HomeMy WebLinkAboutBELL S-11254-1Bell 5-11254-1 Please fill in the information asked for below. PETITIONER" addaonet Property Tax #(ooaooaao-0oo): PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY) Name past name fust) ( . L Name put name first) . ez.��fCO L faailup Address OZZ-7 ":57Gl/17 �wq Address boy 7 5 If Lots: 6W 7 7 Conta :Day: _ � Z Night: ' Contact Phone: Day:" _p$Z9 Night: FAX: FAX: 69iG Ao E-mail: '9 E -ma l• epos peouoners or dradosa otlrer co-Wrrers on supplemental forma Failure q dwo other beneW merest owners may delay processing of this application. PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Tax #(ooaooaao-0oo): Site Street Address: Current legal description: (use additional Wwl tl necessary) Zoning: _ &1 Acreage: z, 5, 2z1 Grid # 4,1,r6 If Lots: # Tracts: Total #parcels: I hereby certify that (I am)(I have been authorized to act for) owner of the property described above and that I petition to subdivide it in conformance with Title 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordnances. I understand that payment of the application fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Department staff or the Platting Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, or t�e Assembly for administrative reasogts.A;l> (Agents -Mid provide written proof of autlrodration) (use additional shoal in necessary) Z _Anchorage 2020 West Anchorage Planning Area ❑Inside'=❑Outside Anchorage 2020 Major Urban Elements. Site is within or abuts. ❑ Major Employment Center 13Redevelopment/Mixed Use Area ❑ Town Center ❑ Neighborhood Commercial Center ❑ Industrial Center ❑ Transit - Supportive Development Corridor Eagle River-Chugiak-Peters Creek Land Use Classification: ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parks/opens space ❑ Public Land Institutions . ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dwelling units per acre Girdwood Turnagain Arm ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial ❑ Parkslopens space ❑ Public Land Institutions ❑ Marginal land ❑ Alpine/Slope Affected ❑ Special Study ❑ Residential at dweliinq units oer acre r...� ... . u V. Avalanche Zone: ❑ None D Blue Zone ❑ Red Zone Floodplain: ❑ None ❑ 100 year. . ❑ 500 year Seismic Zone Hardin /Lawson : ❑ '1' ❑ "2" . ❑ "3" ❑ •4• ❑ .5. Page 2 WA ' iat. %,up cs -r: '-ptats) V 32 (short plats Other maps 0 Aerial photo P Housing stock Mandatory on plat depictions: ❑ Pedestrian wn Aacitional required documents unless specifically waived by P OP Site topography (4 copies minimum) ❑ Soils investigation and analysis reports (4 copies minimum) ❑ Subdivi5inn rlrainnna nlon 20-003 (Rev. W02)'Back 2 1 Waived by Waived by g Short Plat Summary May 3, 2004 Page 2 of 2 13. Removing proposed plat note p4. 14. Resolving with People Mover, pedestrian connection to the path and bus stop adjacent to proposed Lot 2. 5-11254 Bell Subdivision Approval of the plat for 18 months subject to the following conditions: Resolving utility easements. tting to On -Site Water & Wastewater Program, information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and 15.65. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: a. oils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. Topographical slope information must be submitted. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. . 3. Entering into an access agreement, using Municipality of Anchorage form, with owner of proposed Lot 6B or relocating the existing driveway onto proposed Lot 6A. 5-11255 Alpine Village Subdivision Approval of he plat for 18 onths subject to the following conditions: 1. Resol ' utility a sements. 2. Entering to water main extension agreement with AW WU. 3. Resolving AWWU the need to disconnect any unnecessary or unused sanitary sewer se 'ce nnections. W� J T. Weaver, Jr. P tting Officer Eagle River Engineering Services Christopher R. Wood, P.E. 10421 VFW Rd. Suite 201 (907) 694-5195 tel Eagle River, AK 99577 (907) 694-3297 fax July 13, 2004 Myriam Bell 20227 Ptarmigan Blvd. Eagle River, AK 99577 Re: Bell Subdivision, Lot(s) 6A & 6B Dear Mrs. Bell, Eagle River Engineering Services (ERES) has, per your request, investigated the subsurface soils on the above proposed lot subdivision to evaluate the suitability for on-site septic systems. Additionally, neighboring wells and septics have been identified, and they have been determined to not affect the proposed lot's ability to support on-site wells and septic systems. Both lots are larger than 40,000 square feet, with a consitent 8-12% grade on the majority of either lot. There is at least 16,000 square feet of available area for construction of on-site septic systems. Monitoring for presence of a water table was on-going through the month of May, and has been found to be absent. Soils are a well graded GM, to 15' deep, and will support one original and two replacement sites for single family dwellings, and still have plenty of room for a well with 100' radius. Please see attached preliminary plat with our mark-ups. If you have any questions please call our office at 694-5195, or my cell phone at 242-2717. Sincerely, WRIEREE G SERVICES .E. Principal \2003\04-020su13orvIsior R PORr.noc Municipality of Anchorage ��.!NGINEER'S EA Development Services Department Building Safety Division *! On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99419-8650 i CHRISTOPHER R. WOOD www.cf. onchorme.sk.us (907) 543-7904 C Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed F�lonr. P TPS A �C l- Dale Performed: / Legal Description: EAG LE_ IZ r%)t;k rrSY R 2 I- 4 a Township, Range, Section: 1" /4 Al tZ jkj Cp,,17 Depth T H- J, rran I ZvC11Sr ORkAN7G5 v neA04E 10150;1, rnM -sM • TA0-GQAl D S3•C?'1 S A ub rglP_t'f OtNSE 1 1 16_ at71TOM CI 17- EYGAVATS 00 18- 19 - WAS GROUND WATER Date Gross Time ENCOUNTERED7 ,t10 Net Drop 1 `f/ 0 e IFYES,ATWHATDEPTH7 !6" L Depth to Water Amar O Monitoring7 A/ A- E Date: /) p 3:0o Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 1 `f/ 0 2:50P�t o !6" Z 3!VC> �>o Cj^ WL /S 6 3 3:0o O 5-6' L4 3:30 30 S'Gt11/6 1511L S 3:30 o SLG' 4:00 //a So Ke L 4 N I /NR$ rKnuu�nrnrn rwre yn (mrM«r h) PERC HOLE DIAMETER �,�• TESTRUN BETWEEN S.5 FT AND FT COMMENTS_ �JO RF_b `'QCK / A10 F1sD PERFORMED BY:GH RTS W Oc;h 1 ERTIFY THAT THIS TESTWA PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND A ICIPA GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: / SAS Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Buading Safety Division yam. On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 1700 South Bragew SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 995198650 www d.enehoraoe.ek.us (907) 343-7901 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. fl/ITRTA M iRF1.4— Date Perk LegalDescrlpllo: CAj„LE lZrgf;A 5T tSZLLB Township, Range. Section: rfNAl 12if I Cfrt17 Depth jl,/vtivl li'OrlfSr O2l,AN7G3 �IhwNJWvvvvv, nQANC,E TOPSDi L CnM -sM TA) 0 -0 -AY SJt:t i Shub +AMOEL, FATU'f b C"SC WAS GROUND WATER Gross Time ENCOUNTERED) N O Depth to Water IF YES. AT 1MiAT DEPTH? Depth is WeterAMr 2:wo vv% -O Moneartngt 6 ,r Dste: /) p 110-1VM Or EXGA1JA'1i0^J 18 - Reading Date Gross Time Net Tene Depth to Water Net Drop T &Aq 2:wo vv% -O 6 ,r Z 3=to 3o S 7 r%µ I "'W4, 3 : 3ro S =`' ' L4 •3' f 30 S- 7 '% I i°iG S 3:40 o S=6'' q.. D, �-So Ice N N �Q5 PERCOLATION RATE 740_I -W -1 -Ch1 PERC HOLE DIAMETER •� TESTRUNeETWEEN S.5 FT AND FT COMMENTS NO i3Eb20ur 1 NO 11ZD PERFORMED BY: G)i 9- _ t•11 rx7h 1 f��ypj ,gv/t;ERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAOGUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: �/ 5 Water Table Levels - Upper Eagle River Estates L 6 B 2 Myriam Bell TUBE STICK UP WATER WATER TEST A13OVE TABLE TABLE HOLE* GROUwla.q 6.7-04 6.17-04 COMMENTS 1 5.75 DRY DRY 2 5.92 DRY DRY 0 3.� 3NVI. N38M 1� o Uzi I� Q Z .cm u LLn r W o m Z O_ m X coL� i `O I �+ � u IQ o & J 1 11'90 - - -—M.0E.90.00N M m E �q . o I �o o d�i1 ® ,i ; 1� o Uzi I� Q Z .cm u 0 r W o m Z O_ m X i `O I �+ � u IQ o & J 1 9E60E M.OE.60.00N I � I m I 2 Z I� 9E60E M.OE.60.00N I � I m I 2 Z Q Z .cm u 3 W O_ X 2.67t,000 v— 2F %o.000 rmN L 666A , 719.0 TARMI N �Lr 674.0 I sea. % i 68so TREES 665.0 67sp J r i 663A i APR 2 , \O �� `` 673.0 680 . 667,0 xi 740 738.5 738,0 ' ACCESS ROAD --- i. + O 1 I: ;78 7X 11.0 C" \� VEN =J : _ *` A RIVE. ---- -:� (—� � —718 / 1 TARMI N �Lr 674.0 I sea. % i 68so TREES 665.0 67sp J r i 663A i APR 2 , \O �� `` 673.0 680 . 667,0 xi Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department *1. Building Safety DivisionMEMORANDUM ° DATE: April 19, 2004 TO: Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FROM:0_11@�Mross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water & Wastewater SUBJECT: t Comments on Cases due April 22 & 29, 2004 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-11206-2 Calais Subdivision. No objections. tS=112541] Bell Subdivision. For proposed Lot 6B: Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: I. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. 3. Topographical slope information must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided S-11255-1 Alpine Village. No objections.