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MONROE S-115313-1
Monroe 5-11513-1 a .A-.. R S a [KRH v1... " ,.JI J , F -... Jnq "1 i: M., - py $$ I I E mm i gy ay "�e°bf tib fASTfAKE RIDGE a31m (a) (ew.ea' nu v«) ew i,4a 11'23W mpm)v. Air B 50' 3tl I° I S00'OBfI•E 28' (300.18 � K _ 'Boars of Beady' RMUTN SWffT F fro 71 In Fn V# rn =Oa Na++:P 3 Aa V' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 j/ Anchorage, Alaska 99519.6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Tax Identification No. 2. Street Address 01511131 1715o2 E L K,E 3. NEW abbreviated legal description (T1 2N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). OFFICE USE REC'D BY: 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. 5. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) !©©e�©lose©e■■�eeee�o Address //6OS W. 7org0/Z 11704,bCity 71'N 410kx% State X/.4546A Phone # Z7-7- 311 �- Zip 9256 3 FAX# 907 - 694 15 G75 6. Petitioner's Representative ©©J1�0■©©©DD©s©4■■■■■■■■' loss Address ZSZS G.4M4-e-(( City State e4 o— Phone# 563- 3835 Zip 9Pg5o3 FAX# 5-63-38/7 7. Petition Area Acreage 8. Proposed 9. Existing 10. Grid Number 11. Zone Number Lots Number Lots Z e 12. Fee $ Z --q0013. Community Council �44 6, I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: Signature 'Agents must provide written proof of authorization. 20.003 (Rev. 6/00r Front S11513 JUL 1 72006 Address //6OS W. 7org0/Z 11704,bCity 71'N 410kx% State X/.4546A Phone # Z7-7- 311 �- Zip 9256 3 FAX# 907 - 694 15 G75 6. Petitioner's Representative ©©J1�0■©©©DD©s©4■■■■■■■■' loss Address ZSZS G.4M4-e-(( City State e4 o— Phone# 563- 3835 Zip 9Pg5o3 FAX# 5-63-38/7 7. Petition Area Acreage 8. Proposed 9. Existing 10. Grid Number 11. Zone Number Lots Number Lots Z e 12. Fee $ Z --q0013. Community Council �44 6, I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: Signature 'Agents must provide written proof of authorization. 20.003 (Rev. 6/00r Front S11513 JUL 1 72006 Pannone Engineering Services, LLC Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 102954 (907) 272-8218 August 23, 2006 Mr. Mike Weiman Seven Peaks Investment 605 W. Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Mr. Weiman: Subject: Lot 93A, Monroe S/D Site Investigation Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 (907) 272-8211 Fax You contacted me to perform soils test holes to assist you in the subdivision of the above referenced property and to determine the suitability to install on-site wastewater disposal systems on the subdivided lots. Currently lot 93A is a single lot. There is an existing two- bedroom house on the property located in the southeast corner of the lot. This house has an existing undocumented septic tank and drain field located to the northwest of the building. The house has an undocumented well located within the structure. There is an AWWU 18" diameter sewer truck line at the southeast corner of the property. Topographic Information A topographic survey was not performed as part of this investigation. We did walk the entire site within the property boundary. The lot has to distinct areas. The eastern half of the lot is a plateau, while the western portion is lower at street level. The eastern portion slopes to the west at approximately 5%. The eastern property line is a bit steeper and slopes at 15 to 20 percent. The transition from the plateau to the lower section is through a 25 to 30 percent slope. Portions of this slope are comprised of fill and debris. The lower portion of the lot slopes to the northwest at approximately three to five percent. The grades are fairly consistent throughout the lot. See the attached site plan. Documentation of Water Availability to Serve Water Wells The subdivision is surrounded by documented and undocumented water wells. The well that currently serves Lot 93A was tested. The static water was measured at seven feet below the top of the casing with a total depth probed to 150 feet below the top of the casing. A recovery test was performed and the well recovered at a rate of 0.5 gallons per minute (GPM). An in-depth record research was performed of the MOA records. A summary of the surrounding wells as well as a copy of the well logs is attached to this letter. The results indicate that the average production of the wells for this area range from 0.4 GPM to 5 GPM. One well has an estimated flow of 55 to 75 GPM and is considered an anomaly in the analysis. Well production appears to improve as one moves north of the existing well serving this lot. Realistically, the well production on the Page 2 of 3 northern portion on Lot 93A would be expected to be in the 0.5 to 1.5 GPM range. This production meets the minimum requirements for the development of a four bedroom house within the Municipality. Site Investigation and Documented area for Septic Systems The site investigation was conducted on March 17, 2006. Five test holes were excavated on the lot on that date. The attached soil logs shows that we encountered a variety of soils in the test pits. The lower portion of the lot is covered with one to two feet of organic material (peat and root mass) with poorly graded gravels to silty gravels underneath. Three of the test holes had a layer of brown silt ranging from one to three feet thick under the organic layer and above the gravely layer. The test hole on the upper portion of the lot showed the organic layer had been removed and replaced with a one -foot layer of topsoil. The soil under the topsoil was sitly gravel, with clean fractured gravel underneath. We encountered bedrock in all five holes at a depth varying from 9 to 11.5 feet below the surface. Ground water was encountered in the four test holes on the lower portion of the lot. Ground water was not encountered in test hole five on the upper portion of the lot. The ground water was monitored through the seasonal high water period on the 14th of May. The ground water was measured at a depth of four to six feet below the surface on the lower portion of the lot at the seasonal high water level. Test hole five had water levels eleven feet below ground level on May 14, 2006. The percolation rates were measured between 1.5 MPI and 11.5 MPI, with an average rate of approximately 8 to 10 MPI. According to AMC 15.65.180, the required area for a subdivision with this measured percolation rate needs to have a reserve area of 12,000 square feet per lot. The attached site plan shows the approximate location of the test holes, proposed lot lines, known features that would affect the placement of a soil absorption system. The Municipality of Anchorage Regulations govern for single-family homes, and require a minimum of four (4) feet vertical separation between the bottom of a soil absorption system and ground water for a conventional system, have at least two feet of unsaturated native soil, six feet (61 to bedrock or other impermeable layers (tight silts and clays), must be located greater than 100 feet horizontally from any surface water (Creeks and ponds) and located over 50 feet up -gradient from a sub -drain system. Additionally, the accepting soils must have a percolation rate of less than 120 minutes per inch. A lot must have room for a primary and reserve soil absorption system. There is an existing undocumented septic system located on the southern portion of this lot. The system was exposed and documented. The house was built sometime in 1959. The construction material used in the system appears to be from the early to mid 60's. The exact date of installation is unknown - it is assumed that the septic system was C:\Work\Letters\93A Monroe_ Soils_002.doc Page 3 of 3 installed at the same time as the house. During the investigation process, some minor damage was noted (collapse pipes, broken sump pipes and no filter fabric.) These issues were corrected before backfilling of the system, including installing a second clean-out on the tank. The septic tank is located 85.8 feet from the existing well, and the septic drain field is located 96.9 feet from the well. This system appears to have been constructed under the regulations in effect at the time of construction and met the separation distances required at that time. Conclusion In conclusion, the site investigation shows that conventional soil absorption systems can be installed on the subject lot based on the soils discovered, the percolation test performed, and the ground water monitoring conducted to date. The soils encountered are average percolating soils (8 to 10 min/inch). I would recommend using a shallow trench system. The attached site plan shows the 12,000 sf available area for on-site wastewater disposal systems as required by the MOA code. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 227-3522 or 272-8218. Sincerely, even R. Pannor, P.E. President Pannone Engineering Services, LLC Attachments: C:\Work\Letters\93A Monroe_Soils_002.doc PERMIT NO: RECORD DRAWING DETAILS P.I.D. NO: 051-303-17 WASTEWATER ABSORPTION SYSTEM LOT 93A MONROE S/D ano Ntl3YJ ON3 HO IV 38MUMINON - A in 70 U W t t ai LL &2 Z V w Lu N J a 0 HT 1- QN3 HOtl31V - N � 3afLLNO11N0r1 0 LLL ( ino N o 4 W - ino NNS IO marm y ino Nva» F C7 U N pw rL Q o N NONV3WInONYM .....•... �. ♦�P... 1 NOUVONnoa •;' ♦♦ 49TH • •••• G. Scott Crowther e Ar PREPARED FOR: Pannone Eng. Svc., LLC ♦�. ♦ � Mike Weiman P. O. BOX 102954 1♦ CE 6491 ♦ r�12idF_;•'O� Seven Peaks Investments LLC ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 ♦♦ .♦ Sill 605 W. Tudor Rd. Anchorage, AK 99601 272-8218 P 272-8211 DATE: 07-26-06 FAX ; �;��•♦ (907) 229-3117 DETAILS NOT T07 SCALE Pannone Engineering Services, LLC Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 102954 (907) 272-8218 October 24, 2006 Mr. Dan Roth Municipality of Anchorage On -Site Development Department 4700 S. Bragaw Street P. O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Subject: S-11513-1 Monroe Subdivision Response to Comments Mr. Roth: ;e, Alaska, 99510 272-8211 Fax You contacted Mr. Steven Pannone of Pannone Engineering Services, LLC concerning the above project on September 28, 2006. During that telephone conversation you indicated that there were still a few outstanding issues that needed to be addressed concerning this subdivision. This letter will address those issues you conveyed to Mr. Pannone. Comment: Ground water in Test Holes 1 and 2 where within four feet of the surface. Need to perform a percolation test on the MI/Gm layer at a depth of one to three feet below ground surface. Response: Additional Percolation tests where performed on test holes 1 & 2 at the depth of two to three feet below ground level. The percolation results are presented in the revised soil log and percolation test sheets attached. Comment: The pipe material used on the clean-out pipes is the wrong material. The clean -outs need to be schedule 40 PVC. Response: According to the Municipality of Anchorage Standard Specifications for Component Parts and Material Used in Construction of On-site Wastewater Disposal Systems, Dated January 1991, Section 5, Approved Pipe Material ASTM D3034 PVC pipe is approved for use as clean-out or standpipes. Comment: Documentation of existing septic system. Would like to see the photos of the investigation and repair. Response: Photos of the investigation and repair are attached. Comment: Drainage on northern portion of Lot 93A-1 appears to be creek and is too near the septic system. Res oonnse: Drainage is from the Municipality of Anchorage Right -of -Way (MOA ROW) north of Lot 93A. We have had discussions with Mr. Jack Puff and Mr. Will Pace of the MOA ROW Department and Page 2 of 2 they agree that the water is coming from their right-of-way and that it is their problem. We are in the process of developing a fix that will prevent the water from impacting lots 93A-1 and 93A-2. Mr. Puff is in the process of determining if MOA Street Maintenance has the time and money to perform the repair. Additionally, the water from the right-of-way varies depending on the amount of rainfall. The point where the water enters lot 93A-lhas recently been a slow trickle to no water and the water level in the drainage path on lot 93A-1 has been contained in the drainage pipe below the level of the gravel. Water levels do rise above the level of the gravel during storm events, but return to normal levels below the gravel within 48 hours after the storm even. Anchorage and Eagle River has seen an unusual year for storm events this year. We have had continuous rain fall through the months of August and September, for a total rainfall during those months as twice the monthly averages. Once the rain stopped, the water levels in the drainage returned to normal levels below the gravel level. Comment: The northern lot does not have the required 12,000 sf area for a septic reserve as required by the subdivision regulations, since test holes 3 and 4 have water to within two feet of the surface. Response: Test hole 5 is located on the eastern portion of lot 93A-2. There is over 12,000 sf available on the eastern portion. The existing man-made step slopes will need to be flattened to a maximum slope of 25%. We have revised the site lay -out plan to reflect this. Conclusion In conclusion, the site investigation shows that conventional soil absorption systems can be installed on the subject lot based on the soils discovered, the percolation test performed, and the ground water monitoring conducted to date. The soils encountered are average percolating soils. I would recommend using a shallow trench system. The attached site plan shows the 12,000 sf available area for on-site wastewater disposal systems as required by the MOA code. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 227-3522 or 272-8218. Sincerely, ��aaota�1 49 TH io0 �.... .. ..........................r .. • Scott Crowtherof �I No. CE 6491 i NIMSM G. Scott Crowther, P.E. Pannone Engineering Services, LLC Attachments: C:\Work\Projects\Lot 93A Monroe\93A Monroe_Soils_003.doc Steven R. Pannone, P.E. President . Pannone Engineering Services, LLC PERMIT NO: SW RECORD DRAWING P.I.D. NO: 051-303-17 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOT 93 MONROE SUBDIVISION ALL SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED L O T 92 OR FILLED TO THE MAXIMUM CO A B SLOPE OF 4h:1 v, OR 25% FC 19.3 42.8 50'�. SET -BACK T1 32.3 53.9 TO STORMDRAIN TO T2 40.4 60.6 D 42.3 62.1 RESERVE AREA FOR S 46.3 69.2 ONSITE WASTE WATER 8 47.6 59.9 DISPOSAL SYSTEM 9 3 A 5% TH 5 LOT 93A 12.000sf �ia' 2.44 acres � so.o 25% t `TH 3 APPRO ,LOC'N O �p POS D LOT LINE 5% TH 4 • L:L 10.0 10. a APPROX. LOC'N OF ♦^' i STORMDRAIN SWAL v, Z 50.6 0�... W J 2:1 W APPROX. LOC'N OF 1 0 s 2• �� STORMDRAIN SWALE jl W ^� 5% / 1 ' j I_ 1 EXIST'G 1000g // N 2:1 T1 SEPTIC TANK EXIST'G TH6-/ DCT \ 2 B HOUSE 2:1i 9 `S2 / EXIST'G DRAIN FIELD. 5 EXIST'G 1 5% p WELL / m c a_ -25 ' —�--- 071 1 '--- EXISTG ���// _ —�_—_—.—.------ROE_ �"1-K�i _c MANHOLE& a 0-15°kt 18"DIPSEWE. _.—_.—.__—_—._.__—_—.__—.—_ _ EXISTG STORM � o- c RUN-OFF SWALE EXIST'G SEPTIC AREA 1, NOTES: 3) Exist'g structure size and 5) Exist'g well and septic are OF .44 �♦ ...... 9 1) All work shall be performed location is from a survey undocumented. • ♦♦ in accordance with AMC15.65. performed by SENTEC `�,`P,,.•• ♦♦ 6) Exist'g well an septic information ■�i z}♦ 2) Materials used shall be in 4) Testhole location are Is from MOA records. Their ■ 49TH ':•. 0 ■ 0 accordance with those specified approximate. No survey locations are approximate. ■"'' ""' io in AM015.65, Wastewater Disposal. was performed. PREPARED FOR: PANNONE ENG. SVC, LLC -...•.•'•• ........ ,•00 "JY ■ " ♦) s G. Scott Crowther E ■ ♦ � :, � Mike Weiman P. O. BOX 102954 ♦♦ No. CE 6491 ♦ •40-26-06.-� Seven Peaks Investments LLC 605 W. Tudor Rd.ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 ♦1272-8218 ♦��� P, 272-8211 Fax DATE: 10-26-06 PLAN ;�����• (907) 229-3117 SCALE: 1"=60' - �P�E........q� SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ��� .......9 PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES1♦ P.O. BOX 102954 / 49TH /.....eJ/ y�....... ... ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 0 (907) 272-8218 %0668—O.G. '/ Scott Crowther / ♦ am': ♦ No. ""';CE r ♦ , 10-23..-06....' i PERFORMED FOR: Seven Peaks Investments LLC DATE PERFORMED: 03-17-06 ♦♦♦1+',1,`•����• LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 93 Monroe S/D TEST HOLE 1 SLOPE Peat/Organics 1 PT/OR 2 �3 A ` ML/GM Brown Silt to c% `Txs 3 Silly Gravel a 2.44 acres GM Gravel w/ Silt LOTcr q O es 5 TEST LTx3 HOLE x 6- 7- 7 `e% O FRCPGBEO�LGi LWE GP Fractured Rock S w/ Little Fines 9 f GE3C K Zp�BT 6 {6E%ICiNIK G 10 ONSE ELBTG GflNN FIEW 6% BR Bedrock@ 11.0 12 Water Seeping « 13 BOH @ 11.0 WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE 14 ENCOUNTERED? Yes 15 IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE DEPTH? -11' 16 �• DEPTH TO WATER AFTER 17 MONITORING? 10.3 18 DATE: 03-27-06 19 WATER MONITORING READING DATE GROSS NET DEPTH TO NET DATE DEPTH TO WATER TIME TIME WATER DROP 20 3-27-06 10.3 10-20-06 12151 - 0.30 - 3-29-06 10.3 1-01 10 11.25 2.95 4-07-06 7.25 4-29-06 6.9 1101 - 0.31 - 5-14-06 6.5 141 10 11.23 2.92 10-13-06 3.3 1,11 - zea - 1-21 10 10.97 3.13 PERCOLATION RATE 3.4 (min/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 2FT and 3FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by GWC Construction. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PERFORMED BY: PES, LLC I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. •.* E OF .�pL .............. .i SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST • PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES1/ P.O. BOX 102954 • ° 491x ' / ............................./ ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 %• • • •• (907) 272-8218 / • Scott CrowtherAr No. CE 6491 �= p` .�62a.... PERFORMED FOR: Seven Peaks Investments LLC DATE PERFORMED: 03-17-06 `�••• LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 93 Monroe S/D 0„",��• TEST HOLE 1 SLOPE SITE PLAN Peat/Organics 1 PT/OR 2 \93A Brown SIl[ to 3 ML/GM Silty Gravel Ex GM Gravel W/ Silt sno- 4 TEST LOT9 A 5 HOLE TM" 2.44 res 6- 7-0 7O '1 RWR-LCCNOF GP Fractured RockPROPcsEOLOT” S w/ Little Fines LiXz LTN z.i M 9 `sY 1 f%ATG 1IXq T.J Tt SEPIICTRIM 28 g1G 10 x XaL6E s2 11 EtlST0.0.PPINFIELO 5Y BR Bedrock@ 11.0 12 Water Seeping t MLL 13 BOB @ 11.0 - WAS GROUND WATER - SLOPE 14 ENCOUNTERED? Yes 15 IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE DEPTH? -11' 16 17 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? 10.3 18 DATE: - 03-27-06 19 WATER MONITORING READING DATE GROSS NET DEPTH TO NET DATE DEPTH TO WATER TIME TIME WATER DROP 20 3-27-06 10.3 03-17-06 10110 4 3/4 - 3-29-06 10.3 4-07-06 7.25 4-29-06 6.9 5-14-06 6.5 10.32 10 7 1/8 2 1/8 PERCOLATION RATE 4.7 (min/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 4.5 FT and 5.5 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by GWC Construction. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. - 10122 l2 7 3/8 2 5/e 10122 - 5 10132 - 5 - l0�42 10 7 t/8 2 !/8 10,42 1- 5 1/2 - 10152 10 7 5/8 2 l/8 .•E SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST PS ..����� ��•� ••"' '•••:9�'.��� •••••: - '`1� 30 PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES 0.44'(5.68") 49TH 1:09 P.O. BOX 102954 1.75' i ••„ .. ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 (907) 272-8218"'"""""" 1:39 r �p �.G. Scott Crowther • : a 1.78' - �1�° No. CE 6491 i *....j.0-23-06.--'* 30 2.18' 0.40'(4.8") PERFORMED FOR: Seven Peaks Investments DATE PERFORMED: 03-07-06 /"r"+�••4• /,1, ,1 , ` �•• LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 93A Monroe S/D TEST HOLE 2 SLOPE STTK PLAN OR Organics 1 2 ML/SM Brown Silt w/ sx `Txs Sand 3 LOT 93A 4 acres O2.44 TEST H LTH6 5 GP Poorly Graded 6 Gravels Tx4 6w Water(Qa 7.5 ,o O 7 'I PPPROX LOCN pF PROPO6Ep LGT LINE 8 ,-Txz lm rl M \ 9 s 1 E%I6TGi N / Tt SEPLICTN& EYJ6TG 10 BR Bedrock 596 iXfiJ pL RBRz, xpusE 6 11 130H EXWPG pRNNFIELp 651 12 —50.L ------------WLL 13 WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE 14 ENCOUNTERED? Yes 15 IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE DEPTH? -7.5' 16 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER 17 MONITORING? 7.75 18 DATE: 03-27-06 19 READING DATE GROSS NET DEPTH TO NET TIME TIME WATER DROP 20 WATER MONITORING 10-20-06 12:39 - 1.65' DATE DEPTH TO WATER 3-27-06 7.75 3-29-06 9.2 4-07-06 6.3 1:39 30 2.15' 0.40'(4.8") 4-29-06 5.1 5-14-06 5.2 10-13-06 4.75 PERCOLATION RATE 6.25(min/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 1.5 FT and 2.5 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by GCW Construction. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PERFORMED BY: PES, LLC I CERTIFY THAT THIS,TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. - 1:09 30 2.09' 0.44'(5.68") 1:09 1.75' - 1:39 - 1.78' - 2:09 30 2.18' 0.40'(4.8") •••p. • OF ..... SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST • PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES ; 49_ 1♦, P.O. BOX 102954 TH /..... ........................ ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 I �% (907) 272-8218 % .."S -'-".'............... i 0, C) -. Scott Crowther / •0 No CE 6491 �- PERFORMED FOR: Seven Peaks Investments DATE PERFORMED: 03-07-06 ♦♦+\\\ .... �••• LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 93A Monroe S/D TEST HOLE 2 SLOPE SME MAN OR Organics 1 2 ML/SM Brown Silt w/ '9 3 SanLd i"' 3 x 0 0- 4 TESTH LTxa S Op Poorly Graded ix a LOT 9 A Gravels a .44 A es 6 Water Q 7.5 10.0 7 O '1 RPPRGX P0.pPO3E0 LmuN LOLIJNE `iXR LTX T1 \ M 8- 9- 10 10 R:1 J Tf BEPIICiMY( E%ISTD 5% TXa GG RaR BR Bedrock21 FNXISE 11 BGH E%ISTG GRPIN FIEID Sx S —SO.L 12 WELL 13 WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE 14 ENCOUNTERED? Yes 15 IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE 16 DEPTH? -7.5' x DEPTH TO WATER AFTER 17 MONITORING? 7.75 _ lS DATE: 03-27-06 19 READING DATE GROSS NET DEPTH TO NET TIME TIME WATER DROP 20 WATER MONITORING 03-17-06 10:43 41/8 DATE DEPTH TO WATER 3-27-06 7.75 3-29-06 9.2 4-07-06 6.3 4-29-06 5.1 5-14-06 5.2 PERCOLATION RATE 8.9 (min/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 5 FT and 6 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by GCW Construction. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. - 10:53 10 6114 2118" 10:53 31/4 - 11:03 10 4 3/8 1 1!8" 11:03 - 3 1l2 - 11:13 10 5 112 1 1!8" 11:13 - 3114 11:23 10 4 3/8 1 118" .•'�� OF 11+� SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST •OSP ♦1♦ PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES �` P.O. BOX 102954r ` 49TH 0, �....................... ....s... 0 ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 �. (907) 272-8218 ° G. Scott Crowtheri �♦� �. No. CE Fj491 � � • Seven Peaks Investments DATE PERFORMED: 03-17-06 PERFORMED FOR: ♦♦,I,t;•lJ ��•• LEGAL. DESCRIPTION: Lot 93A Monroe S/D TEST HOLE 3 SLOPE AMP PLAN OR Peat 1 2 \93A ML �`rxs Ex 3 mo-- 4 GP/GM Poorly Graded Gravel to K TEST H L IS 5 LOT 9 A Fractured Gravel `m3 rxa w/ Clay Seams 2.44 Cres 6 Seeps Q 8' ' Es c.D O` ]n PPFROz.ILCN OF 7 3% PROPOSEDI UNE 8`rx, `TN �' M 9 BR \ , xsroim 10 BOH `y,� s:. � f Dc n aEPncrux, 28R Gray Sandy E' NWSE GRAVEL w 3 I E%ISTOOMW 11 FlEIll 3 Cobbles 50.L' 12 — WELL 13 WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE 14 " ENCOUNTERED? Yes 15 IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE 16 DEPTH? Seeps (u; -8' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER 17 MONITORING? 6.7 18 DATE: 03-27-06 19 READING DATE GROSS NET DEPTH TO NET TIME TIME WATER DROP 20 WATER MONITORING 03-07-06 11:33 5 1!4" - DATE DEPTH TO WATER 12:03 30 7!8" 2 5!8" 12:03 6" 3-27-06 6.7 - 3-29-06 6.7 4-07-06 6.3 12:33 30 7 518" 2 518" 4-29-06 4.0 12:33 - 5 118" - 5-14-06 4.0 1:03 30 7 314" 2 518" PERCOLATION RATE 11.5 (min/inch PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 3 FT and 4 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by GWC Construction. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. �.• �E SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST.................. �� �P �., 1� PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES A �P P.O. BOX 102954 49—. '•, �� �....•............................... ••� ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 (907) 272-8218�' """""""" i � p cG. Scott Crowther 01�� ' No. CE 6491Ar i PERFORMED FOR: Seven Peaks Investments - DATE PERFORMED: 03-17-06 ��♦f',/;,1�..�. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 93A Monroe S/D %Tits *mows TEST HOLE 4 SLOPE OR Organics 1 2 GP/GM Cobb� Gravel to 3A ` Silty Gravel w/ `O1E 3 Cobbles Frost sx 3' Thick 4 TEST G 5 ,N�LOT 9 A 2.44 res \ +o.o 7 O MPXOX LIX E'� ` PXOPOSEOMOi LINE 8 G `TN 3i1 / 9 �sx 1 SEPTIC ' 10 `5x YI T1 9EPTICTNM 2.11 TXE_/ pCTt ROR Y1 XWBE 11 EXIST'R ORNN REW BR Bedrock 'x so 12 BOH — —— — YIELL 13 WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE 14 ENCOUNTERED? No 15 IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE DEPTH? 16 17 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? 10.5 18 DATE: 03-27-06 19 READING DATE GROSS NET DEPTH TO NET 20 TIME TIME WATER DROP WATER MONITORING 03-07-06 12:51 - 4 7/8" DATE DEPTH TO WATER 1:01 10 6112" 1518" 3-27-06 10.5 1:01 4 7l8" 3-29-06 10.5 4-07-06 7.3 1:11 10 6 1!2" 16/81, 4-29-06 ----- 5-14-06 ----- * - Run-off flowing into hole caused by fill settlement PERCOLATION RATE 6.2 (min/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 4 FT 6s 5 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by GWC Construction Test Hole was presoaked before perc test PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. 1:11 4 5/8" 1:21 10 6 1!4" 1 5!8" OF SOILS LOG -PERCOLATION TEST ♦� P � ..;'��♦j PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES �' y ♦♦ �{t? P.O. BOX 102954 : 4..TH . ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 (907) 272-8218'moi ♦�':G. Scott Crowther ♦�'. ♦ No. CE 6491 PERFORMED FOR: Seven Peaks Investments DATE PERFORMED: 03-17-06 ♦1+, .��� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 93A Monroe S/D 1j�\f�����•� TEST HOLE 5 SLOPE OR Peat/Topsoil 1 2— GM Gravel w/ Silt 9 3 A and Sand `TX5 3- 4— TEST 4 TEST H LTHz 5 ,„; LOT 9 A 2.44 cres 6 + sc 0.° O\ '+ PPPPDX.LBCNOF GP Fractured Rock FROPOBEO/LOyT�LINE $ Little to No Fines TX z' / 9 1 EXISTG iNJ,+ 10 51, ` 't+ J T1 BEPiIC iPN„ EXIBTG Poorly Graded °% *X° oc EXIS Sand With Little z” sz 11 to No Fine EM8r08RPIN aEW 6M ° 12 BR Bedrock — . . . . . — — - 13 BOH Damp weu WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE 14 ENCOUNTERED? No 15 - IF YES, AT WHAT TEST HOLE 16 DEPTH? -0' �— 17 DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? DRY 18 DATE: 03-27-06 19 READING DATE GROSS NET DEPTH TO NET TIME TIME WATER DROP 20 WATER MONITORING DATE DEPTH TO WATER 3-27-06 Dry 3-29-06 Dry 4-07-06 Dry 4-29-06. 7.6* - 5-14-06 11.0 *- Snow melt flowing into hole caused by fill settlement. PERCOLATION RATE 11.5 (min/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BEWTEEN 7 FT and 8 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by GWC Construction. Test Hole was presoaked before Pere test PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. 03-17-06 2:14 - 5 3/4" 2:34 30 83181, 2 5/8" 2:34 - 5 718" 3:04 30 8 518" 2 518" 3:04 - 5 1/4" 3:34 30 7 7!8" 2 518" SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICES P.O. BOX 102954 ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 (907) 272-8218 PERFORMED FOR: Mike Weiman DATE PERFORMED: 08-31-06 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 93 Monroe S/D TEST HOLE 6 GM Silty Gravel w/ Organics 1 Poorly Graded 2 GPGravel w/ 3" MSA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 GP/ Brovm Poorly GM Graded Gravel to Silty Gravel TEST BOH Bottom of Probe WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? -N/A- DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? -12 DATE: 09-10-06 NOTE: 10 FT was limit of depth by the excavator. Drove 1/2" pipe to a depth of 13 FT. SLOPE TEST HOLE READING DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH OF WATER NET DROP 08-04-06 2:32 - 4.58 - 2:42 10 11.25 1.5 2:42 - 4.55 - 2:52 10 11.25 1.49 2:53 - 4.48 - 3:03 10 11.25 1.47 3:03 - 4.51 - 3:13 10 11.25 1.48 PEROLATION RATE ^e TEST RUN AT 3-4 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by Gary Whitt. Test Hole was presoaked before perc test. PF,RFORMFD BY: Steven R. Pannone, I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN P Pannone Engineering Services, LLC P.O. Box 102954 Anchorage, AK 99510 (907) 272-8218 Lot 93A Monroe S/D Well Flow Summary Well Flow Lot Block Subdivision Rate Static Total Depth 1A 1A Lake Ridge Terrace 0.4 37 380 2A 1A Lake Ridge Terrace 0.3 8 368+ 4A 1A Lake Ridge Terrace 3 135 150 7A 1A Lake Ridge Terrace 0.5 35 89 1A 2 Lake Ridge Terrace 2 28 347 3 2 Lake Ridge Terrace 1 12 129 103 TI 5N, R1 W S30 55-75 8 44+ 102 TI 5N, R1 W S30 1 3 120 92 TI 5N, R1W S30 1.5-2.5 10 254 1 Namia 3 56 203 2 Namia 5 9 204 1 Hawdit 1.5 50 240 2 Hawdit 2 125 450 93A Monroe 0.5 7 150+ Municipality of Anchorage . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES R E C E I V E ra Environmental Services Division 825 L Street, Room 502 • Anchorage, Alaska 99501 • (907) 3A*41 1998 Municipality of Anchorage Health Authoft Approval Checklist Dept. Health & Human Services LAKE 1?06C N Legal Descrlption: t! o7 )A (ozo[.k I A 'fERP.AtE Parcel I.D.:—.0-5-1 -- 315 51 A. WELL DATA Well type PP VAl-9 If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number Log prosen (' i) IbS Date completed 457 5 Total depth ! Cased to 151 =V. Casing height (above ground) tz't# Sanitary seal&N) L1 h"� Wires properly protected &) Li ne, FROM WELL LOG Date of test -7- 5� Static water level I (1 ! Well production 2"5 tiPE% 9— p.m-WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: 0 Nitrate O- ! q Z Other bacteria O Date of sample: 5I (4 I9$ Collected by:SS r% r-y\*,P B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA 9— p.m—Coliform. Date installed Tank size o,#.l Number of Compartments rL Cleanouts(Y N) r Foundation cleanout (Y(N) Depression (YA rj D High water alarm (Yir@J 6 Date of Pumping — Pumper SAAhmY: j 9Vm*—n S C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date Installed Soil rating (g.p.dJftz oK°Podr P353 System type C (z12Pi Inti u fill - Length 14' r Width I f r Gravel thickness below pipe �_ Total depth t 1 ' S" was W J1 "p c%B. Effective absorption area 336 Monitoring Tube present (Y%m L r-"5 Depression over field (Yo —&-- Date of adequacy test S Resul (Pas Fail) FAe,,'S For TK) -C> bedrooms Fluid depth In absorption field before test pn.);X311 Immediately after_%% gal. water added Qn.): t(dy h r/ Fluid depth Ons) Minutes later. 1,40 Absorption rate - -f a.p.d. Peroxide treatment (past 12 months) (Y/N) Al,,,aa ffaa / If yes, give date 72-026 (Rev. 3196)• MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE M E M O R A N D U M WATER WELL ADVISORY HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL NO..NAq 1ZI During.a recent Health Authority Approval on-site inspection and test'of the potable water supply well on Lot I A , Block.IA of LAKE 'Q1DCaE'(�E�eitG� Subdivision, the well's productivity was determined to be ().` gallons per minute. The minimum well productivity required by this Department (AMC 15.55) for a _� bedroom residence is A21- gallons per minute. Although the subject well currently exceeds this minimum requirement, all parties concerned are advised that the production capacity of the well may fluctuate. Restriction of non-critical water uses such as washing cars and watering lawns end gardens may be required. This advisory must be attached to all copies of the subject Health Authority Approval. i' SAS ' ROBERTA.SH FER,1 111fe ?R()1G CIVLENOINEERS (907) 694.2070 WELL. FLOW TEST DATA FAX(907)604.1211 CLIENT: ! APfAl '-1A 1,//1/1,J DATE:11ralloAtn NPROYAu"ORTM LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _LM IA BcoGTc 10. LAKE Rfn G,r->•E,epat� WELL DEPTH: S5j • CASINO DEPTH: 15' yJTd x.12• DATE DRILLING COMPLETED: DRILLER: .4 f L Iio,t6/N', PD SEWERAWATER WME%1ENSIOM ` SEMA WATER NSPfClio" INDNEERMSIIDIES ANDREPORIS wntwspfcnm S HOW 1131 VIEP1AN3 ROIDDESIGII wt TESr PERC0IATION LEST AAt pµvgp.W,. MISC. DATA: CASING HEIGHT: 1z"� SANITARY SEAL: * NO f1k WIRES IN CONDUIT: *tit) GRADING O.K. t BACTERIA AND NITRATE SAMPLES COLLECTED (date): ��_ TEST DATA: CLOCK TIME METER READING (GAL) PUMPING RATE (GPM) DEPTH TO WATER (FT) REMARKS : / SWI 11:4 0 461. ?-y /3n' :39 IRn' 11:55 f3a[ 34 40 tL:15 3111 2.1 2i�� 1z:1e 145 1.1.3 366' 1 L: 50 43105 2.0 IL 5 43201 2.0 :5 fwl 1:0$ +3 zn 1.6 3521 It7s 3z3z. 5- 3W t,36 r 3 3' A MR -M4 2:00 f: If- 4 3," I .-I C :26 IRESULTSo WELL CURRENTLY PRODUCES .4 OPM WITH A .33G I DRAWDOWN E TESTED BY. -It E15PECIICNf . FLOW RATE NOT GUARANTEED --SUBSEQUENT VARIATIONS CAN OCCUR. CNSRE WASIEWATEII OISPOSALSYSIEM CESIGN TU Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Bus q Safety Dlvhbn On-SRa Water 6 wastewater Naomi, 4700 South Bropaw SL P.O. Bax 106650 Areas^ AK 905/08650 www.d.archan peAdLus (M 343-7904 HEALTH_ AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST ParoW ID: 051-315-52 A. WELL DATA •BELIEVED TO BE CASED TO BEDROCK Wall We -WNAX_ If A. B, or C provide PWSIDB N/A Well Lop (YM) NO Date 1973 Sanitary seal (YIN) YES Wires property protected (YM) YES Total depot 68+ ft. Cased to •U•K• R FROM WELL LOC Date of test Stack water leve! R Well production -9-pin. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Cdltorm 0 colonies/100 ml. Nitrate 0.453 nVA- Casing hegtd (above growtd) 12 in. mAT INSPECTION 5/1/2003 8 T94P-m.' .90.30 Other bacteria 0 colonieV100 mi. Arsenk: N/A m9JL. Data of wripla 5/2/2003 Collected by: AKwwC. INC. 8. SEFTIGHOLDINO TANK DATA 'THIS IS AN ADVANTEX TREATMENT SYSTEM Tank TypelMatertal •S.T.E.P./FlBERGLASS • Date Installed 7/22-28/2003 Tank size 1500 pal. Number of Compartments 2 Foundation deanout (YM) YES Depresskxt aver tank (YM) NO Cleanouts (YM) YES High water alarm (YIN) YES C. ' AB30RFn0N FIELD n DATA OKLJO l r1NAL GRADE. 4.22 TO 5.72 RET OF M.O.A. APPROVED SAND r1LTER ADDED KWW TOTAL DEPTH. Date Installed -7/22-2e/20as Sob ra&V .p.d. R'Podrrn).3.0 System type MOUNDED BED Lenpth 20 R. Width 10 R. Gravel below pipe 0.61 ft. Total depth 2-61 +/- ft. Elf. absorpilatt was - QL R' Monkorltp tube YES.. Depression over field NO Date of adequacy test NEW Resuhs (Pass/Fad) - For 4 bedrooms fluid depth In absorption field before test = In. Water added =pat. New depth =In. Elapsed Time: = mtrt. Final fluid depth = In. Absorption rate >= - g.p.d. Any re)uvenatiort trestMerd (past 12 mo.) (YM 8 type) - If yes, give date - r-� Wa, E w' M I c x s f W " Y J Q O � i W' X N ul W9 SSS LL RrOr E w' M i� K A , Ili t; s Y H 0 t0+ 0 F H }O. }0. Eo., OR pi F i A= r 0 • 0 Vo = 0 i i e i? 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 O O O w O 0 O O w O w 0 O w 0 O O O w O w i� K A , Ili t; 0 0 0 Vo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i } o w w a w a• w w a w w w w a w s w aoe w a w s w i� K A , Municipality of Anchorage 's oNr11 of DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES A14f4v Environmental Services Division t'114 10 19 825 L Street, Room 502 • Anchorage, Alaska 99501 • (907) 34�, 44 Health Authority Approval Checklist�F� V tD Legal Description: L01- 7A $IG I—A Parcel I.D.• L-4Ir� 2i0 66 'Cerzz°er__ SIP A. WELL DATA Well type Pfa-iJC.'flE If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number t- 44 Log present (Y/f) NO Datecompleted UNKNoLoO •�P2�oiL-M 7/6/73> / Total depth £3�i ra Cased to X8.5 Casing height (above ground) Sanitary seal (YM) Wires properly protected (Y/N) YaS FROM/ WELL LOG Date of test N%4 Static water level Well production g.p.m. AT INSPECTION 6/mhY- 36� .6 g.p.m. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform Nitrate "D • ( ^^ Other bacteria 2 109$ Date of sample: 116/97 Collected by: 6a,-Ot1ES B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA CO-ICyPF—TV. Date installled 101216'7 Tank alze 1350 Number of Compartmen1s0 Cleanouts (YIN) YE's Foundation cleanout (YM) 0 O Depression (Y/N) N O High water alarm (Y/N) ?J a Date of Pumping 4A Pumper Ns= 41.wt%t C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed -'012- 6 9 Sail rating (g.p.dAt2 orlt=/bdrm) G) System type 6 / pil- Len th12 2Wldth 1Z 12 Gravel thickness below pipe _Total depth Effective absorption area Z 8 B Monitoring Tube present (Y/N)Depression over Held (YM) N Date of adequacy test 6 1% 91- Results (Pass/Fall) For 3 bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test (In.); I.5 Immediately after 596gafwater added (h): 64 Fluld depth 60 1/8" (Ins) Minutes later. 60 Absorption Tato Mrd a.p.d. Peroxide treatment (past 12 months) (Y/N) Nom tow nt If yes, give data 72-026 (Rev. 3/96)' ,; Alaska Water & Wastewater 8471 Brookridge Drive — Anchorage — Alaska 99504 Phone (907) 337-6179 — Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers ___ r� July 8, 1997 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services Division of Environmental Services On -Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Subject: HAA for Private Well & Septic System. Lot 7A, Bk I -A, Lake Ridge Terrace SID. 14742 East Lake Ridge Drive. Waterfront on Fire Lake. To whom it may concern: The subject lot has a 3 bedroom house on it which is served by a private well and septic system. The results of the field investigation and adequacy tests are summarized as follows: A: WELL UNDOCUMENTED: When the septic system was installed in 1969, it was noted on the inspection report that the water source was Fire Lake. In short, there was no well at that time. Upon my initial inspection, two wells were identified on the lot, one near the northeast lot comer, and one near the southeast lot corner. The well at the southeast comer was not in use, uncapped, and according to the property owner (Mr. Waner), `Stever really produced any water". In addition, it was only about 86 feet from the septic tank. This well (southeast comer of lot) was decommissioned by cutting it off 2 feet below grade, filling it with concrete, and welding a steel cap on the top. The well at the northeast comer of the lot is active. B. WELL CONSTRUCTION: The well was inspected by Dave harper, Alpine Drilling, on, or about, 7/5/97. Ile left a telephonic message for me on the morning of 7/7/97 indicating that the well was cased to a depth of 38.5 feet, with perforations starting at 37 feet. Ile asked if I would prepare the report, based upon his message, since he would not be able to write a report at this time due to extenuating circumstances (death of son the previous day). Attached is an as -built survey, dated 7/8/73 which shows the subject well, confirming that it was constructed prior to 1975. It is my understanding, in talking with Dan Roth (DHHS engineer), that wells drilled prior to 1975 were under State regulation, which only required a casing depth of 30 feet. If this is correct,. the subject well should be "grandfathered" in under the old regulations. Please provide direction from your department. C. WELL ADEQUACY TEST: The static water level on 6/16/97 was 35' BTC (Below the top of the casing). Water was pumped from the well at a rate of4.2 Spm for a 25 minutes (105 gallons). This caused the water level to drop 53 feet, down to the pump level (set at 88 feet). In short, the well was "dry". The pump was then turned off at the breaker. The recovery was monitored for 60 minutes. The results are summarized as follows: RECOVERY: Time (minutes) Water Level in Well - 0 ]1•0 88 feet 5 85 10 83 20 79 30 76 45 70 60 65 7.5 13.5 18 27 34.5 The recovery in one hour was approximately 34.5 gallons, or .58 gallons/minute. The pump was turned on again, until the water level was drawn down to the pump intake. This took approximately 13 minutes, and total flow of 37.7 gallons. The recovery of the well was then monitored over a period of 120 minutes. The results are summarized as follows: RECOVERY: 'rime (minutes) Water Lievel RTC* mal Gallons Recovered Casino 0 89 feet 0 3 87 4.5 16 83 9 30 . 78 16.5 46 73 24 60 69 30 75 64 37.5 90 59 45 120 49 60 The total volume recovered in the casing is approximate, and based on an assumption of 1.5 gallons/fl. Based upon the data, over a period of 218 minutes (38 minutes,pumping, and 180 minutes monitoring recovery) it can be seen that the recovery of the well is approximately 0.5 gallons per minute. The ability of the well toproduce at this ratejor an extended_period,of time, or seasonally (well production is typically lower in late winter) is uncertain. Based upon this data it was determined that the capacity of the well meets the Municipal requirement for a 3 bedroom house (.31 gallons per minute), however, a storage system will be necessary in order to meet peak demands D. SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM WELL TO SEEPAGE PIT: Attached is a drawing prepared by Alaska Water & Wastewater, which indicates that the existing seepage pit is approximately 98.5 feet from the well. Also attached is a survey by Robert Johnson, L.S which states that the separation distance from the crib to the well is exactly 100 feet. Given the accuracy of the instrumentation used by the surveyor, it is reasonable to assume that his assessment is the more accurate of the two. In reality, it is not possible to determine the actual separation distance without exposing the gravel perimeter of the seepage pit (which 'would require removing the concrete floor). E. SEPTIC SYSTEM: The septic system was installed October of 1969 and consists of a 1350 gallon concrete septic tank, and a cement ring seepage pit. Some time later, the garage was constructed over the seepage pit area. In June of 1997 the homeowner had Denali Pumping locate the seepage pit using a transmitter. Once located a hole was cut in the concrete floor, and the top of the concrete lid exposed. A 4 inch diameter hole was core drilled into the lid, and a 3 inch diameter clean-outlinspection pipe installed. The north sidewall of the septic tank was used as part of the foundation for the addition (garage). The top of the concrete tank is flush with the ground surface, and is uninsulated. It is my understanding that the system has functioned adequately this way, since 1969. Prior to starting the adequacy test (6/16/97) the seepage pit (S.P.) had 9.625 inches of liquid in it. The septic tank had been pumped on 6/10/97 so the system had an opportunity to recover somewhat. Water was added into the S.P. at a rate of 5.04 gpm for a total of 126 minutes (635 gallons). The liquid level rose 30.875 inches, for a total depth of 41.5 inches. The recovery was monitored for 30 minutes, during which time the level remained virtually unchanged. Based upon this data, it was determined that the system would need to be filled to a greater depth in order to achieve any significant absorption. An additional 596 gallons was introduced over a period of 120 minutes. The liquid level rose from 41.5 inches to 64.625 inches (rise of 23.125 inches), which corresponds to 25.8 gallons per inch. The recovery was monitored for 60 minutes, during which time the level dropped 3.75 inches, indicating an absorption of 96.8 gallons. Based upon this data the absorption rate was deemed to be adequate for. a 3 bedroom house (450 gallons per day required). The septic tank vent (see attached photograph) and lids are caulked with mastic so there can be no intrusion of surface water. Per Mr. Waner, the vent was installed to prevent sewer gases from venting into the garage area. Every time the lids are removed (for tank pumpinglcleaning) the vent and lids will have to be recaulked by the homeowner. F. SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM SEPTIC TANK TO WELL ON LOT 8, BK I -A: I was able to locate two wells on the lot immediately to the south, Lot 8, Bk 1-A. One of the wells is about 99 feet from the septic tank on Lot 7A. Lot 8 has a commercial type structure on it that is being used for a mechanics shop. The lot is not served by public sewer, and does = have a septic system. I was able to see a porta-potty in the garage. In short, the well is not used to any significant extent. When the septic tank was installed (10/69) on Lot 7A, the required separation distance to a private well was 50 feet, and to a class " C' well was 80 feet. In short, at the time of construction, the septic tank was in compliance with M.O.A, and DEC regulations. Alunicipatity or Ancnorage IMI Department of Health and Human Services 825 OV Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. Alaska 99519.6650 Rick Nystrom httpYwww.d.anchowe ak.us Mayor Permit Number. kSW 20262 Date of Issue: 7-$j-0 Parcel Identification Number. 051-315-50 Date Started: 10-02 Date Completed: 1-02 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes ❑ No Legal Description: .d eke Ridoe'Tt�rroceBflr?df lA, Property Owner Name & Address: Jay and Sandy Skaggs 513 E 15'" Apt. 6 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Ntethod of Drilling Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strata From To ED air rotary ❑cable tool Casing type: steel stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness:.250 inches set 2 3 Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 'J7 feet gravelly s#1 w/boulders 3 5 Liner Type: bedrock 5 347 Diameter. inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet static water level (from ground level): 28 feet Pumping level: 347 feet after 12 hours pianrin91 Men Recovery Ratelpm Method of Testing: air Well Intake Opening Type: ❑ Open End ® Open Ilole ❑ Screened Stan feet Stopped fees ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: hentonire9 Volume: LI&J. Depth: Start 0 feet Stoppcd 17 feet Pump: Intake Depth feet PuInP size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: Well Driller. Alpine Drilling d Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of com9.pletion and the property ...9.......,."...1. 9....... J..»......... .L.. ... .r....... • •W..... 0._: �if�•q /w/�' .0%//i1T�'� � p�1ia• /=/tt 1�r�' L � ��JIC. l4 f�/ 41 v.�rh CiI,A .L�ljliIt—/=rcc�Es� 4ireen 9.0"'71C /L 1? yt_/% � /%�7 C• it .+ {+,r I• It-, :^I •T^ Z] ^ .3 Al 33 �rrl 14 �L 4? 3 ` n NS = .14 _ =S .44 f A _- nn =, �A 7 _teAA r ^^ n' 4 ' 'C AX J.% =—" An / 7 /L 1? yt_/% � /%�7 C• it .+ {+,r I• It-, W. H. Selby Star Rt.:Q, Box AS sbk :PO"r, AK 775'x% '•t yrs K Name: �.'f/ly -1- AfAVC1. r 9• idn.t: tvrli� b: %n AVe 101 DRILLING WATER WELLS •+.ROT.I.IY nt" 0 r.l:t'!: -Anchorage 279-1938 "� { "`P.alMir� 745.3381 -Glenriallen 882-3413 I ' , t rtl t�14 ,�lf "� �}r• t�—�'�L`1' . , / Date: %. (P rrfir.. Results Amount AU17HORIZATION-;TO DRILL I hereby, authorize 101 DrNing'Co. to proceed with the above described work. Payment shall be made in the following manner. In the event it is necessary to institute legal proceedings to collect any amounts due on this contract, I agree to pay an additional sum of not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the contract price as attorney's fees, plus costs, for legal proceedings. Date ' . C ' Y DOC Co. aW SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P.O. BOX 272, CHUG IAK, ALASKA 99567 • TELEPHONE688-2759 OWNER OF LAND DEPTH OF WELL /< 0 ADDRESS -4:'g 0 15,X 65— t= e l,"•,f. CI /JG cT /CD z l7''ATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. _ 3 ! LEGAL DESCRIPTION Y �~ fir" ' a'c"r' ,r r 4 /O DATE • Started �'`� Ended `Z /,r, / - . PERMIT NUMBER KIND OF FORMATION: DRAW DOWN FT. GALS. PER HR Ko KIND OF CASING 12; o!J From,2 Ft. to -;t FL From Ft. to Ft. From , r 6lC•f-/C c lucT% From Ft. to Ft. From } FLto_5_L_FL ITITrYZO' .,G From Ft. to' Ft. From Ft. to^ 5' Ft. IL -e ea c K • •s / Q YAW; rom Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft X�;l'if From Ft. to Ft From -L-2 Ft. to—LLL—Ft. Al % '1,C's2 c K From Ft. to Ft. From ' Ft. to / ! C" FL /'•,v, ZP Zo c-ze /` Ac_ Tc*1k 'rO Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. 4o G orf From FL to Ft. From,// Ft. to Ft J eTr/y%r /< From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to FL From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From ' Ft..to Ft. From Ft. toFt. From Ft. to—Ft. From Ft. to ' Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. totv hjc�p,GS MISCL INFORMATION: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DRILLERS NAME JAN 1a1082 RECEIVED i� yr face 'T--( ti r r• Fh: t���.1=sbiC�e �lwCtr �e� a // rLC.C_/Kij�r ��1 i E M 9 /42f'r C ✓ .sirs' !� ✓ .i. /.'d�E rLL rY qF 711r �f A,11, fi r et- Cr .T1L[t.(lJ:`!LS^ dna ice./ /ren �' /,'t/l/tao• %4 {,(>! lJ.i( . 'LI' r c/,v'ii1 Ger Iic?f•: river, Alam -kc, w ^-r 6 2-A ghfello—L he+ ern -7 ti 7 7L /.r'hr /iArr/ 7 l'4,/-,/ reek 7Z 74 Scow./Sfw, 3O+,a Sero ..rz^L-O. " r go AV yr.eT sfo AM lot py yt� �/f til./ S/s..( �• ' +� i M � z %+ree., SAIV fiir ski lc 14 H � � , /e1 — A^ lie wit 17.7 Grtt., l7.2 7-16 -I '^ Z A of wap ./J •r w 2 �!4 I/lh �r h,%f� n A 1 Z •r 0 / nn Pd f Z 1611" ltr csl4. L ON2 I" y 2 .3 If conrJ:aiLLIHIM, CO. I;ugje rtvcr, Alaska 91577 6 ci 8 0: 0 AP I- X I- P 01 �0- 1-Z I.; sz t-4 % w L6 U. Nj I :9. Y *r. V. V. 7. Z? V. :7 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 uj i doi I" U. ul ILI w w ( § L6 6 ci 8 0: 0 AP I- X I- P 01 �0- 1-Z I.; sz t-4 % w L6 U. Nj I :9. Y *r. V. V. 7. Z? V. :7 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 uj I 0 a � � r k / ® ) \ � w I -j L6 t• Nj k§ lu. ( L6 W L6 2i § 8V i 94 uj 1% 4? '00 j'} ( \ 0 0 0 0 n. 0 0 c 0\�\ wL6I" I, 6. 0:L6 W LL I 0 a 0 r.. 00 w V a W ot i a 43 2= M: z 0 0 W 0 a z i 0 4 4i i i i i t� 2u 01-0 0 p ILL �- +5 1 V, y Ms t t u oma• o oma' i 0 00 O W W W !m _. i :lob s0000 i i p O O t L6 L6 V)6 •�9i a a = w W 4 F.; t-; t 0 0 0 w i i i t f p 0 0 16 {Ca, W X 0 W rp of--; z o < C o Vi C . ,,r -q �• �. DEPT. 01 itEA-0 ECTIOtt ..%-W G DRILLIN, INC. t:/�RpNMENTALP • t? J Aly 191979 Llk �`RECEIVED DRILLING LOG Well Owner Wilbur Dittbrender Use of Well Dorn. Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Size of casings Depth of Hale 240 feet Cased to-2.1"L—feet Static water levet 50 ft. 3(i mto (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end (xx ); Screen ( ); Perforated ( ). Describe screen or perforation N/A . Well pumping test at 1-2- gallons per k4 69)- ' (minute) for---I-----hours with 100% x of drawdown from static level. Date of completion 9/28/78 WELL LOG' Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness 0 TO 2 Casing stickup 2 TO 3 --3—TO 16 Ib 160 160 Tp 240 ' TO —TO— TO OTO TO TO ~ TO TO TO TO TO Organics .a• • , . .. 7 ~ ' l MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORApE ' M -W DRILLING, Inc. Mr. of ItEAtTF', t • P. O. Box 4.1224 • 1310C International Airport Road INYIRONMIN)AL PROTECTION( .. (907) 274-4611 A ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 MAY 2 0 DRILLING LOG RECEIVED Well Owner 'a'�=1,�: t:er. Use of Well Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road 30. -T'7.51•1. 127.14'., Size of casing 6 Depth of liolr_ y�'�tJ feet Cased to 7.7 --9---feet Static water level 7.25 fL (lib64M) below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( ); Screen ( ); Perforated,( Fone Describe screen or perforation ' Well pumping test.at 2 gallotis'..per.(tir3ilf)..(minute) for---2—.---hours with of drawdown from static leoel Date of completion n9 ATn'J..1:'•7,49h': +. Z 'T WELL LOG . Depth in feet from ground surface Give dCtails'bf formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness TO L.:�Slnij ' +Ticict t; TO TO. • TO TO TO VO )•V hArd 'nlaal.j Wk tir!1 cr•ia)•• '�r� pyC�, a:• girotinil :450 ♦n•n••+ n_.t;" d �B trilatOr --- . Certificate Is'os: 814 fc 913 r11 2 = STATE