HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 33 LT 246TI 2N R3W c. 33 Lot 246 #018-332-19 Permit Number: OSP141064 Tax Code Number: 01833219000 Work Type: WellSeptic Permit Effective Dates: April 22, 2014 On-Site Water & Wastewater System Permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road, PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-7904 Initial to April 22, 2015 Design Engineer: SPURKLAND ENGINEERING Subdivision: T12N R3W SEC 33 Site Legal Address: T12N R3W SEC 33 LT 246 G:3135 Owner/Address: SUNDSTROM PETER J 135 LEDYARD CIRCLE INDIAN AK 995401031 Site Mailing Address: Lot Size in Sq Ft: 108900 Total Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: Y Disposal Field Y Septic Tank N Holding Tank N Privy Y Private Well N Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80). 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer must notify the Development Services Department at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must either: A. Open and Close on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Special Provisions: PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: Additional test holes shall be completed at 20 feet and 40 feet down gradient from the drainfield to confirm the presence of at least 2 vertical feet of the same soil used for the drainfield's accepting soil stratum. Received By: / Date: Date: Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 · 4700 Elmore Road Anchora!qe, Alaska 99519-6650 · (907) 343-7904 · Fax (907) 343-7997 http:flwww, mu ni.orq/O nsite Development Services Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Proqram Department **** VARIANCE/WAIVER REVIEW **** Waiver#: OSP141065 COSA#: Permit#: OSP141064 PID#: 018-332-19 Legal Description: T12N R3W Section 33 Lot 246 Engineer: Spurkland Engineerin.q Applicant: Josh Sundstrom Your request for a waiver of the required 15 feet maximum width of an absorption field bed is approved. The approved width is 25.0 feet. This waiver approval applies to the proposed absorption field only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. [] The affected adjacent property owner(s) have been given a 7 day notice regarding this waiver. [] Notarized letter(s) of non-objection have been received from the owner(s) of the affected adjacent property. [] Adjacent properties are not affected by this waiver. Waiver is Granted: X Waiver is not GranteR / / Date: .('///~27,~)//~'? Approved ~ J/~. ' (~ J Name of Reviewer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Community Development Department Development Services Division On-Site Water & Wastewater Program Phone: 907-343-7904 Fax: 907-343-7997 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION Parcel I.D. 018~332-19 Property owner(s) JOSH SUNDSTROM Ma ngaddresst ..... ~,' ' ~:.'' ~ Site address ~1~;' ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 Day phone Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) T12N R3W SEC 33 LOT 246 Legal description (Township, Range & Section) Lot Size .Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 4 APPLICATION IS FOR: ([~ all that apply) Absorption Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage [] APPLICATION IS AN: Initial [] Upgrade [] Renewal [] TYPE OF DWELLING: Single Family (SF) [] (w/wo ADU) Duplex (D) [] Multiple Dwellings [] (SF and/or D) THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE I WAIVER REQUEST FOR: MAXIMUM BED WIDTH Distance: 25' I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (S~'~n,'~ure-of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Permit No. q/ah,-/ Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Waiver No. Permit App_9-1-12.doc Environmental Consulting and Design WELL & SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department On Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Ehnore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519 April 17, 2014 Subject: Septic System Installation Permit T12N R3W Sec 33 Lot 246 Ladles and Gentlemen: I am writing to request a well & septic system installation permit for the above referenced property. The proposed system will serve a 4-bedroom single-family residence. Soil logs, design calculations, a site plan, design drawings axed construction specifications are enclosed for your review. Design Calcs: Groundwater observed at a depth of 1.0 feet below ground surface (4/17/14). Soil Rating. From Test hole #2 3/20/14 69 min./in. = 0.5 gal per sq.ft./day From test hole #3 80 min/in - 0.5 gal per sq.ft/day From test hole #3.2 30 min/inch - 2.0 gal per sq.ft/day No. of Bedrooms 4 Required Area per Bedroom: 150/0.5 - 300 sq.ft. Total area required: 300 x 4 - 1200 sq.ft. System: We are proposing a 1500 gallon single pod Advantex category iii AWWTS followed by a mounded bed absorption field. The absorption field will consist of an ERS interface layer 50 feet long and 25 feet wide underneattr a 20 foot long and 15 foot wide soil absorption system consisting of 2 feet of MOA filter sand and 0.5 feet (300 sq.fl, effective) of sewer rock.. Soils: Test holes were excavated on March 20th 2014. See the attached soil logs. Groundwater was observed at 1.0 feet below- the ground surface on April 17, 2014. Ground water monitoring will continue through construction of the septic system. 203 West 15th Avenue Suite 203, Anchorage, AK 99501, Phone: (907) 279-3916 Fax: (866) 354-1597, Lspurkland~gci.net Environmental Consulting and Design Surface Water: No surface waters were observed within one hundred feet of the proposed septic system upgrade. Topography: The ground level slopes down towards the west at between a 5 % and 10% grade Waivers: a) We are requesting a waiver to use Engineered Receiving Soils (ERS) Test holes were excavated and attached. The area has high groundwater and the ERS will be used to create the necessary vertical separation. Test holes 20' and 40' downslope from the proposed site will be performed prior to the start of construction to confirm continuity of the accepting stratum. b) The proposed system will have ERS of MOA type II or IIA soil act as an interface between the in-situ soil and the soil absorption system (SAS). The ERS will be approximately 3.5' in depth and be installed in 12" lift and compacted to provide a stable base for the SAS. The infiltration area of the interface between the ERS and the in-situ soils was based on the 80 rain/inch percolation rate of test hole #2. A 2 foot thick sand layer will be added underneath the SAS to serve as an interface between the ERS and the SAS. c) The SAS is sized assuming a percolation rate of the ERS, assumed 6-15 MPI. This gives and application rate of 5 gal/day/sqft. This would necessitate 120 sq f~ of absorption area; we are oversizing our system to 300 sq fL d) ERS will also surround the SAS on all four sides and the system will be mounded with a minimum of three to one slope. The mound will be covered with 6 inches of top soil to promote vegetation gro~vth. Well: The proposed well location is the northeast corner of the property such that it doesn't interfere with neighboring septic systems. The installation of this septic system will not prevent wells and septic systems from being installed on the adjacent lots. The proposed septic system will not change the general slope of the area. Ponding and/or concentration of surface runoff will not result from this installation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 279-3916. Sincerely, L~ult~ land, P.E. Civil Engineer t~ 203 West 15 ' Avenue Suite 203, Anchorage, AK 99501, Phone: (907} 279-3916 Fax: (866) 354-1597, Lspurkland@,gci.net ~~ Environmental Consulting and Design T12N R3W Sec 33 Lot 246 Tank Buovance Force Calculations Buoyant force on empty 1250 gallon septic tank in fully saturated soils Fo = 1SOOgal x O.13368ft°/gal x 62.4lb/f l~l~c t3 = 12512 Tank Weight ~ WTanlc = 1200 lb Concrete Deadmen Dimensions: 2' x 2' x 4' = 16ft3 = 1S0 Ib/f,3 P Net Weight: 150 lb/f t3 - 62.4 Ib/ft3 = 87.6 lb/ft, Soils WDeadmen = 16 ft3 x 87.6 lb/ft3 = 1401.6 lb x 2 = 2803 lb Soils Net Weight: 60 lb/frS Minimum cover over tank = 3ft Soil over tank: Vso.(tan~) = 4.83 ft x 12 ftx 3 ft = 174 ft~ Wsou(tan~) = 174 ft3 X 60 lb/ft3 = 10440 lb Soil over Deadmen: Vsou(aeaamen) = 5.83 ftx 2 ftx 4 [t = 50.6ft3 rV!/SoiL(deadmen) ---- 50.6 ft3 X 60 lb/frS = 3038.4 lb x 2 = 6077 lb Soil displaced byAX20 pod: VsoL~(AX20) = 2.5 ft X 3.3 ft X 7.8 ft = 64.4ft~ WSoit(AX20) = 64.4 ft~ X 60 lb/£t3 = 3864 lb Total Resistive Force Fr = WTanl¢ + WDeadmev + Wsotl(tanlc) + Wsotl(deadmen) -- WSoi~(AX2O) Fr = 1200 lb + 2803 lb + 10440 lb + 6077 lb - 3864 lb = 16656 lb Safety Factor = Fr/F~ = 16656 lb/12512 lb = 1.33 203 West 15th Avenue Suite 203, Anchorage, AK 99501, Phone: (907) 279-3916 Fax: (866) 354-1597, Lspurkland~gci.net BRITT LOT 2278 LOT 227A J LOT 228 $$' ROAD EASE LOT 247 N NOTE' THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PLAT. WEU. k SEPTIC J LOCATIONS TAKEN £RO~ ON-SITE W4TER AHD WASTE WATER OEPARTI~ENT OOCUI~IENTATION. AIL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIt, IA TE. 50 100 150 SCALE~ l' = 100 FE SPUNK(AND ENGINEERING 203 W 151-H, AVENUE ANCH, AK. 99501 (907) 279-3916 TI~N ROW SEC ~$ LOT ~ JOSH SUNflSTROM 4104 ARCTIC BL VD STE 108 ANCHDRAGE AK 99503 SEPTIC SYSTEbl DESIGN DATE; APR 14 8014 SHEET; 1/3 GRID~ 3135 PERMIT # 02P141064 Piti # 018-332-19 T1£NRSWSSSL£46SC100,flWG t~ound Cofch Poinf ERS 5 [s~ ~ ~c~ ~o ~OUND ~1~ BEI INSTA~ 4-BEDRO0~ SEPTIC TOPSOI~O AND ~, INSTA~ 1500 GAL ADVAN~X CATEGORY-Ill A~S VEG~ATED ~ ERS DIMENSIONS: 50 FEET x 25 FEET QE~OVE ORGANICS - 0.5 FEET P~CE ~.5 FEET OF ~PE II OR IIA ERS SOIL IN SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTE~ OI~ENSIONS: 15 FED X 20 FEET I 2.0' ~OA FILTE~ SAND 0.5' SEPTIC R~K 2" INSU~TION COYER 2 FE~ (MIN.) J5' ROAD EASE WffEIN 50 FE~ ~FN GR~IEN~ OF THE PRO~SEO ~ NOTE: THIS fS NOT A SURVEYED P~ WE~ · SEPTIC m L~ATIONS TAKEN FROU OM-SIE WATER AND WASTE WATER ~""rT""~"~"r~""~"' DEPARTMENT DOCUMENTATION, A~ LOCA~ONS SHOWN ARE APP~XI~ATE. ~ SPURKLAND SCALD l' = 50 F~ SPURKLAND ENOINEERINO £03 ~/15TH, AVENUE ANCH, AK, 99501 (987) £79-3916 TI2N SEC LOT JOSH SUNflSTPOM 4101 ACRTIC ;~L VD STE 108, ANCHROAGE AK 99503 SEPTIC SYSTEbt DES/ON DATE; APR 18,2014 SHOED 2/4 6RID~ 3135 PERMIT # DSP141#64 PI.D # 018-332-19 TI,,2NR3tv'S33L246,SC50,flldG 4-£EDROOk~ RESIDENCE NOT TO SCALE 25' X 50' ERS Interface Area: ~ 15Da GhL ~VANTEX Cafeoony-m A~WT$ Excavation Depth Remove Organics - ~5' Wide x 50' Lon~ Place 3,5' EnoIneened Recdvin9 Soil - MOA Type II on Soil AbsorpHon STsfem ~ond ond Rock ~o be ~5' ~ide x 30' Long o~ ~' NBA Filter sand PUMP 9ASIN centered on ERS layer ~5' Septic Rock (e~ecfive) ~nd surrounded on ] 1/4' ~istnibutlon Pipin9 side by ~ ERS to be ~nsto~ied ~n 2' COVPP (~]~) ~ ~ ~ o'~ Monitor~ Monl~oms < / to insure s~ebie base ~ DS ~'~=0. I ERS Area added if needed to ~A~ORKLANg___~_ i.~ Septic t. nk tO be ~ ~5 Pt oP 2optic go~ -, ~ ~ p F~er NO SCALE SPURK~ND ENGINEERING T12N R3~ S~C 33 LOT 2~6 SEPTIC sYstEC SCHEoATIc &03 WlSCh Ave ~nchon~ge Ak 99501 JOSH SUNDSIRO~ 9ATE~ ApP 18, p014 &79-3916 4101 ApCTIC BLVD gTE lOP bNCHOPb6E AK 99503 SHEET~ 3/4 GRID: 313s pEPMIT 00gp141b64 pARCEL ID 0 018-332-19 OpNP3~g33LP46D3D~6 JIM CAP ADVANTEX AX20 POD INSULATED RISER PUMP-OUT OPTIONAL SUDE SECTION OF 6" PIPE OVER THIS CONNECTION TO PROVIDE SHEER PROTECTION- EXTEND TO BRIDGE EXCAVATION GALLON ADVANTEX TANK ISPURKLAND ENGINEERING 203 NV15'ch Ave ADchopcge Ak 99501 PE£~IT # ~JIXXX TI2N R$~ SEC $~ LOT ~4~ JOSH SUNDST£OIW 4101 A¢~70 ~LVD STE fO2 ANCHORAGE AK 9~02 SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATE: 3/31/e014 SHEET, 4/4 GRID, 3135 PARCEL ID ,¢t 018-552-19 T12NRJIqSJJL2 46-D4. D ~/G DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION ORGANICS WAS GROUNDWATER OBSERVED: NO Silt, Some grav~l (~0 I 2 $ 4 5 7 8 9 lO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH: --- AFTER MONITOMNG PERIOD: 1.5 DATE OBSERVED: .... 4/I7,Z'jL PERCOLATION TEST: FILL DATE GROSS TItlE NET TIME DISTANCE DROP 7.500 3/20 $:15 PM 0 MIN. 8.375 V2o 3:45 PY $0 I,#N. 6.4~ 1.063 8.188 .Vi0 4:15 P~ ~0 ~IN. 7.315 1.08~ '3/20 4:45 P~ 38 ~IN. 7.188 1.00 PERCOLATION RATE: 50 MIN/INCH PERC HOLE DIAMETER: $ inches TEST RUN BETWEEN 1 FT AND 2 FT 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 N SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN 18 19 NOTES: Pile SOAK PERFORMED BY: Lars Spurkland, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. SPURKLAND ENGINEERING $03 W 15TH, AVENUE ANCH. AK, 99501 (907) £79-3916 T12N R3W SEC 33 LOT 246 JOSH SUNDSTROM 4101 ARCTIC BL V~. gTE, I02, ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 SOIL LOG PERCOLATION TEST BATE: APR17 p014 6RIB #~ 3135 PERMIT # 0SP141064 PID # 018-332-19 TI£NR3WS33LP46£L#P.P,D~/6 Spurkl nd Engineering 205 W. 15tbAve. Ste. 202A Anchorage, AK 99501 TEST HOLE// DEPTH I 2 4 5 6 7 9 I0 I1 12 I$ 15 16 17 18 19 20 SOIL LOG AND PERCOLATION TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION OATE:_~_2J~_2014 ORGANICS WAS GROUNDWATER OBSERVED: Sill, Some gravel IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH: --- AFTER I~ONITORING PERIOD: '~.~ DATE OBSERVED: _____~J~/J~_ PERCOLATION TEST: FILL DATE GROSS T/bE NET T/YE DISTANCE DROP Z938 3/20 3:16 PM 0 MIN. &OW 3/20 3:46 PM 30 ~IN. 7.563 0.375 &~ ~/20 4:16 PM ~0 EIN. Z750 O. JlJ ~2~ 4:~6 P~ ~0 MIN. 7.625 0.375 PERCOLATION RATE: 80 MIN/INCH PE£C HOLE DIAMETER: 6 inches TEST RUN BEDVEEN I FT AND 2 FT SITE PLAN: N SEE AfTACHED SITE PLAN NOTES: PRE SOAK PERFORMED BY: Lar$ Spurkland, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. SPURKLAND ENGINEERING P03 ~ 15TH. AVENUE ANCH AK. 99501 6907) £79-3916 T12N R3F SEC 33 LOT 246 JOSH SUNDSTROM ~101 ARCfIC ~£ V~, STE 102, ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 SOIL LOG PERCOLATION TEST ~ATE: MARCH 27, 2014 GRID ii,; 3135 PERMIT # PID# 018-33£-19 T1PNR3WS33L246SL#2,D~/G l 2 J 4 $ 7 8 lO l! 12 15 14 15 15 17 18 2O ORGANICS Silt, Greyish, SYcky WAS GROUNDWATER OBSERVED: SEEPS IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH: 4' AFTER ldONITORING PERIOD: DATE OBSERVED: ____ $/$1/14_ PERCOLATION rESn FILL DATE GROSS TildE NET Tilde DISTANCE DROP ILXSO $/20 J:t8 Ptl 0 ~IIN. 1Z825 $/20 3:48 PM 30 NIN. 11.438 0.$15 12.J75 3/20 4:t8 P~ JO ~IN. 12.188 0.~8 ~/20 J:~ PM ~0 ~IN. 11.9~8 0,438 PERCOLATION RATE: 68.5 ldlN/INCH PERC HOLE DIAldETER: 6 inches TEST RUN BEIWEEN I Fl' AND 2 FT SITE PLAN: N SEE ATTACHED SITE PlAN NOTES: PRE SOAK PERFORldED BY: Lots Spurkland, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORldED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND ldUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. SPURKlAND ENGINEERING 203 W ISTH, AVENUE ANCH AK 99501 6907) 279-3916 T12N R3F SEC 33 LOT 246 JOSH SUNDSTROM 4101 ARCTIC BL V~, STE 102, ANCHDRAGE, AK 9950,9 SOIL LOG PERCOLATION TEST DAT£' MARCH 27, 2814 GRID #~ 3135 PERMIT # PID# 018-332-19 T12NR3h/S33L246SL#1.DW6 .., rest HO~E ~ ~ SOIL LOG AND PERCO TION TEST DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION ORGANICS WAS GROUNDWATER OBSERVED: SEEPS IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH: '~ Silt, Greyish, SYcky (uO 1 2 5 4 5 7 $ IO I1 12 15 14 1§ 16 17 AFTER MONITORING PERIOD: AT &S. DATE OBSERVED: .... __~.~gJ 4_ PERCOLATION TEST: FILL DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME D/STANCE DROP PERCOLATION RATE: PERC HOLE DIAMETER: 6 inches TEST RUN BETNEEN 1 FT AND 2 FT SITE PLAN: N SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN IB 19 NOTES: Percolofion rofe?_q~_roximofWy_Z$_O rain.Ii_ach during 4__ho_.~ur..~e_ sook. PERFORMED BY: Lors Spurklond, P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND btUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. SPURKLAND ENGINEERING 203 W 15TH. AVENUE ANCH. AK. 99501 (907) 279-3916 T12N R3F SEC 33 LOT 246 JOSH SUNDSTROM 4101 ARCTIC BL VD. PIE 102, ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 SOIL LOG PERCOLATION TEST DATE: MARCH 27, 2014 GRID #: 3135 PERMIT # PID# 018-332-19 T1PNR3~/S33L246SL#1,D~/G