HomeMy WebLinkAboutABBOTT CO-HOUSING TR AOnsite FileAbbaott Co= Mummpality of Anchorage .on-site Water and WasteWater program . · · · ': "'"' ' ' CERTIFICATE OF ON,SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL :GENERAL INFORMATION Day phone ' 3. NUMBEROFBEDROOMS: 4. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual Well- . Individual Water Storage · gommunity Class Well · Public Water System ' .'.-.r~ M~ltiple Dwellings (Single Family and/or Duplex) · '3 TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: .COSA to be released to the engineer, unless otherwfse requested by the'engineer. Individual [] Holding Tank [] Community [] - Publio sewer. · ~' · COSA Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number COSA # qqo Waiver'Fee '$ Da{e of Payment Receipt NUmber Waiver# ' STATEMENT OF INSPEC~ON BY ENGINEER' : ' ' · :' '"" ' .... · As:~ed by my seal.affix;ed hereto and as· of the validation date shoWn, below, I verity that my lnveStigati(~n, .." ::". :.'~ :"-;t~ased .6ri'prOCedures o~ided Iff the. Certificate 'of On,Site Syst0ms Appre. val Guidelides for .thls application · · - .:: '. :i':/.s[mws that tho on-~;~te"water Supply and/o~; ~astewater di.~posal 'system is (are) ~;a~e, functional and adequate. ' . .' i ' :: fei~ the ndmber of bedrboms ahd ~pe of structure nd cared herein I further ~,erify that based on the information :' ·: ". pbta[ned from the Muniqi~[i~j o.f Anch0mge files and fro.m my investigatipn'and inspectiqn the on-site water · .' ' ·:.supply and/or waste;water dis,coSal system .is(am) in. compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes,. · ".ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. . Address. 15~13i ,~CdO ..... t · .Engineer's Printed Name ;'" ' '.". i.' :'... SYstem #1'Approved for "'~ bedrooms. · :'.~'i' .i ' ' " '. System f/~APpr0ve~.for bedrooms. .:. .. ........ . .. ~. Disapproved, ... ....' · Conditiqnal approVal for __. bedrOOms, with'the following stipulationS: up'on the represen[alJons given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional, civil enginee~ registered in the State of ~,la~ka. The Munldp~lJty of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions In the professional engineer's wo~' ATTACHMENTS: COSA Checklist Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory X · Nitrate Advisory Arsenic Advisory Other : '' If more th:;n l'septic system is on the lot: -: . cosA checklist # ' of Structure served by.lhis system __ Certificate of On-Site Systems ApprOval Checklist .... LegalDescription. ~o'F c~7 '?~' . .A. WELL DATA · " . .; · Well type ~.'. ' ' Date completed .TOtal depthS:;'/lO fL '. ...' Date of test "Static Water level ...... .:. ~ .. ~ 'Well production WATER 8AMPLE RESULTS: IfA, B, orC provide PWSID #, Sanitary seal (Y/N) Cased:toT 5o lt.. FROM.WELL LOG .Coliform... -.: SEP C,NOLD,.G T%'DATA ' .... TankType/Material :. Foundation eleanout (Y/N) - . Date of pumping Number of Compartments Depression over tank (Y/N) Pumper, · wel~ LOg (y/N) Wires properly protected (Y/N) Casing height (above ground) 'AT INSPECTION 35- ff. Date installed Cleanouts (Y/N) High water alarm (Y/N) · C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed· Length ft. Total depth, It. Date of adequacy test · Fluid depth in'absorption field before test in. Elapsed Time: min. Final fluid depth Any rejuvenation ~'eatment (past 12 mo.) (Y/N & [ype) Soil rating (g.p.d./lt~ or ~/bdrm) Width Eft. absorption area __.fl~ .Monitoring tube Results (Pass/Fail) Water added ' · System type . Gravel below pipe ff. Depression over field, For bedrooms · gal. - New depth. ' in. ' Absorption rate >=' g.p.d. If yes, g!ve date . in. D. LIFTSTA¥10N ~ Date installed 'Pump on' level at Datum Size in gallons in. 'Pump oW level at Cycles tested in, Manb31e/Accese (Y/N) .' High water alarm level at Meets alarm &'circuit requirements? in. E. SEPARATION DISTANCES WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tank/lift station on lot Absorption field on lot - Public sewer main ~.~O Sewer/septic service line Anima! containment areas SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: S' Building foundation water main ,.Wells on adjacen{ lots - Property line Wat~ service line -.;ABSORI~TION FIELD ON ~OT TO: Property line Building foundation Water SeP,,ice line Surface water Curtain drain. Wells on adjacent lots On adjacent lots On adJacent lots Public sewer manhole/eleanout Holding tank Manure/animal excrete storage areas ~/OO Absorption field. Surface water Water main D~eway, parkingNehicie storage F. COMMENTS G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I ceY~ify that I have determined through .field inspections and review of Municipal records that ~he above systems are in conformance With MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. Engineer's Printed Name C Date COSA brown sheeL10-10-12,doc