HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAND LAKE #2 BLK 7 LT 4And I-oke Block 7 Lot 4A #011-137-51 FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, GOVERNOR DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM 555 CORDOVA ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 Phone: (907)269-7519 Fax: (907) 269-7650 http://www.state.ak.us/dec January23,2004 Jeffrey A. Gamess, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Lots 3, 4, & 5, Block 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2-Interim Approval to Operate an AdvanTex Treatment System and an On-site Deep Trench Type Soil Absorption System with Waivers, ADEC Project # 3132 Dear Mr. Gamess: The Department has received on January 9, 2004, your ietter which includes a copy of the maintenance agreement for the AdvanTex Treatment system serving a six bedroom duplex on Lot 4. The system consists of a new 2,500 gallon two compartment Septic Tank Effluent Pumping system with two AdvanTex AX 20 pods, and a 15 foot Ionb, ~ ~5 foot effective depth deep trench system. Although the application rate is within the limits set for the designed advanced treatment system, verification in the field by determining if the application rate can be sustained will be required to assure the design is meeting the field conditions. After one year's operation an inspection report will be required to confirm the performance of the on lot system. Waivers The existing waivers which have been granted and are as f~ll,,, .... · The separation distance between the Class C public water well located on Lot 3, Block 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2 and the AdvanTex treatment system on Lot 4 of the same block, planned to serve the duplex, has been waived from 150 feet to 100 feet. · The separation distance between the proposed private water well located m: Lot 5, Block 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2 and t;¢ ~dvanTex treatment system on lot 4 of the same block, both serving the duplex, has been waived from 100 feet to 85 feet. · The separation distance between the proposed private water well located on Lot 5, Block 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2 and the deep trench type soil absorption system on Lot 4 of this same block, and waived from 100 feet to 90 feet. The distances noted in the waivers are from your submittal. It appears that these distances are from the nearest edge of the wastewater disposal system component to the nearest edge of the noted wells. If contamination can be traced back to the system, the waivers will be invalid. Wastewater System From the information submitted, it appears that the wastewater disposal system was constructed in accordance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations and in accordance with the previously authorized waivers. Therefore, in accordance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18 AAC 72.225), interim approval is extended to allow the operation of the system for one year. The signed construction approval portion of the Construction and Operation Certificate, constituting this approval, is enclosed with a note stating that the maintenance agreement is on file. ~:. ~fi~,a.[ 91~tm.nal approval, documentation on how the~.~d~anTex umt ha~ been ~ ~.~ ~ .~1:~ ~:~ y~a~...r j:~oBe, r~ and the in place men/toting for Total ~aspended ~goi'ffi~ [ .t~emie~ Oxygen Demand, Nitrate-N, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen; and FecaI Coliform after one~ y~ar of operatioli. _) Any future expansion of the subject project will require additional approval from this office. This approval is contingent upon your receipt of any other state, federal or local authorizations which are required for your project. You are required to obtain all other necessary authorizations before proceeding with your project. You are advised that if this development will require placing fill in wetlands or working in a stream, river or lake, permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game may be required. A Coastal Projects Questionnaire will help you iden!ify other permits and approvals that may be required 5>r yom project. Any person who disagrees with this decision may request an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with 18 AAC 15.195- 18 AAC 15.340 or an informal review by the Division Director in accordance with 18 AAC 15.185. Informal review requests must be delivered to the Division Director, 555 Cordova St., Anchorage, Alaska 99501, within 15 days of the permit decision. Adjudicatory hea~ngs request.~ must bd delivered to the Commissioner of the Depa:~ment of Environmental Conservation, 410 Wiloughby Avenue, Suite 303, Juneau, Alaska 99801, within 30 days of the permit decision. If a heating is not requested within 30 days, the right to appeal is waived. Respectfully, William R. Rieth, P.E. Environmental Engineer Enclosure: As stated cc: Jamie Stazel, DW/WW, w/o enc. David Johnson, DW/WW, w/o enc. FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, GOVERNOR DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM 555 CORDOVA ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 Phone: (907 269-7519 Fax: (907) 269-7650 http://www.state.ak.us/dec/ Jeffrey A. Gamess, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B Anchorage, Alaska 99504 October 8, 2003 Lots 3, 4, & 5, Block 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2-Interim Approval to Operate an AdvanTex Treatment System and On-site Deep Trench type Soil Absorption System with Waif-ers, ADEC Prq[ect # 3132 Dear Mr. Gamess: The Department has reviewed the record drawings and supporting documentation submitted for the AdvanTex Treatment system serving a six bedroom duplex on Lot 4. The replacement system consists of a new 2,500 gallon two compartment Septic Tank Effluent Pumping system with two AdvanTex AX 20 pods, and a 15 foot long, 8.5 foot effective depth deep trench system. Although the application rate is within the l/mits set for the designed advancexl treatment system, verification in the field by determining if the application rate cm~ be sustained will be requited to assure the' design is meeting the field conditions. After one year's operation an inspection report will be required to Confirm the perform,ance of the on lot system. During construction the deep trench soil absorption system was relocated 90 feet from the source well on Lot 5 instead of the waived distance of 95 feet. Your request to reduce the previously approved separation distance alteration to the waiver has been reviewed, and it appears the waiver reqnests are protective of public health. Therefore, in accordance with the State Drinking Water Regulations (i 8 AAC 80.020), and the Wastewater Disposal Regulation (18 AAC 72.020) the following waivers are granted. The separation distance between the Class C public water well located on Lot 3, Block 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2 and the proposed AdvanTex treatment system on Lot 4 of the same block, planned to serve the duplex, has been waived from 150 feet to 100 feet. · The separation distance between the proposed private water well located on Lot 5, Block 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2 and the proposed AdvanTex treatment system on lot 4 of the same block, both serving the duplex, has been waived from 100 feet to 85 fe~t. - · . · · The separation distance between the proposed private water well located on L6t 5} Block: 7, Sand Lake Subdivision # 2 and the deep trench type soil absorption System on Lot 4 of this same block, has been changed and waived from 100 feet to 90 feet. The distances noted in the waivers are from .... n-~:++ ,- 3our ........al. ii appears that these distances are from the nearest edge of the wastewater disposal system component to the nearest edge of the noted wells. If contamination can be traced back to the system, the waivers will be invalid. Wastewater System .From the information submitted, it appears that the wastewater disposal system was constructed m accordance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations. Therefore, in accordance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations (I 8 AAC 72.225), interim approval is extended to allow the operation of the system for one year. The signed construction approval portion of the Construction and Operation Certificate, constituting this approval, is enclosed. To obtain final, operational approval, the following items will need to be submitted for review and approval by this office for this system: taocument that me old septic tank was properly pumped and decommissioned b · either being removed or filled in place. Documentation on how the AdvanTex unit will be maintained, a copy of the 2'~ agreement and what monitoring is taking place needs to be provided and kept curren~ Any future expansion of the subject project will require additional approval from this office. This approval is contingent upon your receipt of any other state, federal or local authorizations which are required for your project. You are required to obtain all other necessary authorizations before proceeding with your project. You are advised that if this development will require oPl?cing fitl in wetlands or working in a stream, river or lake, permits from the U.S. Army Corps Engineers and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game may be required. A Coastal Projects Questionnaire will help you identify other permits and approvals that may be required for your project. Any person who disagrees with this decision may request an adjudicatory hearing in · · accordance with 18 AAC 15.195- 18 AAC 15.340 or an informal review by the Division Director in accordance with 18 AAC 15.185. Informal review requests must be delivered to the Division Director, 555 Cordova St., Anchorage, Alaska 99501, within 15 days of the perm/t decision. Adjudicatory hearings requests must be delivered to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, 410 Wiloughby Avenue, Suite 303. Juneau. Alaska 99801, within 30 days of the permit decision. If a hearing is. not requested within 30 days, the right to appeal is waived. Respectfully, William R. Rieth, P.E. Environmental Engineer Enclosure: As stated cc: Jamie Stazel, DW/WW, w/o enc. David Johnson, DW/WW, w/o enc. STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS A. APPROVALTO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction or modiflcation of joOtf~ -5L ~E ~T' ~LO~t<~ t~, .~,~A~P ~Eg E._ ~5~ ~ ~f~ome~ic ~water di~osal system located ~ ~~ .......... Alas~ submi~ed ~ a~r~ce with 18 ~C 72.210 by .~ ~ ~ ~E~ h_, ~.~M~Sg2 ~..~, ~ve~enreviewed~d~e approved. conditionally approved (see attach~ conditions). If construe[ion has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. Change (eo~ntract o~rder number or descriptive reference) Approved by Date C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATF" sec" ~ eon mu.,t he completed an~ signed by the l)eparlnient before this system ~ made avadable for use. The construction of the ~ ~~ Idomestic wastewater disposal system was completed on ./~t~/t~ ~date). The system is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion As bmlt/re~ord drawings, submated to the Dapar~ment, or an inspection by the Department, has cohEn'reed that the domestic wastewam' disposal system was consmlcted in substantial conformance with the approved plans. The systom is hereby granted final approval to operate. BY 4/97) TITLE Distribution: DATE 1. White-Engineer (Complete Se, etlon G) 2. Yellow. System File (Oomplcte Section C) 3. Pi~k-Engineer Muni/Borough (Complete Section 4. Goldearod.Muni/B0rough (Complete Se~ion C) Date Received STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DOCUMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION 1. (J'ENERAL INFOR-MATION Legal DescriptiOn of the L~ocation Submitted by: r'~ Certified Installer ..SANDLAKE #2 LOT 4&5, BLOCK7 .. I~ Approved Homeowner · Registered Engineer Installer Name: Onsite Wastewater System Serves: AKWWC [] Single Family. Number of Bedrooms [Mailing Address · Duplex. Number of Bedrooms 6 5701 E. TUDOR ROAD, SUITE 101 [] Small Commercial Facility With Estimated ANCHORAGE AK, 99507 Design Flow of less than 500 GPD. II. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (SECTION II IS OPTIONAL) Source of Water and Containment (Check all that Apply) Type of Water Supply Systera Treatment of Water (Check all that Apply) · Well(D~qlledorDt~ven) F'I Surface(Identify) · SF/DupIex · None [] Chlorination F'I Roof Catchment [] Filtration [] Min~alRemoval [] Holding Tank [] Other(Identify) I"1 Public [] Other. Well Dam Isthehai[;htofthewellcasfu~merethanl2 above the ~ound. · Yes [] No Isasanita~,sealorwelleapinstalledouthewellcesin[? · Yes [] No Is dminal~e direc,ted away fi.om or amtmd the cesinl~ within a radius of 10 feet of the well easing? · Yes F'l No Is well wires enclosed in conduit? · Yes [] No Date Drilled 8/6/2005r. [Depth of Well (FeeO 297 [static Water Level (Feet) 151 Yield (Ifavaitable)~,9+ Pump Rate (If available)20+ Separation Distance Rom ~e Well Casing to each of the Following Sources of Contaminaaon Septic/Holding Tank on Lot Sewer Lines on LOt Absorption Area on Lot 885'+ Feet 25"~ Feet ggo'q' Feet Closest Septic/Holding T~nk on Adjacent Lot Closest Sewer Lines on Adjacent Lot Closest Edge of an Absorption Area on 100'+ Feet 25'+ Feet AdjacentLot '100'+ Feet indicate sepamtinn distance fi.om toxic material including fuel tanks, paints, lubricants and other On Lot , ] O'h Adjacent Lot Jea'oleum ,based materials, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides to well casing: 100 + FeetI 100'+ Feet Water Samples Taken by: (Name) , ............. Sampler is: [] Buyer · Engineer Address , 5701 E. TUDOR ROAD SUITE 101 ANCHORGAE, AK 99507 ~ Ba~ker~ [] GovernmentOffi¢ial Comments/RecOmmendations: I ~ !ertifv ti tat th~ alJo~e ififorrhation. and that orovided in Section IV. is correct: ' 'Typed/PrintedName Title ~la.';CO'", .............. ~.~d~ Date 2. ~]t pu.~,c ~t. er ~y~ m ,t receive AOEC plan approval prior to construction..gee 18 .~A C 80 State of Alaska Orinla'ng ~ater IlL WASTEWATER DISPOSAL Type of Wastewater System: LegnlDescripd°n:SANDLAKE ~2 SUBDIVlSION~ LOT 4&5, BLOCK 7 Septic Tank with Conventional Soil Absorption System rn Package Treatment Plant (requires engineered design) Holding Tank: Material Type: Size in Gallons: Manufacturer: Other - Specify Type: ADVANTEX TREATMENT SYSTEM [] Alternate Onsite (requires engineered design) Small Commercial System (<500 GPD) With Estimated Daily Wastewater Flow of: Gallons Per Day (GPD) Criteria Used to Estimate Daily Wastewater Quantity: · NEW SYSTEM [] REPAIR TO EXISTING SYSTEM [Certified Instaner Installation Notification Date: Name of Installer: AKWWC,INC. [Date Installed: 7/1 6-17/2005 System Installed: [] By a Registered Engineer · With Inspection by a Registered Engineer [] By Approged Homeowner (attach copy ofapproval lette0 [] By a Certified lnstaller/Installer Number Septic Tank: Material: Manufacturer: Size (Gallons): Number of Compartments: STEEL ORENCO 2500 2 Type of Soil Absorption System: · Deep Trench [] Shallow Trench [] Seepage Pit [] Bed [] Mound [] Other, Specify Soil Classification: SW//SP I Soil Rating: 5.0 G.P.D.f~'~ Dimensions/Size of Absorpt/on Area:2.5 gEE? WlD£/1 Grading/SizeofDistributionRock: 5//4 INCH- 2 1//2 INCH raickness/DepthofDistributionRock: 8.5 FEET Percolation Test Kesults, Attach Copy of Report: Percolation Test Performed by: AKWWC,INC. < 1 Minutes per Inch N//A Sq. ft. per bedroom percolation test results must be sealed/signed by a registered engineer, List ground cover in feet over: Septic Tank: 4'+ Absorption Area: 4'+ Sewer Pipes: 4'+ Cleanout Pipes/Caps Installed: Foundation Cleanout: YES Septic Tank: YES Mordtor Tubes: YES Indicate separation distances from septic tank or absorption area, whichever is closest to, to all nearby: Public drinking water sources within 200 feet: * 1 00'+ Private drinking water sources within 100 feet: *85' Nearest water bodies (see 18 AAC 72.020Co)): 100'+ Lot Line: 1 '+ Separation Distance from Onlot Sewer Lines to: Public Drinking Water Sources: 1 00'+ Private Sources: 25'+ Separation Distance from Bottom of Distribution Rock to: Groundwater Table: 4'+ Bedrock: 6'+ Separation Distance from Absorption Area to Slope exceeding 25%: 50'+ Comments/Recommendations: THIS IS A ADVENTEX TREATMENT SYSTEM MANUFACTORED BY ORENCO SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTED BY ANCH~IR~GE TANK & WELDING (PHONE: 272-5545) · ~* WAIVER]I I certify th ~t t~ ~o~y ~ttrmatiol [, and that provided in Section IV, is correct: Sig~ ~ature/] // / / I Typed/Printed Name Title, Reg./Celt No., Imt. No. ; Date y~,.,j~.~..~ JEFFREY Ao GARNESS, P.E:.I PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 8/12/2003 ~* /'~~~ by l Engineer, DEC staff, or ~pproved Homeowner. If enginearing seal bear. v printed natne, registrationNOT~: Mu~betn~ ~na°' ~i.~ $,~, ~ks need not be completed for engineered ~ubrnittal& ~..~,.'~.R,.g_ Engineer AS-BU T DRAWING ~ ~ ~ -'~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ \ NEIGHBORING $1:.wliC -- / MH ~125.57 24.15 ~ -- ~* _ L,~ s "' ' ' ~ ~ x / DBL4 119.38 21.68 // ~ co~ ~oo.~ ~.7~ ~ ~ ._ MT1 109.73 25.19 C02 114.97 2131 ~ / / ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 50 FO~ W~ ~IUS ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ / AI.&S~ WATER & W~TEWATER N.C.,. ~: ,~.:~4:': ~ ".~, o*ol ~a~m ~O~D, SUITE Z~ ' ~CHO~E. ~ **50a ' PHONE (*07)~*~-*170 ' F~ (*07)~a-~Za* = 20' .... SEAN ~NGTON (907) 621-2916 1 OF 2 ~E OF WORK: AS-BUILT ~R~WI~O OF NEW WELL AND SEPTIC SYSTEM AS-BUILT DRAWING 1O175+ = I00.00-~,~~t~ r~r~PJc BENCHMARK @ TOP OF ~-q888: ~1 ---~.vanor FOUNDATION WALL @ THE !_.~ I NORTHEAST CORNER OF HOUSE = 103.00 ~ ss.2s(Avo) AIWO ,~X-20 TRICKLING FILTER PODS TOP OF=T.~A~.~K AT r-FINAL ORAD£ J - ~~ LT~jI ORENCO AT INLET ~ 95.4~ - .~:2LJ[J ~/'~,l,,~lq IIIII II SCREENED I~ ~.,,, ~,'J'.J~?, 'J'J~XJ[x , JJJjJ -----.-VAULT DAm ~<' ~4: 8/1,5/2003 N.C. H. AI.. ,,SKA WATER & WASTEWATER ..-'r ~ "..~5 I~, 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD. SLI[TE 101 ~ ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 · PHONE (907)557-6179 ' FAX (907)558-52/*6 N~T,S. PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: SEAN LANGTON (~07) 261-9216 2 OF 2 SAND LAKE SUBDIVISION #2; LOTS 4 &: 5, BLOCK 7 PROFILE AS-BUILT OF NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM 0972~/2003 ~8:~ 3~3287 ~ N D~LL~N~, ~NC P~K 82 M-W Drilling, Znc. eP.O. Box l10378eAnchorage, AK 99511e eg07-345-4000 · 907-345-3287 Faxe Job No.: 03-169 Project No.: N/A Permit No, ADEC No. 3132 Groundwater Weil As-Built & Lot~ · Well Owner: Langton, 5ean · Use of Well: · Legal Description: Sand Lake Subdivision No.2t Block 7t. Lot 5 Wilcox S~et- Anchorage, Alaska Domestic Cqnstrucfion · Hole Depth: 297' ·Cttslng $1~e: ~' ·Cased To: 295,52' ·Materittl: A 53 Steel · Drill Method: Air Rov~y Perf. · Well Completion- Open end X Screen ~ Peoeora~ed Method; · Screen/Perfo_r_~d_on de~r~otlon: None · Grout Notes: (1) Sack- No. 8 bentonit~ granules · Notes: · WellDe~elopment: Method; Air surge Notes: · Static water level (SWL) 151' (~5~:~) (below) top of casing flOC). · WellyIeld te~ at 20+ gallons per mt~ute (GPM)/~ for witl~ t 00% of drawdawn (DD) from statl~ revel ($WL). · Me~hod; Air I hours · Date of completion: 06 August 2003 ·Pttmp Install: Well Log Depth in feet from top of casing. Details of formations penetrated, size of materlal~ color and hardness. q TO 2.5 Casing stickup 2.5 TO $ Top gravel 5 "~0 25 Sand: gravelly,; damp ......... 25 ..,TO 70 Sand: gravelly, dry ..... 70 TO 110 Silty sand: clayey .. 110 '..'00 130 Clay: dense, inter-bedded Sand layers ...... 130 TO 210 Silty sand: wet 210 .To 282 Silty clay: iRt. er-bedded gravel layers, wet 282_...TO 297,Water bearing.gravel TO TO TO TO ....... TO TO 7/21/2003 5:3X,/,.. ~-.A~F~ 1/L F[:LghtFax ~HSPB:1101~ll PAX ~g7)~411~7777 BK7 LT$ S°.NDLAKE #Z zJP~PBc'rJ~N: V~O~.,~ 343-L3gO Commenee or DlrneUonl ~N~): 343-7~62 Perm It O3 -852..1. Phofld, 25n.,,I 3,oo · le/mcUtm DaM 7,~:~003 ~ .: Znspector ' ' - ~en~ ~¥: A~asKa wa~eP ano was~ewa~eP uon; ~u/ ~ ~zw~; May-~u-u~ ~;wu~M; ~a~e o/~ ' ALASKA WATER & WASTE VATER ISOIL LOG - PERCOLATION TESTI LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SAND LAKE SUBDMSION ~2; LO'TS a. & .5. BLOCK 7 PERFORMED FOR: JAMIE BORING DATE: 4/'~3/'2001 ORCANICS tTEST HOLE #1I sw/sP 1 20 ~MENTS: DEPTH TO : GROUNDWATER' DATE DRY ¢/13/2001 DFC~ ~/ZO/ZOel DATE 4/t7/2001 READING PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN CLOCK TIME NET TIME (MINUTES) WATER LEVEL NET DROP READING (INCHES) <1 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. ,.,, ~" (INCHES) 5.0 FT, AND 5.5 FT. INSITU SANDY SOILS SHOULD ACT AS A SAND FILTER PERFORMED BY ALASKA WATER & WAS'TEWATER I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS CERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE: ~/l~/oj Sent By: Alaska Water and Wastewater Con; 907 338 3246; May-20-03 12:40PM; Page 9/9 ., ., ~~.~;~-- ........ ALASKA WATER & WASTF~WATER e~ . -..~0~ ........ ~ ..... CONSULTANTS, INC_, ...... LEaL DESCRI~ON: ~D ~E 5UBD~IStON~2i LO~ 4 a 5r BL~K 7 v~ o~cs IIEST HOLE ~2] '~~ DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE DRY 4/20/2001 11 DATE READING CLOCK NET TIME WATER LEVEL NET DROP TIHE (MINUTES) READING (INCHES) 4./~ 7/zorn PERCOLATION RATE <1 (MIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA, 6" (i~CHES) TEST R~ BETWEEN 5.0 FT. AND 5.5. FT. 20 .fl~ENTS: INSITU SANDY SOILS SHOU~ ACT AS A ~D FILTER PERFORMED BY ALASKA WATER &: WASTE'WATER I, JEFFREY A. GARNESS, CERTIFY THAT THIS WA~ P/ERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE: WITH ALI. STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT /1 ON THIS DATE'