HomeMy WebLinkAboutELJAY LT 4Onsite File OWNER OF LAPID. _P=°t. r� g� ADDRESS ---------L eo ... WELL SITE.- �f F DATE—START DATE—ENDED ------J0__b----- 4�'-`----'q----..41.... 70 --------•----- KIND OF FORMATION: DEPTH OF' WELL __ --- --=_d-- ----- IC FROM--------0--•-------FT. ��++•�� e STATIC LEVEL OF 107ATER FT. .,9J__Q----------------------- - DRAW DOWN FT. ------•;30- ----------------------•-----------•------------- `� C_. FT. tX C3 GALS. PER HR. ------ -•----a----------------------•----------- r FTSfi'r .. ......•...... FROMI .....FT. TO--�'-'-_--------.FT.,L1--�•�---`--•-� FROM FT. TO.. FT. � �1 ff KIND OF CASING -- -----®-°-10f ............................... FROM--------0--•-------FT. ��++•�� f� TO-------411-----••-•----FT.- �� • S �' � • �� --------d ---t _ FROM_,? om• .may � l FT. TO-- z_1 ---- rs/yr FT._ZS FROM ---------- & --------- `� C_. FT. tX C3 "' -FT� kid ----tom-�---4&OM------------------------ FT. TO ------------------------ r FTSfi'r .. ......•...... FROMI .....FT. TO--�'-'-_--------.FT.,L1--�•�---`--•-� FROM FT. TO.. FT. ff le :G'% FT. TO FT------------------ -•---•-FT.-i FROM ------------------------ ........................ ------ FROM / FT. TO i FT .f'�C. 4 L€ FROM ........................ FT. TO ------------------------ FT............................... FROM FT. TO FT._C.......FROM. FT. TO FT.. t FT. ¢ FRO114--------•--_---•-•----FT. TO FT------------------------------- FROM--- "'"' ------FT. TO- ---- ------ --------- ------------------------ FROMJ ,+ ---�t..------FT. TO._,'I ,,5...__...FT.Lt� t f6M��� � " l .? ----FT. TO -------------- --------- FT..-------------------•------- MISCL. INFORMATION: 1 DRILLER'S NAME -s_J�.__. _{ L _i_yfc't t �i--------------------------- os, R P�l��c'� E I J��� I r A (C �rrent) l To House ELJAY SUBDIVISION LOT 4 Outfall Cover Pressure Tank 1'T High Level Alarm Control Panel Concrete Slab Sump Pump 2 49th; LOT 4 WELL HOUSE .........................................ttSS--... 's •Michael E. Andaman. i (NO SCALE) d,�; No. CE4381 r; 1.5' 11' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEP^RT,,ENT OF HE^LTH AND HUMAN SERV,CES O FO -- ? I -- 03 Environmental Health Division 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name DISTANCES L-. ~--L--~or-~ ~ ~X~ ~ ~~ ~ SEPTIC ABSORPTION WELL ~u~ TANK FIELD Phone(s) Permit NO. No. of ~oo~ WELL ~ ~ ~ LEGAL DE6CRIPTION ~. A FOUNDATION ~/ t~' T~wnship, Range, Section AS-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location of well, septic system, propeAy lines, foundation, ~ ) ~ ~ ~. ~ driveway, water bodies, etc.) m .KS / - N SEPTIC ~ HOLDING / - XCr Manufacturer Capacity in oa,lo~s .. * ~ ~ ~, ~ I Material ; No. of Compa~ments TYPE OF SYSTEM ~' .~ '~ I ~RENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER ~ ~ { ~ Depth to pipe bottom from Total depth from original grade ./ ' ~ original grade ~ FT ~ ~ FT ~ t J~ Fill added above original oracle ~ravel depth beneath pipe ~ ~ FT ~ FT Gravel length Bravel width ~ ~ FT ~ ET' ~~ t ~ ~ ~~ // Total absorption area ~g ET Distance between lines ~,-,/~ F] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ....... ~' '~ ~umber of lines Soil rating Pipe material installer ~ ~ ~: ~(~ Date Installed WELLS ~ ~ '. ~IVATE ~ OTHER {Identifv) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Classification (A,B,C) Total Depth ~ ~1 ~ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~  Cased to ~ Installer Date Installed: ~ ~ ~ ~ Scale: ~ ~. '~ ENGINEER'S SEAL ~n~p~tio.~ .e,or~U by: 5 & S ENGINEERING ' I ..... CO 'l, thal,h' ,nspe.ion was ( ~~~: ~.: 17034 Eagle .,..r ~ -vaa .0. Z~ ~.~ ~ ~ pe,ormed according to all '~ ~'~~"r Health Depailr,~e~t Approval:~' Date: ~ ~0~[~~ 72-013 (3/85) I~,'":":::; L Street ~ Anchorac e, Alaska 9950 1 343....472() Date Issued: "z~,.:;'"~:~,',;~,..,:, Eng:i. neer Desic~tr]ed. []wr'~er Name: I ..... VERNON/BILL. IE J. MOORE '~ ') ...... I~.I. VtER ROAD Owr'ler'Ach:tlr'ess: ,: .Eh,dj IEAGI,..,E ..... EAGLE I:R:[MER, Al< 99577 D a y P h on e = F::'a r ct:,?: 1 I d: 05(),,.,.97 :t....,.():]!; Lot L,,e:gal~ Subc:liv:i, sic~r'~, ELJ~¥ I.,.ot: TR A E.)~ock= N/A Section~ 17 Township~ 14N Range= 1W Lot Size 15.22A (sq. F'L,, or acres) Max Bedl"oc~ms~ 'l'h:i.s Per'mit: ;3 Total Cal:)ac::bt.y= 3 ...d...,i: t ,1. C TANK ~ M i n ti. mum it, o't..a 1 s6'~i::rL i c t an I< (::: apac:: i ty: 1 ~ C ()C) (:ti a 11 on s. Each sept i ct: t,~d"ll.:: ~llu. st l")ave ~:~'[. ].east PERM I T IE X P ]: RES DEE',Iii!:MBIEF~'. 31, :1. 989 ,, ENGII\IEEI::i MUST F:~E]::'Cff:~I' ]ST AND 2ND INSPECTIC)NS BY CAL. LING 343"'"4744 OR 343-4~8:1.. I:::'RC)F::'ERI..Y ABANDON GI::d.:,YMAf'IER SYS'T'EM AND []I.,..D CRIB. t CERT.[F::'Y THA'I": :1.,, I am {am:i. liar' ~i'Lh the rectu:i.r'emen'Ls Fo)r, On-s;:i. te sewer's and wells as set I:'c::,r"Lh by the Mur'~:[c::i. pal:i, ty c:,[' AnchoPage (MI]A) and the State o[' Ala~q.::a. 2.. Z 44. 1 ]. :i.r'istal 1 the sysi:.em in accordanc:e"~itl'~ al. 1 M1]A c:ode~s and '~;¢~Lt~:i~'~'l:.:i. or'ls~ and in comp ]. ianc:e wJ.i:,h 'f.J'al~e de:,sigr~ cr J. teP ia (::)[' tt, h :J.s l:)6erm:L'E ,, 3,, I wil3. 8dl'~ere 'Lo all MOb and State oF ¢.~l,~a[il.::a requ:Lcemer'rLs {of the set. back d J.s'LaFic:es F r'om any ex ist:i, ng wel ]. :, was'LeWa'LeP d :Ls;i:)osa]. system of pul:) ]. ti.c: ~s6?wer"a{:)je sy!c4i'..eFti on this ]: I...tf"ideF.!ii'l:.arld that tl"~is [:er'mit is va].J.d /f'oP a ma>(:i, mt..ull c:)F :3 []edr'c)oms. I aJ. so unch.?rsi'..arid that the capac:i, ty oF the total sysi:.ern is :::,~; I:)edrc)c]ms and any enlar'gemer'it ~i].Z requ:i, re art add:i.'Lic~rlal per'tfl:Lt,, ,," ..... .... 6x :, ............................. ............ S :i, g n ecl: ~,: (Owner' ~ t~EI:~,IOt',t/[.~_L~:E J ,, MOORE Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 3 4 5 6 9 DATE PERFORI Township, Range, Section; ///_./Z/L/)/° //./t.)./' / '7 SLOPE SITKE PLAN ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p Depth to Water After/J~/,~ Monitoring? ~ ~ ,7 Date: '"G ro~ Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND ~-~ FT PERFORMED BY: L~~ECT ON THIS DATE CERTIFY THAT ~HIS TEST)/VAS/~ PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDE . DATE: //~' '~/~ ~ 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) tntA wear cap. (w) April 1%6 U. S. DEPT, Or THE INTERIOR MASTER CARD Bate _ LatItude: c -ion Local MIT number• Rel l Be. _! 1 •>/- / -� 7 — _ WELL SCHEDULE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER RESOURCES DIVISION ,Ceeaded on 4zo-r-.�/ fhedo ,yRr�l 7-5/ �t.s ae mu r: o�naie•A/�R�pt,4-- -_ Owner or name: �iiFi:d�1eT iT''r[T1�/%r �'rd n °1 c' Z r ) (ORl n 11 Address: Ownership: Cc (C red" Cf['y, Cerp (or Cc, P (p te, Scsea A{ney, Natir)DLt % r� (A7 (S) -(C) . (D) CE) YP) (n (I) (lo (N) (P) (R) P Vs* of Air cand, Eoetiing, Ca.s, Devater, Paver, Pire, �, Irr, lad, Ind, P R, EAC, vacar; (S) (T) (U) .. Stock, IM tit, .Unused, Rapsunra, 7,charS4, DOae1-P R, DesalTrther. Other ee� Use of (A) (D) Anode, Drain, Ssi mi ,Beat Ras, Obs. 011-;u, sachets" Test, Doused, Nit(Rraw, waste, pato`oyed DATA AVAILASLS: Well ( data(_." Pres. VA ts..; - �6'- weField souLFar char. °c❑ Hvd. lab. data: - - - 't❑ qual. rater data;•cvpe: ,.� Pref. damollne; -1 1 Yes I�ra_J PwParw imentorv• M, Period: ,ya Aperture cards:_ yet 'tQ Wes data: WEL C -DESCRIPTION CARD BAMS AS ON MASTER CARD Depth Mil: //10 Maas..: p N Ft rept (flits ca d• C s accuracy ft s 1 - a int--•�-� (( (!)) )is )) eves: tom' i,,: Dim. Finish: potous Sradel v. stavii pp hods. (D) (P) CS) T) (y) (E) _ �PP"'�p"• cotacnu, (Perf.) , (screen} Sallary, dn2n Perf., screen, eo, p,., shored, Rgti, ($) method ( ' ) P�� test Drilled: air berdd, c763a, duj, pyd jetted, air reverse trenching, dt�dn, drive rot, /mss! rot., _ Percussion, rotary, rash, 6JpJ Date / % J� �--- � rs PIaPD intake settl..e; ft ' Driller: . - Lift (A) (S) (C)n (7 , (L) (M) a reds C • air, bucket, ewltiPle, nu101y1a, (w) (P) (R) (S) (T), (R) Dnp (cent.) (curb.) nope, Piston, rot, subwa s, cur6b other E:�,I Pyr oat LP Shallow 40 (type): diesel, Ie SM, Saeeline, hand, Sea, rled; 1U, _ V TFR6e. er �__ or m. DascrlP. NP-�' above ft, bsIwLSD . Alt. NP Alt. LSD: /-3D - r , ,Q Accuru mater. n/ L.iiJ� source `� 'f' +`n .r{ L • s L; ��e above above ft below !4i 9t balew 16D Accuracy: all i *to ° L, LJ =_n: - 19S r d '3' . ss yield:: 7 .� r : a Method dlCexmlMd q� ➢rndav°' ft '. � Accuracry; "' in a DALITY oP O!' '� s,hra sy,�,�rt NA76R DATA: Iron 1 / isulfats �`j •'b Ab TPM- ---7T' Chloride 1 i std F -7t� Conduct QD R x . L�1. Taw, O Dtipff— r yQ/. QD� One > ink IU\ IR d 1