HomeMy WebLinkAboutPALATERRA ADDN 2 LT 12Onsite File Palaterra Addn 2 Lot 12 PID# 017-151-36 Formerly Palaterra Block 3A Municipality of Anchorage On-Site Water and Wastewater Program • (907) 343-7904 Page 1 of 3 ON-SITE WASTEWATER INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number: OSP191029 PID Number: 017-151-11 Dwelling: ❑■ Single Family (SF) ❑ Duplex (D) ❑ Multiple (SF and/or D) Project: ❑ New Upgrade Name: Torr Family Trust / Sam & Mary DePalatis ABSORPTION FIELD Address ❑ Deep Trench ■❑ Shallow Trench ❑ Bed ❑ Mound 12930 Summer Cir. Anchorage, AK 99516 ❑ Other Phone Number of Bedrooms Soil Rating Total depth from original grade 242-4100 4 1.2 GPD/SF 6.7 Ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Depth to pipe invert from original grade Gravel depth beneath pipe Subdivision Block Lot 2.7 Ft. 4.0 Ft. Palaterra 3 Fill added above original grade Gravel length Township Range Section 1.3 Ft. 50.0 Ft. Gravel width Beds: Number of Lines Distance between lines SEPARATION DISTANCES 5.0 Ft. Ft. To; Septic 'Absor tion i Holding I, Sewer Total absorption area Number of trenches Dist.between trenches p Lift Station From ' Tank Field Tank Line 500 Ft2 1 Ft. Well >100' >100' ' N/A N/A >25' TANK El Septic ❑S.T.E.P. ❑ Holding ❑Other • Manufacturer Capacity Surface Water ; >100'( >100' N/A N/A Anchorage Tank 1250 Gal. 1 Material Number of compartments Lot Line >5' >10' N/A N/A Steel 2 NA LIFT STATION Foundation >10' I >10' N/A N/A Manufacturer Capacity 1 Curtain Drain None Noted Gal. Pump on level at Pump off level at High water alarm at Remarks Tank is insulated. Existing tank decom- missioned per MOA Code. Absorption pits _ in. in. in. pumped, crushed and backfilled. Pump make and model Electrical Inspections performed by PIPE MATERIAL House to tank D3034 Tank to D3034 Installer drainfield— Denali Excavating Drainfield D3034 CO/MT D3034 Inspector J. Millette BENCH MARK (Assumed elevation) 100 ft Inspection ectio15f 6/10/19 2"d 6/11/19 Location and description 3d 4'" Top of conc foundation at A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Engineer's Stamp „,6".�t\\\\ OF A"�,gill Conditional Approval: Date ��,�.. ..• ; 6:f (+# • ( j_,,,.... Benja chiller . / 0# �Fm•.. CE 12592 . • `vim/1 /,/ , ' '•, 7/25/19....ft,'Approved lit/ Date $,/Lf /�� (kk DPROFESSIO Inspection Report_9-1-12.doc PALATERRA, BLOCK 3 PERMIT # OSP191029 PID # 017-151-11 N / � \ 7 ' ,. k N / \ DE ARMOUN ROAD \/ \ \ } // E>IISTING WELL --L -1-1----7--- \ 1 \ N1' (..\ I I f 40.. I \ ADJA N7 LOT WELL / � ` : , \ -----\ \ a9 r 100' WELL RAQII / 2C01 / LOT 1 \ j// /\--\ I UNDEVELOPED EXISTING ABS PTION IT PUMPED.CRU IEd BA L • // 1,250 GALLON 1 AND COMPACT. N SEPTIC TANK sv1 \ \ / W� \ \ 2CO2 • BLOCK 1 ALTERNAT SITE' 001 eTH1 �`- - EXISTING ABSORPTION PIT �- ------ _� MT1 • PUMPED,CRUSHED.BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED. ADJACENT LOT SEPT '• • �� \ SYSTEM IS >100' FROM MT •• ` - PROPERTY LINE 50'LONG x 5'WIDE x 4' EFFECTIVE.DEPTH - -___________ _ BSO TRENCH \ � � �� ` � —BLOCK 3 - - - - - ---� A B 2001 28.8 19.6 SV1 62.9 75.8 SV2 70.6 83.6 BLOCK 2 ~ - - - - - - - ^ - - 2002 76.6 89.5 C01 100.6 110.9 MT1 103.9 113.0 CO2 , 123.4 122.1 lieGE I MT2 124.8 123.7 f NOIN[l RING ����xx�\\ LEGEND .-,i-•"7a P 4gslli co-CLEANOUT 4g)p ,1� IF , 200-DOUBLE CLEANOUT *:49TH ,\ .*I,� PLAN AS-BUILT FCO-FOUNDATION CLEANOUT -14-. Q Ql..-J.-, / 0 50 100 DV-DIVERTER VALVE '. Michael E.Anderson : / FEET MH-MANHOLE IrOlf(''•. 4831-E .•����� 1"-50' MT-MONITORING TUBE `l�iF9F�'pCFESSIONA�. 8114'19 �s SV SEPTIC VENT \\t\"``' TH-TEST HOLE PALATERRA BLOCK 3 PERMIT # OSP191029 PID # 017-151-11 r N 0 0 (n > N0 - I- ,- 96.2 - - - - 92.2 91.5 -///,// 1250 GAL 91.3 I, SEPTIC TANK V / `''''-- 87.2 92.6 FINISH GRADE 0 g 91.3 ORIGINAL GRADE 2 0 Iil - - ir 88.6 88.6 DRAINFIELD ROCK 85.2 84.6 85.2 50' 79.3 GROUNDWATER 6/5/19 72.8 II- NOTE: DEPTH OF TRENCH WAS VERIFIED BY INSPECTIONS. MONITORING 4,..\\\‘‘ TUBES WERE PULLED UP DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DO NOT REFLECT FULL ''''' .9-tq !4(, �\,' TRENCH DEPTH. g•it.• _�'•!f,,I+, 0*: 111 49 i' •.* � PROFILE AS-BUILT • Benja n Schiller 0 ��o .. CE 12592 GE +1 •. 7_25-19... i P (NO SCALE) ‘i cvpRO8 4 Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 • 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 • (907) 343-7904 • Fax (907) 343-7997 http://www.muni.orq/Onsite Development Services Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program **** VARIANCE/WAIVER REVIEW **** Waiver#: OSV191072 COSA#: Permit#: OSP191029 PID#: 017-151-11 Legal Description: Palaterra Blk 3 Engineer: Forge engineering Your request for a waiver of the required horizontal separation from the absorption field to the decommissioned crib has been approved. The approved separation distance is 5.0 feet. This waiver approval applies to the existing absorption field only. Any future upgrade to the on- site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. Waiver is Granted: X Waiver is not Granted: Date: Approved by: Name of Reviewer **** VARIANCE/WAIVER REVIEW **** • GE ' ENGINEERING PO BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE,AK 99524 522-7773 677-7766(FAX) August 14, 2019 MOA Development Services Department On-Site Water& Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd Anchorage,AK 99507 Subject: Palaterra, Block 3—7200 DeArmoun Road Absorption Trench to Demolished Absorption Crib Dear On-Site Services Engineer: The new absorption trench was placed approximately 5' from the edge of the old Absorption Crib on the subject lot. Prior to placement of the new trench the old crib was pumped dry, crushed, backfilled in lifts and compacted with sandy in situ material. The area of the old absorption pit and underlying soils are now at or near original undisturbed condition. The pit consisted of 4' diameter perforated concrete rings with a 5' collar of silty gravel material. This material is similar to in situ material with slightly less silt and more gravel and was probably mined from another location on the lot. No drain field rock was found at or near the pit. Underlying soils on the lot are primarily sand with varying amounts of gravel and silt based on test holes recently completed. Absorption rates are typically under 5 minutes per inch. Very little horizontal migration of effluent is expected and absorption should be in a downward direction. Excavation on the lot indicated little or no migration from the existing absorption pit had occurred. We request a waiver be issued allowing the proposed and alternate absorption trenches to remain at the location shown. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. o''"'waOF 1414 u IS47 49th it* 1, __ �/ S/y/�9 MICHAEL E. AND RSON� zt at 000 c56 •S,' No.8/14/198I c '•_• o�tJ1d1I o7? SGS Ref.# 1193207001 Client Name Forge Engineering Inc. Printed Date/Time 06/21/2019 11:20 Project Name/# Palaterra B3 Collected Date/Time 06/19/2019 13:56 Client Sample ID Palaterra B3 Received Date/Time 06/19/2019 15:05 Matrix Drinking Water Technical Director Stephen C.Ede Sample Remarks: Allowable Prep Analysis Parameter Results LOQ Units Method Container ID Limits Date Date Init Waters Department Nitrate-N 4.92 0.200 mg/L SM2I 4500NO3-F A (<10) 06/19/19 EWW ti < Key (1 2of5 PLAT NO. 67-124 PALATERRA SUBDIVISION BLOCK 3 46.385 S.F. DE ARMOUN ROAD b In N 89°56'00"E 165.08' 1 , A.C. PAVING Ql O N WELL .via, . 4 EXISTING BUILDING 40.9' 51.6' ft I • �G� h 31,3' 5 eo vi 51.5' )� o. `0 4.2' 1.8 • cq- �o b 0 e- ti� gq 1.8' N J a o 0 28.8' ,i 3 • 3 ,o,•S • A.C. BELOW l A.C. PAVING O s iNs 0in �C b Y o SEPTIC SYSTEM c w O O O O U O a Z 2 • Z ao • 0-.-I M Y Q. O w Q0 O W 04 a a w Q —, a D a a t D 4.8' - 8.8' Upp£6 )�30 / ¢<owf CfOKs BUILDING DETAIL SCALE: 1"=20' • N 89°56'15"E 165.05' 0 REVISED 7/26/2019 ADDED NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM. 1 " -401 401 AS - B U I L T I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SURVEYED THE PROPERTY DEPICTED ABOVE AND THAT NO GASTALDI LAND ENCROACHMENTS EXIST EXCEPT AS INDICATED. *1111 SURVEYING. LLC IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO ♦♦ OF q� 1. JEFF A. GASTALDI. R.L.S. DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF ANY EASEMENTS, ♦ P .••� •••.QS .j 2000 E. DOWLING RD.. SUITE 8 COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS WHICH DO NOT i C O: :9•• ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99507 APPEAR ON THE RECORDED SUBDIVISION PLAT. •,*: 49TH ... * ., % PHONE 248-5454 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD ANY DATA •21- 7.• ;9;"c"tG411: GRID DATE HEREON BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OR FOR I , : c''""r'. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE :1:„- �� On-Site Water 8�Wastewater Program �on ' t : ;: I . PO Box 196650 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519 6650 Phone:(907)343 7904 Fax:(907)343 7997 r. i;:::: ' http//www.muni.orglonsite '1 cprMient ,NC On-Site Water & Wastewater System Permit Permit Number: OSP191029 Effective Date: 4/24/2019 Work Type: WellSeptic Initial Expiration Date: 4/23/2020 Tax Code Number: 01715111000 Site Legal Address: PALATERRA BLK 3 G:2939 Site Mailing Address: 7200 DE ARMOUN RD, Anchorage Owner: TORR SONS LLC Lot Size in Sq Ft: 46392 Design Engineer: FORGE ENGINEERING Total Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: El Disposal Field El Septic Tank 0 Holding Tank 0 Privy 0 Private Well 0 Water Storage All construction shall be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72)and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80) 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer shall notify the Development Services Department per AMC 15.65. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24/7). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather shall be either: a. Opened and Closed on the same day, or b. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing Special Provisions: **Well is undocumented. For the COSA, if nitrates are over 5 mg/L then camera the casing to confirm no perforations.. Received By: (.21/gitie� Date: 4/2-[llq Issued By: A.,/,‘"-1/arr Date: -1/z(/i C( MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHO ' GE 56 � � 9 �0 • ,biiiiniii.7? Community Development Department '- �� • Development Services Division '?hone`17-343-7904 a1 4 ?Tip: s. FEBFE ty -343-7997 On-Site Water & Wastewater Program . ti ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT AP', ° • ► h4' �/ 6 � g5 Parcel I.D. 017-151-11 Property owner(s) Torr Family Trust/Sam & Mary DePalatis Day phone 242-4100 Mailing address 12930 Summer Circle, Anchorage, AK 99516 Site address 7200 De Armoun Road Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) Palaterra, Block 3 Legal description (Township, Range & Section) Lot Size 46,392 Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 4 APPLICATION IS FOR: APPLICATION IS AN: TYPE OF DWELLING: (® all that apply) Absorption Field X Initial Single Family (SF) I XI X� (w/wo ADU) Septic Tank [XJ Upgrade I IDuplex (D) Holding Tank ❑ Renewal ❑ Multiple Dwellings H Privy ❑ (SF and/or D) Private Well n Water Storage THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE / WAIVER REQUEST FOR: Distance: I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable� Municipal Codes. ,...04_ k --t-1 (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: R Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: 0211 6119 Date of Payment: Receipt Number: 6fi$aq-b Receipt Number: Permit No. OSP/C/169 OSP/C/169Waiver No. Permit App_:-: ::....c:, PO BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 522.7773 ~ • GE 677-7766 (FAX) ' ENGINEERING FORGECIVIL.COM April 22, 2019 MOA Development Services, On-Site Water& Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Palaterra,Block 3 — 7200 DeArmoun Road Septic System Design (OSP191029) Dear On-Site Services Engineer: The owner of the subject lot has decided to abandon the existing septic system on the lot and construct a new system to serve the four-bedroom home. The existing septic tank will be decommissioned in accordance with Municipal Code. We are submitting this permit application for the existing well and to construct the new septic system. The attached site plan identifies the location of the home and the existing well and septic systems along with the proposed septic location and alternate site. No conflicts exist between this proposed system and any other well or septic system on this lot or adjacent lots. The ground surface on the lot slopes gently to the south at grades approximating 10%. There are no slopes greater than 25% within 50 feet downslope of either the primary or alternate site. Topographic contours are shown on the site plan indicating the grade and direction of flow. Stormwater drainage will not impact this septic system. The new trenches will be constructed parallel to the slope as much as possible. Wells on this and adjacent lots are shown. The new system will be a minimum of 100' from all wells and surface water, and more than 5' away from the septic tank. Please refer to the attached test hole logs, soils lab analysis, plan and profile pages for the septic design. If this design is followed, there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. Sincerely. .40.n. -14 4." - 04,-(-9----1 • Michael E. Anderson, PE 49th� %� MICHAEL E. ANDERSON 1 kJ at �.c� NO. CE-4381 vr sT�!. .'mss 1 •♦x.44 pR;ESwogs.* ��� •+ PALATERRA BLOCK 3 co �"I 41 k � DE ARMOUN ROAD � E�ISTING WELL III ADJA N4 LOT WELL I \ \ / _4-BDR M H E \ DECO M SSION EXISgI SEPTIC 100' WELL RAQII CO TANK R MOA CODE �� REMOVE EXTING j\ MANrLE & P P�C USH AND 4O 1,250 GALLON BACKF�IJ� XE (STING1 SEPTIC TANK SE P E PIT V2 -2c0— �_ CO LOT 1 CO N1T BLOCK DEVELOPED 5 ONG x 5' IDE x 4' TH1 FECTIV DEPTH` PUMP, CRUSH AND \ ABSORP IREIVCH BACKFILL EXISTING ADJACENT LOT SEP9aa�SEEPAGE PIT T SYSTEM IS >100' FROM PROPERTY LINE AL ATE SITE - - y - B -G&K 3 I ----------- BLOCK I I ENGINEERING NOTE: �` OF \�l NO SLOPES >25% WITHIN 50' OR SURFACE WATER WITHIN 100' OF THE LEGEND PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM CO - CLEANOUT j * . TM *+�/ 2CO - DOUBLE CLEANOUT ALL WELLS ON SURROUNDING LOTS WITH IMPACTS TO THIS FCO - FOUNDATION CLEANOUT, . y✓L �r�:: 9 j PROPERTY ARE SHOWN. NO CONFLICTS WITH WELLS OR SEPTIC DV - DIVERTER VALVE '. Michael E. Anderson : / SYSTEMS. MH - MANHOLE ��F��s•. 4831-E���� 0 50 100 MT - MONITORING TUBE (�IlF�PROFES510NP���r FEET SV -SEPTIC VENT l�\o �SoO' I"=50' TH - TEST HOLE PALATERRA, BLOCK 3 Co -=/x1 DESIGN FACTORS: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 600 GPD PEAK FLOW 5' WIDE ABSORPTION TRENCH SYSTEM PERK RATE: 1-5 MIN/IN 1,250 -GAL SEPTIC TANK APPLICATION RATE: 1.2 GPD/SF 600 GPD / 1.2 GPD/SF / 5' WIDE *.5 RED. FACTOR = 50 LF TRENCH REQUIRED (50 LF SPECIFIED) BOTTOM OF TRENCH: 7' BELOW GRADE FLOW LINE ELEVATION: 3' BELOW GRADE TOP OF TRENCH: .5'ABOVE GRADE 5 TYPICAL TRENCH SECTION (NO SCALE) RATED PVC )OWN) FIELD ROCK � sll •aj.•9 RL y�� ...................... '. Michael E. Anderson I,�'cG •. 4831-E .••c`�i �1`F�PROFESSIONP�� SOILS LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 7200 DEARMOUN RD PERFORMED FOR: TORR FAMILY TRUST DATE: 9/07/18 PROJECT No.: PARCEL ID#: 017-151-11 TECHNICIAN: J. MILLETTE DEPTH DUG ON 9/7/18 TEST HOLE 1 (feet) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 911 I:• BOH COMMENTS: GM (SANDY SILTY GRAVEL) SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO SI I E PLAN SEE SITE PLAN x IF YES n WHAT DEPTH? - L GROSS TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: 12' DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) DATE OF MONITORING: 6/5/19 P 1' OB 1 E 10 4/816 2 2 11:52/12:02 10 4/8LO4 ;. 3 12:03/12:13 10 4/816 3 4 12:14/12:24 4 4/86 46 5 12:15/12:35 10 4/816 5 ter: •. 12:36/12:46 10 4/816 416 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 911 I:• BOH COMMENTS: GM (SANDY SILTY GRAVEL) SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO SI I E PLAN SEE SITE PLAN x IF YES n WHAT DEPTH? - L GROSS TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING: 12' DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) DATE OF MONITORING: 6/5/19 P 1 E 10 4/816 410- 16 DATE READING GROSS TIME (MINUTES) NET TIME (MINUTES) DEPTH To WATER (INCHES) NET DROP (INCHES) 2/21 TEST HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TESTING: 1 11:41 /11:51 10 4/816 410- 16 2 11:52/12:02 10 4/8LO4 LO 16 3 12:03/12:13 10 4/816 46 4 12:14/12:24 10 4/86 46 5 12:15/12:35 10 4/816 416 6 12:36/12:46 10 4/816 416 PERCOLATION RATE: 2.3 (MIN/INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. --§---(INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN: 2 FT. and 3 FT. PLAT NO. 67- 124 PALATERRA SUBDIVISION BLOCK 3 46,385 S.F. DE ARMOUN ROAD b in N 89°56'00"E 165.08' A.C. PAVING 01 O n WELL �`01%I� EXISTING BUILDING 40.9' + 51.6' I Oat IiiI (c . . 51.5' o� M 31.3' - e o a.2' 1.8' r j. Qk.,' 90. .� • O a�`� O1 s SEPTIC SYSTEM O 1* A11 � h .3<21.8' CNIN A o O 3 '0, 28.8' O x `N �� A.C. BELOW A•C. PAVING O Q _ Y O sr �. ° U 0 O o z0 2 O . Q • Z - O Q TEST , v HOLE o 0 NI: Q a a a w a. a 7 4.8' � 8.8' UpofR / &/ ,/ R aF ckS BUILDING DETAIL SCALE: 1"=20' N 89°56'15"E 165.05' 1 „ _ 40' AS - B U I L T I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SURVEYED THE GASTALDI LAND PROPERTY DEPICTED ABOVE AND THAT NO SURVEYING, LLC ENCROACHMENTS EXIST EXCEPT AS INDICATED. lois 11■It IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO ��4 OF A •• JEFF A. GASTALDI, R.L.S. DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF ANY EASEMENTS, ,`p .••'''..'''••.'9 2000 E. DOWLING RD., SUITE 8 COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS WHICH DO NOT ••Co : • ')\ :sem •�� ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 APPEAR ON THE RECORDED SUBDIVISION PLAT. a• *: 49T—" �� ' PHONE 248-5454 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD ANY DATA ••.r •• • A; ''d' / GRID DATE HEREON BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OR FOR / '� ESTABLISHING BOUNDARY OR FENCE LINES. 4"--,,.. di co • Jeffery A. Goslal•. SW2939 10/11/2018 LS-6091 : i vl s- •. 10/11/2018 : �, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ALASKA . Pap•.........•'� c°` F.B. JOB NO. . r0fessionol\-o��4� 18-03 PSBLOCK3 NOTE : NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE ��,,",.* 11/20/£3 10:37~ A~CHOR~GE ~ELL ~. PU~P 1~07~43~742 p. C2 Pump Installation Log ~reel Id~ntlficatloa N amb~r ~ .~_ ..... Pinup ImstMlation Pat~: .., / / Pump Intake Depth Be ~ w Top ~f W~tl Casl~g:~,.>~ leer Pump Mat ufacturor's Name: Pump Model: ~_> / Pm~lp Size ,.~1 hp Pttless Adapter Bttrint l)ep~h: ...~ feet :'ideas Adapter Installer: Method ol'Di~in f~cltoa: Jll~.lalt,2r Name: Anchorage Pump & Well Servide ~30 F_ast ?6th AYenue Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Phone: 907-243-0740 Fax: 90?-24343742