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TISN RIW c31 $W4 $W4 NW4 $W4 #051-351-01 Municipality of Anchorage On -Site Water and Wastewater Section • (907) 343-7904 Page 1 of 1 ON-SITE WASTEWATER INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number: OSP 161093 PID Number: 051 351 01 Dwelling: ❑ Single Family (SF) ❑ with ADU ❑ Duplex (D) ❑ Two Single Family Project: ❑ New ❑ Upgrade Name MILLER INVESTMENTS ABSORPTION FIELD ❑ Deep Trench ❑ Wide Trench ❑ Bed ❑ Mound Site Address 18518 ELDORA DR ❑ Other Phone Number of Bedrooms Soil Rating depth from original grade 6 6 GPD/SF JTotal 7 Ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Depth to pipe invert from original grade 51 Gravel depth beneath pipe Subdivision Block Lot SW4SW4NW4SW4 Ft.2 Ft. Fill added above original grade VARIES Ft. Gravel length 50 Ft. Township Range Section 15N 1 W 31 Gravel width 5 Ft. Beds: Number of Lines - Distance between lines Ft. SEPARATION DISTANCES To Septic Absorption Lift Station Holding Sewer Total absorption area Number of trenches Dist. between trenches From Tank Field Tank Line 357 Ft2I 1 0 Ft. Well .+.100 +100 - _ +25 TANK ❑ Septic ❑ S.T.E.P. ❑ Holding Nil Other Manufacturer ANCHORAGE TANK Capacity 3000 Gal. Surface water +50 +100 - _ Material Number of compartments Lot Line +5 +10 - - NA STEEL 2 Foundation +10 +10 LIFT STATION Manufacturer Capacity Remarks ADVANTEX SYSTEM - _ Gal. OLD TANK DEMOLISHED PER CODE Alarm location Electrical installed by Installer PIPE MATERIAL House to tank 3034Tank to3034 drainfield GUARANTEED SVCS Drainfield 3034 CO/MT3034 Inspector C.BALZARINI BENCH MARK (Assumed elevation)+100 ft Inspection est Location and description dates: 2nd aro 4th porch stairs ON-SITE WATER AND WASTEWATER SECTION APPROVAL Engineer's Stamp Conditional Approval: gsl�$ AL,law Date �tG �?F *� t Septic System Approved Il Q `ii(' (� � Date q In �a� CHARLES G BALZAR1141 �� �'•• CE.13854 ••`�/'� •. •'��® r�j��s� e ��F�F�pROf Note: this approval does not include well permit requirements. ESStONAL..�,.'°°r %.v v LINE INSULATED UNDER - DRIVEWAY NEW ADVANTEX SYSTEM WITH 3000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK. m `,q TH .... ..... ....... CHARLES G BALZARINt CE -13854 FEDORA DRIVE �kI , OPROFESVO da , I D d ° < DRIVEWAY' ` .' d Q q v d a , a a g v v , va m <q a v v < A a v d v < d ® m y v a y v ® d d + y (2)a ADVANTEX AX -20.\ A- FJLTERa.POQSd < d , a \• . d DECK " • m < = vq a a m A a a< --� q _w ll do it y4 _—---' EXISTING + a 6 BR o DUPLEX o LEGEND m 0 z Y — SCALE: L" o CLEANOUT o MONITOR TUBE ® TEST HOLE 99.4 — 102 MONITOR TUBE LUE BOARD INSULA110 +100.0' DECK STAIR FILTER FABRIC INISHED GRADE TESTHOLE 1 99 .7-\ I I COVEOVE)R 101.9' ORIG. GRADE C 94 96.9 INVERT 94.9 NO GWT 3000 GAL ADVANTEX TANK 4"0 DISTRIBUTION PIPE ON 4/15/16 POD NOT SHOWN 2' EFFECTIVE SEWER ROCK L95.5 SCHEMATIC ELEVATION — SCALE: NTS 1 88.9 (BOH) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N R1 W SEC31 SW4SW4NW4SW4 C&M ENGINEERING SERVICES OWNER: MILLER 0/28/181 REV: DRAWN: CB REF: 907-854-5558 SEPTIC RECORD DRAWING Permit Number: Tax Code Number: Work Type: On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit OSP161093 05135101000 Septic MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road, PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-7904 Upgrade Permit Effective Dates: June 08, 2016 to June 08, 2017 Design Engineer: C & M Engineering Subdivision: T15N R1W SEC 31 Site Legal Address: T15N R1W SEC 31 SW4SW4NW4SW4 G:0454 Owner/Address: MILLER INVESTMENT TRUST MILLER W H JR & B J/TRUSTEES PO BOX 870151 WASILLA AK 996870151 Site Mailing Address: 18518 ELDORA DR, Eagle River Lot Size in Sq Ft: 122839 Total Bedrooms: 6 This permit is for the construction of: Y Disposal Field Y SepticTank N Holding Tank N Privy N Private Well N Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80). 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer must notify the Development Services Department at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must either: A. Open and Close on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Date: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Community Development Department Development Services Division On-Site Water & Wastewater Program Phone: 907-343-7904 Fax:907-343-7997 ON-SITE SEWEPJVVELL PERMIT APPLICATION Parcel I.D. 051-351-01 Property owner(s) Miller investments / Bill Miller Mailing address 18518 eldora drive Day phone 907-232-5594 Site address 1851 8 eldora drive Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) Legal description (Township, Range & Section) T15N R1W SEC 31 Lot Size 122839 _Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 6 SW4 SW4 NW4 SW4 APPLICATION IS FOR: ([~ all that apply) Absorption Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage [] APPLICATION IS AN: Initial [] Upgrade [] Renewal [] TYPE OF DWELLING: Single Family (SF) [] (w/wo ADD) Duplex (D) [] Multiple Dwellings [] (SF and/or D) THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE / WAIVER REQUEST FOR: SURFACE WATER TO TANK Distance:90 I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. n (S~g ature o property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: Date of Payment'. Receipt Number: Permit No. Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Waiver No. Permit App_J- :.: 2..;c ¢ C&M ENGINEERING SERVICES Ph: 907-854-5558 Municipality of Anchorage Onsite Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd Anchorage, Ak 99507 RE: Proposed Septic System Replacement for T15N Rlw Sec 31 SW4 SW4 NW4 SW4 (Cairn's Tract) Dear Reviewer, We are requesting a permit to construct a new 6 bedroom septic system for the above referenced property. The duplex is currently served by an older 6 bedroom septic system, which reportedly consists of a septic tank and a steel seepage tank. The seepage tank has collapsed and needs replaced. The owner wishes to install an advantex system suitable for 6 bedrooms due to the limited area suitable for a septic system. We are requesting the approval of two waivers required for the installation of the septic system: 1. We are requesting the 100' separation distance required for the tank to surface water be waived to 90'. Relocation of the septic tank beyond 100' from the creek, would necessitate that it be installed in the driveway. It is not believed that the installation of the tank within 90' of the creek will cause adverse impact. The heavy walled tank in this location will be a significant improvement over the old tank and seepage tank within 100' of the creek. 2. We are requesting a cross slope waiver for the leach field, which must be installed parallel to the prevailing grade of 7%, perpendicular to the contours. We do not believe this will cause any significant impacts, as excavation depth vs slope has been considered. A sketch is included with this application. The soils are poorly graded sand with some gravel. A percolation test was attempted, and the soils were observed to absorb the water extremely fast, indicating a percolation rate less than 1 minute per inch. The photograph included with this submittal shows the soils are very sandy. As such, we are requesting that the permit be issued without the requirement for a sand liner. Ground water was not encountered. Installation of the proposed system will not significantly impact adjacent lots. Drainage is not a major consideration in this design. Included with this letter are plans, specifications, soils logs, calculations, and other supporting documentation. Thank you for your time in reviewing this permit request. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 907-854- 5558 or by email cqbalzarini~,qmail.com with any questions, concerns, or if you need additional information. Sincerely, C&M ENGINEERING SERVICES Ph: 907-854-5558 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONSITE SEPTIC SYSTEM - MOA CERTIFIED INSTALLER LEGAL: T15N R1W SEC31 SW4 SW4 NW4 SW4 April1 2016 A. GENERAL 1. The septic design is for a 6 bedroom, duplex only. 2. The site plan and drawings shall be a part of this specification. The Wastewater system shall be installed by a certified installer in accordance with moa requirements. All materials and workmanship shall meet the Municipality of Anchorage's, and the State Department of Environmental Conservation requirements. All soil tests are advisory to the design and are to be verified or modified in the field by the engineer. The engineer may perform additional percolation tests and groundwater monitoring prior or during construction. All excavations and depths are advisory and are to be verified in the field by the contractor to meet Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Environment of Conservation requirements. It is the responsibility of the owner to obtain all necessary permits or easements and to locate any adjacent multi-family wells. A licensed surveyor should locate all nearby lot lines, easements, exact 100' radius from the existing and neighboring on- site wells, and any nearby surface water. 7. The excavation is to be exactly in the area shown on the site plan, any deviation requires engineer approval. 8. Any remaining open test hole excavations shall be filled and monitor tube removed, after construction of the Drainfield. 9. The contractor shall provide the engineer with adequate notice to perform inspections. 10. Insulate the sewer line if it passes under the driveway or parking area, with a minimum of 2" extruded board insulation, rated for burial, and on the moa approved list. B. SEPTIC TANK. Septic tank shall be a steel, 3000-gallon tank capacity of MOA approved construction. Installed to meet MOA requirements, and shall be plumbed for two 20 filter pods Install a foundation cleanout within 5' of the foundation. A combination of soil and 2" minimum of insulation shall be placed over the tank, to prevent ponding and promote drainage. The insulation shall be rated for burial and meet moa requirements. DRAINFIELD The Drainfield is to be located as shown on the site plan. Notify Engineer of any changed site conditions. The total depth of the initial drainfield excavation is to be at maximum 7' deep Bottom of excavation shall be level +/- 1.5" max. if bedrock or inconsistent soils are encountered, notify the engineer immediately. In the event of over-excavation, a moa filter sand shall be used to maintain the 6' separation distance from the bottom of each trench to the bottom of the test hole(s).The top of the sand layer shall be level, plus or minus 1.5", and raked, prior to placing sewer rock. Care shall be taken to not compact the sand. A 2 foot effective layer of sewer rock is to be placed in the each trench. The effluent piping is to be set on top of this layer, buried with sewer rock, with 2" of sewer rock cover over the piping. The Distribution pipe shall be 4" sch. 40 pvc pipe conforming to ASTM D3034. The complete Drainfield gravel and piping is to be covered with a geotextile filter fabric. Soil or combination of soil and extruded board insulation to a depth of 4' or equivalent is to be placed over the drainfield. Mounded side slopes shall not to exceed 3:1. The minimum insulation thickness shall be 2". Insulation shall be moa approved and rated for burial. The septic tank and leachfield must not be closer than 100' to any existing private well, 150' to any Class "C" well, or 200' to any community well. C&M ENGINEERING SERVICES g07.854-5558 Septic Desi§n Calculations Res de nce T15N RiW SEC 31 $W4 SW4 NW4 S~ number of bedrooms 6 br Water usage/bedroom ].50 gpd/br Water Usage 900 gpd Test Hole Depth 13 ft bgs system type: ADVANTEX type: SHALLOW TRENCH Design Application Rate 6 gpd/sqft reqU red absorpt on area 150 sqft trench width (W):; 5 ~ft gravel depth (D) 2 ft below distribution pipe Shallow trench factor 0.70 (W+2)/(W+I+2D) Min Required Length: 2:[ ft {Shallow trench factor * Required Cover: 3 ft min Insulation: 2" b~ueboard Use Length: 50 ',ft Effluent Pipe :4" ASTM 3034 gal New Drainfieidl: 5~(50'x2' W'xL'xD' shallowtrench Desi.qn Summary: Excavation Depth: 7' Drainfield Length: 50' Soil Rating: 6 gpd/sqft Gravel Depth: 2' under distribution pipe, 2" over pipe. Drainfield Width: 5' System Capacity: 6 Bedrooms / / - ~ ' .'~ x'x.' ~ / ,, \ / NOTES: 1. THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM IS GREATER THAN: 100' FROM ANY PRIVATE WELLS 200' FROM ANY PUBLIC WELLS 100' FROM ANY SURFACE WATER( EXCEPT FOR WAIVER) 50' FROM ANY STEEP SLOPES · 10' TO ANY PROPERTY LINE OR FOUNDATION LEGEND 5' TO ANY TEST HOLES o CLEANOUT 2. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED NO CLOSER THAN · MONITOR TUBE 90' TO THE BANK OF ~-IE CREEK AS DETERMINED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. [] TEST HOLE 0,5% x, SLOPE INDICATOR SCALE: 1" = 60' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N RIW SEC 51SW4 SW4 NW4 SW4 CAM ENGINEERING SERVICES OWNER: BILL MILLER IDATE:4/22/16JREV:O JDRAWN: CBJREF: 907-854-5558 AREA PLAN ELOOR^ OR~V~ ~ \ ~ /7~ I mEN /7~ ~ ~MBER BARRICADE NOTES: 1. THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYS~M IS GREA~R THAN: 100' FROM ANY PRIVATE ~LLS 200' FROM ANY PUBLIC ~LLS 100' ~OM ANY SURFACE WATER( EXCEPT FOR WAI~R) 50' FROM ANY S~EP SLOPES '10' TO ANY PROPERTY LINE OR FOUNDATION LEGEND 5' TO ANY ~ST HOLES o CLEANOUT 2. ~E SEP~C TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED NO CLOSER ~AN · MONITOR TUBE 90' TO ~E BANK OF THE CREEK AS DETERMINED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SUR~YOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ~ ~ST HOLE 0.5% X SLOPE INDICATOR I SCALE: 1" = 4-0' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N R1W SEC 31 SW4 SW4 NW4- SW4 CAM ENGINEERING SERVICES OWNER: BILL MILLER I DATE:4/22/161REV:O I DRAWN: OBI REF: 907-854-5558 SITE PLAN - ADD FILL TO ENSURE 2' MIN OF COVER OVER LEACHFIELD TYPICAL CROSS SECTION I"=10'. SCALE: 1" = 4-0' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T15N R1W SEC 31 SW4 SW4 NW4 SW4 C&M ENGINEERING SERVICES OWNER: BILL MILLER I DATE:4/22/16 I REV:O I DRAWN: CBI REF: 907--854--5558 LEACHFIELD SECTION Performed For: Bill Miller Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater program 4700 Elmore Road P.O, Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99507 www.ci,anchora~e.ak,us (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Legal Description: T15N R1W SEC 31SW4SW4NW4SW4 Slope , ,~.HARLES G BALZARI~ _~ cE. 3s54 Date Performed: 04/05/2016 Township, Range, Section: Site Plan TOPSOIL/ORGANICS 2- 3- 4- 8- SP SAND 9- WITH SOME WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO GRAVEL s L 10- IF YEs, AT WHAT DEPTH? NONE o Depth [o Water After p 1 1- Monitoring? NONE E 12- Rte: 4115116 13---BOH Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- PERCOLATION RATE*~ (m~nuleS~nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 TEST RUN BETWEEN 4 FT AND5 FT COMMENTS PERCOLATION RATE FASTER THAN ~-'~E PER IN~'-~[. PERFORMED BY: CHARLES BALZARINI I CHARLES BALZARINI CERTIFYTHATTHIS TESTWAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES iN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 4/15/16 ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT ETWE N THIS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT made and entered into as of this ~5-Dayof /~¢.~ of20l/a,byandbetween/~)!]/ltma ~ ?'~ar[3arct,~, ~l~ I[e4~ herein the "OWNER," and the Municipality of Anchorage, herein the "MUNICIPALITY." In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties to this Maintenance and Repair Agreement agree as follows: 1. Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems. Municipality grants permission to Owner to utilize and operate an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWWTS), described as ADVANTEX SYSTEM located at (legal description). T15N RlW SEC31 SW4-SW4NW4SW4 2. Definitions. Alteration. Any change to the design or function of an AWWTS that includes the installation or removal of any parts, components or pieces not included in the original construction permit and design. Certificate of On-Site Systems Approval (COSA). An approval by the Municipality of existing water and wastewater disposal systems given at the time of property sale and title transfer in accordance with Anchorage Municipal Code (hereinafter, "AMC") 15.65. These approvals certify that the systems are adequate for the homes that they support and meet the codes that were in place at the time of system construction. Damage. Any man-made or natural change in a system that would inhibit the system from performing as designed. Maintenance and Repair. The scheduled and as needed replacement of existing parts, components and pieces of an AWWTS that were included in the original design which would allow the AWWTS to continue to perform as designed. Permit. An On-Site Wastewater Disposal Permit as required by AMC 15.65 to construct and operate an AWWTS. 3. Term. The term ofthis Maintenance and Repair Agreement shall begin on the date of approval by the Municipality to operate the installed system or issuance of a COSA, and shall continue while the AWWTS is in use or is operational or until the property is sold or title is transferred by the owner and a new COSA is issued to the new owner or mmsferee of the property. 4. Alterations, Installation and Removal of Additional Equipment. Prior to performing any alterations to an AWWTS, the owner agrees to obtain an On-site Wastewater Disposal Permit from the Municipality in accordance with AMC 15.65. 5. Maintenance and Repairs. A. Throughout the term of this Maintenance and Repair Agreement, the Owner shall maintain their AWWTS in a satisfactory condition capable of producing treated septic effluent in accordance with the equipment's approval for operation in the Municipality. The owner shall enter into a service agreement with an AWWTS You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www. novapdf, com) service and maintenance provider approved by the mnnicipaliW and the manufacturer of the AWWTS for the entire term of the AWWTS. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of the Owner during the term of this Maintenance and Repair Agreement, and any renewals thereof, at the owner's sole expense, to pay for any and all: (1) repair(s), (2) maintenance, (3) adjustment(s), (4) replacement costs, and (5) inspection costs. B. Owner agrees to comply with all applicable ordinance, laws, regulations, rules and orders for the AWWTS. C, Upon request by the Municipality, the owner agrees to provide the Municipality a written schedule of routine maintenance and repairs which have been performed on the system. When a record of maintenance is documented and maintained by the system vendor, the owner agrees to allow the Municipality access to this information. D. Owner acknowledges that the fine for failing to maintain and repair an AWWTS may be assessed in accordance with AMC 14.60 for improper discharge. E. Owner agrees that only maintenance and repair personnel approved by the Municipality will inspect and make any necessary maintenance, repairs or permitted alterations to the system. F. Owner agrees to grant the Municipality reasonable access to test and inspect the AWWTS upon 24 hours written notice. G. Owner agrees that any sale or transfer of title of the property will not occur without a new Certificate of On-Site Systems Approval. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF pdnter (http://www, novapdf, com) H. Owner agrees that the AWWTS installation and maintenance requirements as provided by the AWWTS vendor/installer and approved by the Municipality are the governing guidelines for the construction, maintenance and repair of the Owner's AWWTS. I. Owner agrees to provide and maintain a telephone connection to the AWWTS as required by the AWWTS approval. 6. Nonwaiver. The failure of either party at any time to enforce a provision of this Maintenance and Repair Agreement shall in no way constitute a waiver of the provisions, nor in any way affect the validity of the Maintenance and Repair Agreement or any part hereof, or the right of such party therea~er m enforce each and every provision hereof. 7. Amendment. A. This Maintenance and Repair Agreement shall only be amended, modified or changed by a writing, executed by authorized representatives of the parties, with the same formality that this Mainteamuee and Repair Agreement was executed with, and such writing shall be attached to this Maintenance and Repair Agreement as an amendment. B. For the purposes of any amendment modification or change to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the only authorized representatives of the parties are~ b. Municipality: Director, Community Development or desi[~ated authority You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF pdnter (http2/www. novapdf, com) C. Any attempt to amend, modify, or change this contract by either an un.authorized representative or unauthorized means shall be void. 8. Jurisdiction: Choice of Law. Any civil action arising from this Maintenance and Repair Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court for the Third Judicial District of the State of Alaska at Anchorage. The Jaws of the State of Alaska shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under this Maintenance and Repair Agreement. 9. SeverabilitT. Any provisions of this Maintenance and Repair Agreement deemed invalid by a court of eompctent jurisdietiun shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Maintenance and Repair Agreement. (signature) (print name) STATE OF ALASKA ) )ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ~ 20/~ , by l.-L) ,' //~/O.z..c.~ ~. ~ /oct.~..6ct~,--o_ ,,~'. Z~2,///~ /-', z~, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR ALASKA My Commission expires: ©~/~ O d'- gxg/d9 MUNICIPALITY: By: (signature) Date: (print name) Title: You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf. com)