HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN PARK ESTATES Block 5 Lots 8, 9 & 10Mountain Park Estates Block 5 Lot 8,9,10 e►ti o F ry F STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION . CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONCERTIFICATE FALAS� for PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS A. APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction or modification of 43 _•` ,'' x 1-' J_ - public water system located in Alaska, submitted in accordance with 18 AAC 80.100 Z� Jy � by 'tom =- have been reviewed and are approved. 41,r El conditionally approved (see attached conditions). BY z '' TITLE DATE -j If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. R. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract order no. or descriptive reference) Approved by Date ' _ S t Ws �}r to 1� C. APPROVAL. TO OPERATE � �4Aq,� 1-7 A 4-- The APPROVAL TO OPERATE section must be completed and signed by the Department before an r is made available to the public• y water j' ` "Vi._ }I• •CJ l f...-.rro..rRi ;'^ .y, 'y ,—.wy.-. The construction of the public water system was completed on3� - �--- (date). The system is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. TITLE nATF As -built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the De artment has confirmed the system was constructed accordinga p to theapproved plans, The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. r A -IG Z� BY TITLE i DATE I� r I ) r---- �4 DISTRIBUTION: 1. WHI TE - ENGINEER (Complete Section C} 2. YELLOW - WATER SYSTEM FILE (Complete Section C) 18-0407 (Rev. 11/83) 3. PINK - ENGINEER/MUNI-BOROUGH (Complete Section C) 4. GOLDENROD - MUNI -BOROUGH (Complete Section A) P,O. BOX4-1728 · 104E, FIREWEEE) A C 907-279-1741 AI~CHOFIAGE ALASKA 99503  20 Jan 1975 Mr. Ron Thiel~ P.E. Room 207 519 W. Eigth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99~O1 Re: Pump Test Results on well Located ir. NW corner of De Armoun Road & Alpine Drive. Test Conducted for Lee J. Streuer Pump On: 1500 hrs., 10 Jan 75 Pump Off: 1500 hrs., 11 Jan 75 ?ump Setting: 284 feet from surface Casing Depth: 286 feet Static Water Level: 2~ fe~t Average Pump Discharge: 18 G~ Pumping Level oF Water: 252 Feet Recovery Measurements: Time Recovery Water Level 1500 0 252 50 sec. 2 ft. 250 50 sec. 1 249 1 min. 1 2L~ 2 min. 1 247 5 min. ~ 246 5/4 15 min. ~ 246 1/2 24 =in.* Ft. ·Recovery msasunemm~s discontinued $ 1524 hrs., 11 Jan 75 President , :DAVID R. SHEPHARD & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineors 519 West Eighth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-8913 Mr, Rolf R. Strickland Environmental Healt~ Supervisor GAAB, Health Department 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Strickland: May 1, 1973 7 S The water system proposed for 10ts 8, 9 and l0 of Mountain Park Estates is shown on the accompanying plan. The existing system consists of a 6" cased well and 1" galvanized line to the duple~ on lot 8. The addition will.extend a 1' galvanized line buried l0 to 12 feet to a new single family res?dence on lot 9 and, at a later date, an extension on to lot 10 for another single family residence. The well data is attached to the plan from M-W Drilling. Service for the four residences on the three lots requires 1500 gallons per day. This is based on 75 gpd/person with an average of five people at each residence. To convert to a desired well yield gpm I divided by 12 hours well operation per day and 60 minutes per hour, which gives 2,08 gpm. The instantaneous well yield required is 15 gpm for the first residence, plus 5 gpm for the other three, or 30 gpm. It is estimated from the well data that the well could be pumped at 30 gpm for 2.2 minutes, but that this would never occur with the size of storage tanks used. The storage capacity in the present duplex is 80~ gallons. The new residences will have 80 gallon tanks as a minimum. 3 HP submersible pump capable of delivering 23 gpm @ 60 psi discharge from 280 foot depth is to be installed. A Reference used was Commu'Rity Water sys%em~ so~rFe Bopk by Joseph S. Ameen. Mr. Roll R, Strickland Environmental Health Supervisor May 1, 1973 Page Two Approval is hereby requested for this system. If any further information is required, feel free to contact me at 279-8913. Yours very truly~ Da~vid~R.~Shep~ard, P.E. DRS/ams Enc. cc: Kyle Cherry Lee Struer