HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 9H LT 11ARabbit Creek View & Heights Block 9H Lot 11,4 & 12A #020-581-27 No As -Built. Jeff Garness states the holding tank is installed per the permit. P GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. uMWLTAWM a GENERAL C0WMAC70Rs August 16, 2004 State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Health Wastewater Program 555 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attu: Bill P ieth, P.E. Subject: ADEC Project 3372, Holding Tank Documentation for Lots 11 & 12, Blit 9; Rabbit Creek heights S/D To whom it may concern: During a reeent audit of our files we found that we bad not subinitted the documentation for a holding tank that was installed on the referenced property. The holding tank has been is operation since August of 2000 and there has been no known problem with the installation and operation of the holding tank We apologize for the delay in that submittal of the documentation and wapectiuliy quest an "Approval to Operate" be issued for the referenced property. 'thank you for your assistance and consideration in this matter. jJe et p„Ar 370.1 s Tudor Road, Suite 101 " Anchorage, AK 9950' ?'^• ' ;; 33? -x ?9 "Fax: (9rM 333-324A * W-bai+.e: ;s�ssengiae_-sink ecxn O STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DOCUMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION LOT 11 t 12. BLOCK 9; RABBIT CREEK HEIGHTS S/D ❑. Certified Installer ❑ Approved Homeowner ■ Registered Engineer insmiler ' ED IJCVEAGH Onsite Wastewater System Serves: ❑ Single Family. Number of Bedrooms ■ Duplex. Number of Bedrooms 3 p Small Cemmenial Facility With Estimated Design FLOW of lea dura Soo OPD. Mailing Address P.O. BOX 11137$ ANCHORAGE, AK 99511-1376 11. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SECTION B IS OPTIONAL afwet =Covin Q heeksdamA*1y) ❑ Swf=tNmq& ❑ S ❑❑ _AifmolJfiDrixw) Typofwsplr Sym Min otter(mom) ❑ Avidin y) m1 ❑Iaofwxw(CheMkk8s9 N aemW No= ❑ CNri F-tsaft --D- ❑ CWer I e. wr„s.....ww;..,.,,.a,aw i / ❑ Ya ❑ No I ❑ Buyer 0 Et,Bioec ❑ Bmkr ❑ C.ovavm®t OtBcial r _ w I atinn, qr4 that mm4ded in Sagrion TV. is 3: nmtve !YpedMnrdW Nom We ate t\ J£fiREY A G8RNE55, F: PROFESSIONAL ENG:Nes'R $j16/20M Nae: P. union rhoWdhe srgnedbya Cer4ja6lmmilaz.P.geaiolm7Crytiroa,DECaa%z or OwmrlBWlder 2water=, rysrene axvr�esreADG�CP+vv apprwapwmrnsmsstmn See /SRRC8pStae�AlaeinD.ciFing WGo 'AHeA]I epee=c rmymowas. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL I -a D iPdm .LOTS 3 9 k l � �!( 9. RAWC CREEK HEIGNTB S rpe oPwm—ftwaer Symm: © Septic Tank wilt Conventional Soil Absorption bystan - p Package Treatment Plant (requires angutound design) STEEL Stu in Gallas: 40QG Manulctt¢er• ANCHORAGE A Holding Tank: Material Type: _ - (3 Other. Specify Typo: p Alustru a Onsite (requires engineered design) p Small Commercial System (<590 OPD) With Estimated Daily Wastewater Plow of: GaEoos Per Day (OPD) Criteria Used to Estimate Daffy Watewator Quantity: NEW SYSTEM - O REPAIR TO EXISTING SYSTEM Certified Insalier ltmWittion Notification Date: ams aPhttalkrr (Date Instaled: 8/31 J2000 ram Installed: p By a Registered Eagineer - ■ With inspection by a Registered Engineer p - By Approved HDMDowner ( cwy of appmval ietta') p By a Certified lnsWledlnstallerNurnber We —Tank- - Mattafectorer: Siu{Clalicng): Number of Corapattrattta: BTEEI ANCHORAGE TANK 1000 rye ofSW Absorption System - G Daap Tmteb 0 Shallow Trmcb a Seepage Pit p iced C3 Mpmd G Odor. specify W a.lasaificuim MIA Soil R,3tlttg: A 33imataiatslsim of Ab�tian Arew NLA and n*Size of Distribution Rade: N/A - ThiektcesdDgttit af'Ditnbtuim Roeit: KLA rcolation Tet Resubs. Attach Copy of Repo m Paedation Tot Perfomx Eby: e mp.mmtion diaBn.:-. Prem septic tank or absorption area, whichever is closest to, to all nearby: - drinking water seutces within 200 Past: 2_ - Private drinking water sources within 100 feet: low+ ,water bodies (am ISAAC -72.9 )1- 900'4- Lot Line: 90'+-- - - tim Distance from On1ot Sewer Lino xo: Public Otittkin6 Water Sources: 9 (0'+ Private Sources: -2V+ - - don Diaunte Som Bohan of Ditrihmon Rock to: Groundwater Table: N/A Bedrock: N/A don Distance fmm Absoupstm Amato Slope exettdang 25% Sit'+ CONCRETE BALI,STS WERE PLACED (3ii�K-WITH-STEEL--CAi3�-SECURED OVER-- _ N NO FLOATATION P C TANK HAS BEEN IN OPERATION FOR 3+ YEARS W111 OWNER HAS TANK FED REO L EY BY A LOCAALDCERTIFIED MEETS MPU.E . THECODTANK ISAN EME APPROVED TANK BY BOTH STATE MUG that abo an atim, arov ed m is correct: YY9 7"nN. aecactNo. lost. No. flax JEFFREY A. C VOIS. P.E. PROFESSIONNAL. ENGaHm 8J1$JJOG4 .mar rr���waore+�a�,•vrr.��r+t�,arx�.er.. r.a.wda.ann.�e.,v,. ucrs.enJa:igm$rl»mbTockacedaot&conp'nrdbreegamdadsWva. ,y Regv+eredProjasmrwl - u fer'�r.et,aax�� tiro AS -BUILT DRAWING \ \ r—N/HOLDING CN_'O }. c R ✓ NEW \ •(\ \ WELL \ \ \ e \ NO LOCATION IS / \ r APPROXIMATE \� Dw,INAcg orzcH _ - (!VA1iR / OVy NG -- — (APPROX. LOCATION)- — F COt-""7842 80.07 CO2 -1120092.98 T1 1_22.12 103.02 ALARM 130.70 111.33 5T2 139.48 120.00 DATE: $ 8/15/2004 SCC �T q �p - DRAWN BY:�� �! 7� C.J.G./J.L.M. G•�RNESS ENGINEERING G€�GL'P, Ltd. �E: �4 I v*dq� CONSULTANTS & GENERAL CONTRACTORS +� T �' 1 n _ 40' � . 37G _ uCOn ROA SUITE ANC9CRAG€. Ad 99507 • P40NE'907).li -31,9' FA%:90T..._8 PREPARED FORT Pnum NUMBER:. - AGE tiU4BER: y",�� ,..r ...... ... ED MCYEAGH (907) 333-9585 OF 1'!J f fjrier G mess: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: "'9$3 D ABBiT CREEK HE3GHTS SUBDIVISION; LOT 11, BLOCK 91 � I)� ® ........ ....... ' q``Q� � I.aEAS-BUILT DRAWING OF HOLDING TANK �_ _ ... .. TONY KNOWLE4 GOVERNOR INEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF ENVIRONM &NTAL HEALTH DRINKLNG WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM 555 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE„ AK 99501 httpJ/wwwstate.ak.usiderAwme/htm Jeffrey A. Gayness, RE Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants, Inc. 7320 East Chester Heights Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Telephone: (907) 269-76% Fax: (907) 269-7650 November 17, 1998 Subject: Lots I l & 12, Block 9, Rabbit Creek heights Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska, Domestic Wastewater System (Holding tank) and Class `C' Public Water System, ADEC Project Number 372, Plan Review Dear Mfr. Gamess: Tbank you for providing more information on October 22, and November 13, 1998 to address the concerns we discussed in our telephone conversations. I have reviewed your October 5, 1998 submittal, and the additional information you submitted regarding a domestic wastewater system, consisting of a 400 gallon holding tank and sewer service lines, and a Class `C' public water system source well for a proposed three-bedroom duplex in the Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision. Based on this review. I have the following comments. Wastewater From the subnfitte3 information and our telephone conversations, it appears that the planned system .will- meet State Wastewater Disposal Regulations and guidelines. Based on the soil condition, from the photographs and written documentation you submitted, the use of a subsurface domestic wastewater disposal system is precluded. The 4000 -gallon capacity, of the holding tank, will meet the volume of wastewater produced without modifications. Therefore, the proposed system to serve the proposed three-bedroom duplex located on .. ., - _ ____—_ _r.,.:- xi..__-....,.,,, A r'nnifirate constitutng this approval, is enclosed. Therefore, subject to the following requirements, the construction plans for the proposed wastewater disposal system are approved, in accordance with 18 AAC 72, Wastewater Disposal Regulations: 1. The holding tank must be secured against flotation due to the high water table conditions. Calculations for ballast must be included with as -built drawings. 2. Verification that the property owner has obtained a�maimenance contract must be submitted. The contract is to be with a pumping service that will routinely pump the system so that overflow will not occur. 3. The holding tank inust be equipped with an approved high water level alarm, which registers beth visually and audibly inside the dweliina, The alarm must be positioned to allow at least 11 lunars per bedm om of additional storage. Jeff Garners, P.E. November 17, 1998 4. The holding tank must conform to the corrosion prevention standards for septic tanks under the Unifortn Plumbing Code. 5. The holding tank must have a six-inch diameter standpipe with an airtight cap to provide pumping access. The standpipe must extend at least 12 inches above the surface of the ground. 6. Complete as -built drawings (plan and profile view) of the wastewater system will need to be submitted to the Department under the stamp of a P.E. The submitted as -built drawings will need to verify placement of all components of the wastewater system. The as -built drawings will treed to verify horizontal separation distances. I am also recommending the tank be installed in an area that is readily accessible to a pump truck at all times and where overflow during operation, or spillage during pumping, will not create a health hazard. The access site for the pump truck should not be more than 100 feet from the holding tank. The elevation of the site must not be more than 11 feet higher than the bottom of the holding tank. ,ni Water I have reviewed the submitted information for the proposed Class 'C' Public Water System located on the above referenced property. Based on the submitted information and your telephone conversations with this office the proposed Class `C' Public Water System Source Well appears to be in compliance with 18 AAC 80, State Drinking Water Regulations. A Construction Certificate for the installation of the proposed source well, constituting this approval, is enclosed. Before water can be provided to the public, items (highlighted) in the enclosed "Plan Anoroval Checklist for E Plans Class C Public Water System" will need to be addressed. 1 These approvals dal not imply he granting of any additional authoriza ions; nor obligatany stats,=Federal; or — local regulatory body to grant required authorizations. The State Drinking Water and Wastewater Disposal Regulations require fees for plan reviews. The fee required for this project is $445.50. The fee invoices (Invoice # 203106 and # 120023) listing all charges and Thank you for your coordination with this Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. erely, Keven K Kleweno, P.E. Environmental Engineer Enclosures: As Stated Cc: Jim Cross, P.E. MOA13sMiS who enclosures YOF T} a ALxt` STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE A. APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT for PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS Plans for the construction or modification of 1,J /d 4-11 4 / 17C -k q I 6, i; _I rafS P e:`Ah f3 �Lt bt�iy`S, LVt public water system located in A fl c-4 6 rA (a c Alaska, submitted In accordance with t8 AAC 80.700 W by 4596 r%dna {j2 —4 t have been reviewed and are ❑ approved. xconditionally approved (see attached conditions). See =�f e 5J��a. .. TITLE �lrs TITLE DA if construction has not startad within two years of the approval date, this certl#icate Is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. B. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract *rear no. or aexrlptive reference) Approved by Date C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must Is made available to the public. The construction of the public water system was completed -or —(date). The system- is -hereby - W ranted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. By m�e As -built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department, has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. - DATE DISTRIBUTION: t. WHITE - ENGINEER (Complete Section C) 2. YELLOW - WATER SYSTEM FRE (Complete Sectlen C3 :3. rlNe(• ENGiNEEiv'biUNi-dCROiiGh Ao,igica met en Cj i. GCLOENROC MUNI-3CRCUGH (CemPMt9 Eecaon A) ECFiIV TONY KNOWLE$, (30VERNOF~ ECEIVED DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM 555 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE; AK 99501 http://www.st ate.ak.us/dee/home/htm NOV '18 ~998 MunrcipalJty of Anchorage Oept. Health & Human 8ervice~ Telephone: (907) 269-7696 Fax: (907) 269-7650 Jeffrey A. Gamess, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants, Inc. 7320 East Chester Heights Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 November 17, 1998 Subject: Lots 11 & 12, Block 9, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska, Domestic Wastewater System (Holding tank) and Class 'C' Public Water System, ADEC Project Number 372, Plan Review Dear Mr. Garness: Thank you for providing more information on October 22, and November 16, 1998 to address the concerns we discussed in our telephone conversations. I have reviewed your October 5, 1998 submittal, and the additional information you submitted regarding a domestic wastewater system, consisting of a 4000 gallon holding tank and sewer service lines, and a Class 'C' public water system source well for a proposed three-bedroom duplex in the Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision. Based on this review, I have the following comments. Wastewater From the submitted information and our telephone conversations, it appears that the planned system will meet State Wastewater Disposal Regulations and guidelines. Based on the soil condition, from the photographs and written documentation you submitted, the use of a subsurface domestic wastewater disposal system is precluded. The 4000-gallon capacity, of the holding tank, will meet the volume of wastewater produced without modifications. Therefore, the proposed system to serve the proposed three-bedroom duplex located on the above-referenced property is approved for the concerns of this Department. A Consmaction Certificate, constituting this approval, is enclosed. Therefore, subject to the following requirements, the construction plans for the proposed wastewater disposal system are approved, in accordance with 18 AAC 72, Wastewater Disposal Regulations: The holding tank must be secured against flotation due to the high water table conditions. Calculations for ballast must be included with as-built drawings. Verification that the property owner has obtained a maintenance contract must be submitted. The contract is to be with a pumping service that will routinely pump the system so that overflow will not occur. The holding tank'must be equipped with an approved high water level alarm, which registers both visually and audibly inside the dwelling. The alarm must be positioned to allow at least 150 gallons per bedroom of additional storage. JeffGarness, P.E. 2 November 17, 1998 The holding tank must conform to the corrosion prevention standards for septic tanks under the Uniform Plumbing Code. The holding tank must have a six-inch diameter standpipe with an airtight cap to provide pumping access. The standpipe must extend at least 12 inches above the surface of the ground. Complete as-built drawings (plan and profile view) of the wastewater system will need to be submitted to the Department under the stamp of a P.E. The submitted as-built drawings will need to verify placement of all components of the wastewater system. The as-built drawings will need to verify horizontal separation distances. I am also recommending the tank be installed in an area that is readily accessible to a pump track at all times and where overflow during operation, or spillage during pumping, will'not create a health hazard. The access site for the pump truck should not be more than 100 feet from the holding tank. The elevation of the site must not be more than 11 feet higher than the bottom of the holding tank. Drinking Water I have reviewed the submitted information for the proposed Class 'C' Public Water System located on the above referenced property. Based on the submitted information and your telephone conversations with this office the proposed Class 'C' Public Water System Soume Well appears to be in compliance with 18 AAC 80, State Drinking Water Regulations. A Construction Certificate for the installation of the proposed source well, constituting this approval, is enclosed. Before water can be provided to the public, items (highlighted) in the enclosed "Plan Annroval Checklist for Engineering Plans, Class C Public Water System" will need to be addressed. These approvals do not imply the granting of any additional authorizations, nor obligate any state, federal, or local regulatory body to grant required authorizations. The State Drinking Water and Wastewater Disposal Regulations require fees for plan reviews. The fee required for this project is $445.50. The fee invoices (Invoice # 203106 and # 120023) listing all charges and fee reductions are enclosed. Please submit fee payment to this office. Thank you for your coordination with this Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enclosures: As Stated Cc: Jim Cross, P.E. MOA/DHHS w/o enclosures f,~,,~.,._erely, . Keven K Kleweno, P.E. Environmental Engineer