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ILIAMNA ACRES Expired S-11181-1
Iliamna Acres 5-11181-1 EXPIRED ANDERSON ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 April 20, 2005 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 S. Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Dan Roth Subject: Proposed Iliamna Acres Subdivision, Lots 1 though 3 Septic System Feasibility Study S-11181 Dear Dan: Test holes were placed on Lots 1 through 3 of the proposed Iliamna Acres Subdivision between February 19 and 22, 2005. The purpose of the test holes was to assess the underlying soil conditions and to determine whether septic systems could be placed on the lots to serve single-family homes. The test holes were placed to depths of 19' utilizing a tracked backhoe. An experienced soils technician under my supervision was onsite during the excavation to log the soils encountered and to perform percolation tests to determine the absorption characteristics of the materials encountered. A monitor tube was placed in each hole to determine the groundwater elevation over a period of time. Groundwater was found in approximately half of the holes during excavation and water monitoring has been ongoing. The surface of the proposed subdivision slopes from east to west at varying grades. None of the grades in the subdivision exceeds 25% in the area of the proposed septic systems and is usually much flatter. Lot 2 is currently developed with an existing house, septic system and well. Tobben Spurkland, P.E. certified the septic system in February of 1997, and two of his test holes have been utilized to verify the locations of alternate septic system sites on Lot 2. The property is currently partially treed with both spruce and birch and some areas are thick with underbrush. During the exploration period the ground was covered with up to 3' of snow. A total of 6 new test holes were placed throughout the 3 lots. The 2 additional Spurkland test holes have been utilized to further justify septic system placement. Soils encountered were similar in all the holes with the upper 1' to 2' composed of organics with some peat and organic silt. This layer was underlain by poorly graded to well graded gravel with varying degrees of sand and silt. Several test holes indicated silty sand with an underlying gravel lense. The majority of the material was found to' be Proposed Iliamna Acres Subdivision April 20, 2005 Page 2 of 2 clean and fairly dry with the exception of the soils on Lot 3. The lower areas of this lot are fairly wet with silty soils unacceptable for septic system sites. Percolation rates of the soils found in the test holes ranged between 1 and 44 minutes per inch. Lots 1 and 2 have sufficient areas for septic system sites to justify a 14,000 square foot septic reserve area. Lot 3 requires the location of the 3 absorption sites to be shown on the plat. The attached drawing shows the location of the test holes. It also shows the reserve area for Lot 1. Two additional absorption system sites along with the existing absorption trench are shown on Lot 2. Three absorption system sites are shown near the test holes on Lot 3. Two of the sites for Lot 3 will require an Advantex Treatment System due to the limited area available for the absorption sites. We have attached design information for the absorption sites with this report. Proposed well locations along with the location of the existing well on Lot 2 are shown. No conflicts were noted between the wells or septic systems proposed for this subdivision and the surrounding wells or septic systems in the area. Copies of the test hole logs and percolation tests along with a Well and Septic System Site Plan are attached for your review. Please advise if you have questions or require further information. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division yr On -Site Waver and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 195650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6550 www .ci. anchorage. ak.us (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For: LanMark / Mark Mahan Date Perfo Legal Description: lllarnna Acres, TR 3, B 1 Township. Range, Section: (proposed Lot 3) TH 1 C_ 3 rvr S 1 I r WAS GROUNDWATER l r b«e' ll1Lj ENCOUNTERED?ry Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH'! U Depth to Water After P e ,r Monitoring7 None E bl.l✓Q Dole, 3/15/05 Z vcv,/ dr,��sc 30 T✓ay .81 15- / o. 17- 18 15- / f - 19- ° • .o raet(- 20- COMMENTS' SEAND PRS I 0 t' . r 1 i Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop . 7F DS I;• a 1 � $r$fi � (3'•31 30 6.6�/ .81 IYtoq � S;YS / IT PERCOLATION RATE lf't PERC HOLE DIAMETER %rl TEST RUN BETWEEN. . f, FT AND a, FT PERFORMED BY: A"- • ' 1 .. CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. .DATE: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On•Sile Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 195650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6550 www.cianchoraoe. ekes (9D7) 343.7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Pedormed For. LanMark / Mark Mahan Dale Pedo Legal Descrip!ion:' Iliamna Acres, 71k Z, B 1 Township, Range, Section: (proposed Lot 3) ' Slope TH 2 peplb" - Pfl. O(T 1- 10- 11. r„y ENCOUNTERED? z- f- nti IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? L Depth to Water After 0 None P Monitoring? E _ 4- ly:&W 'to 131 1.81 �wtb•�tr>f� �, u15 C' of �•�,-:.y more- L 75- 76- 17- 18- 79- 20 - COMMENTS L4 CIXIIU WAS GROUND WATER N ENCOUNTERED? Net Time Depth to Water s IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? L Depth to Water After 0 None P Monitoring? E Da!e:3/15/05 Site Plan FOR I01:111 L o SEE Pi -AN ANo Po I E Reading . Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 2 u K 13 :C/o 1� S,SL ly:&W 'to 131 1.81 /V: zo 1-1 /, 1 Fp v p: zo -r.IS 665 PERCOLATION RATE 1-3 m( n&%&Kh) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TESTRUN3ETWEEN- f FT AND ' FT PERFORMED BY: . I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED 114 ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division a,1 On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Boz 195650 Anchorage, AK 99519.6550 www .ci. anchorao-_. ak.ys (907) 343-7904 Performed For. Legal Description: TH 6 Soils Log - Percolation Test LanMark / Mark Mahan Date Performed:_ -z4LI fps Iliannna Acres, TR -3, B 1 Township, Range, Section: (proposed Lot 2) eet) Czkt o �y� 3. O(s 1 5- P"G (OI I'T'; 15;. s vol,I �Iclrr. 13 n4vd dynn� 14- ra,O µ 15- 16- 17- is - COMMENTS T«`— C.J SEE PLAN FOR LOCA WAS GROUND WATER Date ENCOUNTERED? Net Time r IF YES.AT WHAT DEPTH? �L s L Depth to Water After D P Monitoring? E Date:3/15105 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 'li v3 Orj D$ty-r. ' 640 obt5 !fl I-bl SrZS DR:o to ,r 4d69 09:1 10 io•ZS q.zs 99 PERCOLATION RATEt�:FTWOWAND) tmIPERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN. FT WA5 D.e5W V_ PERFORMED BY: AJi- I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: N Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -She Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bra9aw Sl. P.O. Box 195550 Anchorage, AK 99519.6550 www cianchorage. ak.us (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test LanMa ir / M Ic M h Performed For r ar a an / . Date Legal Descrip!ion: lliannna Acres, TR 3, B 1 Township, Range, Section: TH 8 (proposed Lot 1) 5� 4-; O • (�( 5 'a' ;• 'ems tht.c( .I..eS c. 8 12- ° Very arMSG 13- �V-7-t- 14- 15- 15- 17- 18- COMMENTS fes%` WAS GROUND WATER Date Gross Time ENCOUNTERED? Depth to Water Net Drop a IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? / IO L Depth to Nater After 10, 0 Monitoring? E Da!e:3/15/05 vian rOR LOCATION SEE PLAN AND PROFILE Reading' Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 0 / r' 4a 3a c, .31 PERCOLATION RATE PERC HOLE DIAMETER B TEST RUN BETWEEN ,r FT AND SS FT PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THATTHIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: i -SO Municipality of Anchorage 'p .............• �? �( Development Services Department ` Building Safety Division �AT ` a f 49th / �1 . i On -Site Water and Wastewater Program Bragaw • 4700 South SL •. P.O. Box 195550 Anchorage, AK 99519.6550 www.ci.anchoreae. sk.us ........................................... • MICHAEL E. AMDERS@+. (907) 343.7904 �1''••. Nr' P to Soils Log - Percolation Test t4Ess1;:•'� Performed For. LanMark / Mark Mahall Date Performed:_ qLgC'5 Legal. Description: Iliamna Acres, TR 3, B 1 Township, Range, Section: (proposed Lot 1) TH 11 2 2- do D l_ 11- � 12- p C7 O 13- 14- 15- is- 17- 18- 19- COMMENTS 3-14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- COMMENTS Site Plan 1 1. SEE pLAN FDD P DFILE AN I Dale: None. Reading WAS GROUND WATER , ' Gross Time y ENCOUNTERED? Net Drop / p � I cr.• — s 'i less DK IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? i13 0 Depth to Water After 1 3 e P to Mpnitoringt E Dale: None. Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Z YZ Itiy:ap 7. S o 4. C, I tYl tti1: /• S /3,G PERCOLATION RATE t ti (-nNesrmch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER /O e' TEST RUN BETWEEN;SFT AND V O FT PERFORMED BY: J„1 I CERTIFY THATTHIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division yyr On -Site Water and Wastewater Program {Y` 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Boz 195650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 wvw.cl. anchorage. ak.us (997) 343-7904 Performed For. Legal Description: TH 7 �o p 7 • o 9- 10- 1 -10-1 ,12- 13- -'dt 2-13--•dtr 14 ro'h 15- COMMENT / 49th!tV;'� ........».............................. R :. HIL7MEL E. IWIIERSON Soils Log - Percolation Test I LanMark / Mark Mahan Date Performed: Iliamna Acres, TR 3. B 1 Township, Range. Section: (proposed Lot 2) . 'SITS GlYVr� G� I S _ WAS GROUND' Y ENCOUNTERED?E07. 3 G3 IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? L Depth to Water After 0 Monitoring? None P E Date 3/15/05 1 - Site Site Plan o� OR SEE' PLptJ AND PROFILE Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Watei Net Drop S'•st '� 8.63 2.6� V t7: PERCOLATION RATEaj (ninuttOrKh) PERC HOLE DIAMETER $ 1' TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND •!y FT PERFORMED BY: & I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: I -'37 1 � 14 Municlpalily of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 •L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: InOm '� l %J DATE .LEGAZ DESCRIPTION:t_r•-Ar(-'r ' TOWnship, Range, SectlOn: T 1 (:cETI 1 Net 2 Nat 3 Time. 4 r G 1 r O � � 5 • 6 ,e o 7 _ 0 3 r 9 '3. u,n' 10- 11 J a 12 ,. 13 e 14 s 15 16 it 18 19 20 1 LI AMNA A -OL' ES FILL AND 0nra,a,NIGS i i +r Sa J te.(, SIraLV 130Try LN 0 F vtnLLz�' a 10001 . (ErJ.OINlER'S SEAy oRMED: I'30�q% ' WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DCPTHF Dap01 to 9Peter utaI'�. Mcnilariig? �h- r �e�eeii� ■eeeeeeeos Rosdine Deb Gress. Net Depth to Nat Time Time. Water Drop 1 r 3 r e / V s r PERCOLATION RATE(� ' (mimnavtnch) PCRC HOLE DIAMETER /IYESTAU_ COMMENTS 'pe � �T�NBCTW �EN,�,FTAI'7 FT Ot �e ' ,— PERFORMED BY: CERTIFY THAT THI TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. - DATE. 72-008 (Rev, 4/85) - - 1 i '• (a 002 T7 •y'l i�- � . jENG:NEEA'S S' b Municipality ofAnchorage -- ..•• ".............. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 8 HUMAN SERVIC=S 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0550 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED POR: O N ��T"I N DATE PERFORMED: , 3p -'] LEGAL OESCRIFTION:—TZALT—M.TownshI;), Range, Section: 'fH 2 ;�F_" ILIkMNAr .�CQS 1 Fi 11 £ 2 �►26q"nttts 3. 4 S', 14', Sa S. )/ .� �T*d IA.; Gravc.Q / B 7vH a ' 8 D F �}oLLE' 20 I WAS GROUND WATER �I O . ENCOUNTERED? (M' ' bzAneh) PEPC HOLE DIAMETER r D TEST RUN BG ZETWEEN )';AND'70 -,F7 COMMENTS rel re �o.ei (/.Rv vl1 PERFORMED BY: - CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL T2-e^•.E (ROY. UES) GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE z IMD IC . .., ,.. ,...., . . . . b :W 299.77' (R&M) I _n zNa M , yid � a ('1 � ►j N co d � �C4'En �z ono C .z rA z OD I to- o.R,O c' co0 r "J r- Z7 N Vl cn Z O 0 z n m to c In +Z D - t�J _� n 0 cn I m 9 z IMD IC . .., ,.. ,...., . . . . b :W 299.77' (R&M) I _n zNa M , yid � a ('1 � ►j N co d � �C4'En �z ono C .z rA z OD o�Ga o.R,O co0 O y "J ca2 Z7 AY SU Vl C O 0 z mvx N0W c In �T^y t�J _� co 0 �.m. zCD. v D cn Cn Z7 c c t�J _� j W. I w I : .. mm WW •.. 1 y ; ./_�IY-W V i I j CA m ' j ` • MOV ` _ _ _ • __ _ _____ _�/• I Sig T~ I ♦ D (J I 7 1 j I I I i--------------- e I --"—••— ------- — E•--•—•. s oomal• r »v..r � - SIM ---•-------• I ov r � BSo.o¢o y i of Mils y I Hitg���l�;�{ �I Awl tEt 3 Irr� e r a tr cif o 14511,j tF�E 1 f °�}EUrE r E t{ 3(EE F 9�yt lilt �� 13 a t S�� t t 'i`st E E Fr2It�8 CErreE,rill r s $ 1 a Municipality of Anchorage ' Development Services Department ••" ° • .. yam° Building Safety Division �. MEMORANDUM DATE: October 21, 2003 TO: Jerry Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FROM: q&nes Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water and Wastewater SUBJECT: Comments on Cases due October 23, 2003 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-11179-1 Susitna View Estates. No objections. S-11118141 lliamna Acres For proposed Lots 1 and 3: Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. 3. Topographical slope information must be submitted. 4. Information supporting water availability for the proposed subdivision shall be submitted. For proposed Lot 2: Adequate reserve areas for wastewater disposal systems must be identified. S — 11182-1 East Dimond Center No objections. Y. Please fill in the information asked for below \ '� -Meporlaoamorwpeiniemoroi C woimrmow monsuppiemem IM". ra::ureuwvuyyuuumFmcmla Ka WILUPW44ww••a'4•••ur.rear,r••r.....r...y ,,. .,...,,,•r...,...,,... PROPERTY INFORMATION PETITIONER' PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE (IF AN1M Narne (last name firs) ^ .. ... ko \ \o Name past name first) ^ . .. .. a. r e C\a�� SOC Mash Address osys 6laihng Address .. _ »„ Grid# 5w o q o Contact Phone: Day: Night: O' A . Contact Phone: D : Night: u FAX: PIAFAX: 3`(01- bo`ib E-mail: E-mail: -Meporlaoamorwpeiniemoroi C woimrmow monsuppiemem IM". ra::ureuwvuyyuuumFmcmla Ka WILUPW44ww••a'4•••ur.rear,r••r.....r...y ,,. .,...,,,•r...,...,,... PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax#(ow-000-oo-w): Site Street Address: \ o o\a �• o Current legal description: (use additional sheet 6 necessary) Zonin : -Ln Acrea e: 4.Z._ Grid# 5w o # Lots: # Tracts: \ Total #parcels: ! I hereby certify that (I am)(I have been authorized to act for) owner of the property described above and that I petition to subdivide it in conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Department staff or the Planing Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, or the Assembly for administrative reasons. Date Signature (Agents hast provide written proof of authorization) PROPOSED SUBDIVISION INFORMATION Proposed legal description: (use additional sheet in necessary) =\�SLr...nZ •fr CCS, �l� # Lets ; 14 Tracts: � I I otal # parcels: 3 I Accepted by:. Poster d AttdavilFee . • - Case Number F-, iia �,.: :I•�.g`130�' -, •I:e r Aool¢ahon for Preliminav Ciar mnnv,w Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION,,- NFORMATIONAnchora Anchorage a 2020 Urban/Rural Services: Iff Urban ❑ Rural Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area: ❑ Inside 13YOutside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements: Site is within or abuts: ❑ Major Employment Center ❑ Redevelopment/Mixed Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor C'None Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: 1 ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parkstopens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine'Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson): Girdwood- Turnagain Arm N I 117 ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parkslopens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Events that have occurred in last 5 years for all or porhon of site) ❑ Rezoning - Case Number: ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat - Case Number(s): ❑ Conditional Use - Case Number(s): ❑ ZoninQ variance - Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for ❑ Building or Land Use Permit for ❑ Wetlandpermit: ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ Municipality of Anchorage APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION (An orporhon of site a0ededi 8'/2x11 reduced copy Gr2oning ❑ Landscaping required by zoning rVional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer: Wetland Classification: one ❑ "Co ❑ "B" ❑ "A" Avalanche Zone: C'None ❑ Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone Floodplain: 9"None ❑ 100 year ❑ 500 year Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson): ❑ "1" 117 ❑ 13" ❑ "4" ❑ "5" RECENT REGULATORY INFORMATION (Events that have occurred in last 5 years for all or porhon of site) ❑ Rezoning - Case Number: ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Final Plat - Case Number(s): ❑ Conditional Use - Case Number(s): ❑ ZoninQ variance - Case Number(s): ❑ Land Use Enforcement Action for ❑ Building or Land Use Permit for ❑ Wetlandpermit: ❑ Army Corp of Engineers ❑ Municipality of Anchorage APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fee: Plat: Copies ❑ g2 (long plats) 12 (short plats only) Other maps Aerial photo Housing stock Mandatory on plat a ictions: ❑ Pedestrian walkway Property Title: Certificate to Plat 8'/2x11 reduced copy Gr2oning ❑ Landscaping required by zoning rVional required documents unless specifically waived by Platting Officer: Site topography (4 copies minimum) ❑,Soils investigation and analysis reports (4 copies minimum) Subdivision drainage plan Waived by Waived by Waived b 20-M (Rev.05'02)'Badc ,LL'66L 3 .££,50.00 5 ino urun om .' . r - ------------=-=----- ----------- ' - i Lo I cvkon W Ir e06 1 o Z Zl . N2`' - L----- W W-4 a LJ N � I � (+) Q CU 6 LO O% N z I LO ® § .6'L n I 0 coN OD � O I 90 o.4 A MI.00.90.0 N - rn .00.09 is z i LL. _._... f=a Cr m 1 C3 W N V Q Nv, zC s 8C J O I '°° AoCU o I l M :BF�sg(g .M ,Sl,f0.00 S LL- ,00.09 I V1 LLI r---- ►— I �Q n I J In M— . I I I io I I a, rn--------------------------_.--------'7' 1 r63 Aliun •0'01 Z ,L4'66i M ,04,60.00 N � ANDERSON ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 522-7773 522-6779 (FAX) April 26, 2005 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 S. Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Dan Roth Subject: Iliamna Acres Subdivision, Lots 1 through 3 S-11181 Water Availability Study Dear Dan: We have collected information on the wells on several lots surrounding Iliamna Acres Subdivision to estimate the possible depths and production rates of future wells to be constructed on the two new lots proposed for the subdivision. Well logs were located for the lots in lliamna Acres Subdivision immediately north of this subdivision. Logs were also found for Park Hills Subdivision directly to the south of this parcel. Flow tests on the wells completed during health authority inspections were found on several of the wells and provide additional information concerning water availability. The existing well on proposed Lot 2 of the subdivision provides the best information for expected depths and production rates for the remaining lots in the subdivision. No well lot is available for this well, but an inspection completed on January 11, 2005, indicated the well was 77' deep with casing to depths greater than 40'. The static water level was measured at 24' below the surface with the pump production rate measured at 3 gallons per minute. Wells studied vary in depth from 66' to 247' below the surface with the majority of the wells less than 100' in depth. The static water level varies from 23' to 66' below the surface. Bedrock was noted on the well logs in several of the Park Hills lots at depths of 75' to 247'. The Iliamna Acres lots are constructed in mostly unconsolidated soil formations consisting of gravel, silt and sand. These formations are generally more productive for delivery of well water than bedrock formations. The wells are all lined with 6" steel casing the entire depth with the pumping level near the bottom of the well. The production rates noted on the well logs and flow tests varied from 2.7 to 20 gallons per minute with the majority of the wells Iliamna Acres Subdivision April 26, 2005 Page 2 more than 10 gallons per minute. In conclusion, it is highly likely the wells to be constructed at Iliamna Acres Subdivision will be shallow and probably less than 120' in depth. They will be constructed in unconsolidated soil formations and require casing the entire depth. Production rates from the well will be between 5 and 20 gallons per minute. Actual water system production will depend on the size of the pump placed in the well and the interior plumbing in the house. It is apparent, based on our study and the results achieved on the wells surrounding this property that sufficient water is available for the development of the three lots in the proposed Iliamna Acres Subdivision. Please let me know if you have further questions. Sincerely, '—� 1 , , •p.�..X... Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments 30058 Sob 300, 300 83 Y T J+ \0001,1 $ W g g56L uOYan1� �A,Og 8 S1 Ge 10001 L oum O C, �+ O;n ifNl 30080 N 2p 9 3M 93 0 X O _ S �1 T a A N N0, ]00 77 r -moi D 30073 i 4 CD V VWm 5 L+ y C) x CL iJ) 8 s re J5 m N) (D 1N) I �JOt 98 (D r/ / Y O " 7 O NM'SM 30088 m e < N C -a dtia CD T p CIO CA � r W n gg P E � a "F 31n 00 500W Sfi'E p 1 N00g3'16'E 1fi5 iB 13500 NOOI=19'E 39991 94.398 lol uu Eun Bl OL1 MAL�V�N W/i 93.91�, �zY3 v mNC;) H MCO 13530 NOOWE p].9®59] r84-3% iOo$iL OfN. ®i 187M 13500 Golden View Drive f.........'-' -.... Municipality of Anchorage • "" Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water 6 Wastewater Program " 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519.8650 www.cLanchorage.ok.us (907) 343.7904 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST Legal Description: Tru 3 10&m A� Acres. Parcel ID:_ 0 M- 101- 09 A. WELL DATA Well type If A. B, or C provide PWSID N = Well Log (YIN) I-/ Date completed 1�1� S Sanitary seal (YM) y Wires property protected (YIN) i Total depthx! n Cased to 2!!W__ tL Casing height (above ground) 20 in. I �•� s FROM WELL LOG "01 AT INSPECTION Date of test Ne W cll Laq 1-11- Q005 Static water level — n 1Z �4 n Welt production g p.m. 3 g.p.m. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform _'t6_colonies1100 MI. Nitrate _mg -A. Other bacteria _'t—ofcolonies/100 mt. t Arsenic: ^ mg.A. Date of sample:-(_(L-2ooj Collected by. 16_�a„iL 4= ' •' B. SEPTICIHOLDING TANK DATA TankType/Material Gre.rIS61 Datelnstalled- 11@-1 11 r l Tank size 1500 gal. Number of Compartments Cleanouts (YIN) Foundation cleanout (YIN) Y Depression over tank (YIN) l"t High water alarm (YIN) NfA Date of pumping I r3120Pumper A I- C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed 1,10h -4 Sal rating (g p.d.Ife or 0bdrm)10, System type Ptep Trr...� Length 40 IL Width Li ft. Gravel below pipe 3— It. Total depth -a--n Elf. absorption area 13Q fO Monitoring tube Y Depression over field , W Date of adequacy test 111110-r Results (Pass/Fail) AtL_ For 5 bedrooms Fluid depth In absorption field before test 0 in. Water added gal. New depth All_ in. EtapsedTime:=min. Final fluid depth _0_In. Absorption rate 2--450 g.p.d. Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (YIN & type) AL# kno,.,m If yes, give date a WELL LOG Date Drilledt •11-18-83 Static Water Level A-46 feet Drax Down N/A feet Type Yaterial Drilledt 0 feet to 30 Silty Sand 30 feet to 55 Sandy Clay 55 feet to 66 Cravel w/water Hefty Drilling S.R.A. Box 1553 R Anchorage;Alaska 99507 to to to Gallons Per Minute 20 Total Feet of CiisinA _ 66 Type: Ola,mter: Slot/Mash Sire: Length: Sal be",. ft. and ft. Pittings: 9. STATIC WATER LEVEL: F ft. (3 Above ®Gdon land surface Type of Messuranent: 10. PUMPING LEVEL bolou land surface ft. after Ars. PYMIng 7 I.P.A. ft. after Firs. pumping 9•p•m• 11. WILL MEAD COMPLETION: ❑ In Approved Pit ❑ Pltless Adapter Inches above grade IF. GROUTING: Well Created: ❑ Tat ❑ No Naar is l: ❑ Neat Cement ❑ Other: 1). PUMP: (if available) NP ---T Length of Drop Pipe ft, capacity g•P Type: ❑ Subnerflbls ❑Reelprocating ❑ Jet ❑Others 14. REMARKS: Water IS. WATER WILL CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: This well was drilled under my JurlsdlCtlon end this report Is true to the best of my knowledge and Deilef: Vern's Drilling & &t AA 3327 Registered ua irs.. No.. - Address: 12241 Aviom Street, SRA Box 1560 Anchorage, Alaska Al Signed: Date: 0E-W6R Copy Distribution: M411E - State DGGS, PINK - Driller, CANARY - Customer ' STATE OF ALASKA 0EIURN TO: Division of Seolo0lcal and 6ideal Surveys (DOGS) DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PorrcupinDrive (Tale , a: (77-6615) 1ef9950I Anchorage, V A T S R V I L L R E C O A G Vern' a Drilling U.S.O.S. Local Ib. Drilling ConpenY N+oa Drilling Permit No. ) LOCATION Of WELL PI.... complete aitAer, 1.. It. o^ -ale. A.D.I. No. meridian 1 Ia. Borough Subdivision Iliamna Lot tra Rl al Ib. FreCtion t 2 / / / Se<tlon Ito. TeMnsnlp M/s 94A94 E/v le. Distance and Direction from Read Intersections ). OWNER OF WELL: Address: Danmar, builder Golden View Area Street Address and Area of Well Location Z. WELL LOG iast Bac. SN.fae. material Type fop Yotwe R. VCLL DEPTH: (completed) 11,6 Sur/ace Elevetlon Date of Canplat ion • town Eli t T' 11 (1 s. ❑C.ble tool pRotary ❑Orlven ❑Oug ❑ Auger ❑Jetted ❑ Bored ❑ Olhar: —sloppy s1 ! I 1 Sl y -grave — sc C a e ! 6. USES CjDome,tic [3 Public Slooll ❑ industry 13Irrig,00. ❑ Recharge ❑ cormerclaI []last well [3 Other: _ si y i1 2 damp $ y gray e. — seepage 111.0 omen Ldl grave — w unser, 1 t 7. CASING: Thr esdsdjalrolded 6 In. to 1451tt.Mth weight —abs/ft. In. to ft. Depth 0. FINISH Of WELL: Type: Ola,mter: Slot/Mash Sire: Length: Sal be",. ft. and ft. Pittings: 9. STATIC WATER LEVEL: F ft. (3 Above ®Gdon land surface Type of Messuranent: 10. PUMPING LEVEL bolou land surface ft. after Ars. PYMIng 7 I.P.A. ft. after Firs. pumping 9•p•m• 11. WILL MEAD COMPLETION: ❑ In Approved Pit ❑ Pltless Adapter Inches above grade IF. GROUTING: Well Created: ❑ Tat ❑ No Naar is l: ❑ Neat Cement ❑ Other: 1). PUMP: (if available) NP ---T Length of Drop Pipe ft, capacity g•P Type: ❑ Subnerflbls ❑Reelprocating ❑ Jet ❑Others 14. REMARKS: Water IS. WATER WILL CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: This well was drilled under my JurlsdlCtlon end this report Is true to the best of my knowledge and Deilef: Vern's Drilling & &t AA 3327 Registered ua irs.. No.. - Address: 12241 Aviom Street, SRA Box 1560 Anchorage, Alaska Al Signed: Date: 0E-W6R Copy Distribution: M411E - State DGGS, PINK - Driller, CANARY - Customer (907)243-2282 KENJOHNSON MUNICIPALITY ' °"'�I: 'JOHNSON DRILLING CO. DEPT. N •a^• EN�RONrnENj�L aku,.. QLLING PUMP TSA ESA D ER WELL SERV CE a 19as RECEIVE 36 Years Alaska Drilling DORIS J. FACHKO 817 W. 13th ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 REi'LOT 2-B ILLIANINA ACRES 0 ft to 5-6 ft 5-6 ft to 9 ft 15fftttoI l ft ft 41 ft to 55 ft 55 ft to 56-6 56-6 ft to 58 58 ft to 68 ft 68 ft to 71 ft 71 ft to 77 ft 77 ft 2t) 3163 LINDEN DRIVE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 09502 MAY 17, 1989 ( Hm. 276-5165 Wk. 564-6548 ) WATER WELL LOG Course gravel & gray silt Large boulder Died, grav & brn silt... 3' open hole Brown silt & fine gray...open hole drlg. Died, grav & gray silt .. open Course grav & gray silt Same..weeps H2o..1 GP18..low head Brn silt..some fire gray..2' open.* Vied. grav & gray silt Course grav & gray silt dry.. Clean Vled. Sand & gravel..Ylater bearing Water level 55 ft. Test bailed 1 hour at 10 GPP+: 10 Ft of drawdown.. Clean & good recovery Bottom Stable Total casing 77 ft 0 in. A RETURN 701• Ol Ylslpn of Geological t•"w�•� Ical SurwY+ (OGGS) • 7001 Porcuptn. Orly. (T�,�i, : 277.66151 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 W A•TEN W RFC ORD OFIIil.gtanpaMr Aw,".Jc 2`i :"9�:2C Z.1.'-4,2P71S •.. Y'i_t ).itl? & A LOGTIOn OF HELL Please Complete either Is. It. or Ic. •d ?,_'it U.S.C.S. Local No. Orllling P.rmlc No. A.D.L. Wo. STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES la. Borough •ri:1C$ Subdiyfslon Lot : Bleck 1 Ib. Fraction / / / Sect loo No. / To—ship N/s Mnga .. +' E/W Meridian It. Distance and Direction Frye, Read IntereeCNdna ' - y Street Add ... a and Arae of Well Location 9. OWNER OF YELL: Address, .+.:CELr _. Jae i:1•x l".1: 2. WILL LOG feet 0*1. Su.rec. Materiel Type op sotto. b. WELL DEPTH: (completed) t fl ft. fur face Elewttan Data of Completion lit %J 5• am tel. ;.1 alt I.ry S. ❑Cable tool :QRotary ❑Ortwn ❑Dug ❑Auger ❑Jetted [I Bored ❑Others a11' v 7(]`AVJL tiJ[g T) r.,mt'.n t;:'. ra_ty !;ravcly CI,;IV iE; .:, 1, Irn a:17rntcJ t1.LL /# .—r:zvr. 6. USE:^❑Domestic 01'.1,1114 Supply ❑Indary ❑Hrig.tlom ❑Reeh.rg. ❑eoewrelat ❑T:tt WIT ❑Other: T., T•rC K.-121 i ). CASING: E] Threaded oWeldad to 'L'tlft. Depth Welpht,�b+/ft. _In• to ft. Depth g. FINISH OF VELLI n holo Type:'' rpeDDiameter, Slot/M.M VAe1 Length: Sat bet... ft. ens It. Fitting;; If Ut PL'AGE LIN F O NOV 9. STATIC WATER LEVEL& /n'S ft. ❑Move ©Blow land surface Type of Ne.wrsasntt 10. PUMPING LEVEL b.iow land surface ' ft. alta! ��. hrs. pwpi,q g•P•M• /t. after hrs. pumVt.9 9•P•m• 11. WELL MUD COMPLETION: 0 b Approved Pit ❑Pltless:Adapter _ Inches eboye grade 12. GROUTIRGI INTI Orewted: ❑ yes ❑Ib Material, ❑Neat Cement 13 Other: IS. PUMPI (I! ".liable) HP Length of Drop Pipe ft. Capacity 2.0. Type: ❑Submersible ❑Raeiproea ting ❑ Jet ❑OtMn 1 ` 16. REMARKS: Water Tmliwra6r^_e i 1 15. WATER WELL CONTRACTOR'S CEATIFICATIOM:// f•, •• Shia ran "a drilled under .y jurisdiction and this report Is true to Lha beet of My knowledge )nd belief: .d: ;W-uN1.y(.2,,naI , I:r{i:!'ii1, � .:art 1::1 eg s Wed m•he»'.� -11.1t ,cense 'u Addruut /It e:vi.)T). ;.i'1. •},X 1560 — Autnur aw apn,AntK.w I ... n............. V.... • ...1. .... •.u• . ... 10/11/00 16:19 '13 IZ002/003 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 IV Street P.O.8ox 196850 AncnoraQe, Alaska 99519{850 Rick afylrem t+eplMww.d.u+diorae..ak.u• Mayor Pcrmit Number. NSWQMI Date oUnus:24 00-PtNdMeatifuatlou N niha nf7-112-10. Dare Started: Date Completed: 3-9-00 Is well located at approved permit location? ® Yes Q No I( cytt peseeiptio Perk Hills >r 1 b!k 1 h 7 Property Owner amte & Address: T/m d Tommy Gels 2251 Innes Circle Andwwa9e, AA 94515 Borebole Data: Depth (R) Method of Drilling ® air rotary O cable tool Soil lype,IWAnessd Water Sutra From TO casing type: steel stick-up • '0 '2 Wall Thickncss: M inch" otyank d scat 2 4 Diameter 6 inch" Depth feet gravellysilt 4 11 LlnerType: gmvcl 11' 22 Diameter: inches Depth feet Casing silekup above ground: 2 fect gravollysot 22 51 Static water level (from ground kvel):ffLfcet sandysdt 51 59 • �utnpiagkwc[�cctafia bedrock 59 247 $hotaspumping15Spm Recovery Rate --V Spm Method of Testtng:Atg iYellIvlaieOpening:ryk . •❑ open End ®OpenHole 0 Str mcd stars • rat -Stopped Iger 'Oft-forstioat start feet Stepped feet _ Grout Type:hrntonite),8 Volume•. Depth: . SurtQfeet Stopped:" Pump: Yatake Depth feet Pump silo Brand Name Veit Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes No Metied of Dislakotioev 1prine tablets Comments: Well Drillir. Apine Di9frng S Lnterpiises PO.'Bpx 11,0496 —._-AncAorageAK9MII A"mdvw tmit prmWe swell log to the property owner wisitm39 days of completion and the property w,.iwr ne •I,.,wl l A.in.. dill wr,wLl. • w.lt In.. rn tF. rl.M nrtltilrl, A tIn•„•w �n.,.t'..• a.:rl.:., N1 A•w nr�rrnnl�:M • MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOME DEPT. OF HEALTH & MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA)`"RONMENTAL PROTECTION HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) MAY 2 2 95 CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 RECEIVED" A. WELL DATA Legal Description: Iliamna Acres Lot 2C Sec. 33 T11N R3W Well Classification Individual If A, B. or C, D.E.C. Approved(Y/N) Well Log Present (YIN) Yes Date Cmpleted 11/24/84 Yield 16clpm Total Depth 63' Cased to 63' Depth of Grouting none Static Water Level 40' Pump Set At - Casing Height Above Ground 2' Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Yes Electrical Wiring in Conduit (YIN) Yes Depression Around Abllhead (YIN) No Separation Distances from Well% To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot 100' On Adjoining Lots 100'+ To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot115' = On Adjoining Lots 100'+ To Nearest Public Sewer Lire tjA To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole NA To Nearest Sewer Service Lire on Lot NA Water Sample Collected By D. Stanley T Date 5/15/85 Water Sample Test Results Satisfactory' Camments B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed 11/26/84 Size 1250 No. of Ccapartnents 2 Standpipes (YM) yes Air -tight Caps (YM) yFe Foundation Cleancut•(YM)Yes** Depression over Tank (Y/N)yc s** Date Last Pumped NA new Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (YM) NA T for Holding Tank High -Water Alarm (YIN) NA Temporary Holding Tank Permit (YM)NA Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Tank: To Water -Supply Well 100' To Building Foundation 23' To Property Line 60' To Disposal Field 5' To Water Main/Servico Line NA To Stream, Pond, Lake, or major Drainage Course NA Cc¢ments ** Foundation Cleanout is buried until final grading is completed. Slight Depression over tank will be filled when final grading is done. Receipt�' $ °I Date Paid: ;l Amount: (Pago 1 of 21 2-15-84 u U LOCATION Or WELL (Please "'/1414 stoker to, It e, le.) ate. sa16egh SutOv141aR Lot stock le. 0/44116. Section piyt�K /Q—ff�ef_e1— i9. DIS SCE AND DIRE TIOry'TRONAI R�,(N 1/ auijo Street Address odd Aro •f Wall Locallolllloo Feet Dale. fa,lace It. WELL LDS Too sells, Maalls, TYN I OF WATER WELL RECORD STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURES Division of Geological a Geophysical Survye Drilling Permit No. A.O.L. Na. Toame►i►NO Rents E❑ Melldiaa ap wD . i. OWNER Or WELL: ,[ C 4. WELL DE PIN: (final) 0. DATE OF COMPPLETION G. ODoble loot ❑salary ❑Drl.ea ❑Dal ❑Aegor ❑J•ttd 090,44 001her: 7.1119: 00'06119 ❑ Paillc supply ❑ lodesify ❑ IrrigeNen ❑ Rachato, ❑ Commerical ❑ T"1 wall ❑ Other: s. CAST 0: ❑ Inre deit © Welded y 410.. '1 116. b ff. Depth weight/Clea./f1. dlcm,��4. to—fl. Depth SN0010—go. S. FINISHOF WELLI /yam/ Ci•1 IF ^'"rte Dlemelerl La• the SI41/M ah slu; 4 $al hot"" ft. dad Il. 660 1111101 Gravel Feet 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL—ff. ❑ Ahavo of fl Bala+ lard Surface Dale / ECalOmest aala• is. PUMPING LEVEL SHO. land "riots sadYIELD .<Q le. of to,," are. P.m PIn0► �0.•'• 11.6ROVTING Wall $,*wild: ❑Yes e.me Material: ❑ Neal Gwent ❑ alher: IS.FUm►: (If eealletle) MP L"41h 4f Orap Pipe It. capacity OA•'• O S.hm. ❑ Jot (3 Cost""' ' ❑'Olhef 14.REMARKSI P��v� /-Iu" 4 ' F? )o J&4 14-# 1 9 " IS Wdar TampareW16 ��a ❑F ❑ Id. WATER WELL COM TRACTORS CERTIFICATION: _ C / 41 w l.dsd•911•n ked This eNorl la bee to Int C(a n�dge end belbelief,*•1 Tela .,It as drillrn .Get [0161"41 Llenes N.wao 9.sine61 Ndmo DlflriNl.se: WMITE'Slale Dale• /0—'f -- PINK -01010. O—.S— PINK-0ri1Nr. CANARY-C.SIDNer Municipality of Anchorage • DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Services Division R [ r C I VE 825"L' Street, Room 502 • Anchorage. Alaska 99501 • (907) y.q%4C D JUN 21 1996 Health Authority Approval Checklist preYofAnc Anchorage Legal Description: Lor r0 Qec�c / it, Opt.eh h vicoa Parcel I.D.:O 17 - I It l —I 2 A. WELL DATA Well type PAry R• r E If A. B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number Log present 0" YE S Date completed /0 /s / S V Total depth 10 S r Cased to 'IO r Casing height (above ground) / r -4 Sanitary seal 6/N) y E S Wires properly protcctcd ajo YE S FROM WELL LOG Date of test 10 /S. Static water level O Well production g.p.m. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform Date of sample: U a/7/9G Nitrate O . S" (l ATINSPEC ION a - 8 &p.m. Other bacteria O . Collected by: S A S ENGINEERING 17034 s River toop Kolil Na. w04 B. SEPTI IOLDING TANK DATA Eagle River, Alaska 97577 Date installed 6 / 17 1 g % Tank size I S70 U Number of Compartments a- Clcanouts (91N)Y£ S Foundation cleanout (OR) WS Depression (YQJ tiy High water alarm 01N) YE J Date of Pumping NIA ''ry 1 w Pumper C. ADSORPTION FIELD DATA Datc installed G A/°IG Soil rating g..d./ r orWlbdrm) 0, 7 System type of. a - Length 60 r Width IS- " Gravel thickness below pipe 0-S" ' ToW depth ! Effcctive absorption area 900 Monitoring Tube prescnt(10/N) YEJ Depression over field (Y/IZ A;0 Date of adequacy test N/.f — Na 0 Results (PassTaii) For _ __ _.bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test (in.); Fluid depth gal. water added (in.): Absorption rate - a.p.d. (past 12 months) (YIN) If yes. give date . STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVE WATER WELL RECORD OVAWtlm "UUDIVISIDN LOT BLOCK SECTION QTRS TOWNSHIP RANGE MERIDIAN f, HI116 a []N E O S W DIRECTIONS: WELL OWNER: AA r) MEASURING POINT: 0 top of casing ground surface other: BOREHOLE DATA: Depth C w Cobalrs Z ,!f F Co6b1cS �. rade{ IG 014 .: raJ2� 50 ?OCU' OPANCHORAGE tLUVIr k nw1g1nPI - 2 WELL DEPTH: DATE 0$ CONPLETI�tt Depth of hole: -2Wft Depth of easing;--KL—ft 1-�- j STATIC WATER LEVEL:-36—ft; Date *7/1C, +��11 METHOD OF DRILLING: flair rotary ❑cable tool other: USE OF WELL: domestic ❑irrigation ❑monitor ❑public supply ❑ other: CASING: Stick-up--L-ft. Diam: 6 in WELL INTAKE: td open end []screened s perforated []open hole G Depths of openingo:_to 62, ft qq SCREEN TYPE:'' Diam: (Cj Slot%Mesh Size:' Lengthy'":. ' ' ft, t .�( Set Betiieen'•'•= "and..ki GRAVELJACKTYPE Volume+used:.= Depth to top:*.' ' :.: GROUT TYPE'. •':,': ',' :.:. .volumo Depth: ';from It to REMARKS:- 1�)cll. rHfl 5tntiday'rls - . : ft.(0..e, In ,CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: r t�I,Jrr7c��ril�rnc, f, �irf"r.(Jfi5e5 Signature of Authdrized Y.Epresentative flld•[ 1 Date DEVELOPMENT METHOD: &I r Duration: hT " PUMPING LEVEL ANID/ YIELD: 1!2—()f t after' ' hrs pumping___q_gpm PUMP INTAKE DEPTH: ' ft Horsepower: Date Pump Insthlled _ WATER CHEMISTRY SAMPLE TAKEN? ❑ yes PLEASE MAIL NNITE COPY OF LOG WITHIN 45 DAYS TO: DGGS PO BOX 77-2I16 EAGLE RIVER, AK. 99577 I