HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LT 13 Endian Valley Alaska Lot 13 #090-031-33 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE On -Site Water & Wastewater Program PO Box 196650 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Phone: (907) 343-7904 Fax: (907) 343-7997 http://www.muni.org/onsite On -Site Water & Wastewater System Permit Permit Number: OSP241092 Work Type: WellSeptic Initial Tax Code Number: 09003133000 Site Legal Address: INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LT 13 G:4456 Site Mailing Address: 135 OLD JOHNS RD, Indian Owner: BOEHMER KIM ELIZABETH Design Engineer: FORGE ENGINEERING This permit is for the construction of: Q Disposal Field Q Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy Effective Date: Expiration Date: Lot Size in Sq Ft: Total Bedrooms: 5/29/2024 5/29/2025 66838 21 Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction shall be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80) 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer shall notify the Development Services Department per AMC 15.65. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24/7). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather shall be either: a. Opened and Closed on the same day, or b. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing Special Provisions: Submit a Well Decommissioning Log from a certified pump installer or well driller stating that the well was 17 decommissioned per code. 3 4 P4 C' r n—r'-t- ry i /� C, L> t ad �S t <. . a r a t t f v ;tea f2 I / F eti Received By: C C— Date: Issued By: Date: MUNICIPALITY OF Community Development Department Development Services Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program ANCHORAGE Phone: 907-343-7904 Fax: 907-343-7997 ON -SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION Parcel I.D. 090-031-33 Property owner(s) Kim Boehmer Mailing address 7921 Byron Drive Site address 135 Old Johns Road Day phone Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) Indian Valley Alaska Lot 13 Legal description (Township, Range & Section) Lot Size 66,838 _Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 3 APPLICATION IS FOR: APPLICATION IS AN: TYPE OF DWELLING: (N all that apply) Absorption Field FX Initial FX Single Family (SF) FX (w/wo ADU) Septic Tank X Upgrade F Duplex (D) F Holding Tank F Renewal F Multiple Dwellings F] Privy F (SF and/or D) Private Well FX Water Storage F THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE / WAIVER REQUEST FOR: Distance: I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) LPerm)iRush Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: 036 cyip Permit No. 05P Z4, no] Z PermitApp 14 Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Waiver No. PO BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 522-7773 677-7766 (FAX) FORGECIVIL.COM July 19, 2024 MOA Development Services, On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Indian Valley Alaska —135 Old Johns Road Septic system design Dear On -Site Services Engineer: The owner of the above lot intends to build a 3 -bedroom home on the property with a new well and septic system. The attached site plan identifies the location of the home and existing conditions as well as the proposed well, septic location and alternate site. No conflicts exist between this proposed system and any other well or septic system, whether on this lot or adjacent lots. The existing well will be decommissioned and a new well drilled. Records indicate that there was no previous septic system on the lot, and we assume the old cabin was served by an outhouse or privy. The ground surface on the lot slopes mildly toward the road, but drops off on the other side of Old Johns Road. There are no slopes greater than 25% within 50 feet downslope of either the primary or alternate site. Contours are shown on the site plan showing the grade and direction of flow. Stormwater drainage will not impact this septic system. The new trench will be constructed somewhat perpendicular to contours. We have designed the system to ensure the entire field is in receiving soils, while still retaining separation from bottom of test hole. Wells on this and adjacent lots are shown. The new system will be a minimum of 100' from all wells and surface water, and more than 5' away from the septic tank. The alternate site is located more than 6' away. Please refer to the attached test hole logs, plan and profile pages for the septic design. If this design is followed, there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. Sincerely, Benjamin Schiller, PE INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LOT 13 a6 _ PROPOSED WELL ; . �114/ W/ 1 00'RADIUS . NT s `M . sFn�F EXISTING-WEV LL TO BE DRIVEWAY LOT 1.. 1 DECOMMISSIONED r I� � t 3-BDRM HOME e a-�ot,1 F 1 FCO 1� TH#21 Co . , T_H#1 f MT M • i MT``,_ r / • 2C0 f / 1000-GAL SEPTIC TANK W/ 20" MANWAY FS LOT 13z 2x 45' LONG x 5' WIDE, 6" EFFECTIVE' DEPTH ABSORPTION TRENCHES INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO CO TH#4 s s 1 SLOPES. ALTERNATE SITE: Q� ` CAT WIDE 6" TEM 20IVONG X 5' I DEPTH ICo EXISTING DIRT ROAD NOTE: NO SLOPES >25% WITHIN 50' OR.SURFACE WATER WITHIN 100, OF THE GE ' PROPOSED SEPTIC -SYSTEM 4 x • ` / ENGINEERING - .. .. I - ��`,`.�� ALL WELLS ON SURROUNDING LOTS WITH IMPACTS TO THIS PROPERTY ..� aARE SHOWN. NO CONFLICTS WITH WELLS OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS. LEGEND '''99 CO - CLEANOUT AW ,p' • • • • •- i� T T Y PT T X NO EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEMS ON HIS LO j* :� • 2CO - DOUBLE CLEANOUT FCO - FOUNDATION CLEANOUT �•• ••• • SEPTIC PLAN • ......• • FS - FLOW SPLITTER VALVE • MH - MANHOLE Benja i Schiller / �r PF•• CE 2592 ��,,r0 30 60 - MONITORING TUBE MT � Diana FEET FEET SV t`F- SEPTIC VENT i�pROfES510NP� r A _ �1II-30' TH -TEST HOLE INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LOT 13 c) DESIGN FACTORS: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 450 GPD PEAK FLOW 5—WIDE TRENCH SYSTEM W/ SAND FILTER PERK RATE: <1 MIN/IN 1000—GAL SEPTIC TANK APPLICATION RATE: 1.0 GPD/SF 450 GPD / 1 GPD/SF (/ 5' WIDE * 1.00 RED FACTOR [6" DEEP]) 90' TRENCH REQUIRED (2x 45 LF SPECIFIED) BOTTOM OF TRENCH: 4.5' BELOW GRADE MAX, 1.0' BELOW GRADE (MIN) FLOW LINE ELEVATION: 3' 6" BELOW GRADE (SHALLOWEST TRENCH SECTION) PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FILL TO ACCOUNT FOR SETTLEMENT ; s' ' GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 2' .. _ 7 w ._ _ _.. _. . _ ; ..__< _a 2" FOAM INSULATION G. 91 4" PERFORATED PVC (HOLES D 2' DRAINFIELD ROCK 2' MOA APPROVED SAND 5' MAX 4.5' FROM GRADE HIGH ^' TYPICAL TRENCH SECTION __;-Z=MxlkU, (NO SCALE) NOTES: 1. GRADE AREA OVER TRENCH TO DRAIN AWAY 2. PROVIDE 3' OF COVER OVER TRENCHES AND 4' OVER SEPTIC TANK, OR 2' WITH 2" OF INSULATION 3. CHECK GROUNDWATER AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. IF LEVEL IS HIGHER THAN PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED, CALL ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY E , N G �b•'•.9) .......... • ' • • • Benja ' Schiller • ' �'F�•.. CE 125927/8/24 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST E N G I N E E R I N G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LOT 13 PERFORMEDFOR: WILLOW RIDGE CONSTRUCTION DATE: 5/3/2024 PARCEL ID#: 090-031-33 DEPTH TEST HOLE 1 (feet) l L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aPERC TEST LOCATION GW (SANDY GRAVEL W/ COBBLES AND BOULDERS) NO WAS WATER ENCOUNTERED? - IF YES @, WHAT DEPTH? NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 5/10/202/1 DATE OF MONITORING DATE READING START TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 5/3 1 11:23 0:06 1 �0 7 16 6 0 2 11:23 0:06 110 7 s 60 3 11:23 0:07 1 �s 7 -s 6 0 4 11:23 0:08 1 10 7-1 6 0 5 11:23 0:08 1 is 7 s 6 k 6 11:23 0:10 1 100 7 -s 6 -s PERCOLATION RATE: 0.02 (MIN/INCH) COMMENTS: USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION WAS VISUALLY DETERMINED SITE PLAN TECHNICIAN: J . OPH E I M DEPTH (feet) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �T SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST E N G I N E E R I N G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LOT 13 PERFORMEDFOR: WILLOW RIDGE CONSTRUCTION DATE: 611212024 PARCEL ID#: 09 0 -031-3 3 TEST HOLE 2 1 ERC TEST LOCATION 1NDY GRAVEL W/ ES AND BOULDERS) YES WAS WATER ENCOUNTERED? 1 2 ' IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? 1 2 ' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 6/19/2024 DATE OF MONITORING DATE READING START TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 6/12 1 10:57 0:10 16 716 66 2 10:59 0:22 16 76 66 3 10:59 0:25 1.1 7 16 6 6 4 11:00 0:28 1 16 716 616 5 11:02 0:32 1 16 716 616 6 11:03 0:36 1 6 76 616 PERCOLATION RATE: 0.1 (MIN/INCH) COMMENTS: USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION WAS VISUALLY DETERMINED SITE PLAN TECHNICIAN: J.OPHEIM DEPTH (feet) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �TE SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST E N G I N E E R I N G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LOT 13 PERFORMEDFOR: WILLOW RIDGE CONSTRUCTION DATE: 6/25/2024 PARCEL ID#: 090-031-33 1 TEST HOLE 3 ERC TEST LOCATION _TY GRAVEL W/ ES) DATE READING START TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 6/25 1 11:41 2:48 1 0 71s 6 0 2 11:44 3:47 1 16 716 616 3 11:47 5:34 116 716 61s 4 11:52 6:25 1 1s 7 0 6 0 5 11:58 8:49 1 1s 7 6 616 6 12:06 9:45 1 0 7- 6 0 PERCOLATION RATE: 1.6 (MIN/INCH) SITE PLAN YES WAS WATER ENCOUNTERED? 12 ' IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? 10.5' DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 7/2/2024 DATE OF MONITORING TECHNICIAN: J.OPHEIM COMMENTS: USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION WAS VISUALLY DETERMINED Cod Z DEPTH (feet) 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST E N G I N E E R I N G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LOT 13 PERFORMEDFOR: WILLOW RIDGE CONSTRUCTION DATE: 6/25/2024 PARCEL ID#: 090-03I-33 ZEST HOLE 4 ililli7=3 aPERC TEST LOCATION GW (GRAVEL W/ COBBLES AND BOULDERS) NO WAS WATER ENCOUNTERED? - IF YES @ WHAT DEPTH? NONE DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING 7/2/2024 DATE OF MONITORING DATE READING START TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH TO WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 6/25 1 12:32 0:05 1 1s 7 s 6 0 2 12:32 0:06 11s 70 6 3 12:33 0:05 1 0 7 0 616 4 12:36 0:04 116 716 61s 5 12:37 0:04 1io-6 716 60 6 12:37 0:04 11s 716 616 PERCOLATION RATE: <1.0 (MIN/INCH) COMMENTS: USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION WAS VISUALLY DETERMINED SITE PLAN TECHNICIAN: J.OPHEIM On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road, PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-7904 Permit Number: OSP131431 Tax Code Number: 09003133000 Work Type: Septic Permit Effective Dates: November22, 2013 to November22, 2014 Design Engineer: GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP LTD Subdivision: INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA Site Legal Address: INDIAN VALLEY ALASKA LT 13 G:4456 Owner/Address: BERRY JAMES B & CHLOE K 4540 TIMBERLUX CIRCLE ANCHORAGE AK 995164141 Site Mailing Address: 135 OLD JOHNS RD, Indian Lot Size in Sq Ft: 66838 Total Bedrooms: 2 This permit is for the construction of: Y Disposal Field Y Septic Tank N Holding Tank N Privy N Private Well N Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15:55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80). 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer must notify the Development Services Department at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must either: A. Open and Close on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: - Date: Issued By: i~/-'~~ .___ ' Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 · 4700 Elmore Road Anchoraqe, Alaska 99519-6650 · (907) 343-7904 · Fax (907) 343-7997 http:llwww.muni.or,qlOnsite Development Services Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Pro,qram Department **** VARIANCE/WAIVER REVIEW **** Waiver& OSP131432 COSA#: PID#: 090-031-33 Legal Description: Indian Valley Alaska Lt 13 Engineer: Garness EnRineerinR Group Permit#: OSP131431. Applicant: Jim Berry Your request for a waiver of the required 10 feet horizontal separation from the absorption field to the property line has been approved. The approved separation distance is 5.0 feet. In addition, the tank is approved to be 2 feet from the property line. This waiver approval applies to the proposed system only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. [] The affected adjacent property owner(s) have been given a 7 day notice regarding this waiver. [] Notarized letter(s) of nonobjection have been received from the owner(s) of the affected adjacent property. [] Adjacent properties are not affected by this waiver. Waiver is Granted: X Waiver is not Granted: t / Name of Revi~r Rec~: 02379G Amount: $200.00 Date Paid:.11/8/13 **** VARIANCE/WAIVER REVIEW **** MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Community Development Department Development Services On-Site Water & Wastewater Program Phone: 907-343-7904 Fax: 907- 343-7997 Mayor Dan Sullivan Parcel I.D. On-Site Sewer/Well Permit Application For A Single Family Dwelling Property owner(s) JIM BERRY Mailing address MILE 103 SEWARD HWY *INDIAN, AK Day phone 545-5426 Site address MILE 105 SEWARD HWY *INDIAN, AK Legal description (Sub'd, Block & Lot) INDIAN VALLEY AK; BLOCK 1, LOT Legal description (Township, Section & Range) Lot Size Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 2 , 13 APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ~]~11 that apply) Absorption Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage [] APPLICATION IS AN: Initial [] Upgrade [] Renewal [] TYPE OF DEWELLING: Single Family (SF) [] (w/we ADU) Duplex (D) [] Multiple Dwellings [] (SF and/or D) THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE/WAIVER REQUEST FOR: DRAINFIELD TO LOT LINES & SEPTIC TANK TO LOT LINE Distance: 5 FEET & 2 FEET I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal codes. GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Permit No. 0'¢~' Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Waiver No. (Rev. 01/11) GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. .... CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS November 4, 2013 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd. P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, Ak 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 Ref: Proposed Septic Upgrade for Indian Valley AK; Block 1, Lot 12B & 13; To whom it may concern: The existing 2 bedroom house is served by a private well currently there is no septic system. We are proposing to install a 1250 gallon S.T.E.P. tank and a dual 5-wide trench type drainfield. One test hole was excavated on the property. The drainfield will be designed around the 30 foot radius of this test hole. Comments regarding the design are summarized as follows: 1. SOILS: See the attached log which shows the soil classifications, groundwater monitoring, and the percolation test results. 2. DRAINFIELD DESIGN: See attached design drawing for drainfield specifications. 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed septic system. 4. TOPOGRAPHY: As can be seen on the attached design drawing the topography around the drainfield is relatively flat. In short, there are no slope concerns. 5. LOT LINE WAIVER: Due to site constra'mts, we are requesting a five (5) foot lot line waiver from the south & west lot lines to the proposed dminfield and a two (2) foot lot line waiver from the proposed STEP tank to the south lot line. The owner of Lot 13 also owns Lot 12B (property to the west) and it is currently vacant. The Seward Highway boarders the south of the lot as well. In short, there are no concerns for the waiver request. We are unaware of any adverse impacts this installation or the granting of these waivers may have on adjacent wells or s~c systems. If you have any questions, please contact us at 337-6179. Thank you for your assistanc? 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 * Anchorage, AK 99507-1259 Ph: (907) 337-6179 * Fax: (907) 338-3246 * Website: www.gamessengineering, com INDIAN VALLEYAKa/ BLOCK 1. LOT 9/ / I 100' WELL RAOIUS~ BLOCI~ 1, LOT 10 INDIAN VALLEY AK; BLOCK 1, LOT 11 TURNAGAIN HOUSE BLOCK 1, LOT SCALE: INDIAN VALLEY AK; BLOCK 1, LOT 15 INDIAN VALLEY AK; BLOCK 1, LOT 14 / / GAFtNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: JIM BERRY 345-5426 1 OF 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: INDIAN VALLEY AK; BLOCK 1, LOT 12B & 1,.3 '~YPE OF WORK: SITE PLAN IpRIMARY DESIGN CRITERIA: RESERVE DESIGN CRITERIA: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 2 NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 2 GALLONS PER DAY (GPD): 300 gpd SHALL HAVE THE SOUTH & GALLONS PER DAY (GPD): 300 gpd PERCOLATION RATE/S: <1 min/inch PERCOLATION RATE/S: <:1 Tin/inch ALLOWABLE APPLICATION RATE: 1.0 WEST LOT LINES, AND ALL ALLOWAtSLE APPLICATION RATE: 4~.0 PROPOSED APPUCATION RATE: 1.0 WELL RADII FLAGGED BY A PROPOSED APPLICATION RAte: 4.0 MINIMUM DP~NFIELD SQ.FT.: 300 SQ FT REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR MINIMUM ORAINFIELD SQ.FT.: 75 SQ FT PRIMARY DRAINFIELD DESIGN: PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. RESERVE DRAINF[ELD DESIGN: MAXIMUM DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: 5.5 PEET MAX MAXIMUM DEPTH OF EXCAVTION: 5.5 FEET MAX WIDTH: 5 FEET WIDTH: 5 FEET LENGTH: 2 @ SO PEET = 60 FEET ~ LENGTH: 15 FEET M.O.A. APPROVED SAND FILTER: 2 FEET M.O.A. APPROVED SAND FILTER: 2 FEET EFFECTIVE: 0.5 FEET ~ EFFECTIVE: 0.5 FEET REDUCTION FACTOR: 1.0 REDUCTION FACTOR: 1.0 ACTUAL BQ.ET.: 300 ~ I ACTUAL SQ.FT.: 75 GEG, Ltd. HAS A 7 PAGE SPECIFICATION'¢~' ~/, LETTER THAT PERTAINS TO THIS DESIGN. ~ Y~'~-4 TO OBTAIN A CORY OF THE LETTBR ~. ~.~.~,)~.~.~ CONTACT GEG. BY PROCEEDING FORWARD WITH THIS INSTALLATION, THE ENGINEER, WELL DRILLER, CONTRACTOR AND '~'-/ PROPEEq¥ OWNER AGREE THAT thEY ~ / ~ HAVE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND /' AGREE TO ACCEPT THE TERMS AND ~ / ~ CONDITIONS OUTLINED. / ~ // ~ ~ . PRoPoseD/ Xx /2 /// /'~ ~.~/~ DRAINFIELDS -,~ / ~.&/") ~ / ~:~// I ITP III,TH~,'/ (REQUIRES CAT II) /,./"N. / / ~¢2 SE GALLON ~ TAN~ AND CESSPO , ,,~ ........ ~/ ~E DECOMMISSIONED PER il" = ~0' mlbHVVAT / uPc. ~~ / 1701 E ~R ~. SU~ 101 ~CHO~E, ~ gg~7 * TONE (g07)~7-6179 * F~ (g~-3246 * ~ ....~a~ase~in~¢~ PREPPED FOR: J PHONE NU~"E~' m PAGE NUMBER' / JIM BERRY 345-5426 2 OF 2 LEG~ DESCRIPTION: I D~WN BY' f essiO~ SEPTIC SYSTE~ DESigN (Rev. 01/05) ISOIL LOG - PERCOLATION TESTI,'- LEOAL DES*PT, ON: '"0'^" V^LL~ ^K S/* BLOOK 1, LOTS 12B * 13 ~'-':'*~~":"'~" ~ ~1/~ ~. DEPTH ~ -- ...... XU%Y..,"~¢Ma'"'""¢,~/ :~Xc '~..~ SOIL CI~SSIFICAIIONS ~'- ;, :,:;":~<~"; ~ GW ...... ORG ' --...~o~...~-.. "-~!'-'.-,.~'.,? ~ ...... .. ' ......... ~.' '., ML ,., ,.:4'.,~;.; ]]~[~ GM CL /, t ~'. ~.~':~ ~: GC OL :~,:::!:;.f.;~: GRADED ROCKS SP] OH ,;wC.-,.~:,,' & BOULDERS SC oo' WELL RADIUS, 7-- ~e.:.:,.,?~. DEPTH TO \ ,L:.,,.,:;..'.;~J! GROUNDWATER DATE !. \ '-'-J ./~¢"',// / .--,,..,.,-: · >'-'~"~'~" 8.5' 10/17/1 3 :4¢~"~z~:. ~ §.0' 10/25/13 , 10 -- B.O.H-"~ CLOCK J NET TIHE I WATER LEVEL NET DROP 11 -- DATE READING TINE (HINUTES) READING (INCHES) 12-- 10/I7/2013 13-- 14-- PERK HOLE ABSORBED 6" OF WATER IN LESS THAN 1 MINUTE, 4 TIMES 15-- 16-- 17-- 18-- 19-- PERCOLATION RATE <1 (HIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES TEST RUN BETWEEN .t.0 FT. AND 4.0 FT. 20-- -- A FOUR HOUR PRESOAK WAS PEREORHED: [] YES · NO SOILS LOGGED BY: ROB CAMPBELL PERCOLATION TEST PERFOE2HED BY: ROB CAMPBELL COPTNENTS: WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE:J /~ DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE ~.~' lO/17/~a 9.0' 10/25/13