HomeMy WebLinkAboutHALO BLK 1 LT 4
Da~:a~me~d~ of Env~onmen~a~ Qu~!~ty
3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage~ Alask~ 99507 279-~6~6
Date Received ~--- 2. -- ~ ~
Date of !nsoection /~¢/¢/¢~
Loca ti on:
Type of Facility ~o
Number of Bedrooms:
Well Data:
A, Typ e_ ~_~~
C. Construction~~
Sewage Disoosat System:
A. Ins tel led _~~_~_,
C. Septic Tank~ ]..
D. Seepage Pit:
Disposal Field ~
A Well To; Seotic Tank .~T~2 / , Absorption Area /~/' ~_, Sewer Lines
* ..... , Other Contamination
' -- , ,,~eare .... Lot l.ine/~ /'~
8, ~oundatio!q to Seo~c Tank ~ /~" .
;, Able'fetich Area ~
C; Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line ~ -- ~--
Aporoved Di~a;ooroved D~te
,q??ova] %~lid fo~' Or, e Y~r F'cc, m Date S~:med
Greater Anchorar~e Area ~orouoh, Oe?a:r-U~ent of E~v!':nrYTeni'.a! Quality
D!Ag?i~r';: OF SYSTE¥:
August 8, 1972
People's Bank & Trust Company
807 "G" Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Dear Sir:
On-site sewer and water inspection, Lot 4, Block l,
))alo Subdivision, three bedroom single family dwelling.
Property owner: James D. Kelly
An on-~ite sewer and water inspection ~vas performed on the above
property at your request.
The well is of approved construction and can be app'roved. T~e
water was sampled and the analysis performed sa'Cisfactory.
The on-site sewer system serving only the dwelling on Lot 4,
appears to be a 1000 gallon septic tank and a s'eepage pit.
'The septic tank is located on lot 4 and the seepage pit is
located on Lot 5, Block 1, Halo Subdivision. It can approved
by this department as both lots are presently o~.~ned by ~ir. Kelly.
If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate
to contact this department.
Carrol Sue ~lcKechnie
Environmental Control Officer