a private well was drilled on BLM 40, at a location and, on the property now known as Lot 40B. A -property sits plan for Lots 40A and 40B, prepared by a registered and licensed surveyor, dated August 31, 1998, and showing the well location on Lot 40B is attached as Attachment A. The 1971 drillers log for the well is attached as Attachment B. 1974: Community sanitary sewer mainline services were extended to properties fronting much of Gtoraloo Street. The sanitary sewer main extcndod north in Gioraleo Street from Dimand Boulevard, and terminated in a manhole in front of Lot 40, at about the midpoint of the property. The sewer main is 8 -inch diameter ductile iron pipe. Record drawing 3032 is attached as Attachment C. Although there are wells indicated on the 1974 record drawing for other properties along the alignment, none is depicted on Lot 40. In 1974, ADEC regulation required a minimum fifty feet (50') separation between the private well and a sewer manhole, and fifty feet (507 separation between a private well and a community sewer line. P.'Igo 1 of 3 Voted test Tasdna Water In America • 1993 U.S. Conference of Mayors Page 2 of 3 Wdt rawer epptichtivrr. Lot 40B Smtkxi 10 T1 2N R4W SM A uAj Seplemher 11, 2001 March 1974: The Department of Public Works of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough reviewed the sewer main extension plans and found them "adequate'. 1975: Lot 40 was permitted to connect to the public sewer, records indicate the service line installation was not inspected. 1978: Plat 78-208 was filed with the State's Anchorage District Recorder's Office, subdividing a portion of Lot 40 Into Lots 40A and 408. The south fifty feet of Lot 40 was excepted from the platting action having been previously scpamted from the rest of Lot 40 by deed. 1979: Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Environmental Protection approved individual water and sewer facilities for *Government Lot 40 Sec 10 Twn12N R4W SM less south 50 ft Lot 408", recognizing the property on individual water supply and public sewage disposal system. 1983: Effective December 30, 1982, Wastewater Disposal Regulations 18AAC72 adopted new minimum separation distances pertaining to private wells. Since then, the minimum separation has been seventy-five feet (75) between a private well and a community sewer line; one hundred feel (100') between a private well and a sewer manhole. 1974- Lot 400 ownership transferred twice with no apparent mention of facility separation 1986: issues. 2001: August: In preparation for transfer of the property, the private well1community sewer line separation distance was identified as not meeting State regulation. AWWU is seeking a waiver to permit 1) a sanitary sewer manhole to remain In place approximately 40.61 feet from the well stickup, and 2) a sanitary sewer 8 -inch ductile iron community sewer main to remain in place 44' to 75' from the some well stickup. The following supporting Justification Is offered: This waiver revolves around a set of circumstances that has coexisted for approximately twenty- seven year . Within the subject well radius waiver area, and acwrding to the record drawing'for this sewer main Installation, all sewer pipe Is 84nch ductile Iron pipe, Class 2, with a wall thickness of 0.33" and a working pressure of 350 psi plus a surge allowance of 100 psi. As this sewer line Is a gravity system, the working pressure is 0.0 psi (or atmospheric). On a gravity system there is more hydrostatic pressuru on the outside of the pipe than on the inside, thus giving more concern to Infiltration than exfiltration. Ductile Iron pipe has a life expectancy greater than other conduit materials bcciuse of its structural strength and resistance; to abuse, abrasive elements and corrosion. The community sewer line Is approximately 8 feet below ground surface in the road prism of Gloralee Street Tho well driller's log for the private well on Lot 40B indicates the aquifer from which this well draws is generally 228 feet below surface elevation. The log also identifies two thick laynrs of day (60-185 feet and 195-228 feet below surface) that would provide Impermeable, layers between the community sewer line and the source aquifer, both layers serving as impediments to vertical groundwater and wastewater movement Considering the bedding and the trench work associated with the Installation of the community sewer line, any wastewater which could find its way out of the community sewer line, though improbable, would follow the bedding and disturbed area (the path of least resistance) when considering the characteristics of the surrounding undisturbed soils into which the well casings penetrate. The base of the well stickup is also at a higher elevation (approximately one foot) than the road surface of Pagn J d 4 Well weiver eppllaatlnn: LCA 40B SeeOm 10 TI 2N R4W SM AWMA Seplemter 11.2001 Gloralee Street. Surface elevation (runoff) drops from the well stickup to Gloralee Strret.and the sewer main location. The sanitary sewer manhole in question Is an upstream end of the public sanitary sewer collection system within this particular wnstewater dminagr. cell. On August 27. 2001, AWWU field crews visited the manhole to report current conditions. The field crew observed no influent pipe(s) Into the manhole, one effluent pipe; no wastewater flow in the manhole (dry bottom); and, no signs of Infiltration. This confines information shown on record drawing 3032. The rAmrd drawing also indicates the approximate location of service lines from the sewer main to adjacent properties. Lot 3A on the east side of Gloralee Street and across Gloralee from Lot 40B Is the first service line to discharge to the sewer main downstream of the subject manhole. Flow from this location south is away from and down slope of the well location. Most important, there Is no demonstrated public health problem after 27+ years of both facilities in the ground. In closing, In 1974, separation distances would have been subject to Water regulations in effect since October 1973. At that time, minimum separation In both circumstances would have required G0 feet, unless a lesser separation waiver was granted. It is understood that the approved sewer main design should still have been subject to waiver application, review and approval. A well waiver may have been applied for and granted. (The signatory engineer on the record drawing Is no longer licensed In Alaska). Due to various circumstances and absence of historical documentation; neither the Utility nor original approving authorities, i.e. the Municipal Department of Public Works or the State Department of Environmental Conservation, can demonstrate it wasn't. In addition to lesser separation distance waiver(s), AWWU requests current Municipal fats be waived In this matter considering this particular set of circumstances. To our knowledge, in 1974, original approving authorities (ADEC or Municipal DPW) charged no fees for such services. Further. If fees were collected for such waivers, either the respective approving Department or the Engineer of record of the project would bear responsibility for any fees that are to be collected. These historic well waiver Issues seem to present themselves on a sporadic and random basis. In light of some past Municipal and State practices and officu decisions, and with many past parties no longer even available to question, AWWU is willing to meet with other pertinent and relevant parties to roach a mutual understanding of how best to address these situations where circumstances are documented to be decades old. This completes our request for a waiver. Should you require any additional information, or have any questiuns concerning [lie above information, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully, Kurt P.E. Managerger,, Engineering Division (907) 5GA-2779 Attachments: A: Property Site Plan, Lot 4 •"'���� B: Driller's log: Private Well for tUe Dear Subdivision C. Record Drawing No. 3032: Sanita wer Main Luz I. P. e a Il r i 1. � I 1 1 1 1• r l l i � j3Y 11•ry o 4•�.I EASEI.IEWS OF HmAn Y1, in 11Cn71U1R IZS T11O3C C11OW11 Oil IME MCORDED PIAj ARE fJOf FAICAVII IICRCOII. F+Y9 3 „ f• ly JV ' Ane? Irnm do ox • IhW f•rJ vy.J.y� f. r erten foam n::, . �.�•% it It .. f �• NPD, Ille. (907) IFTI,eMc�•,4or a+'"TA/:/�1�, r r r , , : l . .. , ; 7 fmt0ytiro 1 Aria Per -,Id a No1l010ee'e I.,P.tlon IuAw*t Corci:eed progeny: l.cT'i .40,4 e nae Rrrcordln0 Preelnei, Al"k, and Ihe1 the emanf enueled Yrer"'I are IVIWn the PrnMdy, ones a-0 W",§P of ancro*h on fb PrpPeny"'it 0,1131 eYrorel4 o IM&ftemenls on pruaany lying adlArwnl YiHrW ctron the Pnmaes In queeWn mrd Ilwl rye. 1111MMbkr sr Olin or other aolo edam Ywro e m are soil fireAMI as Indicated aereen, sssan Of Anehne0e. Alaska , ' day of —ji_m6ef ST 19 ' I i FRED WAI.ATKA A ASSUL AI ES 4&166E Cftnvsrc and Surveynn I Attachment A rim rAttach ment C •• y NICIPAUTY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY OF*- GQ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH G ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIVF#, Of I 'EA 825LStreet.Anchorage,Afwka0501 ENVIRONMENTAL P ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION JAN 2 9191-9 0* 10 Telephone 26411720 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND kj%VIIEIDES DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed, please allow ten (101 days for processing. 1. PROPEFkTYOWNER T.v Q "se.,,/- PHONE PY3-So3.9 i ❑ Three ❑ Six MAILING ADDRESS Q� Q k 9 9 r 9 PQ dx u a R 0 PROPERTY RESIDENT Iff differmt from sg3w—T PHONE 2.'BUYER O PHONE MAILING ADDRESS A LENDING INSTITUTION r �4 PHONE MAILING ADDRESSSG/b�-`f3p- 4. REALTOR/AGENT PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 6. LE AL DES/ PTION T��.g•a-C IO TW$ Io2/V STREET LOCATION 6. TYPEOF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 1:3 One ❑ Four [3 Other 18 SINGLE FAMILY (3. Two ❑ Five ❑ MULTIPLE FAMILY ' ❑ Three ❑ Six 7. WATER SUPPLY 1a INDIVIDUAL' *ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log Is required for all wells drilled ❑ COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY depth (attach log If available.) 460+ S. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ❑ INDIVIDUAUON-SITE*' **If)ndividual/on-site, give Installation date If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required PUBLICUTILITY by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED 72-010(9/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS DATE RECEIVED 1 TIME - TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE ❑ SINGLE FAMILY. ❑ . MULTIPLE FAMILY NUIMER OF BEDROOMS ❑ ONE ❑ THREE ❑ FIVE ❑ OTHER ❑ Two ❑ • FOUR. ❑ . SIX 2. WATER SUPPLY ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ COMMUNITY ❑ PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOO RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ❑INDIVIDUAUON SITE ❑ PUB LIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER DATE INSTALLED IN TA LER ❑Septic Tank or ❑ Holding Tank Size; If Tank Is homemade give dimensions: SOILS RATING TYPEOFTANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4: DISTANCES WELLTO: Septie Holdina Tank Absorption Area Sewer Ina Nearest Lot Une Absorption Area to nearest Lot Una 5. COMMENTS 06i1{PPROVED FOR BEDROOMS ' ❑ CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) ❑ DISAPPROVED DATEw • 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (Rev. 3/78)