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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTHBIRD S-11857Northbird 511857 ANDERSON ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 240773 ANCHOP~GE, AK 99524 522-7773 677-7766 (FAX) August31,2011 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Debbie Wockenfuss Subject: Lots 1 through 3, Northbird Subdivision, S-11857-1 Water Availability Study Dear Debbie: A new Class C Well and Water System was recently constructed to serve the proposed three lots of Northbird Subdivision. The location of the well is shown on the drawing previously submitted. This well is 348' deep with casing the entire depth. The static water level is at the surface and the well will require an artesian plug. The well log indicates the well produces in excess of 100 gallons per minute. It is my understanding the well will not be in service until after Northbird Subdivision is platted and construction on the individual lots begins. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments ANDERSON ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 622-7773 677-7766 (FAX) July 13, 2011 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Debbie Wockenfuss Su~e~: Lots 1 through 3, Northbird Subdivision, S-11857-1 Water Availability Study Dear Debbie: The proposed Northbird Subdivision is surrounded by the AWWU sewer system throughout the entire area. Lots 1 through 3 will be served by AWWU sewer. The majority of the lots in the area are served by wells that were developed many years ago. We have made an exhaustive search, but have been unable to retrieve any information either from the Municipal files or from the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). Our inventory however has revealed that the majority of the wells are artesian and provide more than sufficient water to support the houses in the area. The area surrounding the proposed subdivision is currently served by a Class C Well located on Lot 3. This well is controlled by a loosely formed homeowners association and is located on land owned by the City. The ownership of the well is currently in doubt, but maintenance is provided by the homeowners in the area. In addition, the subdivision is close to Campbell Creek to the north which may add to the recharge of the aquifer and explain the occurrence of the artesian wells in the area. We recently completed a well flow test on the Class C Well. Unfortunately we were unable to determine the depth of the well or complete a thorough inspectibn as the ownership of the well is in doubt and we were unable to obtain permission to gain entrance to the well house. The test was completed on the house currently in place on Lot 3 of proposed Northbird Subdivision. Water was allowed to run freely from the hose I~ots I - 3, Northbird Subdivision July 13, 2011 Page 2 bib connected to the plumbing and measured with a water meter over time. A copy of the field data is attached. The test was run for a period of four hours with an average flow Of 14.9 gallons per minute. It is obvious based on the methodology of the test that the well probably produces well in excess of this quantity of water. A new Class C Well and Water System will be constructed to serve the proposed three lots of Northbird Subdivision. The location of the well is shown on the attached drawing. This well will only serve the three lots in the subdivision. Our study of the wells in the area indicate this well will probably be artesian be placed to a depth of less than 200'. The well will probably be founded in loose gravel formations. No bedrock should be encountered as no evidence of bedrock was noted in the area. The production rate will approach 15 gallons per minute and be sufficient to support three four bedroom homes which will probably be constructed on the three lots in Northbird Subdivision in the future. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments Lof $ I Lof 5 i w~£.£,,. ~ · Lo~ 2 ! LoJ ~ ,i Lo~ ~ Lo~ j ~uBD. o r ! ,: 2 tt ! Lof 1 ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ;i ~ ~ ! . ,.: 0.171 0.170 0.1 "' Acres Acres Acres ~:::~;'~ ! ! ~ ":: ! ..%.~' ~ Lof 21 ~ ! ! Section 1 2 ~ .......... ~**, BRUCE SUB3. ADDN. No. 2 Lof 1 ! SEWARD ~? ~h ~-?~ I MERIDIAN, r'~'[~ WATER AVAILABILITY STL DY ~ ALASKA '~'..~--'~ ~ ! I